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Sökning: WFRF:(Dressler Ovidiu)

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  • Erlinge, David, et al. (författare)
  • Identification of vulnerable plaques and patients by intracoronary near-infrared spectroscopy and ultrasound (PROSPECT II) : a prospective natural history study
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: The Lancet. - : Elsevier. - 0140-6736 .- 1474-547X. ; 397:10278, s. 985-995
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and intravascular ultrasound are promising imaging modalities to identify non-obstructive plaques likely to cause coronary-related events. We aimed to assess whether combined NIRS and intravascular ultrasound can identify high-risk plaques and patients that are at risk for future major adverse cardiac events (MACEs).Methods: PROSPECT II is an investigator-sponsored, multicentre, prospective natural history study done at 14 university hospitals and two community hospitals in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. We recruited patients of any age with recent (within past 4 weeks) myocardial infarction. After treatment of all flow-limiting coronary lesions, three-vessel imaging was done with a combined NIRS and intravascular ultrasound catheter. Untreated lesions (also known as non-culprit lesions) were identified by intravascular ultrasound and their lipid content was assessed by NIRS. The primary outcome was the covariate-adjusted rate of MACEs (the composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, unstable angina, or progressive angina) arising from untreated non-culprit lesions during follow-up. The relations between plaques with high lipid content, large plaque burden, and small lumen areas and patient-level and lesion-level events were determined. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02171065.Findings: Between June 10, 2014, and Dec 20, 2017, 3629 non-culprit lesions were characterised in 898 patients (153 [17%] women, 745 [83%] men; median age 63 [IQR 55-70] years). Median follow-up was 3.7 (IQR 3.0-4.4) years. Adverse events within 4 years occurred in 112 (13.2%, 95% CI 11.0-15.6) of 898 patients, with 66 (8.0%, 95% CI 6.2-10.0) arising from 78 untreated non-culprit lesions (mean baseline angiographic diameter stenosis 46.9% [SD 15.9]). Highly lipidic lesions (851 [24%] of 3500 lesions, present in 520 [59%] of 884 patients) were an independent predictor of patient-level non-culprit lesion-related MACEs (adjusted odds ratio 2.27, 95% CI 1.25-4.13) and nonculprit lesion-specific MACEs (7.83, 4.12-14.89). Large plaque burden (787 [22%] of 3629 lesions, present in 530 [59%] of 898 patients) was also an independent predictor of non-culprit lesion-related MACEs. Lesions with both large plaque burden by intravascular ultrasound and large lipid-rich cores by NIRS had a 4-year non-culprit lesion-related MACE rate of 7.0% (95% CI 4.0-10.0). Patients in whom one or more such lesions were identified had a 4-year non-culprit lesion-related MACE rate of 13.2% (95% CI 9.4-17.6).Interpretation: Combined NIRS and intravascular ultrasound detects angiographically non-obstructive lesions with a high lipid content and large plaque burden that are at increased risk for future adverse cardiac outcomes.
  • Kosmidou, Ioanna, et al. (författare)
  • Incidence, Predictors, and Impact of Hospital Readmission After Revascularization for Left Main Coronary Disease.
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Journal of the American College of Cardiology. - 1558-3597. ; 83:11, s. 1073-1081
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The frequency of and relationship between hospital readmissions and outcomes after revascularization for left main coronary artery disease (LMCAD) are unknown.The purpose of this study was to study the incidence, predictors, and clinical impact of readmissions following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) for LMCAD.In the EXCEL (XIENCE Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery for Effectiveness of Left Main Revascularization) trial, 1,905 patients with LMCAD were randomized to PCI vs CABG. The cumulative incidence of readmissions was analyzed with multivariable Anderson-Gill and joint frailty models to account for recurrent events and the competing risk of death. The impact of readmission on subsequent mortality within 5-year follow-up was determined in a time-adjusted Cox proportional hazards model.Within 5 years, 1,868 readmissions occurred in 851 of 1,882 (45.2%) hospital survivors (2.2 ± 1.9 per patient with readmission[s], range 1-16), approximately one-half for cardiovascular causes and one-half for noncardiovascular causes (927 [49.6%] and 941 [50.4%], respectively). One or more readmissions occurred in 463 of 942 (48.6%) PCI patients vs 388 of 940 (41.8%) CABG patients (P = 0.003). After multivariable adjustment, PCI remained an independent predictor of readmission (adjusted HR: 1.22; 95% CI: 1.10-1.35; P < 0.0001), along with female sex, comorbidities, and the extent of CAD. Readmission was independently associated with subsequent all-cause death, with interaction testing indicating a higher risk after PCI than CABG (adjusted HR: 5.72; 95% CI: 3.42-9.55 vs adjusted HR: 2.72; 95% CI: 1.64-4.88, respectively; Pint = 0.03).In the EXCEL trial, readmissions during 5-year follow-up after revascularization for LMCAD were common and more frequent after PCI than CABG. Readmissions were associated with an increased risk of all-cause death, more so after PCI than with CABG.
  • Stone, Gregg W., et al. (författare)
  • Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Vulnerable Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Journal of the American College of Cardiology. - : Elsevier BV. - 0735-1097 .- 1558-3597. ; 76:20, s. 2289-2301
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Acute coronary syndromes most commonly arise from thrombosis of lipid-rich coronary atheromas that have large plaque burden despite angiographically appearing mild. Objectives: This study sought to examine the outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of non–flow-limiting vulnerable plaques. Methods: Three-vessel imaging was performed with a combination intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) catheter after successful PCI of all flow-limiting coronary lesions in 898 patients presenting with myocardial infarction (MI). Patients with an angiographically nonobstructive stenosis not intended for PCI but with IVUS plaque burden of ≥65% were randomized to treatment of the lesion with a bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) plus guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) versus GDMT alone. The primary powered effectiveness endpoint was the IVUS-derived minimum lumen area (MLA) at protocol-driven 25-month follow-up. The primary (nonpowered) safety endpoint was randomized target lesion failure (cardiac death, target vessel–related MI, or clinically driven target lesion revascularization) at 24 months. The secondary (nonpowered) clinical effectiveness endpoint was randomized lesion–related major adverse cardiac events (cardiac death, MI, unstable angina, or progressive angina) at latest follow-up. Results: A total of 182 patients were randomized (93 BVS, 89 GDMT alone) at 15 centers. The median angiographic diameter stenosis of the randomized lesions was 41.6%; by near-infrared spectroscopy–IVUS, the median plaque burden was 73.7%, the median MLA was 2.9 mm2, and the median maximum lipid plaque content was 33.4%. Angiographic follow-up at 25 months was completed in 167 patients (91.8%), and the median clinical follow-up was 4.1 years. The follow-up MLA in BVS-treated lesions was 6.9 ± 2.6 mm2 compared with 3.0 ± 1.0 mm2 in GDMT alone–treated lesions (least square means difference: 3.9 mm2; 95% confidence interval: 3.3 to 4.5; p < 0.0001). Target lesion failure at 24 months occurred in similar rates of BVS-treated and GDMT alone–treated patients (4.3% vs. 4.5%; p = 0.96). Randomized lesion–related major adverse cardiac events occurred in 4.3% of BVS-treated patients versus 10.7% of GDMT alone–treated patients (odds ratio: 0.38; 95% confidence interval: 0.11 to 1.28; p = 0.12). Conclusions: PCI of angiographically mild lesions with large plaque burden was safe, substantially enlarged the follow-up MLA, and was associated with favorable long-term clinical outcomes, warranting the performance of an adequately powered randomized trial. (PROSPECT ABSORB [Providing Regional Observations to Study Predictors of Events in the Coronary Tree II Combined with a Randomized, Controlled, Intervention Trial]; NCT02171065)
  • Weisz, Giora, et al. (författare)
  • Ranolazine in patients with incomplete revascularisation after percutaneous coronary intervention (RIVER-PCI) : a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: The Lancet. - 0140-6736 .- 1474-547X. ; 387:10014, s. 136-145
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • BACKGROUND: Incomplete revascularisation is common after percutaneous coronary intervention and is associated with increased mortality and adverse cardiovascular events. We aimed to assess whether adjunctive anti-ischaemic pharmacotherapy with ranolazine would improve the prognosis of patients with incomplete revascularisation after percutaneous coronary intervention.METHODS: We performed this multicentre, randomised, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-controlled, event-driven trial at 245 centres in 15 countries in Europe, Israel, Russia, and the USA. Patients (aged ≥18 years) with a history of chronic angina with incomplete revascularisation after percutaneous coronary intervention (defined as one or more lesions with ≥50% diameter stenosis in a coronary artery ≥2 mm diameter) were randomly assigned (1:1), via an interactive web-based block randomisation system (block sizes of ten), to receive either twice-daily oral ranolazine 1000 mg or matching placebo. Randomisation was stratified by diabetes history (presence vs absence) and acute coronary syndrome presentation (acute coronary syndrome vs non-acute coronary syndrome). Study investigators, including all research teams, and patients were masked to treatment allocation. The primary endpoint was time to first occurrence of ischaemia-driven revascularisation or ischaemia-driven hospitalisation without revascularisation. Analysis was by intention to treat. This study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01442038.FINDINGS: Between Nov 3, 2011, and May 27, 2013, we randomly assigned 2651 patients to receive ranolazine (n=1332) or placebo (n=1319); 2604 (98%) patients comprised the full analysis set. After a median follow-up of 643 days (IQR 575-758), the composite primary endpoint occurred in 345 (26%) patients assigned to ranolazine and 364 (28%) patients assigned to placebo (hazard ratio 0·95, 95% CI 0·82-1·10; p=0·48). Incidence of ischaemia-driven revascularisation and ischaemia-driven hospitalisation did not differ significantly between groups. 189 (14%) patients in the ranolazine group and 137 (11%) patients in the placebo group discontinued study drug because of an adverse event (p=0·04).INTERPRETATION: Ranolazine did not reduce the composite rate of ischaemia-driven revascularisation or hospitalisation without revascularisation in patients with a history of chronic angina who had incomplete revascularisation after percutaneous coronary intervention. Further studies are warranted to establish whether other treatment could be effective in improving the prognosis of high-risk patients in this population.FUNDING: Gilead Sciences, Menarini.
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