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Sökning: AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES Media and Communications Information Studies)

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  • Groglopo, Adrián, 1967 (författare)
  • En diagnos av rasism och demokrati i Sverige
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Antirasistiska Akademin youtube kanal. - : Antirasistiska Akademin.
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Intervjuserie som finansierades av Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällsfrågor. Projektet handlar om 17 djupintervjuer med både forskare som studerar rasism i Sverige och aktivister som arbetar med frågor om rasism och mänskliga rättigheter. projektansvarig och intervjuare: Adrián Groglopo
  • Berbyuk Lindström, Nataliya, 1978, et al. (författare)
  • “Just Google Translate It!” ICT Use of Migrant IT professionals for Mitigating Workplace Integration Challenges
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: AMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems), Minneapolis, MI, August 10-14.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • IT professionals represent a growing group of highly educated migrants in different countries, yet research on their workplace integration is scarce. Applying a combined theoretical framework of Hofstede's culture dimensions and functional theory of language approach, this paper addresses the research need in investigating how migrant IT professionals to Sweden integrate into the workplace and the role of ICTs in mitigating integration challenges. Fifteen (15) interviews with IT professionals from India and Pakistan were analyzed using Thematic Content Analysis. Results uncover migrants experiencing language barriers and cultural differences, which impede developing relationships with colleagues and career opportunities. Our findings indicate that although ICTs, primarily machine translation applications, are indispensable for supporting communication between migrants and locals, collegial support is still essential for managing intercultural interactions, contributing to migrants’ feelings of connectedness at work and a sense of belonging. Workplace inclusion and suggestions for practitioners are discussed.
  • Theoretical Information Studies : Information In The World
  • 2020
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This is the first attempt to delineate the synthetic field of the theoretical study of information, treating information as the basic phenomenon on the fundamental level of the world, encompassing nature, technology, individuals and society. The exploration of information is done within Info-computational approaches, to natural and social phenomena such as Bioinformatics, Information Physics, Informational Chemistry, Computational Physics, Cognitive and Social sciences, with special emphasis on interdisciplinary, crossdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge. The book presents results of collaboration across research fields within info-computational and info-structural frameworks, in attempt to better theoretically and conceptually capture the phenomenon of information and its dynamics (such as computation and communication), as they appear on different levels of organization, on different scales and in different contexts.
  • Falk Erhag, Hanna, et al. (författare)
  • A Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing
  • 2022
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This open access book provides insight on how to interpret capability in ageing – one’s individual ability to perform actions in order to reach goals one has reason to value – from a multidisciplinary approach. With for the first time in history there being more people in the world aged 60 years and over than there are children below the age of 5, the book describes this demographic trends as well as the large global challenges and important societal implications this will have such as a worldwide increase in the number of persons affected with dementia, and in the ratio of retired persons to those still in the labor market. Through contributions from many different research areas, it discussed how capability depends on interactions between the individual (e.g. health, genetics, personality, intellectual capacity), environment (e.g. family, friends, home, work place), and society (e.g. political decisions, ageism, historical period). The final chapter by the editors summarizes the differences and similarities in these contributions. As such this book provides an interesting read for students, teachers and researchers at different levels and from different fields interested in capability and multidisciplinary research.
  • En brokig gemenskap
  • 2017
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • En brokig gemenskap presenterar huvudresultaten från 2016 års västsvenska SOM-undersökning. I fokus för undersökningen står Västra Götalands invånare och deras upplevelser av hur det är att leva och verka i Västsverige. Titeln knyter an till de resultat och analyser som redovisas i boken, men också till de likheter och olikheter som präglar gemenskapen i Västra Götalands olika delar. Några av de frågor som analyseras är medborgarnas bedömningar av regional och kommunal service, erfarenheter av arbetsliv och upplevelser av mångkultur. Kulturvanor, medborgaraktivism och cirkulär ekonomi är andra områden som ligger i bokens blickfång. Flera kapitel innehåller jämförelser med tidigare års västsvenska SOM-undersökningar och med de nationella SOM-undersökningarna. I En brokig gemenskap, den 71:a forskarantologin från SOM-institutet, bidrar forskare från olika discipliner vid Göteborgs universitet och Högskolan i Borås med analyser av det västsvenska samhället. Boken innehåller också en metod- dokumentation av 2016 års västsvenska SOM-undersökning.
  • Andersson Schwarz, Jonas, 1978-, et al. (författare)
  • Introducing the panspectric challenge : A reconfiguration of regulatory values in a multiplatform media landscape
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Central European Journal of Communication. - Wroclaw, Polen. - 1899-5101. ; 6:2, s. 219-233
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Taking Sweden as a case study, the role of public service broadcasting (PSB) is explored, with a focus on issues of data retention and innovation that accompany web distribution. The issue of predicting audience preferences by means of data retention is investigated, and the related problem of organizational autonomy when interacting with commercial actors in the digital sphere. We hypothesize that previous tendencies towards paternalism might be equally supplemented by tendencies towards so-called “panspectric” surveillance and tracking, given a technological environment where such practices are increasingly common. We argue that the absence of advertising partially helps keep these broadcasters from panspectric temptation. Still, practices such as Facebook integration entail a panspectric element. We ask whether the potential increase in the efficacy of targeting audiences promised by panspectric practices might be offset by its negative impact on civic accountability. Is there a possibility for a “benign,” democratically accountable panspectrocism?
  • Lewis, Seth, 1978, et al. (författare)
  • Big Data and Journalism: Epistemology, expertise, economics, and ethics
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Digital Journalism. - : Informa UK Limited. - 2167-0811 .- 2167-082X. ; 3:3, s. 447-466
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Big data is a social, cultural, and technological phenomenon—a complex amalgamation of digital data abundance, emerging analytic techniques, mythology about data-driven insights, and growing critique about the overall consequences of big-data practices for democracy and society. While media and communication scholars have begun to examine and theorize about big data in the context of media and public life broadly, what are the particular implications for journalism? This article introduces and applies four conceptual lenses—epistemology, expertise, economics, and ethics—to explore both contemporary and potential applications of big data for the professional logic and industrial production of journalism. These distinct yet inter-related conceptual approaches reveal how journalists and news media organizations are seeking to make sense of, act upon, and derive value from big data during a time of exploration in algorithms, computation, and quantification. In all, the developments of big data potentially have great meaning for journalism’s ways of knowing (epistemology) and doing (expertise), as well as its negotiation of value (economics) and values (ethics). Ultimately, this article outlines future directions for journalism studies research in the context of big data.
  • Diurlin, Lars, 1979-, et al. (författare)
  • Cultural policy as a governmental proxy tool for improved health : The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare’s collaborations with cultural workers 1970–1975
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: The International Journal of Cultural Policy. - : Taylor & Francis Group. - 1028-6632 .- 1477-2833. ; 27:5, s. 667-682
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article highlights cultural policy as a governmental proxy to address political matters beyond the cultural domain – here civil health – and the need to problematize and historicize ‘arts in health’ policies. The article centres on the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare’s collaborations with cultural workers 1970–1975, framed by three contextual developments: politicization of the cultural sector, call for innovative governmental information, and changing character of health information. Theoretically, the article draws from the field of cultural policy research, with an emphasis on historiographical perspectives. The result shows that despite interdependence, the collaborations were an arena where interests clashed. The main conflict lay in what art should seek to change for the better: society or its citizens? However, the conflicts were also due to a mixture of roles: the agency suddenly found itself a patron of the arts, and the cultural workers producers of governmental information.
  • Wilhelmsson, Kenneth, 1976 (författare)
  • Autentiska och artificiella frågor till svensk text Automatisk frågegenerering jämfört med användares frågor för informationsåtkomst : Authentic and artificial questions to Swedish text Automatically generated questions versus user-generated questions for information access
  • 2015
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Informationssökning mot ostrukturerade datakällor som fri text är ett av de områden där användargränssnitt med fri formulering i naturligt språk har tagits fram. I ett sådant, eventuellt AI-betonat, system kan några grundläggande svårigheter från användarperspektivet märkas. En sådan svårighet är att en användare inte känner till huruvida en fråga som hon avser att ställa egentligen kan besvaras av den aktuella texten. Denna svårighet, tillsammans med andra, som de kraftiga variationsmöjligheterna för formen för ett giltigt svar på en ställd fråga, riskerar att leda till att användarintrycken av systemtypen blir negativa. De moment som behöver ingå i ett sådant frågebaserat informationssystems funktionssätt måste på något sätt inbegripa en mappning av frågeled i frågan (t.ex. när) till den form och grammatisk funktion som svaret i texten måste ha (för frågan när normalt ett tidsadverbial). Bland annat denna iakttagelse inbjuder till användning av automatisk frågegenerering (question generation, QG). Frågegenerering innebär att frågor som en naturlig text besvarar initialt utvinns av ett program som samlar in dem i explicit form. Tanken för användning i informationssökning är att en användare i gränssnittet enbart ska kunna ställa just dessa frågor, vilka faktiskt besvaras av texten. Denna studie gäller just de frågor som ett automatiskt frågegenereringssystem för svenska kan, och genom vidare utveckling, skulle kunna generera för godtycklig digital svensk text. Även om mängden automatiskt genererade frågor och frågeformuleringar kan bli mycket stor, utrymmesmässigt många gånger större än ursprungstexten, så är det tydligt att den beskrivna metoden för frågegenerering för svenska inte kan och troligen inte heller kommer att kunna förmås att skapa alla de frågor och frågeformuleringar som en vanlig användare skulle anse att en viss text besvarar. Men hur väl fungerar då automatiskt genererade frågor i detta sammanhang? Denna uppsats kretsar kring en användarundersökning där undersökningsdeltagare har ombetts att formulera frågor som texter besvarar, och som anses vara relevanta frågor. Den resulterande samlingen frågor undersöktes och kategoriserades. Resultatet av undersökningens huvudfråga visar att bara 20-25 % av användarnas frågeformuleringar skulle kunna genereras direkt automatiskt med aktuell ansats – utan vissa informationstekniska förbättringar. Uppsatsen föreslår viss ny terminologi för detta outforskade område, bl.a. för att skilja mellan de olika grader av processkrav som generering av olika frågeslag från text kräver.
  • Lundh, Anna, et al. (författare)
  • Collecting and compiling: the activity of seeking pictures in primary school.
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Journal of Documentation. - : Emerald. - 0022-0418 .- 1758-7379. ; Vol. 68:2, s. 238-253
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Purpose – The aim of this study is to further understanding of the situated activity of seeking pictures. It relates to an ongoing discussion on how multimodal information literacies are enacted in different social practices. Design/methodology/approach – In order to understand the characteristics of the communication and interactions in the activity of seeking pictures, video recordings from an ethnographic study of primary school children working with problem-centred assignments have been analysed. Findings – The analysis reveals how the activity of seeking pictures is shaped by the assumption that pictures are different from facts and information; pictures are seen primarily as having decorative functions. The activity is also characterised by playful, yet efficient cooperation between the children; they make the activity meaningful by transforming it into a play and game activity where pictures become important as physical objects, but not as a semiotic means of learning. Research limitations/implications – The study is limited to the activity of seeking pictures in a specific primary school; however, it shows how modes other than textual modes can be included in the study of information activities. Practical implications – The study reveals the need for developing methods for enhancing children’s possibilities to critically examine and learn from visual material, such as pictures. Originality/value – Research on information seeking and information literacies rarely focus on multimodal aspects of information activities or the seeking of pictures outside special collections, despite the increased significance of visual material in the contemporary media landscape. This paper shows how studies of multimodal information activities can be designed.
  • Asai, Ryoko (författare)
  • Social Media Supporting Democratic Dialogue
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Ambiguous Technologies. - Lisbon : Autónoma University. ; , s. 36-43
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The term of “social media” appears in newspapers and magazines everyday and the huge number of people use social media actively in daily life. Nowadays, in the highly Information and Communication Technology (ICT) developed country Japan, Japanese people enroll in social media and evolve a new way of communicating with others based on the “virtual” social distance between them. Among social media, Twitter has been focusing on its strong power as the tool for political change recent years. While Twitter has of-expressed problems as well as the “traditional” social media, it is characterized by the limited number of characters, strong propagation and optional reciprocity. Those characteristics stimulate people’s communication online and bring about opportunities for social interaction and democratic dialogue. On the other hand, in the deluge of information, we need to nurture skills to utilize critical and rational way of thinking through dialogue not only between others also between themselves internally. This study explores characteristics of social media and differences between “traditional” social media and Twitter, and how the difference affects people’s information behavior in Japan.
  • Berbyuk, Nataliya, 1978, et al. (författare)
  • Police’s Strategic Use of Social Media – A Social Justice Perspective
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: 42nd International Conference on Information Systems, Austin, Texas, USA.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The police turn to social media to disseminate information, enforce laws, or involve people in crime investigation. This paper’s goal is to explore the police’s use of Instagram based on a comparative study of Instagram accounts of official police in selected socially deprived and non-deprived neighborhoods from a social justice perspective. Using digital trace data and interpretive findings, we seek to develop new insights and theories in the light of social justice. Our work aims to contribute to literature on digital technologies and social justice and thus to building a more inclusive, sustainable society.
  • Mansour, Ameera (författare)
  • Affordances supporting mothers’ engagement in information-related activities through Facebook groups
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. - : SAGE Publications. - 0961-0006 .- 1741-6477. ; , s. 1-14
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Social networking sites have become indispensable information and communication tools in everyday life. This qualitative study investigated the information-related activities and affordances of a Facebook group for foreign mothers living in Sweden. Four key information activities were identified: posting, monitoring, commenting and searching. These activities show how the group members accessed the information resources embedded within the group in a variety of visible, invisible, active and passive modes. The article concludes with a discussion of how these different modes are facilitated by the affordances of visibility, accessibility, persistence and associations.
  • Geissinger, Andrea, et al. (författare)
  • Assessing user perceptions of the interplay between the sharing, access, platform and community- based economies
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Information Technology and People. - : Emerald Group Publishing Limited. - 0959-3845 .- 1758-5813. ; 33:3, s. 1037-1051
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Purpose: Digitally intermediated peer-to-peer exchanges have accelerated in occurrence, and as a consequence, they have introduced an increased pluralism of connotations. Accordingly, this paper aims to assess user perceptions of the interplay between the sharing, access, platform, and community-based economies.Design/methodology/approach: The sharing, access, platform, and community-based economies have been systematically tracked in the social media landscape using Social Media Analytics (SMA). In doing so, a total material of 62,855 publicly posted user-generated content concerning the four respective economies were collected and analyzed.Findings: Even though the sharing economy has been conceptually argued to be interlinked with the access, platform, and community-based economies, the empirical results of the study do not validate this interlinkage. Instead, the results regarding user perceptions in social media show that the sharing, access, platform, and community-based economies manifest as clearly separated.Originality/value: This paper contributes to existing literature by offering an empirical validation, as well as an in-depth understanding, of the sharing economy's interlinkage to other economies, along with the extent to which the overlaps between these economies manifest in social media.
  • Jarlbrink, Johan, docent, 1978-, et al. (författare)
  • From Big Bang to Big Data : A History of the Media
  • 2023
  • Bok (refereegranskat)abstract
    • More than just newspapers, television, and social networks, media are the means by which any information is communicated, from cosmic radiation traces to medieval church bells to modern identity documents. Cultures are held together as much by bookkeeping and records as they are by stories and myths. From Big Bang to Big Data is a long history of the media – how it has been established, used, and transformed from the beginning of recorded time until the present. It is not primarily a story of revolutions and innovations, but of continuities and overlaps that reveal surprising patterns across history. Many media were invented as ways to store and share information, and many have served as powerful tools for administration and control. The concerns raised about media today, whether about privacy, piracy, or anxieties over declining cultural standards, preoccupied earlier generations too. In a playful style, accompanied by more than one hundred illustrations, the authors show us how every society has been a media society in its own way. From antique graffiti to last year’s viral YouTube clip, the past is only approachable through media. From Big Bang to Big Data provides a new way of thinking about media in history – and about human societies past and present.
  • Cano-Viktorsson, Carlos, 1977- (författare)
  • From Maps to Apps : Tracing the Organizational Responsiveness of an Early Multi-Modal Travel Planning Service
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: The Journal of urban technology. - London : Taylor & Francis. - 1063-0732 .- 1466-1853. ; 22:4, s. 87-101
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • An Internet-based system for informing on multimodal travel planning (several modes of transportation) was introduced in Stockholm, Sweden in October 2000 in the form of a web page called trafiken.nu. The web page has a historical value of being one of the first attempts in Europe, and possibly the world, at providing an ICT-based travel planning service geared towards facilitating sustainable travel to the general public. The aim of this article is to investigate the historical development of trafiken.nu in order to draw lessons on how to better provide for a public information service with a potential for facilitating sustainable travel planning. Findings from the study of trafiken.nu suggest that the organizations behind the service have been slow in adapting to shifting media technology practices on how to provide for information which has affected the uptake of the service. Lessons from the case study provide a basis for arguing that organizations attempting to implement public information services would benefit from finding a means of harnessing collective intelligence in order to provide for a more customizable and responsive service to the general public.
  • Dafgård, Lena, 1958 (författare)
  • Digital Distance Education – A Longitudinal Exploration of Video Technology
  • 2020
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The context of this thesis is digital distance education. Distance education has developed from correspondence courses, based on letters sent by mail between student and teacher, to digital distance education with interactive video classes from anywhere, as long as a computer/tablet/smartphone and an Internet connection are available. The development of technology, particularly with the introduction of the Internet, has completely changed the possibilities for teaching, learning, interaction, and communication at a distance. Many technologies can be used in distance education, but this thesis aims to: Better understand the possibilities and limitations of video in digital distance higher education. The research has three elements of analysis: 1) video technology, 2) distance courses, and 3) distance teachers. Each allows a focus on how distance courses with video are designed and on teachers’ perspectives on the use of video in distance education. The first focus on course design is examined through two research questions. RQ1 asks, How is digital video used in distance higher education? When teachers design distance courses with digital video; a) which categories of video are used or not used? b) how much are these categories used? c) why are they used or not used? And d) how are they used? Complementing RQ1, RQ2 asks, How do course designers respond to the possibilities and limitations of video for distance higher education? Addressing the second focus of the thesis on teacher perspectives, RQ3 asks, What are the teacher’s attitudes and perceptions about the use of digital video in distance higher education? With a comprehensive literature review as a foundation, the results of this thesis include a classification system with two main categories; recorded and live video that is developed and used to orient an empirical investigation. The data for this investigation was collected through a national web-based questionnaire. Then, based on the survey, a specific higher education institution was selected for an interview study with teachers using video conferencing in distance courses in Teacher education. Interaction and communication are central concepts in this thesis, and the analytical lens combines the socio-cultural perspective and the theory of affordances. The results indicate that across types, video is mostly used as a supplement to other resources. Further, a correspondence is found concerning, on the one hand, teachers’ experience of distance education and participation in in-service training, and on the other hand, their use of video in teaching. In general, the most reported reasons why teachers do not use video are that it does not bring anything and takes too much time. Many of the constraints that teachers perceive are related to time; e.g. competition between an ambition to teach according to a student-centred approach but also a strong feeling of responsibility of delivering content to students. The technology of video has the affordances of mediating a teaching and learning environment similar to the one in the classroom, but conditions such as large groups or many students and the difficulty of perceiving non-verbal signals through video, affect the communication situation negatively and reduce possibilities of interaction. As a systematic study investigating the mainstream use of technology and media, this thesis contrasts with many other studies, which are often relatively small and local in nature, conducted by enthusiastic teachers investigating the use of one specific technology. The results show how the mainstream use of technologies such as video change conditions for distance teaching and influence how we think and interact with others and our environment.
  • Norén, Fredrik, 1984- (författare)
  • "Framtiden tillhör informatörerna” : samhällsinformationens formering i Sverige 1965–1975
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation is about the formation of governmental information in Sweden during the period 1965 to 1975. During this period information related issues were high up on the political agenda, in Sweden and internationally. I argue that the period is of particular interest in order to understand the impact and development of governmental information in Sweden, even for our time. One overreaching research question has guided this study: What ideas and practices characterized how and why the state disseminated information to the public? The thesis uses four tensions to study the formation of governmental information in Sweden during the late 1960s and early 1970s: (1) information as a solution – information as a problem, (2) dissemination of information – control over information, (3) information through mass communication – information through interpersonal dialogue, and (4) governmental information – commercial information. These tensions draw theoretically from John Durham Peters’ notions of communication.The thesis uses strands from three research fields: PR-history, cultural histories of media, and digital humanities. The four papers use different theoretical perspectives in order to shed new light on of the formation of governmental information in Sweden. Adding to that, and to theoretically tie the papers together, the thesis presents an overarching network perspective with a special focus on conceptual history as a means to better understand how governmental information was discussed as well as practiced. Different methods are used to study the formation of governmental information. The latter is partly because of the political issue’s porous boundaries and fragmented-oriented character, and partly due to the lack of previous research with a problematizing and historical approach to governmental information in Sweden. The thesis combines qualitative and quantitative methods to study different aspects how the state communicated with the public.This dissertation presents new findings about the formation of governmental information during the period 1965 to 1975. One regards the different intersections of governmental information. It shows that the production and dissemination of information from agencies to citizens was far from “pure” governmental information, and rather entangled with various actors from industry, academy and civil society. A second finding concerns the language of governmental information. Here, the dissertation shows – through large-scale digital text methods – how the concept of “information” exploded in usages from the 1960s and onwards, and how “information” as a discursive element infiltrated a growing number of political topics from the same period and onwards. A third finding centers on the media of governmental information. One result shows how broadly academics and bureaucrats defined the concept of media in relation to the practice of governmental information. All kinds of media devices, and not only the traditional news media, were considered important for the purpose of disseminating information on large scale to the public. Lastly, this dissertation reveals governmental information as without guaranties. Overall it shows how information from state agencies to citizens was generated through various conflicting tensions that have to be addressed, but without any hope of finding a balance free from communication problems. These problems tend to reoccur in different settings through history, also visible today. This result should however not be regarded as a pessimistic standpoint, rather it calls for modesty in terms of communication in general, and governmental information in particular.
  • Dodig Crnkovic, Gordana, 1955, et al. (författare)
  • Philosophy and Methodology of Information: The Study of Information in the Transdisciplinary Perspective
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Philosophy And Methodology Of Information: The Study Of Information In The Transdisciplinary Perspective. - Singapore : WORLD SCIENTIFIC. - 9789813277526
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The book gives up-to-date, multi-aspect exposition of the philosophy and methodology of information, and related areas within the nascent field of the study of information. It presents the most recent achievements, ideas and opinions of leading researchers in this domain, as well as from physicists, biologists and social scientists. Collaboration of researchers from different areas and fields opens new perspectives for the understanding of information essential in the innovative development of science, technology and society. The book is meant for readers conducting research into any aspect of information, information society and information technology. The ideas presented give new insights for those who develop or implement scientific, technological or social applications. They are especially for those who are participating in setting the goals for science in general and sciences of information in particular.
  • Appelgren, Ester, et al. (författare)
  • The media consumers’ conscious and unconscious choices : a key to understanding the news media consumption of tomorrow
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Colloque International Communication Électronique Cultures et Identités, 11, 12 & 13 juin 2014. - : The IUT of Le Havre : Information-Communication Department CIRTAI IDEES (UMR6228). ; , s. 1-8, s. 521-528
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The digital society of today is dramatically different than that of a decade ago. During the past decades computers have gone from being clearly visible and at the center of attention to becoming an integrated and omnipresent part of our everyday lives. Today, individuals are catching up on a reality where homes, workplaces and society to a large extent consist of microprocessors that collect, analyze and present information. With regards to news and information sharing, it may seem that the users, thanks to greater ability to choose content, hold the upper hand in this process. However, since these data are constantly collected and analyzed for various purposes by companies, for example in the media industry, the users’ choices may not be as unconditional as they may think they are. Using the Swedish media market as an example, this exploratory paper discusses the interdependency between people’s choices and the market-driven choices made by the media industry in relation to news, and the impact these choices may have on media consumption and the media market.
  • Regntunga skyar
  • 2020
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Dystra prognoser från 2010-talets sista nationella SOM-undersökning. Fler än någonsin ansåg att Sverige var på väg åt fel håll, oron tilltog och brottslighet klättrade på dagordningen. Samtidigt duggade rapporter om oåterkalleliga hot mot klimatet tätt. Hur påverkas vårt vardagsliv, vår hälsa och vår politik av dessa mörka moln? Regntunga skyar innehåller trettio kapitel forskaranalyser, sprungna ur resultaten från 2019 års nationella SOM-undersökning. Analyserna visar hur opinion och vanor och utvecklats och förändrats på en uppsjö av olika områden, samt inte minst vad vi som samhälle tog med oss in i det än så länge turbulenta 2020-talet.
  • Brauer, Rene, et al. (författare)
  • The digital shaping of humanities research : The emergence of Topic Modeling within historical studies
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: DASTS 2014 Conference: “Enacting Futures”, Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies (DASTS), Roskilde University, 12–13 June 2014, Roskilde, Denmark. ; , s. 52-52
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The epistemological affordances of technologies such as the Internet and computers are – yet again – offering promising and threatening opportunities to reshape humanistic research. The large digitization efforts within humanities has created new kinds of ‘big data’ textual source materials only a ’mouse click away’ (e.g. Google books, JSTOR or the Bodleian Digital Library). This socio-technical development presents new epistemological challenges for research within various humanities disciplines. To aid this effort, some researchers are turning to new kinds of (digital) data-mining methods to tackle this complexity. The subject of this study, topic modeling (TM) is such a digital humanities method. The presentation systematically surveys academic applications of topic modelling – an algorithm that parameterizes word concurrences – within historical research. The aim is to answer questions such as; what are the stated benefits of TM, whether there is qualitative differences between TM and traditional methods, and what new epistemological challenges TM creates for historical research? Our starting point is 2004 with the first peer-reviewed historical article and end point in 2013 with the publication of a special journal issue on applications of TM. Our preliminary results show that TM indeed affords new possibilities of innovative qualitative approaches in historical research. However, for all practical purposes TM is, as of yet, not a ‘black-boxed technology’ as many of its key variables still lack general agreed upon standards. This incorporation of TM within historical studies appears to be analogues to earlier developments in disciplines such as; human geography or psychology. These earlier introductions of quantitative tools and methodologies into previously qualitatively dominated disciplines ultimately changed the character of these disciplines. If this will occur within historical studies or humanities remains to be seen.
  • Bashitialshaer, Raed, et al. (författare)
  • Obstacles to Applying Electronic Exams amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic : An Exploratory Study in the Palestinian Universities in Gaza
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Information. - : MDPI. - 2078-2489. ; 12:6
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we aim to identify and understand the obstacles and barriers in applying electronic exams successfully in the process of distance education. We followed an exploratory descriptive approach through a questionnaire (one general, open question) with a sample of university teachers and students in four of the largest universities Palestinian in Gaza. A total of 152 were returned from 300 distributed questionnaires. The results indicate that the university teachers and students faced 13 obstacles, of which 9 were shown to be shared between teachers and students, with a significant agreement in the regression analysis. Several of the obstacles perceived by respondents are in line with the literature and can be addressed by improved examination design, training, and preparation, or use of suitable software. Other obstacles related to infrastructure issues, leading to frequent power outages and unreliable internet access. Difficult living conditions in students’ homes and disparities in access to suitable devices or the internet make social equity in connection with high-stakes examinations a major concern. Some recommendations and suggestions are listed at the end of this study, considering local conditions in the Gaza governorates.
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