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Search: AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES Political Science Public Administration Studies)

  • Result 1-10 of 4611
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  • Berlin, Johan, 1975- (author)
  • Synchronous work - myth or reality? : a critical study of teams in health and medical care
  • 2010
  • In: Journal of Evaluation In Clinical Practice. - London : Blackwell Publishing Ltd. - 1356-1294 .- 1365-2753. ; 16:6, s. 1314-1321
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Abstract Rationale, aims and objectives  In this article, ideal conceptions about teamwork are tested. The research question posed is: How are teams in psychiatry formed? Three theoretical concepts that distinguish groups from teams are presented: sequentiality, parallelism and synchronicity. The presumption is that groups cooperate sequentially and teams synchronously, while the parallel work mode is a transitional form between group and team. Methods  Three psychiatric outpatient teams at a university hospital specialist clinic were studied. Data were collected through 25 personal interviews and 82 hours of observations. The data collection was carried out over 18 months (2008–2009). Results  Results show: (1) that the three theoretical distinctions between group and team need to be supplemented with two intermediate forms, semiparallel and semisynchronous teamwork; and (2) that teamwork is not characterized by striving towards a synchronous ideal but instead is marked by an adaptive interaction between sequential, parallel and synchronous working modes. Conclusions  The article points to a new intermediate stage between group and team. This intermediate stage is called semiparallel teamwork. The study shows that practical teamwork is not characterized by a synchronous ideal, but rather is about how to adaptively find acceptable solutions to a series of practical problems. The study emphasizes the importance of the team varying between different working modes, so-called semisystematics.
  • Ullström, Anna, 1978- (author)
  • Styrning bakom kulisserna : Regeringskansliets politiska staber och regeringens styrningskapacitet
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis analyses one of the less explored areas of Swedish politics: the political appointees in the ministerial staffs of the Swedish core executive. The study draws attention to the everyday life of the ministerial staff in order to give an idea of their function: What do the political appointees do? How is the work of the ministerial staffs organized? How is policy coordinated at the political level? The main empirical focus of this thesis is the 2002-2006 term of office. The study contributes to an understanding of the role of political advisers in steering and policy making, and, in the light of this, their potential influence on the policy capacity of the government is considered. Political advisers occupy an ambiguous place within the political system. They play a vital political role, but their presence also challenges the traditional relationship between ministers and public servants. The study shows that political advisers certainly have a leeway to participate in the steering of the ministry's civil servants: they can be said to have a number of steering functions. At the same time, it is made clear that this does not mean that the political advisers are in the position to influence government policy to any great extent. In conclusion, it is suggested that the ministerial staffs do have importance for the government's policy capacity in the sense that they reduce the work load of both the minister and the state secretary and thereby make space for them to govern. The research questions are answered by means of empirical material gathered through a combination of methods, providing data with a range as well as depth and context rarely found in studies of core executives: a survey, participatory observations, focus groups and a series of interviews. The dissertation demonstrates that the ethnographic method is a useful tool for anyone who seeks to highlight and explain the relationships within political organizations.
  • Levin, Paul T., 1972- (author)
  • The Swedish Model of Public Administration : Separation of Powers, Swedish Style
  • 2010
  • In: Journal of Administration and Governance. - Melbourne, Australia : Network of Asia Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAG). - 1834-352X. ; 4:1, s. 38-46
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In recent years, the so-called “Swedish Model” has received a great deal of attention in Asia. In this context, it is interesting to consider whether there is such a thing as a recognizable Swedish model, not the least when it comes to public administration. This article investigates Swedish structures of public administration with this aim, finding three characteristics that, in combination, distinguish it from most other systems. It argues that Swedish public administration is characterized by a high degree of openness and accountability, a higher degree of autonomy for civil servants than can be found almost anywhere else, and a far-reaching decentralization of political authority to regions and municipalities, the scope of which is unusual in unitary states. While not constituting an exhaustive depiction of Swedish public administration, these three features together arguably define a distinctive Swedish model of public administration.
  • Linke, Sebastian, 1974, et al. (author)
  • More than just a carding system: Labour implications of the EU’s illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing policy in Thailand
  • 2021
  • In: Marine Policy. - : Elsevier BV. - 0308-597X. ; 127
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Globally, the EU plays a leading role in combating Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities. Specifically, the EU exercises normative power to influence regulatory strategies and governing frameworks in third countries. In 2015, the EU issued Thailand a yellow card, indicating that economic sanctions would be implemented unless IUU fishing practices were eliminated. Concurrently, revelations about ‘modern slavery’ in Thailand's fishing industry had received international attention, through media and NGOs, exposing slavery-like practices among migrant fishworkers. Conventionally, the EU IUU policy addresses only issues of catch and environmental sustainability. This paper explores how an initial bilateral dialogue was bifurcated into two dialogues: a Fishery Dialogue and a Labour Dialogue. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with involved actors, expert opinions, field-visits and secondary documents, we ask: How were labour issues integrated into the bilateral dialogue, and what consequences emerged from the IUU policy for Thai fisheries management? Tracing the bilateral dialogue between EU and Thai governments, we argue that Thailand's fisheries reform was a result of both fisheries’ sustainability concerns and the kind of labour rights valued by the EU. Our Normative Power Europe approach shows how norms of labour rights shaped the reform through policies and implementation. We maintain that this unique case-study reveals how the EU incorporates a broad-based normative approach that goes beyond catch sustainability.
  • En brokig gemenskap
  • 2017
  • Editorial collection (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • En brokig gemenskap presenterar huvudresultaten från 2016 års västsvenska SOM-undersökning. I fokus för undersökningen står Västra Götalands invånare och deras upplevelser av hur det är att leva och verka i Västsverige. Titeln knyter an till de resultat och analyser som redovisas i boken, men också till de likheter och olikheter som präglar gemenskapen i Västra Götalands olika delar. Några av de frågor som analyseras är medborgarnas bedömningar av regional och kommunal service, erfarenheter av arbetsliv och upplevelser av mångkultur. Kulturvanor, medborgaraktivism och cirkulär ekonomi är andra områden som ligger i bokens blickfång. Flera kapitel innehåller jämförelser med tidigare års västsvenska SOM-undersökningar och med de nationella SOM-undersökningarna. I En brokig gemenskap, den 71:a forskarantologin från SOM-institutet, bidrar forskare från olika discipliner vid Göteborgs universitet och Högskolan i Borås med analyser av det västsvenska samhället. Boken innehåller också en metod- dokumentation av 2016 års västsvenska SOM-undersökning.
  • Waltman, Max (author)
  • Prohibiting Sex Purchasing and Ending Trafficking : The Swedish Prostitution Law
  • 2011
  • In: Michigan Journal of International Law. - 1052-2867. ; 33:1, s. 133-157
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The Swedish prostitution law from 1999, now followed by Norway and Iceland, criminalized the purchaser and decriminalized the prostituted person. This is analyzed as a cogent state response under international trafficking law, particularly to the obligations set forth in the United Nation’s Trafficking Protocol from 2000. The Protocol states that a person is regarded a trafficking victim when, e.g., someone abuses her “position of vulnerability” in order to exploit her. International jurisprudence and social evidence strongly suggest that prostitution, as practiced in the world, usually satisfies this definition. Further, the Protocol urges states to reduce the demand for prostitution and to protect and assist victims, for instance by adopting laws deterring purchasers of sex, and by supporting those exploited in prostitution. Policy makers, such as the U.S. Department of State, are criticized for taking an inadequate position in face of the growing evidence from the Swedish law's impact.The article shows that Sweden has significantly reduced the occurrence of trafficking in Sweden compared to neighboring countries. It also scrutinizes some misinformation of the law's impact, showing for instance that claims alleging a more dangerous situation for those still in prostitution after 1999 were unfounded. In addition, the article addresses remaining obstacles to the law's effective implementation, arguing that in order to realize the law's full potential to support escape from trafficking, the civil rights of prostituted persons under current law should be strengthened to enable them to claim damages directly from the purchasers for the harm to which they have contributed, and for the violation of the prostituted persons' equality and dignity - a position now recognized by the government to some extent by clarifying amendments made in 2011.
  • Hassler, Björn, 1964-, et al. (author)
  • Collective action and agency in Baltic Sea marine spatial planning: Transnational policy coordination in the promotion of regional coherence
  • 2018
  • In: Marine Policy. - : Elsevier BV. - 0308-597X .- 1872-9460. ; 92, s. 138-147
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Despite the increasing attention given to marine spatial planning and the widely acknowledged need for transnational policy coordination, regional coherence has not yet improved a great deal in the Baltic Sea region. Therefore, the main objectives in this article are: (a) to map existing governance structures at all levels that influence how domestic marine spatial planning policy strategies are formed, (b) to identify specific challenges to improved regional cooperation and coordination, and (c) to discuss possible remedies. Based on data from in-depth case studies carried out in the BONUS BALTSPACE research project, it is shown that, despite the shared goal of sustainability and efficient resource use in relevant EU Directives, action plans and other policy instruments, domestic plans are emerging in diverse ways, mainly reflecting varying domestic administrative structures, sectoral interests, political prioritisations, and handling of potentially conflicting policy objectives. A fruitful distinction can be made between, on the one hand, regulatory institutions and structures above the state level where decision-making mechanisms are typically grounded in consensual regimes and, on the other hand, bilateral, issue-specific collaboration, typically between adjacent countries. It is argued that, to improve overall marine spatial planning governance, these two governance components need to be brought together to improve consistency between regional alignment and to enhance opportunities for countries to collaborate at lower levels. Issue-specific transnational working groups or workshops can be one way to identify and act upon such potential synergies. © 2018 The Authors
  • Uusimäki, Liisa, 1959 (author)
  • Criminologist Vincent Hurley - Six key motivators for committing crimes
  • 2024
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • In this episode, I am joined by criminologist and former New South Wales Police detective, Vincent Hurley. Vincent delves into his remarkable career, which includes roles as a police officer, police hostage negotiator, and Detective at Mount Druitt and Penrith, where he investigated serious crimes such as domestic homicides, sexual assaults, serious (non-sexual) assaults, home invasions, and local drug distribution, among others. He shares his journey from policing to criminology and discusses the six key motivators for committing crimes. Vincent is well-known for his outspoken views, particularly his criticism of Australian politicians on the Q+A program, where he argued that domestic violence is not sufficiently addressed because it's seen as politically inconvenient. He also offers his perspective on why he questions the current approach to women's shelters and why, in his view, it’s the perpetrator who should be removed from the home, not the victim.
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  • Result 1-10 of 4611
Type of publication
journal article (1635)
book chapter (934)
reports (786)
conference paper (678)
book (140)
other publication (111)
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doctoral thesis (99)
editorial collection (98)
review (66)
research review (23)
licentiate thesis (23)
editorial proceedings (18)
artistic work (2)
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Type of content
other academic/artistic (2367)
peer-reviewed (1879)
pop. science, debate, etc. (365)
Karlsson, David, 197 ... (163)
Zapata, Patrik, 1967 (85)
Berlin, Johan, 1975- (75)
Carlström, Eric, 195 ... (69)
Zapata Campos, María ... (64)
Norén Bretzer, Ylva, ... (62)
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Sundström, Göran, 19 ... (57)
Nilsson, Lennart, 19 ... (53)
Szücs, Stefan, 1964 (49)
Olsson, Erik J (48)
Erlingsson, Gissur Ó ... (46)
Kastberg Weichselber ... (44)
Johansson, Vicki, 19 ... (42)
Donatella, Pierre (40)
Montin, Stig, 1954 (38)
Grönlund, Åke, 1954- (37)
Skoog, Louise, 1984- (36)
Hedegaard Sørensen, ... (36)
Löfström, Mikael, 19 ... (35)
Fredriksson, Magnus, ... (34)
Petridou, Evangelia, ... (33)
Wihlborg, Elin, 1970 ... (32)
Firtin, Cemil Eren (31)
Solli, Rolf, 1953 (28)
Dymitrow, Mirek (28)
Lidström, Anders, 19 ... (27)
Johansson, Jörgen, 1 ... (27)
Carlsson, Vanja, 198 ... (26)
Olofsdotter Stensöta ... (26)
Binde, Per, 1956 (25)
Eriksson, Erik, 1977 ... (25)
De Fine Licht, Jenny ... (25)
Zetterholm, Magnus (23)
Tagesson, Torbjörn, ... (23)
Gilljam, Mikael, 195 ... (23)
Ivarsson Westerberg, ... (23)
Brorström, Sara, 198 ... (22)
Jensen, Christian, 1 ... (22)
Lindgren, Lena, 1954 (22)
Holmberg, Sören, 194 ... (22)
Boholm, Åsa, 1953 (22)
Karlsson, Lars, 1964 (22)
Kain, Jaan-Henrik, 1 ... (21)
Wänström, Johan, 197 ... (21)
Weibull, Lennart, 19 ... (21)
Andersson, Robin, 19 ... (20)
Syssner, Josefina (19)
Johansson, Susanne, ... (19)
Niklasson, Birgitta, ... (19)
Bucken-Knapp, Gregg (19)
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University of Gothenburg (1876)
Linköping University (499)
Lund University (446)
Uppsala University (270)
Stockholm University (259)
Chalmers University of Technology (222)
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Umeå University (192)
VTI - The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (168)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (166)
Royal Institute of Technology (151)
Södertörn University (145)
Linnaeus University (124)
Örebro University (119)
University of Borås (117)
Swedish National Heritage Board (108)
University West (101)
Mid Sweden University (85)
Halmstad University (72)
Swedish National Defence College (69)
Karlstad University (58)
Malmö University (48)
Jönköping University (38)
Mälardalen University (37)
RISE (32)
University of Skövde (30)
Högskolan Dalarna (30)
Stockholm School of Economics (28)
Kristianstad University College (22)
Luleå University of Technology (22)
University of Gävle (13)
Marie Cederschiöld högskola (13)
Karolinska Institutet (8)
Blekinge Institute of Technology (7)
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (6)
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (5)
The Nordic Africa Institute (3)
The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (2)
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (1)
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English (2573)
Swedish (1972)
French (16)
Norwegian (12)
Danish (11)
German (7)
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Spanish (4)
Dutch (4)
Italian (3)
Polish (2)
Czech (2)
Finnish (1)
Portuguese (1)
Japanese (1)
Lithuanian (1)
language:Fra_t (1)
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Research subject (UKÄ/SCB)
Social Sciences (4610)
Engineering and Technology (295)
Humanities (261)
Natural sciences (226)
Medical and Health Sciences (191)
Agricultural Sciences (92)


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