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Executive Summary :...
Executive Summary : Guidelines and Recommendations for Laboratory Analysis in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus
- Sacks, David B. (författare)
- National Institutes of Health, United States
- Arnold, Mark (författare)
- University of Iowa
- Bakris, George L. (författare)
- University of Chicago Medical Center
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- Bruns, David E. (författare)
- University of Virginia School of Medicine
- Horvath, Andrea R. (författare)
- Prince of Wales Hospital
- Lernmark, Åke (författare)
- Lund University,Lunds universitet,Celiaki och diabetes,Forskargrupper vid Lunds universitet,Celiac Disease and Diabetes Unit,Lund University Research Groups,Skåne University Hospital
- Metzger, Boyd E. (författare)
- Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
- Nathan, David M. (författare)
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- Kirkman, M. Sue (författare)
- University of North Carolina
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- 2023
- 2023
- Engelska 7 s.
Ingår i: Diabetes Care. - 0149-5992. ; 46:10, s. 1740-1746
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- BACKGROUND Numerous laboratory tests are used in the diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes mellitus. The quality of the scientific evidence supporting the use of these assays varies substantially. An expert committee compiled evidence-based recommendations for laboratory analysis in patients with diabetes. The overall quality of the evidence and the strength of the recommendations were evaluated. The draft consensus recommendations were evaluated by invited reviewers and presented for public comment. Suggestions were incorporated as deemed appropriate by the authors (see Acknowledgments in the full version of the guideline). The guidelines were reviewed by the Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine Committee and the Board of Directors of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry and by the Professional Practice Committee of the American Diabetes Association. CONTENT Diabetes can be diagnosed by demonstrating increased concentrations of glucose in venous plasma or increased hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in the blood. Glycemic control is monitored by the patients measuring their own blood glucose with meters and/or with continuous interstitial glucose monitoring devices and also by laboratory analysis of HbA1c. The potential roles of noninvasive glucose monitoring; genetic testing; and measurement of ketones, autoantibodies, urine albumin, insulin, proinsulin, and C-peptide are addressed. SUMMARY The guidelines provide specific recommendations based on published data or derived from expert consensus. Several analytes are found to have minimal clinical value at the present time, and measurement of them is not recommended.
- MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP -- Klinisk medicin -- Endokrinologi och diabetes (hsv//swe)
- MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES -- Clinical Medicine -- Endocrinology and Diabetes (hsv//eng)
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