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Design and socio-ma...
Design and socio-material choreographies of daily life
- Seng, Judith (författare)
- Gothenburg University,Göteborgs universitet,HDK-Valand - Högskolan för konst och design,HDK-Valand - Academy of Art and Design
- Springer VS, 2020
- 2020
- Tyska.
Ingår i: Zwischenmenschliches Design : Sozialität und Soziabilität durch Dinge / Edited by Martina Fineder and Johannes Lang. - : Springer VS. - 9783658302689
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- About the book: What influence does the design of the objective environment have on interpersonal relationships and how are these intentionally or unintentionally shaped with things? In what way are social skills such as interpersonal recognition, action and experience made possible or impossible through design and architecture? Authors from various disciplines pursue these questions and open up a thing-oriented perspective on the topic of social design, which is both suitable for building a bridge between theory and practice and for collecting relevant study material for the social dimensions of design. With contributions by Johannes Lang, Martina Fineder, Daniel Martin Feige, Albena Yaneva, Elke Gaugele, Adam Drazin, Annette Geiger, Martin Gessmann, Nynke Tromp, Paul Hekkert, Peter-Paul Verbeek, Anamaria Depner, (et al.), Katharina Dankl, Alexander Hagner, Judith Seng. About the text: In the course of my artistic research, various elements gradually condensed into an approach that I now call the choreographic design approach. The term 'choreography' originally described the recording (graphē) of the circular movements of the choir (choreia) in Greek drama and later became a term for any form of notation of mostly dance movements. Today, 'choreography' means inventing and studying movements, especially in connection with dance. The means of the action (the body) is always designed in connection with the intention of the action (the body movements). Just as the dance act cannot be viewed separately from the body in which it manifests itself, objects are also closely intertwined with actions and human interaction. From a choreographic perspective, design can be viewed as the design of performative practice that arises in the interaction between things and people in everyday life. A choreographic design approach therefore opens up formats and perspectives for design that are able to make visible, to examine and to make the dynamic overall structure of objects, spaces, bodies and their material, social, cultural and political contexts visible in everyday situations shape. In my work, I primarily try to approach this idea in a practical manner and will therefore first present excerpts from my own artistic research. Using the first three of a total of seven experiments in the ongoing ACTING THINGS project series, I will try to describe how relevant aspects of a dynamic, socio-material design practice emerge in a continuous interplay of experimental set-ups and reflections. In the second part, I will use examples from my teaching activities to discuss ways of using the knowledge gained in the more abstract experiments for the design of everyday choreographies.
- HUMANIORA -- Konst -- Scenkonst (hsv//swe)
- HUMANITIES -- Arts -- Performing Arts (hsv//eng)
- HUMANIORA -- Annan humaniora -- Kulturstudier (hsv//swe)
- HUMANITIES -- Other Humanities -- Cultural Studies (hsv//eng)
- HUMANIORA -- Konst -- Design (hsv//swe)
- HUMANITIES -- Arts -- Design (hsv//eng)
- social design
- relational design
- Expanded design
- choreographic design
- artistic research
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