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Sökning: WFRF:(Forsman Mats)

  • Resultat 1-25 av 121
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  • Nilsson, Kerstin, et al. (författare)
  • 54 forskare: Inte alla klarar höjd pensions-ålder
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm. - 1101-2412.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Ett hållbart och acceptabelt pensionssystem måste utformas utifrån personliga förutsättningar och förhållanden i arbetslivet, så att fler klarar att arbeta i högre ålder. Att enbart genom ekonomiska åtgärder höja pensionsåldern är inte långsiktigt hållbart, skriver 54 forskare.DEBATT | PENSIONForskning visar att cirka var fjärde har en diagnos eller skada orsakad av sitt arbete. Detta gör arbetsorsakad sjukdom och skada till ett betydelsefullt folkhälsoproblem. Att då enbart genom ekonomiska åtgärder höja pensionsåldern för samtliga (yrkes)grupper utifrån deras kronologiska ålder är inte långsiktigt hållbart när individers biologiska ålder är så olika bland annat till följd av arbetslivet. Detta är en demokratifråga. Forskning om äldre i arbetslivet och hållbart arbete visar att man då främst flyttar individer från pensionssystemet till sjukförsäkringssystemet och ökar klyftorna i samhället.Debatt Det här är en argumenterande text med syfte att påverka. Åsikterna som uttrycks är skribentens egna.Vi är 54 forskare som nu gemensamt har skrivit denna debattartikel. Anledningen är att vi är oroade över att cirka var fjärde blir sjuk av sitt arbete samtidigt som man i det förslag som ligger om att senarelägga ålderspensionen i princip utgår ifrån att arbetskraftsdeltagande enbart styrs av ekonomin. Vi vill trycka på betydelsen av åtgärder i arbetslivet för att komma tillrätta med ohälsan, det vill säga inte enbart ekonomiska restriktioner som tvingar folk som inte kan, vill och orkar att stanna kvar i arbetslivet till en högre kronologisk ålder.Pensionssystemet bygger på att vi ska arbeta en viss del av våra liv för att förtjäna möjligheter till pension. Vi bör dock inte enbart utgå ifrån antalet år sedan en person föddes, då korttidsutbildade generellt träder in på arbetsmarknaden tidigare än långtidsutbildade. De har alltså varit en del av arbetskraften från en yngre ålder. Människor med kortare utbildning har oftare ett arbete som innebär påfrestningar som kan inverka negativt på hälsotillståndet och som till och med kan påskynda det biologiska åldrandet. Dessutom lever korttidsutbildade generellt sett inte lika länge som långtidsutbildade, vilket delvis även avspeglar skilda livs- och arbetsvillkor.Den svenska sjukförsäkringsreformen 2008 avsåg att få tillbaka människor i arbete. Men studien fann att den faktiskt bidrog till att fler gick i tidig ålderspension av dem som var i åldern 55–64 år. Ökningen var störst bland korttidsutbildade. Mer än 5 procent fler gick i tidig ålderspension då det blev svårare att få sjukpenning och sjukersättning. Vi kan notera att det är vanligare att manliga chefer tar ut tidig ålderspension, jämfört med kvinnliga maskinskötare inom tillverkningsindustrin. I vissa yrken är det dessutom vanligare att människor, trots pension, både orkar och faktiskt ges möjlighet att arbeta vidare om de har en specialkompetens som efterfrågas. Om vi endast kombinerar ekonomiska morötter med piskor finns en stor risk att vi ökar klyftan mellan grupper som både kan och vill fortsätta att yrkesarbeta och personer som av olika skäl inte längre kan eller orkar.Ta nytta av den forskning som vi har tagit fram. Ett hållbart och acceptabelt pensionssystem måste utformas utifrån personliga förutsättningar och förhållanden i arbetslivet. Ett hållbart arbetsliv för allt fler i vår åldrande befolkning fordrar att vi samtidigt beaktar faktorer som relaterar till biologisk/kroppslig ålder, mental/kognitiv ålder samt social ålder/livsloppsfas och våra attityder som är kopplade till ålder. Vi måste ta större hänsyn till olika förutsättningar och varierande funktionsförmåga och utifrån detta anpassa de åtgärder som gör att arbetslivet blir möjligt och hållbart för allt fler även i högre ålder.”Morötter” är viktigare för en god arbetshälsa och hög produktivitet än en piska i form av oron för en dålig ekonomi.Forskning visar att pedagogik som bygger på ”morötter” oftast är betydligt bättre än ”piskor” för att nå framgångsrika och långsiktiga mål. ”Morötter” i samhället, för organisationer, företag och individer är därför viktiga för god arbetshälsa och fortsatt produktivitet och kan bidra till ett längre arbetsliv även för grupper som tidigare inte ens klarat av att arbeta fram till pensionsåldern. Genom forskning inom området har bland annat swage-modellen utarbetats. Detta är ett verktyg som visar på komplexiteten i ett hållbart arbetsliv och tillsammans med systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete, handlingsplaner och åtgärder syftar till ett mer hållbart arbetsliv. Morötter är enligt forskningen i detta sammanhang åtgärder för en god fysisk och mental arbetsmiljö, avpassad arbetsbelastning, stödjande teknik, att man kan anpassa arbetstakten, alternativa arbetstidsmodeller vid behov. Det är viktigt att man känner sig trygg och förväntas och tillåts vara delaktig, att man blir sedd av chefen och arbetskamraterna. Att de egna arbetsuppgifterna upplevs som meningsfulla och behövda av andra skapar självförverkligande och tillfredsställelse i arbetet. Att man känner att ens arbetsuppgifter och man själv är viktig för organisationen och företaget. Att man trots högre ålder inkluderas i olika nysatsningar och får tillgång till kompetensutveckling och inte blir åsidosatt eller åldersdiskriminerad. Utvärderingar visar att de äldre medarbetarna som fick några av dessa anpassningar och möjligheter var mer effektiva, utvilade, stimulerade när de var på arbetet samtidigt som sjukfrånvaron minskade. Vilket i sin tur bidrar till ett längre arbetsliv för grupper som tidigare inte klarat av att arbeta fram till pensionsåldern. I organisationer som bygger på en deltagar- och lärandekultur rustas de anställda för att klara omställningar, nya arbetsuppgifter och vid behov även yrkesbyten.Med en åldrande befolkning där allt fler lever allt längre behöver vi arbeta till en högre ålder i framtiden för att pensionssystemet ska hålla. Men ”morötter” är viktigare för en god arbetshälsa och hög produktivitet än en piska i form av oron för en dålig ekonomi. Det kräver också att vi ändrar våra attityder och förhållningssätt till äldre på arbetsmarknaden, vilket vi bäst gör genom att organisationer och företag får incitament till och erbjuder mer individanpassade arbetsvillkor, särskilt för personer i högre ålder. Låt oss därför använda den framtagna kunskapen i praktiken för att göra arbetslivet friskt och hållbart för alla åldrar.
  • Nilsson, Kerstin, et al. (författare)
  • Vi är oroade över senare ålderspension
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Dagens Samhälle. - 1652-6511.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Var fjärde person blir i dag sjuk till följd av sitt arbete. Att höja pensionsåldern för alla yrkesgrupper, utan konkreta åtgärder för att minska ohälsan, är därför problematiskt och mycket oroande. Det är, enligt forskarna, inte långsiktigt samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt att utan andra åtgärder höja pensionsåldern för alla. Vi – 54 forskare – är mycket oroade över konsekvenserna av att, som föreslagits, senarelägga ålderspensionen.Förslaget utgår i princip från arbetskraftsdeltagande i princip enbart styrs av ekonomin, medan forskningen visar att det bara är en av flera faktorer som styr hur länge och hur mycket människor väljer att arbeta.Det här sättet att lösa problemet med en åldrande befolkning och ett sviktande pensionssystem är inte samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt på lång sikt, utan riskerar bara att flytta runt folk mellan olika ersättningssystem. Pensionssystemet bygger på att vi ska arbeta en viss del av våra liv för att tjäna in vår pension. Vi bör dock inte enbart utgå ifrån ålder eller antalet år sedan en person föddes då korttidsutbildade generellt träder in på arbetsmarknaden tidigare än långtidsutbildade. De med kortare utbildningstid har alltså varit en del av arbetskraften från en yngre ålder. Människor med kortare utbildning har också oftare ett arbete som innebär påfrestningar som kan inverka negativt på hälsotillståndet och som till och med kan påskynda det biologiska åldrandet. Dessutom lever korttidsutbildade generellt sett inte lika länge som långtidsutbildade, vilket delvis även avspeglar skilda livs- och arbetsvillkor.Ta nytta av den forskning som vi har tagit fram. Ekonomin är självklart viktigt för att vi ska vilja arbeta, men den är som sagt enbart en av flera faktorer med betydelse vårt arbetsliv.Hälsotillståndet, både det fysiska och det mentala, har en avgörande betydelse för hur länge och hur mycket vi orkar arbeta. Ett fysiskt och mentalt belastande arbete är en stark riskfaktor för en nedsatt hälsa i slutet av arbetslivet. Arbetstid, arbetstakt och möjlighet till återhämtning spelar en allt större roll ju äldre vi blir. Andra aspekter är arbetsinnehåll, hur meningsfulla och stimulerande arbetsuppgifterna är, balansen mellan arbete och familjesituation och fritidsaktiviteter. Organisationskultur, ledarskapet, stöd i arbetet och kompetens har stor betydelse för om vi ska kunna och vilja arbeta till en högre ålder. Vi måste ta större hänsyn till olika förutsättningar och varierande funktionsförmåga och utifrån detta anpassa de åtgärder som gör att arbetslivet blir möjligt och hållbart för allt fler även i högre ålder.Ett hållbart och acceptabelt pensionssystem måste därför utformas utifrån personliga förutsättningar och förhållanden i arbetslivet. Ett hållbart arbetsliv för allt fler i vår åldrande befolkning fordrar att vi samtidigt beaktar faktorer som relaterar till biologisk/kroppslig ålder, mental/kognitiv ålder samt social ålder/livsloppsfas samt de attityder som är kopplade till ålder.
  • Ahlinder, Jon, et al. (författare)
  • Increased knowledge of Francisella genus diversity highlights the benefits of optimised DNA-based assays
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: BMC Microbiology. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1471-2180. ; 12, s. 220-
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Recent advances in sequencing technologies offer promising tools for generating large numbers of genomes, larger typing databases and improved mapping of environmental bacterial diversity. However, DNA-based methods for the detection of Francisella were developed with limited knowledge about genetic diversity. This, together with the high sequence identity between several Francisella species, means there is a high risk of false identification and detection of the highly virulent pathogen Francisella tularensis. Moreover, phylogenetic reconstructions using single or limited numbers of marker sequences often result in incorrect tree topologies and inferred evolutionary distances. The recent growth in publicly accessible whole-genome sequences now allows evaluation of published genetic markers to determine optimal combinations of markers that minimise both time and laboratory costs. Results: In the present study, we evaluated 38 previously published DNA markers and the corresponding PCR primers against 42 genomes representing the currently known diversity of the genus Francisella. The results highlight that PCR assays for Francisella tularensis are often complicated by low specificity, resulting in a high probability of false positives. A method to select a set of one to seven markers for obtaining optimal phylogenetic resolution or diagnostic accuracy is presented. Conclusions: Current multiple-locus sequence-typing systems and detection assays of Francisella, could be improved by redesigning some of the primers and reselecting typing markers. The use of only a few optimally selected sequence-typing markers allows construction of phylogenetic topologies with almost the same accuracy as topologies based on whole-genome sequences.
  • Ahlinder, Jon, et al. (författare)
  • Oligotyping reveals divergent responses of predation resistant bacteria to aquatic productivity and plankton composition
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Predation-resistance has been suggested to be a key for persistence of pathogenic bacteria in aquatic environments. Little is known about driving factors for different types of protozoa resistant bacteria (PRB). We studied if presence of PRB is linked to specific plankton taxa, the aquatic nutrient state, or predation pressure on bacteria. Nineteen freshwater systems were sampled and analyzed for PRB, plankton composition and physicochemical variables. Three PRB genera were identified; Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium and Rickettsia. Use of minimum entropy decomposition algorithm and phylogenetic analysis showed that different nodes (representing OTUs of high taxonomic resolution) matched to environmental isolates of the three genera. Links between the PRB genera and specific plankton taxa were found, but showed different relationships depending on if 18S rRNA OTU or microscopy data were used in the analysis. Mycobacterium spp. was negatively correlated to aquatic nutrient state, while Pseudomonas showed the opposite pattern. Rickettsia spp. was positively related to predation pressure on bacteria. Both Mycobacterium and Rickettsia were more abundant in systems with high eukaryotic diversity, while Pseudomonas occurred abundantly in waters with low prokaryotic diversity. The different drivers may be explained by varying ecological strategies, where Mycobacterium and Rickettsia are slow growing and have an intracellular life style, while Pseudomonas is fast growing and opportunistic. Here we give an insight to the possibilities of newly advanced methods such as sequencing and oligotyping to link potential pathogens with biomarkers. This as a tool to assist predictions of the occurrence and persistence of environmental pathogens.
  • Anckarsäter, Henrik, 1966, et al. (författare)
  • Persistent regional frontotemporal hypoactivity in violent offenders at follow-up.
  • 2007
  • Ingår i: Psychiatry research. - : Elsevier BV. - 0165-1781 .- 0925-4927 .- 1872-7123. ; 156:1, s. 87-90
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Since cross-sectional brain-imaging studies demonstrating frontotemporal cerebral hypoactivity in violent offenders have generally been carried out around the time of trial and sentencing, the findings might be influenced by the stressful situation of the subjects. It seems that no group of offenders with this finding has yet been followed longitudinally. We have re-examined nine offenders convicted of lethal or near-lethal violence in whom single photon emission tomography (SPECT) previously had demonstrated frontotemporal hypoperfusion. The mean interval between the initial and the follow-up examination was 4 years. The initially observed hypoactivity was found to have remained virtually unchanged at follow-up: no mean change in the group exceeded 5% in 12 assessed regions of interest. Although preliminary due to the small sample size, this study suggests that frontotemporal brain hypoactivity is a trait rather than a state in perpetrators of severe violent crimes.
  • Anckarsäter, Henrik, et al. (författare)
  • Reduced frontotemporal perfusion in psychopathic personality
  • 2002
  • Ingår i: Psychiatry Research. - 1872-7123. ; 114:2, s. 81-94
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Several brain-imaging studies have found associations between aberrant functioning in the frontal and temporal lobes and violent offending. We have previously reported decreased frontotemporal perfusion unrelated to psychosis, substance abuse, or current medication in 21 violent offenders. In the present study, we compared the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in a new group of 32 violent offenders to scores on the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), which rates two aspects of psychopathy: disturbed interpersonal attitudes (Factor 1) and impulsive antisocial behavior (Factor 2). A recently proposed model has split Factor 1 into a new Factor 1 (deceitful interpersonal style), a new Factor 2 (affective unresponsiveness), and a Factor 3, which approximately corresponds to the old Factor 2. The rCBF was assessed by single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with technetium-99m-d,l-hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime (HMPAO) in regions of interest (ROIs) placed in accordance with fusioned magnetic resonance images (MRI) and SPECT scans. Significant negative correlations were found between interpersonal features of psychopathy (the old and especially the new Factor 1) and the frontal and temporal perfusion. The two most clearly associated ROIs were the head of the caudate nuclei and the hippocampi. These findings in a group of violent offenders living under the same conditions, which reduced the number of state-related confounders, add to the evidence indicating that aberrant frontotemporal activity may be a factor in violent behavior.
  • Birdsell, Dawn N, et al. (författare)
  • Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis group A.I, United States
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Emerging Infectious Diseases. - : Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). - 1080-6040 .- 1080-6059. ; 20:5, s. 861-865
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We used whole-genome analysis and subsequent characterization of geographically diverse strains using new genetic signatures to identify distinct subgroups within Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis group A.I: A.I.3, A.I.8, and A.I.12. These subgroups exhibit complex phylogeographic patterns within North America. The widest distribution was observed for A.I.12, which suggests an adaptive advantage.
  • Champion, Mia D, et al. (författare)
  • Comparative genomic characterization of Francisella tularensis strains belonging to low and high virulence subspecies
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: PLoS pathogens. - : Public Library of Science (PLoS). - 1553-7374. ; 5:5, s. e1000459-
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Tularemia is a geographically widespread, severely debilitating, and occasionally lethal disease in humans. It is caused by infection by a gram-negative bacterium, Francisella tularensis. In order to better understand its potency as an etiological agent as well as its potential as a biological weapon, we have completed draft assemblies and report the first complete genomic characterization of five strains belonging to the following different Francisella subspecies (subsp.): the F. tularensis subsp. tularensis FSC033, F. tularensis subsp. holarctica FSC257 and FSC022, and F. tularensis subsp. novicida GA99-3548 and GA99-3549 strains. Here, we report the sequencing of these strains and comparative genomic analysis with recently available public Francisella sequences, including the rare F. tularensis subsp. mediasiatica FSC147 strain isolate from the Central Asian Region. We report evidence for the occurrence of large-scale rearrangement events in strains of the holarctica subspecies, supporting previous proposals that further phylogenetic subdivisions of the Type B clade are likely. We also find a significant enrichment of disrupted or absent ORFs proximal to predicted breakpoints in the FSC022 strain, including a genetic component of the Type I restriction-modification defense system. Many of the pseudogenes identified are also disrupted in the closely related rarely human pathogenic F. tularensis subsp. mediasiatica FSC147 strain, including modulator of drug activity B (mdaB) (FTT0961), which encodes a known NADPH quinone reductase involved in oxidative stress resistance. We have also identified genes exhibiting sequence similarity to effectors of the Type III (T3SS) and components of the Type IV secretion systems (T4SS). One of the genes, msrA2 (FTT1797c), is disrupted in F. tularensis subsp. mediasiatica and has recently been shown to mediate bacterial pathogen survival in host organisms. Our findings suggest that in addition to the duplication of the Francisella Pathogenicity Island, and acquisition of individual loci, adaptation by gene loss in the more recently emerged tularensis, holarctica, and mediasiatica subspecies occurred and was distinct from evolutionary events that differentiated these subspecies, and the novicida subspecies, from a common ancestor. Our findings are applicable to future studies focused on variations in Francisella subspecies pathogenesis, and of broader interest to studies of genomic pathoadaptation in bacteria.
  • Davies Forsman, Lina, et al. (författare)
  • Fatal bupivacaine overdose through intrathecally positioned epidural catheter
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Scandinavian Journal of Forensic Science. - : Walter de Gruyter. - 1503-9552. ; 19:1, s. 10-12
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We describe a fatality due to an intrathecally positioned epidural catheter and an infusion rate of bupivacaine set 10 times higher than planned. The undetected misplacement, despite safety routines, is discussed along with the toxicological findings and new information on the intrathecal distribution of bupivacaine. From a clinical point of view, the human factor, in combination with an indistinct decimal point on the pump, was considered as the reason for the unfortunate overdose. In continuous epidural infusion of local anesthetics, the importance of guidelines and informed staff in managing complications of epidural lumbar infusion as well as careful monitoring of the vital functions is essential. Guidelines are also vital during the procedure of insertion of epidural catheters. When using combined spinal and epidural anaesthesia, we believe that an epidural catheter should be inserted, and its position tested, prior to spinal anesthesia. The case also illustrates the need of innovative investigation techniques to confirm the suspicion of unusual manifestations of inadvertent drug effects. Segmental analysis, together with analyses in a control case, enabled us to elucidate the high and varying tissue concentrations in the central nervous system.
  • Dellve, Lotta, 1965, et al. (författare)
  • Myofeedback training and intensive muscular strength training to decrease pain and improve work ability among female workers on long-term sick leave with neck pain: a randomized controlled trial
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: International archives of occupational and environmental health. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1432-1246 .- 0340-0131. ; 84:3, s. 335-46
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Abstract The theoretical framework is that muscle tension in the neck is related to insufficient muscular rest and is a risk factor for chronic pain and reduced work ability. Promoting muscle strength and muscle rest may increase work ability and reduce neck pain. Objectives To test whether myofeedback training or intensive strength training leads to decreased pain and increased work ability in women on long-term sick leave. Methods This is a randomized controlled trial of two 1-month interventions with myofeedback or muscular strength training in the home environment. Female human service organization workers (n = 60) on long-term (>60 days) sick leave and with chronic neck pain were followed with self-reported and laboratory-observed data of health, pain, muscular activation, and work ability, at baseline, immediately after the intervention and 3 months after baseline. Results For both intervention groups, pain was lowered over time compared with the control group. Decreased pain and muscular activity was associated with increased self-rated work ability and with laboratory-observed work ability at 3-month follow-up. Decreased pain was also associated with increased self-rated work ability at 1-month follow-up. Muscular strength training was associated with increased self-rated work ability and mental health. Myofeedback was associated with increased observed work ability and self- rated vitality. Conclusions The two interventions showed positive results, suggesting that they could be developed for use in health care practice to address pain and work ability. The intensive muscular strength training program, which is both easy to conduct at home and easy to coach, was associated with increased work ability.
  • Dellve, Lotta, et al. (författare)
  • Myofeedback training and intensive muscular strength training to improve work ability and decrease pain among female workers on long term sick leave with neck pain : A Randomized Controlled Trial
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0340-0131 .- 1432-1246. ; 84:3, s. 335-346
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The theoretical framework is that muscle tension in the neck is related to insufficient muscular rest and is a risk factor for chronic pain and reduced work ability. Promoting muscle strength and muscle rest may increase work ability and reduce neck pain. To test whether myofeedback training or intensive strength training leads to decreased pain and increased work ability in women on long-term sick leave. This is a randomized controlled trial of two 1-month interventions with myofeedback or muscular strength training in the home environment. Female human service organization workers (n = 60) on long-term (> 60 days) sick leave and with chronic neck pain were followed with self-reported and laboratory-observed data of health, pain, muscular activation, and work ability, at baseline, immediately after the intervention and 3 months after baseline. For both intervention groups, pain was lowered over time compared with the control group. Decreased pain and muscular activity was associated with increased self-rated work ability and with laboratory-observed work ability at 3-month follow-up. Decreased pain was also associated with increased self-rated work ability at 1-month follow-up. Muscular strength training was associated with increased self-rated work ability and mental health. Myofeedback was associated with increased observed work ability and self- rated vitality. The two interventions showed positive results, suggesting that they could be developed for use in health care practice to address pain and work ability. The intensive muscular strength training program, which is both easy to conduct at home and easy to coach, was associated with increased work ability.
  • Donahue, Kelly, et al. (författare)
  • Familial Factors, Victimization, and Psychological Health Among Sexual Minority Adolescents in Sweden.
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: American journal of public health. - 1541-0048. ; 107:2, s. 322-328
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • To determine the influences of victimization experience and familial factors on the association between sexual minority status and psychological health outcomes among adolescents.We used data from the Child and Adolescent Twin Study in Sweden, a prospective, population-based study of all twins born in Sweden since 1992. Cross-sectional analyses included individuals who completed assessments at age 18 years (n=4898) from 2000 to 2013. We also compared psychological health among sexual minority adolescents and their nonminority co-twins.Sexual minority adolescents were more likely than were unrelated nonminority adolescents to report victimization experiences, including emotional abuse, physical abuse or neglect, and sexual abuse. Sexual minority adolescents also reported significantly more symptoms of anxiety, depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, disordered eating, and substance misuse in addition to increased parent-reported behavior problems. Victimization experience partially mediated these associations. However, when controlling for unmeasured familial confounding factors by comparing sexual minority adolescents to their same-sex, nonminority co-twins, the effect of sexual minority status on psychological health was almost entirely attenuated.Familial factors-common genetic or environmental influences-may explain decreased psychological adjustment among sexual minority adolescents.
  • Dwibedi, Chinmay Kumar, et al. (författare)
  • Biological amplification of low frequency mutations unravels laboratory culture history of the bio-threat agent Francisella tularensis
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Forensic Science International. - : Elsevier. - 1872-4973 .- 1878-0326. ; 45
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Challenges of investigating a suspected bio attack include establishing if microorganisms have been cultured to produce attack material and to identify their source. Addressing both issues, we have investigated genetic variations that emerge during laboratory culturing of the bacterial pathogen Francisella tularensis. Key aims were to identify genetic variations that are characteristic of laboratory culturing and explore the possibility of using biological amplification to identify genetic variation present at exceedingly low frequencies in a source sample. We used parallel serial passage experiments and high-throughput sequencing of F. tularensis to explore the genetic variation. We found that during early laboratory culture passages of F. tularensis, gene duplications emerged in the pathogen genome followed by single-nucleotide polymorphisms in genes for bacterial capsule synthesis. Based on a biological enrichment scheme and the use of high-throughput sequencing, we identified genetic variation that likely pre-existed in a source sample. The results support that capsule synthesis gene mutations are common during laboratory culture, and that a biological amplification strategy is useful for linking a F. tularensis sample to a specific laboratory variant among many highly similar variants.
  • Dwibedi, Chinmay Kumar, et al. (författare)
  • Long-range dispersal moved Francisella tularensis into Western Europe from the East
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Microbial Genomics. - : Microbiology Society. - 2057-5858. ; 2:12
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • For many infections transmitting to humans from reservoirs in nature, disease dispersal patterns over space and time are largely unknown. Here, a reversed genomics approach helped us understand disease dispersal and yielded insight into evolution and biological properties of Francisella tularensis, the bacterium causing tularemia. We whole-genome sequenced 67 strains and characterized by single-nucleotide polymorphism assays 138 strains, collected from individuals infected 1947-2012 across Western Europe. We used the data for phylogenetic, population genetic and geographical network analyses. All strains (n= 205) belonged to a monophyletic population of recent ancestry not found outside Western Europe. Most strains (n= 195) throughout the study area were assigned to a star-like phylogenetic pattern indicating that colonization of Western Europe occurred via clonal expansion. In the East of the study area, strains were more diverse, consistent with a founder population spreading from east to west. The relationship of genetic and geographic distance within the F. tularensis population was complex and indicated multiple long-distance dispersal events. Mutation rate estimates based on year of isolation indicated null rates; in outbreak hotspots only, there was a rate of 0.4 mutations/genome/year. Patterns of nucleotide substitution showed marked AT mutational bias suggestive of genetic drift. These results demonstrate that tularemia has moved from east to west in Europe and that F. tularensis has a biology characterized by long-range geographical dispersal events and mostly slow, but variable, replication rates. The results indicate that mutation-driven evolution, a resting survival phase, genetic drift and long-distance geographical dispersal events have interacted to generate genetic diversity within this species.
  • Ecke, Frauke, et al. (författare)
  • Selective Predation by Owls on Infected Bank Voles (Myodes glareolus) as a Possible Sentinel of Tularemia Outbreaks
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. - : Mary Ann Liebert. - 1530-3667 .- 1557-7759. ; 20:8, s. 630-632
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Tularemia is a widely spread zoonotic disease in the northern hemisphere, caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. In humans, tularemia is an acute febrile illness with incidence peaks in late summer to early autumn of outbreak years, but there is no early warning system in place that can reduce the impact of disease by providing timely risk information. In this study, we revisit previously unpublished data on F. tularensis in water, sediment, soil, and small mammals from 1984 in northern Sweden. In addition, we used human case data from the national surveillance system for tularemia in the same year. In the environmental and small mammal material, bank vole (Myodes glareolus) samples from urine and bladder were the only samples that tested positive for F. tularensis. The prevalence of F. tularensis among trapped bank voles was 13.5%, although all six bank voles that were retrieved from owl nest boxes in early May tested positive. Forty-two human tularemia cases were reported from August to December in 1984. Based on these results, we encourage investigating the potential role of tularemia-infected bank voles retrieved from owl nest boxes in spring as an early warning for outbreaks of tularemia among humans in summer and autumn of the same year.
  • Elofsson, Mats, et al. (författare)
  • Riskanalys för att fatta bättre beslut
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Tidskrift i sjöväsendet. - Tyresö : Kungl. Örlogsmannasällskapet. - 0040-6945. ; 2, s. 130-141
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Forslund, Anna-Lena, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Direct repeat-mediated deletion of a type IV pilin gene results in major virulence attenuation of Francisella tularensis
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: Molecular Microbiology. - : Wiley-Blackwell. - 0950-382X .- 1365-2958. ; 59:6, s. 1818-1830
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of tularaemia, is a highly infectious and virulent intracellular pathogen. There are two main human pathogenic subspecies, Francisella tularensis ssp. tularensis (type A), and Francisella tularensis ssp. holarctica (type B). So far, knowledge regarding key virulence determinants is limited but it is clear that intracellular survival and multiplication is one major virulence strategy of Francisella. In addition, genome sequencing has revealed the presence of genes encoding type IV pili (Tfp). One genomic region encoding three proteins with signatures typical for type IV pilins contained two 120 bp direct repeats. Here we establish that repeat-mediated loss of one of the putative pilin genes in a type B strain results in severe virulence attenuation in mice infected by subcutaneous route. Complementation of the mutant by introduction of the pilin gene in cis resulted in complete restoration of virulence. The level of attenuation was similar to that of the live vaccine strain and this strain was also found to lack the pilin gene as result of a similar deletion event mediated by the direct repeats. Presence of the pilin had no major effect on the ability to interact, survive and multiply inside macrophage-like cell lines. Importantly, the pilin-negative strain was impaired in its ability to spread from the initial site of infection to the spleen. Our findings indicate that this putative pilin is critical for Francisella infections that occur via peripheral routes.
  • Forsman, Anders, et al. (författare)
  • To what extent can existing research help project climate change impacts on biodiversity in aquatic environments? : A review of methodological approaches
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. - : MDPI AG. - 2077-1312. ; 4:4
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • It is broadly accepted that continued global warming will pose a major threat to biodiversity in the 21st century. But how reliable are current projections regarding consequences of future climate change for biodiversity? To address this issue, we review the methodological approaches in published studies of how life in marine and freshwater environments responds to temperature shifts. We analyze and compare observational field surveys and experiments performed either in the laboratory or under natural conditions in the wild, the type of response variables considered, the number of species investigated, study duration, and the nature and magnitude of experimental temperature manipulations. The observed patterns indicate that, due to limitations of study design, ecological and evolutionary responses of individuals, populations, species, and ecosystems to temperature change were in many cases difficult to establish, and causal mechanism(s) often remained ambiguous. We also discovered that the thermal challenge in experimental studies was 10,000 times more severe than reconstructed estimates of past and projections of future warming of the oceans, and that temperature manipulations also tended to increase in magnitude in more recent studies. These findings raise some concerns regarding the extent to which existing research can increase our understanding of how higher temperatures associated with climate change will affect life in aquatic environments. In view of our review findings, we discuss the trade-off between realism and methodological tractability. We also propose a series of suggestions and directions towards developing a scientific agenda for improving the validity and inference space of future research efforts.
  • Forsman, Krister, et al. (författare)
  • Some Finiteness Issues in Differential Algebraic Systems Theory
  • 1994
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. - Linköping : Linköping University. - 0780319680 ; , s. 1112-1117 vol.2
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The elimination problem in differential algebraic systems theory is discussed. The focus is on finiteness questions, such as conditions for the elimination ideal to be finitely generated.
  • Forsman, Mats, et al. (författare)
  • A longitudinal twin study of the direction of effects between psychopathic personality and antisocial behaviour
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. - : Wiley. - 0021-9630 .- 1469-7610. ; 51:1, s. 39-47
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Antisocial behaviour may partly develop as a consequence of psychopathic personality. However, neither the direction of effects nor the aetiology of the association has previously been clarified. The aim in this study was to investigate the direction of effects between psychopathic personality and antisocial behaviour, and to investigate the genetic and environmental contribution to this association. Method: Twins (n = 2,255) in the Swedish Twin Study of Child and Adolescent Development were prospectively followed from adolescence to adulthood. We used a longitudinal cross-lagged twin model to study the associations between psychopathic personality and antisocial behaviour. Results: Psychopathic personality in mid-adolescence predicted antisocial behaviour in adulthood (p < .001), but not the other way around. However, bidirectional effects were found when a measure of persistent antisocial behaviour (from age 8-9 to age 16-17) was used. Psychopathic personality predicted both rule-breaking behaviour (p < .001) and aggressive behaviour (p < .01). Genetic factors were of importance in mediating the longitudinal associations between psychopathic personality and antisocial behaviour. Conclusions: This study provides evidence that genetically influenced psychopathic personality is a robust predictor of adult antisocial behaviour, but also that persistent antisocial behaviour has an impact on adult psychopathic personality via genetic effects.
  • Forsman, Mats, et al. (författare)
  • Genetic effects explain the stability of psychopathic personality from mid- to late adolescence
  • 2008
  • Ingår i: Journal of Abnormal Psychology. - 0021-843X .- 1939-1846. ; 38:6, s. 627-627
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This study examined the importance of genetic and environmental influence for the stability of psychopathic personality between mid- and late adolescence. The target sample consisted of all 1,480 male and female twin pairs born in Sweden between 1985 and 1986. Psychopathic personality was measured with the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI; H. Andershed, M. Kerr, M. Stattin, & S. Levander, 2002) when the participants were 16 and 19 years old. Results showed that the 3 psychopathic personality dimensions were stable at different levels of analysis and linked to a stable higher order general factor (i.e., psychopathic personality factor). Genetic factors contributed substantially to the stability of this general higher order factor, whereas environmental factors were of little importance. However, the authors also found specific genetic stability in the Callous/unemotional and Impulsive/irresponsible dimension. Thus, the model provides evidence for etiologic generality and etiologic specificity for the stability of psychopathic personality between mid- and late adolescence.
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