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Sökning: AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES Other Social Sciences Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified)

  • Resultat 1-25 av 13797
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  • Coloniality and Decolonisation in the Nordic region
  • 2023
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This book advances critical discussions about what coloniality, decoloniality and decolonization mean and imply in the Nordic region. It brings together analysis of complex realities from the perspectives of the Nordic peoples, a region that are often overlooked in current research, and explores the processes of decolonization that are taking place in this region. The book offers a variety of perspectives that engage with issues such as Islamic feminism and the progressive left; racialization and agency among Muslim youths; indigenizing distance language education for Sami; extractivism and resistance among the Sami; the Nordic international development endeavour through education; Swedish TV-reporting on Venezuela; creolizing subjectivities across Roma and non-Roma worlds and hierarchies; and the whitewashing and sanitization of decoloniality in the Nordic region. As such, this book extends much of the productive dialogue that has recently occurred internationally in decolonial thinking but also in the areas of critical race theory, whiteness studies, and postcolonial studies to concrete and critical problems in the Nordic region. This should make the book of considerable interest to scholars of history of ideas, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, postcolonial studies, international development studies, legal sociology and (intercultural) philosophy with an interest in coloniality and decolonial social change.
  • Posthumanistiska nyckelstexter
  • 2012. - 1
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Den här boken introducerar några viktiga författare på samtidsaktuella teoriområden. Donna Haraway, Karen Barad, Rosi Braidotti, Michel Callon, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Serres och Annemarie Mol presenteras i boken, som också innehåller översatta texter av dessa namn. Boken ger en bakgrund till och en överblick över ett område i intensiv teoriutveckling. Här presenteras den så kallade materiella, posthumana eller ontologiska vändningen. Här kartläggs grunderna för olika posthumanistiska förhållningssätt till de både mänskliga och icke-mänskliga (djur, miljö, teknik) krafterna i vår värld så som de begreppsliggjorts inom filosofi, feministisk teori, kulturstudier och samhällsvetenskapliga studier av naturvetenskap, medicin och teknik. Genom lästips och en omfattande litteraturlista öppnar boken för fortsatta studier och vidare diskussioner. Avslutningsvis finns också en omfattande ordlista med viktiga nyckelbegrepp som i sig ger en introduktion till ett heterogent forskningsfält. Boken riktar sig till studenter, doktorander och andra nyfikna forskare inom olika tvärvetenskapliga eller disciplinära former av humaniora och samhällsvetenskap.POSTHUMANISTISKA NYCKELTEXTER ger i de inledande kapitlen en överblick och en introduktion till posthumanistiska studier och till materiell-semiotik. Här behandlas tankeströmningar som rör det humanas natur, humanismens etik och humanvetenskapernas framtid. Boken ger en introduktion till det som inom genusvetenskap och tekniksociologi kommit att kallas den ontologiska vändningen mot de materiaaliteter och världsliga relationer som både gör och förgör oss. Här kartläggs grunderna för posthumanistiska förhållningssätt till de både mänskliga och icke-mänskliga (djur, miljö, teknik) dimensionerna av vår värld så som de begreppsliggjorts inom filosofi, feministisk teori, kulturstudier och sociala studier av vetenskap och teknik. POSTHUMANISTISKA NYCKELTEXTER erbjuder introduktioner till viktiga författare och översättningar av nyckeltexter skrivna av Donna Haraway, Karen Barad, Rosi Braidotti, Michel Callon, Gilles Deleuze med Felix Guattari, Michel Serres och Annemarie Mol. Boken innehåller även en omfattande ordlista med viktiga nyckelbegrepp som i sig ger en introduktion till ett mångfaldigt forskningsfält.
  • Groglopo, Adrián, 1967 (författare)
  • Demokrati, Islamofobi och Sveriges framtid - Intervju med Sveriges Unga Muslimers ordförande Rashid Musa
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Antirasistiska Akademin.
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Rashid Musa är ordförande för Sveriges Unga Muslimer (SUM). I denna intervju talar Rashid och Adrián om demokrati, rasism och islamofobi samt om behovet av en ny politisk mobilisering av de rasifierade andra. Intervjuserie som finansierades av Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällsfrågor. Projektet handlar om 17 djupintervjuer med både forskare som studerar rasism i Sverige och aktivister som arbetar med frågor om rasism och mänskliga rättigheter. Projektansvarig och intervjuare: Adrián Groglopo.
  • Nation i ombildning : essäer om 2000-talets Sverige
  • 2018. - 1
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Sverige har länge betraktats som en demokratisk förebild och ett öppet och solidariskt välfärdssamhälle. Under 2000-talet har social ojämlikhet och boendesegregering ökat, åtföljd av rasism och en allt mer restriktiv flyktingpolitik. Sverige är en nation i ombildning. Åtstramningspolitik och högerpopulism har fått bred förankring i partipolitiken. Samtidigt uppstår motrörelser, där civilsamhälleliga aktörer kräver en fördjupad demokrati och social rättvisa. Vi står inför ett skifte. Kommer en nyliberal ekonomisk politik att smälta samman med en auktoritär, rasistisk populism? Eller är de nya rörelserna en öppning mot ett mer inkluderande, jämlikt och rättvist samhälle, där visionen för framtiden byggs på hopp och optimism — inte rädsla och hot?
  • Petersson, Jesper, 1974, et al. (författare)
  • Off the record: The invisibility work of doctors in a patient-accessible electronic health record information service.
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Sociology of health & illness. - : Wiley. - 1467-9566 .- 0141-9889. ; 43:5, s. 1270-1285
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this article, we draw on Michael Lipsky's work on street-level bureaucrats and discretion to analyse a real case setting comprising an interview study of 30 Swedish doctors regarding their experiences of changes in clinical work following patients being given access to medical records information online. We introduce the notion of invisibility work to capture how doctors exercise discretion to preserve the invisibility of their work, in contrast to the well-established notion of invisible work, which denotes work made invisible by parties other than those performing it. We discuss three main forms of invisibility work in relation to records: omitting information, cryptic writing and parallel note writing. We argue that invisibility work is a way for doctors to resolve professional tensions arising from the political decision to provide patients with online access to record information. Although invisibility work is understood by doctors as a solution to government-initiated visibility, we highlight how it can create difficulties for doctors concerning accountability towards patients, peers and authorities.
  • Groglopo, Adrián, 1967, et al. (författare)
  • Rasismen kläs på nytt i en gammal toleransdräkt
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Feministiskt Perspektiv. - 2002-1542.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Andra inlägget i debatten om rasismforskningens villkor är skrivet av Adrián Groglopo och Lena Sawyer, som ställer sig kritiska till regeringens och Göteborgs universitets ideologiska utgångspunkter. I synnerhet kritiserar de föreställningen om tolerans. De vill gärna se mer maktkritiska perspektiv.
  • Brauer, Rene, et al. (författare)
  • How to write a REF impact case study? Critical discourse analysis of evidencing practices
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: “Making an impact: Creative constructive conversations” International Conference, 19-22 July 2016, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This paper applies critical discourse analysis to scrutinize submissions to the “REF [Research Excellence Framework] 2014 Impact Case Study” platform. More specifically, it focuses on the rhetorical practices used within these submissions to evidence research impact as outlined by the Higher Education Institutions (HEI) within tourism studies. The evidencing practices used within the submissions to Panel 26 (Sport Science, Leisure and Tourism) included quantitative sources and measures (e.g. Google Scholar, citation counts, journal ranking scores, monetary value of research grants, value of policy investment, industry revenue figures, etc.) and implicated ‘high status’-end users (e.g. government bodies, the UN, industry, NGOs) as their main type of evidence. The evidencing of impact did not differ depending on whether the research was of quantitative or qualitative character, neither on the type of research impact claimed. Instead, the disciplining of the epistemic evidencing practices was enforced by the outlined guidelines for submission (verifiable evidence, word count, type of impact). Leaning on Collins and Evans’ (2007) notion of ‘expertise’ used to conceptualize evidencing practices, this paper discusses the implication of such evidencing for an evaluation practice that sets out to assess the quality of research impact. The rhetoric such evidencing evokes, however, is not necessary indicative of the impact claimed. Furthermore, the evidencing practices used within the REF marginalize so-called negative impacts (failures), despite their specific value for research and, consequently, for societal progress at large.
  • Contending Global Apartheid : Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility
  • 2023
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Contending Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility spells out a plea for utopia in a crisis-ridden 21st century of unequal development, exclusionary citizenship, and forced migrations. The volume offers a collection of critical essays on human rights movements, sanctuary spaces, and the emplacement of antiracist conviviality in cities across North and South America, Europe, and Africa. Each intervention proceeds from the idea that cities may accommodate both a humanistic sensibility and a radical potential for social transformation. The figure of the 'migrant' is pivotal. It expounds the prospect of transversal solidarity to capture a plurality of commonalities and to abjure dichotomies between in-group and out-group, the national and the international, or society and institutions. 
  • Petersson, Jesper, 1974 (författare)
  • Medicine At A Distance In Sweden: Spatiotemporal Matters In Accomplishing Working Telemedicine
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Science Studies. - 0786-3012. ; 24:2, s. 43-62
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper examines the accomplishment of making technology work, using the discourse around telemedicine in Swedish healthcare during 1994-2003. The paper will compare four projects launched in the mid-1990s and policymakers’ visions of healthcare through telemedicine. I will employ a sociotechnical approach developed within Actor-Network Theory that understands functioning technology not as something intrinsic but as an outcome of an ongoing process of negotiations. In the paper, I will extend the sociotechnical approach of what constitutes working technology to include spatiotemporal matters. I will also approach the closely related issue of space that has become a concern of Actor-Network Theory scholars interested in the accomplishment and continued workings of technology as it travels. In this discussion, an emphasis on fixed relations (network space) has been challenged by investigations into changing relations (fluid space). This paper suggests that in order to travel well, technology must be both fixed and fluid.⁰
  • Ahlborg, Helene, 1980, et al. (författare)
  • Ecology and sociotechnical systems research – motivations for theoretical and methodological integration across fields
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: International Sustainability Transitions conference 2017.
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Currently, we are witnessing a number of global trends that do not promise well for the future. Accelerating climate change, loss of biodiversity, chemical pollution, disappearance of natural forest and degradation of fishing grounds and agricultural lands are just a few of the serious environmental problems that threaten the functional and structural integrity of ecosystems, to an extent that also human societies risk collapse. The scale of human impact is now such that scholars suggest that we live in the Anthropocene. The trends are driven by several linked factors, which are not easily disentangled into manageable specific problems to be solved by specific policies. More than ever, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborations are needed in order to address these urgent challenges. The objective of this paper is to argue for the importance of research on socio-technical-ecological systems (STES) rather than social-ecological (SES) and sociotechnical systems (STS) separately. Hence, we address researchers in both the social-ecological and sociotechnical fields. We organize the argument around six reasons why “technology” should be integrated into SES studies. We call these reasons: (1) the interface and mediation aspect, (2) ambivalence, (3) the agency aspect, (4) the question of scale, (5) the question of governance and politics, and (6) the question of epistemology and framing. We also highlight potential conceptual conflicts and mistranslations. Our discussion is primarily a theoretical argument, exemplified with empirical examples.Among the conceptual challenges, we note that SES scholars, if they consider technology in their analyses, generally treat it as an exogenous factor or as a passive background element. Similarly, STS scholars tend to neglect ecological dynamics and refer to the ecological domain mainly in terms of inputs and outputs, e.g. natural resources, environmental and health problems caused by human activities. In light of the discussion, we conclude that the importance of collaborating across the two fields goes beyond each field adding pieces together. We argue that integration and translation across these domains will lead to qualitative change in the theoretical and methodological approaches of both fields; and that technology, society and ecology should be given symmetric analytical attention.
  • Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, 1948-, et al. (författare)
  • Reimagineering the Common in Precarious Times
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Journal of Intercultural Studies. - : Routledge. - 0725-6868 .- 1469-9540. ; 39:2, s. 207-223
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The paper explores movements for social transformation in precarious times of austerity, dispossessed commons and narrow nationalism; movements counterpoised to an exhausted neoliberalism on the one hand, and a neoconservative xenophobic populism on the other. Applying ‘rainbow coalition’ as generic concept it points at contours of a globally extended countermovement for social transformation, traversing ‘race’, class and gender, driven by reimaginings of the commons and indicating how they could be repossessed and democratically ruled; that is ‘reimagineered’). A multisited enquiry explores how actors express their claims as activist citizens under varying conditions and constellations, and if/how discourses and practices from different locations and at different scales inform each other. It interrogates whether there may be an actual equivalence of outlook, objective and strategy of ostensibly homologous contending movements which develop under varying local, national and regional circumstances in contemporary communities riveted by schisms of class, ‘race’/ethnicity and gender, occupied by the ‘migration’ issue and challenged by popular demands for social sustainability. The paper contributes to social theory by linking questions posed by critics of ‘post-politics’ concerning contingences of pluralist democracy and revitalised politics of civil society, to precarity studies focused on globalisation and the changing conditions of citizenship, labour and livelihoods.
  • Aguiar Borges, Luciane, 1969, et al. (författare)
  • Reviewing Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment Tools through Critical Heritage Studies
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Sustainability. - : MDPI AG. - 2071-1050. ; 12:4
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article reports on a critical review of how cultural heritage is addressed in two internationally well-known and used neighborhood assessment tools (NSAs): BREEAM Communities (BREEAM-C) and LEED Neighborhood Design (LEED-ND). The review was done through a discourse analysis in which critical heritage studies, together with a conceptual linking of heritage to sustainability, served as the point of departure. The review showed that while aspects related to heritage are present in both NSAs, heritage is re-presented as primarily being a matter of safeguarding material expressions of culture, such as buildings and other artifacts, while natural elements and immaterial-related practices are disregarded. Moreover, the NSAs institutionalize heritage as a field of formal knowledge and expert-dominated over the informal knowledge of communities.
  • Välfärdspolitik i praktiken : om perspektiv och metoder i forskning
  • 2007
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Förändringar av människors villkor i samhället kräver nya sätt att forska. I den här antologin presenteras olika redskap för kvalitativ forskning om välfärd. I antologin utgår forskarna från redan välkända traditioner inom samhällsvetenskaplig forskning, men argumenterar inte bara för etablerade forskningsmetoder och teoretiska perspektiv inom välfärdsforskningen utan också för nya. Antologin har arbetats fram inom ramen för Nordiska Sommaruniversitetet och därmed influerats av olika forskningstraditioner som förekommer vid universitet och högskolor i Norden. Nya forskningsmetoder där människornas egna utsagor och upplevelser tillvaratas kan tolkas utifrån redan etablerade teoretiska perspektiv som fenomenologi, hermeneutik och interaktionism. De forskningsansatser som presenteras möjliggör att människor även själva är med och formulerar bilden av sina livsvillkor. I antologin visas hur forskning med dessa ansatser kan ske tillsammans med människor i olika åldrar och livssituationer. I antologin visas också att komparativa ansatser kan öppna för nya insikter om olika dimensioner i välfärdsystemet som en kulturell praktik.
  • Uusimäki, Liisa, 1959, et al. (författare)
  • VET Education for Sustainable Development in Sweden.
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Ametller, J., Asikainen, E., Gual Oliva, M., & Němejc, K. Eds. (2024) Teacher Training for Education for Sustainable Development: Developing a Shared Competence Framework.. - Prague, Czech Republic : Czech University of Life Sciences.
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The book “Teacher Training for Education for Sustainable Development: Developing a Shared Competence Framework” is tangible evidence of the collaborative efforts of committed researchers, educators and policy makers who are striving to improve the quality of teacher education for sustainable development. This work crystallizes valuable insights gained from in-depth research, workshops and interviews conducted in five collaborating countries, and lays the foundation for a unified competency framework that crosses borders and strengthens the global dialogue on education.
  • Likić-Brborić, Branka, 1956-, et al. (författare)
  • Labour rights as human rights? : trajectories in the global governance of migration
  • 2015. - 1
  • Ingår i: Migration, precarity, and global governance. - Oxford : Oxford University Press. - 9780198728863 ; , s. 223-244
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this chapter Branka Likić-Brborić addresses the emerging global governance of migration. She scrutinizes the structuring of human and labour rights discourses and contingencies for their institutionalisation and implementation by discussing their prospects for the promotion of global social justice. Issues of accountability and contingencies for the implementation of labour and human rights as migrants’ rights are discussed in the wider context of the existing global governance architecture. The chapter questions assumptions that setting up a workable model for codification and institutionalisation of labour standards, human rights and migrants’ rights could be left to a currently asymmetric global governance regime or to a variety of codes of corporate social responsibility. Global and regional trade union confederations and other civil society organizations have an essential role in repositioning a rights-based approach to migration, labour standards and development onto the terrain of a just globalisation.
  • Czarniawska, Barbara, 1948 (författare)
  • Nowe techniki badan terenowych: shadowing.
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: I: Jemielniak, Dariusz (red.) Badania jakosciowe: Metody i narzedzia. - Warszawa : PWN. - 9788301169466 ; , s. 69-90
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Blennow, Kristina, et al. (författare)
  • Societal impacts of storm damage
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Living with Storm Damage to Forests. What science can tell us. - 9789525980097 ; :3, s. 70-77
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Gallardo, Gloria, et al. (författare)
  • We adapt … but is it good or bad? Locating the political ecology and social-ecological systems debate in reindeer herding in the Swedish Sub-Arctic
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Journal of Political Ecology. - Arizona : The University of Arizona. - 1073-0451. ; 24:1, s. 667-691
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Abstract Reindeer herding (RDH) is a livelihood strategy deeply connected to Sami cultural tradition. This article explores the implications of two theoretical and methodological approaches for grasping complex socioenvironmental relationships of RDH in Subarctic Sweden. Based on joint fieldwork, two teams – one that aligns itself with political ecology (PE) and the other with social-ecological systems (SES) – compared PE and SES approaches of understanding RDH. Our purpose was twofold: 1) to describe the situation of Sami RDH through the lenses of PE and SES, exploring how the two approaches interpret the same empirical data; 2) to present an analytical comparison of the ontological and epistemological assumptions of this work, also inferring different courses of action to instigate change for the sustainability of RDH. Key informants from four sameby in the Kiruna region expressed strong support for the continuation of RDH as a cultural and economic practice. Concerns about the current situation raised by Sami representatives centered on the cumulative negative impacts on RDH from mining, forestry and tourism. PE and SES researchers offered dissimilar interpretations of the key aspects of the RDH socio-economic situation, namely: the nature and scale of RDH systems; the ubiquitous role of conflict; and conceptualizations of responses to changing socioenvironmental conditions. Due to these disparities, PE and SES analyses have radically divergent sociopolitical implications for what ought to be done to redress the current RDH situation.
  • Némethy, Sándor, 1955, et al. (författare)
  • Collection, cultivation and processing of medical plants, herbs and spices in the Balaton Ecomuseum – herbal medicine as intangible cultural heritage
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Ecocycles. - : Ecocycles. - 2416-2140. ; 6:1, s. 52-87
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The Balaton Ecomuseum, which is being continuously developed since 2017, will have a holistic approach, where the objectives of the ecomuseum embrace the whole cultural landscape of Lake Balaton as one unit with several thematic routes in one system and shall not be restricted to one particular subject area or a part of local heritage. One of these thematic routes is the recently developingHerbs and Spices Network, led by Zánka Herb Valley Visitor and Training Centre based on the collection, cultivation and processing of medicinal plants, herbs and spices. The place of herbs and spices in the diet needs to be considered in reviewing health benefits, including definitions of the food category and the way in which benefits might be viewed, and therefore researched.Here we describe the already established system of the Zánka Herb Valley Visitor and Training Centre, the potential of the Balaton Region in the development of herbal medicine illustrated by the scientific presentation of the 30 most collected herbs in the region and examples of other herbal centres, which are intended to become a part of the network. Herbalmedicine, as an important part of the intangible cultural heritage, with hundreds of years old recipes for herbal concoctionshas been known since ancient times before science related to modern medicine developed and continues to be used for generationsuntil now. Furthermore, the medical effects of many agricultural crops should be better understood, such as the grapevine, which is being investigated for its medical compounds or the medicinal properties of other fruits and vegetables not sufficiently known to the general public. In this study we present a new system of the culture and interactive education of the collection, cultivation and use of medicinal plants, herbs and spices applying a learning by doing approach and a network embracing the whole area of the Balaton Ecomuseum.
  • Ternell, Anna, et al. (författare)
  • Possibilities and challenges for landscape observatories
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Ecocycles. - : Ecocycles. - 2416-2140. ; 9:1, s. 61-82
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The twentieth century saw rapid environmental degradationdue to changes that contributed to increased net GHG emissions, loss of natural ecosystems, and declining biodiversity. Deterioration of unprotected landscapes during swift industrialization, urbanization, increasing monocultures in agriculture, expansion of commercial production significantly contributed to thesenegative consequences. However, a cultural shift occurred during the last two decades in favour of landscape conservation. In response to widespread landscape degradation and loss of ecosystem services, the Council of Europe saw the need to protect, manage, and develop the landscapes, and thus signed the European Landscape Convention (ELC) in 2000. This was the world's first international agreement that described all aspects of landscape management in detail. The European Landscape Convention fully meets the challenges through its goal of correcting a lack of understanding of landscapes as a unique system embracing natural, economic, and social features throughout Europe. It goes beyond simply protecting landscapes and addresses landscape management and development, as well as raising public and government awareness of the importance of paying attention to all types of landscapes, whether exceptional or spoiled. Landscapeobservatories, multifunctionalplatformsand knowledge centres for researchers, technicians, administrators, and citizens,are one of the Council of Europe's instruments for implementing the European Landscape Convention (ELC). They can be established on a variety of scales and can serve as a vital link between administrations, civil society, researchers, and the economic sector. This article discusses the emergenceof landscape observatories and the role they can play as decision support instruments in promoting sustainable landscape developmentthrough a regenerative approach. Additionally, the paper discusses the implementation of ELC in Västra Götaland in Sweden through the establishment of Landscape Observatory Västra Götaland, and its impacts and challenges associated with landscape development.Furthermore, we propose a comprehensive and holistic, to any landscape type adaptable landscape observatory concept, based on multifunctionality of these institutions, emphasizing their decision support roles, social and economic importance.
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (6931)
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populärvet., debatt m.m. (976)
Munthe, Christian, 1 ... (221)
Pramling Samuelsson, ... (134)
Lundälv, Jörgen, 196 ... (105)
Larsson, Per-Olof, 1 ... (100)
Johansson, Eva, 1949 (87)
Weibull, Lennart, 19 ... (82)
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Karlsson, MariAnne, ... (82)
Berg, Stig (76)
Säljö, Roger, 1948 (74)
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McKelvey, Tomas, 196 ... (40)
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Johansson, Barbro, 1 ... (38)
Patriksson, Göran, 1 ... (37)
Jonsson, Stefan, 196 ... (36)
Dahl, Izabela A., 19 ... (36)
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