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Clique Is Hard on A...
Clique Is Hard on Average for Regular Resolution
- Atserias, Albert (författare)
- Polytechnic University of Catalonia
- Bonacina, Ilario (författare)
- Polytechnic University of Catalonia
- De Rezende, Susanna F. (författare)
- Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
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- Lauria, Massimo (författare)
- Sapienza University of Rome
- Nordström, Jakob (författare)
- Lund University,Lunds universitet,Institutionen för datavetenskap,Institutioner vid LTH,Lunds Tekniska Högskola,Department of Computer Science,Departments at LTH,Faculty of Engineering, LTH,University of Copenhagen
- Razborov, Alexander (författare)
- Steklov Mathematical Institute Of Russian Academy Of Sciences
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- 2021-06-30
- 2021
- Engelska.
Ingår i: Journal of the ACM. - : Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). - 0004-5411 .- 1557-735X. ; 68:4, s. 1-26
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- We prove that for k ≫; 4√n regular resolution requires length nω(k) to establish that an ErdÅ's-Rényi graph with appropriately chosen edge density does not contain a k-clique. This lower bound is optimal up to the multiplicative constant in the exponent and also implies unconditional nω(k) lower bounds on running time for several state-of-the-art algorithms for finding maximum cliques in graphs.
- NATURVETENSKAP -- Data- och informationsvetenskap -- Datavetenskap (hsv//swe)
- NATURAL SCIENCES -- Computer and Information Sciences -- Computer Sciences (hsv//eng)
- NATURVETENSKAP -- Matematik -- Diskret matematik (hsv//swe)
- NATURAL SCIENCES -- Mathematics -- Discrete Mathematics (hsv//eng)
- average complexity
- clique
- Resolution
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