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Search: AMNE:(NATURAL SCIENCES Computer and Information Sciences Human Computer Interaction)

  • Result 1-10 of 5480
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  • Rexhepi, Hanife, 1984-, et al. (author)
  • Cancer patients’ information seeking behavior related to online electronic healthcare records
  • 2021
  • In: Health Informatics Journal. - : Sage Publications. - 1460-4582 .- 1741-2811. ; 27:3, s. 1-12
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Patients’ online access to their EHR together with the rapid proliferation of medical information on the Internet has changed how patients use information to learn about their health. Patients’ tendency to turn to the Internet to find information about their health and care is well-documented. However, little is known about patients’ information seeking behavior when using online EHRs. By using information horizons as an analytical tool this paper aims to investigate the information behavior of cancer patients who have chosen to view their EHRs (readers) and to those who have not made that option (non-readers). Thirty interviews were conducted with patients. Based on information horizons, it seems that non-reading is associated with living in a narrower information world in comparison to readers. The findings do not suggest that the smallness would be a result of active avoidance of information, or that it would be counterproductive for the patients. The findings suggest, however, that EHRs would benefit from comprehensive linking to authoritative health information sources to help users to understand their contents. In parallel, healthcare professionals should be more aware of their personal role as a key source of health information to those who choose not to read their EHRs. 
  • Amundin, Mats, et al. (author)
  • A proposal to use distributional models to analyse dolphin vocalisation
  • 2017
  • In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots, VIHAR 2017. - 9782956202905 ; , s. 31-32
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This paper gives a brief introduction to the starting points of an experimental project to study dolphin communicative behaviour using distributional semantics, with methods implemented for the large scale study of human language.
  • Liu, Yuanhua, 1971, et al. (author)
  • Considering the importance of user profiles in interface design
  • 2009
  • In: User Interfaces. ; , s. 23-
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • User profile is a popular term widely employed during product design processes by industrial companies. Such a profile is normally intended to represent real users of a product. The ultimate purpose of a user profile is actually to help designers to recognize or learn about the real user by presenting them with a description of a real user’s attributes, for instance; the user’s gender, age, educational level, attitude, technical needs and skill level. The aim of this chapter is to provide information on the current knowledge and research about user profile issues, as well as to emphasize the importance of considering these issues in interface design. In this chapter, we mainly focus on how users’ difference in expertise affects their performance or activity in various interaction contexts. Considering the complex interaction situations in practice, novice and expert users’ interactions with medical user interfaces of different technical complexity will be analyzed as examples: one focuses on novice and expert users’ difference when interacting with simple medical interfaces, and the other focuses on differences when interacting with complex medical interfaces. Four issues will be analyzed and discussed: (1) how novice and expert users differ in terms of performance during the interaction; (2) how novice and expert users differ in the perspective of cognitive mental models during the interaction; (3) how novice and expert users should be defined in practice; and (4) what are the main differences between novice and expert users’ implications for interface design. Besides describing the effect of users’ expertise difference during the interface design process, we will also pinpoint some potential problems for the research on interface design, as well as some future challenges that academic researchers and industrial engineers should face in practice.
  • Laaksoharju, Mikael, 1977-, et al. (author)
  • Can micro world simulations assess and stimulate ethical competence?
  • 2008
  • In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference ETHICOMP 2008. - Mantua, Italy : University of Pavia. - 9788890286995 ; , s. 503-510
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Micro worlds can be constructed to assess and promote the ethical competence of users. However, the theoretical basis has to be on psychological problem solving and decision making processes. In this paper we discuss the conditions necessary for a micro world as a method to measure and train ethical competence. Two things in particular are interesting to investigate: 1) To determine which parameters to measure, that indicate autonomous decision making, and 2) to establish a model for interpreting the proceedings and the subject’s interaction with the simulation as a representation of the psychological problem solving and decision making process.
  • Schötz, Susanne, et al. (author)
  • Phonetic Characteristics of Domestic Cat Vocalisations
  • 2017
  • In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots, VIHAR 2017. - 9782956202905 ; , s. 5-6
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The cat (Felis catus, Linneaus 1758) has lived around or with humans for at least 10,000 years, and is now one of the most popular pets of the world with more than 600 millionindividuals. Domestic cats have developed a more extensive, variable and complex vocal repertoire than most other members of the Carnivora, which may be explained by their social organisation, their nocturnal activity and the long period of association between mother and young. Still, we know surprisingly little about the phonetic characteristics of these sounds, and about the interaction between cats and humans.Members of the research project Melody in human–cat communication (Meowsic) investigate the prosodic characteristics of cat vocalisations as well as the communication between human and cat. The first step includes a categorisation of cat vocalisations. In the next step it will be investigated how humans perceive the vocal signals of domestic cats. This paper presents an outline of the project which has only recently started.
  • Wilhelmsson, Kenneth, 1976 (author)
  • Autentiska och artificiella frågor till svensk text Automatisk frågegenerering jämfört med användares frågor för informationsåtkomst : Authentic and artificial questions to Swedish text Automatically generated questions versus user-generated questions for information access
  • 2015
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Informationssökning mot ostrukturerade datakällor som fri text är ett av de områden där användargränssnitt med fri formulering i naturligt språk har tagits fram. I ett sådant, eventuellt AI-betonat, system kan några grundläggande svårigheter från användarperspektivet märkas. En sådan svårighet är att en användare inte känner till huruvida en fråga som hon avser att ställa egentligen kan besvaras av den aktuella texten. Denna svårighet, tillsammans med andra, som de kraftiga variationsmöjligheterna för formen för ett giltigt svar på en ställd fråga, riskerar att leda till att användarintrycken av systemtypen blir negativa. De moment som behöver ingå i ett sådant frågebaserat informationssystems funktionssätt måste på något sätt inbegripa en mappning av frågeled i frågan (t.ex. när) till den form och grammatisk funktion som svaret i texten måste ha (för frågan när normalt ett tidsadverbial). Bland annat denna iakttagelse inbjuder till användning av automatisk frågegenerering (question generation, QG). Frågegenerering innebär att frågor som en naturlig text besvarar initialt utvinns av ett program som samlar in dem i explicit form. Tanken för användning i informationssökning är att en användare i gränssnittet enbart ska kunna ställa just dessa frågor, vilka faktiskt besvaras av texten. Denna studie gäller just de frågor som ett automatiskt frågegenereringssystem för svenska kan, och genom vidare utveckling, skulle kunna generera för godtycklig digital svensk text. Även om mängden automatiskt genererade frågor och frågeformuleringar kan bli mycket stor, utrymmesmässigt många gånger större än ursprungstexten, så är det tydligt att den beskrivna metoden för frågegenerering för svenska inte kan och troligen inte heller kommer att kunna förmås att skapa alla de frågor och frågeformuleringar som en vanlig användare skulle anse att en viss text besvarar. Men hur väl fungerar då automatiskt genererade frågor i detta sammanhang? Denna uppsats kretsar kring en användarundersökning där undersökningsdeltagare har ombetts att formulera frågor som texter besvarar, och som anses vara relevanta frågor. Den resulterande samlingen frågor undersöktes och kategoriserades. Resultatet av undersökningens huvudfråga visar att bara 20-25 % av användarnas frågeformuleringar skulle kunna genereras direkt automatiskt med aktuell ansats – utan vissa informationstekniska förbättringar. Uppsatsen föreslår viss ny terminologi för detta outforskade område, bl.a. för att skilja mellan de olika grader av processkrav som generering av olika frågeslag från text kräver.
  • Petersson, Jesper, 1974, et al. (author)
  • Off the record: The invisibility work of doctors in a patient-accessible electronic health record information service.
  • 2021
  • In: Sociology of health & illness. - : Wiley. - 1467-9566 .- 0141-9889. ; 43:5, s. 1270-1285
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In this article, we draw on Michael Lipsky's work on street-level bureaucrats and discretion to analyse a real case setting comprising an interview study of 30 Swedish doctors regarding their experiences of changes in clinical work following patients being given access to medical records information online. We introduce the notion of invisibility work to capture how doctors exercise discretion to preserve the invisibility of their work, in contrast to the well-established notion of invisible work, which denotes work made invisible by parties other than those performing it. We discuss three main forms of invisibility work in relation to records: omitting information, cryptic writing and parallel note writing. We argue that invisibility work is a way for doctors to resolve professional tensions arising from the political decision to provide patients with online access to record information. Although invisibility work is understood by doctors as a solution to government-initiated visibility, we highlight how it can create difficulties for doctors concerning accountability towards patients, peers and authorities.
  • Grünloh, Christiane, 1980-, et al. (author)
  • "why do they need to check me?" patient participation through ehealth and the doctor-patient relationship : Qualitative study
  • 2018
  • In: Journal of Medical Internet Research. - : J M I R Publications, Inc.. - 1438-8871. ; 20:1
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Background: Roles in the doctor-patient relationship are changing and patient participation in health care is increasingly emphasized. Electronic health (eHealth) services such as patient accessible electronic health records (PAEHRs) have been implemented to support patient participation. Little is known about practical use of PAEHR and its effect on roles of doctors and patients. Objective: This qualitative study aimed to investigate how physicians view the idea of patient participation, in particular in relation to the PAEHR system. Hereby, the paper aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of physicians' constructions of PAEHR, roles in the doctor-patient relationship, and levels and limits of involvement. Methods: A total of 12 semistructured interviews were conducted with physicians in different fields. Interviews were transcribed, translated, and a theoretically informed thematic analysis was performed. Results: Two important aspects were identified that are related to the doctor-patient relationship: roles and involvement. The physicians viewed their role as being the ones to take on the responsibility, determining treatment options, and to be someone who should be trusted. In relation to the patient's role, lack of skills (technical or regarding medical jargon), motives to read, and patients' characteristics were aspects identified in the interviews. Patients were often referred to as static entities disregarding their potential to develop skills and knowledge over time. Involvement captures aspects that support or hinder patients to take an active role in their care. Conclusions: Literature of at least two decades suggests an overall agreement that the paternalistic approach in health care is inappropriate, and a collaborative process with patients should be adopted. Although the physicians in this study stated that they, in principle, were in favor of patient participation, the analysis found little support in their descriptions of their daily practice that participation is actualized. As seen from the results, paternalistic practices are still present, even if professionals might not be aware of this. This can create a conflict between patients who strive to become more informed and their questions being interpreted as signs of critique and mistrust toward the physician. We thus believe that the full potential of PAEHRs is not reached yet and argue that the concept of patient empowerment is problematic as it triggers an interpretation of "power" in health care as a zero-sum, which is not helpful for the maintenance of the relationship between the actors. Patient involvement is often discussed merely in relation to decision making; however, this study emphasizes the need to include also sensemaking and learning activities. This would provide an alternative understanding of patients asking questions, not in terms of "monitoring the doctor" but to make sense of the situation.
  • Wilhelmsson, Kenneth, 1976 (author)
  • Huvudansatser för parsningsmetoder. Om programutvecklingens förutsättningar i en svensk kontext
  • 2016
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Syftet med denna text var att ge en inblick i området (syntaktisk) parsning. Tanken var att ge en bild av utvecklingen som var 1) fri från alltför tekniska detaljer, då området är programmeringstekniskt, och 2) beskriven ur ett svenskt perspektiv. Bakgrunden till valet av ämne till texten, som var tänkt att finnas med i antologin Text och kontext, var att parsning är relativt okänt för många personer verksamma inom närliggande områden, samtidigt som det är ett absolut nyckelbegrepp för den som ägnar sig åt datorlingvistik eller språkteknologi. Målet var alltså att ge en ganska allmän utifrånblick på några centrala sidor av utvecklingen, samtidigt som det tydligt är så att den som själv arbetat med utveckling kan ha starka åsikter och preferenser rörande metodval, något som i ärlighetens namn kanske inte heller denna text är lösgjord från. Hur ska det göras? Konsten att utveckla automatisk syntaxanalys av naturlig text kan läras ut från ett flertal perspektiv. Det kan t.ex. ske med fokus på användandet av en viss grammatikformalism, med fokus på beräkningssnabbhet, med fokus på entydiggörande av möjliga ambiguiteter. Tolkningsval kan göras med hjälp av antingen handskrivna regler eller inhämtad statistik. En sorts huvudtema i denna text är hur metoder för parsning på senare år uppvisar förändringar som kanske kan förklaras med att programmen har fått andra användningsområden och att metoderna har anpassats därefter (en annan tolkning är att flera senare system inte längre gör parsning i strikt mening). När detta tänkta ”kapitel” var färdigt fick det kommentaren att det inte var anpassat för antologins målgrupp. Det fick skrivas en annan kapiteltext, men det kom samtidigt ett förslag att publicera texten om parsning här som denna rapport.
  • Lindgren, Helena, Professor, et al. (author)
  • The wasp-ed AI curriculum : A holistic curriculum for artificial intelligence
  • 2023
  • In: INTED2023 Proceedings. - : IATED. - 9788409490264 ; , s. 6496-6502
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Efforts in lifelong learning and competence development in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been on the rise for several years. These initiatives have mostly been applied to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Even though there has been significant development in Digital Humanities to incorporate AI methods and tools in higher education, the potential for such competences in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is far from being realised. Furthermore, there is an increasing awareness that the STEM disciplines need to include competences relating to AI in humanity and society. This is especially important considering the widening and deepening of the impact of AI on society at large and individuals. The aim of the presented work is to provide a broad and inclusive AI Curriculum that covers the breadth of the topic as it is seen today, which is significantly different from only a decade ago. It is important to note that with the curriculum we mean an overview of the subject itself, rather than a particular education program. The curriculum is intended to be used as a foundation for educational activities in AI to for example harmonize terminology, compare different programs, and identify educational gaps to be filled. An important aspect of the curriculum is the ethical, legal, and societal aspects of AI and to not limit the curriculum to the STEM subjects, instead extending to a holistic, human-centred AI perspective. The curriculum is developed as part of the national research program WASP-ED, the Wallenberg AI and transformative technologies education development program. 
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reports (246)
licentiate thesis (123)
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editorial proceedings (47)
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artistic work (18)
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review (3)
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peer-reviewed (4167)
other academic/artistic (1244)
pop. science, debate, etc. (66)
Jönsson, Bodil (129)
Magnusson, Charlotte (96)
Kavathatzopoulos, Io ... (81)
Arvola, Mattias, 197 ... (62)
Fjeld, Morten, 1965 (61)
Cajander, Åsa (58)
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Rassmus-Gröhn, Kirst ... (58)
Bresin, Roberto, 196 ... (56)
Matviienko, Andrii (55)
Castellano, Ginevra (51)
Torgersson, Olof, 19 ... (49)
Bresin, Roberto (49)
Tollmar, Konrad (48)
Gulliksen, Jan, 1965 ... (47)
Osvalder, Anna-Lisa, ... (46)
Kerren, Andreas, 197 ... (43)
Eftring, Håkan (43)
Obaid, Mohammad, 198 ... (42)
Bligård, Lars-Ola, 1 ... (42)
Hansen, Preben (42)
Höök, Kristina, 1964 ... (41)
Eriksson, Eva, 1976 (41)
Barendregt, Wolmet (40)
Cajander, Åsa, Profe ... (39)
Sandblad, Bengt (39)
Svensk, Arne (39)
Fernaeus, Ylva (38)
Romero, Mario, 1973- (37)
Woźniak, Paweł W., 1 ... (36)
Leite, Iolanda (36)
Balaam, Madeline (35)
Chen, Fang, 1963 (35)
Kerren, Andreas, Dr. ... (35)
Tholander, Jakob (34)
Resmini, Andrea (34)
Östlund, Britt (32)
Brattberg, Gunilla (32)
Anderberg, Peter (31)
Ferati, Mexhid (31)
Lindgren, Helena (30)
Jensen, Mikael, 1969 (30)
Turmo Vidal, Laia (30)
Lindblom, Jessica, 1 ... (29)
Brown, Barry (29)
Karlsson, MariAnne, ... (29)
Rossitto, Chiara (28)
Bhatt, Mehul, Profes ... (27)
Ziemke, Tom (27)
Lantz, Ann (27)
Asai, Ryoko, 1977- (27)
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Royal Institute of Technology (1283)
Chalmers University of Technology (810)
Uppsala University (729)
Lund University (588)
Linköping University (473)
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VTI - The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (23)
Red Cross University College (21)
Kristianstad University College (19)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (15)
University College of Arts, Crafts and Design (14)
Högskolan Dalarna (13)
Swedish National Defence College (9)
Royal College of Music (9)
The Institute for Language and Folklore (4)
Stockholm University of the Arts (3)
Stockholm School of Economics (2)
The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (1)
Sophiahemmet University College (1)
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