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Sökning: WFRF:(Hägglund Solveig Professor)

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  • Elvstrand, Helene, 1971- (författare)
  • Delaktighet i skolans vardagsarbete
  • 2009
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Avhandlingens syfte är att belysa hur delaktighet kan ta sig uttryck i skolans vardagspraktik med fokus på både social och politisk delaktighet. Utgångspunkt för studien är att delaktighet är något som görs mellan aktörerna, dvs. eleverna och pedagogerna i skolan. Förutom att studera hur delaktighet görs lyfts även elevers erfarenhet av delaktighet fram samt vilka möjligheter och hinder som finns för elevers delaktighet i skolans vardag. Studiens resultat bygger på en etnografisk studie med elever som går i år 4-5 i grundskolan. Datamaterialet består av fältanteckningar, intervjuer, teckningar och skriftliga berättelser från eleverna, vilka analyserats med hjälp av Grounded Theory. Studiens resultat visar att delaktighet görs ständigt i skolans vardagsarbete vilket innefattar processer av att få vara med i en gemenskap men också motverkas genom exempelvis exkludering. Från elevernas perspektiv är social delaktighet betydelsefull och en källa till trivsel och välbefinnande i skolan. Elevers möjlighet till politisk delaktighet är begränsad framförallt i relation till vad elever kan ha inflytande över men även utifrån vilka som är delaktiga. Då formen för politisk delaktighet framförallt sker genom att elever inflytandeförhandlar dvs. på olika individualiserade sätt tar sig inflytande, blir följden att vissa elever upplever stor delaktighet medan andra är utestängda från beslutsfattande. Studien visar också att elevers sociala och politiska delaktighet är sammanlänkade då elever som är delaktiga i en kamratgemenskap också har större möjlighet att göra sin röst hörd i klassrummet och utöva politisk delaktighet.
  • Germundsson, Per, 1956- (författare)
  • Lärare, socialsekreterare och barn som far illa : om sociala representationer och interprofessionell samverkan
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of the thesis is, through use of the theory of social representations, to increase knowledge about the meeting between social workers and teachers, as professional groups, during collaboration with regard to the target group, children at risk. The thesis intends to capture the parties’ perceptions of one another and of that about which they are cooperating, as well as to discuss possible consequences of these perceptions in the context of interprofessional collaboration on children at risk. Empirical data was collected through an association study. The informants consisted of 200 teachers and social workers who had participated in various collaborative projects concerning the target group of children at risk. The study shows that the two professional groups have similar representations of children at risk. The social workers’ representations of the teachers are mostly positive, but the teachers are perceived, in many cases, to lack knowledge about social workers and their field of expertise. Teachers’ representations of social workers are colored to a much greater extent by negative associations. The negative image is primarily related to social services as an organization, not to social workers as individuals. In relation to the specific area of interprofessional collaboration on children at risk, the study indicates that the involved parties’ social representations play a significant role in the collaboration process. The research of this thesis has shown that the theory of social representations provides an effective framework for the study of the collaborating professionals’ group perceptions of one another and of children at risk. A preliminary model that seeks to illuminate the role of social representations, trust, and communication in the collaborative process has been presented.
  • Granbom, Ingrid (författare)
  • "Vi har nästan blivit för bra" : lärares sociala representationer av förskolan som pedagogisk praktik
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • En majoritet av svenska barn deltar i förskoleaktiviteter, vilket indikerar att förskolemiljön spelar en viktig roll för de erfarenheter barn får i sin vardag. Förskolans verksamhet baserar sig i hög grad på grundläggande värderingar och idéer beträffande bland annat barnuppfostran, förskolans uppdrag och synen på förskolans roll i samhället. Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva och analysera lärarnas konstruktion av mening och vardagskunskap beträffande förskolan som pedagogisk praktik. Fokus för den empiriska studien är hur delad kunskap om förskolan genereras och artikuleras av lärare som arbetar i förskolan. Den teoretiska ramen tar sin utgångspunkt i teorin om sociala representationer. Studien syftar till att svara på frågor om innehåll och teman i lärarnas samtal samt lyfta fram de kommunikativa resurser som används av deltagarna när de skapar en gemensam förståelse av vardagsarbetet i förskolan. Empirin i föreliggande studie utgörs av diskussioner i fokusgrupper. Sju grupper med sammanlagt 45 deltagare deltog i dessa fokusgruppsintervjuer. Resultatet visar att lärares samtal om förskolans yrkespraktik inkluderar underliggande sociala representationer. Ett antagande som är centralt i studien är att representationerna ligger till grund för hur arbetet organiseras och genomförs. Deltagarna i studien var arbetskamrater och deras diskussioner tog sin utgångspunkt i stimulusmaterial som jag tillhandahöll i syfte att stimulera diskussionen. En analys av data visar att lärarna utvecklar delade kunskapssystem vilket inkluderar olika, sinsemellan motsatta idéer och värderingar av förskolan som pedagogisk praktik. Begreppet relationella kategorier bidrar till att lyfta fram och synliggöra dessa motsatta idéer. De skall dock betraktas med utgångspunkt i ett ömsesidigt beroende och i relation till varandra snarare än särskiljande dikotomier. De relationella kategorierna formar kulturella antaganden utifrån vilka människor tänker och talar. Att tala utifrån en position innebär således att vi tar något för givet. Analysen resulterade i ett flertal relationella kategorier vilka tycks ha inverkan på lärares tal om sin praktik. I studien beskrivs även förankringsprocesser och kommunikativa resurser som deltagarna använder för att skapa gemensam förståelse för vardagsarbetet i förskolan. Resultatet visar att lärarna ger uttryck för två, sinsemellan olika, sociala representationer av förskolan som pedagogisk praktik: Förskolan som en plats för alla och Förskolan som en plats för några. Dessa båda representationer innefattar skilda representationer av barn och barns kompetenser, lärarens yrkesroll samt förskolans roll i samhället. Begreppet cognitive polyphasia bidrar tillatt belysa och beskriva relationen mellan stabil och föränderlig kunskap samt hur det kommer sig att lärarnas sociala representationer av förskolan framstår som ambivalenta och i viss mån t.o.m. motsägelsefulla. Studien bidrar till en fördjupad förståelse för den komplexa och dynamiska kunskap som involverar lärarens konstruktion av mening beträffande förskolan som pedagogisk praktik. Teorin om sociala representationer möjliggör analys och beskrivning av denna komplexitet.
  • Grannäs, Jan, 1967- (författare)
  • Framtidens demokratiska medborgare : Om ungdomar, medborgarskap och demokratifostran i svensk skola
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis attempts to deepen our understanding of the democratic assignment for Swedish schools. The school is a public space that all children and youth are a part of which gives it a prominent opportunity for fostering democratic citizens of the future. The purpose of the study is to increase the knowledge of this assignment, based on the students’ stories of how they experience it. The theoretical framework draws upon a spatial perspective and educational theory inspired by a radical view of democracy. A multiple case study was conducted based on three cases, chosen in order to achieve socioeconomic variation. A mixed method approach has been applied to the study: interviews, observations, documents and quantitative data have been analyzed using a thematic analysis framework. The results show that the democratic assignment of schools is complex and filled with legal, social, ideological, and ethical tensions. For the purpose of creating a school environment that meets the democratic assignment, systematic work and guidelines for school personnel, students, and parents appear to be necessary. The study has clearly shown that the conditions for the democratic assignment may differ markedly between schools and that peer socialization is of great importance for the outcome. The influence and potential of diversity on the democratic assignment of schools is clear. From a curriculum micro perspective, the study has brought attention to how the view of the (non-)competent student is relevant for the democratic assignment, as well as the bases on which this notion of (non-)competence rest. It is suggested that the view of the democratic assignment is extended, from a narrow focus on democratic decision-making processes to a wider focus that also takes into account the ongoing everyday negotiation processes between teachers and students that have impact on what is perceived as political action and democratic arenas.
  • Hansson, Susanne, 1976- (författare)
  • Den nödvändiga osäkerheten : Elevers perspektiv på respekt i relationer i skolan
  • 2012
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis deals with students’ views on respect as an element in their relationships with teachers and peers. The purpose of the thesis is to gain further knowledge of relationships in school by applying concepts of the theory of ethical demand in the analysis of students’ descriptions of respect in their relationships with their teachers and peers.The theoretical basis of the study is the theory of the ethical demand (Løgstrup, 1997) which is supplemented with Thomas Ziehe’s (1986/2003, 1993) theoretical concepts of proximity and distance in relationships. An important point of departure for the study is the meaning of relationships in education. According to Løgstrup, interrelationship is seen as a characteristic feature of human existence, and respect and trust as the natural basis in human relationships.The empirical material consists of 21 group interviews with 69 students aged 14 attending two Swedish schools. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured qualitative interviews aiming to understand the students’ perspective on respect in relationships in school.The results show that respect is described as a reciprocal phenomenon in the students’ relationships. The students’ starting-point was in experiences of disrespect, which indicates that it is difficult to describe respect. The students picture respectful relationships to teachers with a wish of being seen for who they are, e.g. by equal treatment, being listened to and existentially confirmed. The students’ disrespectful relationships to teachers deal with descriptions of teachers’ inability to listen, abuse of power, and teachers’ inability to teach with structure and planning. Respect in peer relations is described as allowing a person to be the way she or he is. Honesty is important in peer relations due to the students’ need to see the other person’s true self in order to get to know him or her, which is their starting point for respectful peer relations. The theoretical interpretation of these results gives an understanding of respect as an essentially human need to reciprocally affirming the life of one another.The overall conclusion is that respect is given a deeper understanding as a human phenomenon in relationships, something that goes beyond the students’ volition. Disrespectful relationships force the students to harbour mistrust and insecurity when interacting with peers and teachers. Respectful relationships in school are seen as necessary for the students’ possibilities to enjoy life.
  • Olsson, Åsa, 1962- (författare)
  • Barns levda medborgarskap : en studie av barns vardagskunskaper om olycksrisker och säkerhet
  • 2013
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Child safety is a well investigated field of research, as is the field of children’s citizenship. This study explores the intersection between these two areas. The aim of the study is to explore children’s lived citizenship from their everyday knowledge about injury risks and safety. The idea of "lived citizenship" refers to how children understand and negotiate rights and responsibilities, and to how they actually practice their citizenship in their daily lives. In the study, a concept of citizenship is used, defining it as composed of the following dimensions: rights, responsibilities, participation, identity, membership, equal status, respect, and recognition.In the study children in grades 2, 5 and 8 participated in focus group interviews. The results of the study suggest that, although the children had good awareness of risk and safety, they regarded risk as something largely positive, connecting it with opportunities for challenges and exciting adventures. School rules and also traffic rules were frequently called into question by the children, even though they were very well aware of the potential physical or legal consequences. The rules at the children’s sports clubs, in contrast, were not challenged.Talk of injury risks and safety may be understood as individual and collective identity work. When children told stories about injuries and accidents, they were also telling stories about themselves, who they were, and where they belonged. Being adventurous and daring gave status in the groups for both girls and boys. Drawing on the results an “action zone,” as an analytical concept is suggested. The action zone is about the physical and symbolic dynamic space where children can move and act independently. Some features of the action zone are proposed in terms of boundaries, boundary guards, (rules, norms and authorities), negotiation, boundary crossing, identity, self-management and situated agency. I argue that the concept puts focus on children’s lived citizenship as a whole and that the physical aspect of citizenship is emphasized.
  • Wagnsson, Stefan, 1969- (författare)
  • Föreningsidrott som socialisationsmiljö : En studie av idrottens betydelse för barns och ungdomars psykosociala utveckling
  • 2009
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overall purpose of this study was to examine organized youth sports in Sweden and the possible influences over time (2 years) on some of the intended socialisation effects in terms of children’s and adolescent’s self-esteem, perceived physical and social competence, self reported pro- and antisocial behaviours, self reported psychosomatic health, and use of alcohol and tobacco. In an attempt to capture some of the complex social interactions in sports, which undoubtedly leads to different socialisation experiences, an additional purpose of this study was to examine possible relations between children and adolescent athletes’ dispositional goal orientations (task and ego), perceived motivational climate in sports, perceived sport-specific competence, perceived prosocial coaching and presumptive psychosocial effect variables. This study’s theoretical framework was primarily based on previous works by Bronfenbrenner (1979, 1992, 1995, 2001), Bronfenbrenner and Morris (1998), Nicholls (1984, 1989) and Patriksson (1995). The design of the study was a three-occasion longitudinal multiple cohort design including elements of retrospective questions. Data was collected from pupils residing in schools situated in Western and Middle parts of Sweden. The sample was based on a randomly stratified sampling procedure and comprised of 1378 pupils in total (10-18 years) distributed in primary school, lower secondary school and upper secondary school. The answering rate was high (T1=85%; T2=80%; T3=80%), but wave non-response made it necessary to impute missing data values. In total 1212 respondents were included in the final analyses. The main results showed that sport socialisation effects on youth’s prosocial development in general were rather small, with some minor exception for perceived physical competence and smoking tobacco. Consequently the results challenge the public notion that participating in organized sport “builds character.” Results related to the specific sport environment, though showed that organized sports have the potential to act as a more positive socialisation arena. It is proposed that creating a mainly task-oriented motivational climate, and helping the individual to foster a balance between task- and ego-oriented goal orientations, will increase the probability that young athletes will perceive higher levels of competence. This will, in turn, enhance the chance that participation in organized sports will have a positive effect on youths’ psychosocial development.
  • Engdahl, Karin, 1958- (författare)
  • Förskolegården : En pedagogisk miljö för barns möten, delaktighet och inflytande
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis is the result of a study that considers children’s encounters with others; participation and influence in a pedagogical outdoor environment in three different preschool playgrounds. More specifically, a study is under-taken of how children’s encounters are shaped in the pedagogically adapted outdoor environment of the preschool with the focus on how children’s par-ticipation and influence finds expression in the preschool playground’s dif-ferent facilities. The physical environment is seen as meaningful and the focus is on which affordances arise in the physical environment related to facility. The study’s theoretical approach is based mainly on G. H. Mead’s social psychological theory and the meeting with the other which is com-bined with theories that call attention to the significance of the facility. An ethnographic method has been applied. By way of two years’ field studies, with a total of 78 days spent in the three different environments, data has been collected through observations and photography and by listening to, and talking with, children and preschool teachers. To participate in the chil-dren’s everyday life has been a precondition for understanding children’s different encounters and meeting places in the preschool playgrounds. On the basis of the analysed results, the study shows that all three preschool playgrounds had pedagogical outdoor environments which were designed so that the majority of the facilities gave a variety of offerings, something that contributed to different children being able to relate to, and find, their own affordances in different facilities. The results of the study also show that the majority of preschool children in the studied activities were socially compe-tent and good negotiators. Thereby, they were shown to have good precondi-tions for participating and exercising influence in the day-to-day outdoor activities. At the same time, the study results demonstrate that the children’s agency and interaction at all three preschool playgrounds are determined on the basis of the level of recognition they received in their encounter with other children and in the encounter with teachers.
  • Engström, Karin, 1949- (författare)
  • Delaktighet under tvång : om ungdomars erfarenheter i barn- och ungdomspsykiatrisk slutenvård
  • 2008
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Participation under coercion. On young people’s experiences in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient care.  The aim of the dissertation is to study young people’s experiences of participation under coercion in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient care and to discuss these in relationship to the potential senses of participation and the conditions applying to encounters in care. It takes as its theoretical point of departure Gadamer’s texts on medical encounters, von Wright’s texts on participation as an intersubjective phenomenon that is related to the creation of meaning and Buber’s texts on interhuman encounters. The dissertation is based on two empirical studies. The first consisted of interviews with 21 young people in the 14-18 age group who were patients in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient care; ten of them involuntarily, eleven voluntarily admitted. The interviews dealt with the following areas: coercion, participation, meaning and encounters in care. The second study involved an analysis of the ambitions of the health care system with regard to participation and encounters with patients as expressed in the legal regulations applying to the health and medical services and the guidelines on professional ethics for different categories of staff. Analysis of the empirical material was based on a hermeneutic approach. The young people’s experiences of their care revealed that they rarely have any knowledge of the legal conditions that apply or about their rights, irrespective of whether they are voluntary or committed patients. One recurrent experience is lack of clarity about the reason for the treatment and what it is intended to do. Despite these shortcomings in their participation, some of the young people view their treatment as important and at times even lifesaving. Analysis of the ambitions of the health care system shows that the focus in the current regulations is placed on the self-determination and autonomy of the patients. There is rarely any description of the importance of a dialogue or of collaboration with the patient. Analysis of the material as a whole reveals that three senses can be attributed to participation in the care situation studied: participation as a right, participation as involvement and participation as meaning. The dissertation discusses how participation in these three senses can find expression in encounters between young people and staff. If participation is to be possible, a relation and an interhuman encounter is required which is characterised by truth, frankness and lack of pretence. This shows how important it is for young people undergoing coercive treatment to be able to meet individuals who can see and acknowledge them as subjects with an entitlement to participate. This can offer possibilities for the creation of meaning in treatment that has not always been sought but which can still be experienced as meaningful.
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doktorsavhandling (20)
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (22)
Hägglund, Solveig, P ... (17)
Hägglund, Solveig (4)
Chaib, Mohamed, Prof ... (3)
Löfdahl, Annica, Pro ... (2)
Löfdahl, Annica (2)
Garpelin, Anders, Pr ... (2)
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Sandberg, Gunilla, 1 ... (1)
Wagnsson, Stefan, 19 ... (1)
Sporre, Karin, Profe ... (1)
Elvstrand, Helene, 1 ... (1)
Franzén, Karin (1)
Engström, Karin, 194 ... (1)
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Germundsson, Per, 19 ... (1)
Engdahl, Karin, 1958 ... (1)
Dahl, Marianne, 1954 ... (1)
Grannäs, Jan, 1967- (1)
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Patriksson, Göran, P ... (1)
Colnerud, Gunnel, Pr ... (1)
Andersson, Sven, Pro ... (1)
von Wright, Moira, P ... (1)
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Johansson, Ulla, Pro ... (1)
Granbom, Ingrid (1)
Bergenheim, Åsa, pro ... (1)
Hansson, Susanne, 19 ... (1)
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