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Sökning: L4X0:1100 6013

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  • Andersson, Eva (författare)
  • Hörselscreening av en population med utvecklingsstörning : Utvärdering av psykoakustisk testmetod och av OAE-registrering som komplementär metod
  • 2013
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Populationer med utvecklingsstörning behöver kontinuerlig hörseltestning, men konsensus om lämplig testmetod saknas.Syfte: Syftet med Studie I var att utvärdera psykoakustisk testmetod och med Studie II att utvärdera OAE-registrering som komplementär metod.Studie I. 1478 barn och vuxna med lätt till djup utvecklingsstörning, i åldrarna 7-91 år deltog i studien. De testades med tonaudiometri på sex frekvenser på screeningnivån 20 dB HL med lätt modifierad testutrustning. Kriterierna för remittering var tröskelnivåer på ≥ 25 dB HL på två frekvenser eller flera på ett öra eller båda. 1470 (99,5%) barn och vuxna medverkade i screeningen och 1325 (90%) testades på båda öronen på samtliga sex frekvenser. En majoritet, 987 (67,1%), medverkade i vanlig tonaudiometri, 234 (15,9%) i lekaudiometri, och 249 (16,9%) testades med observationsaudiometri. 669 (45%) visade normala värden medan 809 (55%) visade onormala värden relaterat till screeningkriterierna. Av de 809 accepterade 441 (54,5%) remittering för hörselutredning.Studie II. 38 vuxna med måttlig till djup utvecklingsstörning, i åldrarna 31-73 år deltog i studien, alla med ofullständiga testresultat vid tonaudiometri. Portabel utrustning, ILO 288 Echoport och dator Compaq LTE 5100 med mjukvara ILO 88 V 4.2, användes. Otoskopi och tympanometri kompletterade registreringen. Kriterierna för emissioner var S/N 3 dB eller mer och reproducerbarhet på 60% eller mer på åtminstone tre frekvensband. Kriterierna för partiella emissioner var desamma men för en eller två frekvenser. Två personer behövdes för att genomföra testningen: en för att hålla testpersonen lugn och tyst och den andra för att sköta testapparaturen. Reproducerbara TEOAE-svar registrerades från 11 öron (7 personer), partiella svar från 6 öron (4 personer), inga emissioner kunde registreras från 15 öron (10 personer) och 4 öron (4 personer) med otit eller vaxpropp testades inte. Registreringen från 24 öron (13 personer) kunde inte värderas p g a alltför mycket yttre och inre störningar. 8 personer vägrade delta i testningen. Endast 4 personer visade emissioner på båda öronen. Resultatet av undersökningen blev att 34 personer (89.5%) behövde testas om eller bli remitterade för ytterligare utredning, 21 av dem (55%) beroende på störningar vid registreringen eller p g a vägran att medverka.Konklusion: Tonaudiometri med lätt modifiering kan användas för screening av en population med lätt till djup utvecklingsstörning. TEOAE-registrering, som den genomfördes, kan inte uppfylla kraven på en fungerande testmetod för en population med måttlig till djup utvecklingsstörning. I det enskilda fallet kan TEOAE-registrering vara ett komplement till andra hörseltest. Det mest utmanande och tidskrävande är att introducera testprocedurerna på ett sätt som begränsar oro och skapar tillit. Oberoende av testmetod är en audionom med tålamod och vana att samarbeta med personer med utvecklingsstörning en viktig förutsättning för framgångsrik och säker testning.
  • Andin, Josefine, 1979- (författare)
  • Pharmacological and environmental modulations of the rat glutamatergic system
  • 2006
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Glutamate is the principal excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and it is implicated in neural transmission, learning, memory processes and neuronal plasticity. In the glutamatergic synapse two main components are present; the glutamate receptors and the glutamate transporters. The receptors, the NMDA, AMPA, kainite and the metabotroptic receptors, are responsible for conveying neural transmission, including long term potentiation (LTP), synaptic strengthening and modification. The transporters, located to the neuronal membrane and to the membranes of surrounding astrocytes, regulates the extracellular concentration of glutamate and thereby the duration of the synaptic signal.Alterations in both receptor and transporter systems have been suggested to be important in the pathogenesis of several acute and chronic nervous system diseases, such as psychosis, mood disorders, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. The pathophysiology of these disorders is not yet completely understood and the involvement of glutamate is unclear. In this thesis we have sought to investigate the role of the glutamatergic system in the treatment of mood disorders and dementia. The antidepressant drug amitriptyline exerts its main effects on the serotonergic and noradrenergic systems and the antidementia drug rivastigmine acts mainly on the cholinergic system. However, given the close relationship between different neurotransmitter systems we have investigated the influence of amitriptyline and rivastigmine on the mRNA expression of the neuronal transporter, EAAC1, in rats. The results showed for the first time an involvement of EAAC1 in amitriptyline and rivastigmine treatment. Amitriptyline induced an acute increase in EAAC1 mRNA expression, which 24 hour after administration returned to baseline levels. Chronic treatment, on the other hand, induces a significant decrease in cortical areas, which we suggest results in enhanced neuronal transmission. Rivastigmine treatment, acute as well as chronic, induced increases in the mRNA expression in hippocampus. We hypothesize that this counteracts the excitotoxic glutamate levels seen in Alzheimer's disease.Further, environmental enrichment has been shown to have beneficial effects on capillary supply, the number of glial cells and dendritic spines, the thickness and weight of cortex, the concentration of cholinesterase, LTP and synaptic strength in animals. It has also been reported that humans that lead an active life have a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. This suggests that an active and stimulated life may have a protective effect against dementia in man, by creating a cognitive reserve which provides a buffer against brain pathology or age-related changes. We investigated the influence of environmental enrichment on the mRNA expression of NMDA and AMPA receptors and on EAACl and showed for the first time that EAAC1 mRNA is decreased after environmental enrichment. This is probably followed by an increase of glutamate in the synapse, which in turn leads to enhanced neuronal transmission including enhanced memory formation and learning. Furthermore, we confirmed in greater detail previous findings on the upregulation of NMDA mRNA and show that the regulation is regionally and hemisphere specific. We also confirm that AMPA mRNA is not per se changed by environmental enrichment in adult animals.This work provides further evidence about the involvement of the glutamatergic system in affective and cognitive disorders. Improved knowledge of the glutamatergic system will contribute to the development of strategies aimed at limiting pathological changes associated with glutamatergic dysfunctions.
  • Angbratt, Marianne, 1947- (författare)
  • Estimated calcium intake related to lifestyle and bone mineral density in an adult Swedish population
  • 2005
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Osteoporosis is a public health problem. It is a disease that is present for a long period without signs, before resulting in the clinical sign, i.e. fracture(s). Osteoporosis can be prevented in part and there are treatments. Among other lifestyle factors, the dietary intake of calcium is important when working with preventive intervention towards individuals and groups. For dietary assessment, an instrument adjusted for Swedish circumstances is needed.The aims of the thesis are to design and validate an instrument estimating calcium intake (I), to estimate calcium intake from dairy products and supplements in an adult Swedish population, and to explore associations between calcium intake and some lifestyle factors and between calcium intake and bone mineral density (II).Two questionnaires were prepared, one short (A), containing questions about dairy products and supplements, and another more extensive (B), with questions on a wide variety of food products. The questionnaires were validated with dietary history as the gold standard. Two  age groups of women, 20-30 and 50-60 years, were included (n=467) (I). A randomised sample of 15% women and men aged 20-79 years in two communities answered a questionnaire (n= 1510). Forearm bone mineral density was measured in a subsample of this group (n=448) (II).We found questionnaire A to be sufficient when discriminating individuals with low calcium intake from individuals with sufficient calcium intake (I). The mean calcium intake from dairy products was well attained (878 mg/day) although the range was wide. However, 12% in the 20-30 years age group and 31% in the 70- 79 years age group did not meet the recommended daily intake. Associations were found between calcium intake and residence and also physical activity. There was a tendency towards an association between calcium intake and forearm bone mineral density. No other associations with lifestyle factors were observed (II).ln osteoporosis intervention work there is every reason to strive towards meeting the recommended daily intake for all individuals, and our quick and cheap food frequency questionnaire could be of value.
  • Anskär, Eva, 1957- (författare)
  • Time flies in primary care : a study on time utilisation and perceived psychosocial work environment
  • 2019
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Background: Time utilisation among primary care professionals has been affected by structural changes and reorganisation performed in Swedish primary care over several decades. The work situation is complex with a heavy administrative work load. The overall aim with this thesis was to describe time utilisation among staff in Swedish primary care and to investigate associations with perceived psychosocial work environment and legitimacy of work tasks.Methods: A multicentre, descriptive, cross-sectional study design was used including all staff categories in primary care i.e. registered nurses, primary care physicians, care administrators, nurse assistants and allied professionals (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, counsellors, dieticians and chiropodists) at eleven primary care centres located in southeast Sweden. The data collection consisted of a questionnaire including a subjective estimate of workload, the Bern Illegitimate Tasks Scale (BITS) and the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ). Also, a time study was performed, where the participants reported their work time based on three main categories; direct patient work tasks, indirect patient work tasks and other work tasks, each with a number of subcategories. The participants reported time spent on different work tasks, day by day during two separate weeks. Response rates were 75% for the questionnaire and 79% for the time study.Results: In paper I the time study revealed that health professionals at the primary care centres spent 37% of their work time with direct patient work tasks. All professions estimated a higher proportion of time spent directly with patients than they reported in the time study. Physicians scored highest on the psychosocial scales of quantitative demands, stress and role conflicts. The proportion of administrative work tasks was associated with role conflicts, the more administration the more role conflicts. Findings in paper II were that more than a quarter of physicians scored above the cut-off value for BITS regarding unnecessary work tasks, which was significantly more than the proportion observed in all other professions in the survey. Across all staff groups, a perception of having to perform illegitimate work tasks was associated with experiencing negative psychosocial work environment and with high proportion of administrative-related work tasks.Conclusions: Swedish primary care staff spend a limited proportion of their work time directly with patients and primary care physicians perceive the psychosocial work environment in negative terms to a greater extent than all other staff members. Allocation of work tasks has an influence on the perceived psychosocial work environment. The perception of having a large number of illegitimate work tasks affects the psychosocial work environment negatively, which might influence the perception the staff have of their professional roles. Perception of high proportion of unreasonable work tasks is associated with a high proportion of non-patient-related administration.This thesis illuminates the importance of decision makers thoroughly considering the distribution and allocation of non-patient related work tasks among staff in primary care, in order to achieve efficient use of personnel resources and favourable working conditions. Hopefully, the results of this study will contribute to further development of primary care so that medical competence will benefit patients as much as possible.
  • Berg, Cecilia, 1976- (författare)
  • Mechanisms of platelet-mediated fibroblast proliferation
  • 2003
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Wound healing is a multicomponent event that involves a network of molecular and cellular crosstalk between cells, including leukocytes, platelets and fibroblasts. Despite increased knowledge over the past decades regarding the regulation of cell and tissue growth, the inter- and intracellular systems that control wound healing are incompletely understood. The platelet is a rich source of growth factors essential to natural tissue repair. In the present thesis, the role of platelets and platelet-derived factors on fibroblast proliferation was evaluated, and related to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and eicosanoids.We found that whole platelets, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) and sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) induce fibroblast proliferation. Exposure of fibroblasts to these stimuli caused an extensive intracellular production of ROS, measured as increase in dichlorofluorescein fluorescence. Both fibroblast growth and the associated ROS production were inhibited by intracellular antioxidants (N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) and pyrrolidinethiocarbamate (PDTC)) and NADPH-oxidase inhibitors (diphenyleneiodonium chloride (DPI) and apocynin). Moreover, platelet-mediated fibroblast proliferation was abrogated in the presence of the sphingosine kinase inhibitor DL-threo-dihydrosphingosine, but only slightly affected by antibodies directed against PDGF and TGF-ß.The production of the arachidonic acid metabolite 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE) in fibroblasts, analysed by HPLC, was markedly elevated in the presence of platelets. Furthermore, inhibition of phospholipase A2, by 7,7-dimethyl-5,8-eicosadienoic acid (DMDA), or 5-lipoxygenase, by 5,8,11-eicosatriynoic acid (ETI) or 5,6-dehydro arachidonic acid (5,6-dAA), decreased the platelet-induced fibroblast proliferation and formation of 5-HETE. This indicate a role for transcellular metabolism of arachidonic acid during platelet-fibroblast interaction.We conclude that the production of ROS and 5-HETE is crucial in the plateletmediated stimulation of fibroblast growth. These findings may represent new targets in the future therapy for a successful wound healing.
  • Berg, Katarina, 1959- (författare)
  • Postoperative recovery in daysurgery : Evaluation of psychometric properties and clinical usefulness of a questionnaire in day surgery
  • 2010
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Background: Day surgery has increased during recent decades in many countries and represents approximately 50% of surgical procedures performed in Sweden. Day surgery implies that the patient is admitted and operated on during the same day and discharged without an overnight stay at the surgery unit. Undergoing a day surgical procedure thereby means that the major part of the postoperative recovery takes place in the patient’s home, leaving the patient and his/her supportive network responsible for the postoperative care. Day surgery also implies that health care professionals have to adapt to outpatient care and find valid measurements for monitoring a patient’s recovery progress after discharge.Aims: The aim of Study I was to evaluate the psychometric properties of a translated version of the Post-discharge Surgical Recovery (PSR) scale in a Swedish day surgery sample in terms of data quality, internal consistency, dimensionality and responsiveness. The aim of Study II was to describe postoperative recovery on postoperative days 1, 7 and 14 after different orthopaedic day surgical procedures, as well as to identify possible predictors associated with postoperative recovery two weeks after surgery.Methods: Six-hundred and seven patients who had undergone an orthopaedic surgical procedure (n=358), general surgery (n=182) or gynaecological surgery (n=67) were included. To assess postoperative recovery, the PSR scale and the emotional state, physical comfort and physical independency dimensions of the Quality of Recovery-23 (QoR-23) were used. In addition, patients’ background data and self ratings of their ability to work or handle usual business and general health were obtained. Data were collected preoperatively and on postoperative days 1, 7 and 14. In Study I data quality and internal consistency were evaluated using descriptive statistics, correlation analyses and Cronbach’s alpha. The dimensionality was determined using an exploratory factor analysis, and the responsiveness was evaluated through the standardized response mean (SRM) and the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC). In Study II, patients’ postoperative recovery and general health were compared over time using Friedmann’s ANOVA and between surgical groups of patients using the Kruskal-Wallis test. To determine predictors of recovery, a multiple linear regression analysis was performed with the PSR score on postoperative day 14 as the dependent variable.Results: In Study I, two items were deleted from the Swedish version of the PSR scale. This was based on several low inter-item (<0.30) and item-total correlations (<0.40) and substantial ceiling effects (65%). After the deletion of two items, the Cronbach’s coefficient alpha was 0.90 and the average interitem correlation was 0.44. According to the factor analysis, a single dimension was found explaining the common variance to 44%. The SRM (1.14) indicated a robust ability to detect changes in recovery. The AUC was 0.60 for the entire scale, but varied (0.58-0.81) when the PSR score on postoperative day 1 was categorized into three intervals. In Study II, the shoulder patients experienced significantly lower postoperative recovery and general health one and two weeks after surgery (p<0.001). Significant predictors of recovery on postoperative day 14 were age, perceived health and emotional status on postoperative day 1 and type of surgery, and explained the dependent variable to 33%.Conclusions: The Swedish version of the PSR scale seems to be a consistent and valid instrument for the assessment of postoperative recovery at home in Sweden. The recovery process for orthopaedic day surgery patients differs, with shoulder surgery patients in particular showing poor recovery, which could be considered when day surgery patient education programmes are developed.
  • Bergstrand, Sara, 1978- (författare)
  • Tissue Blood Flow Responses to External Pressure Using LDF and PPG : Testing a System Developed for Pressure Ulcer Research
  • 2009
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Background: Pressure ulcers are a problem for immobile individuals, and having pressure ulcers impact and restrict the daily and are often associated with pain. Pressure ulcers occur frequently and cause high costs for the health care system. The prevention of pressure ulcers by focussing on different mattresses and overlays aimed to reduce the interface pressure or the pressure exposure of the tissue. The problem is the poor evaluation of this type of equipment. There are important factors regarding pressure ulcer development, pressure, shear, temperature and humidity. People are affected by external pressure in different ways and therefore it is preferable to measure the effect of pressure as a complement to the pressure measurement and thus we consider blood flow measurements to be a suitable method.Aims: The aim of Study I, the first part in this thesis was to investigate the existence of sacral tissue blood flow at different depths in response to external pressure in elderly individuals as a part of evaluation of a. newly developed system. The aim of Study II, the second part was to evaluate a multiparametric system combining LDF and photoplethysmography into a single probe, for the simultaneous measurement of blood flow at different depths in the sacral tissue when the tissue is exposed to external load. This new system will be used to facilitate the understanding of pressure ulcer formation.Methods: To be able to observe tissue blood flow, the non-invasive optical methods laser Doppler flowmetry and photoplethysmography were used. In this thesis a newly developed prototype probe was used, combining the two methods. Green light and infrared light were used in the PPG instrument for penetrating the depths of approximately 2 mm, 8 mm and 20 mm depths. A HeNe laser was used to measure the superficial skin blood flow, <1 mm depth. The prototype probe, made of silicone was fixed in a stiff 10×10 cm plate.Seventeen active individuals over the age of 60 were recruited for the two studies. In Study I, the subject´s sacral blood flow and tissue thickness (using ultrasound) were measured in unloaded position and in supine position loading the area with their own body weight. In Study II, the sacral area was provoked with external load at 37.5 mmHg and 50.0 mmHg and the relative change in blood flow at different depths was observed before, during and after load.Results: Study I showed that the sacral tissue in elderly individuals is highly affected by load and is compressed by 60.3 ± 11.9%. The mean sacral tissue thickness was 26 ± 13 mm in unloaded tissue and 10 ± 6 mm in loaded tissue. Correlations were found between BMI and tissue thickness: both TTunload r=0.68 (p=0.003) and TTload r=0.68 (p=0.003). Almost all subjects had affected blood flow superficially but only occasionally deeper in the tissue and findings may indicate that the blood flow is occluded in the superficial layer before it is occluded deeper in the tissue structure. The most common response in Study II was an increase in blood flow while loading. In those occasions when the blood flow decreased, it was mostly affected at the skin surface and the reactive hyperaemia occurred more frequently in the superficial tissue structures. The blood flow responses may be different in the different tissue layers.Conclusions: The newly developed system was found to be suitable for measuring tissue blood flow at different depths; however the prototype probe had some limitations that will be solved in the further development of the system into a thin flexible probe with ability to measure a larger area.
  • Blomqvist, Henrik, 1975- (författare)
  • Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and CC-chemokine receptor-2 in two different conditions related to atherosclerosis
  • 2004
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of death in the industrialized parts of the world. The pathological process is characterised by increased lipid influx to the arterial wall due to elevated circulating levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL). LDL is oxidatively modified by reactive oxygen species forming oxLDL. OxLDL is highly proinflammatory and is initiating an inflammatory response in the artery by up-regulation of proinflammatory signals e.g. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1). MCP-1 is promoting monocyte arrest on the endothelium and subsequent transmigration to the intima. MCP-1 is acting through the CC-chemokine receptor-2 (CCR2) on monocytes. MCP-1 and CCR2 are playing key-roles in atherogenesis through their effect on monocyte recruitment. In this thesis MCP-1 and CCR2 were studied in two clinically different conditions related to atherosclerosis - isolated asymptomatic hypercholesterolaemia and diagnosed coronary artery disease (CAD). We wanted to study the possible differences of proatherogenic patterns in clinical conditions that are at opposite ends in the clinical spectrum of atherosclerosis.In paper I, we studied if plasma levels of MCP-1 and the gene expression of CCR-2 were elevated above normal in subjects with asymptomatic, isolated hypercholesterolaemia and if statin treatment could influence plasma levels of MCP-1 and other inflammatory markers. In paper ll we studied the same parameters but in patients with diagnosed CAD as stable angina pectoris and acute coronary syndrome. In neither study we could see any differences regarding MCP-1 or CCR2 between patients and controls. However, in the CAD patients we could see an increased inflammatory activity as elevated levels of CRP. This inflammatory activity was not reflected on any other of the inflammatory markers analysed. In conclusion, the results from this thesis do not support the idea of circulating MCP-1 and CCR2 gene expression on circulating monocytes as clinical markers of atherosclerosis in these patient categories.
  • Clifford, Jenny, 1980- (författare)
  • Gold allergy : In vitro studies using peripheralblood mononuclear cells
  • 2009
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Positive patch test reactions to gold are commonly seen in dermatology clinics, but it is veryunusual for the patients to actually have any clinical symptoms. It is also common with irritantreactions that are not linked to adaptive immunity. Therefore, a deeper understanding of themechanisms underlying allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) reaction, and the search for acomplementing diagnostic tool, is important.In paper I we included three subject groups; one with morphologically positive patch testreactions to gold sodium thiosulphate (GSTS, the gold salt used in patch testing), one withnegative patch tests, and one with irritant reactions to gold. Blood samples were collected andexamined regarding the proliferation rate and which cytokines were secreted after culturingwith GSTS. We saw that the cultured lymphocytes from the allergic donors proliferated at asignificantly higher rate than the two other subject groups, and that the cells secreted cytokinesof both Th1 (Interferon (IFN) -g and Interleukin (IL) -2) and Th2 (IL-13 and IL-10) types. Theallergic donors secreted significantly higher levels of IFN-g, IL-2 and IL-13 than the two othersubject groups. Both the negative and irritant subject groups showed suppressed levels of thecytokines as compared with the unstimulated cultures, demonstrating the immunosuppressingeffects of gold.We also examined whether any of the analyzed markers, alone or combined, could be usedas an aid for diagnosing ACD to gold. We found that the IFN-g assay yielded the highestsensitivity (81.8 %) and specificity (82.1 %), and also identified 87.5 % of the irritant group asnon-allergic.In paper II we decided to investigate what cell types and subsets that reacted to the goldstimulation. We analyzed proliferation rate and expression of CD45RA, CD45R0, cutaneouslymphocyte-associated antigen (CLA) and the chemokine receptors CXCR3, CCR4 andCCR10. Similar to what has previously been published about nickel (Ni) allergy, the cells fromthe gold-allergic subjects that reacted to the GSTS stimulation expressedCD3+CD4+CD45R0+CLA+. However, contrary to findings in studies on Ni-reactive cells, wesaw no differences between allergic and non-allergic subjects regarding any of the chemokine receptors studied.In conclusion, we found that analysis of IFN-g might be a useful complement to patchtesting, possibly of interest in avoiding the need for repeated tests to rule out irritant reactions.We also saw that the cells that proliferated in response to gold were memory T-cells expressingCD4 and CLA, the marker for skin-homing. However, these cells did not express elevatedlevels of any of the chemokine receptors analyzed, showing that there are both similarities anddifferences between the mechanisms for Ni allergy and gold allergy.
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