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Sökning: AMNE:(SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP Sociologi Socialpsykologi)

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  • Almered Olsson, Gunilla, 1951, et al. (författare)
  • Food systems sustainability - For whom and by whom? : An examination of different 'food system change' viewpoints
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Development Research Conference 2018: “Rethinking development”, 22–23 August 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The United Nations identifies the food crisis as one of the primary overarching challenges facing the international community. Different stakeholders in the food system have widely different perspectives and interests, and challenging structural issues, such as the power differentials among them, remain largely unexamined. These challenges make rational discourse among food system actors from different disciplines, sectors and levels difficult. These challenges can often prevent them from working together effectively to find innovative ways to respond to food security challenges. This means that finding solutions to intractable and stuck issues, such as the food crisis often stall, not at implementation, but at the point of problem identification. Food system sustainability means very different things to different food system actors. These differences in no way undermine or discount the work carried out by these players. However, making these differences explicit is an essential activity that would serve to deepen theoretical and normative project outcomes. Would the impact and reach of different food projects differ if these differences were made explicit? The purpose of this initial part of a wider food system research project is not to search for difference or divergence, with the aim of critique, but rather to argue that by making these differences explicit, the overall food system project engagement will be made more robust, more inclusive and more encompassing. This paper starts with some discussion on the different food system perspectives, across scales, regions and sectors but focuses primarily on the design of processes used to understand these divergent and at times contradictory views of what a sustainable food system may be. This paper draws on ongoing work within the Mistra Urban Futures project, using the food system projects in cities as diverse as Cape Town, Manchester, Gothenburg and Kisumu as sites for this enquiry.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Different Categories of Victims and Competition for Victimhood in the Stories after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Victims' protection: International law, national legislations and practice. Book of abstracts. Fifth Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, November 27-28, 2014. ; , s. 15-15
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • My goal with this article is to analyse the retold experiences of 27 survivors of the 1990s war in north-western Bosnia. I focus on describing the informants' portrayal of “victimhood” as a social phenomenon as well as analysing those discursive patterns which contributed in constructing the category “victim” and ”perpetrator”. When, after the war, different actors claim this “victim” status, it sparks a competition for victimhood. All informants are eager to present themselves as victims while at the same time the other categories' victim status is downplayed. Different categories appear and they are: ”the remainders” those who lived in north-western Bosnia before, during and after the war; “the fugitives” those who driven into north-western Bosnia during the war; “the returnees” those who returned after the war and “the diaspora” those who were driven out from north-western Bosnia and remained in their new country. The competition between these categories seems to take place on a symbolic level. All interviewees want to portray themselves as ”ideal victims” but they are all about to lose that status. The returnees and the diaspora are losing status by receiving recognition from the surrounding community and because they have a higher economic status, the remainders are losing status since they are constantly being haunted by war events and the refugees are losing status by being presented as strangers and thus fitting the role of ideal perpetrators. In this reproduction of competition for the victim role, all demarcations that were played out so successfully during the war live on.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Ethnic monitoring and social control in juvenile care institutions
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Exploring Blind Spots. 27th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association, Lund, Sweden, August 14-16, 2014. ; , s. 25-25
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In an evaluation of a juvenile-care project sponsored by the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care, ethnicity was identified as an important dimension in treatment, staff practices, and relationships among juveniles. This article aims to analyze descriptions of ethnic monitoring and social control in Swedish juvenile institutions. A juvenile’s ethnicity was highlighted by drawing attention to the staff’s monitoring and social control. Interviews elucidated the victimhood that non-Swedish juveniles portrayed in relation to the staff and/or Swedish juveniles. When juveniles of non-Swedish ethnicity described ethnic monitoring and social control, they generally distanced themselves from staff behavior and portrayed a victim identity. In constructing their identity, juveniles sometimes used their ethnic background rhetorically when describing everyday situations in the institution. The juveniles portrayed a humiliated self through dissociation from the staff and through the descriptions that they were treated differently than Swedish juveniles.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Implacability in Narratives of Survivors after the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Crisis, Critique and Change. Abstract book. 11th European Sociological Association Conference, Turin, Italy, August 28-31, 2013. - 9788897523499 ; , s. 1146-1147
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this article I analyze verbally portrayed experiences of 27 survivors from the 90’s war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One aim of the article is to analyze markers for reconciliation and implacability, the second is to describe the terms for reconciliation which are actualized in those stories. The interactive dynamics, which occurred during the war, make the post-war reconciliation wartime associated. Narratives about reconciliation, implacability and terms for reconciliation, are not only formed in relation to the war as a whole but also in relation to one’s own and others’ persons wartime actions. The narratives about reconciliation become an arena in which we and them are played against each other in different ways – not least by rejecting the others acts during the war. In the interviewees stories implacability is predominant but reconciliation is presented as a possibility if certain conditions are met. These conditions are, for instance, justice for war victims,perpetrators’ recognition of crime and perpetrators’ emotional commitment (for example the display of remorse and shame).
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Fältarbete och nya frågeställningar – exemplet Bosnien
  • 2008
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I detta utkast analyseras forskningsprocessens olika steg, från problemformulering till analys av data, och de kritiska val man ställs inför. Den empiriska delen bygger på observationer i Ljubija, en stad i nordvästra Bosnien, tidningsartiklar från området samt fjorton intervjuer. Känslorna under fältarbetet diskuteras.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Konkurrensen om offerrollen i överlevandes berättelser efter kriget i Bosnien
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. - 0040-716X .- 1504-291X. ; 55:2, s. 203-228
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The aim of this article is to analyse verbally portrayed experiences of 27 survivors of the 1990’s war in northwestern Bosnia. My focus is on describing how the interviewees portray the social phenomenon of «victimhood» and on analysing the discursive patterns that contribute to construction of the category «victim». When, after the war, different actors claim this «victim» status, it sparks a competition for victimhood. The competition between categories seems to take place on a symbolic level. By reproducing this competition for the victim role, all demarcations, which were played out so skilfully during the war, are kept alive.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Krig och brott : Definitioner av kriminalitet i ett bosniskt efterkrigssamhälle
  • 2005
  • Rapport (refereegranskat)abstract
    • What is percieved as a crime in war time varies depending on the war at issue, the eventual peace, the victors and the victims. This study focuses on the resolution of rules that occured in Ljubija, a town in the north-western part of Bosnia-Herzegovina, during the the war 1992-1995, and how it created new conflicts and group formations that live on after the war. After the war a competition for the victim-role took place between different communities. The empirical part of the study is based upon observations in Ljubija, newspaper articles from the area and conversational interviews. The material was analysed using Emile Durkheim’s view on criminality in the society, Georg Simmel’s analysis on reconciliation and Nils Christie’s term “the ideal victim”. I also discuss my own emotions and thoughts as a fieldworker during the study.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Narratives after the Bosnian War : Competition for Victimhood
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Democracy, Citizenship and Urban Violence. 2nd Annual Conference of Urban Research and Development Society, Dhaka, March 12-13, 2014. - Dhaka : Urban Research and Development Society. ; , s. 3-3
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • My goal with this article is to analyze the retold experiences of 27 survivors of the 1990s war in northwestern Bosnia. I focus on describing the informants’ portrayal of “victimhood” as a social phenomenon as well as analyzing those discoursive patterns which contributed in constructing the category “victim”. When, after the war, different actors claim this “victim” status, it sparks a competition for victimhood. All informants are eager to present themselves as victims while at the same time the other categories’ victim status are downplayed. In this reproduction of competition for the victim role, all demarcations that were played out so successfully during the war live on.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Narratives of Former Bosnian Detainees : Concentration Camp Rituals
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Sigurnost urbanih sredina (”The Security of Urban Areas”), Sarajevo, Bosnia & Hercegovina, May 16, 2014. ; , s. 145-146
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article analyzes the experiences retold by former concentration camp detainees who were placed in concentration camps like civilians at the beginning of the Bosnian war in the 1990s. The article aims to describe the recounted social interaction rituals after time spent in a concentration camp as well as identifying how these interactions are symbolically dramatized. In their stories of crime and abuse in the concentration camps, the detainees reject the guards’ actions and the designation of ‘concentration camp detainee’. The retold stories of violation and power rituals in the camps show that there was little space for individuality. Nevertheless, resistance and status rituals along with adapting to the conditions in the camps seem to have generated some room for increased individualization. To have possessed some control and been able to resist seems to have granted the detainees a sense of honor and self-esteem, not least after the war. Their narratives today represent a form of continued resistance.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Om etniska enklaver och samhällsförändringar efter ett krig
  • 2008
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med detta utkast är att identifiera och analysera de sociala relationer och motsättningar som uppstår i ett samhälle som förändrats helt under ett krig. Den empiriska delen bygger på observationer i Ljubija, en stad i nordvästra Bosnien, tidningsartiklar från området samt fjorton intervjuer. Utvecklingen under och efter kriget har gjort att folk i Ljubija grupperas i tre skikt. En grupp består av bosnienserber som före, under och efter kriget varit bosatta i Ljubija (Ljubijabor); sen har vi gruppen med bosnienserber som kom till Ljubija som flyktingar under kriget i Bosnien och Kroatien (alltså flyktingar) och till slut har vi gruppen som består av bosnienmuslimer och bosnienkroater som etniskt rensades från Ljubija och efter kriget återvände dit (återvändande). Grupperna som nu finns i Ljubija förefaller relativt sammansmälta och samarbete samt interaktion mellan dem finns. Individer som bor i dagens Ljubija pratar med varandra när de träffas på gatorna och i kaféer. Fördelningen mellan ”vi” Ljubijabor, ”de” flyktingar och ”de” återvändande tycks för det mesta utspela sig på en symbolisk nivå. För Ljubijabor är både flyktingarna och de återvändande grupper som nämns i ett negativt sammanhang. Å ena sidan vill flyktingarna inte assimilera sig och med tiden har de kommit att utgöra majoriteten i Ljubija vilket i sin tur gör att Ljubijaborna pressas att följa deras normer och värderingar. Å andra sidan har de som återvänt (alltså bosnienkroater och bosnienmuslimer) en bättre ekonomisk situation än Lubijaborna och det skapar avund från Ljubijaborna sida. Det sociala livet i Ljubija, i intervjuades ögon, har förändrats till det sämre. De intervjuade brottas med banal nationalism, extrem fattigdom, sämre sjukvård, ökad kriminalitet och vissa tendenser till anarki i samhället. Rådande sociala relationer i Ljubija markeras på ett sådant sätt att motsättningar och en samhällelig nedgång lyfts fram och dramatiseras. Vad det gäller banal nationalism i Ljubija kan man säga att den reproducerar en viss oförsonlighet eftersom den håller de nationalistiska symboler och gränsdragningar som spelades ut så tydligt och makabert under kriget vid liv. Utvecklingen gjorde också att Ljubija blev en arena för olika utspel mellan vi och de. I den studien kan vi paradoxalt nog märka att etnisk och religiös tillhörighet inte behöver bli ett huvuddrag i vi/de-perspektivet. För den banala nationalismen emellertid är sådan tillhörighet nästan ett måste. Utgruppen som konstrueras hos banal nationalism definieras i termer av etnisk eller religiös tillhörighet.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Reconciliation and implacability : Narratives of survivors from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: The Balkans in the New Millennium: From Balkanization to EUtopia. Third International Conference of the Balkans Sociological Forum, Tetovo and Skopje, Macedonia, June 20-22, 2014. ; , s. 51-51
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article analyzes retold experiences of 27 survivors from the 90’s war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One aim of the article is analyzing markers for reconciliation and implacability, the second is describing conditions for reconciliation which are actualized in those stories. Interactive dynamics which prevailed during the war associate post-war reconciliation with the war time. These stories of reconciliation, implacability and conditions for reconciliation, are not created in relation to the war as a whole only but also in relation to one’s own and other’s personal actions during the war. These stories on reconciliation become a forum for confrontation between us and them – not least through dissociation from others war actions. In the interviewees stories implacability is predominant however reconciliation is said to be possible if certain conditions are met. These conditions are, among others, justice for war victims, that the perpetrators’ recognize their crimes and display strong emotions (for example remorse and shame).
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Ritualer i koncentrationslägret : Avståndstagande, moral och anpassning i före detta lägerfångars berättelser från Bosnien
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. - 0039-0747. ; 115:3, s. 225-243
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this article portrayed experiences of former inmates that were placed in the concentration camps in the beginning of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1900s are being analyzed. The article is based on 13 interviews with former inmates and close relatives that currently live in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. The purpose with the article is to describe the social interaction rituals that are being retold after a stay in concentration camps and also to identify how these interactions get dramatized symbolically. In addition, the moral that emerges in the description is analyzed. All the interviewed in the study describe themselves as victims. Throughout the narratives about crimes and encroachment in the camps the interviewed individual’s take distance from the actions of the guards and the category concentration camp- placed. Retelling violations and resistance rituals show that the space for individuality in the camps were toughly limited but a resistance and status rituals together with adaptation to the living conditions in the camps seems to have generated a space for enhanced individualization. To possess somewhat control and have the opportunity to provide resistance seems to give an emotion of honor and self-esteem to the camp prisoners, not only during but also after the time of war.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Samverkan blir kamp : En sociologisk analys av ett projekt i ungdomsvården
  • 2012
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this dissertation a collaboration project in Swedish youth care is analysed. The aim of the project was to enhance coordination between the Social Services and the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care in order to make the efforts more efficient. The project also employed a number of coordinators. The overall purpose of this dissertation is to analyse conflicts, alliances and comparisons identifiable in interviews and observations. The analytic findings are put into an overall “collaboration context” represented by earlier research on the social phenomenon of “collaboration”. In this way the dissertation tries to contribute to a sociological understanding of a contemporary widespread phenomenon. The empirical materials of the study consist of recorded conversational interviews with 147 project participants (youngsters, parents and various professional categories) as well as observations of meetings, informal get-togethers and visits to institutions, Social Services offices, the head office of the National Board of Institutional Care and coordinators. The material was analysed using the analytic perspectives of Georg Simmel (1950/1964), Theodore Caplow (1968) and Erving Goffman (1959/2004). The analysis shows that the project manifested and led to struggles between organizations involving representatives from the Social Services, the National Board of Institutional Care and the project, as well as to several interpersonal conflicts between representatives from various categories of involved professionals, and the youngsters and their parents. The study also shows that the client, in such human service organizations, faces a significant risk of being marginalized. Professionals who appreciated the collaboration often drew their conclusions based on their interaction with other professionals, but the collaboration did not guarantee a successful treatment of the client. Conflicts concerning the roles of the coordinators and their written documents (“the agreements”) emerged and were actualized through the creation of the project. The coordinators and their “agreements” can be seen as the project’s most visible representatives and symbols, which during the project become both themes for conflict and actualize already established conflict patterns. The youngsters and their parents appreciated the projects’ coordinators who appeared as personally involved and able to make concrete changes. However, many of youngsters and their parents criticized the coordinators and even portrayed a victim identity in relation to the project. The coordinator’s relationship with the youngsters and their parents was mostly characterized by passivity. This is clearly apparent in the analysis of the administrative and/or passive coordinator. Different alliance constellations became visible in these presentations. When the coordinator roles were altered in the description, the alliance constellations change. It is a common strategy for clients in human service organizations to try to enter into alliances with professionals involved in their cases and, in so doing, try to alter the situation to their own advantage. The fact that these alliances are often sought by the client indicates, among other things, the client’s will to fight against the situation in which he/she finds him/herself. I believe that this can be seen as something productive rather than problematic.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Skulle jag grilla lamm med dig? : Försoning och oförsonlighet i före detta lägerfångars berättelser
  • 2007
  • Rapport (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Is it possible for civilians, who have been targets of war action, to reconcile with their former enemies? In this study I am analyzing the stories told by former camp-prisoners who were imprisoned at the beginning of the Bosnia-Herzegovina war in the early 1990’s. These prisoners were detained in the concentration-camps of Omarska, Keraterm and Manjača. The former prisoners took refuge in the Nordic countries after the war. The aim of the study is partly to analyze traces of reconciliation and implacability, and partly to detect and describe the rituals of interaction that emerged during the war, which have been revised and reinterpreted after the war. The report is based on 13 interviews with former camp-prisoners and their close relatives who now live in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Added to the study is a document analysis of verdicts by the Hague-tribunal and UN reports. Rather than the one-sided view of the former camp-prisoners, as traumatised, an action-oriented picture emerged. The stories of the camp-prisoners are nuanced fields where the narrator divides guilt and responsibility, reconciliation and implacability, the roles of heroes and victims. The study shows that the ethnic cleansing, in the Bosnian Northwest, caused not only series of atrocities but also dramatic changes in terms of different symbols and life-stories. The camps in the Bosnian Northwest were characterized by crimes and excesses against people. Individuality was heavily restricted by different power-rituals and abuse-processes. The interactive dynamics that evolved during the ethnic cleansing have a strong impact on the process of reconciliation after the war. The stories of reconciliation, implacability and victimization are constructed not only in relation to the war as a whole but also in relation to the narrators own actions and others personal actions during the war. It seems like the interviewees are trying to put their experiences behind them to escape being tormented by the past. The most outstanding in their stories is implacability, but forgiveness and reconciliation seem to be achievable if certain conditions are met, for example the display of shame.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972-, et al. (författare)
  • Stories after the Bosnian War : Competition for Victimhood
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Forensic Science & Criminalistics Research (FSCR), Singapore,  December 9-10, 2013. ; , s. 68-77
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The aim of this article is to analyze verbally portrayed experiences of 27 survivors of the 1990’s war in northwestern Bosnia. Focus lies on describing how the interviewees portray the social phenomenon of ”victimhood”, and to analyze discoursive patterns which contribute to constructing the cathegory ”victim”. When, after the war, different actors claim this ”victim” status it sparks a competition for victimhood. Cathegories appear and they are: ”the remainders” those who lived in northwestern Bosnia before, during and after the war; “the fugitives” those who driven into northwestern Bosnia during the war; “the returnees” those who returned after the war and “the diaspora” those who were driven out from northwestern Bosnia and remained in their new country. The competition between these cathegories seems to take place on a symbolic level. All interviewees want to portray themselves as ”ideal victims” but they are all about to loose that status. The returnees and the diaspora are losing status by receiving recognition from the surrounding community and because they have a higher economic status, the remainders are losing status since they are constantly being haunted by war events and the refugees are losing status by being presented as strangers and thus fitting the role of ideal perpetrators. It seems that by reproducing this competition for the victim role, all demarcations, which were played out so skillfully during the war, are kept alive.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972-, et al. (författare)
  • Stories of Sexualized War Violence after the Bosnian war
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Femicide. Targeting of Women in Conflict. A Global Issue That Demands Action. Volume III. - Vienna : The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS). ; 3, s. 102-105
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The aim of this article is to analyze verbally portrayed experiences of 27 survivors of the 1990’s war in northwestern Bosnia. The focus lies on evaluating interviewees’ description of wartime sexual violence and analyzing discursive patterns that contribute in constructing the phenomenon “sexualized war violence”. My analysis shows that the new social war order normalized the sexualized war violence in society. In many cases, these crimes are committed by neighbors and people known by the victim. After the war, all interviewees described war sexual violence as something morally reprehensible. These narratives paint a picture of the perpetrator as someone who is dangerous, evil and the absolute enemy. This enemy is a real but distant criminal who is seen as a clear threat to the existing social order from before the war.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972-, et al. (författare)
  • Vårdkedja för ungdomar eller professionella? En processutvärdering av projektet ”Motverka våld och gäng” : [ A “Treatment Chain” for Young People or the Professionals? A Process Evaluation of the “Counteract Violence and Gangs” – Project in Sweden ]
  • 2009
  • Rapport (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This report concerns a large evaluation of a project concerning Swedish juvenile care. We analyse how professionals, youngsters and parents perceived and interpreted the three-year project which involved different authorities whose representatives should form a care-giving chain. The project also employed a number of coordinators. Beyond accounting for the results from just over one houndred interviews and an intense field work our ambition was also to place our findings in a greater social and cultural context. The origin of our analysis is based upon the empirical material, not from a before hand constructed perspective; the example of the coordinators’ focus on administrative issues was therefore discovered through interviews and observations and not something that we were looking for or even expecting to find. At the same time no analysis can arise solely from an empirical material. When we, for example, use terms like ‘dispute props’, when talking about the involved actors discussions on different documents, it origins from reading the work of the classic sociologist Georg Simmel and modern social psychologist Ervin Goffman, both using dramaturgy as a metaphor for social interaction. The lasting impression from this project is the administrative position of the involved officials. They were strongly committed to meetings and documents, they reviewed and assessed each other using a bureaucratic language rather than discussing the individual youth with commitment. In fact the youths rather fell into a discursive shaddow when reading the interviews and field observations. In projects like this one, where officials should cooperate, the danger is that the meeting with its attached bureaucracy becomes the goal instead of the means. A more pragmatic stance regarding the meeting would rather see them being means through which distinct decisions and results carried the youth forth in a direction which the group, the parents and the youth had agreed on (the latter categories should, according to directives, be integrated). The meetings we attended rather displayed a startling inertia, issues that could have been resolved between meetings were not. The shortcomings in the measures were not followed up with attribution of responsibility.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Definitioner av våld i överlevandes berättelser efter kriget i Bosnien
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Sociologisk forskning. - Falun : Sveriges Sociologförbund. - 0038-0342 .- 2002-066X. ; 52:4, s. 341-361
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Previous research on violence during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina presents a one-sided picture of the phenomenon ”war violence.” Researchers have emphasized the importance of narratives but they have not focused on stories about war violence, nor have they analyzed the stories of war violence being a product of interpersonal interaction. This article tries to fill this knowledge gap by analyzing the narratives told by survivors of the war in northwestern Bosnia in the 1990s. The aim is to analyze how the survivors describe violence during the war, and also to analyze those discursive patterns that contribute in constructing the category ”war violence.” The construction of the category ”war violence” is made visible in the empirical material when the interviewees talk about (1) a new social order in the society, (2) human suffering, (3) sexual violence, and (4) human slaughter. All interviewees define war violence as morally reprehensible. In narratives on the phenomena ”war violence” a picture emerges which shows a disruption of the social order existing in the pre-war society. The violence practiced during the war is portrayed as organized and ritualized and this creates a picture that the violence practice became a norm in the society, rather than the exception. Narratives retelling violent situations, perpetrators of violence and subjected to violence do not only exist as a mental construction. The stories live their lives after the war, and thus have real consequences for individuals and society.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Förlåtelse, försoning och oförsonlighet i överlevandes berättelser efter kriget i Bosnien
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Sociologisk forskning. - : Sveriges sociologförbund. - 0038-0342 .- 2002-066X. ; 50:1, s. 51-68
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this article I analyze verbally portrayed experiences of 27 survivors from the 1990s' war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One aim of the article is to analyze markers for reconciliation and implacability, the second is to describe the terms for reconciliation which are actualized in those stories. The interactive dynamics, which occurred during the war, make the post-war reconciliation wartime associated. Narratives about reconciliation, implacability and terms for reconciliation, are not only formed in relation to the war as a whole but also in relation to one's own and others' wartime actions. The narratives about reconciliation become an arena in which we and them are played against each other in different ways not least by rejecting the others' acts during the war. In the interviewees stories implacability is predominant but reconciliation is presented as a possibility if certain conditions are met. These conditions are, for instance, justice for war victims, perpetrators' recognition of crime and perpetrators' emotional commitment (for example the display of remorse and shame).
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Vad är ett krig - och vad gör det med samhället?
  • 2008
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med detta utkast är att analysera uppfattningar om brott i Bosnien under och efter kriget samt beskriva i vilken mån inblandande parter i en konflikt kan förlåta varandra eller försonas. Den empiriska delen bygger på observationer i Ljubija, en stad i nordvästra Bosnien, tidningsartiklar från området samt fjorton intervjuer.Under krigets normupplösning sker vissa brott som kan vara antigen brott mot krigets norm, t ex att desertera eller inte ställa upp på den egna arméns eller propagandas sida, eller brott mot krigets lagar som krigsförbrytelser (massmord, våldtäkt eller liknande). Brott mot krigets lagar kan uppfattas som egentligen ambivalenta, både tillåtna (relativt) och otillåtna och fördömda, framför allt i efterhand. Själva kategorin ”brott” betyder olika saker beroende på om det är krig eller fred och vem som har segrat eller anser sig ha segrat samt vem som lyckades uppnå offerstatus.Vad det gäller offreskapsfrågan i Ljubija kan man säga att alla vill framställa sig som offer men att olika faktorer gör att alla är på väg att förlora den statusen. Bosnienmuslimer och bosnienkroater som rensades etniskt under kriget av bosnienserber och som återvänt till Ljubija efter krigsslutet, genom att för omgivningens erkännande och hjälp, bosnienserber som före, under och efter kriget varit bosatta i Ljubija, genom att de fortfarande skuggas av skeende från kriget och bosnienserber som kom till Ljubija som flyktingar under kriget i Bosnien och Kroatien, genom att de framställs som främlingar och passar i rollen som ideala gärningsmän. Detta kan reproducera en viss oförsonlighet eftersom konkurrens om offerrollen kan hålla det kollektiva medvetandet och gränsdragningar som spelades ut så tydligt och makabert under kriget vid liv. Kamper utspelar sig ofta mellan vi och de. Försonlighet underförstår att dessa polariseringar tonas ned, eller att nya polariseringar bildas (t.ex. vi i Bosnien kontra de i väst).
  • Berg, Martin, 1977- (författare)
  • Självet och subjektets svårgripbara nödvändighet : utkast till en socialpsykologisk kritik av Judith Butler
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: Lambda Nordica. - Huddinge, Sverige : Föreningen Lambda nordica. - 1100-2573 .- 2001-7286. ; 11:4, s. 7-24
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The self and the elusive necessity of the subject: outline of a social- psychological critique of Judith Butler In her widely cited and criticised Gender trouble, Judith Butler (1990) elaborated the thought that gender needs to be understood as performative – a certain kind of doing behind the bars of a hegemonic heterosexual imperative that governs intelligible bodily configurations. Drawing mainly on psychoanalytical and foucauldian arguments, Butler dwells upon numerous important questions concerning power and subjectivity while arguing that subjects need to conform to the heterosexual matrix in order to gain intelligibility. However, she does not manage to emphasize the importance of situating neither the subject nor the body in a social reality. Due to the problematic and sometimes unclear differentiation between the concepts of performance and performativity as well as the somewhat obscure idea of subjectivity, self and corporeality that are put forward in Butler’s theorizing, it is here argued that her theoretical framework needs to be re-conceptualized from the viewpoint of social psychology. Combining a theoretical framework that draws upon Butler (1990; 1993; 1997a and 1997b) with a symbolic interactionist perspective (Blumer 1969; Mead 1995), this paper aims at locating intersections, gaps and similarities between these rather disparate perspectives. Initiating such a venture, the argument pursued in this paper revolves around the concept of social self and the ways this concept possibly can elaborate Butler’s theory. It is argued that a social psychological take on butlerian thinking can enhance and further elaborate an understanding of the processes involved in the doing of gender.
  • Berg, Martin, 1977- (författare)
  • Självets garderobiär : självreflexiva genuslekar och queer socialpsykologi
  • 2008
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Det övergripande syftet med föreliggande studie är tudelat. För det första syftar den till att på teoretisk väg etablera en dialog mellan queerteoretisk och socialpsykologisk teoribildning om aktörer och aktörsskap med utgångspunkt i en kritisk läsning av Judith Butler och George Herbert Mead. För det andra syftar den till att på empirisk väg utveckla och fördjupa denna dialog i syfte att demonstrera och resonera kring de möjligheter som uppstår i spänningen mellan dessa teoretiska perspektiv. På detta sätt är avsikten att föra ett bidrag till såväl den queer- och genusteoretiska debatten som dess socialpsykologiska motsvarighet. Ambitionen är att detta sammantaget kan utgöra ett ramverk i vilket möjligheterna med en queer socialpsykologi skisseras. I jämförelsen mellan dessa teoretiska perspektiv fokuseras på frågan om hur människor antas bli till som aktörer och under vilka villkor och genom vilka processer detta äger rum. I centrum för denna diskussion positioneras relationen mellan deras respektive antagande om struktur och aktör samt hur denna relaterar till och förutsätts vara uppburen genom något slags praktik. För det andra diskuteras individens möjlighet att omförhandla sitt förvärvade aktörsskap och genom vilka processer och praktiker detta eventuellt kan göras möjligt. Avhandlingen är uppdelad i fyra delar. Den inledande delen (del 1: Inledande ord) introducerar studiens övergripande bakgrund, teoretiska position, syfte, material och de metodologiska överväganden som har gjorts under forskningsresans gång. Den andra delen (del 2: Teoretiska interventioner) utvecklar i tre kapitel den diskussion om spänningen mellan queerteori och socialpsykologi som påbörjades i avhandlingens första och inledande kapitel. I ett första kapitel fokuseras på Judith Butler för att ringa in och granska några centrala argument och faktorer i hennes tänkande. I ett andra kapitel diskuteras George Herbert Mead för att, i likhet med föregående kapitel, presentera hans övergripande argument och huvudsakliga tankegångar. Avslutningsvis avrundas avhandlingens andra del med ett kapitel som syftar till att summera och utveckla den spänningsrelation som hittas mellan dessa två teoretiker samtidigt som en diskussion förs om de möjligheter en empirisk utveckling av den teoretiska problematiken skulle kunna bidra med. Den teoretiska spänning som lokaliseras mellan Mead och Butler kretsar i första hand kring deras förståelse av relationen mellan aktör och praktik och med utgångspunkt i denna formuleras arbetsbegreppen transaktör och transpraktik som genomgående används i presentationen av det empiriska materialet. Avhandlingens tredje del (del 3: Empiriska nedslag) är i första hand av empirisk karaktär och är uppdelad i två kapitel. I det första av dessa förs en diskussion om hur de självreflexiva genuslekarna inbegriper formulerandet av ett särskilt transgenus och på vad sätt det är möjligt att förstå iscensättandet av genus som en i första hand självkommunikativ praktik. Gradvis demonstreras hur det går att utläsa en önskan om att iscensätta genus tillsammans med andra människor och därför kretsar det följande kapitlet kring en diskussion om betydelsen av social interaktion för detta iscensättande. Med andra ord går det att utläsa en rörelse från självkommunikation till (önskad) social interaktion och detta är ett tema som tydligt ringar in en stor del av den teoretiska problematik som genomsyrar denna studie. I den fjärde och avslutande delen (del 4: Avslutande reflektioner) knyts i tre kapitel de resonemang som hittills har presenterats och diskuterats ihop. Det inledande kapitlet för en teoretiskt orienterad diskussion om den föregående genomgången av det empiriska materialet. I ett därpå följande kapitel fokuseras på olika aspekter av självreflexiva genuslekar i relation till den klädda kroppen för att visa hur den tidigare presenterade praktik- och aktörsproblematiken är avhängig den klädda kroppens genusprägling. I detta sammanhang visas hur det är möjligt att upprätta en relation mellan självets framväxt, subjektivitet och den klädda kroppen. Avslutningsvis förs ett kortfattat resonemang kring avhandlingens huvudsakliga argumentationslinjer och vilka möjligheter ett tänkande inspirerat av queer socialpsykologi för med sig.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972-, et al. (författare)
  • Post-genocide Society, Criminology, and Pedagogy of Lifelong Learning : An Analysis of the Empirical Example of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: 19th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. - Ghent : Ghent University. ; 6:2, s. 31-62
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992–1995) is the historic background of this paper, as produced inthe reports of the United Nations and documents presented during international and national trialsconcerning war crimes committed during period. A literature review forms the analytical basis andcontains various studies from the domains of war sociology, social epistemology, pedagogy ofemancipation and lifelong learning, and sociology of knowledge. The aim of the paper is to analyse: 1)the negative/dark sides of social capital in the Bosnian–Herzegovinian post-genocide society thatemerged because of decades of symbolic and real war and post-war violence against the people in Bosniaand Herzegovina; and 2) the possibility of social development in the direction of a positive/lighter side ofsocial capital, in the sense of legitimising progressive politics of social development based on thefollowing foundations: a) learning peace, coexistence, and reconciliation; b) acknowledgment thatgenocide was carried out during the war and actively denied after the war; c) condemnation of genocide(both during the war and the post-war period); and d) active work to recognise the status of and obtaincompensation for the victims of the genocide (at the social, organisational/institutional, and individuallevels).
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