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Sökning: AMNE:(NATURVETENSKAP Geovetenskap och miljövetenskap Miljövetenskap)

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  • Drake, Henrik, 1979-, et al. (författare)
  • Ancient microbial activity in deep hydraulically conductive fracture zones within the Forsmark target area for deep geological nuclear waste disposal, Sweden
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Geosciences. - : MDPI AG. - 2076-3263. ; 8
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Recent studies reveal that organisms from all three domains of life—Archaea, Bacteria, and even Eukarya—can thrive under energy-poor, dark, and anoxic conditions at large depths in the fractured crystalline continental crust. There is a need for an increased understanding of the processes and lifeforms in this vast realm, for example, regarding the spatiotemporal extent and variability of the different processes in the crust. Here, we present a study that set out to detect signs of ancient microbial life in the Forsmark area—the target area for deep geological nuclear waste disposal in Sweden. Stable isotope compositions were determined with high spatial resolution analyses within mineral coatings, and mineralized remains of putative microorganisms were studied in several deep water-conducting fracture zones (down to 663 m depth), from which hydrochemical and gas data exist. Large isotopic variabilities of 13Ccalcite (?36.2 to +20.2‰V-PDB) and 34Spyrite (?11.7 to +37.8‰V-CDT) disclose discrete periods of methanogenesis, and potentially, anaerobic oxidation of methane and related microbial sulfate reduction at several depth intervals. Dominant calcite–water disequilibrium of 18O and 87Sr/86Sr precludes abundant recent precipitation. Instead, the mineral coatings largely reflect an ancient archive of episodic microbial processes in the fracture system, which, according to our microscale Rb–Sr dating of co-genetic adularia and calcite, date back to the mid-Paleozoic. Potential Quaternary precipitation exists mainly at ~400 m depth in one of the boreholes, where mineral–water compositions corresponded.
  • Roth, Florian, et al. (författare)
  • High spatiotemporal variability of methane concentrations challenges estimates of emissions across vegetated coastal ecosystems.
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Global change biology. - : Wiley. - 1365-2486 .- 1354-1013. ; 28:14, s. 4308-4322
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Coastal methane (CH4 ) emissions dominate the global ocean CH4 budget and can offset the "blue carbon" storage capacity of vegetated coastal ecosystems. However, current estimates lack systematic, high-resolution, and long-term data from these intrinsically heterogeneous environments, making coastal budgets sensitive to statistical assumptions and uncertainties. Using continuous CH4 concentrations, δ13 C-CH4 values, and CH4 sea-air fluxes across four seasons in three globally pervasive coastal habitats, we show that the CH4 distribution is spatially patchy over meter-scales and highly variable in time. Areas with mixed vegetation, macroalgae, and their surrounding sediments exhibited a spatiotemporal variability of surface water CH4 concentrations ranging two orders of magnitude (i.e., 6-460nM CH4 ) with habitat-specific seasonal and diurnal patterns. We observed (1) δ13 C-CH4 signatures that revealed habitat-specific CH4 production and consumption pathways, (2) daily peak concentration events that could change >100% within hours across all habitats, and (3) a high thermal sensitivity of the CH4 distribution signified by apparent activation energies of ~1eV that drove seasonal changes. Bootstrapping simulations show that scaling the CH4 distribution from few samples involves large errors, and that ~50 concentration samples per day are needed to resolve the scale and drivers of the natural variability and improve the certainty of flux calculations by up to 70%. Finally, we identify northern temperate coastal habitats with mixed vegetation and macroalgae as understudied but seasonally relevant atmospheric CH4 sources (i.e., releasing≥100μmol CH4 m-2 day-1 in summer). Due to the large spatial and temporal heterogeneity of coastal environments, high-resolution measurements will improve the reliability of CH4 estimates and confine the habitat-specific contribution to regional and global CH4 budgets.
  • Buckland, Philip I., 1973-, et al. (författare)
  • BugsCEP, an entomological database twenty-five years on
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Antenna (Journal of the Royal Entomological Society). - London : Royal Entomological Society of London. - 0140-1890. ; 38:1, s. 21-28
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)
  • Buckland, Philip I., 1973-, et al. (författare)
  • The Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database : a resource for international, multiproxy and transdisciplinary studies of environmental and climatic change
  • 2015
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Climate and environmental change are global challenges which require global data and infrastructure to investigate. These challenges also require a multi-proxy approach, integrating evidence from Quaternary science and archaeology with information from studies on modern ecology and physical processes among other disciplines. The Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database (SEAD http://www.sead.se) is a Swedish based international research e-infrastructure for storing, managing, analysing and disseminating palaeoenvironmental data from an almost unlimited number of analysis methods. The system currently makes available raw data from over 1500 sites (>5300 datasets) and the analysis of Quaternary fossil insects, plant macrofossils, pollen, geochemistry and sediment physical properties, dendrochronology and wood anatomy, ceramic geochemistry and bones, along with numerous dating methods. This capacity will be expanded in the near future to include isotopes, multi-spectral and archaeo-metalurgical data. SEAD also includes expandable climate and environment calibration datasets, a complete bibliography and extensive metadata and services for linking these data to other resources. All data is available as Open Access through http://qsead.sead.se and downloadable software. SEAD is maintained and managed at the Environmental Archaeology Lab and HUMlab at Umea University, Sweden. Development and data ingestion is progressing in cooperation with The Laboratory for Ceramic Research and the National Laboratory for Wood Anatomy and Dendrochronology at Lund University, Sweden, the Archaeological Research Laboratory, Stockholm University, the Geoarchaeological Laboratory, Swedish National Historical Museums Agency and several international partners and research projects. Current plans include expanding its capacity to serve as a data source for any system and integration with the Swedish National Heritage Board's information systems. SEAD is partnered with the Neotoma palaeoecology database (http://www.neotomadb.org) and a new initiative for building cyberinfrastructure for transdisciplinary research and visualization of the long-term human ecodynamics of the North Atlantic funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
  • Cheung, Henry Lok Shan, et al. (författare)
  • Denitrification, anammox, and DNRA in oligotrophic continental shelf sediments
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Limnology and Oceanography. - 0024-3590 .- 1939-5590. ; 69:3, s. 621-637
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Continental shelf sediments are considered hotspots for nitrogen (N) removal. While most investigations have quantified denitrification in shelves receiving large amounts of anthropogenic nutrient supply, we lack insight into the key drivers of N removal on oligotrophic shelves. Here, we measured rates of N removal through denitrification and anammox by the revised-isotope pairing technique (r-IPT) along the Northeastern New Zealand shelf. Denitrification dominated total N2 production at depths between 30 and 128 m with average rates (± SE) ranging from 65 ± 28 to 284 ± 72 μmol N m−2 d−1. N2 production by anammox ranged from 3 ± 1 to 28 ± 11 μmol N m−2 d−1 and accounted for 2–19% of total N2 production. DNRA was negligible in these oligotrophic settings. Parallel microbial community analysis showed that both Proteobacteria and Planctomycetota were key taxa driving denitrification. Denitrification displayed a negative correlation with oxygen penetration depth, and a positive correlation with macrofauna abundance. Our denitrification rates were comparable to oligotrophic shelves from the Arctic, but were lower than those from nutrient-rich Pacific and Atlantic shelves. Based on our results and existing IPT measurements, the global shelf denitrification rate was reassessed to be 53.5 ± 8.1 Tg N yr−1, equivalent to 20 ± 2% of marine N removal. We suggest that previous estimates of global shelf N loss might have been overestimated due to sampling bias toward areas with high N loads in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Sonesten, Lars (författare)
  • Miljöövervakningen av Sveriges sjöar och vattendrag : Representativiteten av den kontrollerande miljöövervakningen
  • 2013
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Samtliga ytvattenkategorier inom ett vattendistrikt ska omfattas av övervakningsprogram inklusive övervakningsnät för kontrollerande övervakning som upprättas enligt kap. 7 VFF. En översyn av hur representativt Sveriges kontrollerade övervakningsnät är har tidigare inte kunnat utföras på grund av omfattande kvalitetsbrister i länsstyrelserna och vattenmyndigheternas datasystem VISS (VattenInformationsSystem Sverige). Kvaliteten på informationen i VISS har under senare år genomgått en omfattande kvalitetssäkring, vilket har gett förutsättningarna för att nu kunna genomföra den sammanställning och översyn över den svenska miljöövervakningen av sjöar och vattendrag. Denna översyn har varit starkt önskad under flera år, då det finns ett stort behov av att se över och analysera hur ett representativt samordnat kontrollerande övervakningsprogram skulle kunna se ut. Översynen sker mot bakgrund av den samlade vatten övervakning som bedrivs i Sverige, bland annat för att optimera befintlig övervakning och att kunna förstärka den där brister har identifierats. Arbetet är också viktigt för att säkerställa att kommande rapporteringar såväl internationellt som nationellt blir så bra som möjligt.Uppdraget för projektet Representativ kontrollerande miljöövervakning (RepKöp) syftar till att ta fram ett förslag på hur ett representativt kontrollerande övervakningsprogram med avseende på (vattentyper), kvalitetsfaktorer och statusklasser bör se ut på nationell­ och distriktsnivå i Sverige. Förslaget tas fram mot bakgrund av den samlade vattenövervakningen som bedrivs i Sverige idag och mot bakgrund av vad behövs för att uppfylla vattendirektivets krav på kontrollerande övervakning av vattenförekomster.Resultaten från översynen är tänkta att dels fungera som underlag för att underlätta Havs­ och vattenmyndighetens och Vattenmyndigheternas arbete inför rapporteringen 2012, men framför allt ska projektet ge underlag för att ta fram optimerade övervakningsprogram för sjöar och vattendrag till en långsiktig plan med en första anhalt 2016. För att RepKÖP ska få praktisk betydelse i övervakningsSverige skall projektet resultera i ett underlag för framtida revision av befintliga övervakningsprogram för respektive distrikt.Arbetet inom RepKöp är uppdelat i flera delar, vilka tillsammans ska fungera som vägledning till:• Vattenförvaltningens arbete med kontrollerande övervakning• Upplägg av nationell och regional miljöövervakningMålgruppen för arbetet är i första hand:• Vattenmyndigheter• Länsstyrelserna• Naturvårdsverket• Havs­ och vattenmyndigheten• Datavärdar och utförare av miljöövervakningFöreliggande rapport är en sammanställning och analys av miljöövervakningen av svenska sjöar och vattendrag så som de beskrevs i VISS vid datauttaget för sjöar i oktober 2011 och vattendrag i maj 2012. Sammanställningen av informationen från VISS har initierat en hel del korrigeringar i systemet, men tyvärr har det inte av praktiska skäl varit möjligt att ta hänsyn till dessa i arbetet. Man skall vara medveten om att VISS är en levande databas som ständigt uppdateras och korrigeras, vilket gör att endast en ”ögonblicksbild” kan analyseras. Detta gör att när analysen är färdig har verkligheten med stor sannolikhet redan till viss del hunnit förändrats.
  • Barnes, Paul W., et al. (författare)
  • Ozone depletion, ultraviolet radiation, climate change and prospects for a sustainable future
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Nature Sustainability. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 2398-9629. ; 2:7, s. 569-579
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • © 2019, Springer Nature Limited. Changes in stratospheric ozone and climate over the past 40-plus years have altered the solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation conditions at the Earth’s surface. Ozone depletion has also contributed to climate change across the Southern Hemisphere. These changes are interacting in complex ways to affect human health, food and water security, and ecosystem services. Many adverse effects of high UV exposure have been avoided thanks to the Montreal Protocol with its Amendments and Adjustments, which have effectively controlled the production and use of ozone-depleting substances. This international treaty has also played an important role in mitigating climate change. Climate change is modifying UV exposure and affecting how people and ecosystems respond to UV; these effects will become more pronounced in the future. The interactions between stratospheric ozone, climate and UV radiation will therefore shift over time; however, the Montreal Protocol will continue to have far-reaching benefits for human well-being and environmental sustainability.
  • Omstedt, Anders, 1949 (författare)
  • The Development of Climate Science of the Baltic Sea Region
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science. - : Oxford University Press.
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Dramatic climate changes have occurred in the Baltic Sea region caused by changes in orbital movement in the earth–sun system and the melting of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. Added to these longer-term changes, changes have occurred at all timescales, caused mainly by variations in large-scale atmospheric pressure systems due to competition between the meandering midlatitude low-pressure systems and highpressure systems. Here we follow the development of climate science of the Baltic Sea from when observations began in the 18th century to the early 21st century. The question of why the water level is sinking around the Baltic Sea coasts could not be answered until the ideas of postglacial uplift and the thermal history of the earth were better understood in the 19th century and periodic behavior in climate related time series attracted scientific interest. Herring and sardine fishing successes and failures have led to investigations of fishery and climate change and to the realization that fisheries themselves have strongly negative effects on the marine environment, calling for international assessment efforts. Scientists later introduced the concept of regime shifts when interpreting their data, attributing these to various causes. The increasing amount of anoxic deep water in the Baltic Sea and eutrophication have prompted debate about what is natural and what is anthropogenic, and the scientific outcome of these debates now forms the basis of international management efforts to reduce nutrient leakage from land. The observed increase in atmospheric CO and its effects on global warming have focused the climate debate on trends and generated a series of international and regional assessments and research programs that have greatly improved our understanding of climate and environmental changes, bolstering the efforts of earth system science, in which both climate and environmental factors are analyzed together.
  • Gerlee, Philip, 1980, et al. (författare)
  • Scientific Models : Red Atoms, White Lies and Black Boxes in a Yellow Book
  • 2016
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • A zebrafish, the hull of a miniature ship, a mathematical equation and a food chain - what do these things have in common? They are examples of models used by scientists to isolate and study particular aspects of the world around us. This book begins by introducing the concept of a scientific model from an intuitive perspective, drawing parallels to mental models and artistic representations. It then recounts the history of modelling from the 16th century up until the present day. The iterative process of model building is described and discussed in the context of complex models with high predictive accuracy versus simpler models that provide more of a conceptual understanding. To illustrate the diversity of opinions within the scientific community, we also present the results of an interview study, in which ten scientists from different disciplines describe their views on modelling and how models feature in their work. Lastly, it includes a number of worked examples that span different modelling approaches and techniques. It provides a comprehensive introduction to scientific models and shows how models are constructed and used in modern science. It also addresses the approach to, and the culture surrounding modelling in different scientific disciplines. It serves as an inspiration for model building and also facilitates interdisciplinary collaborations by showing how models are used in different scientific fields. The book is aimed primarily at students in the sciences and engineering, as well as students at teacher training colleges but will also appeal to interested readers wanting to get an overview of scientific modelling in general and different modelling approaches in particular.
  • Gerlee, Philip, 1980, et al. (författare)
  • Scientific Models
  • 2016
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • A zebrafish, the hull of a miniature ship, a mathematical equation and a food chain - what do these things have in common? They are examples of models used by scientists to isolate and study particular aspects of the world around us. This book begins by introducing the concept of a scientific model from an intuitive perspective, drawing parallels to mental models and artistic representations. It then recounts the history of modelling from the 16th century up until the present day. The iterative process of model building is described and discussed in the context of complex models with high predictive accuracy versus simpler models that provide more of a conceptual understanding. To illustrate the diversity of opinions within the scientific community, we also present the results of an interview study, in which ten scientists from different disciplines describe their views on modelling and how models feature in their work. Lastly, it includes a number of worked examples that span different modelling approaches and techniques. It provides a comprehensive introduction to scientific models and shows how models are constructed and used in modern science. It also addresses the approach to, and the culture surrounding modelling in different scientific disciplines. It serves as an inspiration for model building and also facilitates interdisciplinary collaborations by showing how models are used in different scientific fields. The book is aimed primarily at students in the sciences and engineering, as well as students at teacher training colleges but will also appeal to interested readers wanting to get an overview of scientific modelling in general and different modelling approaches in particular.
  • Buckland, Philip I., 1973- (författare)
  • The Bugs Coleopteran Ecology Package (BugsCEP) database : 1000 sites and half a million fossils later
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Quaternary International. - : Elsevier. - 1040-6182 .- 1873-4553. ; 341, s. 272-282
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The Bugs database project started in the late 1980s as what would now be considered a relatively simple system, albeit advanced for its time, linking fossil beetle species lists to modern habitat and distribution information. Since then, Bugs has grown into a complex database of fossils records, habitat and distribution data, dating and climate reference data wrapped into an advanced software analysis package. At the time of writing, the database contains raw data and metadata for 1124 sites, and Russell Coope directly contributed to the analysis of over 154 (14%) of them, some 98790 identifications published in 231 publications. Such quantifications are infeasible without databases, and the analytical power of combining a database of modern and fossil insects with analysis tools is potentially immense for numerous areas of science ranging from conservation to Quaternary geology.BugsCEP, The Bugs Coleopteran Ecology Package, is the latest incarnation of the Bugs database project. Released in 2007, the database is continually added too and is available for free download from http://www.bugscep.com. The software tools include quantitative habitat reconstruction and visualisation, correlation matrices, MCR climate reconstruction, searching by habitat and retrieving, among other things, a list of taxa known from the selected habitat types. It also provides a system for entering, storing and managing palaeoentomological data as well as a number of expert system like reporting facilities.Work is underway to create an online version of BugsCEP, implemented through the Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database (SEAD) project (http://www.sead.se). The aim is to provide more direct access to the latest data, a community orientated updating system, and integration with other proxy data. Eventually, the tools available in the offline BugsCEP will be duplicated and Bugs will be entirely in the web.This paper summarises aspects of the current scope, capabilities and applications of the BugsCEP database and software, with special reference to and quantifications of the contributions of Russell Coope to the field of palaeoentomology as represented in the database. The paper also serves to illustrate the potential for the use of BugsCEP in biographical studies, and discusses some of the issues relating to the use of large scale sources of quantitative data.All datasets used in this article are available through the current version of BugsCEP available at http://www.bugscep.com.
  • Vestin, Patrik, et al. (författare)
  • Impacts of stump harvesting on carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry. - : Italian Society of Sivilculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF). - 1971-7458. ; 15, s. 148-162
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • During 2010-2013, we investigated the effects of stump harvesting on greenide (N2O) with the flux-gradient technique at four experimental plots in a hemiboreal forest in Sweden. All plots were clear-cut and soil scarified and two of the plots were additionally stump harvested. The two clear-cut plots served as control plots. Due to differences in topography, we had one wetter and one drier plot of each treatment. All plots exhibited substantial emissions of GHGs and we noted significant effects of wetness on CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes within treatments and significant effects of stump harvesting on CO2 and N2O fluxes at the dry plots. The CO2 emissions were lower at the dry stump harvested plot than at the dry control, but when estimated emissions from the removed stumps were added, total CO2 emissions were higher at the stump harvested plot, indicating a small enhancement of soil respiration. In addition, we noted significant emissions of N2O at this plot. At the wet plots, CO2 emissions were higher at the stump harvested plot, also suggesting a treatment effect but differences in wetness and vegetation cover at these plots make this effect more uncertain. At the wet plots, we noted sustained periods (weeks to months) of net N2O uptake. During the year with simultaneous measurements of the abovementioned GHGs, GHG budgets were 1.224??103 and 1.442??103 gm-2 of CO2-equivalents at the wet and dry stump harvested plots, respectively, and 1.070??103 and 1.696??103 gm-2 of CO2-equivalents at the wet and dry control plots, respectively. CO2 fluxes dominated GHG budgets at all plots but N2O contributed with 17% at the dry stump harvested plot. For the full period 2010-2013, total carbon (CO2+CH4) budgets were 4.301??103 and 4.114??103 g m-2 of CO2-eqvivalents at the wet and dry stump harvest plots, respectively and 4.107??103 and 5.274??103 gm-2 of CO2-equivalents at the wet and dry control plots, respectively. Our results support recent studies suggesting that stump harvesting does not result in substantial increase in CO2 emissions but uncertainties regarding GHG fluxes (especially N2O) remain and more long-term measurements are needed before robust conclusions can be drawn.
  • Åkesson, Sofia, et al. (författare)
  • Characterizing natural degradation of tetrachloroethene (PCE) using a multidisciplinary approach
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Ambio: a Journal of the Human Environment. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0044-7447 .- 1654-7209. ; 50, s. 1074-1088
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A site in mid-western Sweden contaminated with chlorinated solvents originating from a previous dry cleaning facility, was investigated using conventional groundwater analysis combined with compound-specific isotope data of carbon, microbial DNA analysis, and geoelectrical tomography techniques. We show the value of this multidisciplinary approach, as the different results supported each interpretation, and show where natural degradation occurs at the site. The zone where natural degradation occurred was identified in the transition between two geological units, where the change in hydraulic conductivity may have facilitated biofilm formation and microbial activity. This observation was confirmed by all methods and the examination of the impact of geological conditions on the biotransformation process was facilitated by the unique combination of the applied methods. There is thus significant benefit from deploying an extended array of methods for these investigations, with the potential to reduce costs involved in remediation of contaminated sediment and groundwater.
  • Björk, Mats, 1960-, et al. (författare)
  • Methane emissions from macrophyte beach wrack on Baltic seashores
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Ambio. - : Springer Nature. - 0044-7447 .- 1654-7209. ; 52:1, s. 171-181
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Beach wrack of marine macrophytes is a natural component of many beaches. To test if such wrack emits the potent greenhouse gas methane, field measurements were made at different seasons on beach wrack depositions of different ages, exposure, and distance from the water. Methane emissions varied greatly, from 0 to 176 mg CH4-C m−2 day−1, with a clear positive correlation between emission and temperature. Dry wrack had lower emissions than wet. Using temperature data from 2016 to 2020, seasonal changes in fluxes were calculated for a natural wrack accumulation area. Such calculated average emissions were close to zero during winter, but peaked in summer, with very high emissions when daily temperatures exceeded 20 °C. We conclude that waterlogged beach wrack significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and that emissions might drastically increase with increasing global temperatures. When beach wrack is collected into heaps away from the water, the emissions are however close to zero.
  • Hassellöv, Ida-Maja, 1974, et al. (författare)
  • Miljörisker sjunkna vrak II. Undersökningsmetoder och miljöaspekter
  • 2015
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • During 2015 the Swedish Maritime Administration continued the second phase of thegovernmental task Environmental risks from sunken wrecks which first report was finalized2014-10-31 (Dnr: 1399-14-01942-6).The main conclusions from the 2014 report remain; for future handling of potentially pollutingshipwrecks it is recommended that the Swedish Agency for Water and Marine Management isgiven a coordinating responsibility in close cooperation with other competent nationalauthorities, such as Swedish Maritime Administration, Swedish Coastguard, Swedish NationalMaritime Museums, the Geological Survey of Sweden, SMHI, Swedish EPA, and SwedishCivil Contingencies Agency. Through coordination of wreck related operations and activitieswithin the concerned competent authorities’ ordinary areas of responsibility, resourceefficiency is improved. The estimated extra cost for implementation of a national strategy forhandling of the wrecks are estimated to be 10-15 MSEK which should be allocated to thecompetent authorities by the Swedish Agency for Water and Marine Management.The conclusions from 2014 was reinforced during 2015, e.g. through the validation of the riskassessment model VRAKA, which is now available in a first operative version. Additionalecotoxicological experiments on the development of tolerance against PAHs in meiofauna andmicroorganism communities were conducted in a field study in Brofjorden. The mainconclusions from this work is that comprehensive analyzes of PAHs should include alkylatedPAHs, and that exposure to PAHs over time can lead to tolerance development in ammoniumoxidizing bacteria, at the expense of their ability to perform the essential ecosystem servicenitrification.Continued measurements of the bottom currents were made at the wrecks Villon and Skytteren,and at the dumping area west of Måseskär. Measurement series yielded important informationon how measuring equipment at the wreck can be deployed in an optimized way in futuremonitoring program; to calculate the possible spreading of pollution from a wreck, currentmeasurements should be performed upstream from the wreck site, while sensors for thedetection of, for example, oil should be put into the turbulence downstream of the wreck.The current measurement instruments (RDCP) deployed at the Måseskär dump site was trawledup after only three weeks of measurements, but still gave valuable information on the extensivebottom trawling that resuspend (stir up) sediments. Earlier geochemical surveys have shownsignificantly elevated arsenic concentrations in the area and sediment resuspension greatlyincreased the risk for spread of any contaminants in the area. Trawling is not prohibited in thearea, and the current lack of knowledge regarding potential effects on human health whenconsuming seafood from dump areas calls for reflection upon the suitability of trawling in thearea.In addition to the current measurements Swedish Maritime Administration and the SwedishNavy conducted hydrographic survey with multibeam and side scan sonar and ROVinvestigation of the wrecks in the dumping area at Måseskär. 28 wrecks were found, and ROVinvestigation showed cargo holds with dumped torpedoes or mines and other containers in some SjöfartsverketDnr: 1399-14-01942-156of the wrecks. There is some discrepancy between the previously measured elevated arsenicconcentrations in the Måseskär area and recently presented data from historical archives thatdoes not support the theory that chemical weapons were dumped in the area. However, there isa very good correlation between the dominant current direction in the area, and the highestmeasured arsenic concentrations in the area downstream of the wrecks, suggesting some formof arsenic source in the area.
  • Wurzbacher, Christian, 1980, et al. (författare)
  • Poorly known microbial taxa dominate the microbiome of permafrost thaw ponds.
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: The ISME journal. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1751-7370 .- 1751-7362. ; 11:8, s. 1938-1941
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In the transition zone of the shifting permafrost border, thaw ponds emerge as hotspots of microbial activity, processing the ancient carbon freed from the permafrost. We analyzed the microbial succession across a gradient of recently emerged to older ponds using three molecular markers: one universal, one bacterial and one fungal. Age was a major modulator of the microbial community of the thaw ponds. Surprisingly, typical freshwater taxa comprised only a small fraction of the community. Instead, thaw ponds of all age classes were dominated by enigmatic bacterial and fungal phyla. Our results on permafrost thaw ponds lead to a revised perception of the thaw pond ecosystem and their microbes, with potential implications for carbon and nutrient cycling in this increasingly important class of freshwaters.
  • Nilsson, R. Henrik, 1976, et al. (författare)
  • Mycobiome diversity: high-throughput sequencing and identification of fungi.
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Nature reviews. Microbiology. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1740-1534 .- 1740-1526. ; 17, s. 95-109
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Fungi are major ecological players in both terrestrial and aquatic environments by cycling organic matter and channelling nutrients across trophic levels. High-throughput sequencing (HTS) studies of fungal communities are redrawing the map of the fungal kingdom by hinting at its enormous - and largely uncharted - taxonomic and functional diversity. However, HTS approaches come with a range of pitfalls and potential biases, cautioning against unwary application and interpretation of HTS technologies and results. In this Review, we provide an overview and practical recommendations for aspects of HTS studies ranging from sampling and laboratory practices to data processing and analysis. We also discuss upcoming trends and techniques in the field and summarize recent and noteworthy results from HTS studies targeting fungal communities and guilds. Our Review highlights the need for reproducibility and public data availability in the study of fungal communities. If the associated challenges and conceptual barriers are overcome, HTS offers immense possibilities in mycology and elsewhere.
  • Katrantsiotis, Christos, et al. (författare)
  • Seasonal variability in temperature trends and atmospheric circulation systems during the Eemian (Last Interglacial) based on n-alkanes hydrogen isotopes from Northern Finland
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Quaternary Science Reviews. - Amsterdam : Elsevier. - 0277-3791 .- 1873-457X. ; 273, s. 107250-107250
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The Last Interglacial warm period, the Eemian (ca. 130-116 thousand years ago), serves as a reference for projected future climate in a warmer world. However, there is a limited understanding of the seasonal characteristics of interglacial climate dynamics, especially in high latitude regions. In this study, we aimto provide new insights into seasonal trends in temperature and moisture source location, linked to shifts in atmospheric circulation patterns, for northern Fennoscandia during the Eemian. Our study is based on the distribution and stable hydrogen isotope composition (dD) of n-alkanes in a lake sediment sequence from the Sokli paleolake in NE Finland, placed in a multi-proxy framework. The dD values of predominantly macrophyte-derived mid-chain n-alkanes are interpreted to reflect lake water dD variability influenced by winter precipitation dD (dDprec), ice cover duration and deuterium (D)-depleted meltwater. The dD values of terrestrial plant-derived long-chain n-alkanes primarily reflect soil water dD variability modulated by summer dDprec and by the evaporative enrichment of soil and leaf water. The dDprec variability in our study area is mostly attributed to the temperature effect and the moisture source location linked to the relative dominance between D-depleted continental and polar air masses and Denriched North Atlantic air masses. The biomarker signal further corroborates earlier diatom-based studies and pollen-inferred January and July temperature reconstructions from the same sediment sequence. Three phases of climatic changes can be identified that generally follow the secular variationsin seasonal insolation: (i) an early warming trend succeeded by a period of strong seasonality (ii) a midoptimum phase with gradually decreased seasonality and cooler summers, and (iii) a late climatic instability with a cooling trend. Superimposed on this trend, two abrupt cooling events occur in the early and late Eemian. The Sokli dD variability is generally in good agreement with other North Atlantic and Siberian records, reflecting major changes in the atmospheric circulation patterns during the Eemian as a response to orbital and oceanic forcings.
  • Sobek, Anna, et al. (författare)
  • Organic matter degradation causes enrichment of organic pollutants in hadal sediments
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Nature Communications. - 2041-1723. ; 14
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Burial of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in deep-sea sediments contributes to 60% of their historical emissions. Yet, empirical data on their occurrence in the deep-ocean is scarce. Estimates of the deep-ocean POP sink are therefore uncertain. Hadal trenches, representing the deepest part of the ocean, are hotspots for organic carbon burial and decomposition. POPs favorably partition to organic carbon, making trenches likely significant sinks for contaminants. Here we show that PCBs occur in both hadal (7720–8085 m) and non-hadal (2560–4050 m) sediment in the Atacama Trench. PCB concentrations normalized to sediment dry weight were similar across sites while those normalized to sediment organic carbon increased exponentially as the inert organic carbon fraction of the sediment increased in degraded hadal sediments. We suggest that the unique deposition dynamics and elevated turnover of organic carbon in hadal trenches increase POP concentrations in the deepest places on Earth.
  • Oni, Stephen, et al. (författare)
  • Local- and landscape-scale impacts of clear-cuts and climate change on surface water dissolved organic carbon in boreal forests
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. - 2169-8953 .- 2169-8961. ; 120:11, s. 2402-2426
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Forest harvesting and climate change may significantly increase concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in boreal surface waters. However, the likely magnitude of any effect will vary depending on the landscape-element type and spatial scale. We used a chain of hydrological, empirical, and process-based biogeochemical models coupled to an ensemble of downscaled Regional Climate Model experiments to develop scenario storylines for local- and landscape-scale effects of forest harvesting and climate change on surface water DOC concentrations and fluxes. Local-scale runoff, soil temperature, and DOC dynamics were simulated for a range of forest and wetland landscape-element types and at the larger landscape scale. The results indicated that climate change will likely lead to greater winter flows and earlier, smaller spring peaks. Both forest harvesting and climate change scenarios resulted in large increases in summer and autumn runoff and higher DOC fluxes. Forest harvesting effects were clearly apparent at local scales. While at the landscape scale, approximately 1 mg L−1 (or 10%) of the DOC in surface waters can be attributed to clear-cuts, both climate change and intensified forestry can each increase DOC concentrations by another 1 mg L−1 in the future, which is less than that seen in many waterbodies recovering from acidification. These effects of forestry and climate change on surface water DOC concentrations are additive at a landscape scale but not at the local scale, where a range of landscape-element specific responses were observed.
  • Barthel, Roland, 1967, et al. (författare)
  • Similarity-based approaches in hydrogeology: proposal of a new concept for data-scarce groundwater resource characterization and prediction
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Hydrogeology Journal. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1435-0157 .- 1431-2174. ; 29:5, s. 1693-1709
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A new concept is proposed for describing, analysing and predicting the dynamic behaviour of groundwater resources based on classification and similarity. The concept makes use of the ideas put forward by the “PUB” (predictions in ungauged basins) initiative in surface-water hydrology. One of the approaches developed in PUB uses the principle that similar catchments, exposed to similar weather conditions, will generate a similar discharge response at the catchment outlet. This way, models developed for well-observed catchments can be used to make predictions for ungauged catchments with similar properties (topography, land use, etc.). The concept proposed here applies the same idea to groundwater systems, with the goal to make predictions of the dynamic behaviour of groundwater in poorly observed systems using similarities to well-observed and understood systems. This paper gives an overview of the main ideas, the methodological background, the progress so far, and the challenges that the authors regard as most crucial for further development. One of the main goals of this article is thus to raise interest for this new concept within the groundwater community. There are a multitude of highly interesting aspects to investigate, and a community effort, as with PUB, is required. A second goal is to foster and exchange ideas between the groundwater and surface water research communities who, while often working on similar problems, have often missed the opportunity to learn from each other.
  • Bobrowski, Nicole, et al. (författare)
  • Multi-component gas emission measurements of the active lava lake of Nyiragongo, DR Congo
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Journal of African Earth Sciences. - : Elsevier BV. - 1879-1956 .- 1464-343X. ; 134, s. 856-865
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Between 2007 and 2011 four measurement campaigns (June 2007, July 2010, June 2011, and December 2011) were carried out at the crater rim of Nyiragongo volcano, DR Congo. Nyiragongo is one of the most active volcanoes in Africa. The ground-based remote sensing technique Multi-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS), which uses scattered sunlight, the in-situ Multi-Component Gas Analyzer System (Multi-GAS) and alkaline impregnated filter were simultaneously applied during all field trips. The bromine monoxide to sulfur dioxide (BrO/SO2) and carbon dioxide to sulfur dioxide (CO2/SO2) molar ratios were determined, among other ratios. During the different field trips variations of the level of the lava lake up to several tens of meters were observed during intervals of the order of minutes up to days and also between the years. The measured gas ratios presented covariations with the lava lake level changes. BrO/SO2 ratios and CO2/SO2 ratios showed similar behavior. Annual CO2/SO2 and BrO/SO2 average values are generally positively correlated. In June 2011 increased BrO/SO2 as well as increased CO2/SO2 ratios have been observed before a sudden decrease of the lava lake. Overall the Cl/S ratio, determined by filter-pack sampling, shows an increasing trend with time, which is accompanied by a decreasing sulfur dioxide flux, the later measured nearly continuously by automated MAX-DOAS instruments since 2004. Mean gas emission fluxes of CO2, Cl and ‘minimum-BrO’ fluxes are calculated using their ratio to SO2. The first two show an increase with time, in contrast to the SO2 fluxes. A simple conceptual model is proposed which can explain in particular the June 2011 data, but as well our entire data set. The proposed model takes up the idea of convective magma cells inside the conduit and the possible temporary interruption of part of the cycling. We propose than two alternatives to explain the observed gas emission variation: 1. It is assumed that the diffuse and fumarolic degassing could have significant influence on measured gas composition. The measured gas composition might rather represent a gas mixture of plume, diffuse and fumarolic degassing than only representing the volcanic plume. 2. It is proposed that the interruption of the convection has taken place in the upper part of the conduit and deep degassing of CO2 and bromine initially continues while mixing already with gas emissions from an ageing source, which is characterized by an already diminishing sulfur content. These complex process but as well as the gas mixing of different sources, could explain general features of our dataset, but can unfortunately neither be confirmed nor disproven by the data available today.
  • Ledesma, Jose, et al. (författare)
  • Aquatic DOC export from subarctic Atlantic blanket bog in Norway is controlled by seasalt deposition, temperature and precipitation
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Biogeochemistry. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0168-2563 .- 1573-515X. ; 127, s. 305-321
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Comprehensive and credible peatland carbon budgets, needed for global carbon accounting, must include lateral aquatic organic carbon export. Here, we quantify aquatic dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export for an Atlantic bog in subarctic Norway, the Andøya peatland, and test for sensitivity to climatic drivers. Hydrology, DOC concentrations and DOC export were simulated for 2000–2013 using the process-based catchment model Integrated Catchments model for Carbon(INCA-C), calibrated to site-specific water chemistry and hydrology (2011–2014) using readily-available data on temperature, precipitation and seasalt deposition. Measured streamwater DOC declined under seasalt episodes and was strongly positively related to temperature. Model calibrations successfully reproduced the water balance, variation in runoff (R2=0.67; Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency NS=0.67) and DOC concentrations (R2=0.85; NS=0.84). The most sensitive model parameters related to temperature-sensitivity of DOC production and DOC (de)sorption sensitivity to seasalts. Model uncertainty related to parameter space was similar to interannual variation in DOC export. Mean annual modelled DOC export was 7.2±0.7g C m−2 year−1, roughly 35% of the net land–atmospheric CO2 exchange at Andøya from 2009 to 2012 (estimated elsewhere). Current and antecedent mean temperature and precipitation were strong drivers of seasonal modelled DOC export, implying that warmer and wetter summers will lead to more DOC export. Evaluation of similar climate impacts on net peatland carbon accumulation requires additional exploration of the climate-sensitivity of land–atmosphere fluxes of CO2 and methane. Process-based models are valuable tools to account for lateral DOC exports in carbon balances of northern peatlands, especially where long-term monitoring data are lacking.
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