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Träfflista för sökning "AMNE:(ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Other Engineering and Technologies Food Engineering) "

Sökning: AMNE:(ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Other Engineering and Technologies Food Engineering)

  • Resultat 1-10 av 1476
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  • Viklund, Gunilla, et al. (författare)
  • Acrylamide in crisps: Effect of blanching studied on long-term stored potato clones
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. - : Elsevier BV. - 0889-1575 .- 1096-0481. ; 23:2, s. 194-198
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Acrylamide, a probable carcinogen, is formed via the Maillard reaction between reducing sugars and the amino acid asparagine during heating of carbohydrate-rich foods. Potatoes contain high levels of these precursors, and thus potato crisps can contain high levels of acrylamide. In this study, the effect of blanching on the concentration of precursors and acrylamide content was studied in three potato clones stored at 4 degrees C or 8 degrees C. After 6, 12 and 18 weeks of storage, potatoes were sliced and blanched for 3 min in water at 80 degrees C and deep-fat fried for 3 min at an initial frying temperature of 180 degrees C and a final frying temperature of 160 degrees C. Blanching reduced the acrylamide content by 51-73%. Interestingly, blanching affected the levels of the precursor sugars and asparagine, but not the acrylamide content to the same extent. The reduction of precursors was 17-66%. This may be due to restriction of the transport of precursors to the surface, as the availability of precursors for reactions is crucial for acrylamide formation. In conclusion, blanching was an efficient way to reduce acrylamide content in potato crisps, in addition to using potatoes low in asparagine and reducing sugars. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Skoglund, Tomas (författare)
  • Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of Liquid Food Process Lines
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In the present work a dynamic model library of components for process lines was developed. The analysis addressed characteristic aspects of liquid food process lines, and new models were developed for fluid transitions, dispersion, mixing zones and first-order chemical reactions in pipes and heat exchangers. The computational efficiency and accuracy of the models were analysed. It was demonstrated that classical models of fluid propagation in process lines could be combined with modern numerical methods to obtain computationally efficient dynamic models for the simulation of dispersed convective flow, with and without chemical reactions. In particular it was demonstrated that a transport delay model was well suited for the simulation of thermal transients due to fluid transitions in heat exchangers. It was shown that the model could be extended to account for dispersion with a method that, although classical in approach, enables a certain freedom in the choice of degree of discretization depending on the demand for accuracy vs. computational speed. Further extension of the model with first-order chemical reactions to account for microbial deactivation was demonstrated. The usefulness of the dispersed-convection model to predict the extent of mixing zones and the amount of product rejects in continuous processing was demonstrated. The relevance concerning product traceability is discussed and the concept ?fuzzy traceability? introduced.
  • Song, Xiao, et al. (författare)
  • Food desires and hedonic discrimination in virtual reality varying in product–context appropriateness among older consumers
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Foods. - : MDPI. - 2304-8158. ; 11:20
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Immersive virtual reality (VR) videos can replicate complex real-life situations in a systematic, repeatable and versatile manner. New product development trajectories should consider the complexities of daily life eating situations. The creation of immersive contexts of a product with varying levels of appropriateness could be a useful tool for product developers in evaluating the extent to which context may influence food acceptance and eating behavior. This study explored virtual reality (VR) as an efficient context-enhancing technology through evaluations of protein-enriched rye breads and compared the effects of a VR-simulated congruent (VR restaurant) and incongruent (VR cinema) contexts on the acceptance in older consumers. A total of 70 participants were immersed in the two VR contexts and a neutral control context in a randomized order. The responses indicating the desire and liking for rye breads were measured, and the extent of immersion during context exposure was assessed by levels of the sense of presence and engagement. Immersive VR induced positive sensations of presence and a heightened level of engagement. The VR restaurant and neutral contexts were perceived as more appropriate for consuming rye breads and induced higher desire and liking for rye breads, which supported the notion of the alignment of congruent contexts with food desire and liking. The study provides new perspectives, practical methodologies, and discoveries in regard to the creation and application of VR-immersed contexts in food product evaluation. Moreover, it focused on a consumer segment (older consumers) that has seldom been investigated in previous relevant studies. The findings suggest that immersive VR technology, as a tool for evaluating contextual factors, is important for new product development. The good user experience among older consumers further indicated the potential value of VR as a context-enhancing tool for product development.
  • Trigo, João Pedro, 1995, et al. (författare)
  • Mild blanching prior to pH-shift processing of Saccharina latissima retains protein extraction yields and amino acid levels of extracts while minimizing iodine content
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Food Chemistry. - : Elsevier BV. - 0308-8146 .- 1873-7072. ; 404
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The seaweed Saccharina latissima is often blanched to lower iodine levels, however, it is not known how blanching affects protein extraction. We assessed the effect of blanching or soaking (80/45/12 °C, 2 min) on protein yield and protein extract characteristics after pH-shift processing of S. latissima. Average protein yields and extract amino acid levels ranked treatments as follows: blanching-45 °C ∼ control > soaking ∼ blanching-80 °C. Although blanching-45 °C decreased protein solubilization yield at pH 12, it increased isoelectric protein precipitation yield at pH 2 (p < 0.05). The former could be explained by a higher ratio of large peptides/proteins in the blanched biomass as shown by HP-SEC, whereas the latter by blanching-induced lowering of ionic strength, as verified by a dialysis model. Moreover, blanching-45 °C yielded a protein extract with 49 % less iodine compared with the control extract. We recommend blanching-45 °C since it is effective at removing iodine and does not compromise total protein extraction yield.
  • Lindborg, PerMagnus, 1968- (författare)
  • A taxonomy of sound sources in restaurants
  • Ingår i: Applied Acoustics. - 0003-682X .- 1872-910X.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Restaurants are complex environments where all our senses are engaged. Physical and psychoacoustic factors have been shown to be associated with perceived environmental quality in restaurants. More or less designable sound sources such as background music, voices, and kitchen noises are believed to be important in relation to the overall perception of the soundscape. Previous research publications have suggested typologies and other structured descriptions of sound sources for some environmental contexts, such as urban parks and offices, but there is no detailed account that is relevant to restaurants. While existing classification schemes might be extendable, an empirical approach was taken in the present work. We collected on-site data in 40 restaurants (n = 393), including perceptual ratings, free-form annotations of characteristic sounds and whether they were liked or not, and free-form descriptive words for the environment as a whole. The annotations were subjected to analysis using a cladistic approach and yielded a multi-level taxonomy of perceived sound sources in restaurants. Ten different classification taxa were evaluated by comparing the respondents' Liking of sound sources, by categories defined in the taxonomy, and their Pleasantness rating of the environment as a whole. Correlation analysis revealed that a four-level clade was efficient and outperformed alternatives. Internal validation of the Pleasantness construct was made through separate ratings (n = 7) of on-site free-form descriptions of the environment. External validation was made with ratings from a separate listening experiment (n = 48). The two validations demonstrated that the four-level Sound Sources in Restaurants (SSR) clade had good construct validity and external robustness. Analysis  of the data revealed two findings. Voice-related characteristic sounds including a ‘people’ specifier were more liked than those without such a specifier (d = 0.14 SD), possibly due to an emotional crossmodal association mechanism. Liking of characteristic sounds differed between the first and last annotations that the respondents had made (d = 0.21 SD), which might be due to an initially positive bias being countered by exposure to a task inducing a mode of critical listening. We believe that the SSR taxonomy will be useful for field research and simulation design. The empirical findings might inform theory, specifically research charting the perception of sound sources in multimodal environments.
  • Williams, Helén, et al. (författare)
  • Consumer Perceptions of Food Packaging : Contributing to or Counteracting Envir onmentally Sustainable Development?
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Packaging technology & science. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 0894-3214 .- 1099-1522. ; 29:1, s. 3-23
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Packaging has a fundamental role in ensuring safe delivery of goods throughout supply chains to the end consumer in good condition. It also has great potential to contribute to sustainable development. This paper explores and provides insights on Swedish consumer perceptions and knowledge of environmental aspects of food packaging and elaborates on how these can contribute to or counteract environmentally sustainable development. A study based on a consumer survey carried out in Sweden is presented. A review of recent packaging research emphasizes the protective function of packaging as its most important contribution to the environmental dimension of sustainable development. Contrary to this, consumers almost exclusively refer to the packaging material when it comes to their perceptions of the environmental impact of packaging. Paper-based packaging is strongly understood by the surveyed consumers to be environmentally advantageous, whereas plastic and metal are not. This study further indicates that a majority of the Swedish consumers surveyed are aware of their shortcomings in judging the environmental status of food packaging, indicating a need for guidance; otherwise, consumer choices can unintendedly counteract environmentally sustainable intentions
  • Månsson, Tommie, 1987 (författare)
  • Supermarket refrigeration systems for demand response in smart grids
  • 2020
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • With an increasing share of intermittent renewable energy sources in the electrical grid, the need for adapting the demand to the available supply of electricity becomes increasingly important. Within this thesis, the demand response capacity by supermarket refrigeration systems are investigated and methods for enabling it is developed. Article 1 explores the temperature control system in depth, concluding that the majority (80.5 %) of return air temperature sensors in RDCs were located in an area where a thermal gradient interfere with the perceived temperature, i.e. the temperature readings falsely indicated a higher return air temperature than the actual mean temperature of the passing air. The issue is analysed in detail and mitigated through a strategic re-positioning of the affected temperature sensors. Article 2 presents a computationally efficient yet accurate dynamic hygro-thermal model of an RDC with the capability to include effects of door openings. Thus, the model contributes to enabling demand response by supermarkets as it could provide the forecasts of the necessary temperature constraints, limiting the duration for which the supermarket could attend to a demand response request. Article 3 presents a field study where wireless gyroscopes were attached to the RDC doors in an operational supermarket to record the speed, duration, angle and frequency that the doors are operated at. Novel insights in significant differences in behaviour between medium and low temperature RDCs could be concluded. Article 4 presents a method for the thermal characterisation of RDCs based on an adaption of the Co-Heating methodology. The method evaluates infiltration rates within the 10 % limit compared with the condensate collection method. In addition, data on thermal performance, such as the heat transfer coefficient for the envelope and its thermal inertia, can be measured in a systematic way. The thesis together with the four appended articles presents a suite for the evaluation of temperature development in refrigerated display cabinets in operational supermarkets, which represents the main constrain for the demand response capacity.
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