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Sökning: WFRF:(Gunnarsson Lena)

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  • Gunnarsson, Lena, et al. (författare)
  • Love, Feminism and Dialectics : Repairing splits in theory and practice
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Feminism and the Power of Love : Interdisciplinary interventions - Interdisciplinary interventions. - Abingdon, Oxon, New York, NY : Routledge, 2017. | Series: Routledge advances in feminist studies and intersectionality ; 23 : Routledge. - 9781138710054 - 9781315200798 ; , s. 169-187
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Gunnarsson highlights how dialectics can shed light on the relation between love and dominance, foregrounding the crucial role that ontological tensions play in self–other relating. Drawing on Roy Bhaskar’s dialectical critical realist philosophy, she expands on Jessica Benjamin’s analysis of male dominance as well as other feminist work, and elaborates on the necessity of living-with rather than seeking to escape constitutive tensions, if we are to be able to live non-oppressively and sustainably with one another. Gunnarsson also demonstrates how dialectics can account for the fact that life-enhancing impulses are often co-enfolded in oppressive practices and elaborates on the implications that this has for the prospect of transformation.
  • Gunnarsson, Lena, et al. (författare)
  • The power of love : Towards an interdisciplinary and multi-theoretical feminist love studies
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Feminism and the Power of Love : Interdisciplinary Interventions - Interdisciplinary Interventions. - Abingdon, Oxon, New York, NY : Routledge, 2017. | Series: Routledge advances in feminist studies and intersectionality ; 23 : Routledge. - 9781138710054 - 9781351780131 ; , s. 1-12
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Although love in some form is arguably as old as humankind, many scholars judge that it has never been as socially and existentially decisive as it is in contemporary western societies (Bauman 2003; Beck and Beck-Gernsheim 1995; Ferry 2013; Giddens 1992; Gunnarsson 2014a; Illouz 2012; Jónasdóttir 1994, 2011; Kaufmann 2011; Luhmann 1998; May 2011). The loosening of collective and role-based modes of recognition and existential security has meant that, to an increasing extent, love has become the most signi?cant source of people’s ‘ontological rootedness’ (May 2011) or ‘ontological security’ (Giddens 1992). For instance, while conceding that it seems to be a universal fact that love is a source of self-enhancement, Eva Illouz argues that ‘the sense of self-worth provided by love in modern relationships is of particular and acute importance, precisely because at stake in contemporary individualism is the dificulty to establish one’s self-worth and because the pressure for self-di?erentiation and developing a sense of uniqueness has considerably increased with modernity’ (2012: 112; cf. Beck and Beck-Gernsheim 1995; Gunnarsson 2014a; Gunnarsson 1994, 2011; Luhmann 1998). Luc Ferry goes as far as stating that the world is currently going through a ‘revolution of love’. When fewer and fewer believe in values like God, the Nation or the Revolution, the only thing in which basically everyone believes is love. Although love, as the new great principle of meaning against which to measure the ‘good life’, revolves around the private sphere, Ferry states that the revolution of love has repercussions for public and political life as well. For instance, he sees the ecological movement as premised on the historically recent phenomenon of parental love, forming the basis of a concern for the lives of future generations (Ferry 2013). The long-standing feminist insight that the personal is political has now reached into the core of male-stream theorizing. The increasing social signi?cance of love is a crucial theme also in Anna Jónasdóttir’s feminist theorization of contemporary western societies, which is more specifically focused on sexual love, understood as a ‘causal power in history’. In line with Illouz and others, she argues that under current social conditions, ‘when individuals are forced/free to make and remake themselves under continuously changing circumstances, love as a source of creative/re-creative human power seems to be needed more and more strongly’ (Jónasdóttir 2011: 50). She also addresses the historically specific relation between love and the economy (cf. Bryson 2011; Hochschild 2003; Illouz 2007, 2012), tentatively proposing that ‘capital is becoming more and more dependent on recreative (as distinct from procreative) love power; and on conditioning people to use and invest their energy [and love power] to serve, directly or indirectly, continued economic growth’ (Jónasdóttir 1994: 229). The growing de facto social signi?cance of love is likely to be one crucial factor behind the increasing academic interest in love, forming the new field of what Jónasdóttir terms ‘love studies’ (Jónasdóttir 2014). While love was long an embarrassing topic for scholars aiming to be taken seriously (Toye 2010) (with literary studies and parts of philosophy as exceptions), it is now commonplace as a male-stream topic of study in many di?erent disciplines, ranging from neuroscience to political science. Given that most people would rate love as one of life’s highest values and motivators (Ferguson and Jónasdóttir 2014), as witnessed by its topicality in music, literature and art, this growing academic interest in love is important because it helps bridge the gap between academic and lay inclinations, contributing to a deeper understanding of people’s behavior and, consequently, to social life as a whole (Sayer 2011). As part of the expanding general field of love studies, a revitalized subfield of feminist love studies has begun to take shape (Ferguson and Jónasdóttir 2014). It has done so only hesitantly though, despite the fact that love is generally thought of as a feminine realm. As Margaret Toye suggests, it is probably precisely because of love’s association with ‘the realm of women, the home, the private, the apolitical, the “not serious”’ that, struggling to be taken seriously, feminist theorists feel such a ‘nervousness around the topic’ (2010: 41). However, since the organization of love under patriarchy is strongly structured by gender, contributing to the subordination of women to men (de Beauvoir 1989; Dempsey 2002; Ferguson 1989, 1991, 2012; Firestone 1970; Gunnarsson 2011, 2014a, 2014b; Illouz 2012; Jackson 2014; Jónasdóttir 1994, 2009, 2011; Langford 1999; Thagaard 1997) and privileging heterosexual love over same-sex love (Butler 1990; Ferguson 1989, 1991; Jackson 2006; Rich 1980), it remains centrally important that feminist theorists take part in shaping the field of love studies. As part of the generally growing signi?cance of love in late modern societies, love also seems to be becoming an increasingly important arena of gender struggle (Jónasdóttir 2009). As a result of formal gender equality and the relative decline in women’s economic dependence on men, we have entered an era in which many middle and upper class women, above all but not exclusively in the West/North, remain bound to men only by the bonds of sexual attraction and love (Giddens 1992; Gunnarsson 2014a; Jónasdóttir 1994 [1991]). The implications of this have not been su?ciently explored by feminist theorists. What are the mechanisms of power internal to love? And what is it that motivates women to continue to attach themselves to men, even when this is not necessitated by economic and other constraints? In other words, what kind(s) of power is the power of love? And what di?erence does it make in and for feminist theory and politics? In the feminist work on love that does exist, especially as part of second wave feminism, the dominant way to explain women’s choice to attach themselves to men in the name of love, even when this implies subordination and the draining of women’s powers, has been by recourse to notions of patriarchal ideology or discourse. With some exceptions (e.g. Leon 1978; Sarachild 1978; Willis 1980), the recurrent theme of second wave feminist discourse on love was to conceive of heterosexual love as a delusion or false consciousness, ensuring that women continue to submit to men (Atkinson 1974; The Feminists 1973; Firestone 1970; see Douglas 1990, Jónasdóttir 2014, and Grossi this volume for overviews). As bell hooks puts forward, this feminist tendency to reduce love to a matter of patriarchal ideology has led to the alienation of most women from feminism. For hooks, to see love itself as the problem was a mistake of second wave feminists. ‘We were to do away with love and put in its place a concern with gaining rights and power’, she states, highlighting that this inhibited the development of a more complex feminist theorization of love. ‘Rather than rethinking love and insisting on its importance and value, feminist discourse on love simply stopped’ (2000: 102). Highlighting that the emergence of love studies as a new research field has so far been driven to a large extent by male mainstream theorists, Jónasdóttir echoes hook’s plea for more feminist inquiries into love. Since love is ‘one of the most vital, and dificult - not the least for women, matters to deal with in practical life and in theory, it should be particularly urgent for feminists to be (pro)active in this area’ (Jónasdóttir 2014: 25). Although ideological notions of compulsory heterosexual love, bound up with norms of femininity and masculinity, are of course immensely important as vehicles reproducing heterosexuality as a dominant system with associated gendered power relations, this book departs from tendencies of reducing love to ideology or discourse. A central assumption structuring the book is that although love is a crucial site of (in particular) gendered power asymmetries, it is also a vital source of human enhancement that we cannot, in its basic form, live without. Refraining from tendencies in much work on love to emphasize either love’s oppressive or enhancing qualities and implications (see Gunnarsson 2011, 2014a), the book puts the dualities, dynamics, and contradictions of love center stage, in the conviction that love’s indisputable power can be organized in both mutually enhancing and egalitarian and oppressive and exploitative ways. From a range of di?erent theoretical points of view, it aims to elucidate what makes love such a central value and motivator for people, thereby adding to the understanding of why love can keep people in its grip even when practiced in ways that deplete and oppress. In light of such analyses, ontological as well as historical and empirical, it also o?ers new perspectives on the conditions and characteristics of non-oppressive, mutually enhancing ways of loving.
  • Eriksson, Eva-Lena, et al. (författare)
  • Ändrade skolstartstider för att minska resandet i rusningstid : varför är det så svårt?
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Sammanställning av referat från Transportforum 2024. - Linköping : Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut. ; , s. 128-129
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Rusningstrafik är ett välkänt problem som leder till höga utsläpp, trängsel och förseningar. I Sverige inträffar vanligtvis topparna i trafiken kl. 7-8 och kl. 15.30-17, vilket kopplas till start- och sluttider för arbetsplatser och skolor. Rusningstid är en av de huvudsakliga kostnadsdrivarna för kollektivtrafiken, med störst påverkan från behovet av en stor bussflotta och många förare som inte nyttjas fullt ut under resterande trafikdygn, samt användandet av större fordon än den genomsnittliga dagliga efterfrågan. De senaste åren har kollektivtrafikkostnaderna ökat mer än utbudet och tidigare forskning pekar på att en av de viktigaste kostnadsfaktorerna är den höga resandeefterfrågan i rusningstid.Det finns olika åtgärder med målet att sprida ut resandeefterfrågan under rusningstid, där utspridda skolstartstider är en av dessa. Det är dock svårt att hitta exempel på permanenta införanden. För att uppnå ett jämnare trafikflöde och en utspridd resandeefterfrågan är det nödvändigt att ha insikter om individuella resval, men också om hur organisationer kan införa gemensamma åtgärder. Kopplat till utspridda skolstartstider involverar det kommuner, regionala kollektivtrafikmyndigheter (RKM) och skolor, som respektive ansvarar för skolskjuts, kollektivtrafikplanering och undervisning. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera tidigare införanden av utspridda skolstartstider för att hitta anledningarna till lyckade eller misslyckade genomföranden. Detta genom att identifiera möjliggörare, hinder och incitament för de olika aktörerna, samt att hitta lyckade exempel. Fem fall där utspridda skolstartstider har införts har studerats, där representanter från kommun, skola och RKM har intervjuats. Ett tjugotal intervjuer har genomförts med skolskjutsplanerare, rektorer och kollektivtrafikplanerare. Intervjuerna var semi-strukturerade och utgick ifrån en intervjuguide. Exempel på frågor som ställdes är vilka möjligheter och hinder som aktörerna identifierat, om incitament hade använts som gynnade alla aktörer, kommunikationen mellan aktörerna, samt effekterna av införandet.Studien fann viktiga faktorer att ta hänsyn till för kommuner och RKM:er som funderar på att införa utspridda skolstartstider. En faktor är att ha en bra och genomtänkt kommunikation mellan de centrala aktörerna: kommuner, RKM och de berörda skolorna. En annan viktig faktor är att kontinuerligt involvera engagerade personer i implementeringsprocessen och att sätta upp ett gemensamt mål. Ett hinder för genomförandet är att det inte finns incitament för alla aktörer, till exempel att kostnadsminskningen delas mellan alla aktörer. 
  • Nordeman, Lena Margareta, et al. (författare)
  • Predictors for future activity limitation in women with chronic low back pain consulting primary care: a 2-year prospective longitudinal cohort study.
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: BMJ open. - : BMJ. - 2044-6055. ; 7:6
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • To assess if body function, activity, participation, health-related quality of life and lifestyle behavioural factors can predict activity limitation in women with chronic low back pain (CLBP) in primary healthcare (PHC) 2years later.A 2-year prospective longitudinal cohort study within PHC.PHC in southwestern Sweden.The cohort comprised 130 women with CLBP attending PHC at baseline 2004-2005 and were reassessed after 2years.The dependent outcome variable was self-reported activity limitation (Roland Morris disability questionnaire (RMDQ)) at 2-year follow-up. Independent predictors at baseline were age, body mass index, smoking, alcohol consumption, sleep quantity and quality, leisure time physical activity, a questionnaire of clinical manifestation of stress (Stress and Crises Inventory (SCI-93)), pain localisation, pain intensity, fatigue, anxiety, depression, RMDQ, work status, private social support, health-related quality of life and measures of physical performance specified as 6min walk test (6MWT) and hand grip strength. Relation between baseline predictors and variation in later self-reported activity limitation (RMDQ) was analysed using multivariate linear regression.Ninety-five per cent (n=123/130) were followed up after 2years. The participants were middle-aged (mean 45 (SD 10) years), mostly educated >9 years (88%; 108/123), mainly living with another adult (76%; 93/122) and born in Sweden (90%; 111/123). Seventy-nine per cent (97/123) were categorised as having work ability at baseline. The final prognostic model including 6MWT, SCI-93 and RMDQ at baseline explained 54% of the variance in self-reported activity limitation (RMDQ) at the 2-year follow-up.Lower physical performance, more severe clinical stress symptoms and more severe activity limitation predicted activity limitation after 2years in women with CLBP within PHC. The results can give guidance for interventional trials aiming to improve physical capacity and decrease stress. The impact of the interaction between prognostic factors and interventions on activity limitation needs further investigation.
  • Rindner, Lena, 1959, et al. (författare)
  • Effect of group education and person-centered support in primary health care on mental health and quality of life in women aged 45-60years with symptoms commonly associated with stress: a randomized controlled trial.
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: BMC women's health. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1472-6874. ; 23:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Mental illness and somatic symptoms are common causes of long-term sick leave for women during menopause, which usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. Many women experience a lack of knowledge about menopause and its associated symptoms. This study evaluates the effect of group education and person-centeredindividual support in primary health care (PHC) on mental health and quality of life forwomen in menopause with symptoms that are usually associated with stress.The randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) with a two-factor design was conducted in PHC in southwestern Sweden, from2018 to 2019. A total of 370 women aged 45-60 were allocated in four groups: 1, group education (GE) 2, GE and person-centered individual support (PCS) 3, PCS and 4, control group. GE comprised four weekly sessions and PCS included five sessions with topics related to menopause. The effect of the interventions were followed up at 6 and 12months.Linear and ordinal regression were used to analyse the effect of the intervention, either group education or person-centred individual support.The main findings: Improved quality of life and physical, psychological, and urogenital symptoms. GE and PCS resulted in improvement of the quality of life at six months. At the 12-month follow-up these results were significantly strengthened for PCS and improved health-related quality of life, and reduced mental, urogenital, and stress-related symptoms with an effect lasting at least 12months. These results suggest that this intervention could be an effective intervention in PHC for improving women's health in menopause.PCS can be an effective intervention in PHC for improving women's health in menopause and possibly also prevent the development of exhaustion syndrome.Universal trial number is U1111-1219-6542 and the registration number in ClinicalTrials.gov is NCT03663075, date of registration 10/09/2018.
  • Rindner, Lena, 1959, et al. (författare)
  • Prevalence of somatic and urogenital symptoms as well as psychological health in women aged 45 to 55 attending primary health care: a cross-sectional study.
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: BMC women's health. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1472-6874. ; 17:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Women's physical and mental ill-health such as stress-related symptoms, depression, pain, hypertension and urogenital health shows a marked increase around the ages 45-55years. These women are an important group for Primary Health Care (PHC) due to their prevalent symptoms and illnesses. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of somatic, psychological and urogenital symptoms in women aged 45-55 attending PHC and evaluate factors associated with severe symptoms.One hundred and thirty-one women were recruited from PHC in southwestern Sweden. Data were obtained from two self-reported questionnaires, the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) and the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS).Exhaustion, depressive mood, muscle and joint problems, sleep and sexual problems were the most prevalent reported symptoms. Half of the women reported heart discomfort. Depression and increasing age were correlated to more severe symptoms.We recommend that cardiovascular risk factors, musculoskeletal symptoms, sexual problems, sleeping problems and mental health should be actively asked for when women aged 45 to 55 attend PHC. We propose that preventive counselling of women in PHC before the age 45 should be evaluated in future studies.
  • Rindner, Lena, 1959, et al. (författare)
  • Prognostic factors for future mental, physical and urogenital health and work ability in women, 45-55 years: a six-year prospective longitudinal cohort study.
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: BMC women's health. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1472-6874. ; 20:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Impaired health due to stress is a common cause of long-term illness in women aged 45-55years. It is a common cause for visits to primary health care (PHC) and may influence work-ability. The aim of this study was to investigate prognostic factors for future mental, physical and urogenital health as well as work-ability in a population of average women aged 45-55years.This longitudinal cohort study initially assessed 142 women from PHC centers in southwestern Sweden. One houndred and ten accepted participation and were followed for 6years. They were assessed using the self-reported questionnaires: the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS), the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS-S), the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Descriptive data are presented of health, education, relationships and if they are working. Multicollinearity testing and logistic regression were used to test the explanatory variables.Severity of symptoms in the MRS somatic and urogenital domains decreased while they increased in the psychological and depressive domains. Having tertiary education was associated with decreased overall mental health, vitality and social role functioning. Living with a partner was associated with increased physical role functioning, social role functioning and emotional role functioning.Quality of life seems to be enhanced by a good relationship with the partner, social support and work/life balance. Therefore, to improve women health women should early discuss ways in which these issues can be incorporated as they pursue their academic or career goals. Hence, we emphasize the importance of supporting women to gain increased awareness about a healthy life balance and to have realistic goals in work as well as in their social life.
  • Rindner, Lena, 1959, et al. (författare)
  • Reducing menopausal symptoms for women during the menopause transition using group education in a primary health care setting a randomized controlled trial
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Maturitas. - : Elsevier BV. - 0378-5122. ; 98, s. 14-19
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Objectives: Women's physical and mental ill-health shows a marked increase during menopause, which usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. Mental illness and somatic symptoms are common causes of long-term sick leave. Women suffer from a lack of knowledge about the menopause transition and its associated symptoms. The aim of the study was to investigate whether group education for women in primary health care (PHC) about the menopause transition can improve their physical and mental ill-health. Study design: This randomized controlled study was conducted in PHC and aimed to evaluate a group education programme for women aged 45-55 years, around the menopause transition. A total of 131 women were randomized to group education or no intervention. The group intervention included two education sessions with topics related to menopause. They answered two questionnaires at baseline and at four-month follow-up: the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) and the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS). Main outcome measure: Change in MRS and MADRS scores over the four months. Results: The intervention group experienced a slight reduction in symptoms while the control group mostly experienced the opposite. Conclusion: This study showed that it was feasible to implement group education on menopause for women aged 45-55 years. The clinical trial registration number: NTCO2852811 (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • AbdGawad, Mohamed, et al. (författare)
  • Decreased Neutrophil Apoptosis in Quiescent ANCA-Associated Systemic Vasculitis
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: PLOS ONE. - : Public Library of Science. - 1932-6203. ; 7:3
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: ANCA-Associated Systemic Vasculitis (AASV) is characterized by leukocytoclasis, accumulation of unscavenged apoptotic and necrotic neutrophils in perivascular tissues. Dysregulation of neutrophil cell death may contribute directly to the pathogenesis of AASV. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanMethods: Neutrophils from Healthy Blood Donors (HBD), patients with AASV most in complete remission, Polycythemia Vera (PV), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and renal transplant recipients (TP) were incubated in vitro, and the rate of spontaneous apoptosis was measured by FACS. Plasma levels of cytokines and sFAS were measured with cytometric bead array and ELISA. Expression of pro/anti-apoptotic factors, transcription factors C/EBP-alpha, C/EBP-beta and PU.1 and inhibitors of survival/JAK2-pathway were measured by real-time-PCR. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanResults: AASV, PV and RA neutrophils had a significantly lower rate of apoptosis compared to HBD neutrophils (AASV 50 +/- 14% vs. HBD 64 +/- 11%, p andlt; 0.0001). In RA but not in AASV and PV, low apoptosis rate correlated with increased plasma levels of GM-CSF and high mRNA levels of anti-apoptotic factors Bcl-2A1 and Mcl-1. AASV patients had normal levels of G-CSF, GM-CSF and IL-3. Both C/EBP-alpha, C/EBP-beta were significantly higher in neutrophils from AASV patients than HBD. Levels of sFAS were significantly higher in AASV compared to HBD. less thanbrgreater than less thanbrgreater thanConclusion: Neutrophil apoptosis rates in vitro are decreased in AASV, RA and PV but mechanisms seem to differ. Increased mRNA levels of granulopoiesis-associated transcription factors and increased levels of sFAS in plasma were observed in AASV. Additional studies are required to define the mechanisms behind the decreased apoptosis rates, and possible connections with accumulation of dying neutrophils in regions of vascular lesions in AASV patients.
  • AbdGawad, Mohamed, et al. (författare)
  • Elevated neutrophil membrane expression of proteinase 3 is dependent upon CD177 expression
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Clinical and Experimental Immunology. - Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell. - 0009-9104 .- 1365-2249. ; 161:1, s. 89-97
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Proteinase 3 (PR3) is a major autoantigen in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)-associated systemic vasculitis (AASV), and the proportion of neutrophils expressing PR3 on their membrane (mPR3+) is increased in AASV. We have shown recently that mPR3 and CD177 are expressed on the same cells in healthy individuals. In this study we try to elucidate mechanisms behind the increased mPR3 expression in AASV and its relationship to CD177. All neutrophils in all individuals were either double-positive or double-negative for mPR3 and CD177. The proportion of double-positive neutrophils was increased significantly in AASV and systemic lupus erythematosus patients. The proportion of mPR3+/CD177+ cells was not correlated to general inflammation, renal function, age, sex, drug treatment and levels of circulating PR3. AASV patients had normal levels of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Pro-PR3 was found to constitute 10% of circulating PR3 but none of the mPR3. We found increased mRNA levels of both PR3 and CD177 in AASV, but they did not correlate with the proportion of double-positive cells. In cells sorted based on membrane expression, CD177–mRNA was several-fold higher in mPR3+ cells. When exogenous PR3 was added to CD177-transfected U937 cells, only CD177+ cells bound PR3 to their membrane. In conclusion, the increased membrane expression of PR3 found in AASV is not linked directly to circulating PR3 or PR3 gene transcription, but is dependent upon CD177 expression and correlated with the transcription of the CD177 gene.
  • Ahlberg, Alexander, et al. (författare)
  • Early self-care rehabilitation of head and neck cancer patients
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Acta Oto-Laryngologica. - : Informa UK Limited. - 0001-6489 .- 1651-2251. ; 131:5, s. 552-61
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • CONCLUSIONS: No positive effects of early preventive rehabilitation could be identified. The results do not contradict the proposition that rehabilitation based on self-care can be effective but it is important to establish evidence-based training programs and identify proper instruments for selection of patients and evaluation of intervention. OBJECTIVES: Patients with head and neck cancer suffer from functional impairments due to intense treatment. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of an experimental early preventive rehabilitation using hard, objective end points in a nonselective, longitudinal, prospective cohort study. METHODS: In all, 190 patients were included in the program and received instructions for training before the start of treatment with the aim of reducing swallowing problems and reducing mouth opening and stiffness in the neck. A control group of 184 patients was recruited. RESULTS: There was no difference in weight loss and 2-year survival between the two groups. No positive effects concerning functional impairments were found in patient-reported outcome measures.
  • Ahlberg, Alexander, et al. (författare)
  • Morbidity of supraomohyoidal and modified radical neck dissection combined with radiotherapy for head and neck cancer : a prospective longitudinal study
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Head and Neck. - : Wiley. - 1043-3074 .- 1097-0347. ; 34:1, s. 66-72
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to show the investigated impact of supraomohyoidal neck dissection and modified radical neck dissection, both combined with radiotherapy, on cervical range of motion (CROM), mouth opening, swallowing, lymphedema, and shoulder function.METHODS: One hundred eight patients who had neck dissections and 98 patients who had non-neck dissections were evaluated in a prospective, nonselective, longitudinal cohort study by a physiotherapist and a speech-language pathologist (SLP) before the start of radiotherapy and up to 12 months after treatment.RESULTS: The incidence of shoulder disability after neck dissection was 18%. Supraomohyoidal neck dissection had no significant effect on the evaluated parameters at any time point. Modified radical neck dissection significantly reduced CROM and mouth opening 2 months after treatment, but after 12 months only cervical rotation was still significantly reduced.CONCLUSION: In patients treated with external beam radiation (EBRT), modified radical neck dissection induced additional morbidity regarding CROM but not regarding mouth opening, swallowing, and lymphedema 1 year after treatment. Both modified radical neck dissection and supraomohyoidal neck dissection induced shoulder disability.
  • Andersson Skog, Lena, 1959-, et al. (författare)
  • Between Family and Market – A Feminist Story about Individual versus Joint Taxation in Relation to Swedish Business Taxation 1928-1977
  • 2016
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • A general bias in most welfare states has been to use public revenues to deal with inequality in social and economic programmes. However, tax policies and regulatory tax reforms very seldom consider that gender norms and practices have had profound effects in shaping tax systems, which has become hindrance for achieving economic gender equality.By applying a gender perspective on family and business taxation we want to show that breadwinning and support of the family are common dominators for how the modern income taxation was constructed. A common understanding is that the consequence of this transformation from family economy to market economy also lead to a permanent and clear cut between these two spheres of economy. We will show that this idea of separation is more of a fiction than the reality.
  • Bauer, Susanne, et al. (författare)
  • Proteinase 3 and CD177 are expressed on the plasma membrane of the same subset of neutrophils.
  • 2007
  • Ingår i: Journal of Leukocyte Biology. - : Oxford University Press (OUP). - 1938-3673 .- 0741-5400. ; 81, s. 458-464
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Proteinase 3 (PR3) is found in granules of all nentrophils but also on the plasma membrane of a subset of nentrophils (mPR3). CD177, another neutrophil protein, also displays a bimodal surface expression. In this study, we have investigated the coexpression of these two molecules, as well as the effect of cell activation on their surface expression. We can show that CD177 is expressed on the same subset of nentrophils as mPR3. Experiments show that the expression of mPR3 and CD177 on the plasma membrane is increased or decreased in parallel during cell stimulation or spontaneous apoptosis. Furthermore, we observed a rapid internalization and recirculation of mPR3 and plasma membrane CD177, where A mPR3 is replaced within 30 min. Our findings suggest that the PR3 found on the plasma membrane has its origin in the same intracellular storage as CD177, i.e., secondary granules and secretory vesicles and not primary granules. PR3- and CD177-expressing neutrophils constitute a subpopulation of neutrophils with an unknown role in the innate immune system, which may play an important role in diseases such as Wegener's granulomatosis and polycythemia vera.
  • Borjesson, U., et al. (författare)
  • Providing Mothers with a Pedometer and Subsequent Effect on the Physical Activity of Their Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Children with Obesity
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Childhood Obesity. - : Mary Ann Liebert Inc. - 2153-2168 .- 2153-2176. ; 16:1, s. 20-25
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Obesity continues to rise, particularly among children, and is one of the greatest public health challenges of the 21st century. Physical activity may reduce weight and increase well-being. A pedometer study from the United States, Australia, and Sweden showed that boys need to walk 15,000 steps/day, and girls 12,000 steps/day to maintain a healthy profile. Research shows children with obesity have limited physical activity and they may need parent support to increase their physical activity level. Objective: The aim of this randomized controlled study was to estimate the effect of mothers using pedometers on their children's daily number of steps. Methods: Children/adolescents aged 6-16 years were included and all of them received a pedometer and a step diary. In the intervention group, their mothers received pedometers but not so in the control group. Fifty children were randomized and 32 could be followed-up for 24 weeks. There was no difference in outcome between groups in intention to treat analysis. A complete case analysis showed that the intervention group increased their daily steps (2400, 95% confidence interval 430-4500) compared with the control group (p = 0.019). Conclusions: Involving and activating mothers may increase the children and adolescent's physical activity if implemented more successfully than was done in this study.
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