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Search: AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES Other Social Sciences Social Sciences Interdisciplinary)

  • Result 1-10 of 19408
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  • Coloniality and Decolonisation in the Nordic region
  • 2023
  • Editorial collection (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This book advances critical discussions about what coloniality, decoloniality and decolonization mean and imply in the Nordic region. It brings together analysis of complex realities from the perspectives of the Nordic peoples, a region that are often overlooked in current research, and explores the processes of decolonization that are taking place in this region. The book offers a variety of perspectives that engage with issues such as Islamic feminism and the progressive left; racialization and agency among Muslim youths; indigenizing distance language education for Sami; extractivism and resistance among the Sami; the Nordic international development endeavour through education; Swedish TV-reporting on Venezuela; creolizing subjectivities across Roma and non-Roma worlds and hierarchies; and the whitewashing and sanitization of decoloniality in the Nordic region. As such, this book extends much of the productive dialogue that has recently occurred internationally in decolonial thinking but also in the areas of critical race theory, whiteness studies, and postcolonial studies to concrete and critical problems in the Nordic region. This should make the book of considerable interest to scholars of history of ideas, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, postcolonial studies, international development studies, legal sociology and (intercultural) philosophy with an interest in coloniality and decolonial social change.
  • Posthumanistiska nyckelstexter
  • 2012. - 1
  • Editorial collection (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Den här boken introducerar några viktiga författare på samtidsaktuella teoriområden. Donna Haraway, Karen Barad, Rosi Braidotti, Michel Callon, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Serres och Annemarie Mol presenteras i boken, som också innehåller översatta texter av dessa namn. Boken ger en bakgrund till och en överblick över ett område i intensiv teoriutveckling. Här presenteras den så kallade materiella, posthumana eller ontologiska vändningen. Här kartläggs grunderna för olika posthumanistiska förhållningssätt till de både mänskliga och icke-mänskliga (djur, miljö, teknik) krafterna i vår värld så som de begreppsliggjorts inom filosofi, feministisk teori, kulturstudier och samhällsvetenskapliga studier av naturvetenskap, medicin och teknik. Genom lästips och en omfattande litteraturlista öppnar boken för fortsatta studier och vidare diskussioner. Avslutningsvis finns också en omfattande ordlista med viktiga nyckelbegrepp som i sig ger en introduktion till ett heterogent forskningsfält. Boken riktar sig till studenter, doktorander och andra nyfikna forskare inom olika tvärvetenskapliga eller disciplinära former av humaniora och samhällsvetenskap.POSTHUMANISTISKA NYCKELTEXTER ger i de inledande kapitlen en överblick och en introduktion till posthumanistiska studier och till materiell-semiotik. Här behandlas tankeströmningar som rör det humanas natur, humanismens etik och humanvetenskapernas framtid. Boken ger en introduktion till det som inom genusvetenskap och tekniksociologi kommit att kallas den ontologiska vändningen mot de materiaaliteter och världsliga relationer som både gör och förgör oss. Här kartläggs grunderna för posthumanistiska förhållningssätt till de både mänskliga och icke-mänskliga (djur, miljö, teknik) dimensionerna av vår värld så som de begreppsliggjorts inom filosofi, feministisk teori, kulturstudier och sociala studier av vetenskap och teknik. POSTHUMANISTISKA NYCKELTEXTER erbjuder introduktioner till viktiga författare och översättningar av nyckeltexter skrivna av Donna Haraway, Karen Barad, Rosi Braidotti, Michel Callon, Gilles Deleuze med Felix Guattari, Michel Serres och Annemarie Mol. Boken innehåller även en omfattande ordlista med viktiga nyckelbegrepp som i sig ger en introduktion till ett mångfaldigt forskningsfält.
  • Groglopo, Adrián, 1967 (author)
  • En diagnos av rasism och demokrati i Sverige
  • 2017
  • In: Antirasistiska Akademin youtube kanal. - : Antirasistiska Akademin.
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Intervjuserie som finansierades av Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällsfrågor. Projektet handlar om 17 djupintervjuer med både forskare som studerar rasism i Sverige och aktivister som arbetar med frågor om rasism och mänskliga rättigheter. projektansvarig och intervjuare: Adrián Groglopo
  • Nation i ombildning : essäer om 2000-talets Sverige
  • 2018. - 1
  • Editorial collection (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Sverige har länge betraktats som en demokratisk förebild och ett öppet och solidariskt välfärdssamhälle. Under 2000-talet har social ojämlikhet och boendesegregering ökat, åtföljd av rasism och en allt mer restriktiv flyktingpolitik. Sverige är en nation i ombildning. Åtstramningspolitik och högerpopulism har fått bred förankring i partipolitiken. Samtidigt uppstår motrörelser, där civilsamhälleliga aktörer kräver en fördjupad demokrati och social rättvisa. Vi står inför ett skifte. Kommer en nyliberal ekonomisk politik att smälta samman med en auktoritär, rasistisk populism? Eller är de nya rörelserna en öppning mot ett mer inkluderande, jämlikt och rättvist samhälle, där visionen för framtiden byggs på hopp och optimism — inte rädsla och hot?
  • Petersson, Jesper, 1974, et al. (author)
  • Off the record: The invisibility work of doctors in a patient-accessible electronic health record information service.
  • 2021
  • In: Sociology of health & illness. - : Wiley. - 1467-9566 .- 0141-9889. ; 43:5, s. 1270-1285
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In this article, we draw on Michael Lipsky's work on street-level bureaucrats and discretion to analyse a real case setting comprising an interview study of 30 Swedish doctors regarding their experiences of changes in clinical work following patients being given access to medical records information online. We introduce the notion of invisibility work to capture how doctors exercise discretion to preserve the invisibility of their work, in contrast to the well-established notion of invisible work, which denotes work made invisible by parties other than those performing it. We discuss three main forms of invisibility work in relation to records: omitting information, cryptic writing and parallel note writing. We argue that invisibility work is a way for doctors to resolve professional tensions arising from the political decision to provide patients with online access to record information. Although invisibility work is understood by doctors as a solution to government-initiated visibility, we highlight how it can create difficulties for doctors concerning accountability towards patients, peers and authorities.
  • Gallardo, Gloria, et al. (author)
  • We adapt … but is it good or bad? Locating the political ecology and social-ecological systems debate in reindeer herding in the Swedish Sub-Arctic
  • 2017
  • In: Journal of Political Ecology. - Arizona : The University of Arizona. - 1073-0451. ; 24:1, s. 667-691
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Abstract Reindeer herding (RDH) is a livelihood strategy deeply connected to Sami cultural tradition. This article explores the implications of two theoretical and methodological approaches for grasping complex socioenvironmental relationships of RDH in Subarctic Sweden. Based on joint fieldwork, two teams – one that aligns itself with political ecology (PE) and the other with social-ecological systems (SES) – compared PE and SES approaches of understanding RDH. Our purpose was twofold: 1) to describe the situation of Sami RDH through the lenses of PE and SES, exploring how the two approaches interpret the same empirical data; 2) to present an analytical comparison of the ontological and epistemological assumptions of this work, also inferring different courses of action to instigate change for the sustainability of RDH. Key informants from four sameby in the Kiruna region expressed strong support for the continuation of RDH as a cultural and economic practice. Concerns about the current situation raised by Sami representatives centered on the cumulative negative impacts on RDH from mining, forestry and tourism. PE and SES researchers offered dissimilar interpretations of the key aspects of the RDH socio-economic situation, namely: the nature and scale of RDH systems; the ubiquitous role of conflict; and conceptualizations of responses to changing socioenvironmental conditions. Due to these disparities, PE and SES analyses have radically divergent sociopolitical implications for what ought to be done to redress the current RDH situation.
  • Unraveling the logics of landscape
  • 2014
  • Editorial collection (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Despite conceptual oscillations through times, the concept of landscape remains highly subjective, whereupon unraveling its 'logics' opens up to a plurality of interpretations. Accordingly, by focusing on the interconnections present in the non-haphazard production of landscape, this publication elaborates on how the rural landscape is valued, monitored, changed, harbored, used and misused, be it through actions, representations or metaphors. This book covers a broad range of topics, with contributions from scholars from more than 30 countries.
  • Groglopo, Adrián, 1967, et al. (author)
  • Rasismen kläs på nytt i en gammal toleransdräkt
  • 2015
  • In: Feministiskt Perspektiv. - 2002-1542.
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Andra inlägget i debatten om rasismforskningens villkor är skrivet av Adrián Groglopo och Lena Sawyer, som ställer sig kritiska till regeringens och Göteborgs universitets ideologiska utgångspunkter. I synnerhet kritiserar de föreställningen om tolerans. De vill gärna se mer maktkritiska perspektiv.
  • Contending Global Apartheid : Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility
  • 2023
  • Editorial collection (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Contending Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility spells out a plea for utopia in a crisis-ridden 21st century of unequal development, exclusionary citizenship, and forced migrations. The volume offers a collection of critical essays on human rights movements, sanctuary spaces, and the emplacement of antiracist conviviality in cities across North and South America, Europe, and Africa. Each intervention proceeds from the idea that cities may accommodate both a humanistic sensibility and a radical potential for social transformation. The figure of the 'migrant' is pivotal. It expounds the prospect of transversal solidarity to capture a plurality of commonalities and to abjure dichotomies between in-group and out-group, the national and the international, or society and institutions. 
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  • Result 1-10 of 19408
Type of publication
journal article (7568)
book chapter (3705)
conference paper (2831)
reports (1844)
doctoral thesis (879)
other publication (699)
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book (595)
editorial collection (568)
review (257)
research review (247)
licentiate thesis (141)
editorial proceedings (63)
artistic work (29)
patent (1)
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Type of content
peer-reviewed (9402)
other academic/artistic (8459)
pop. science, debate, etc. (1538)
Gössling, Stefan (161)
Kylhammar, Martin, 1 ... (159)
Dahlgaard-Park, Su M ... (141)
Söderbaum, Fredrik, ... (134)
Mont, Oksana (127)
Lohm, Ulrik, 1943- (123)
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Corvellec, Hervé (119)
Mccormick, Kes (104)
Hultman, Johan (100)
Schulz, Michael, 196 ... (80)
Tojo, Naoko (79)
Wamsler, Christine (77)
Palm, Jenny, 1973- (77)
Aronsson, Karin, 194 ... (75)
Ek, Richard (74)
Rahm, Lars, 1948- (74)
Becker, Per (70)
Asheim, Björn (70)
Berner, Boel, 1945- (70)
Orjuela, Camilla, 19 ... (69)
Olsson, Lennart (68)
Fredriksson, Cecilia (67)
Lykke, Nina, 1949- (67)
Widmalm, Sven, 1956- (67)
Hearn, Jeff, 1947- (65)
Wallensteen, Peter (61)
Sjöholm, Carina (61)
Hydén, Lars-Christer ... (61)
Bramryd, Torleif (61)
Landström, Hans (60)
Mundaca, Luis (59)
Edquist, Charles (58)
Neij, Lena (58)
Dahlgaard, Jens J. (57)
Chaminade, Cristina (56)
Öjendal, Joakim, 196 ... (55)
Dalhammar, Carl (54)
Scander, Henrik, 197 ... (54)
Rohracher, Harald, 1 ... (53)
Coenen, Lars (51)
Qvarsell, Roger, 195 ... (51)
Hilding-Rydevik, Tui ... (50)
Svensson, Marina (50)
Palm, Jenny (50)
Almered Olsson, Guni ... (49)
Sparrman, Anna, 1965 ... (48)
Rauhut, Daniel, 1968 ... (48)
Ellegård, Kajsa, 195 ... (47)
Larson, Mia (47)
Wennersten, Ronald (47)
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Lund University (5285)
Linköping University (4716)
University of Gothenburg (2463)
Uppsala University (1542)
Royal Institute of Technology (1082)
Chalmers University of Technology (949)
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (807)
Stockholm University (769)
Örebro University (720)
Umeå University (429)
Linnaeus University (400)
Malmö University (328)
Jönköping University (310)
University of Borås (295)
Södertörn University (292)
Karlstad University (248)
Halmstad University (222)
Luleå University of Technology (196)
Swedish National Defence College (186)
Blekinge Institute of Technology (185)
Mid Sweden University (168)
Kristianstad University College (149)
Mälardalen University (136)
RISE (135)
Högskolan Dalarna (134)
University West (129)
The Nordic Africa Institute (111)
University of Gävle (111)
Karolinska Institutet (110)
VTI - The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (101)
Stockholm School of Economics (76)
University of Skövde (66)
Marie Cederschiöld högskola (62)
The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (46)
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (45)
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (21)
Red Cross University College (11)
University College of Arts, Crafts and Design (9)
Swedish National Heritage Board (7)
University College Stockholm (7)
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (5)
Stockholm University of the Arts (4)
Swedish Museum of Natural History (2)
The Institute for Language and Folklore (2)
Sophiahemmet University College (1)
Royal College of Music (1)
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English (14469)
Swedish (4527)
Danish (77)
German (75)
Spanish (46)
French (40)
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Japanese (30)
Norwegian (26)
Polish (23)
Arabic (17)
Portuguese (15)
Finnish (11)
Italian (9)
Russian (7)
Undefined language (7)
Chinese (7)
Dutch (4)
Estonian (4)
Turkish (4)
Czech (2)
Ukranian (2)
Korean (2)
Icelandic (1)
Latvian (1)
Persian (1)
Other language (1)
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Research subject (UKÄ/SCB)
Social Sciences (19387)
Humanities (1413)
Natural sciences (1302)
Engineering and Technology (1295)
Medical and Health Sciences (772)
Agricultural Sciences (449)


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