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Investigating Bulletin Boards with Students: What Can Citizen Science Offer Education and Research in the Linguistic Landscape?

Nielsen, Helle Lykke, 1957 (författare)
Rosendal, Tove, 1957 (författare)
Gothenburg University,Göteborgs universitet,Institutionen för språk och litteraturer,Department of Languages and Literatures
Järlehed, Johan, 1968 (författare)
Gothenburg University,Göteborgs universitet,Institutionen för språk och litteraturer,Department of Languages and Literatures
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Kullenberg, Christopher, 1980 (författare)
Gothenburg University,Göteborgs universitet,Institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori,Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science
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Ingår i: Language Teaching in the Linguistic Landscape / editors: Malinowski, David, Maxim, Hiram H., Dubreil, Sebastien. - Cham : Springer. - 9783030557607 ; , s. 349-371
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)
Abstract Ämnesord
  • This chapter reports on a citizen science project which investigated the role and function of analog bulletin boards in public space. The project involved 96 classes from 46 primary to secondary schools across Sweden. The students photographed bulletins, transcribed, coded and uploaded them using a mobile app. The project had a clear learning perspective on research: By participating in data collection and discussions on issues related to their project, the students would get insights into research methods and scientific thinking. Simultaneously, the participating researchers would obtain new and unique linguistic landscape data. In this chapter we describe and analyze the project from an educational and research perspective. Drawing on questionnaires from students and teachers, and retrospective interviews with teachers, we investigate how bulletin boards can be used as a site for project-based learning, and what citizen science can offer education and research in the field of linguistic landscape. We examine how this educational potential was put into practice and point to methodological, technological, administrative and ideological challenges and impediments of the project’s design and implementation.


HUMANIORA  -- Språk och litteratur -- Jämförande språkvetenskap och allmän lingvistik (hsv//swe)
HUMANITIES  -- Languages and Literature -- General Language Studies and Linguistics (hsv//eng)


Citizen science
Analog bulletin boards
Student-based research
Learning perspective on research
Linguistic landscape
Project based learning

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