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Sökning: WFRF:(Gustafsson Kristina Docent)

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  • Ask, Jenny, 1969- (författare)
  • Lyssna till ditt hjärta : muslimska moderskap och modrandets villkor i Sverige
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This study deals with the meanings and conditions of motherhood for some Muslim women in Sweden, the majority of which live in Stockholm. The analysis is based mainly on 16 in-depth interviews with women who self-identify as Muslims. A majority of them were born in Sweden.In this study, motherhood and mothering are defined as intentional care work situated within, and shaped by, specific social, cultural and historical contexts. I examine which gendered, religious and spatial meanings are associated with mothering and Muslim identity in a Swedish transnational context. The analysis shows that religion (for most of the women) constitutes an interpretational frame for motherhood and for how children should be mothered into good Muslims and citizens. The women represent Islam as a facilitating religion by making a distinction between religion and culture. The study also shows how the women approach the problem of maintaining the children’s Muslim identities and their self-esteem in a secularized and islamophobic Swedish context, and how they stress the importance of the child developing a strong inner self. Based on the women’s own experiences of having been singled out as different, they respond to a racist logic associated with certain norms and conceptions about what counts as freedom or oppression. The interviews also reveal a transnational aspect of their mothering in which they consider what other places can offer their children. The thesis shows on the one hand how an authentic Muslim identity is related to ideas about Muslim places and origins; on the other hand it demonstrates how the women’s ambivalent affinities with Sweden, and (what they consider to be) Swedish and Muslim values, destabilize such an unambiguous connection. These ambivalent identifications show how the women’s conditional affinities become relevant for how they speak about motherhood and mothering and for how they relate to questions concerning “the good of the child”.
  • Larsson, Susanne (författare)
  • Självbestämmande i LSS : En villkorad rättighet för personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Persons with moderate to more severe intellectual disabilities have a legal right to exercise self-determination, and a right to receive individually tailored support to enable them to live independently. However, these rights are not always realised in practice. Taking the difficulties that the functional impairments imply as a starting point, the aim of this thesis is to critically review and accrue increased knowledge about what conditions for self-determination persons with moderate to more severe intellectual disabilities are given within the context of support services offered, according to the Swedish Disability Act. The study is a multiple case study, based on analyses of so-called implementation plans and notes from observations and interviews (with staff), all gathered within the same six units:three group homes and three daily activity units. By conducting thematic analyses and using concepts from Nordenfeldt’s action theory, as well as theory about positioning, three overarching themes were developed: staff’s supportive methods and approaches, staff’s non-supportive methods and approaches, and staff’s methods and approaches that are both supportive and not when it comes to opportunities for self-determination. For example, staff views on the persons’self-determination as being adequate are interpreted as supportive. As a contrast, the fact that enhanced support is rarely used and, if used, rarely to a degree that promotes the person’s own initiative, is interpreted as non-supportive, and the implementation plans are interpreted as both supportive and non-supportive. Fundamentally, the study shows that the practical possibilities to exercise self determinationare limited for persons with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities by certain aspects of staff methods and approaches, and by the organisation of the units where the support is conducted. Further research is suggested on how to enable practise, staff methods and approaches that, to a higher degree, consider the persons themselves when planning and conducting their support, on the organisational preconditions, the implementation plans included, for complying with the principles and political goals of a person’s self determination and on the impact of staff knowledge, not least when it comes to enhanced support and communication devices. Finally, the character of conducting support and what this means for the methods and approaches, should be investigated further.
  • Andersson, Kristina, 1962- (författare)
  • Lärare för förändring : att synliggöra och utmana föreställningar om naturvetenskap och genus
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Lärares genusmedvetenhet i relation till naturvetenskaplig verksamhet är fokus för denna avhandling, som belyses genom två studier: en longitudinell aktionsforskningsstudie som genomfördes tillsammans med en grupp förskollärare/lärare och en studie där verksamma förskollärare/lärare under en fortbildningskurs fick tillämpa en genusteori på en verklig klassrumshändelse. Studierna visar att genusarbete är komplicerat eftersom det inbegriper många aspekter av livet och en viktig del av genusmedvetenheten är att förhålla sig till dessa olika aspekter. Det är av avgörande betydelse att utmana föreställningar om genus, där utmaningarna resulterar i att föreställningarna blir verbaliserade och därmed synliggjorda. Vidare visar studierna att genom att ta avstamp i feministisk vetenskapskritik och pedagogik kan ett alternativt sätt att förhålla sig till lärande och undervisning i naturvetenskap bli möjligt. För lärare som inte har en naturvetenskaplig bakgrund, men som ska genomföra aktiviteter eller undervisa i ämnena, blir de didaktiska och pedagogiska kompetenser de redan besitter en startpunkt för att utveckla sina ämnesdidaktiska förmågor. Kompetensutveckling med ett feministiskt anslag kan ge lärarna ”empowerment” som medför att de känner större delaktighet i den naturvetenskapliga praktiken och därmed kan bidra till att utveckla såväl dess kultur som kunskapsstoffet. Avhandlingen ger också nya metodologiska kunskapsbidrag om aktionsforskning. Ett resultat är att tid är en viktig faktor som man måste ta hänsyn till beroende på vilken förändring man vill åstadkomma. Forskaren som deltar i aktionsforskningen som en ”outsider” har en viktig funktion genom att kunna överblicka processen samt uppmärksamma och använda sig av kritiska händelser för att driva förändringsarbetet framåt.
  • Eriksson, Rickard (författare)
  • Structural Changes in Lithium Battery Materials Induced by Aging or Usage
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Li-ion batteries have a huge potential for use in electrification of the transportation sector. The major challenge to be met is the limited energy storage capacity of the battery pack: both the amount of energy which can be stored within the space available in the vehicle (defining its range), and the aging of the individual battery cells (determining how long a whole pack can deliver sufficient energy and power to drive the vehicle). This thesis aims to increase our knowledge and understanding of structural changes induced by aging and usage of the Li-ion battery materials involved.Aging processes have been studied in commercial-size Li-ion cells with two different chemistries. LiFePO4/graphite cells were aged under different conditions, and thereafter examined at different points along the electrodes by post mortem characterisation using SEM, XPS, XRD and electrochemical characterization in half-cells. The results revealed large differences in degradation behaviour under different aging conditions and in different regions of the same cell. The aging of LiMn2O4-LiCoO2/Li4Ti5O12 cells was studied under two different aging conditions. Post mortem analysis revealed a high degree of Mn/Co mixing within individual particles of the LiMn2O4-LiCoO2 composite electrode.Structural changes induced by lithium insertion were studied in two negative electrode materials: in Li0.5Ni0.25TiOPO4 using in situ XRD, and in Ni0.5TiOPO4 using EXAFS, XANES and HAXPES. It was shown that Li0.5Ni0.25TiOPO4 lost most of its long-range-order during lithiation, and that both Ni and Ti were involved in the charge compensation mechanism during lithiation/delithiation of Ni0.5TiOPO4, with small clusters of metal-like Ni forming during lithiation.Finally, in situ XRD studies were also made of the reaction pathways to form LiFeSO4F from two sets of reactants: either FeSO4·H2O and LiF, or Li2SO4 and FeF2. During the heat treatment, Li2SO4 and FeF2 react to form FeSO4·H2O and LiF in a first step. In a second step LiFeSO4F is formed. This underlines the importance of the structural similarities between LiFeSO4F and FeSO4·H2O in the formation process of LiFeSO4F.
  • Hentati, Jannete, 1982- (författare)
  • En lektion i gemenskap : Ordning och (o)reda bland lärare i Malmö och Marseille
  • 2017
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna etnografiska studie tar sin utgångspunkt i ett jämförande fältarbete bland lärare på högstadieskolor i två sydligt situerade storstäder i Europa: Malmö i Sverige och Marseille i Frankrike. Studiens fokus ligger på hur lärare begripliggör och brottas med sitt uppdrag att forma och fostra ”goda” medborgare för en nationell gemenskap och sammanhållning. Genom att utforska lärarnas egna strävanden och stretanden i denna fråga belyses de idéer och praktiker som driver detta arbete framåt. Samtidigt synliggörs de vardagliga spänningar som emellanåt komplicerar lärarnas arbete. En central iakttagelse i denna studie är att lärare i både Sverige och Frankrike stundtals finner sig inneslutna i ett slags korstryck. Inpressade i detta kastas de mellan att å ena sidan eftersträva vissa på förhand fastslagna visioner och mål om gemensamt liv, å andra sidan kontinuerligt konfronteras med en oregelbunden och inte alla gånger följsam verklighet. Avhandlingen visar hur lärare handskas med detta korstryck; hur de i händelse av hinder och motstånd i sitt arbete försöker bringa ordning i vad de uppfattar och upplever som ett tillstånd av stor oreda i förhållande till sitt medborgardanande uppdrag. Sammantaget bidrar avhandlingen till ökad kunskap om lärares både levda yrkeserfarenheter och situerade praktiker i vardagen, liksom till en problematiserande diskussion om den roll och betydelse som lärare förväntar sig spela för det gemensamma livet i Sverige och Frankrike i stort.
  • Jonsson, Kristina, 1970- (författare)
  • Socialt lärande i fritidshemmet : En intervjustudie med fritidshemspersonal och fritidshemsrektorer
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overall aim of this thesis is to investigate social learning in the Swedish school-age educare (SAEC), based on the descriptions of the SAEC staff and SAEC principals. The results are based on two sub-studies. Sub-study 1 was conducted with SAEC staff, with a total of 21 persons divided into four groups. This sub-study sought answers to what knowledge and abilities the SAEC staff consider to be important for pupils in their work with social learning in the SAEC, and what appears to be significant in the work to promote pupils’ social learning. In the second sub-study, the focus is on the principals’ descriptions. Initially, seven principals in the SAEC for the early years were interviewed individually. Thereafter, six of them participated in a series of group interviews. This sub-study aimed to answer the questions of what characterises social learning in the SAEC in the principals’ descriptions, and what vision for social learning in the SAEC, is expressed by the principals.The data were analysed abductively, using Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological system theory. The analysis highlights the factors that impact the work in the SAEC and how they interact. The theory thereby contributes to an understanding of what affects the work of social learning in the SAEC. This enables a didactic understanding of the SAEC’s activities, and how social learning for pupils is enabled in the SAEC, based on what is expressed by the SAEC staff and the principals. The results show that both the SAEC staff and the SAEC principals have a pupil-centred view of social learning. However, their views differ somewhat, since the SAEC staff mainly describe social learning from the point of view of daily SAEC activities, while the principals have a wider perspective. They describe the work of social learning as a part of a societal assignment. The SAEC activities are influenced by both close and distant factors concerning leading, planning for, and conducting the activities. Some of them have didactic consequences, which can affect how social learning is facilitated for the pupils. Furthermore, visions for social learning are shown in terms of the SAEC and the compulsory school as being one unit, with a teaching culture as the basis of the work. This shows that social learning should be considered as an area for education, which points out the importance of consciously reflected activities in the SAEC. Collegial discussions can be important for this, not just for the SAEC staff, but also for the principals leading the SAEC.
  • Nylander, Charlotte, 1979- (författare)
  • Protective factors, health-risk behaviours and the impact of coexisting ADHD among adolescents with diabetes and other chronic conditions
  • 2016
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Mental health problems are increasing in Swedish adolescents and mortality rates are higher in this age group than among younger. 10-20% of all adolescents suffer from a chronic medical condition (CC). Few protective factors (PF) and clustering of health-risk behaviours (HRB) are frequent among adolescents with CCs.One of the most common CC in Swedish adolescents is type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Metabolic control often deteriorates during adolescence, especially in girls. Poor metabolic control is associated with increased risk for long-term complications, of which cognitive problems are common. However, the implication of cognitive/executive problems in patients with T1DM has not been sufficiently studied. Neither has the impact of neurodevelopmental problems (NDP), such as ADHD, on HRB in adolescents with CCs been analysed.Methods: In paper I and II the questionnaire ”Life and Health in Youth” was distributed to all students in year nine and year two of the upper secondary school in the county of Sörmland, 2008 (n=5771) and 2011 (n=5550). Adolescents with CCs were compared to healthy peers with regard to PFs and HRBs. In paper III, the ”Five to Fifteen” questionnaire was used in 175 paediatric patients with T1DM. Patients with indications of NDPs were compared with patients without such problems with regard to metabolic control. In paper IV, the BRIEF questionnaire and the ADHD Rating Scale as well as data from the Swedish Childhood Diabetes Registry was used in 241 adolescents with T1DM. Patients with indications of executive problems were compared with patients without such problems with regard to diabetes control.Results: CCs were associated with few PFs and clustered HRBs. The combination of CCs and low numbers of PFs was found to be associated with an increased risk of clustered HRBs. In the presence of coexisting ADHD the pattern of few PFs and clustering of HRBs was aggravated. ADHD was more common among adolescents with other CCs.Definite memory and learning problems as well as mild executive problems were associated with poor metabolic control, especially among adolescents. Executive problems were also associated with many outpatient visits and low physical activity. Girls with T1DM tended to self-report executive problems to a larger extent than boys, while parents more often reported these problems in boys.Conclusion: Knowledge about factors influencing treatment adherence and life in general is essential in the work with chronically ill adolescents. Focus must be put on enhancing PFs in order to avoid HRBs. Identification of coexisting NDPs, such as ADHD, is crucial, since such problems can adversely influence treatment adherence, HRBs and school achievements
  • Perre, Emilie, 1982- (författare)
  • Nano-structured 3D Electrodes for Li-ion Micro-batteries
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • A new challenging application for Li-ion battery has arisen from the rapid development of micro-electronics. Powering Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) such as autonomous smart-dust nodes using conventional Li-ion batteries is not possible. It is not only new batteries based on new materials but there is also a need of modifying the actual battery design. In this context, the conception of 3D nano-architectured Li-ion batteries is explored. There are several micro-battery concepts that are studied; however in this thesis, the focus is concentrated on one particular architecture that can be described as the successive deposition of battery components (active material, electrolyte, active material) on free-standing arrays of nano-sized columns of a current collector. After a brief introduction about Li-ion batteries and 3D micro-batteries, the electrodeposition of Al through an alumina template using an ionic liquid electrolyte to form free-standing columns of Al current collector is described. The crucial deposition parameters influencing the nucleation and growth of the Al nano-rods are discussed. The deposition of active electrode material on the nano-structured current collector columns is described for 2 distinct active materials deposited using different techniques. Deposition of TiO2 using Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) as active material on top of the nano-structured Al is also presented. The obtained deposits present high uniformity and high covering of the specific surface of the current collector. When cycled versus lithium and compared to planar electrodes, an increase of the capacity was proven to be directly proportional to the specific area gained from shifting from a 2D to a 3D construction. Cu2Sb 3D electrodes were prepared by the electrodeposition of Sb onto a nano-structured Cu current collector followed by an annealing step forcing the alloying between the current collector and Sb. The volume expansion observed during Sb alloying with Li is buffered by the Cu matrix and thus the electrode stability is greatly enhanced (from only 20 cycles to more than 120 cycles). Finally, the deposition of a hybrid polymer electrolyte onto the developed 3D electrodes is presented. Even though the deposition is not conformal and that issues of capacity fading need to be addressed, preliminary results attest that it is possible to cycle the obtained 3D electrode-electrolyte versus lithium without the appearance of short-circuits.
  • Renman, Viktor, et al. (författare)
  • Manganese Hexacyanomanganate as a Positive Electrode for Nonaqueous Li-, Na-, and K-Ion Batteries
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. - : AMER CHEMICAL SOC. - 1932-7447 .- 1932-7455. ; 123:36, s. 22040-22049
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • K2Mn[Mn(CN)(6)] is synthesized, characterized, and evaluated as possible positive electrode material in nonaqueous Li-, Na-, and K-ion batteries. This compound belongs to the rich and versatile family of hexacyanometallates displaying distinctive structural properties, which makes it interesting for ion insertion purposes. It can be viewed as a perovskite-like compound in which CN-bridged Mn(CN)(6) octahedra form an open framework structure with sufficiently large diffusion channels able to accommodate a variety of insertion cations. By means of galvanostatic cycling and cyclic voltammetry tests in nonaqueous alkali metal half-cells, it is demonstrated that this material is able to reversibly host Li+, Na+, and K+ ions via electrochemical insertion/deinsertion within a wide voltage range. The general electrochemical features are similar for all of these three ion insertion chemistries. An in operando X-ray diffraction investigation indicates that the original monoclinic structure is transformed into a cubic one during charging (i.e., removal of cations from the host framework) and that such a process is reversible upon subsequent cell discharge and cation reuptake.
  • Xu, Chao, 1988- (författare)
  • All silicon lithium-ion batteries
  • 2015
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Lithium-ion batteries have been widely used as power supplies for portable electronic devices due to their higher gravimetric and volumetric energy densities compared to other electrochemical energy storage technologies, such as lead-acid, Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries. Developing a novel battery chemistry, ‘‘all silicon lithium-ion batteries’’, using lithium iron silicate as the cathode and silicon as the anode, is the primary aim of this Ph.D project. This licentiate thesis is focused on improving the performance of the silicon anode via optimization of electrolyte composition and electrode formulation. Fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) was investigated as an electrolyte additive for silicon composite electrodes, and both the capacity retention as well as coulombic efficiency were significantly improved by introducing 10 wt% FEC into the LP40 electrolyte. This is due to the formation of a stable SEI, which mainly consisted of FEC decomposition products of LiF, -CHFOCO2-, etc. The chemical composition of the SEI was identified by synchrotron radiation based photoelectron spectroscopy. This conformal SEI prevented formation of large amounts of cracks and continues electrolyte decomposition on the silicon electrode. An alternative lithium salt, lithium 4,5-dicyano-2-trifluoromethanoimidazole (LiTDI), was studied with the silicon electrode in this thesis. The SEI formation led to a rather low 1st cycle coulombic efficiency of 44.4%, and the SEI layer was found to contain hydrocarbon, ether-type and carbonate-type species. Different to conventional composite silicon electrodes, which require heavy and expensive copper current collector, a flexible silicon electrode, consisted of only silicon nanopowder, Cladophora nanocellulose and carbon nanotube, was facilely prepared via vacuum filtration. The electrode showed good mechanical, long-term cycling as well as rate capability performance.
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (10)
refereegranskat (1)
Edström, Kristina, P ... (4)
Gustafsson, Torbjörn ... (3)
Gustafsson, Kristina ... (2)
Xu, Chao, 1988- (2)
Edström, Kristina, P ... (1)
Gustafsson, Jan, Pro ... (1)
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Gustafsson, Torbjörn (1)
Brandell, Daniel (1)
Valvo, Mario (1)
Brandell, Daniel, Pr ... (1)
Andersson, Kristina, ... (1)
Gustafsson, Christin ... (1)
Gullberg, Annica, Fi ... (1)
Ideland, Malin, Doce ... (1)
Ask, Jenny, 1969- (1)
Gerholm, Lena, Profe ... (1)
Runfors, Ann, Docent (1)
Eriksson, Rickard (1)
Berg-Kelly, Kristina (1)
Svensson, Gunnar (1)
Fernell, Elisabeth (1)
Nyholm, Leif, Profes ... (1)
Olson, Maria, Profes ... (1)
Renman, Viktor (1)
Gustafsson, Torbjörn ... (1)
Ojwang, Dickson O. (1)
Perre, Emilie, 1982- (1)
Sandberg, Anette, Pr ... (1)
Doeff, Marca, Profes ... (1)
Gómez, Cesar Pay, Do ... (1)
Rabo, Annika, Profes ... (1)
Hentati, Jannete, 19 ... (1)
Larsson, Susanne (1)
Gustafsson, Christin ... (1)
Jonsson, Kristina, 1 ... (1)
Lillvist, Anne, Doce ... (1)
Norling, Martina, fi ... (1)
Gustafsson-Nyckel, J ... (1)
Johansson, Patrik, D ... (1)
Hellström, Ingrid, P ... (1)
Eriksson, Maria, Pro ... (1)
Engwall, Kristina, D ... (1)
Nylander, Charlotte, ... (1)
Tindberg, Ylva, Doce ... (1)
Simon, Patrice, Prof ... (1)
Nilson, Ola (1)
Lucht, Brett, Profes ... (1)
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