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Sökning: onr:"swepub:oai:lup.lub.lu.se:99623c86-d6e7-4343-87a2-005d4e67b5bd" > Age of onset in fam...

Age of onset in familial breast cancer as background data for medical surveillance

Brandt, A. (författare)
Bermejo, J. Lorenzo (författare)
Sundquist, Jan (författare)
Lund University,Lunds universitet,Allmänmedicin och samhällsmedicin,Forskargrupper vid Lunds universitet,Family Medicine and Community Medicine,Lund University Research Groups
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Hemminki, Kari (författare)
Lund University,Lunds universitet,Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Malmö,Medicinska fakulteten,Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmö,Faculty of Medicine
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Ingår i: British Journal of Cancer. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1532-1827 .- 0007-0920. ; 102:1, s. 42-47
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)
Abstract Ämnesord
  • BACKGROUND: Familial breast cancers are known to be of early onset. This article provides differences in the age of onset of breast cancer and death by breast cancer between women with and without a family history. METHODS: The Swedish Family-Cancer Database was used to estimate the cumulative risk of breast cancer and death by breast cancer according to family history with a stratified Cox model. Family history was defined separately for affected mother or sister considering their diagnostic ages. RESULTS: The age to reach the same cumulative incidence as women without family history decreased with decreasing diagnostic age of the affected relative. Women with a maternal history reached the risk of women lacking a family history at the age of 50 years between 12.3 (mother affected < 40 years) and 3.3 years (mother affected > 82 years) earlier. The trend for breast cancer mortality was essentially similar. CONCLUSIONS: Women with mother or sister affected by breast cancer are diagnosed and die at earlier ages than do women without family history. The differences depend on the diagnostic age of the affected relative. The present data may provide a rationale to derive recommendations for the starting age of screening in women with affected family members. British Journal of Cancer (2010) 102, 42-47. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6605421 www.bjcancer.com Published online 10 November 2009 (C) 2010 Cancer Research UK


MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP  -- Klinisk medicin -- Cancer och onkologi (hsv//swe)
MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES  -- Clinical Medicine -- Cancer and Oncology (hsv//eng)


age of onset
breast cancer
familial breast cancer
cumulative risk

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Brandt, A.
Bermejo, J. Lore ...
Sundquist, Jan
Hemminki, Kari
Om ämnet
och Klinisk medicin
och Cancer och onkol ...
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British Journal ...
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Lunds universitet

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