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Sökning: WFRF:(Gustavsson Maria Professor 1962 )

  • Resultat 1-10 av 11
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  • Wastesson, Karin, 1986- (författare)
  • Learning Managerial Work : First-line Managers’ Learning in Everyday Work within Swedish Elderly Care
  • 2024
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This study’s overall aim is to contribute knowledge about first-line managers’ learning in everyday work within the context of elderly care. The study used a qualitative research approach and was carried out within four Swedish elderly care organisations. A total of 40 first-line managers were interviewed, 10 of whom kept time-use diaries. The theoretical framework is based on a workplace learning perspective originating from theory of situated learning. Situated learning theory includes the concepts of community of practice, legitimate peripheral participation, and membership, which serve as analytical tools to illuminate characteristics of learning from various angles. In addition, the concept of gender has been used to gain a deeper understanding for managers’ workplace learning in the female-dominated elderly care context.The findings showed that managers’ learning happened in a stream of varied tasks and interactions shaped by conditions in the workplace. The managers’ work was characterised by unpredictability and changing circumstances, which meant they continuously had to learn how to handle new situations and expand their repertoire of managerial practices. One common perception among themanagers was the importance of being able to make quick decisions with limited information, and assess the results afterwards. The managers learned how to deal with work situations by either maintaining and modifying current practices or inventing new ones. In addition to these three practices, their learning was affected by different conditions, particularly professional experience, work relationships and organisational conditions. The findings further showed that the managers had to learn to deal with expectations of how they should act in the managerial role based on their gender, and learn to navigate between gender ideals that permeated the female-dominated elderly care environment.Three conclusions were drawn from this study. The first was that managers took great responsibility for their own learning, including what they needed to know and how they would learn it. Despite the fact that they all had access to resources provided by the employer, managers often chose alternative ways to learn, usually by relying on informal networks and close personal relationships. As a result of this self-directed learning, they were able to make decisions that suited their learning needs, and effectively proceed in practice without having to confirm their chosen methods.The second conclusion was that work relationships played a central part in managers’ learning, within both the care work community and the first-line manager community. Work relationships with other first-line managers provided support for learning through, for example, knowledge exchange and joint discussions, as well as emotional support. Work relationships with subordinates were significant for learning, and could result in solutions to complex issues, which could have a direct effect on the daily operation of care work services. Due to the diverse mix of professions, varying interests, and formal positions of authority in the care work community, managers were required to devote considerable time and effort to facilitate collaboration and a shared repertoire. As a result, learning was seen as a stimulating and enjoyable experience, but was also demanding and sometimes boring.The third conclusion was that in the context of the female-dominated elderly care gender operated differently in two communities of practices. Male privilege was still prominent in the care work community, as men were accepted and perceived as legitimate leaders among their subordinates. Female managers instead had to navigate and balance the expectations associated with femininity and the managerial role in this community. However, the female-dominated elderly care context provided female managers with more opportunities to connect with equal peers and establish influential positions, whereas male managers could encounter challenges in gaining access to learning and participating in the first-line manager community.
  • Ferm, Lisa, 1984- (författare)
  • Vocational Students’ Agency in Identity Formation as Industrial Workers
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overall aim of this thesis is to contribute knowledge about vocational identity formation among students within the industrial programme in Swedish upper secondary education, with a particular focus on their workplace-based learning. To break down the aim, three research questions have been formulated and each is addressed in one or two specific articles. These questions are: (1) What learning strategies do vocational students use to become part of a work community, and how do these strategies relate to the formation of a vocational identity at the workplace? (2) How do vocational students experience their identity formation in relation to a vocation within the industrial sector? (3) How do vocational students handle the division between theoretical and practical knowledge as they learn to become skilled industrial workers? The thesis builds on 53 semi-structured qualitative interviews with Swedish upper secondary vocational students enrolled on the industrial programme. The interviews revolve around the students’ vocational identity formation, with a focus on their workplace-based learning. The students are between 18 and 20 years old and the majority are boys. The findings are analysed through the theoretical lens of situated learning, where identity formation is viewed as a social learning process that takes place through participation in communities of practice. In addition, the concepts of habitus, gender and social categorisation are used as analytical tools to provide a deeper understanding of issues concerning status, power and exclusion in relation to vocational identity formation. The findings reveal that the students’ vocational identity formation is closely connected to the social aspects of participating in workplace communities. Knowledge about the jargon and social norms of the workplace seem to be of more importance for vocational identity formation than knowledge about the concrete working tasks. The study follows the students’ vocational identity formation throughout their vocational learning trajectories, which reveal that vocational identities are formed in heterogenic ways. The students may adopt a committed, flexible or ambivalent approach towards industrial work. Aspects concerning agency and status seem to be crucial for the vocational identification process. The forming of a vocational identity also implies positioning oneself in the hierarchy and division between theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as between masculinity and femininity. The students appear as knowledgeable actors who are aware of the generally low status of industrial work, while simultaneously expressing a great deal of pride in relation to their intended vocations. In the discussion, a model of the students’ vocational identity formation is proposed to capture the interplay between collective and structural dimensions (e.g. social background, class and status hierarchies at school) and students’ agency and strategies in becoming industrial workers. From the findings of this thesis, three main conclusions are drawn: (1) The students form vocational identities through using vocational agency in actively developing strategies for becoming accepted in the workplace community; (2) Workplace-based learning is central for the students’ vocational identity formation, in spite of the relatively short time that the students spend there, compared to the time spent at school; (3) The students’ vocational image awareness, expressed through awareness of, and reactions to, other people’s images of their vocation, constitutes an important part of their vocational identity formation. 
  • Lidman, Linda, 1978- (författare)
  • Employee-driven innovation in the public sector : At the intersection of innovation support and workplace conditions
  • 2023
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overall aim of this thesis is to contribute knowledge about employee-driven innovation (EDI), with a particular focus on conditions in the workplace when innovation support is introduced in municipal contexts. The thesis is based on 23 qualitative interviews with managers, employees, and innovation coaches from three municipal sites in Sweden where innovation support has been implemented. The four included studies examine how innovation support is set up, what role first-line managers play, what drives employees to engage in EDI, and the outcomes of innovation work in the studied cases.The thesis’ results show how innovation support was set up as parallel structures operating independently from regular municipal operations, which made it difficult for employees and managers to connect and integrate innovation work with everyday work. Furthermore, the results show how the studied municipalities did not define clear objectives for working with innovation, which in turn resulted in a multitude of inextricably linked negative effects for the innovation support operations, the managers, the employees, and the outcome of the innovation work. In addition, the study results demonstrate the importance of providing rich environments for learning and innovation in the workplace, to consider and support employee engagement in public sector innovation and to support the entire innovation process, including the implementation phase.   The first conclusion drawn is that employee-driven innovation work happens at the intersection of innovation support and current workplace conditions. This implies that support measures need to be integrated into employees’ everyday work to create favourable conditions for EDI. The second conclusion is that it is imperative for municipal organisations intending to support EDI to define objectives for working with innovation and to anchor and communicate these objectives throughout the organisation. 
  • Ferm, Lisa, et al. (författare)
  • Vocational students' identity formation in relation to vocations in the Swedish industrial sector
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training. - : Linköping University Electronic Press. - 2242-458X. ; 9:2, s. 91-111
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article investigates vocational identity formation among students studying vocational education programmes that focus on vocations within Sweden’s industrial sector. The empirical material is based on twenty-eight qualitative interviews with students enrolled on industrial programmes at four upper secondary schools. Taking a situated learning perspective as our starting point, the study reveals how the students’ vocational identity formation can be understood by examining their learning trajectories, which are shaped by their social backgrounds, their perceptions of workplace-based learning and industrial vocations, and their thoughts about their vocational futures. The findings demonstrate that students’ vocational identity formation is not a single linear process. On the contrary, three learning trajectories emerged which correspond to three different student groups. The students oriented towards commitment intended to work in industrial vocations, while the students oriented towards flexibility were open to the possibility of careers outside the industrial sector, and the students oriented towards ambivalence had no obvious plans for their vocational futures. In conclusion, this article suggests that in order to better understand the formation of vocational identities, the notions of learning trajectory types and social categorisations need to be considered in greater depth and understood in relation to the upper secondary school environment.
  • Gustavsson, Maria, 1962-, et al. (författare)
  • Kompetenslyft för klimatomställning. Kunskapsläge och fortsatta forskningsbehov
  • 2022
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Föreliggande rapport är en kunskapsöversikt som ska ge ett underlag till Vinnovas regeringsuppdrag att förbereda genomförande av ett kompetenslyft för klimatomställning. I rapporten fokuseras internationell forskning i syfte att reda ut begrepp, beskriva kunskapsläget, ge intressanta exempel samt visa behov och förutsättningar inför kompetenslyft för klimatomställning i företag.Tre centrala slutsatser baserad på internationell forskning kan dras beträffande behovet av och förutsättningar för kompetenslyft för klimatomställning inom industrin. Den första slutsatsen är att kompetenslyft inom industrin primärt måste utgå från företagens behov av kompetensförsörjning både på kort och lång sikt. Den andra slutsatsen förordar ett helhetsperspektiv implicerande att industrins klimatomställning går i takt med andra omställningssystem för grön omställning inom utbildning och det större demokratiska samhället. Den tredje slutsatsen accentuerar vikten av att bringa klarhet i den begreppsoreda och de potentiella målkonflikter som följer av olika förståelser av grön omställning. Parallellt som dessa slutsatser summeras nedan framhålls områden där det krävs förstärkning av kunskap och forskning. Slutligen sammanfattas sju åtgärdsområden som kan vägleda ett kompetenslyft för klimatomställning i industriföretag.Kompetenslyft inom industrin behöver utgå från företagens kompetensbehovForskningsöversiktens slutsatser innebär att kompetenslyft inom företag behöver identifiera efterfrågan på grön kompetens i företag, uppmärksamma övergångar mellan utbildning och gröna jobb/yrken samt informeras av yrkesanalyser av gröna färdigheter, kompetenser och arbeten. För det andra fordrar kompetenslyft för grön omställning inom industrin systematisk kunskap om behov av lärande, och förutsättningar därmed för anställda inom industrin. Genom forskningsöversikten framgår en betydande kunskapslucka gällande grön omställning i förhållande till individers och gruppers motivation och drivkrafter (vilja) för att delta i kompetenslyft. För att möta denna utmaning krävs att incitament och stödstrukturer utvecklas för att främja att anställda väljer att omskola sig till gröna arbetsuppgifter och utvecklar gröna beteenden. Detta pekar också fram mot vikten av flexibla utbildningsinsatser som ibland kan innebära att anställda förbereds för gröna yrken som är i vardande. Exempel på sådana kurser finns numera inom svensk yrkeshögskola som framgent kan förväntas fylla en viktig funktion för flexibla och behovsstyrda utbildningsinsatser. För det tredje identifieras genom analysen av forskningsläget ett relativt förbisett behov av att utveckla mer kunskap om medarbetardriven innovation på arbetsplatser. Det innebär att fler grupper av arbetstagare som inte traditionellt driver innovation på arbetsplatser behöver läras upp och involveras i innovationsarbetet. Arbetstagarnas lärande i det dagliga arbetet måste därför stödjas och det är nödvändigt att de får tillgång till olika former av arbetsplatslärande varvat med inslag av formell utbildning.Parallella omställningssystem för industrins klimatomställning behöver gå i taktDet nationella utbildningssystemets gröna omställning behöver vara i samklang med den gröna omställning som sker i industriföretag. Behovet av samverkan är ingen nyhet utan förefaller tvärtom vara ett kroniskt problem. Just därför behövs framåtpekande lösningar på hur samordning kan ske mellan utbildningssidans respektive industrins engagemang för klimatomställningen. Rapporten behandlar denna ”stuprörs-problematik” dels på systemnivå, dels på en praktiknära nivå. På systemnivå behöver den oförutsägbarhet och komplexitet som omgärdar grön omställning i företag ses i ett helhetsperspektiv. Denna synvända innebär att företags gröna omställning inte ses som isolerat från den gröna omställning som måste ske i utbildningssystemet. I stället ses industrins klimatomställning som delar i ett omställningssystem där utbildningsinsatser inom nationella utbildningssystem och företag korsbefruktar och överlappar varandra. En modell för ett sådant systemperspektiv indikeras i rapporten (se figur 5.1, sid. 37).På en praktiknära nivå illustrerar forskningsöversikten innovativa forskningsprojekt där utbildningsanordnare inom universitet och yrkesutbildningar i samspel med företag tillsammans utvecklar korta utbildningsinsatser. Exempel är utveckling av skräddarsydda kurser för olika grupper av anställda och utbildningsanordnare och utveckling av digitala plattformar för masspridning av kunskaper om grön omställning. Andra insatser som sticker ut är externa utvecklingsprogram som designats för att stötta företagens gröna omställning eller hur studenter tagit en drivande roll i utvecklingsprojekt för att skapa gröna innovationer inom industriföretag. Företag kan vinna på att bjuda in studenter till arbetsplatser för att stärka kontaktytorna mellan utbildning och företag, och presumtiva medarbetare (studenter). Samtidigt pekar forskningsöversikten på vikten av att projektresultat blir hållbara över tid genom att föras in i och komma till nytta i företagens och utbildningsanordnarens reguljära verksamheter. Annars riskerar samverkansformer att upphöra när projekt avslutas. Ett liknande problem är uppskalning av metoder som utvecklats i samverkan mellan olika aktörer för att stötta företagens gröna omställning. Företagsbehov och metoder finns men det är brist på långsiktiga resurser och planer för att tillhandahålla metoderna och tillgodose behovet. Forskningsöversikten tydliggör också att svensk forskning om samverkan mellan utbildning och industriföretag kopplat till grön omställning är ytterst eftersatt. Det talar för vikten av att utveckla en mer etablerad plattform för sådan forskning.Att bringa klarhet i grön omställningEn betydande utmaning för denna rapport har varit att nå klarhet i den begreppsoreda som utmärker olika diskurser om grön omställning. Försök har därför gjorts för att bättre förstå begreppets olika betydelser och konsekvenser för satsningar på kompetenslyft inom industrin utifrån aktuell forskning. Tekniska färdigheter och kompetenser är grunden för klimatomställning inom industrin men teknikfokus behöver utvidgas med olika typer av relationell kompetens och förändringskompetens vilka påverkar hur tekniska kunskaper tillämpas och utvecklas. Gröna jobb och gröna kvalifikationer kan också vara fruktbara att förstå utmed ett kontinuum av yrken som kräver olika typer av gröna färdigheter. En mer mångfacetterad förståelse av gröna färdigheter och kompetenser kan också bidra till att undvika att gröna jobb främst likställs med jobb inom bio-näringen som varit vanligt i Sverige. Begreppsoredan gällande grön omställning kan också bero på att begreppet används på olika sätt inom policy-områden och på sätt som förstärker kända målkonflikter mellan exempelvis arbetsmiljö och klimatmålsättningar. Arbete med gröna jobb är inte automatiskt lika med god arbetsmiljö och goda arbetsförhållanden för anställda inom industrin. Återkommande i forskningsöversikten betonas att visionen om grön omställning måste relateras till de radikala systemförändringar som måste ske både inom utbildning och arbetsliv för att sociala hållbarhetsmål ska kunna förenas med klimat- och miljöhänsyn i enlighet med Agenda 2030. Det noteras att internationell forskning i andra världsdelar som Asien är mer radikala än Sverige i betoningen på att social och ekonomisk rättvisa samt gröna jobb måste gå hand i hand. Beträffande svenska förhållanden implicerar satsningar på grön omställning inom industrin att olika politikområden i arbetslivet behöver samverka för att uppnå positiva synergieffekter av internationellt sanktionerade ekologiska och sociala målsättningar.RekommendationerFöljande åtgärdsområden kan vara vägledande så att fler kan ta del av ett kompetenslyft för klimatomställning i industriföretag:·      Avsätt tillräckligt med medel för information. Potentialen för ett kompetenslyft att göra verklig skillnad för klimatet börjar i att informationen kommer fram till de som bäst behöver lyftet. Alla företag kommer dock inte själva att söka information även om det finns behov av kompetenshöjning i företaget – gäller framför allt små och medelstora företag. Men de kan nås av information i sina egna nätverk och agera därefter. Därför är det viktigt att de organisationer som befinner sig i företagens närhet informeras. Det finns många myndigheter, organisationer och nätverk som kan agera som informationsbärare. Dessa kan också nyttjas som inspiratörer och insiktsskapare samt lotsa vidare till nationella program så som Produktions- och Omställningslyftet och till utbildningsanordnare både inom och utanför utbildningssystemet.·      Skapa korta, flexibla och digitala kurser och utbildningar. Det finns ett tydligt behov av att utveckla korta, flexibla och digitala kurser för företag i samspel med aktörer inom utbildning för att bidra till klimatomställningen. Korta utbildningsinsatser är viktiga för vidareutbildning av anställda, och det kan fordra en mix av olika flexibla utbildningsinsatser, ibland på kort varsel, för att möta företagens kompetensbehov. Att utnyttja digitaliseringens möjligheter och digitala plattformar blir viktigt för att nå större grupper av individer som behöver kompetensutvecklas och omskolas. Yrkeshögskolan är en central nyckelaktör och kan fungera som ett viktigt komplement till det nationella utbildningssystemet för att hantera snabba omställningar inom olika yrken och kompetensbehov för grön omställning. Utbildningsaktör
  • Gustavsson, Maria, 1962- (författare)
  • Potentialer för lärande i processoperatörers arbete : En studie av operatörers lärande och arbete inom högautomatiserad processindustri
  • 2000
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation is concerned with potential for learning in process operator work. The purpose of this thesis is to study and contribute to increased understanding in different conditions which can be assumed to create potentials for learning in the daily work of the process operators' .The thesis presents a contextual perspective on learning based on situated learning and activity theory. Learning is in some sense both recreative and developmental. Recreative learning takes place in many daily situations where people become better at doing what they already do at work. In all work which, in some sense, is recreative, there is a trivial variation that may lead to a new understanding and the development of new approaches and working methods, but there is also something long-lasting that extends outside the situation and which mayencourage the development of activity systems and communities of practice.The empirical study is based on case studies of four teams at apaper mill. The four shift teams differ since they are located in different production environments with unique qualities and have different work organizational conditions. The study uses diaries, interviews, documents and informant interviews to collect empirical information.It appears from the results that the common characteristics shared by the shift teams predominate. One finding is that different positions and operators have access to different machines and workstations within the department. In many situations, the operators must balance what they are allowed to do and what they are able to do in the shift teams. In the teams, common competence is of great or even decisive importance for the cooperation that develops. Another important result is that there are differences between more experienced and less experienced operators. These differences are reflected in their action and interaction pattems, Le. what they do (and in particular do not do) and how interaction takes place between more experienced and less experienced operators in the shift teams.
  • Halvarsson Lundkvist, Agneta, 1961- (författare)
  • Learning Dynamics of Workplace Development Programmes : Studies in Swedish national programmes
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The thesis focuses on workplace development programmes (WPDPs) that operationalize national policies on workplace development. WPDPs are time-limited and they provide support to organizations that aim to improve their operational performance or employees’ work conditions. The support that such programmes provide to organizations consists of competence-development activities provided through networks, courses or hands-on coaching. The supported organizations aimed at changing work practices to increase their operational performance.Departing from a workplace-learning perspective, the overall aim of the thesis was to contribute to knowledge about learning in workplace development programmes and the supported organizations when realizing policies on workplace development. A qualitative multiple-case study design was used and a total of 115 interviews and notes from meetings are included in the data material. Four substudies made up the empirical base.The findings revealed that realizing policies on workplace development required continuous learning among stakeholders at different levels of the WPDPs. Thus, conditions that enabled learning were important throughout the whole WPDP, which was seen as a large, complex social learning system. Learning between different levels of the WPDP was especially important, which required stakeholder representatives with the appropriate qualifications or characteristics that enabled them to take on roles as brokers between the stakeholders involved in realizing the policy. The overall conclusion pointed towards the dynamics of realizing policies of workplace learning, which cannot be achieved by a one-size-fitsall model for learning.The findings imply that funders and other authorities that make policies on workplace development through WPDPs should scrutinize how learning among stakeholders that enter into partnership to operate WPDPs is to be facilitated. Linear plans that are not complemented with careful explanations of how such learning is to be facilitated may constitute warning signs. Furthermore, the findings imply that organizations looking for external support to develop the innovative capabilities of employees must be careful in choosing their support. A WPDP may consume the resources of an organization without providing any benefit, if it does not provide the appropriate support. On the other hand, a WPDP may be a great source for learning, particularly if it includes support in designing the change effort, and help in developing an internal support infrastructure that will continue supporting workplace development after the programme ends.
  • Nilsson, Peter, 1969-, et al. (författare)
  • Implementation of a magnet hospital model: attracting and retaining healthcare staff in a Swedish hospital
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Journal of Health Organization & Management. - : EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD. - 1477-7266 .- 1758-7247. ; 38:9, s. 329-343
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Purpose – Staff shortages in the healthcare sector increase the competition for qualified staff. A magnet hospital is intended to attract, and retain healthcare professionals. This article aims to investigate the challenges related to implementation of a magnet hospital model, and given these challenges, to analyse the interplay between different organisational levels in a Swedish hospital.Design/methodology/approach – The data collection followed the implementation of a magnet hospital model and consisted of 14 meeting observations, 31 interviews and 13 document analyses.Findings – The model implementation was driven by a top-down approach, with accompanying bottom-up activities, involving healthcare professionals, to ensure adaption to the hospital’s conditions at different organisational levels. The findings revealed that the model was more appealing to top management, seeking a standardised solution to attract and retain nurses. Clinic managers preferred tailor-made solutions for managing their employee resourcing challenges. Difficulties in translating and contextualising the model to the hospital’s conditions created challenges at every organisational level. Some were contained within a levelwhile others spread to the organisational level below and turned into something else.Originality/value – Apart from unique empirical material depicting the implementation of a magnet hospital model as an effort to attract and retain healthcare professionals, the value of this study lies in the attention given to the challenges that arise when responsibility for implementing a management model is shifted from top management to change agents tasked with facilitating and executing the organisational change.Keywords Magnet hospital model, Organisational change, Implementation, Employee resourcingPaper type Research paper
  • Persson-Thunqvist, Daniel, Biträdande professor, 1969-, et al. (författare)
  • Lokala industriers betydelse för yrkesutbildningen på orten
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv. - : Karlstads universitet. - 1400-9692 .- 2002-343X. ; 27:1, s. 26-46
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This study examines how upper secondary school vocational education prepares students for future industrial work in six municipalities in Sweden. The result provides a multifaceted picture of modern industrial work and how industrial contexts influence the design of vocational education. The conditions for students’ workplace-based learning varies depending on the size, working conditionsand production logic of industrial companies. In conclusion, different layers of impact processes are identified in the intersection between the school-industry-local community. They are linked to how the industries’ short-term and long-term competence needs, meet the needs of local communities and young people’s wishes.Keywords:Vocational education, Vocational learning, industrial work.
  • Persson-Thunqvist, Daniel, Professor, 1969-, et al. (författare)
  • The Role of VET in a Green Transition of Industry : A literature review
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training. - Berlin, Germany : European Educational Research Association. - 2197-8638 .- 2197-8646. ; 10:3, s. 361-382
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Purpose: This article examines the role of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in a green transition of industry. In the world of industry, battling climate change is often treated as a technical issue, but recent research on VET has tried to balance the technological paradigm with more human-centric approaches. The literature review addresses emergent VET research that presents various and partially competing perspectives on the purpose of VET in relation to climate change. Methods: We use an integrative literature review to investigate this complex topic. This technique is particularly useful for making sense of emergent research concepts, as well as various, and partially competing, theoretical and methodological approaches. It also allows us to incorporate literature from different countries and VET systems. The main search was performed in Scopus during March 2023, and included studies published within a timespan of eight years (2016–2023). Findings: Through a qualitative content analysis, we have identified five cross-cutting themes in the literature: Conceptualising ill-defined concepts of green jobs and skills; high-tech solutions in the movement towards a fourth industrial revolution versus inclusive growth for VET greening; towards sustainable work-based learning for green skills in VET; radical transformative approaches to a just green transition; and the co-creation of skill-formation ecosystems. The analysis has highlighted the ways in which VET can take on different roles in the green transition, and that these roles can be developed successively in parallel with a green transition in industry. In the development of the role of VET, it is also relevant to consider the contrast between transitional approaches and transformative approaches in VET research. While transitional approaches are recurrently marked by empirical research in specialised areas and subsystems within society, transformative approaches are characterised by a stronger focus on societal transformation (large-scale changes), power dynamics, and social justice. Conclusion: In conclusion, we suggest an analytical model that synthesises research on what role VET can play in a green transition of industry. The development model highlights that VET can take on different roles in a green transition and can gradually develop in parallel with a green transition in industry. 
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