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Sökning: L4X0:1403 2570

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  • Amir, Alia (författare)
  • Doing Language Policy : A Micro-Interactional Study of Policy Practices in English as a Foreign Language Classes
  • 2013
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This study investigates foreign language classroom talk and micro-level language policy-in-process from an ethnomethodological conversation analytic perspective. The study is based on 20 hours of video recordings from 20 lessons in an English as a Foreign Language classroom (EFL) in grades 8 and 9 of an international compulsory school in Sweden between the years 2007 and 2010. The main purpose of the study is to shed light on some of the distinguishing features of how a target-language-only policy is materialised in situ in a foreign language classroom. The study demonstrates the relative ease with which teachers and pupils uphold a strict language policy in the classroom, but also the considerable interactional work that is done, by both teachers and pupils, in cases where upholding the policy becomes problematic. An interactional phenomenon which arises in such cases is language policing, where the teacher or pupils restore the policy-prescribed linguistic order. Such sequences are analysed in detail. The study increases our understanding of how language policy is lived out in practice, through interaction in the classroom.
  • Anward, Jan (författare)
  • Doing language
  • 2015
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this book, I demonstrate how people in conversation (and other forms of communicative practices) on-line construct working, and re-usable, systems of linguistic resources, through turn-taking and a method of turn construction (recycling with différance), which together structure material at hand - syllables and intonation units - like a language.Moreover, I explore a number of properties of such systems, in particular their character of embedded and dynamic systems, solidly entrenched in space, time, and social relations.
  • Anward, Jan (författare)
  • Doing language
  • 2019
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this book, I demonstrate how people in conversation (and other forms of communicative practices) on-line construct working, and re-usable, systems of linguistic resources, through turn-taking and a method of turn construction (recycling with différance), which together structure material at hand - syllables and intonation units - like a language.Moreover, I explore a number of properties of such systems, in particular their character of embedded and dynamic systems, solidly entrenched in space, time, and social relations.Edition 2 includes an introduction by Per Linell, as well as minor changes suggested by Jan Anward’s close colleagues and approved by him.
  • Avdan, Nazli (författare)
  • ‘Collaborative Competition’ : Stance-taking and Positioning in the European Parliament
  • 2017
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The European Parliament (EP) is the scene where certain issues concerning over 500 million ‘Europeans’ are publicly debated and where politically relevant groupings are discursively coconstructed. While the Members of the Parliament (MEPs) pursue their political agendas, intergroup boundaries are drawn, reinforced, and/or transgressed. Speakers constantly take stances on behalf of groupings in relation to some presupposed other groupings and argue what differentiates ‘Self’ from ‘Others’. This study examines patterns of language use by the MEPs as they engage in the contextually and historically situated dialogical processes of intergroup positioning and stance-taking. It further focuses on the strategic and competitive activities of grouping, grounding, and alignment in order to reveal the dynamic construction of intergroup boundaries.The study is based on a collection of Blue-card question-answer sequences from the plenary debates held at the EP in 2011, when the Sovereign Debt Crisis had been stabilized to some degree but still evoked plenty of controversy.Theoretically the study builds on Stance Theory (Du Bois, 2007), Positioning Theory (Davies & Harré, 1990), and several broadly social constructivist approaches to discourse analysis (Fairclough, 1995).The analysis shows that intergroup positioning in the EP emerges as what I call a ‘collaborative competition’ between contradictory ideologies and political agendas. The MEPs strategically manipulate their opponents' prior or projected utterances in order to set up positions for self, a grouping he or she stands for, and thereby its adversaries. All participants engage in the maintenance and negotiation of intergroup boundaries, even though the boundaries hardly ever coincide between the different speakers. They discursively fence off some imaginary territories, leaving their adversaries with vague positions.When asking Blue-card questions, the MEPs use a particular turn organization, which involves routine forms of interactional units, namely addressing, question framing and question forms, each of which is shown to contribute to stance-taking. A dynamic model of stance-taking is suggested, allowing for a fluid transformation of the stance object as well as the discursively constructed stance-takers.While Blue-card questions are meant to serve as a structured procedure for eliciting information from a speaker, the analysis demonstrates that the MEPs accomplish various divergent actions that serve intergroup positioning. The dissertation thus contributes to the understanding of the discursive games played in the EP as the MEPs strive to construct social realities that fit their political ends.
  • Carling, Gerd, et al. (författare)
  • Romer – 500 år i Sverige : språk, kultur, identitet
  • 2016
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Romani chib har talats i Sverige i 500 år. Det är inte ett enhetligt, väldefinierat språk, som man kan skriva en enkel grammatik om. Tvärtom, i Sverige talas en stor mängd väldigt olika varianter av romani chib. Några har talats här länge, andra bara en kort tid.Boken fokuserar på de tre varianter som har talats längst i Sverige: skandoromani, kelderash och kale. Förutom språken behandlar boken talarnas kultur och identitet, såväl historiskt som i nutid.Boken är ett resultat av det nationella ansvar för ämnet romani chib som 2008-2012 låg vid Linköpings universitet. Delar av boken har använts som läromedel på kurser i ämnet vid Linköpings universitet.
  • Daugaard, Solveig, 1977- (författare)
  • Collaborating with Gertrude Stein : Media ecologies, reception, poetics
  • 2018
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The reception of the American avant-garde poet, playwright, art collector and salon hostess Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) has to a wide extent taken place in an aesthetic context prior to her work’s academic and hermeneutic canonization. This thesis is in part a mapping of this transmedia reception as it is played out in a North American context in the period from her death and until today, and in part an account of Stein’s particular collaborative poetics, through which her work invites such a reception. Furthermore, the thesis maintains that we in a contemporary context are experien­cing a still increasing receptivity towards Stein’s oeuvre, that seems more relevant today than ever before.  These circumstances, the thesis illuminates and discusses via a media theoretical framework, where Stein’s own work, as well as its aesthetic reception is considered as embedded in a complex media ecology. Media ecology is here conceived as a de­centralized, networked approach to aesthetic phenomena, which is able to contain many types of agents and materialities. The media ecology of an artwork is thus po­tentially made up by the entire network of processes, agents and materials that are relevant to its production, distribution and consumption and influences the subject positions available to the individual agents.Through Stein’s aesthetic reception it is possible to catch sight of important compo­nents that are active in the media ecology but often neglected or considered subor­dinated to text-internal features. These include the material interface of the medium in question, the aestheticized persona of the artist and infrastructures such as the salon, which affect how and to whom the work and its meanings are distributed. The thesis also traces a number of parallels between the media situation of Stein in the beginning of the 20th century and the digital media situation at the verge of the 21st that suggest both explanations for and implications of her increasing contemporary relevance.
  • Hammar, Elisabet (författare)
  • Muntlig franska via etern : radions insatser för praktisk färdighet i ett "elitspråk" 1948-1978
  • 2001. - 1
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Radion har från första början sänt program på främmande språk, och så småningom blev språkprogrammen en viktig del av det pedagogiska utbudet. Vilken roll spelade dessa program i samhällets mer övergripande projekt efter andra världskriget: att göra hela svenska folket mer språkkunnigt? Vilken roll fick radioundervisningen för lärarna, vilkas erfarenhet av den muntliga sidan av de främmande språken var begränsad? Hur kan radions speciella metodik, med sin betoning på hörförståelse och muntliga övningar, ha påverkat den metodik som förespråkades i de metodiska anvisningarna från Skolöverstyrelsen och den som utövades i klassrummen?
  • Hellström, Martin (författare)
  • Förpackningens förvandlingar : Konsumtion och karneval i barnboken
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Här studeras den massproducerade förpackningen som motiv inom ett flertal barnböcker, såsom Pippi Långstrump och Mio min Mio av Astrid Lindgren, Charlie and the Chocolate factory av Roald Dahl, In the Night Kitchen av Maurice Sendak, Korken flyger av Barbro Lindgren, samt ett flertal verk av Tove Jansson och Herge. I dessa verk ses förpackningen som den främsta symbolen för vårt konsumtionssamhälle. Detta samhälles konturer och sätt att fungera beskrivs i den teoretiska bakgrunden med främst Zygmunt Baumans studier av hur människan i hög grad är underställd kravet att konsumera och snabbt förpassa tingen till soptippen, vilket också påverkar de mänskliga relationerna. Men genom de verk som här studeras ses de slängda konsumtionstingen, förpackningarna, med nya funktioner och värden. De representerar något annat än den vara som den härbärgerar, eller skräpet då varan är förbrukad. Förpackningen förvandlas och upprättar därmed ett motstånd gentemot konsumtionssamhällets styrande principer. Skräpet förvägras vara skräp. Detta kan dels ses ha sarnhörighe.t med barnets egna lekar, men också med den karnevalstradition och de folkliga upptåg och omtolkningar av tingen och av de hierarkiska strukturer som Michail Bachtin beskriver. Slutsatsen som dras är att förpackningarna i materialet representerar ett annat sätt att leva gentemot konsumtionen, genom att ta hand om de slängda tingen, men också genom att se till det som finns och det värde det kan ges, istället för att eftersträva nya varor.
  • Hofvendahl, Johan, 1970- (författare)
  • Riskabla samtal : en analys av potentiella faror i skolans kvarts- och utvecklingssamtal
  • 2006
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this thesis, conversation analysis (CA) is applied to study “risk strategies” in parent-teacher-student conferences in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school. The material consists of 80 conferences collected at two different points in time: 45 from the period 1992–93 (at that time called kvartssamtal, lit. “quarter of an hour conference”) and another 35 collected in 2004 (at the present time, and since the latest curriculum from 1994, called utvecklingssamtal, lit. “development conference”). All conferences in the material concern students in the 5th grade, i.e. when students are 11–12 years old.Each year, approximately 2.6 million student conferences in total are held in the Swedish compulsory school and upper-secondary school, involving about 5.5 million participants. Yet, we have virtually no knowledge of what actually happens in these conferences, i.e. how they are conducted. Hence, this study contributes to “filling the gap” and to meeting this want, the how of the student conference as a practical achievement.The aim of the study is to analyze conversational strategies in use to handle “risk”, i.e. a moment whose outcome is uncertain and that could possibly lead to a problem. Here, strategy refers to recurrent line of action and does not necessarily comprise speaker awareness. Strategies are part (and the materialization) of everyday cultural norms, rules of social behavior and habitualized “ways of practice”. They are used “for self”, “for someone else” or “for all” and should be considered in the light of Goffman’s notion of “face-work”, i.e. what the speaker does in order to counteract possibly face-threatening acts. The study is aimed at three particular situations of considerable analytic value: (i) the opening of the conference, (ii) the initiation of talk about trouble (problem), and (iii) the closing of the conference, or more immediately, the possibility for students and parents to raise their own issues.The results show that the conference opening is a coordinated achievement and to a great extent oriented to meet the possibility of the student being nervous. The conference is an “ordinary conference” and the opening questions are “what I ask any student”. When a speaker initiates talk about possible trouble, the pace decreases and utterances very often comprise “perturbations of delivery”, i.e. filled and unfilled pauses, mitigating expressions, abandoned turn beginnings and restarts, “repairs”, etc. These and other circumstances make it possible to forecast the action as (possibly) a trouble-initiating action. At the closing of the conference, students and parents are commonly offered the opportunity to raise their own issues. However, when analyzing the different ways of offering a prolongation of the conference, the study shows that the opportunity is strongly restricted, e.g. due to the design of the question.
  • Karlsson, Rickard, 1972- (författare)
  • Svensk-franska förhandlingar : Bland sprätthökar och franska flugor i svenskt 1700-tal
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Den här avhandlingen tar till syfte att närmare förklara hur det i svensk 1700-talslitteratur vanligt förekommande satiriska porträtterandet av en landsman som har låtit sig påverkas av fransk kultur, i seder, språk och mode, på sådant sätt att han har blivit en ”sprätthök”, utgör en kritik av det franska kulturinflytandet. Avhandlingen visar också hur det kritiska förhållningssättet till det franska kulturinflytandet, som kanaliseras i beskrivningarna av sprätthöksfigurens förfranskade later, är inbegripet i diskurser om nationell tillhörighet, kultur, moral och språk. Det åberopade källmaterialet, till större delen från perioden 1720-1772, består av varjehanda moralsatirisk litteratur, varav sedekomedier och moraliska veckoskrifter utgör kärnan i analysen.Den analytiska delen av avhandlingen är indelad i tre större kapitel. Det första analsykapitlet tar itu med hur sprätthöksfiguren definieras i källmaterialet. Dessutom visar kapitlet hur resandet till Frankrike och i synnerhet till staden Paris, samtidigt som det ingår i tidens allmänt hållna kritik mot unga adelsmäns bildningsresande, utpekas som förklaringen till att svenskar omskapas till förfranskade sprätthökar. Det andra analyskapitlet visar hur sprätthökarna kan sägas förkroppsliga de stereotypiska föreställningarna om en moraliskt fördärvlig fransk nationalkaraktär och därigenom bidra till konstruktionen av motbilden till en svensk, dygdig och positiv nationalkaraktär. Det tredje analyskapitlet behandlar de språkideologiska motiv och den kritik mot en förfranskad umgängeskultur som kan utläsas i åsikterna om och beskrivningarna av sprätthökarnas språkbruk.
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doktorsavhandling (29)
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (40)
Anward, Jan (8)
Anward, Jan, Profess ... (5)
Linell, Per (3)
Linell, Per, 1944- (2)
Hellström, Martin (2)
Linke, Angelika, Adj ... (2)
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Linell, Per, Profess ... (2)
Svensson, Lars-Håkan (2)
Hammar, Elisabet (2)
Keevallik, Leelo, Pr ... (2)
Olsson, Jesper, 1966 ... (1)
Watz, Anna, 1974- (1)
Sundberg, Björn (1)
Eklund, Robert, 1962 ... (1)
Mäkitalo, Åsa, Docen ... (1)
Norén, Niklas, 1966- (1)
Carling, Gerd (1)
Demetri, Mikael (1)
Dimiter-Taikon, Ange ... (1)
Amir, Alia (1)
Broth, Mathias, Assi ... (1)
Musk, Nigel, Dr. (1)
Piirainen-Marsh, Arj ... (1)
Eriksson, Bengt Erik (1)
Carlsson, Sven (1)
Svennevig, Jan, Prof ... (1)
Lindholm, Maria (1)
Lien, Jakob, 1984- (1)
Nilsson, Ingela, Pro ... (1)
Jarlert, Anders (1)
Stam, Per (1)
Avdan, Nazli (1)
Keevallik, Leelo, Pr ... (1)
Baasner, Frank, Dr. (1)
Anward, Jan, Dr. (1)
DuBois, John, Profes ... (1)
Goldkuhl, Göran (1)
Plejert, Charlotta, ... (1)
Alvstad, Cecilia, Pr ... (1)
Öqvist, Jenny, 1969- (1)
Regnell, Astrid (1)
Franzén, Carin, 1962 ... (1)
Musk, Nigel John, 19 ... (1)
Vernqvist, Johanna, ... (1)
Lindström, Anna (1)
Cronholm, Stefan (1)
Lindell, Lenny (1)
Schwartz, Allan (1)
Cedergren, Mickaëlle (1)
Pelikan, Hannah, 199 ... (1)
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Linköpings universitet (40)
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