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Sökning: L4X0:0346 5926

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  • Anderson, Lotta (författare)
  • Interpersonell kommunikation : en studie av elever med hörselnedsättning i särskolan
  • 2002
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Pupils with impaired hearing and moderate to severe learning difficulties usually go to special schools for the severely learning disabled. Few studies have been conducted on the interpersonal communication among these pupils. The all-embracing aim of this study is to look closer into the communication that takes place during the school day between children and adults, in cases where Sign Language and Sign Supported Speech are used.The purpose is to describe and interpret interaction patterns as well as use, form and content in the communication between the participants. The purpose is also to study possibilities and limitations within the environment as well as the individual, which might have an impact on the communication process.The study has a micro-ethnographical onset; data consists of video-observations during one year in eight school-classes, supplemented with questionnaires, interviews, field notes and participation observations. The results show that there are both possibilities and obstacles that respectively facilitate and obstruct communicative and linguistic development.These can be related to micro, mesa, exo and macro levels. Informal communication was characterised by participation and mutual exchange, pleasure in communicating and adults adapting to the child's perspective. Formal communication was characterised by adults choosing topics for conversation and being purpose-oriented, asking questions, giving instructions and expecting certain answers from the child. The children's communication was mostly functional, but the adults did not always notice their intentions. The pupils were met by staff members with varied skills in Sign Language and it was evident that the children's communicative and linguistic needs were not necessarily accompanied by a supportive environment that facilitated communication development.
  • Lin, Hai Chun (författare)
  • Pedagogy of Heuristic Contexturalisation: Intercultural transmission through cross-cultural encounters
  • 2002
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The present study is designed to analyze the effects of the ongoing cultural globalization. It utilizes as its empirical setting two special programmes called the International Master's Programme (the IMP,) directed by Lund University in Sweden. The aim of the study is to infer a pedagogic idea for intercultural transmission through cross-cultural encounters by exploring, describing, and comprehending the effective side of the IMP pedagogic conduct and its essential. In order to realize the aim of the study, the study method is oriented to Educational Transferability through Qualitative Ideographic "Root-images" based on the principle of Symbolic Interactionism with a Poststructuralist's perspective. Throughout the fallibilistic approach with "'bottom-up' process" supported by the "3I=Trinity" as methodology, two IMP programmes (IMP-x + IMP-y = the IMP) have been studied. The programmes were divided into different cohorts based on their period of attendance (i.e., 1997-1998; 1998-1999; 1999-2000;) and were studied through participant observations, face-to-face interviews and in-depth e-mail interviews. I interviewed ten IMP students, including Swedish participants and guest students from different countries, with different educational backgrounds. Further, I interviewed six IMP lecturers from different academic fields, all of whom were Swedish. From the empirical data, the IMP effective pedagogic device and its essential for intercultural understanding through cross-cultural encounters are inferred abductively by modifying Piaget's, Vygotsky's, and Bronfenbrenner's theoretical frameworks. The study combines cognitive development in Cross-cultural Psychology, pedagogic devices in Culture of Education, and cognitive effects in Mass media Communication. The effective pedagogic device for intercultural understanding is Heuristic Contexturalisation, its essential is Thematic Reconstruction. Based on abductive inference, the pedagogic idea for intercultural transmission through cross-cultural encounters is found to be "3ROME" which can be explained by "Relativism".
  • Lindqvist, Per (författare)
  • Lärares förtroendearbetstid
  • 2002
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this study is to generate a grounded theory about the work done by teachers. The initial area of data collection was the work done by teachers in their non-regulated hours, in which the teachers are expected to carry out professional activities like planning, preparation, correcting and spontaneous contacts with students, parents and colleagues. Data was collected and analysed according to the Grounded Theory method. 50 teachers wrote diaries about their non-regulated work. Then seven teachers from the diary-writers were selected for interviews and 84 teachers were asked to answer questions in a questionnaire concerning their perceptions of their non-regulated work. Finally, when the theoretical ideas were sufficiently grounded in empirical data, relevant literature were woven into the grounded theoretical drafts. The finding shows that teachers’ work is characterised by the absence or delay of expected results. Hence, teachers seldom feel a sense of completeness. Such a sense of unfinished business contributes to a rise of a mental state of alertness, which can be interpreted both as positive, thoughts as companions, and negative, thoughts as bonds. The latter has a ruminative and obsessive character, concerning teachers’ attempt to solve often insoluble dilemmas. The unfinished character of the work seems to be handled by different teachers in different ways depending on what they direct their attention towards. It seems like the focus of attention can be divided into two types: Success-oriented and activity-oriented. These two types seems to have a strong influence on how the teachers perceive the mental state of alertness. In the activity-oriented focus the teachers’ attention seems to be on their own performance. There is an unspecified ‘one does one’s best’ character over such expressions. Teachers’ ability to take action is related to what is possible and reasonable, not to what is ideal. There seems to be a tolerance of a delay in the fulfilling of goals. The success-oriented focus, on the other hand, is directed towards the result of the activity. Such a focus is characterised by striving for immediate or early conclusions to goal fulfilment. Expressions within the success-oriented focus have a ‘not enough’ character. The ideal, that which ought to be done, has great significance. The work of teachers is enclosed within a context of complexity, uncertainty and intensification. A strong emphasis upon fulfilment of goals in the national curriculum can, in such a context, contribute to painful reminders of continual failures. Which, in it’s turn, alters work to drudgery.
  • Månsson, Annika (författare)
  • Möten som formar - Interaktionsmönster på förskola mellan pedagoger och de yngsta barnen i ett genusperspektiv
  • 2000
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In studies concerning the youngest children, the toddlers, the gender perspective is often missing. One aim of the study was, therefore, to investigate the interaction between children and preschool teachers in day care centres in a gender and a contextual perspective. Another aim was to investigate the inner representations of the preschool teachers concerning children and gender. A third aim was to discursively analyse the interview answers of the preschool teachers related to the curricular documents concerning preschool. The domain of interaction focused upon is mainly the intersubjective one, where reciprocity and affect are of great importance. The main research questions of this study were: Which initiatives for contact do the children take? Which response do they get from the preschool teachers? Does this interaction appear differently in various contexts? Do various contexts affect gender in different ways? The study is defined as ethnographic. The methods of data-collection were mainly video recordings and interviews. The interaction between children and staff was observed and the adults were interviewed at three day-care centres. The results indicated that gender was context dependent and that different contexts gave different kinds of gendered interaction. The situations with most pedagogical guidance, the so-called circle times, were dominated by the boys. They took more initiatives and they got more elaborated answers from the preschool staff. The situations with less pedagogical guidance, e.g. the meals, were characterised by rich dialogues in the interaction between the preschool teachers and the children and no special gender differences were found. The girls got elaborated answers to the same extent as the boys. During the free play time, the gender differences concerning the children’s initiative to contact the pedagogues were almost none. There was one boy at each nursery department that was the dominating one, the “Master of the group”. This study also showed that even the young children at the nursery departments were part of the gender construction.
  • Permer, Lars Göran, et al. (författare)
  • Klassrummets moraliska ordning : iscensättningen av lärare och elever som subjekt för ansvarsdiskursen i klassrummet
  • 2002
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The perspective of this dissertation is grounded in the ideas and concepts of Michel Foucault. In analy-sing our empirical material we used his notions of discourse and discoursive practice, power, govern-mentality and subjectification. We were also inspired by Thomas Popkewitz, Jennifer Gore and Nicolas Rose. The aim of this dissertation is to elucidate how teachers and students are constructed as moral and ethi-cal subjects. It is our intention to bring into sight the moral order of classrooms, exemplified through the concept of responsibility. We used participant observations, in-depth interviews and governmental committees’ reports to answer our research questions. The study was carried out in six Swedish schools, grades 5-11, where lessons were videotaped. When asked about the meaning of responsibility teachers and students spoke of order, social functioning and self formation. Teachers said that the construction of responsibility is dependent upon the atmosphere in the classroom, and that it may require training, but some saw it as inherent in human nature or con-structed by students themselves. According to students, understanding, interest and fun facilitate their assumption of responsibility. Power relations in action were analyzed from the videotapes. The power techniques we called Invitation and Normalizing judgements were crucial for the construction of the responsibility governed by the self. Teachers were confronted with their own classroom practices by means of stimulated recall episodes. Our analysis focused on the rules and standards by which the meaning of teachers’ work was construc-ted. References to psychological conceptions were frequent, populational reasoning occurred, and histo-rical assignments were inscribed in the ways in which they spoke about their roles. Our results display three different discourses on responsibility: a behavioristic, a naturalistic and a hu-manistic discourse. There are traces of a behavioristic discourse at the macro level in government rep-orts written in the 1970s but the naturalistic discourse is predominant during that period. In reports written in the 1990s the humanistic discourse is central.
  • Wetterholm, Hans (författare)
  • En bildpedagogisk studie : lärare undervisar och elever gör bilder
  • 2001
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The art education in Swedish primary and secondary schools is far from perfect and as a result pupils seldom reach the desired standard. National evaluations in 1989 and 1992 confirm this. Teachers admit that they lack specific subject knowledge and evaluation reveals that many aspects of older curricula still prevail. The way in which the present problems may have arisen is described through the history of art education in Swedish schools in this study. It is against this background that the study has been conducted with the intention of examining how the 1994 national curriculum influences two Swedish primary school teachers.The theoretical base and ground for the analysis are the paradigm of the Swedish school system and the national curriculum for art education with the four aspects: 1. Seeing and observing, 2. Picture production, 3. Picture interpretation, 4. Using pictures. Each aspect is explained according to relevant theory. The objectives of the artwork are finally described and analysed according to four aspects: 1. Mimetic, 2. Objective, 3. Expressive, 4. Pragmatic. The study was designed as an action research project in four phases: 1. Problem identification, 2. Teachers´ diaries keeping and pupils´ portfolio collection, 3. Analyses of diaries and portfolios, and 4. Evaluation together with the teachers.The results are presented in three parts: Analyses of the diaries, the result of the pupils´ artwork, and finally a discussion of the evaluation together with the teachers.It can be clearly seen from the summaries of the teachers´ diaries that they have strived to meet the goals and aims in the curriculum. They have been able to teach according to the Swedish curriculum in art education. This result is confirmed by the analyses of the pupils? artwork. The two teachers showed great interest in having their work documented and analysed. The study was useful not only for them, but also for their colleagues and pupils. The artwork is a physically observable result and has an attraction that highlights the communicative possibilities of pictures.The teachers maintain that a well-educated class teacher is best for teaching art in primary school, not a special art teacher.
  • Lundgren, Ulla (författare)
  • Interkulturell förståelse i engelskundervisning - en möjlighet
  • 2002
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this study is to examine the prospects of developing intercultural understanding through English as a foreign language (EFL) education in the Swedish comprehensive school. This overall aim is split into two subordinate aims: (1) to analyse and problematize the intercultural dimension of EFL as three discourses, research discourse, authority discourse and teacher discourse; (2) to relate the above discourses to each other in order to reveal a space for the interpretation of culture teaching and learning culture in EFL.The thesis is set in a broad social constructionist frame. The study draws on perspectives applied to culture theory (Street, Hannerz, Thavenius, Sjögren), current theories about language and culture (Kramsch, Byram, Risager), critical discourse analysis (Fairclough) and curriculum theory (Svingby, Englund). The intercultural dimension of EFL form an order of discourse with competing discourses. The findings are summarized as two categories, opportunities and obstacles for developing intercultural understanding in EFL education: Opportunities promoting intercultural understanding: (1) International and national guidelines prescribe understanding of otherness across the curriculum. (2) A theoretical base is available which is in agreement with the Swedish value base. (3) EFL syllabus introduces intercultural understanding and intercultural competence. Intercultural understanding shall be assessed. (4) The interviewed teachers consider developing students' understanding of otherness and self as important issues. (5) An increasing number of multicultural students can contribute to alternative perspectives in the language classroom. Obstacles preventing intercultural understanding: (1) Current research does not reach teachers. (2) The national syllabus narrows culture to factual knowledge, uses vague concepts and offers no assessment criteria. (3) National tests do not assess intercultural understanding. (4) School organisation, obstructs cross - curricular thematic education. (5) Teachers lack time for didactic reflection and development. (6) Local microcontext is seen as main obstructions. (7) Students' lack of ability to take the perspective of the other is considered a major obstacle. Finally the three discourses are related to each other and a model is presented showing a space for the interpretation of culture teaching and learning culture in EFL.
  • Albinsson, Gunilla, et al. (författare)
  • Maktutövning ur ett organisations- och genusperspektiv. En studie vid tre vårdavdelningar
  • 2000
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The primary aim of the present thesis is to increase understandig of the relationship between organisational structure, gender and power. Understanding of this relationship requires a closeness to the individual being studied as well to the content and consequences of that individuals´actions. The empirical object of study is a group of professional women at a somatic clinic. The problem investigated is based on a theoretical perspective on organisations; feminist theories and power theories. Our starting point was that these women should be seen as subjects who actively shape their own daily living situation, experience and actions. We thus felt it appropriate to choose a qualitative method. Data was collected by means of observation and qualitative interviews. The results show that the first foundation of gender-related domination at the clinic was hierarchial and bureaucratic and was characterised by a clear power symmetry and division of labour. The second foundation of gender-related domination resulted in the organisational structure of the clinic allowing a few men at the top of the hierarchy to exercise power over the women in the middle and lower levels. An important conclusion is that the women studied were clearly at a disadvantage in a hierarchial organisation. The difference in influence between men and women in the study was further reinforced by the fact that the various professional categories belonged to different sub-cultures. The unisexual sub-cultures when combined with the doctor´s normative sub-culture further increased the opportunities for the men studied to dominate the women, thereby reinforcing the impression that the organisation was based om male norms and the logic of segregation. Male domination can also be understood from an individual perspective. The men studied adopted different strategies as a means of accentuating their position in relation to the women. The study comprised a few women who used specific domination tactics. They possessed knowledge of the different power techniques open to them, and they used these in their relations with men. Knowledge of the two foundations mentioned stimulates the desire to initiate changes. One element of significance in such changes is the re-forming of structural conditions. It is important to bring about changes at individual level. Men and women´s consciousness of, and knowledge about, gender-related domination must be the focus of attention.
  • Bierschenk, Bernhard, et al. (författare)
  • A system for a computer-based content analysis of interview data
  • 1976
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Content analysis based on frequency distributions differs from impressionistic analysis and interpretations of written or spoken text. This type of analysis is objective insofar as it requires an explicit analysis procedure and a formalised analysis. Objectification means that a person transfers certain typical human functions to objects, i.e., tools, and that machines are developed that can carry out functions that were originally subjective. In this respect the development of a Computer-based Content Analysis (CCA) is an attempt to objectify the method of content analysis.
  • Bierschenk, Bernhard (författare)
  • Simulating strategies of interactive behaviour
  • 1978
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Effective communication is of crucial importance for the development of effective social organisations. Deficient communication combined with rapid technological and social changes appears to lead to both ecological and psychological imbalance. An increasing number of environmental groups are working for ecological improvements, but young people seem to find it increasingly difficult to master the task of developing an integrated personality. This shows itself in stress and an inability to develop flexible be¬havioural strategies in interaction with other people. For the purpose of testing new models and constructing new instruments for analysis and training of the individual’s way of observing, evaluating and integrating information about himself and his surroundings in existing cog¬nitive structures, based on a psycho-ecological model, a simulator for interactive behaviour has been developed. Basically, it is assumed that perceptual experiences are directly related to events and that a person must first become aware (observe) and understand (analyse and synthesise) events before what he has experienced can be integrated into an existing cognitive pattern.
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