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Sökning: WFRF:(Bergwall Peter)

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  • Bergwall, Peter, et al. (författare)
  • Law, Materiality & Justice
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Scandinavian Studies in Law : Law without the state - Law without the state. - 9789185142767 ; 62, s. 35-60
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Can law still play a central role in governing human behavior even if the state law may have become less important? Whether law without the state is possible depends, of course, on how we define “law” and “state”. But it also depends on the perspective from which one approaches the legal material. From a sociology of law perspective, as will be presented in this chapter, the topic has a slightly different signification and consequence than within traditional legal dogmatics. After all, going back to the pioneers of sociological jurisprudence and sociology of law as, for example, Roscoe Pound (1870-1964) and Eugene Ehrlich (1862-1922), we hear the echoes of a time when the state had not yet grown so strong (Berman 1983). Surely, the times of Pound and Ehrlich were characterized less by “state-law” compared to present times. Still, would we describe the early 20th Century as governed by “non-state law”?In the first section, Materialism Revisited, we briefly show how materialism with roots in Marxian and Althusserian thought is making its way back into social theory. The implication is a challenge of importunate dichotomies, such as the social subject/object and the legal ought/is. In the next section, we proceed with the theoretical developments, labelled new materialism, emphasizing the flows generated by social and legal structures, rather than the structures per se. We then proceed to one of the main objectives of this chapter, the discussion building on the argument that materialist conceptions are essential in empirically grounded justice theories. Hence, the Justice section includes a brief overview of classical justice theories, followed by the critique of them, and a proposition that materialistic, evidencebased procedural justice theories are better equipped for socio-legal research compared to more idealistically grounded justice theories. We then present a research project which is about how distributive and procedural justice affects the intention to disclose personal health information in online contexts. We conclude by stating that, what we label emergent social order, i.e., the interplay between law, materiality and social normativity, is important for understanding the current condition, which is characterized by some as governed by “non-state law”.
  • Bergwall, Peter, et al. (författare)
  • Betydelsen av sociala medier för beslut om vaccination - en litteraturöversikt
  • 2013
  • Rapport (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Syftet med den här litteraturöversikten är att undersöka vilken eventuell betydelse som sociala medier har för beslut om vaccination samt om sociala medier påverkar täckningsgraden i nationella vaccinationsprogram. En litteratursökning utfördes i Lunds universitets samlade biblioteksdatabas Summon. Söktermerna relaterade till sociala medier och vacciner. Efter gallring inkluderades 55 internationella och vetenskapligt granskade artiklar varav 50 (91 %) var publicerade 2006 eller senare. Det är en övervikt av brittiska och amerikanska artiklar i materialet. Vaccinmotstånd har inte uppstått med de sociala mediernas framväxt. Däremot eftersöker allmänheten hälsoinformation på internet i allt större utsträckning, inte minst i Sverige. Det kan förklara det växande intresset bland forskare för de sociala mediernas betydelse i hälsokommunikation. Twitter, Facebook och YouTube används i stor omfattning av både vaccinförespråkare och vaccinmotståndare. Enligt litteraturen utgör de här sociala medierna en stor potentiell tillgång för hälsoaktörer. Medan allmänhetens intresse tycks öka konstant befinner sig hälsoaktörer däremot olika långt fram när det gäller att utnyttja dessa mediers potential. Litteraturöversikten ger inga belägg för att sociala medier har påverkat vaccinationstäckningen i negativ bemärkelse, men frågan behöver följas framöver i takt med att utnyttjandegraden av sociala medier i målgrupperna ökar. Det går inte att säga att vaccinkritiska budskap är överrepresenterade i sociala medier. De tycks snarare vara i minoritet. Samtidigt verkar negativa budskap få större spridning proportionellt sett jämfört med positivt inställda budskap. Bristen på vetenskapliga publikationer som fokuserar på relationen sociala medier och folkhälsa i en svensk kontext är påtaglig. Behovet av svenska och nordiska studier inom ämnesområdet är alltså stort. Vid en internationell jämförelse framträder Sverige och övriga Norden i en klass för sig vad gäller regelbundet internetanvändande. Det finns därför anledning för hälso- och sjukvårdsmyndigheter att öka sin närvaro i de sociala medierna.
  • Bergwall, Peter (författare)
  • Exploring Paths of Justice in the Digital Healthcare : A Socio-Legal Study of Swedish Online Doctors
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Online doctor services, healthcare provided via smartphone apps, have gone from being peripheral to seriously challenging the conventional Swedish way of providing healthcare services. The accessibility of online doctors is unsurpassed but all patient groups have not gotten better access to healthcare thanks to online doctors.The aim of this study was to investigate how perceptions of the online doctor service Kry influence the willingness to use said service. This has been achieved through two online surveys conducted in 2016 and 2017, generating two study samples of 1,264 and 882 cases, respectively. Survey items operationalised perceptions of justice as well as benefits and risk beliefs associated with Kry. Statistical modelling was performed, applying PLS path analysis.Inspired by the meta-theoretical perspective of critical realism, the aim was also to explain the underlying mechanisms that cause online doctors as a Swedish healthcare phenomenon. This has been achieved through a descriptive analysis based on, for instance, legal documents, governmental reports, regional recommendations, statistics, and newspaper articles. The descriptive study has been guided by Alan Norrie’s sociology of law and the theoretical figure of law’sarchitectonic, where the legal is always also the ethico-legal, the juridico political, and the socio-legal.Results from the surveys and the subsequent statistical modelling showed that the willingness to use Kry was predicted by perceptions of distributive justice, i.e., whether the service was perceived as accessible and inclusive (equality), and whether it was perceived as providing value for time and money spent (equity). Furthermore, perceptions of equality and equity were mediated by perceptions of perceived trust and interest in Kry. Perceptions of procedural justice did not impact the willingness to use Kry to the same extent.The descriptive study showed that Swedish online doctors as a phenomenon has emerged in a health system shaped by ethico-legal, juridico-political, and what I call econo-legal conflicts. Swedish healthcare law is based on the principle stating that those in most need of care should receive care first and on the overarching goal stating that the healthcare should strive towards an equal healthcare for the entire population. With the free choice of care reform, implemented in 2010, the Swedish health system was transformed into a quasi market and the principle of demand, stating that the patient should receive healthcare when she demands it rather than when she needs it, has entered the health system under the label free choice. This ethical and normative ambivalence is found in and expressed through healthcare law.Unlike the health system at large, online doctors are well equipped for a healthcare that is becoming increasingly consumer-driven. This may explain why distributive justice predict the will to use Kry. Much like the online marketplaceexperience, patients are judging the online doctor experience based on value for time and money spent.
  • Bergwall, Peter, et al. (författare)
  • The Stepchild Controversy : Unfortunate Dichotomies in Socio-Legal Theory
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Combining the Legal and the Social in Sociology of Law : An Homage to Reza Banakar - An Homage to Reza Banakar. - 9781509959389 ; , s. 59-68
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Kapitlet handlar om beklagliga dikotomier i rättssociologisk teori, som till exempel dikotomin rätt/samhälle. Upprätthållandet av sådana dikotomier hämmar rättssociologisk teoriutveckling. Kapitlet tar sin utgångspunkt i en debatt som initierades 1998 av Reza Banakar och som handlade om vad Banakar ansåg vara den rättssociologiska teorins underutvecklade tillstånd, eller rättssociologins identitetskris som styvbarn till juridik och sociologi. De flesta av inspelen i debatten accepterar dikotomin rätt/samhälle, det vill säga en syn på rätten som teoretiskt frikopplad från samhället. I kapitlet hävdas att detta är ett misstag och att vi istället bör inse att rätten är djupt invecklad i allt samhällsliv. Rättssociologin bör fokusera på att att studera normativitet i samhället och utgå från att rätten först och främst är ett socialt fenomen och inte ett slutet system, avskuret från övriga samhället. Mina argument är influerade av den vetenskapsfilosofiska riktningen kritisk realism.
  • Bergwall, Peter, et al. (författare)
  • Tracing Critical Realism in the Work of Åström
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Festskrift till Karsten Åström. - 9789154405695 ; , s. 75-94
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this chapter is to discuss the possibilities of a critical realist sociology of law set against the background of the work of Professor Karsten Åström. Thus, in the next section I give a short description of Åström’s ”sociolegal stance”, and specifically his concept of parallel norm creating processes. I then proceed, in the third section, to describe the basics of Roy Bhaskar’s critical realism as a philosophy of science. This is followed in the fourth section by the recapitulation of Bhaskar’s own dialectical critical realism (DCR), which is built on the dialectics of Hegel and Marx. In section five, I move on to the legal theory of the critical realist law professor Alan Norrie with a focus on Norrie’s critique of ”liberal law”. Thereafter, in section six, I specifically highlight Norrie’s call for a sociology of law in the spirit of DCR, beyond legal positivist and poststructuralist conceptions of law. Then, in section seven, I discuss the potential critical realism of Åström’s work by reflecting on the analysis model of legal regulation (AMLR), applied in analyses of legal norms, e.g., in social service agencies. This is followed by how conceiving of AMLR dialectically may enable new ways for understanding social conflicts and social change in the field of social welfare. This is, in the final section, demonstrated by the case of EU migrants residing legally in Sweden but without the right to social welfare. In this case, an external social institution, an NGO, succeeded to influence, open up and ultimately collaborate with the local public administration, resulting in new policy with the potential to improve the living conditions for the migrants.
  • Dahlstrand, Karl, et al. (författare)
  • Kränkning och upprättelse. En replikation av en rättssociologisk enkätstudie
  • 2022. - 1
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I rapporten presenteras ett rättssociologiskt forskningsprojekt som haft arbetstiteln ”Replika av en rättssociologisk undersökning om det allmänna rättsmedvetandet och brottsskadeersättningen”. Att projektet är en ”replika” innebär att syftet har varit att göra en uppföljning på ett ursprungligt forskningsprojekt som i det aktuella fallet utgörs av de enkätundersökningar som presterades i avhandlingen ”Kränkning och upprättelse. En rättssociologisk studie av kränkningsersättning till brottsoffer” (Dahlstrand, 2012). Forskningsprojektet har gått ut på att återupprepa en empiriinsamling och metoddesign som utarbetades för ungefär tio år sedan. Det ursprungliga projektet finansierades av Brottsofferfonden och pågick 2007–2012 medan den replika som kommer att presenteras i denna rapport har finansierats av Ulla V Bondesons stiftelse för rättssociologisk och kriminologisk forskning och pågått 2018–2020. Tanken på att genomföra en replika av de två enkätstudier som presenterades i avhandlingen föddes tack vare att resultaten från avhandlingen fick en del uppmärksamhet. Under flera år efter disputationen återkom kommentaren att det hade varit intressant att se om resultaten som presenterades i avhandlingen skulle upprepas om enkätundersökningarna replikerades. Eftersom ”Ulla V Bondesons Stiftelse för rättssociologisk och kriminologisk forskning” ger forskningsanslag för replikationer av Ulla V Bondesons egna eller andra motsvarande studier söktes finansiering för att följa upp den empiriska studie som under Karl Dahlstrands doktorandprojekt hade titeln ”Rättssociologisk undersökning om det allmänna rättsmedvetandet och brottsskadeersättningen” som professor Karsten Åström var huvudansvarig för. Det rättssociologiska kunskapsintresset, som motiverar replikan utgår delvis från de teoretiska och praktiska svårigheterna att värdera brottsoffrens kränkningsersättning. I Brottsoffermyndighetens referatsamling anges att ersättning för kränkning utgår från ett ”angrepp på den skadelidandes personliga integritet, vilket i detta sammanhang bäst kan beskrivas som dennes privatliv och människovärde” och ”utgångspunkten vid bestämmande av kränkningsersättning är en skönsmässig bedömning utifrån förhärskande etiska och sociala värderingar.” Syftet med kränkningsersättningen är, förenklat uttryckt, att den ska bidra till en känsla av upprättelse hos brottsoffret men om nivån på ersättningsbeloppet ligger för långt ifrån brottsoffrets egna förväntningar på kränkningsersättningen så finns en risk att ersättningen inte leder till upprättelse. Det är alltså viktigt att ersättningsbeloppet står i proportion till hur allvarlig kränkningen kan anses vara, såväl objektivt som sett ur brottsoffrets perspektiv. Frågan vi ställer oss är således: anser brottsoffer att kränkningsersättningen bidrar till en känsla av upprättelse?Rapporten är tillägnad minnet av Ulla V Bondeson (1937-2009), professor i kriminologi vid Köpenhamns universitet 1980-2007.
  • Dahlstrand, Karl, et al. (författare)
  • Less repressive and fairer foreclosure. Evidence from a randomized experiment at Kronofogden regarding the possibilities to break economic exclusion
  • 2023
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Homeowners are facing worse personal finances with inflation and increasing interest rates. New groupsare at risk of overindebtedness and foreclosure. The entire household are affected by worse health andwell-being. This leads to large societal costs. Hence, it is imperative to break the negative cycle ofoverindebtedness for these households. Foreclosure is enforced by Kronofogden and aims to pay thedebts. However, an unintended consequence may be that foreclosure is perceived as repressive. Thedegree of repression depends on how Kronofogden handles the proceedings. This research projectcontributes with knowledge about these mechanisms and how they may make it more difficult to breaksocial and economic exclusion by answering the research question: How repressive are the foreclosureproceedings at Kronofogden?We answer the research question by surveying and interviewing homeowners who have been subject toforeclosure about repression. Repression is a multi-facetted concept that may be employed to study bothopen displays of state violence as well as “soft” exercises of public authority through, for example,stigmatization. We are inspired by this latter understanding and We take advantage of a randomizedcontrolled trial (RCT) in which Kronofogden randomized foreclosure sales to auction or brokered sale inan effort to investigate which sales form resulted in higher payment. While auction sales arecharacterized by coercion, no interactions with the homeowner, and no possibility for the homeowner toaffect the outcomes through personal involvement, the success of brokered sales depends oncollaboration with the homeowner, participation on behalf of, and involvement from the homeowner.Given these different characteristics, the RCT provides an opportunity for us to examine whether whichsales form – auction or broker – was employed had an impact on the level of repression as measured byperceived fairness and institutional trust. Due to its characteristics, we hypothesize that brokered saleresults in a lower level of repression. This hypothesis is tested with a survey that targets the foreclosedhomeowners that were included in Kronofogden’s RCT. We also interview homeowners about theirexperiences and group interviews with homeowners to ask them about whether they consider theforeclosure proceedings to be repressive.
  • Dahlstrand, Karl, et al. (författare)
  • Less repressive and fairer foreclosure. Evidence from a randomized experiment at Kronofogden regarding the possibilities to break economic exclusion
  • 2023
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Homeowners are facing worse personal finances with high inflation and increasing interest rates. New groups are at risk of overindebtedness and foreclosure. The entire household, including children, are affected by worse health and well-being. This leads to large societal costs. Hence, it is imperative to break the negative cycle of overindebtedness for these households. Foreclosure is enforced by Kronofogden (the Swedish Enforcement Authority) and aims to pay the debts. However, an unintended consequence may be that foreclosure is perceived as repressive. The degree of repression depends on how Kronofogden handles the proceedings. This research project contributes with knowledge about these mechanisms and how they may make it more difficult to break social and economic exclusion by answering the following research question: How repressive are the foreclosure proceedings at Kronofogden?It is important to understand when and why foreclosure becomes repressive because it may reduce the possibilities to exit overindebtedness as the homeowner’s social network is reduced and their social trust is lowered. Today we have limited knowledge about the mechanisms that make the exercise of public authority unintentionally repressive. The knowledge is relevant for public authoritative proceedings both in Sweden and internationally. The authorities may use this knowledge to adapt their handling protocol to avoid future repression.
  • Molander, Peter, et al. (författare)
  • Internet-based acceptance and commitment therapy for psychological distress experienced by people with hearing problems : Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: American Journal of Audiology. - : American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. - 1059-0889 .- 1558-9137. ; 24:3, s. 307-310
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Purpose: Psychological distress and psychiatric symptoms are prevalent among people with hearing loss or other audiological conditions, but psychological interventions for these groups are rare. This article describes the study protocol for a randomized controlled trial for evaluating the effect of a psychological treatment delivered over the Internet for individuals with hearing problems and concurrent psychological distress.Method: Participants who are significantly distressed will be randomized to either an 8-week Internet-delivered acceptance-based cognitive behavioral therapy (i.e., acceptance and commitment therapy [ACT]), or wait-list control. We aim to include measures of distress associated with hearing difficulties, anxiety, and depression. In addition, we aim to measure acceptance associated with hearing difficulties as well as quality of life.Conclusion: The results of the trial may further our understanding of how to best treat people who present problems with both psychological distress and hearing in using the Internet.
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