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Sökning: AMNE:(NATURVETENSKAP Data- och informationsvetenskap Datateknik)

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  • Amoson, Jonas, 1973- (författare)
  • Building complex GUIs in Plan 9
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Proceedings 4th International Workshop on Plan9. - Athens, GA : University of Georgia. ; , s. 15-21
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • How can non-trivial graphical user interfaces be designed in Plan 9 without them losing their minimalistic style? Different toolkits are discussed, and a proposal for a tabbed toolbar is suggested as a way to add functionality without cluttering the interface and avoiding the use of pop-up dialog boxes. A hypothetical port to the GUI in LyX is used as an example.
  • Kalaivaani, P. C. D., et al. (författare)
  • Advanced lightweight feature interaction in deep neural networks for improving the prediction in click through rate
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Annals of Operations Research. - : Springer. - 0254-5330 .- 1572-9338.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Online advertising has expanded to a hundred-dollar billion industry in recent years, with sales growing at faster rate in every year. Prediction of the click-through rate (CTR) is an important role in recommended systems and online ads. Click through rating (CTR) is the newest evolution in the advertising and marketing digital world. It is essential for any online advertising company in real time to display the appropriate ads to the right users in the correct context. A huge amount of research work proposed considers each ad separately and does not takes in the relationship with other ads that may have an impact on Click Through Rate. A Factorization machine, a more generalized predictor like support vector machines (SVM) is not able to estimate reliable parameters under sparsity. The main drawback is that the primary features and existing algorithms considers the large weighted parameters. KGCN (Knowledge graph-based convolution network) overcomes the drawback and works on alternating graphs which creates additional clustering and node comparison with high latency and performance. A new framework DeepLight Weight is proposed to resolve the high server latency and high usage of memory issues in online advertising. This work presents a framework to improve the CTR predictions with an objective to accelerate the model inference, prune redundant parameters and the dense embedding vectors. Field Weighed Factorization machine helps to organize the data features with high structure to improve the accuracy. For clearing latency issues, structural pruning makes the algorithm work with dense matrices by combining and executing the individual matrix values or neural nodes.
  • Köhler, Veronica, 1974- (författare)
  • Co-Creators of Scope of Action : An exploration of the dynamic relationship between people, IT, and work in a nursing context
  • 2006
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Information Technology (IT) is today widespread in our work places, in our spare time and in our society overall. Implementations of IT in organizations come with high expectations on effectiveness, revenue, smoother work processes and so on. However, this simplified view on IT ignores the fact that it is the IT usage rather than the IT artifact per se that in the end decides the effect of an implementation of IT. Although the IT artifact certainly has been designed to support certain tasks and processes, the success or failure of the Information System (IS) in the end depends on the individuals' actions, which ultimately depend on their perceptions and interpretations of the IS. Thus, when technology is being implemented and becomes an IS in use, it becomes a part of work, and as such more of a social system than a technological one.The actual result of a design process does not solely consist of things or artifacts, but above all changed action patterns for the users. From this follows that we must consider design of artifacts as something more than merely the constructing of actual objects with functions and properties that are easily measured. Rather, a large part of all design activities has to do with design of conceivable social milieus, not artifacts. Thus, design may be defined as the suggesting and establishing of scope of action. The concept scope of action aims at describing the fact that the design of, and consequently the implementation of, a specific IT artifact always aims at creating a certain scope of action; some actions are made easier, others are made more difficult or even impossible. This scope of action has to some extent been deliberately designed, but these changes may on the other hand also be undesired and not predicted in advance. The complexity of this phenomenon is great and hard to grasp in advance. However, this does not mean that we can allow ourselves to ignore exploring this phenomenon more deeply. On the contrary, with a usage perspective on IS success or failure, scope of action becomes very important.Although the term scope of action may seem a rather intuitive concept, we need more concrete knowledge about its character in order to be able to understand IT usage, both when designing a new IT artifact and when studying or evaluating IT. Thus, our intuitive understanding of the concept needs to be complemented with theory on the ‘constituents’ and effects of this phenomenon. For this purpose, in this thesis nurses’ use of the Electronic Patient record (EPR) is being explored in order to gain an empirically derived understanding of the character of scope of action.The research findings highlight the emergent character of scope of action. It is obvious that an individual’s scope of action is not being created on one occasion, and above all not only by the IT artifact. Various co- creators such as the IT artifact, the usage and the social context create and re-create scope of action. Also, how the individual interprets and understands the IT artifact in IT usage will influence her scope of action. This since sensemaking and learning processes on both a personal and organizational level take place that are co-creators of the individual’s scope of action, at the same time as the individual’s knowledge and previous sensemaking and learning influences her use of the IT artifact.Thus, reasoning, thinking, learning, and the IT artifact co-evolve over time in adaptation and appropriation processes. This means that IT as a mediational means constitutes an important co-creator of scope of action. From this also follows that work integrated learning is an important co- creator of scope of action when using IT in a work setting, at the same time as work integrated learning is being influenced by the individual’s scope of action.Finally, in order to understand how scope of action emerges in use, merely focusing on structures is insufficient. Scope of action emerges as a product of interplay between complex processes involving artifacts, usage and context. This means that the user’s scope of action is co-created by both static structures as well as dynamic processes relating to the IT artifact, the organization, and the work practice. Thus, the IT artifact, and subsequently scope of action, must be must be understood in relation to the multi-aspectual context of which it is a part instead of merely in relation to the properties of the IT artifact per se.
  • Bennulf, Mattias, 1992-, et al. (författare)
  • Identification of resources and parts in a Plug and Produce system using OPC UA
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Procedia Manufacturing. - : Elsevier BV. - 2351-9789. ; 38, s. 858-865
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper describes a method together with an implementation for automating the detection, identification and configuration of newly added resources and parts in a Plug and Produce system using OPC UA. In a Plug and Produce system, resources and parts are usually controlled by agents, forming a multi-agent system of collaborating resources. Hence, when a resource or part is connected to the system, a corresponding agent must be instantiated and associated with that specific device. In order to automate this, the system needs information about newly connected devices. This information could, for example, be positional data describing where the device is connected. Some devices like tools and parts to be processed have no own network connection, but still, they should get an agent with correct configuration instantiated. In this work, OPC UA is used for communication between devices and the corresponding agents. All agents and their communication are handled by an Agent Handling System, consisting of an OPC UA HUB together with functions for device detection and agent instantiation. The HUB is used for transferring data between devices and their agents in the network by OPC UA protocols. When a device is connected to the network, it is detected, and a connection is automatically created to the HUB that becomes configured for transmitting data between the device and its corresponding agent. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
  • Giaretta, Alberto, 1988-, et al. (författare)
  • S×C4IoT : A Security-by-contract Framework for Dynamic Evolving IoT Devices
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: ACM transactions on sensor networks. - : Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). - 1550-4867 .- 1550-4859. ; 18:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The Internet of Things (IoT) revolutionised the way devices, and human beings, cooperate and interact. The interconnectivity and mobility brought by IoT devices led to extremely variable networks, as well as unpredictable information flows. In turn, security proved to be a serious issue for the IoT, far more serious than it has been in the past for other technologies. We claim that IoT devices need detailed descriptions of their behaviour to achieve secure default configurations, sufficient security configurability, and self-configurability. In this article, we propose S×C4IoT, a framework that addresses these issues by combining two paradigms: Security by Contract (S×C) and Fog computing. First, we summarise the necessary background such as the basic S×C definitions. Then, we describe how devices interact within S×C4IoT and how our framework manages the dynamic evolution that naturally result from IoT devices life-cycles. Furthermore, we show that S×C4IoT can allow legacy S×C-noncompliant devices to participate with an S×C network, we illustrate two different integration approaches, and we show how they fit into S×C4IoT. Last, we implement the framework as a proof-of-concept. We show the feasibility of S×C4IoT and we run different experiments to evaluate its impact in terms of communication and storage space overhead.
  • Svensson, Bo, 1959-, et al. (författare)
  • Improving Performance in Flexible Manufacturing by a P-sop Approach
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 6th International Swedish Production Symposium 2014. - 9789198097412 ; , s. 1-8
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper present a Part oriented Sequence of Operation (P-SOP) approach that address flexibility, robustness and deployment in manufacturing cells up to plant level. A P-SOP description language has been formulated where the control strategy based on actual circumstances easily can be defined. Furthermore, a P-SOP multi-agent generator has been created that compiles the strategy description to multi-agents that control the manufacturing. Deadlock free IEC 61131-3 PLC code are directly generated from the description language. The code is not optimised for a specific scenario since the general description contains all possible routing paths and all resources available.
  • Öberg, Johanna (författare)
  • Deltagandets förutsättningar och digitala resursers påverkan : -  ur ett elev- och lärarperspektiv
  • 2024
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna avhandling undersöker potentialen hos digitala resurser för att stödja elevers deltagande i formella lärmiljöer. Forskningsfrågningar är inriktade på att förstå användarperspektiv, förhållningssätt och krav som är relevanta för att möjliggöra elevers deltagande i skolan. Fyra deltagandebaserade studier undersöker ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv elevers och lärares syn på teknikförstärkt lärandes roll för att underlätta de betydande interaktioner som främjar deltagande i lärandemiljöer. Elever uttrycker brist på digitala resurser som aktivt stödjer deras deltagande, som till stor del utgår ifrån användandet i deras privatliv. De betonar behovet av ökad användning av digitala resurser i informationshantering, social interaktion och i utbytet med undervisningsinnehåll. Lärare betonar vikten av att kunna ge aktuell och snabb feedback till eleverna via digitala plattformar. Lärarna understryker behovet av att visualisera elevernas resonemang samt kunna sammanställa och ha uppdaterade resultat på både individ- och gruppnivå. Båda lärarna och eleverna identifierar potentialen hos digitala resurser för att öka elevernas deltagande. Det råder enighet om nödvändigheten av att utveckla flexibla digitala resurser som kan hantera informationsflöden och tillhandahålla gemensamma utrymmen för interaktion och samarbete. Resultat från studierna indikerar att lärare och elever har olika uppfattningar om hur mycket digitala resurser används för att stödja elevdeltagandet. Denna slutsats anses grundad i skillnaden mellan elevers och lärares perspektiv på innebörden av elevdeltagande, samt vilka förutsättningar av användningen av digitala resurser som det utgås ifrån (det hemmet erbjuder eller det skolan kan erbjuda). Det sociokulturella perspektivet betonar att lärande underlättas och stärks av ett meningsfullt socialt deltagande, vilket behöver relateras till den pågående utvecklingen av lärmiljöer i det snabbt föränderliga digitala landskapet. Avhandlingen presenterar principer för effektiv användning av teknik med fokus på tillgänglighet, anpassningsförmåga till individuella lärstilar och att stärka en gemensam känsla av bidrag och tillhörighet. Dessa principer, som härrör från lärarnas erfarenheter, tros stödja lärares pedagogiska praktiker i målet att öka elevernas deltagande i lärandeprocessen. 
  • Gustavsson Christiernin, Linn, 1979- (författare)
  • How to describe interaction with a collaborative robot
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: HRI '17 Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. - New York, NY, USA : ACM. - 9781450348850 ; , s. 93-94
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this paper, we describe early work on a classification model on how to interact with industrial and other types of robots. We suggest a classification for how to describe different scenarios within Human-Robot Interaction. The idea with this model is to help when identifying the gap between where a company is and where they would like to be when it comes to collaborative automation. © 2017 Author.
  • de Blanche, Andreas, 1975-, et al. (författare)
  • Availability of Unused Computational Resources in an Ordinary Office Environment
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers. - 0218-1266. ; 19:3, s. 557-572
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The study presented in this paper highlights an important issue that was subject for discussionsand research about a decade ago and now have gained new interest with the current advances ofgrid computing and desktop grids. New techniques are being invented on how to utilize desktopcomputers for computational tasks but no other study, to our knowledge, has explored theavailability of the said resources. The general assumption has been that there are resources andthat they are available. The study is based on a survey on the availability of resources in anordinary o±ce environment. The aim of the study was to determine if there are truly usableunder-utilized networked desktop computers available for non-desktop tasks during the off-hours. We found that in more than 96% of the cases the computers in the current investigationwas available for the formation of part-time (night and weekend) computer clusters. Finally wecompare the performance of a full time and a metamorphosic cluster, based on one hypotheticallinear scalable application and a real world welding simulation.
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 69
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Boklund, Andreas, 19 ... (14)
de Blanche, Andreas, ... (12)
Gustavsson Christier ... (7)
Christiernin, Linn G ... (5)
Lundqvist, Thomas, 1 ... (4)
Willermark, Sara, 19 ... (3)
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Amoson, Jonas, 1973- (2)
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Svensson, Bo, 1959- (2)
Gustavsson, M (1)
Svensson, M. (1)
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Nilsson, Anders (1)
Horkoff, Jennifer, 1 ... (1)
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Torkar, Richard (1)
Svensson, Ann, 1962- (1)
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Gren, Lucas, 1984 (1)
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