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Sökning: WFRF:(Svensson Roger)

  • Resultat 1-25 av 115
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  • Gad, Helge, et al. (författare)
  • MTH1 inhibition eradicates cancer by preventing sanitation of the dNTP pool
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Nature. - : Nature Publishing Group. - 0028-0836 .- 1476-4687. ; 508:7495, s. 215-221
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Cancers have dysfunctional redox regulation resulting in reactive oxygen species production, damaging both DNA and free dNTPs. The MTH1 protein sanitizes oxidized dNTP pools to prevent incorporation of damaged bases during DNA replication. Although MTH1 is non-essential in normal cells, we show that cancer cells require MTH1 activity to avoid incorporation of oxidized dNTPs, resulting in DNA damage and cell death. We validate MTH1 as an anticancer target in vivo and describe small molecules TH287 and TH588 as first-in-class nudix hydrolase family inhibitors that potently and selectively engage and inhibit the MTH1 protein in cells. Protein co-crystal structures demonstrate that the inhibitors bindin the active site of MTH1. The inhibitors cause incorporation of oxidized dNTPs in cancer cells, leading to DNA damage, cytotoxicity and therapeutic responses in patient-derived mouse xenografts. This study exemplifies the non-oncogene addiction concept for anticancer treatment and validates MTH1 as being cancer phenotypic lethal.
  • Kjellgren, Karin I, 1950, et al. (författare)
  • Antihypertensive treatment and patient autonomy--the follow-up appointment as a resource for care.
  • 2000
  • Ingår i: Patient education and counseling. - 0738-3991 .- 1873-5134. ; 40:1, s. 39-49
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Since hypertension is a chronic condition which generally requires long-term commitment to pharmacological therapy as well as alterations of patient lifestyle, the patient-physician communication in the clinical setting is an important determinant of the quality of care and health outcome. The aim of the present study was to explore the structure and content of the communication between the patient and the physician, and the process of decision-making at a routine follow-up appointment for hypertension. The study was based on 51 audio-recordings of authentic consultations. Most patients had a passive role in the consultations, and initiated few topics of conversation. The few topics that the patients initiated were usually not about hypertension. Patients' questions about medication mainly referred to unwanted effects of the drugs. Little time was invested in discussing risks related to hypertension. A collaborative shared decision-making was seldom observed in the consultations.
  • Roger, S., et al. (författare)
  • Sustainable Mobility in B5G/6G: V2X Technology Trends and use Cases
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology. - 2644-1330. ; 5, s. 459-472
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The concept of sustainability has been recently extended to cover economic and social factors besides the traditional environmental ones. This paper reflects on the potential of mobile communication standards towards achieving sustainable mobility, with focus on vehicular communications and use cases in smart cities scenarios. In this context, intelligent transportation systems, including connected and autonomous vehicles, will be key for developing affordable and sustainable infrastructures and services. We start by identifying three current technology trends, namely, towards climate neutral; cloudification and edge computing; and big data and artificial intelligence, and then we examine their capability to enable sustainable Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication systems in beyond 5G and 6G networks. In the second part of the paper, a set of selected use case categories involving connected and autonomous vehicles is presented, showcasing the potential impact of the selected technology trends. Finally, a review of the estimates of the quantitative savings that could be achieved in environmental-related parameters such as energy/fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions is provided.
  • Svensson, Roger, et al. (författare)
  • Treatment with local hemostatic agents and primary closure after tooth extraction in warfarin treated patients
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Swedish Dental Journal. - : Swedish Dental Association. - 0347-9994. ; 37:2, s. 71-77
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Abstract The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the frequency of postoperative bleeding in patients on warfarin after tooth removal followed by a complete soft tissue closure of the surgical site. A total of 124 consecutive patients, 69 males and 55 females with a mean age of 71 years (range 28-95 years) were included in this study. Inclusion criteria were patients on warfarin with an INR
  • Ahrné, Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Dagfjärilar i naturbetesmarker, kraftledningsgator, på hyggen och skogsbilvägar : betydelse för miljöövervakning
  • 2011
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Ett förändrat och intensifierat jordbruk har bland annat lett till att naturbetesmarker och andra gräsmarksbiotoper minskat i odlingslandskapet. Detta har fått till följd att många arter knutna till öppna gräsmarker minskat, däribland fåglar, växter och dagfjärilar. Dagfjärilar svarar snabbt på förändringar både i miljön och klimatet och kan därför vara viktiga indikatorarter för miljöövervakning. I år startar en nationell övervakning av dagfjärilar med hjälp av volontärer och de senaste fem åren har dagfjärilar inventerats i ängs- och betesmarker inom den nationella inventeringen av landskapet (NILS). För att få en rättvisande bild av hur situationen ser ut för dagfjärilar i Sverige kan det vara viktigt att systematiskt inventera olika typer av miljöer, inte enbart ängs- och betesmarker eller känt artrika platser. I den här studien jämför vi artrikedom, individantal och artsammansättning av dagfjärilar (Rophalocera) och bastardsvärmare (Zyganidaea) i naturbetesmarker och tre typer av öppna biotoper i skogslandskapet; hyggen, kraftledningsgator och skogsbilvägar. Vi delar också in fjärilarna efter val av värdväxt och flygtid på säsongen för att se om det finns några skillnader mellan biotoperna vad gäller art- och individrikedom inom dessa grupper. Vi undersöker hur mängden skog och betesmark inom det omgivande landskapet påverkar dagfjärilsfaunan på de olika platserna och hur många inventeringstillfällen (3, 5 eller 7) som krävs för att få tillförlitliga data på artrikedomen på en plats. Våra resultat visar att artsammansättningen av fjärilar skiljer sig mellan biotoperna och att alla bidrar med unika arter och således kompletterar varandra. Kraftledningsgatorhade både fler fjärilsarter och individer än de övriga biotoperna och hyggen och skogsbilvägar var lika art- och individrika som betesmarkerna. Det är därför viktigt att övervaka flera typer av miljöer och även skogsbiotoper inom framtida dagfjärilsövervakning. Eftersom alla tre skogsbiotoperna hyser en stor mångfald av fjärilar kan det vara värt att anpassa skötseln av dessa miljöer för att gynna fjärilar. I kraftledningsgator och skogsbilvägar som är relativt beständiga miljöer och som redan idag sköts med ett visst intervall är detta fullt möjligt. Betydelsen av antal inventeringstillfällen beror på vilken frågeställning man har. Vill man jämföra artrikedomen i olika miljöer eller studera förändring i artrikedom mellan år kan det kanske räcka med tre besök, men vill man ha en mer heltäckande bild av artrikedomen på en plats kan det sju eller fler besök spridda över säsongen
  • Almered Olsson, Gunilla, 1951, et al. (författare)
  • Biologisk mångfald var aldrig meningen! Herröns odlingslandskap – 40 år senare
  • 2021
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Naturreservatet Herrön på den svenska västkusten är ett unikt kulturlandskap i kustmiljö. Landskapets mångfald av livsmiljöer har gett en ovanligt rik biologisk mångfald. Detta har sin grund i en lång och kunskapsrik jordbruksverksamhet baserad på lokala naturförutsättningar. På Herrön utfördes 1980 en tvärvetenskapligt projekt där kulturlandskapets historia, kultur och ekologi i studerades. Under 2020 återstuderades ett stort antal gräsmarker (semi-natural grasslands) för att undersöka förändringar sedan 1980. Resultaten presenteras i denna skrift och innehåller tidigare opublicerat material från 1980. Syftet med detta arbete är att ge ett underlag till framtida bruk och skötsel av landskapet på Herrön och att förmedla att detta landskap är en produkt av naturförutsättningar och människors arbete och kunskap med en tidsdimension av mer än 1000 år. Området har en unik potential för sambandet biologisk mångfald och matförsörjning, hållbarhetsarbete och hållbarhetsvisioner. I det totala materialet noterades 274 växtarter. Av dessa är 105 arter nya eller försvunna, vilket ger en förvånande stor artomsättning på 38 %. Den högsta arttätheten var på den torr/friska slåttermarken och något lägre på friska respektive fuktiga gräsmarker hävdade med slåtter eller bete. De skötselinsatser som idag bedrivs på Herrön med slåtter, betesdrift, odlingsverksamhet vid gården Ängen, begränsning av sly i bryn osv., är alla mycket väl utförda och högst väsentliga och bör upprätthållas. Detta visas av denna jämförande studie 1980- 2020 . De olika vegetationstyperna hävdas på bästa möjliga sätt för att efterlikna det bruk som Ragnar Andersson och hans syskon drev här fram till 1990-talet. Den grundläggande skillnaden är givetvis att idag drivs inte detta skärgårdsjordbruk med försörjningssyfte utan enbart för att bevara områdets biologiska mångfald. Dock existerar två omistliga och unika restaureringsobjekt, fuktängen vid Hisingsviken och sältan vid Rördammen. Dessa saknar idag hävd vilket strider mot gällande skötselplaner. Markägaren motsätter sig skötselinsatser. Genom våra studier med vegetationsdata och fotografier, från 1980 och 2020, finns ett unikt material som gör restaureringsåtgärder möjliga och meningsfulla för dessa båda lokaler. Det framgår tydligt att avsaknad av slåtter (efter 1988) och bete (efter 2010) på fuktängen vid Hisingsviken lett till minskande artmångfald och dominans av ett fåtal storvuxna arter. Den tidigare slåtterhävdade och betade unika sältan vid Rördammen, som varit ett fundament för bosättningen på Herrön sedan förhistorisk tid, uppvisar betydande artförändringar och minskande artantal efter en tid av utebliven slåtter. Det långa tidsperspektivet för gräsmarker och deras hävd med bete och slåtter, frånvaro av kemiska medel, inklusive konstgödsel, har gett möjlighet till utveckling av unik och representativ biologisk mångfald inom många växt- och djurgrupper. Det långa tidsperspektivet på Herrön utgör levande historia om hur människor levt och försörjt sig på tillgängliga naturresurser vid den svenska kusten. Dagens stora globala utmaning är att ställa om till hållbar resursanvändning och att mildra den pågående globala klimatförändringen. I det sammanhanget ger landskapet och det kulturskapade ekosystemet som finns kvar på Herrön en unik möjlighet till kunskap om samspelet mellan natur och kultur, biokulturell mångfald. Den existerande mångfalden av organismer utgör en resurs för vetenskaplig kunskap och för spridning, kolonisering och restaurering av motsvarande vegetationstyper och ekosystem.
  • Almered Olsson, Gunilla, 1951, et al. (författare)
  • Årtusenden av brukande födde Herröns mångfald
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift. - 0039-646X. ; 115:4, s. 236-245
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • I denna artikel önskar vi förmedla något av det komplexa sambandet mellan natur och kultur uttryckt i småskaliga odlingslandskap och ge argument till varför dessa mat-landskap med rötter i förhistorien har ett mycket stort värde för en hållbar framtid. De tre syskonen Erik, Asta och Ragnar Andersson var de sista som bedrev traditionellt jordbruk på Herrön i Bohuslän. När det sista syskonet hade gått bort 1993 blev deras gård naturreservat. Författarna inventerade ön 1980. En återinventering 40 år senare visar att en hel del av den unika floran bevarats, medan andra arter har gått förlorade sedan syskonens regelbundna slåtter upphörde.
  • Ambikan, Anoop T., et al. (författare)
  • Systems-level temporal immune-metabolic profile in Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus infection
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. - 0027-8424 .- 1091-6490. ; 120:37
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) caused by CCHF virus (CCHFV) is one of the epidemic-prone diseases prioritized by the World Health Organisation as public health emergency with an urgent need for accelerated research. The trajectory of host response against CCHFV is multifarious and remains unknown. Here, we reported the temporal spectrum of pathogenesis following the CCHFV infection using genome-wide blood transcriptomics analysis followed by advanced systems biology analysis, temporal immune-pathogenic alterations, and context-specific progressive and postinfection genome-scale metabolic models (GSMM) on samples collected during the acute (T0), early convalescent (T1), and convalescent-phase (T2). The interplay between the retinoic acid-inducible gene-I-like/nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor and tumor necrosis factor signaling governed the trajectory of antiviral immune responses. The rearrangement of intracellular metabolic fluxes toward the amino acid metabolism and metabolic shift toward oxidative phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation during acute CCHFV infection determine the pathogenicity. The upregulation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle during CCHFV infection, compared to the noninfected healthy control and between the severity groups, indicated an increased energy demand and cellular stress. The upregulation of glycolysis and pyruvate metabolism potentiated energy generation through alternative pathways associated with the severity of the infection. The downregulation of metabolic processes at the convalescent phase identified by blood cell transcriptomics and single-cell type proteomics of five immune cells (CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, CD14+ monocytes, B cells, and NK cells) potentially leads to metabolic rewiring through the recovery due to hyperactivity during the acute phase leading to post-viral fatigue syndrome.
  • Andreassen, Björn, et al. (författare)
  • Development of a center for advanced tumour imaging and light ion, photon and electron therapy at Karolinska University Hospital.
  • 2007
  • Ingår i: Gantry Workshop 2007, Verein AUSTRON in the frame of the Interreg IIIA Project.
  • Konferensbidrag (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • This presentation briefly covers the ongoing development of a therapy center with multiple simultaneous radiation modalities at Karolinska university hospital. The hearth of the facility will most likely be a superconducting cyclotron capable of delivering around 400 MeV/u carbon ions simultaneously to two separate excentric gantries who service four treatment rooms each. A number of different stable ions will be available ranging from hydrogen to oxygen but also PET emitting C11 ions and possibly B8 the lightest existing PET emitter. Several treatment rooms will also be equipped for narrow scanned high energy photon and electron beam treatments and a light ion research facility for physics and biology studies will be set up on two separate beamlines. The centre will include an advanced PET-CT and MRSI based diagnostic centre on the same floor and close to both the ion treatment facility and the high energy photon and electron facility. By docking the stereotactic treatment coach both to the treatment units and before and after the treatment to the diagnostic PET-CT units, iso dose delivery can be rapidly examined by imaging the radiation induced C11 and O15 activity produced during the treatment.
  • Andreassen, Björn, 1975-, et al. (författare)
  • Development of an efficient scanning and purging magnet system for IMRT with narrow high energy photon beams
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A. - : Elsevier BV. - 0168-9002 .- 1872-9576. ; 612:1, s. 201-208
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Due to the clinical advantages of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) high flexibility and accuracy in intensity modulated dose delivery is desirable to really maximize treatment outcome. Although it is possible to deliver IMRT by using broad beams in combination with dynamic multileaf collimation the process is rather time consuming and inefficient. By using narrow scanned high energy photon beams the treatment outcome can be improved, the treatment time reduced and accurate 3D in vivo dose delivery monitoring is possible by PET-CT based dose delivery imaging of photo nuclear reactions in human tissues. Narrow photon beams can be produced by directing a low emittance high energy electron beam on a thin target, and then cleaning the therapeutic photon beam from transmitted high energy electrons, and photon generated charged leptons, with a dedicated purging magnet placed directly downstream of the target. To have an effective scanning and purging magnet system the purging magnet should be placed immediately after the bremsstrahlung target to deflect the transmitted electrons to an efficient electron stopper. In the static electron stopper the electrons should be safely collected independent of the desired direction of the therapeutic scanned photon beam. The SID (Source to Isocentre Distance) should preferably be short while retaining the ability to scan over a large area on the patient and consequently there are severe requirements both on the strength and the geometry of the scanning and purging magnets. In the present study an efficient magnet configuration with a purging and scanning magnet assembly is developed for electron energies in the 50-75 MeV range and a SID of 75 cm. For a bremsstrahlung target of 3mm Be these electron energies produce a photon beam of 25-17 mm FWHM (Full Width Half Maximum) at a SID of 75 cm. The magnet system was examined both in terms of the efficiency in scanning the narrow bremsstrahlung beam and the deflection of transmitted and photon generated electrons. The simulations show that its is possible to have a scan area on the patient of up to 43 x 40 cm2 for an incident electron energy of 50 MeV and 28 x 40 cm2 at 75 MeV, while at the same time adequately deflecting the transmitted electron beam.
  • Andreassen, Björn, 1975- (författare)
  • Development of improved radiation therapy techniques using narrow scanned photon beams
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The present thesis is focused on the development and application of narrow scanned high energy photon beam for radiation therapy. The introduction of physically and biologically optimized intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) requires a flexible and accurate dose delivery method to maximize the treatment outcome. Narrow scanned photon beams is a fast option for IMRT since it is not dependent on mechanically moving heavy collimator leafs and largely independent of the complexity of the desired dose distribution. Scanned photon beams can be produced by scanning an electron beam of low emittance, incident on a thin bremsstrahlung target of low atomic number. The large fraction of high energy electrons that are transmitted through the target has to be removed by a strong purging magnet. In the thesis a strong purging magnet, coupled with a magnetic scanning magnet, is presented for an intrinsic electron energy of 50 - 75 MeV and a source to isocenter distance of 75 cm. The available scan area at isocenter can be as large as 43 x 40 cm2 for an incident electron energy of 50 MeV and 28 x 40 cm2 at 75 MeV. By modifying the existing treatment head of the racetrack microtron MM50, it was possible to experimentally produce relevant dose distributions with interesting properties from 50 MV scanned narrow photon beams while deflecting the transmitted electrons onto a simplified electron stopper. The deflection of the transmitted electrons was studied both experimentally and by the Monte Carlo method. With high energy photons, treatment verification is possible through PET-CT imaging of the positron annihilations induced by photonuclear reactions in the patient. Narrow scanned high energy photon beams is the ideal beam quality since the activation efficiency and the effective photon energy will be more uniform than the filtered photon beam from a full range bremsstrahlung target. The induced 11C activity 50 MV by scanned narrow photon beams was measured using PET-CT imaging and compared with Monte Carlo simulations. The combination of fast flexible dose delivery with treatment verification using PET-CT imaging makes narrow high energy scanned photon beams a very interesting treatment modality for biologically optimized adaptive radiation therapy.
  • Axelsson Linkowski, Weronika, et al. (författare)
  • Träd och buskar i jordbrukslandskapet : värden och hot – en litteraturgenomgång
  • 2009
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Förord Under lång tid har träd och buskar i våra slåtter- och betesmarker diskuterats, både vad gäller värden och hotbild. Denna diskussion har nu intensifierats genom att dessa marker erhåller ekonomiska EU-stöd och Sverige har stora problem att övertyga byråkraterna i Bryssel om att vi även i framtiden vill ha marker med ganska stort innehåll av träd och buskar. Under 7 år har det pågått ett stort forskningsprogram, kallat ”HagmarksMistra”, som har studerat naturbetesmarkerna med utgångspunkter både från jordbruket och naturvården. Resultaten från programmet har publicerats i den populärvetenskapliga boken ”Mångfaldsmarker”. Ett av delprojekten har handlat om träd och buskar och vilken funktion de har i våra naturbetesmarker. Det huvudsakliga arbetet har varit konkreta forskningsprojekt inom ett doktorandprojekt. Men forskningsprojekt blir ju alltid relativt snävt avgränsade och söker kunskap mera på djupet än på bredden. Som ett komplement ingår denna litteraturstudie för att bredda bilden av träd och buskar. Den beaktar både vetenskaplig och mer populär litteratur och den spänner inte bara över naturvetenskap, utan den belyser även historia, etnobiologi, liksom vad vi kan få ut av målningar och intervjuer. Grovarbetet har utförts av Weronika Axelsson Linkowski, med stöd av Roger Svensson
  • Bengtsson, Andreas, 1991, et al. (författare)
  • Nondegenerate parametric oscillations in a tunable superconducting resonator
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Physical Review B. - 2469-9969 .- 2469-9950. ; 97:14
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We investigate nondegenerate parametric oscillations in a superconducting microwave multimode resonator that is terminated by a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The parametric effect is achieved by modulating magnetic flux through the SQUID at a frequency close to the sum of two resonator-mode frequencies. For modulation amplitudes exceeding an instability threshold, self-sustained oscillations are observed in both modes. The amplitudes of these oscillations s how good quantitative agreement with a theoretical model. The oscillation phases are found to be correlated and exhibit strong fluctuations which broaden the oscillation spectral linewidths. These linewidths are significantly reduced by applying a weak on-resonant tone, which also suppresses the phase fluctuations. When the weak tone is detuned, we observe synchronization of the oscillation frequency with the frequency of the input. For the detuned input, we also observe an emergence of three idlers in the output. This observation is in agreement with theory indicating four-mode amplification and squeezing of a coherent input.
  • Berg, Åke, et al. (författare)
  • Butterflies in semi-natural pastures and power-line corridors - effects of flower richness, management, and structural vegetation characteristics
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Insect Conservation and Diversity. - : Wiley. - 1752-458X .- 1752-4598. ; 6, s. 639-657
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The aim of this study was to compare the butterfly assemblages in semi-natural pastures and power-line corridors and to analyse the effects of vegetation height, occurrence of trees and shrubs and different flowering vascular plant groups on butterfly diversity and abundance. Twelve of 26 analysed butterfly species were more abundant in power-line corridors than in semi-natural pastures. Only one species preferred semi-natural pastures. In semi-natural pastures butterflies were most common in segments with tall vegetation, whereas butterflies in power-line corridors were most common in segments with vegetation of short or intermediate height. Short vegetation was sparser in power-line corridors (mean cover 4%) than in semi-natural pastures (33%), whereas tall vegetation was more common in power-line corridors (59%) than in semi-natural pastures (35%). The amount of flowers was the factor that affected the abundance of most species. Twenty-one of the 26 species showed positive associations with numbers of flowers of different families. Flowers of the plant families Apiaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Primulaceae, Rubiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, and Violaceae showed positive associations with the abundance of several butterfly species. Vegetation height seems to be a limiting factor in semi-natural pastures, and less intensive management (division of pastures into grazing pens, late season grazing, grazing every second year, or reduced grazing pressure) would benefit butterflies. In power-line corridors (dominated by tall vegetation) the opposite would be beneficial for butterflies, for example more frequent clearing of vegetation along the power-line trails combined with mowing of selected areas.
  • Berg, Åke, et al. (författare)
  • Butterfly distribution and abundance is affected by variation in the Swedish forest-farmland landscape
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Biological Conservation. - : Elsevier BV. - 0006-3207 .- 1873-2917. ; 144, s. 2819-2831
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Remaining patches of semi-natural grasslands are hot spots for biodiversity in modern agricultural landscapes. In Sweden semi-natural pastures cover approximately 500,000 ha. However, power-line corridors, road verges and clear-cuts cover larger areas (in total about 2,000,000 ha), and these open, less intensively managed habitats are potentially important for species associated with taller vegetation and flower resources (e.g. pollinating insects). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relative importance of semi-natural pastures and the other three open habitats for butterflies in 12 forest-farmland mosaic landscapes in south central Sweden. Species composition differed significantly between habitats in multivariate analyses. Power-line corridors and semi-natural pastures harbored several species that were disproportionally abundant in these habitats (13 and 8 species, respectively), and power-line corridors also harbored several species that were classified as typical in indicator species analyses. There were more butterfly species, higher abundances and a tendency for more individuals of red-listed species in power-line corridors than in the other three habitats. Effects of the surrounding landscape composition seemed to be weaker than that of the local habitat. However, species composition was significantly associated with landscape composition and species with intermediate and low mobility were more abundant in forested landscapes than in landscapes dominated by arable fields. Analyses of flying time and host plants for larvae suggest that early flying species and species associated with dwarf shrubs were more common in power-line corridors than in the other habitats. A landscape perspective, which takes several habitats into account, is needed for conservation of butterfly communities in forest-farmland landscapes. Power-line corridors and road verges offer possibilities for creating habitats that are suitable for pollinating insects through conservation-oriented management. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Borgman, Benny (författare)
  • The wealth of regions : geographic concentration , entrepreneurship and regional growth
  • 2007
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis consists of three individual essays and an introductory chapter. The essays contribute to the current vein of empirical literature on economic geography and entrepreneurship. In two of the three essays the empirical analysis is preformed using panel data cross tabulated over years, regions and industries; whereas the third essay use data distributed over years and regions. The first essay implements a measure of geographic concentration and investigates the extent of concentration in Swedish industries and the relationship to economic growth specified as labour productivity. The second essay focuses on the composition of industry concentration. Using a similar measure as in the first essay the co-location of Swedish industries are investigated as well as the relationship to economic growth. The third essay explores the connection between entrepreneurship and regional growth – measured as employment growth – in Sweden and the U.S.
  • Brahme, Anders, et al. (författare)
  • Application of Geant4 in the development of new radiation therapy treatment methods
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 9th Conference, Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications. - 5 Toh Tuck Link, singapore : World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.. - 9812567984 ; , s. 451-461
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • There is a very fast development of new radiation treatment methods today, from advanced use of intensity modulated photon and electron beams to light ion therapy with narrow scanned beam based treatment units. Accurate radiation transport calculations are a key requisite for these developments where Geant4 is a very useful Monte Carlo code for accurate design of new treatment units. Today we cannot only image the tumor by PET-CT imaging before the treatment but also determine the tumor sensitivity to radiation and even measure in vivo the delivered absorbed dose in three dimensions in the patient. With such methods accurate Monte Carlo calculations will make radiation therapy an almost exact science where the curative doses can be calculated based on patient individual response data. In the present study results from the application of Geant4 are discussed and the comparisons between Geant4 and experimental and other Monte Carlo data are presented.
  • Braunerhjelm, Pontus, 1953-, et al. (författare)
  • Inventions, commercialization strategies, and knowledge spillovers in SMEs
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Small Business Economics. - : Springer. - 0921-898X .- 1573-0913. ; 63:1, s. 275-297
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Despite the comprehensive previous research on different aspects of inventions and externalities spanning both the micro- and macrolevels, no prior studies have, to our knowledge, examined the relationship between the commercialization strategies of inventions/patents and social knowledge spillovers. To bridge this gap in the literature, we examine how such spillovers, measured as forward citations, covary with four commercialization modes: (1) setting up a new firm, (2) commercialization within an existing firm where the inventor either is employed or (3) has an ownership stake, and (4) licensing/selling patents to other firms. Alternatively, an inventor may refrain from commercialization. Utilizing unique survey data on patents owned by small- and medium-sized enterprises and individuals, we provide evidence that commercialization through licensing/selling is the most efficient way of generating knowledge diffusion. We also find some support for new ventures being an important source of knowledge spillovers. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.
  • Braunerhjelm, Pontus, 1953-, et al. (författare)
  • Inventions, commercialization strategies, and knowledge spillovers in SMEs
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Small Business Economics. - : Springer Nature. - 0921-898X .- 1573-0913. ; 63:1, s. 275-297
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Despite the comprehensive previous research on different aspects of inventions and externalities spanning both the micro- and macrolevels, no prior studies have, to our knowledge, examined the relationship between the commercialization strategies of inventions/patents and social knowledge spillovers. To bridge this gap in the literature, we examine how such spillovers, measured as forward citations, covary with four commercialization modes: (1) setting up a new firm, (2) commercialization within an existing firm where the inventor either is employed or (3) has an ownership stake, and (4) licensing/selling patents to other firms. Alternatively, an inventor may refrain from commercialization. Utilizing unique survey data on patents owned by small- and medium-sized enterprises and individuals, we provide evidence that commercialization through licensing/selling is the most efficient way of generating knowledge diffusion. We also find some support for new ventures being an important source of knowledge spillovers.
  • Braunerhjelm, Pontus, et al. (författare)
  • The Inventor’s Role : Was Schumpeter Right?
  • 2006
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • According to Schumpeter, the creative process of economic development can be divided into three distinguishable stages of invention, innovation (commercialization) and imitation. We show why there is a rationale for the Schumpeterian entrepreneur to also include the inventor in the innovation process. In addition, we provide a framework where the theories of Knight’s risk defining entrepreneur and Schumpeter’s innovative entrepreneur can be bridged. Merging the two enhances the possibilities of successful commercialization since the inventor may further adapt the innovation to customer needs, transmit information and reduce uncertainty. This serves to expand the market opportunities for the entrepreneur. The empirical analysis is based on a survey covering Swedish patents granted to individuals and small firms, with a response rate of 80 %. The results show improved commercialization performance when the patent is licensed or sold to an entrepreneur, or if the inventor is employed in an entrepreneurial firm, as compared to commercialization in the inventor’s own firm. Another important result is that, irrespective of commercialization mode, an active involvement of the inventor is shown to have a positive impact on performance.
  • Braunerhjelm, Pontus, et al. (författare)
  • The inventor's role : was Schumpeter right?
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Journal of evolutionary economics. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0936-9937 .- 1432-1386. ; 20:3, s. 413-444
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • According to Schumpeter, the creative process of economic development can be divided into the stages of invention, innovation (commercialization) and imitation. Each stage is associated with specific skills. This paper examines whether Schumpeter's assertion was correct, i.e. whether the invention and innovation stages should be undertaken by different agents. In addition, we examine whether there is a rationale for the Schumpeterian entrepreneur to include the inventor in the commercialization process. Combining the abilities of the entrepreneur and the inventor may serve to facilitate customer adaptation, strengthen knowledge transfers and reduce uncertainty, thereby expanding market opportunities. Based on a unique database covering Swedish patents granted to individuals and small firms, the empirical analysis shows that profitability increases by 22 percentage points when inventions are commercialized by the entrepreneur instead of by inventors. However, active involvement of the inventor is shown to have a significantly positive impact on profitability, irrespective of commercialization mode.
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