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Sökning: AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Social Psychology)

  • Resultat 1-25 av 2555
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  • Nylund, Jan H. (författare)
  • The Potential of Linguistic Theories in the Study of Aspect and Tense in Ancient Greek, With Particular Attention to New Testament Greek
  • 2024
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This enquiry discusses the potential of a large number of linguistic theories, approaches, concepts etc. from Plato to usage-based linguistics for the understanding of the tense system in Ancient Greek, and particularly in the Greek of the New Testament. It is argued that many significant insights within linguistics in the period from the earliest beginning of linguistic thought up to Saussure have not been noted or included in the discussion of the tenses in New Testament Greek. Many of these insights find corroboration in later linguistic theories in the 20th and 21st centuries. In this volume it is demonstrated that ideas from structuralism and generative linguistics that so far have dominated the debate on the New Testament Greek tense system, such as in the works of Stanley E. Porter, Buist M. Fanning and Constantine R. Campbell, need to be revised or discarded. It is noted that insights from Systemic Functional Linguistics, though favoured by many contributors to the New Testament verbal aspect debate, have been underused. Throughout this volume it is argued that certain theories, both ones preceding and following structuralism and generative linguistics, such as genuine functionalism, grammaticalisation theory, cognitive linguistics and usage-based linguistics, have considerable explanatory power in regard to the understanding and analysis of the New Testament Greek tense system.
  • Johansson, Björn, Docent, 1970-, et al. (författare)
  • Introduction from the editors
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Always take action. - Stockholm : Friends, World Anti-Bullying Forum. - 9789151946146 ; , s. 13-29
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)
  • Berg, Martin, 1977- (författare)
  • Självet och subjektets svårgripbara nödvändighet : utkast till en socialpsykologisk kritik av Judith Butler
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: Lambda Nordica. - Huddinge, Sverige : Föreningen Lambda nordica. - 1100-2573 .- 2001-7286. ; 11:4, s. 7-24
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The self and the elusive necessity of the subject: outline of a social- psychological critique of Judith Butler In her widely cited and criticised Gender trouble, Judith Butler (1990) elaborated the thought that gender needs to be understood as performative – a certain kind of doing behind the bars of a hegemonic heterosexual imperative that governs intelligible bodily configurations. Drawing mainly on psychoanalytical and foucauldian arguments, Butler dwells upon numerous important questions concerning power and subjectivity while arguing that subjects need to conform to the heterosexual matrix in order to gain intelligibility. However, she does not manage to emphasize the importance of situating neither the subject nor the body in a social reality. Due to the problematic and sometimes unclear differentiation between the concepts of performance and performativity as well as the somewhat obscure idea of subjectivity, self and corporeality that are put forward in Butler’s theorizing, it is here argued that her theoretical framework needs to be re-conceptualized from the viewpoint of social psychology. Combining a theoretical framework that draws upon Butler (1990; 1993; 1997a and 1997b) with a symbolic interactionist perspective (Blumer 1969; Mead 1995), this paper aims at locating intersections, gaps and similarities between these rather disparate perspectives. Initiating such a venture, the argument pursued in this paper revolves around the concept of social self and the ways this concept possibly can elaborate Butler’s theory. It is argued that a social psychological take on butlerian thinking can enhance and further elaborate an understanding of the processes involved in the doing of gender.
  • Almered Olsson, Gunilla, 1951, et al. (författare)
  • Food systems sustainability - For whom and by whom? : An examination of different 'food system change' viewpoints
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Development Research Conference 2018: “Rethinking development”, 22–23 August 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The United Nations identifies the food crisis as one of the primary overarching challenges facing the international community. Different stakeholders in the food system have widely different perspectives and interests, and challenging structural issues, such as the power differentials among them, remain largely unexamined. These challenges make rational discourse among food system actors from different disciplines, sectors and levels difficult. These challenges can often prevent them from working together effectively to find innovative ways to respond to food security challenges. This means that finding solutions to intractable and stuck issues, such as the food crisis often stall, not at implementation, but at the point of problem identification. Food system sustainability means very different things to different food system actors. These differences in no way undermine or discount the work carried out by these players. However, making these differences explicit is an essential activity that would serve to deepen theoretical and normative project outcomes. Would the impact and reach of different food projects differ if these differences were made explicit? The purpose of this initial part of a wider food system research project is not to search for difference or divergence, with the aim of critique, but rather to argue that by making these differences explicit, the overall food system project engagement will be made more robust, more inclusive and more encompassing. This paper starts with some discussion on the different food system perspectives, across scales, regions and sectors but focuses primarily on the design of processes used to understand these divergent and at times contradictory views of what a sustainable food system may be. This paper draws on ongoing work within the Mistra Urban Futures project, using the food system projects in cities as diverse as Cape Town, Manchester, Gothenburg and Kisumu as sites for this enquiry.
  • Edvardsson, Bo, 1944- (författare)
  • Normala sexuella beteenden  hos barn
  • 2011
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • En mycket summarisk forskningsorienterad framställning ges kring frågan om barns normala sexuella beteenden, vilka är viktiga att känna till vid t.ex. utredning av anmälningar av misstankar om sexuella övergrepp.
  • Edvardsson, Bo, 1944- (författare)
  • Organisatoriska provokationer
  • 1984
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med denna rapport är att nå en kritisk och teoretisk förståelse av hur socialtjänstens organisationer möter sociala problem samt att antyda alternativa organisationsformer.Data har införskaffats från tre organisationer - två socialbyråer och en fältgrupp - genom beslutsdokument och genom fyra intervjustudier under 1983-84. Resultaten tyder på att organisationernas förhållningssätt till sociala problem är i första hand administrativt. Klientgruppernas och enskilda klienters perspektiv, livssituation m.m. verkar organisationerna föga intresserade av. Problemanalyser görs i ringa utsträckning. Däremot sysslar man mycket med interna frågor, former, forrmförändringar, samarbete m.m. Kunskapsbyggande saknas väsentligen. Flera olika teoretiska perspektiv på data antyds och prövas. Teknokratiska medvetandeprocesser ses som en viktig kulturell och samhällelig faktor. Flera andra faktorer diskuteras, t.ex. inverkan av bearbetad materia, organisatorisk rationalitet, varseblivningsmässiga, tankemässiga, känslomässiga och språkliga faktorer. Vissa principer för konstruktion av flexibla, problem- och resultatorienterade organisationer skisseras, t.ex. snabb anpassning till ekologin. En hypotes uppställs om olika organisationstyper inom socialtjänsten. Motståndsproblemet berörs kritiskt. Medvetandeprocesser diskuteras och en allmän hypotes med ett form-innehålls-kontinuum för kulturella medvetandeprocesser skisseras. Innebörden av en symtom-åtgärds-modell respektive en problemfokuserande arbetsmodell vid konstruktion och utveckling av organisationer behandlas. Vidare hävdas att socialarbetarnas och klienternas resurser förtrycks av teknologiska former och formtänkande likt en ande i en flaska. Amöban mde sin rörlighet förespråkas som en förebild för en socialtjänstorganisation.
  • Kumpula, Mira, et al. (författare)
  • Diskursrestriktioner och maktstrategier mot socialarbetare
  • 1994
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Diskursrestriktioner (en term från den franske filosofen Foucault) innebär förekomst av normer som begränsar vad man kan tala om, när och i vilka situationer. En studie baserad på litteraturstudier, en mindre enkät och åtta intervjuer med socialarbetare  visar att olika diskursrestriktioner förekommer och att olika maktstrategier och förföljande strategier ibland används mot socialarbetare som t.ex. är kritiska gentemot den egna organisationen. Olika diskurser inom socialtjänsten diskuteras. 
  • Biegańska, Jadwiga, et al. (författare)
  • Wicked problems or wicked solutions? Sustainability–differently
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Urban Research, Mistra Urban Futures, 18 September 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden..
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Obtaining functional and inclusive societal organization is not a simple matter of ‘doing it’ by subscribing to winning formulae as there are many choices to be made in the process. Given that conceptual frameworks always guide thoughts, judgments and actions, how we relate to ‘sustainability’ specifically becomes relevant if we aim to achieve a more liveable society. It is increasingly appreciated how all societies contain ‘wicked problems’ or socio-cultural challenges that are multidimensional, hard to pin down and consequently extremely challenging to solve. This seminar engages with the consequent need to recognise this complexity by assembling three ‘brave’ takes on far-advanced problems bedevilling conventionally conceptualised paths towards sustainability. Arguing against oversimplification that comes from domination of polarizing concepts and unquestioned practices and rhetorics, the aim of this seminar is to foster explorations into new territories from which we may learn. This involves thinking differently, even if such thinking must sometimes both provoke and cauterise dissent, and revisit divergent ideological standpoints in order not to dismiss out-of-hand ways towards supposedly common goals.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972-, et al. (författare)
  • War and challenges for contemporary criminology : an ethnography-inspired analysis of the narratives of unaccompanied young refugees with war experiences in institutional care in Sweden
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: <em>(Il)legal organizations and crime. Challenges for contemporary criminology. </em>21st Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. - Bucharest, Romania : European Society of Criminology and University of Bucharest. ; , s. 203-204, s. 1-2
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This study concerns young people who have experienced war, taken shelter in Sweden, and been placed in institutions. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze power relations that contribute to the shaping of young people’s identities and repertoires of action via stigmatizations and social comparisons with different reference groups. The study’s empirical material includes qualitatively oriented interviews with six young people from Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan who have experienced war followed by placement in institutional care in Sweden. Analytical findings with the following themes are presented: (1) power relations and war, (2) power relations and escape from war, and (3) power relations and post war. The narratives on war and flight recounted by unaccompanied refugee minors describe the exercise of power in practice, in which wartime interactions (based on the exercise of power) are compared and related to peaceful interactions (in which there is no exercise of power). In this context, the interactive creation of contrasts and comparisons in relation to other actors reveals various categories of actor: victim, perpetrator, and hero.
  • Lindqvist, Mona, 1963-, et al. (författare)
  • Migrant women's negotiation of belonging through therapeutic relationships
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care. - : Emerald Group Publishing Limited. - 1747-9894 .- 2042-8650. ; 14:1, s. 41-54
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore experiences and emotions of migrant women, who have been in psychotherapy in Sweden, their motives and experience of being treated in psychotherapy. The authors argue that not only traumas of the past but also social suffering in the post-migratory phase contribute to what brought them in contact with psychiatric care. Design/methodology/approach Narrative interviews with 12 migrant women, holding permanent residence permits, were conducted. The interviews were loosely structured around themes such as the experience of migration, of everyday living in Sweden, experiences of Swedish psychiatric care, and reflections and understandings of mental and physical health/ill health. Interview transcripts were analyzed thematically using abductive qualitative text analysis. Findings In the narratives an overarching motive for seeking out psychiatric help is the search for belonging and restoring a cohesive sense of self. Belonging is sought both in symbolic terms - formal access and right to health care - and in a deeper emotional sense as the therapist becomes a local adviser. The therapeutic encounter meets the human desire to be seen and confirmed as the person you are, and need to be, in the new host society. Meanwhile, psychotherapy as a way to negotiate belonging is also a risky endeavor, as the idealized view of the therapeutic relation may be disappointed. Research limitations/implications This study provides the interviewed migrant women's perception of the psychotherapeutic relationship. Yet this relationship needs to be elaborated from different perspectives to improve understanding of psychotherapy in psychiatric care. Originality/value The paper fills a gap in research concerning the dominance of the psychiatric discourse over subjective understandings of health and illness, and how this relates to emotions of social suffering in the case of migrant women.
  • Edvardsson, Bo, 1944- (författare)
  • Terapeutpåverkan, arbetskonflikt, minnesfenomen och gruppsykologiska processer som uppkomstbetingelser för multipla påståenden om sexuella ofredanden - ett gruppfall
  • 2011
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet är att klargöra utredningsmetodiska problem vid förundersökning av ett fall med ett flertal påståenden om sexuella ofredanden från flera flickor och uppvisat av en manlig ledare inom en fritidsverksamhet. Huvudanmälarens terapeuts handledare och terapeuten startar upp anklagelserna genom att föreslå huvudanmälaren sexuella övergrepp som faktor bakom symtom. En uppfattning att sexuella ofredanden skett sprids snabbt inom den grupp där huvudanmälaren ingår. Utredningsmetodiken uppvisar brister vad gäller att pröva alternativa hypoteser och i kritisk prövning av uppgifter. Många förhörda personer har inte uppfattat några ofredanden. Ett flertal metod- och tankefel samt hot mot validiteten hos uppgifterna specificeras. 
  • Antirasistisk Ordbok
  • 2015
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Språk är ett viktigt medel i kampen för rättvisa. Den här ordboken samlar ett antal begrepp som är grundläggande för den antirasistiska kampen som förs idag i Sverige och i resten av Europa. Det är en samling av begrepp som har definierats och förklarats av ett flertal antirasistiska forskare i Sverige där många av oss är verksamma och anknutna till föreningen Antirasistiska Akademin.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Coherent triads and successful inter-professional collaboration : narratives of professional actors in the Swedish child welfare system
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Nordic Social Work Research. - : Taylor & Francis. - 2156-857X .- 2156-8588. ; 9:3, s. 235-249
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The aim of this study is to analyze how and when the professional actors within the Swedish child welfare system portray successful cooperation and determine which discursive patterns are involved in the construction of this phenomenon. The empirical basis for this study is formed by 147 recorded interviews with institution-placed youths, their parents, and different occupational categories within the social services and the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care. Analytical findings with the following themes are presented: (1) coherent vision triad, (2) coherent rhetorically accepted triad, and (3) coherent exclusive triad. The personal interactive aspect of cooperation among professional actors in the care of children is important for successful collaboration. This aspect also appears to be significant for producing and reproducing joint collaboration identities. However, joint collaboration identities and the coherence triad can limit the sphere of cooperation to the entities involved in the care of youths and the juvenile or his/her parents are left out.
  • Eriksson, Maria, et al. (författare)
  • Den onda föräldern : attributionsmönster i sociala utredningar
  • 1997
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet är  att undersöka hur attributioner (tillskrivningar) används inom förföljande socialt arbete. Analysbegrepp för attributioner konstruerades. Tre huvuddrag påvisades: 1. Attributioner används för att konstruera monsterföräldrar, 2. Förföljande strategier används mot monsterföräldrar, 3. Attributioner används som verktyg inom förföljande strategier.
  • Kotze, Shelley, 1986, et al. (författare)
  • The role of trust in street-level organisations within integration projects
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: The 17th Annual ESPANET Conference: “Social citizenship, migration and conflict – Equality and opportunity in European welfare states”, The European Network for Social Policy Analysis, 5–7 September 2019, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Swedish immigrant integration holds a unique contradiction in that it is lauded as having the ‘best’ policy in Europe (MIPEX), but its outcomes are amongst some of the poorest (Eurostats). Currently, responsibility of implementing integration policy is held by national agencies at the macro-level. Such a structure, however, is likely to overshadow what goes on at the micro-level, an oversight which is also reflected within current research. By adopting a street-level organisation (SLOs) approach, this research sets out to explore the gap between formal policy provision and measurable outcomes, where trust is situated as a critical dimension within the process of integration that is yet to be captured by other means. This presentation explores trust as a reason for the disparity between policy and outcomes, with the help of a case study that involves an SLO situated in Gothenburg; more specifically, a suburb characterised by a 90% immigrant population, and its unexploited social capital. To resolve this issue Gothenburg embarked on a four-year EU sponsored project concerned with labour market integration. Under this umbrella, a sub-project has been launched to engage 500 immigrants visiting an SLO within green business development as a means to integration. However, while initially promising, several intricacies surrounding the studied SLO, including its structure, history and leadership, has brought forth a number of worrying insights that have severed trust-building and impeded future work. Previous studies exploring the success of projects at the street level have successfully used qualitative methods, including reflexive non-participant observation. In our research we have used field notes collected over a six-month period from the project’s inception, supplemented by time lines of interactions and stakeholder engagements. The data have been coded to decipher key incidents and exchanges where trust has played a pivotal role in the dynamics between stakeholders, and for the direction of the project, as such. Given the responsibility that SLOs currently hold within immigrant integration, the personal street-level interactions from which (dis)trust evolves need to be regarded as significantly important. Our findings suggest that trust is greatly underestimated within SLOs, with distrust disrupting the success of the integration process, often resulting in project failure. This presentation will make recommendations as to how a SLO approach can contribute to trust-building, which will go some way in addressing existing ambiguities and inconsistencies between policy and outcomes concerning immigrant integration.
  • Viktorelius, Martin, et al. (författare)
  • Energy efficiency at sea : An activity theoretical perspective on operational energy efficiency in maritime transport
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Energy Research & Social Science. - : Elsevier. - 2214-6296 .- 2214-6326. ; 52, s. 1-9
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The mitigation of emission from shipping will require improvements in energy efficiency. In order to achieve this, sociotechnical changes are required, affecting all stakeholders within the shipping sector. Ship crews and their everyday work practices will play an especially important role in the transformation of the sector. It is therefore crucial to understand how new energy efficient technologies and practices are being introduced and enacted onboard ships. The case study reported in this paper investigates an attempt to improve the operational energy efficiency in a shipping company that was made by installing an energy monitoring system and introducing an energy saving policy onboard the ships in the fleet. The analytical framework in this paper is inspired by cultural-historical activity theory which is suggested as a novel and useful practice-based approach in energy studies. It is used in analyzing the contradictions and tensions in the work practices onboard the ships that preceded and followed the implementation of the energy monitoring system and energy saving policy. The empirical results revealed how the initial demand for operational energy efficiency and the subsequent introduction of the new monitoring system and policy gave rise to tensions in the existing activity systems onboard which crew members then tried, but did not always manage, to reconcile. It is concluded that a better understanding of the sociotechnical change processes, associated with organizational energy conservation and energy management, can be achieved if the situated paradoxes of practitioners’ everyday practices are examined.
  • Basic, Goran, 1972- (författare)
  • Health Care, Ethnicity and War : Young Immigrants with War Experiences in Institutional Care in Sweden
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: World Congress on Health and Medical Sociology. Keynote Forum. Las Vegas, USA (20160919-20160920). - Las Vegas. ; , s. 39-39
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The purpose of the study is (1) to analyze narratives of youth that have experienced war, taken refuge in Sweden, and taken into custody and placed in institutions; (2) to analyze the organization of work cared for youth with war experiences ininstitutional care. The material of the study is gathered through interviews and conversations with youngsters in institutional care with war experience and through interviews and conversations with staff who work among youth with war experiences in institutional care. The theoretical perspective is determined from an ethno-methodological influenced interaction. Special attention will be given to the social comparisons and stories about health care, ethnicity and war which are expressed in the interviews.
  • Elsrud, Torun, et al. (författare)
  • Immigrant mafia or local lads on the binge? : The construction of (un)trustworthiness in Swedish district courts
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Retfærd. - : Djoef Forlag. - 0105-1121. ; 157:3-4, s. 182-200
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this article we address the constructionof familiarity and distance in Swedish district courtcases, involving young men with both immigrantand Swedish backgrounds. Through ethnographicobservations of 40 trials related to street crimes, wehave found different qualities of social interaction that distinguish immigrant background and Swed-ish background cases from each other. These distinc-tions, disfavouring young men with immigrant back-ground, are built up through a series of practices and events that follow taken-for-granted behaviourand details in interaction, such as speech, laughter,choice of words to describe the accused and trust inSwedish witnesses. In conclusion, we argue for thenecessity of detailed, close-up studies of courtroom action and interaction to understand statistical find-ings of discrimination and disfavouring of certain groups of immigrants in court and elsewhere in thejudicial process.
  • Edvardsson, Bo, 1944- (författare)
  • Socialtjänst i praktiken III: tio handläggningssituationer med barn, ungdom m.m.
  • 1983
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna rapport på 129 sidor är den sista av tre stycken med totalt 30 dialogutskrivna intervjuer med sodialarbetare 1983 på en tung socialbyrå i Örebro. Tillsammans med de två andra rapporterna med fall rörande ekonomi, information och missbruk utgör den ett empiriskt underlag för rapporten "Medvetandeprocesser vid socialbyråhandläggning" (Edvardsson, 1986; fulltext på DiVA). Texten i intervjurapporten har här av tekniska skäl delats upp på tre stycken bilagor med intervjuerna 21-30. 
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Olsson, Tina M., 197 ... (16)
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Kapetanovic, Sabina, ... (10)
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Vitalis Pemunta, Nga ... (9)
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