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Sökning: AMNE:(TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER Materialteknik Annan materialteknik)

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  • Sefer, Birhan, 1983-, et al. (författare)
  • Chemical Milling of Cast Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo Alloys in Hydrofluoric-Nitric Acid Solutions
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Corrosion. - : Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP). - 0010-9312 .- 1938-159X. ; 73:4, s. 394-407
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The behavior of cast Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo during chemical milling in hydrofluoric-nitric (HF-HNO3) acid solutions with 1:3 and 1:11 molar ratios was investigated using electrochemical and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. Faster corrosion rate in 1:3 solutions was measured for Ti-6Al-4V than for Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo, whereas in 1:11 solution Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo exhibited higher corrosion rate. Scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy measurements revealed difference in the Volta potential between the α-laths and the β-layers in the Widmansttäten microstructure indicating operation of microgalvanic cells between the microconstituents when in contact with HF-HNO3 solution. The AFM topography measurements demonstrated faster corrosion of the α-laths compared to the β-layers, in both alloys. In 1:3 solutions, higher α/β height difference was measured in Ti-6Al-4V, whereas in 1:11 solution, the difference was higher in Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo. The results revealed that the chemical milling behavior of the two investigated alloys is controlled by the microscopic corrosion behavior of the individual microconstituents.
  • Chen, Zhe, et al. (författare)
  • Nano-scale characterization of white layer in broached Inconel 718
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. - Amsterdam : Elsevier BV. - 0921-5093 .- 1873-4936. ; 684, s. 373-384
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The formation mechanism of white layers during broaching and their mechanical properties are not well investigated and understood to date. In the present study, multiple advanced characterization techniques with nano-scale resolution, including transmission electron microscopy (TEM), transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD), atom probe tomography (APT) as well as nano-indentation, have been used to systematically examine the microstructural evolution and corresponding mechanical properties of a surface white layer formed when broaching the nickel-based superalloy Inconel 718.TEM observations showed that the broached white layer consists of nano-sized grains, mostly in the range of 20–50 nm. The crystallographic texture detected by TKD further revealed that the refined microstructure is primarily caused by strong shear deformation. Co-located Al-rich and Nb-rich fine clusters have been identified by APT, which are most likely to be γ′ and γ′′ clusters in a form of co-precipitates, where the clusters showed elongated and aligned appearance associated with the severe shearing history. The microstructural characteristics and crystallography of the broached white layer suggest that it was essentially formed by adiabatic shear localization in which the dominant metallurgical process is rotational dynamic recrystallization based on mechanically-driven subgrain rotations. The grain refinement within the white layer led to an increase of the surface nano-hardness by 14% and a reduction in elastic modulus by nearly 10% compared to that of the bulk material. This is primarily due to the greatly increased volume fraction of grain boundaries, when the grain size was reduced down to the nanoscale.
  • Hosseini Bab Anari, Elham, 1982, et al. (författare)
  • Fluorine-free salts for aqueous lithium-ion and sodium-ion battery electrolytes
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: RSC Advances. - : Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). - 2046-2069. ; 6:88, s. 6, 85194-85201
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A first generation of fluorine-free lithium and sodium salts based on the concept of pseudo-delocalized anions has been synthesized with both high purity and yield using water as the solvent in the reaction medium. The salts have been fully characterized by Raman and FT-IR spectroscopies, thermogravimetry, and X-ray crystallography to reveal both basic properties in terms of thermal stability and solubility as well as the local, mainly ion–ion interaction dictated, coordination details and by ionic conductivity and electrochemical stability window measurements as aqueous electrolytes. Together a picture is created of the salts' promise as components in electrolytes – primarily aiming at application in low voltage fluorinefree aqueous lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and sodium-ion batteries (SIBs).
  • Åkerfeldt, Pia, et al. (författare)
  • Electron backscatter diffraction characterization of fatigue crack growth in laser metal wire deposited Ti-6Al-4V
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Materials Characterization. - : Elsevier BV. - 1044-5803 .- 1873-4189. ; 135, s. 245-256
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • By additive manufacturing (AM) there is a feasibility of producing near net shape components in basically one step from 3D CAD model to final product. The interest for AM is high and during the past decade a lot of research has been carried out in order to understand the influence from process parameters on the microstructure and furthermore on the mechanical properties. In the present study laser metal wire deposition of Ti-6Al-4V has been studied in detail with regard to its fatigue crack propagation characteristics. Two specimen orientations, parallel and perpendicular to the deposition direction, have been evaluated at room temperature and at 250 °C. No difference in the fatigue crack growth rate could be confirmed for the two specimen orientations. However, in the fractographic study it was observed that the tortuosity varied between certain regions on the fracture surface. The local crack path characteristic could be related to the alpha colony size and/or the crystallographic orientation. Moreover, large areas exhibiting similar crystallographic orientation were observed along the prior beta grain boundaries, which were attributed to the wide alpha colonies frequently observed along the prior beta grain boundaries. © 2017 Elsevier Inc.
  • Åkerfeldt, Maria, 1982, et al. (författare)
  • Textile piezoelectric sensors – melt spun bi-component poly(vinylidene fluoride) fibres with conductive cores and poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene)-poly(styrene sulfonate) coating as the outer electrode
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Fashion and Textiles. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 2198-0802. ; 1:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The work presented here addresses the outer electroding of a fully textile piezoelectric strain sensor, consisting of bi-component fibre yarns of β-crystalline poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) sheath and conductive high density polyethylene (HDPE)/carbon black (CB) core as insertions in a woven textile, with conductive poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene)-poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) coatings developed for textile applications. Two coatings, one with a polyurethane binder and one without, were compared for the application and evaluated as electrode material in piezoelectric testing, as well as tested for surface resistivity, tear strength, abrasion resistance and shear flexing. Both coatings served their function as the outer electrodes in the system and no difference in this regard was detected between them. Omission of the binder resulted in a surface resistivity one order of magnitude less, of 12.3 Ω/square, but the surface resistivity of these samples increased more upon abrasion than the samples coated with binder. The tear strength of the textile coated with binder decreased with one third compared to the uncoated substrate, whereas the tear strength of the coated textile without binder increased with the same amount. Surface resistivity measurements and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the samples subjected to shear flexing showed that the coatings without the binder did not withstand this treatment, and that the samples with the binder managed this to a greater extent. In summary, both of the PEDOT:PSS coatings could be used as outer electrodes of the piezoelectric fibres, but inclusion of binder was found necessary for the durability of the coating.
  • Guldris Leon, Lorena, 1983, et al. (författare)
  • Understanding Mineral Liberation during Crushing Using Grade-by-Size Analysis - A Case Study of the Penuota Sn-Ta Mineralization, Spain
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Minerals. - : MDPI AG. - 2075-163X. ; 10:2
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Coarse comminution test-work and modeling are powerful tools in the design and optimization of mineral processing plants and provide information on energy consumption. Additional information on mineral liberation characteristics can be used for assessing the potential of pre-concentration stages or screens in the plant design. In ores of high-value metals (e.g., Ta, W), standard techniques-such as the mineralogical quantification of grain mounts by quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning electron microscopy (QEMSCAN) or chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) can be challenging, due to the low relative abundance of such valuable minerals. The cost of QEMSCAN is also a limiting factor, especially considering the large number of samples required for the optimization of coarse comminution. In this study, we present an extended analytical protocol to a well-established mechanical test of interparticle breakage to improve the assessment of coarse mineral liberation characteristics. The liberation of ore minerals is a function of the rock texture and the difference in size and mechanical properties of the valuable minerals relative to gangue minerals and they may fraction in certain grain sizes if they behave differently during comminution. By analyzing the bulk-chemistry of the different grain size fractions produced after compressional testing, and by generating element by size diagrams, it is possible to understand the liberation characteristics of an ore. We show, based on a case study performed on a tantalum ore deposit, that element distribution can be used to study the influence of mechanical parameters on mineral liberation. This information can direct further mineralogical investigation and test work.
  • Stolen, Reidar, et al. (författare)
  • Solcelleteknologi og brannsikkerhet
  • 2018
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Bruken av solcelleteknologi er i stor vekst i Norge. I denne studien er branntekniske utfordringer ved bruk av solcelleteknologi undersøkt, med hensyn på brannstart, brannspredning og brannslokking. Studien danner et kunnskapsgrunnlag for å ivareta brannsikkerheten under montering, drift og under slokkeinnsats, samt for å utforme et enhetlig og tydelig regelverk. Resultatene fra studien viser:Brannstart: Solcelleinstallasjoner inneholder mange koblingspunkt, som kan være potensielle tennkilder, og en liten mengde brennbare materialer. Dermed er det som trengs til stede for å starte en brann. Det er viktig at alle kontaktpunkter i solcelleinstallasjonen er robuste og tåler den påkjenningen de blir utsatt for gjennom sin levetid uten at det oppstår dårlig kontakt som kan føre til brann.Brannspredning: For utenpåmonterte solcellemoduler er det ofte en åpen luftspalte mellom modul og bygning. Dersom det er en brann i denne luftspalten, vil varmen kunne bli akkumulert, noe som kan føre til raskere og større brannspredning enn om bygningsoverflaten ikke hadde vært tildekket. I fullskalaforsøk med solcellemoduler montert på tak spredte brannen seg under hele arealet som var dekket av moduler, men stoppet da den nærmet seg kanten av dette arealet. Dette illustrerer viktigheten av at områder med solceller utenpå en bygning blir seksjonert for å unngå brannspredning. Eventuelt kan det benyttes mindre brennbare materialer på taket under solcellemodulene for å motvirke den økte varmepåkjenningen som solcellemodulene gir. Luftspalten mellom modul og bygning kan potensielt også gi endringer i luftstrømningen langs bygget, som igjen kan påvirke brannspredningen.Brannslokking: Brannvesenet har behov for informasjon om det er solcelleinstallasjon i bygget og hvilke deler av det elektriske anlegget som kan være spenningssatt. Under slokkeinnsats må brannvesenet ta hensyn til berøringsfare, og fare for at det kan oppstå lysbuer og andre feil som kan føre til nye antennelsespunkt. Ferskvann kan brukes som slokkemiddel, dette må spyles fra minimum 1 meters avstand med spredt stråle og minimum 5 meters avstand med samlet stråle. Solcellemoduler kan komplisere brannslokking ved at de danner en fysisk barriere mellom brannvesenet og brannen, samt fordi det må tas hensyn til plassering av spenningssatte komponenter. Når disse punktene er tatt høyde for, bør ikke utenpåmonterte solcelleinstallasjoner være et problem.Videre arbeid: For utenpåmonterte solcelleinstallasjoner, er det lite forskning på vertikal montering (på fasader), og hvordan en eventuell endret branndynamikk kan påvirke brannspredning og slokking. Videre er det i dag økende bruk av bygningsintegrerte solcelleinstallasjoner, noe som gir mange mulige nye utfordringer for brannsikkerheten og for regelverk, ettersom solcellen da er en del av bygningskroppen, samtidig som den er en elektrisk komponent. Tysk statistikk tyder på at brannrisiko for slike installasjoner kan være større enn for utenpåmonterte solcelleinstallasjoner, og dette vil det derfor være viktig å undersøke nærmere.
  • Dimitrios, Nikas, et al. (författare)
  • Effect of annealing on microstructure in railway wheel steel
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: 42Nd Riso International Symposium On Materials Science. - : Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP). ; 1249
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Railway wheels are commonly made from medium carbon steels (similar to 0.55 wt.% C), heat treated to a near pearlitic microstructure with 5-10% pro-eutectoid ferrite. During the operation of freight trains, where block brakes are used, high thermal loads occur together with the high contact stresses, which combined can affect the mechanical properties of the material. In this study, the effects of annealing on local microstructure and mechanical properties in pearlitic railway wheel steel were investigated using electron microscopy and micro-hardness. It is found that after annealing at 650 degrees C, the room temperature hardness reduces about 25%, accompanied by significant spheroidization of cementite in the pearlitic colonies, though the size and the orientation gradients of the pearlitic colonies have not changed much. The relationship between the microstructural changes and the mechanical properties are discussed.
  • Lindberg, Siv M, et al. (författare)
  • A product semantic study of the influence of the sense of touch on the evaluation of wood-based materials
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Materials & design. - : Elsevier BV. - 0264-1275 .- 1873-4197 .- 0261-3069. ; 52, s. 300-307
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Based on product semantics, this study investigated how the tactile attributes of wood and wood-based composites are perceived and interpreted semantically. The wood-based samples included ash, birch, elm, oak, pine, OSB (oriented strand board), two wood pulp-reinforced polylactide composites, Comp A and B and one wood-fiber reinforced polypropene composite, Comp C. The subjects rated the samples by the descriptive words natural, exclusive, eco-. friendly, rough, inexpensive, reliable, warm, modern, snug and solid. The most significant differences between the samples were found for roughness and for the descriptors, reliable, natural and solid. A principal component analysis yielded three attributes based on the tactile perceptions: reliable, old-. fashioned and smooth. The solid wood pieces were perceived as natural and oak was perceived as being exclusive. The composite materials presented a greater variation in terms of perceived attributes than the wood specimens.
  • Mahade, Satyapal, 1987-, et al. (författare)
  • Incorporation of graphene nano platelets in suspension plasma sprayed alumina coatings for improved tribological properties
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Applied Surface Science. - : Elsevier BV. - 0169-4332 .- 1873-5584. ; 570
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Graphene possesses high fracture toughness and excellent lubrication properties, which can be exploited to enhance tribological performance of coating systems utilized to combat wear. In this work, suspension plasma spray (SPS) process was employed to deposit a composite, graphene nano-platelets (GNP) incorporated alumina coating. For comparison, monolithic alumina was also deposited utilizing identical spray conditions. The as-deposited coatings were characterized in detail for their microstructure, porosity content, hardness, fracture toughness and phase composition. Raman analysis of the as-deposited composite coating confirmed retention of GNP. The composite coating also showed good microstructural integrity, comparable porosity, higher fracture toughness and similar alumina phase composition as the monolithic alumina coating. The as-deposited coatings were subjected to dry sliding wear tests. The GNP incorporated composite coating showed lower CoF and lower specific wear rate than the pure alumina coating. Additionally, the counter surface also showed a lower wear rate in case of the composite coating. Post-wear analysis performed by SEM/EDS showed differences in the coating wear track and in the ball wear track of monolithic and composite coatings. Furthermore, Raman analysis in the wear track of composite coating confirmed the presence of GNP. The micro-indentation and wear test results indicate that the presence of GNP in the composite coating aided in improving fracture toughness, lowering CoF and specific wear rate compared to the monolithic coating. Results from this work demonstrated retention of GNP in an SPS processed coating, which can be further exploited to design superior wear-resistant coatings.
  • Mamontov, Eugen, 1955, et al. (författare)
  • Asymptotic trajectory matching in self-navigation of autonomous manless interceptors: Nonsearch method and a formulation of the functional optimization of the stability of random systems
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: Proc. 5th MATHMOD Vienna Conf., 8-10 February, 2006 (Vienna Univ. of Technol., Vienna, Austria). - 3901608303 ; 2
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In the field of self-navigation autonomous manless robots there is a noticeable interest to the robot-based target-interception problem. The interceptor trajectory is usually determined by search-based optimization algorithms. In contrast to this, the present work treats the interception as asymptotic trajectory matching and introduces a nonsearch method for the interceptor trajectory. This method is substantially simpler than the well-known proportional navigation and requires very limited computing resources. The latter feature makes the proposed method especially suitable to the interceptors based on embedded onboard computers and civil applications. An example of the latter discussed in the work is the protection of the infrastructure components against intended or unintended attacks. In a general case when parameters of the interceptor are random, the new method leads to a formulation of a new problem in stochastic optimization, namely the functional optimization of (the so-called targetal) stability of the interceptor trajectory. Certain aspects of a practical implementation of the new systems are analyzed. The work proposes the basic physical principle and schemes for innovative sensors which can make the interceptors truly autonomous, in particular, fully GPS-free. A list of the fundamental and applied topics for future research is also suggested.
  • Grolig, Jan Gustav, 1986 (författare)
  • Coated Ferritic Stainless Steels as Interconnects in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - Material Development and Electrical Properties
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are attracting increasing interest as devices with potentialuses in decentralized and clean electricity and heat production. Several challengeswith respect to materials have to be overcome to achieve efficiencies and life-spansthat are sufficient for long-term applications.An important element of an SOFC stack is the interconnect component, which connectstwo adjacent fuel cell elements. Interconnects, which are commonly composedof ferritic stainless steels, have to be corrosion-resistant, mechanically stable and costoptimized.This work aimed to investigate economic solutions for interconnect materials and tounderstand the underlying mechanisms of degradation and electrical conduction ofthese materials. Mainly two substrates, a commercially available steel (AISI 441) anda ferritic stainless steel that was optimized for an SOFC application (Sandvik SanergyHT) were combined with different barrier coatings and exposed to a cathode-sideatmosphere. A method was developed that allows for the electrical characterizationof promising material systems and model alloys, thereby facilitating a fundamentalunderstanding of the dominant electrical conduction processes linked to the oxidescales that grow on interconnects. The AISI 441 steel coated with reactive elementsand cobalt showed good corrosion and chromium evaporation profiles, while AISI 441coated with cerium and cobalt also had promising electrical properties. The SanergyHT steel was examined with coatings of copper and iron and copper and manganese,respectively. The corrosion and chromium evaporation profiles of Sanergy HT wereimproved by coating with copper and iron. The copper and iron-coated Sanergy HTshowed lower area specific resistance values than cobalt-coated Sanergy HT. Chromia,which is the main constituent of oxide scales, was synthesized using differentmethods. The electrical properties of chromia were found to be sensitive to not onlyimpurities, but also heat treatment. Finally the electrical properties of cobalt- andcobalt cerium-coated Sanergy HT steels were investigated. It was revealed that theaddition of cerium improved the conductivity of the interconnect by both slowingdown chromia growth and preventing the outward diffusion of iron into the spinel.
  • Neikter, Magnus, et al. (författare)
  • Microstructure and Defects in Additive Manufactured Titanium : a Comparison Between Microtomography and Optical Microscopy
  • 2017
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this work has been to compare two different analysing methods; x-ray microtomography and light optical microscopy, when it comes to defects and microstructure of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V. The results show that both techniques have their pros and cons:microtomography is the preferred choice for defect detection by analysing the full 3D sample volume, while light optical microscopy is better for analysing finer details in 2D.
  • Carini, Giovanni, et al. (författare)
  • Hypersonic attenuation in cesium borate glasses: Relaxation and anharmonicity
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. - : Elsevier BV. - 0921-5093. ; 521-22, s. 247-250
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The internal friction and the sound velocity in a cesium borate glass (Cs(2)O)(0.14)(B(2)O(3))(0.86) were measured at ultrasonic and hypersonic frequencies by Brillouin scattering measurements over the temperature range between 15 and 300 K. The analysis of the experimental results show that, in addition to thermally activated local motions of structural defects, the vibrational anharmonicity contributes substantially to the temperatures dependences of both the hypersonic loss and velocity. It has been also proved that above 150 K the vibrational anharmonicity appears to be governed by the Akhiezer mechanism of phonon viscosity.
  • Dochev, Dimitar Milkov, 1981, et al. (författare)
  • A Technology Demonstrator for 1.6–2.0 THz Waveguide HEB Receiver with a Novel Mixer Layout
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1866-6892 .- 1866-6906. ; 32:4, s. 451-465
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this paper, we present our studies on a technology demonstrator for a balanced waveguide hot-electron bolometer (HEB) mixer operating in the 1.6–2.0 THz band. The design employs a novel layout for the HEB mixer combining several key technologies: all-metal THz waveguide micromachining, ultra-thin NbN film deposition and a micromachining of a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate to manufacture the HEB mixer. In this paper, we present a novel mixer layout that greatly facilitates handling and mounting of the mixer chip via self-aligning as well as provides easy electrical interfacing. In our opinion, this opens up a real prospective for building multi-pixel waveguide THz receivers. Such receivers could be of interest for SOFIA, possible follow up of the Herschel HIFI, and even for ground based telescopes yet over limited periods of time with extremely dry weather (PWV less than 0.1 mm).
  • Goel, Sneha, 1993-, et al. (författare)
  • Effect of post-treatments under hot isostatic pressure on microstructural characteristics of EBM-built Alloy 718
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Additive Manufacturing. - : Elsevier BV. - 2214-8604 .- 2214-7810. ; 28, s. 727-737
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Electron beam melting (EBM) has emerged as an important additive manufacturing technique. In this study, Alloy 718 produced by EBM was investigated in as-built and post-treated conditions for microstructural characteristics and hardness. The post-treatments investigated were hot isostatic pressing (HIP) and combined HIP + heat treatment (HIP + HT) carried out as a single cycle inside the HIP vessel. Both the post-treatments resulted in significant decrease in defects inevitably present in the as-built material. The columnar grain structure of the as-built material was found to be maintained after post-treatment, with some sporadic localized grain coarsening noted. Although HIP led to complete dissolution of δ and γ′′ phase, stable NbC and TiN (occasionally present) particles were observed in the post-treated specimens. Significant precipitation of γ′′ phase was observed after HIP + HT, which was attributed to the two-step aging heat treatment carried out during HIP + HT. The presence of γ′′ phase or otherwise was correlated to the hardness of the material. While the HIP treatment resulted in drop in hardness, HIP + HT led to ‘recovery’ of the hardness to values exceeding those exhibited by the as-built material.
  • Goel, Sneha, 1993-, et al. (författare)
  • The Effect of Location and Post-treatment on the Microstructure of EBM-Built Alloy 718
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 & Derivatives. - Cham : Springer. - 2367-1696 .- 2367-1181. - 9783319894799 - 9783319894805 ; , s. 115-129
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Additive manufacturing (AM) of Ni-based superalloys such as Alloy 718 may obviate the need for difficult machining and welding operations associated with geometrically intricate parts, thus potentially expanding design possibilities and facilitating cost-effective manufacture of complex components. However, processing AM builds completely free from defects, which may impair mechanical properties such as fatigue and ductility, is challenging. Anisotropic properties, microstructural heterogeneities and local formation of undesired phases are additional concerns that have motivated post-treatment of AM builds. This work investigates the microstructural changes associated with post-treatment of Alloy 718 specimens produced by Electron Beam Melting (EBM) for as-built microstructures at 3 build heights: near base plate, in the middle of build and near the top of the build. Two different post-treatment conditions, hot isostatic pressing (HIP) alone and a combined HIP with solutionising and two-step aging were examined and compared to the results for the as-built condition. The influence of various post-treatments on minor phase distributions (δ, γ″, carbides), overall porosity, longitudinal grain widths and Vickers microhardness was considered. The HIP treatment led to significant reduction in overall porosity and dissolution of δ phase, which led to appreciable grain growth for both post-treatment conditions. The variation in hardness noted as a function of build height for the as-built specimens was eliminated after post-treatment. Overall, the hardness was found to decrease after HIP and increase after the full HIP, solutionising and aging treatment, which was attributed to dissolution of γ″ during HIP and its re-precipitation in subsequent heat treatment steps.
  • Wärmefjord, Kristina, 1976, et al. (författare)
  • Welding of non-nominal geometries : physical tests
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Procedia CIRP. - : Elsevier BV. - 2212-8271. ; 43, s. 136-141
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The geometrical quality of a welded assembly is to some extent depending part positions before welding. Here, a design of experiment is set up in order to investigate this relation using physical tests in a controlled environment. Based on the experimental results it can be concluded that the influence of part position before welding is significant for geometrical deviation after welding. Furthermore, a working procedure for a completely virtual geometry assurance process for welded assemblies is outlined. In this process, part variations, assembly fixture variations and welding induced variations are important inputs when predicting the capability of the final assembly.
  • Dahl, Ingolf, 1950 (författare)
  • How to measure the Mueller matrix of liquid-crystal cells
  • 2001
  • Ingår i: Meas. Sci. Technol.. - 0957-0233. ; 12, s. 1938-1948
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The Mueller matrix is the transfer matrix in the Stokes algebra that describes the polarization of natural light. This matrix is very versatile for the task of characterizing the optical properties of liquid-crystal cells, since it can be used for comparison with theoretical calculations, the determination of material parameters and the modelling of the cell as an optical building block for technological use. We have constructed a Mueller-matrix spectrometer, with the ability to perform fast, dynamic measurements of the Mueller matrix of small areas of liquid-crystal cells throughout the visible range. To illustrate the potential of the instrument, dynamic measurements on a ferroelectric-liquid-crystal cell are presented and analysed. The optical measurements indicate that there is an asymmetry between the up and the down state, tilted smectic layers and polarization reversal initiated at the boundaries.
  • Jeong, Seung Hee, 1978-, et al. (författare)
  • Stretchable Thermoelectric Generators Metallized with Liquid Alloy
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. - : American Chemical Society (ACS). - 1944-8252 .- 1944-8244. ; 9:18, s. 15791-15797
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Conventional thermoelectric generators (TEGs) are normally hard, rigid, and flat. However, most objects have curvy surfaces, which require soft and even stretchable TEGs for maximizing efficiency of thermal energy harvesting. Here, soft and stretchable TEGs using conventional rigid Bi2Te3 pellets metallized with a liquid alloy is reported. The fabrication is implemented by means of a tailored layer-by-layer fabrication process. The STEGs exhibit an output power density of 40.6 ?W/cm2 at room temperature. The STEGs are operational after being mechanically stretched-and-released more than 1000 times, thanks to the compliant contact between the liquid alloy interconnects and the rigid pellets. The demonstrated interconnect scheme will provide a new route to the development of soft and stretchable energy-harvesting avenues for a variety of emerging electronic applications.
  • Zhang, Hanzhu, 1991-, et al. (författare)
  • A high-entropy B4(HfMo2TaTi)C and SiC ceramic composite
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Dalton Transactions. - : Royal Society of Medicine Press. - 1477-9226 .- 1477-9234. ; 48:16, s. 5161-5167
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A multicomponent composite of refractory carbides, B4C, HfC, Mo2C, TaC, TiC and SiC, of rhombohedral, face-centered cubic (FCC) and hexagonal crystal structures is reported to form a single phase B4(HfMo2TaTi)C ceramic with SiC. The independent diffusion of the metal and nonmetal atoms led to a unique hexagonal lattice structure of the B4(HfMo2TaTi)C ceramic with alternating layers of metal atoms and C/B atoms. In addition, the classical differences in the crystal structures and lattice parameters among the utilized carbides were overcome. Electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and calculations using density functional theory (DFT) confirmed the formation of a single phase B4(HfMo2TaTi)C ceramic with a hexagonal close-packed (HCP) crystal structure. The DFT based crystal structure prediction suggests that the metal atoms of Hf, Mo, Ta and Ti are distributed on the (0001) plane in the HCP lattice, while the carbon/boron atoms form hexagonal 2D grids on the (0002) plane in the HCP unit cell. The nanoindentation of the high-entropy phase showed hardness values of 35 GPa compared to the theoretical hardness value estimated based on the rule of mixtures (23 GPa). The higher hardness was contributed by the solid solution strengthening effect in the multicomponent hexagonal structure. The addition of SiC as the secondary phase in the sintered material tailored the microstructure of the composite and offered oxidation resistance to the high-entropy ceramic composite at high temperatures.
  • Posch, Josefina (författare)
  • EP9 Starlight Reserves
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Göteborgs Botaniska Trädgård, GIBCA Extended, 2023-08-19.
  • Konstnärligt arbete (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The sculpture EP9 Starlight Reserves was installed in Amerikadammen in Göteborgs Botaniska Trädgård and part of GIBCA Extended 2023. This work is situated in the expanded field of sculpture, where the negotiation with a specific situation plays a central role in material investigations of environmental and sustainability concerns. The shape and title of the sculpture derive from the container of old batteries, "Exposed Pallet 9," which the International Space Station launched into space in 2021 to circulate around the Earth for 2-4 years before entering the Earth's atmosphere and hopefully burn up. [1] Commercial interests, colonization, and tourism led by rich nations and private companies contribute to the increase of space debris. The main inquiry of this research project is how artistic work, through visualization in sculptural form, can draw attention to scientific observations and advocacy in establishing international environmental space law concerning space debris. By using recycled plastic from electronic scrap for the large-scale IRBAM printing of the sculpture, the work highlights the potential for sustainable and ephemeral materials in sculptural production to promote environmental awareness and question the validity of the standard requirement for "permanence" in public sculpture. 3D printing in collaboration with Samuel Johansson and Woodrow Wiest RISE – AM center in Mölndal, Sweden with in-kind funding. Supported by Göteborgs Stad Kultur och Göteborgs Botaniska Trädgård. [1] Mike Wall, “Space station tosses 2.9-ton hunk of space junk overboard. It will stay in orbit for years.”, space.com, accessed January 3, 2024, https://www.space.com/space-station-jettisons-huge-space-junk-pallet
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