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Sökning: WFRF:(Skånberg Kristian)

  • Resultat 1-10 av 13
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  • Ekener, Elisabeth, et al. (författare)
  • Ömsesidiga beroenden mellan olika hållbarhetsperspektiv : Möjligheter att genom kunskaper om synergier och trade-offs mellan olika globala hållbarhetsmål förbättra förutsättningarna att nå Agenda 2030 i sin helhet
  • 2019
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med detta arbete är att utforska hur kunskapen om beroenden mellan några utvalda mål inom FNs 17 globala hållbarhetsmål (Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs) skulle kunna användas för svensk policyutveckling, med avsikt att förbättra möjligheten att nå de uppsatta målen. De utvalda målen är SDG 5 Jämställdhet och SDG 10 Minskad ojämlikhet å ena sidan, i förhållande till de mål som i första hand motsvaras av de svenska miljökvalitetsmålen; SDG 3 Hälsa och välbefinnande, SDG 13 Bekämpa klimatförändringarna, SDG 14 Hav och marina resurser samt SDG 15 Ekosystem och biologisk mångfald. Arbetet bygger på resultaten från en tidigare fas, där ömsesidiga beroenden mellan 6 utvalda mål av de 17 hållbarhetsmålen identifierades. Analysen gjordes på delmålsnivå, där de delmål som bedömdes vara relevanta i svensk kontext för de aktuella hållbarhetsmålen valdes ut. Resultat från den tidigare analysen visar på i huvudsak positiva, förstärkande kopplingar mellan målen (synergier). I ett relativt stort antal fall bedömdes kopplingarna vara obefintliga, eller så svaga att de inte beaktades. På ett fåtal ställen återfanns negativa kopplingar, det vill säga ”trade-offs”. Dessa bedömdes mestadels vara möjliga att undvika genom ett hållbarhetsinriktat policy-ramverk. Effekter, som på kort sikt skulle kunna vara negativa, bedömdes kunna undvikas genom kompensatoriska åtgärder. Huvuddelen av arbetet i denna fas utgörs av intervjuer med personer aktiva inom policyutveckling. De intervjuade personerna valdes ut baserat på deras kunskap och insikt om styrdokument och processer för att förbättra samhällets styrning inom kopplingar mellan de identifierade hållbarhetsmålen. Intervjuerna kompletterades med en internationell utblick genom exempel från Asien, Colombia och Finland. Resultatet från intervjuerna och litteraturstudien i steg 2 pekar på att det ännu gjorts mycket lite på policynivå, både internationellt och i Sverige, för att hantera sambanden och kopplingarna mellan de olika hållbarhetsmålen i Agenda 2030. För svensk del pekas budgetpropositionen ut som det viktigaste styrdokumentet för förbättring, eftersom det är på hög nationell nivå som hållbarhetsfrågor bör hanteras och styras, och det är där medel kan tillsättas. Det har även föreslagits en tydligare styrning mot mer samverkan mellan olika aktörer, samt mer tvärvetenskaplig forskning kring samverkansvinsterna och hur de lättare ska kunna uppnås. De insatser som gjorts hittills för att integrera Agenda 2030 i svensk politik anses inte som tillräckligt genomgripande. Agenda 2030-delegationens arbete anses inte ha haft tillräcklig med resurser och inflytande. Regionala och kommunala nivåer har identifierats som viktiga för att operationalisera både Mål 5 och Mål 10. Länsstyrelserna och SKL (Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting) är viktiga aktörer på det området, och kan utgöra en viktig länk mellan nationell och regional/lokal nivå. Avslutningsvis gör vi reflektionen att det är intressant att vår studie efterfrågats, och att vi fann material att studera. Vi ser det som ett gott tecken på att Agenda 2030-arbetet har startat och engagerar. De 17 hållbarhetsmålen beskrivs i Agenda 2030 som universella, transformativa och odelbara. Det sistnämnda innebär att de, för att kunna uppnås, måste hanteras tillsammans. Vi hoppas att vårt arbete kan vara ett steg på vägen för att nå dit. 
  • Hagbert, Pernilla, Dr, 1986-, et al. (författare)
  • Futures Beyond GDP Growth : Final report from the research program 'Beyond GDP Growth: Scenarios for sustainable building and planning'
  • 2019
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • A future society no longer based on economic growth – what would that look like?The research program “Beyond GDP Growth: Scenarios for sustainable building and planning” (www.bortombnptillvaxt.se) is a strong research environment funded by the Swedish Research CouncilFormas, which has run between 2014 and 2018. In collaboration with societal partners, the program hasgathered researchers from diferent disciplines to explore key issues and conditions for planning for asustainable future beyond GDP growth. This is a relevant contribution to a largely under-researchedarea, where few scientific studies have explored what a sustainable society could look like, and what asustainable economy that is not based on growth might actually mean.In economic and political discussions, the notion of continuous economic growth is often taken forgranted and seen as a prerequisite for a safe and sustainable societal development. At the same time,a blind faith in and expectations surrounding growth can constitute a threat to the development of asustainable society if growth declines. Also an optimistic prognosis from the OECD indicates that it islikely that future GDP growth will be lower than what has come to be seen as the normal level duringthe second half of the 20th century. Declining economic growth could mean risks for increased socialgaps and unemployment. However, economic models show that the possibilities for handling these risksincrease if there is an awareness of them, and if this is addressed politically. Therefore, it is important tonot just assume continued economic growth, but to plan also for alternative scenarios.A starting point for the research program has been an understanding of the significant transitionsneeded to approach a safe and just operating space for humanity within planetary boundaries. Fourgoals that should be met in order to consider the societal development sustainable were specified: twoenvironmental goals related to climate and land use, and two social goals regarding power, influence andparticipation, and welfare and resource security.Four scenarios for Sweden 2050 were developed, which show the diferent directions society could taketo reach the set sustainability goals. The scenarios illustrate future societies that do not have to build onthe current economic logic, but that instead are centred around four alternative strategies:Collaborative EconomyLocal Self-SufciencyAutomation for Quality of LifeCircular Economy in the Welfare StateSo, can we reach the selected sustainability targets in the four future scenarios? A transformation ofhistorical proportions are needed – and it needs to start immediately. According to the sustainabilityassessment conducted within the project, the environmental goals of climate and land use can be reachedin all scenarios, even though it demands changing multiple parameters at the same time. Nothing pointsto it being impossible or generally difcult to achieve the social goals in the four scenarios, however theremight be diferent aspects that are particularly tricky. There are both development potentials and risks,which can be diametrically opposite for diferent social groups and parts of the country, depending onthe local prerequisites.Many diferent images of sustainable futures are needed. The scenarios should be seen as a tool fordiscussion and analysis when it comes to planning for a sustainable societal development beyondGDP growth. They challenge notions of what is possible, what changes that can and should be made,6what decisions that are needed and what should be prioritized. The scenarios all suggest a largechange compared the current development trajectory, and for example all point towards the need forredistribution of resources. It might involve economic resources, but could also relate to power andinfluence over production, or the possibility to use land for production of food, materials and energy.This redistribution could happen according to diferent principles in the diferent scenarios.In all the scenarios, the consumption of goods and of meat is reduced. Flight travel also needs to bedrastically reduced to reach the climate target. There is furthermore a need for reducing the constructionof both housing and road infrastructure, although to varying extents in the four scenarios. Other aspectssuch as working hours, the organization of welfare systems, the characteristics of the built environmentand the amount of infrastructure needed are on the other hand diferent in the diferent scenarios.The research program has explored what a development that isn't based on economic growth, in linewith the strategies that are depicted in the scenarios, would mean for rural as well as urban conditions.Three case study municipalities were selected with regards to their diferent geographical location,built form, economic development and size of the population: Övertorneå, Alingsås and Malmö. Insome sub-studies in these diferent contexts, descriptions emerged of cognitive as well as structuralbarriers, a sense of powerlessness and a weak capacity for transition among diferent actors. This isconnected to expectations and general assumptions regarding growth, partly irrespective of the context.Municipalities and companies to a large extent plan for and expect a societal development that buildsupon a further expansion of infrastructure, transport and consumption. Despite visions for sustainabledevelopment, in practice this often leads to a reproduction of current unsustainable structures and waysof life.At the same time, specific empirical studies within the project point toward stories of self-sufciency,of regional upswings and that the population is more important than GDP. There is an increasedawareness and a multitude of examples of experimenting with new sustainable practices that constituteseeds for change. Critiques against planning for continuous growth is being taken more seriously andclearer political visions are demanded. New forms of organizing the economy, society and welfare arealso being developed. Some examples include working from a perspective on socio-ecological justice,integration of sustainability targets in all planning, and developing new roles for consumers andproducers. These ideas can be seen as windows of opportunity, but also show that change can happenwithin the current system.The future means change. In this research program, we point towards some possible futures that aimat reaching certain sustainability targets. The scenarios and the discussion and analysis that they havebrought about show that there is an opportunity to move towards a sustainable development withmaintained or even increased well-being – provided that the understanding of well-being is based onother values than those of our current society. For these possible future trajectories to gain support,there is a need of political instruments and measures that actively drive the development towards a justand safe operating space for humanity
  • Hellstrand, Stefan, et al. (författare)
  • A biophysically anchored production function
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Environment, Development and Sustainability. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1387-585X .- 1573-2975. ; 12:4, s. 573-596
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The first part presents a conceptual model of the economic system in its ecological and social context. It is developed via an integration of basic concepts in physical resource theory, animal and human physiology, economic theory and systems ecology. The capacity of the model to support analysis of such complex systems where life is a key system characteristic is high. The conceptual model shows the dependency of the human economy on support by non-renewable and renewable resources from Nature (i. e. ecological source restrictions), as well as the capacity of ecosystems to assimilate wastes (ecological sink restrictions). The analysis focuses general principles; thus, the high level of abstraction results in an apparent simplicity. In the second part, we integrate traditional economic production functions and the conceptual model, which results in the formulation of a biophysically anchored production function (BAPF). The BAPF by itself, and through the system of ecological economic accounts that can be derived from it, represent a toolbox that supports the operationalisation of a sustainable development from micro to macro level. It is coherent with Impredicative Loop Analysis, existing management systems within agricultural sciences, OECD's principles for sustainable development and the approach of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Compared to analytical approaches used in the formulation of sustainability policies in the private and public sphere, based on conceptual models ignoring the complexity when life (bios) is a defining system characteristic, its relevance for the operationalisation of sustainable development approaches infinity. The third part presents results from statistical analysis of relations between gross domestic product and energy supply and some emissions, respectively, for different nations and time periods, delivering values on levels and trends for parameters in the BAPF as well as a first test of the relevance of the BAPF proposed. The paper is ended by a theoretical analysis of the costs of provoking an economic system working under ecological source and sink restrictions to follow exponential growth: The need to decouple economic growth from natural resource use and emissions is highlighted. Otherwise, the erosion of the ecological foundation of the economy with regard to source as well as sink aspects will be a function of exponential growth
  • Skånberg, Kristian, et al. (författare)
  • Expanding the IPAT identity to quantify backcasting sustainability scenarios
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Futures & Foresight Science. - : Wiley. - 2573-5152 .- 2573-5152. ; 4:2
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper builds on four qualitative backcasting scenarios that illustrate sustainable futures in a Swedish setting. The paper complements the originally qualitative scenarios by developing an eight‐step modified and expanded IPAT model—originally describing environmental impact as a product of population, affluence, and technology—that also enables quantitative descriptions of the scenarios. The modified and expanded IPAT model is used to show how the scenarios can stay within the climate aspect of sustainability. The result is quantified descriptions of the development paths of energyrelated carbon dioxide emissions, working hours, man‐made capital stocks, recycled and nonrecycled materials used, and different types of energy used in the four scenarios. The four main findings are (a) the back‐bone instrument in making the energy system fossilfree will, in all scenarios, substitute fossil energy with renewable energy; (b) however, to succeed with that it is necessary to use different mixes of many complementary climate policy instruments; (c) IPAT models can be modified and expanded in many different ways to act as quantitative descriptions of different technological developments and social changes in scenario exercises; (d) by disregarding gross domestic product as a proxy for affluence, and replacing it with labor and capital, behavioral concepts like sharing and prolonged product lifetimes can more easily be introduced as climate policy options in a modified and expanded IPAT model.
  • Skånberg, Kristian, et al. (författare)
  • Integrated sustainability assessment of a circular economy
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Handbook of the Circular Economy. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing. ; , s. 147-161
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Governments and businesses are acknowledging that the prevailing ’linear systems of resource use’ expose our societies to serious risks. Resource constraints and increasing volumes of waste and pollution pose a threat to people’s well-being and businesses’ competitiveness and sustainability efforts. The ’circular economy’, conversely, is described as an industrial system that is circular in the cradle-to-cradle-recyclability sense by intention and design. This chapter focuses on some assessed integrated impacts - possible societal benefits - that a transformation from a linear to a circular economy might result in. This has been done by applying “what-if-scenarios” into a for this purpose constructed interactive input–output model with a number of changes linked to a circular economy implemented in the model. The model has then been applied to eight European economies showing close to 70% reductions in CO2-emissions while offering new and additional employment and improving the trade balance of fossil-fuels-importing countries.
  • Stenberg, Erik, 1969-, et al. (författare)
  • En ny plattform för att lösa bostadsfrågan : En antologi om samverkan kring bo- och byggnadsfrågor
  • 2019
  • Rapport (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Bakgrund: Hur hamnade vi här (sid 16-28)av Carl-Johan Engström, Kristian Skånberg och Erik StenbergByggandet utgör en stor delav de svenska samhälleligainvesteringarna. Boendet ståri sin tur för den enskilt störstaposten i de flestas hushållsbudget.Detta gör att det sammantagethandlar om mycket stora pengaroch resursflöden kopplade tillhållbarhetsfrågor. Det rör ocksåde miljöer där de flesta människortillbringar merparten av sina liv,med alla de beröringspunkter kringsocial hållbarhet som detta för medsig. Det gör förändringar mycket angelägna.Byggandet: Kolsänka och energiproducentav Victoria Kalén och Erik Stenberg (sid 55-61)Bygg- och fastighetssektorn stårför en stor del av samhälletsutsläpp av växthusgaser. År 2015var de inhemska utsläppen avväxthusgaser ca 11,1 miljonerton koldioxidekvivalenter. Detmotsvarade 18 procent av Sverigestotala utsläpp av växthusgaser.Lägger vi till utsläppen som byggochfastighetssektorn genererarutomlands så blir totalen över 20miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter.Boverkets miljöindikatorer visaratt bygg- och fastighetssektornsmiljöpåverkan ökat ytterligaresedan dess. Dessutom kommervia de globala varukedjorna förbyggmaterial ytterligare uppemot 10miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter ini den svenska byggprocessen årligen.Ur ett konsumtionsperspektiv äralltså de byggrelaterade utsläppenännu högre.Hela rapporten:En ny plattform för att lösa bostadsfrågan är en antologi skriven av sex författare i samråd med Global Utmanings programråd för Hållbara Städer. Antologin tar avstamp i bostadsfrågan ur ett historiskt perspektiv och belyser frågan utifrån den gemensamma strategin för en hållbara omställning – Agenda 2030. Plattformen hanterar en såväl ekonomisk, som social och miljömässig omställning av ”bostadsfrågan”, det vill säga boendet, byggandet och stadsutvecklingen. Antologin innehåller dels förslaget till plattform för samverkan och dels fem bidrag som konkretiserar problem och utmaningar.
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populärvet., debatt m.m. (2)
Skånberg, Kristian (13)
Finnveden, Göran (6)
Malmaeus, Mikael (5)
Gunnarsson-Östling, ... (5)
Malmqvist, Tove, 196 ... (5)
Fauré, Eléonore (5)
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Hagbert, Pernilla (4)
Öhlund, Erika (4)
Bradley, Karin, 1975 ... (4)
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Hornborg, Alf (3)
Alfredsson, Eva (3)
Isaksson, Karolina (3)
Aretun, Åsa (3)
Nyblom, Åsa (3)
Katzeff, Cecilia, As ... (2)
Fuehrer, Paul, 1963- (2)
Ekener, Elisabeth, 1 ... (2)
Fuehrer, Paul (2)
Buhr, Katarina (2)
Stigson, Peter (2)
Callmer, Åsa, 1982- (2)
Hedberg, Marie (2)
Isaksson, Karolina, ... (2)
Svenfelt, Åsa, PhD, ... (2)
Bradley, Karin (1)
Nilsson, Måns (1)
Alfredsson, Eva, 196 ... (1)
Wijkman, Anders (1)
Carlsen, Henrik (1)
Aretun, Åsa, 1970- (1)
Ekener, Elisabeth (1)
Gunnarsson-Östling, ... (1)
Brandão, Miguel (1)
Weitz, Nina (1)
Hellstrand, Stefan (1)
Katzeff, Cecilia (1)
Berglund, Mårten (1)
Callmer, Åsa (1)
Gunnarsson-Östling, ... (1)
Svenfelt, Åsa, 1968- (1)
Engström, Carl-Johan (1)
Hagbert, Pernilla, D ... (1)
Feuhrer, Paul (1)
Drake, Lars (1)
Bosaeus, Malin (1)
Ölund, Erika (1)
Stenberg, Erik, 1969 ... (1)
Kalén, Victoria (1)
Nordling, Carolina (1)
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