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Oral contraceptive ...
Oral contraceptive use and ovarian cancer risk for BRCA1/2 mutation carriers : an international cohort study
- Schrijver, Lieske H (författare)
- Netherlands Cancer Institute
- Antoniou, Antonis C (författare)
- University of Cambridge
- Olsson, Håkan (författare)
- Skåne University Hospital
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- Mooij, Thea M (författare)
- Netherlands Cancer Institute
- Roos-Blom, Marie-José (författare)
- Netherlands Cancer Institute
- Azarang, Leyla (författare)
- Netherlands Cancer Institute
- Adlard, Julian (författare)
- Chapel Allerton Hospital
- Ahmed, Munaza (författare)
- Great Ormond Street Hospital
Barrowdale, Daniel (författare)
- Davidson, Rosemarie (författare)
- Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
- Donaldson, Alan (författare)
- Saint Michael's Hospital
- Eeles, Ros (författare)
- The Institute of Cancer Research
- Evans, D Gareth (författare)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
Frost, Debra (författare)
- Henderson, Alex (författare)
- State Institute of Genetic and Regenerative Medicine, Kyiv
- Izatt, Louise (författare)
- City of Hope National Medical Center
- Ong, Kai-Ren (författare)
- Birmingham Women’s Hospital Healthcare NHS Trust
- Bonadona, Valérie (författare)
- Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
- Coupier, Isabelle (författare)
- Arnaud de Villeneuve Hospital
- Faivre, Laurence (författare)
- Global Innovation Management Institute (GIMI)
- Fricker, Jean-Pierre (författare)
- Centre Paul Strauss
- Gesta, Paul (författare)
- Centre Hospitalier Georges Renon
- VAN Engelen, Klaartje (författare)
- Fox Chase Cancer Center
- Jager, Agnes (författare)
- Erasmus University Medical Center
- Menko, Fred H (författare)
- Netherlands Cancer Institute
- Mourits, Marian J E (författare)
- Hanze University of Applied Sciences
- Singer, Christian F (författare)
- Medical University of Vienna
- Tan, Yen Y (författare)
- Medical University of Vienna
- Foretova, Lenka (författare)
- Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute
- Navratilova, Marie (författare)
- Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute
Schmutzler, Rita K (författare)
- Ellberg, Carolina (författare)
- Lund University,Lunds universitet,Tumörmikromiljö,Sektion I,Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lund,Medicinska fakulteten,LUCC: Lunds universitets cancercentrum,Övriga starka forskningsmiljöer,Biomarkörer och Epi,Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lund,Tumor microenvironment,Section I,Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund,Faculty of Medicine,LUCC: Lund University Cancer Centre,Other Strong Research Environments,Biomarkers and epidemiology,Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund
- Gerdes, Anne-Marie (författare)
- Copenhagen University Hospital: Juliane Marie Centre
- Caldes, Trinidad (författare)
- Hospital Clinico San Carlos de Madrid
- Simard, Jacques (författare)
- CEA National Genotyping Center (CNG)
- Olah, Edith (författare)
- National Institute of Oncology, Budapest
- Jakubowska, Anna (författare)
- Pomeranian Medical University
- Rantala, Johanna (författare)
- Karolinska Institutet
- Osorio, Ana (författare)
- Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO)
- Hopper, John L (författare)
- University of Melbourne
- Phillips, Kelly-Anne (författare)
- University of Melbourne
- Milne, Roger L (författare)
- University of Melbourne
- Terry, Mary Beth (författare)
- University of Northern British Columbia
- NoguÈs, Catherine (författare)
- Institut Paoli-Calmettes
- Engel, Christoph (författare)
- University Hospital Leipzig
Kast, Karin (författare)
- Goldgar, David E (författare)
- University of Utah
- van Leeuwen, Flora E (författare)
- Netherlands Cancer Institute
Easton, Douglas F (författare)
- Andrieu, Nadine (författare)
- PSL University
- Rookus, Matti A (författare)
- Netherlands Cancer Institute
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- Elsevier BV, 2021
- 2021
- Engelska.
Ingår i: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. - : Elsevier BV. - 1097-6868 .- 0002-9378. ; 225:1, s. 1-51
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- BACKGROUND: Ovarian cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers has been shown to decrease with longer duration of oral contraceptive preparations (OCPs) use. While the effects of OCPs in the general population are well established (∼50% reduction), the estimated risk reduction in mutation carriers is much less precise due to potential bias and small sample sizes. In addition, only a few studies have examined the associations between duration of use, time since last use, starting age, and calendar year of start with risk of ovarian cancer.OBJECTIVE(S): To investigate in more detail the associations between various characteristics of OCP use and risk of ovarian cancer, to provide health care providers and carriers with better risk estimates.STUDY DESIGN: In this international retrospective study, ovarian cancer risk associations were assessed using OCP data on 3,989 BRCA1 and 2,445 BRCA2 mutation carriers. Age-dependent weighted Cox regression analyses were stratified by study and birth cohort and included breast cancer diagnosis as covariate. To minimize survival bias, analyses were left-truncated at 5 years before baseline questionnaire. Separate analysis were conducted for each of the aspects of OCP use and in a multivariate analysis including all these aspects. In addition, the analysis of duration of OCP use was stratified by recency of use.RESULTS: OCPs were less often used by mutation carriers who were diagnosed with ovarian cancer (Ever use: BRCA1 58.6%, BRCA2 53.5%) than by unaffected carriers (Ever use: BRCA1 88.9%, BRCA2 80.7%. The median duration of use was 7 years for both BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers who developed ovarian cancer, and 9 and 8 years for ovarian cancer unaffected BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers, respectively. For BRCA1 mutation carriers univariate analyses showed that both a longer duration of OCP use and more recent use of OCPs were inversely associated with risk of ovarian cancer. However, in multivariate analyses including duration of use, age at first use and time since last use, duration of use proved to be the prominent protective factor (compared with <5 years, 5-9 years HR=0.67;95%CI 0.40-1.12, 10+ years HR=0.37;95%CI 0.19-0.73; ptrend=0.008). The inverse association between duration of use and ovarian cancer risk persisted for more than 15 years (Duration of ≥10 years; BRCA1: <15 years since last use: HR=0.24 95%CI 0.14-0.43, 15+ years since last use: HR 0.56 95%CI 0.18-0.59). Univariate results for BRCA2 mutation carriers were similar, but due to limit sample size inconclusive.CONCLUSION: For BRCA1 mutation carriers, a longer duration of OCP use is associated with a greater reduction of ovarian cancer risk and the protection is long term.
- MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP -- Klinisk medicin -- Cancer och onkologi (hsv//swe)
- MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES -- Clinical Medicine -- Cancer and Oncology (hsv//eng)
- MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP -- Medicinska och farmaceutiska grundvetenskaper -- Medicinsk genetik (hsv//swe)
- MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES -- Basic Medicine -- Medical Genetics (hsv//eng)
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Schrijver, Liesk ...
Antoniou, Antoni ...
Olsson, Håkan
Mooij, Thea M
Roos-Blom, Marie ...
Azarang, Leyla
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Adlard, Julian
Ahmed, Munaza
Barrowdale, Dani ...
Davidson, Rosema ...
Donaldson, Alan
Eeles, Ros
Evans, D Gareth
Frost, Debra
Henderson, Alex
Izatt, Louise
Ong, Kai-Ren
Bonadona, Valéri ...
Coupier, Isabell ...
Faivre, Laurence
Fricker, Jean-Pi ...
Gesta, Paul
VAN Engelen, Kla ...
Jager, Agnes
Menko, Fred H
Mourits, Marian ...
Singer, Christia ...
Tan, Yen Y
Foretova, Lenka
Navratilova, Mar ...
Schmutzler, Rita ...
Ellberg, Carolin ...
Gerdes, Anne-Mar ...
Caldes, Trinidad
Simard, Jacques
Olah, Edith
Jakubowska, Anna
Rantala, Johanna
Osorio, Ana
Hopper, John L
Phillips, Kelly- ...
Milne, Roger L
Terry, Mary Beth
NoguÈs, Catherin ...
Engel, Christoph
Kast, Karin
Goldgar, David E
van Leeuwen, Flo ...
Easton, Douglas ...
Andrieu, Nadine
Rookus, Matti A
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och Klinisk medicin
och Cancer och onkol ...
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och Medicinsk geneti ...
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American Journal ...
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Lunds universitet
Karolinska Institutet