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Adding Dual Variabl...
Adding Dual Variables to Algebraic Reasoning for Gate-Level Multiplier Verification
- Kaufmann, Daniela (författare)
- Johannes-Kepler-University of Linz
- Beame, Paul (författare)
- University of Washington
- Biere, Armin (författare)
- Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg,Johannes-Kepler-University of Linz
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- Nordstrom, Jakob (författare)
- Lund University,Lunds universitet,Parallella System,Institutionen för datavetenskap,Institutioner vid LTH,Lunds Tekniska Högskola,Parallel Systems,Department of Computer Science,Departments at LTH,Faculty of Engineering, LTH,University of Copenhagen
Bolchini, Cristiana (redaktör/utgivare)
Verbauwhede, Ingrid (redaktör/utgivare)
Vatajelu, Ioana (redaktör/utgivare)
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- 2022
- 2022
- Engelska 6 s.
Ingår i: Proceedings of the 2022 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2022. - 9783981926361 ; , s. 1431-1436
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- Algebraic reasoning has proven to be one of the most effective approaches for verifying gate-level integer mul-tipliers, but it struggles with certain components, necessitating the complementary use of SAT solvers. For this reason validation certificates require proofs in two different formats. Approaches to unify the certificates are not scalable, meaning that the validation results can only be trusted up to the correctness of compositional reasoning. We show in this paper that using dual variables in the algebraic encoding, together with a novel tail substitution and carry rewriting method, removes the need for SAT solvers in the verification flow and yields a single, uniform proof certificate.
- NATURVETENSKAP -- Data- och informationsvetenskap -- Språkteknologi (hsv//swe)
- NATURAL SCIENCES -- Computer and Information Sciences -- Language Technology (hsv//eng)
- NATURVETENSKAP -- Data- och informationsvetenskap -- Programvaruteknik (hsv//swe)
- NATURAL SCIENCES -- Computer and Information Sciences -- Software Engineering (hsv//eng)
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