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Sökning: L4X0:1652 3997

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  • Björngren Cuadra, Carin (författare)
  • Tandhygienisters arbete med patienter i ett mångkulturellt samhälle - en studie av migrationsrelaterade frågeställningar och samtal
  • 2005
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim is to illuminate aspects of dental hygienists' work in multiethnic/multicultural societies, with focus on the intersection between the institutional activity and migration, ethnic diversity and culture issues. Hence, a tension between equality and diversity are discussed. The thesis has two analytical approaches, practice and discourse. The focus is on talk-in-interaction with patients (practice) and how the dental hygienist conceptualise their work when treating people with migrant background (discourse). The theoretical and methodological considerations are drawn from the sociological tradition of "Verstehen", Foucault and discourse analysis. The empirical material is based on documented observations (VCR) and interviews with dental hygienists and patients. The analysis of practice suggests that the interaction is organised by the institutional activity type. A patient’s readiness to position oneself as a "knowing subject", opposed to ethnicity, is crucial to how the interaction is structured. Migration related categories and phenomenon are related to the institutional task and understood as situated including practices. In discourse, ethnicity intersects with gender and class. The patient's power resources are of vital importance in a discourse on "immigrant patients". The hygienists relates to culture, in terms of relationship with dental care. References in exclusionary discourses were also found. Based on multilayered findings and theories of multiculturalisms, the concept of culture is discussed in connection to agency, ethics of care and equal treatment.
  • Hydén, Sophie, 1973-, et al. (författare)
  • Inre utlänningskontroll i polisarbete : mellan rättsstatsideal och effektivitet i Schengens Sverige
  • 2004
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis analyses police officers' work with internal control of foreigners through a discussion of, among other things, the nation-state, rule of law ideals as well as the police profession and the conditions surrounding that profession. Internal control of foreigners, practised by police officers has two main aims: to control migration and to fight crime amongst people unauthorised to reside in the country. There has been a demand for increased efficiency in the internal control of foreigners, since Sweden joined the Schengen agreement. Police officers are now expected to be observant in all their work carried out, of the possibility that people they encounter are in the country without permission.The authors have accompanied police officers in Malmö and Stockholm in their work. They have also studied cases in the legal system and of the special board that handles cases of offences made by police officers. The authors discuss the importance of different factors to the police work on internal control of foreigners. Certain factors are more important than others and there is an interplay and reinforcement of some of these: the political and historical context, the discretion of the police, grey areas in the rules, the work tools of the police as well as inspection possibilities.A state of tension can be identified between the ideals of the nation-state and rule of law ideals. Several factors interplay to create a potential for and an apparent risk of ethnic discrimination in the police work on the internal control of foreigners. This study shows that the prerequisites necessary to perform the control efficiently, unerringly and with proper discretion are lacking. Police officers are put to the almost impossible task of determining who is in the country without permission.
  • Kiiskinen, Jenny, et al. (författare)
  • Att dansa i otakt med väljarna : Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas strategiska bemötande av Sverigedemokraterna
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Etablerade partiers strategiska bemötande av radikala högerpopulistiska partier (RHP-partier) står i fokus för avhandlingen. Syftet med avhandlingen är rekonstruktion och analys av innehållet i de etablerade partiernas strategiska bemötande av partier som anses utmana centrala principer inom den liberala demokratin, såsom pluralism och tolerans, och vars närvaro också anses skapa ett demokratiskt dilemma. Syftet har operationaliserats inom ramen för en svensk kontext med fokus på Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas strategiska bemötande av ett svenskt RHP-parti i form av Sverigedemokraterna. Det metodologiska ramverket utgår från ett kvalitativt perspektiv med fokus på intervjuer med representanter för de två etablerade partierna och Sverigedemokraterna. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats med hjälp av PSO-teorin (Position, Salience and Owner-ship theory). Teorin visar hur de etablerade partiernas strategiska bemötande av RHP-partier kan relateras till l) den specifika sakfråga RHP-partiet politiserar och 2) till vilken grad RHP-partiet hotar de etablerade partierna i fråga om väljarstöd. Avhandlingens resultat visar att innehållet i de etablerade partiernas strategiska bemötande av Sverigedemokraterna har fOrändrats sedan valet 2006 och att den sakfråga som Sverigedemokraterna politiserat, flykting- och invandringsfrågan, är central för utformningen av de etablerade partiernas bemötande av partiet.
  • Lill, Linda (författare)
  • Att göra etnicitet- inom äldreomsorgen
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertatian i concerned with the ways in which caregivers within elderly care reason and respond to questions concerning ethnicity. The research is based on a discursive analysis of a focus group study; interwiews with caregivers; and participant observation from fieldwork within one elderly care team. The main ambition is to present an alternative model for understanding how ethnicity becomes important in relation to care. A primary purpose it to place elderly care within a new theoretical perspective, particularly by shifting the focus from ethnicity per se to the relational aspect of constructions of ethnicity. I do that by showing how the ethnic dimension often is located in language use, in the relations created by various discourses and their institutional conditions. By applying the concept of doing to the analysis of ethnicity, I can show how ethnicity is a product of social interaction rather than a pre-defined role or mode of being. To do ethnicity in the context of care giving is to be assigned and take discursively created subject positions through the constant interactions of the workplace. Through such an analysis it becomes possible to understand ethnicity and ethnic relations as a continuous process revolving around the conceptions of each other's identities. By employing doing ethnicity as an analytical tool, it becomes possible to understand how caregivers, sometimes unwittingly, use ethnicity as a marker for thier constructions of care.
  • Lill, Linda (författare)
  • Så görs etnicitet : äldreomsorgspersonal resonerar om etniska relationer
  • 2005
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This text deals with the concept of ethnic relations in elderly care and the created meanings of ethnicity. A study is carried out through group discussions for elderly care staff and constitutes the empirical material. The thesis argues that (1) the concept of care is a discursive formation produced by ethical and moral values that form requirements for the caring subject to become respectable and how the caring work is to be correctly done. (2) Influenced by postcolonial theories of race and ethnicity, ethnic relations are seen as imaginative constructs through which we identify others and ourselves. This means that ethnicity is a social process constantly in movement where the meaning of self-identity is always a question of looking at the other. (3) The notion of identity is created via representations and seen as a product of social knowledge. (4) Doing gender has become a critical and widespread concept in feminist theory and gender research. The central argument of this text is to implement the research on the concept of ethnicity and thus allow for the idea of doing ethnicity. This analysis makes it possible to understand how ethnicity and ethnic relations are ongoing social processes through which notions of identity are formed. The discursive formations of care and the construction of the caring subject are mobilised to intersect with notions of gender and ethnicity. The elderly care staff consciously and unconsciously taps into these formations of exclusion and inclusion.
  • Ljungberg, Caroline (författare)
  • Den svenska skolan och det mångkulturella : en paradox?
  • 2005
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The preoccupation of the study revolves around relations hetwecn everyday life in Swedish schools and the multicuiturai context of Swedish society. Based on fieldwork, media debates, analysis ofpolicy documents, discussions with teachers as weil as teacher's educators, and interviews with principals working in the elementary schools of Malmö, the dissertation explores three analytical arenas; schools as (re)producers of values and norms, Ihe mullicullural school and finally Ihe localions of schools in lime and space.The aim of the discussion conceming relations between the functions ofeducation in modem societies, and migration related issues and aspects ofmulticulturalism, is to highlight paradoxes in the mle of schoois. The policy documents specify certain goals of education, which are paradoxicallv caught between the ideals of a traditional understanding of modem ity and consequences of migration and globalisation.Schools and education in general, have a pivotal mle in Swedish society, not merely as mediators of knowledge, but also as (re)producers of systems of values and norms. These values and norms constitute what is acceptable in society. The scope for 'othemess' is restricted but also negotiable and changeable. Va lues and norms in the context of schools are often considered to be self-evident and are therefore not up for discussions or debates in everyday work ofteachers and principals. Some ofthese vaJues are so weil integrated in a 'common sense', that they be come invisibleand unconscious, The ambition of the dissertation is to make them visible - to formulate and analyse them - to make a further discussion possible.The study concJudes that the concept of critical multiculturalism could be useable for highlighting ideological aspecls andparadoxes of the school in Sweden today, The mle ofeducation should be discussed in the light ofrelations between individuals and groups in society, and with self-understanding as weil as, self-criticism as key aspects.
  • Malmsten, Jenny (författare)
  • Den föreningsdrivna antirasismen i Sverige - Antirasism i rörelse
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med avhandlingen är att genom det empiriska underlaget analysera antirasism som företeelse och utforska vad som är utmärkande för den form av antirasism som Antirasistiska filmdagar (ARF) och Arm i arm – 4:e initiativet (Arm i arm) representerar. ARF är en antirasistisk verksamhet som fokuserar på påverkansarbete och Arm i arm är en statlig satsning inom vilken 45 projekt erhållit medel för att bedriva antirasistiska verksamheter av olika slag. Dessa antirasistiska aktörer studeras utifrån teori, praktik och organisering för att belysa det jag kallar den föreningsdrivna antirasismen och jag visar också hur de antirasistiska aktörerna i denna studie förhåller sig till sina antirasistiska verksamheter. För att undersöka det utgår jag från några centrala teman som också utgör tre kapitel i avhandlingen: (1) Rasismens former och uttryck som handlar om vad antirasismen vill motverka, (2) Antirasism som företeelse som belyser antirasism utifrån såväl ett teoretiskt perspektiv som de antirasistiska aktörernas förhållningssätt i praktiken och (3) Antirasism som social arena som handlar om hur engagemanget kring antirasism organiseras. Genom teorier om det civila samhället och sociala rörelser diskuteras de antirasistiska aktörernas organisatoriska plattform och om de kan sägas vara en del av en antirasistisk rörelse. Med utgångspunkt i Meluccis rörelseteorier finns det aspekter som talar för det, men argumenten mot överväger, främst utifrån bakgrunden att de antirasistiska aktörerna saknar en tydligt identifierbar motståndare och istället agerar gentemot målgrupper. Det som utmärker den föreningsdrivna antirasismen är att den karaktäriseras av demokratiska arbetsformer, icke-våldsarbete och ett nära samarbete med stat och/eller kommun. Eftersom många aktiviteter är projektdrivna säkras kontinuiteten genom nätverk. Partipolitiskt går det inte att placera den föreningsdrivna antirasismen i något block utan de antirasistiska aktörerna samlas kring sakfrågan, antirasism.
  • Osanami Törngren, Sayaka (författare)
  • Love ain't got no color? : Attitude toward interracial marriage in Sweden
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation focuses on the geographical area of Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden, and examines the majority society’s opinions and attitudes toward interracial dating, marriage and childbearing. The dissertation is driven by two theoretical frames: the theory of race as ideas constructed through the perception of visible differences and the theory of prejudice and stereotypes. Mixed methods have been chosen as a means of exploring people’s attitudes toward interracial relationships. Quantitative data was collected by means of an attitude survey and the qualitative data was collected by means of follow-up interviews with some of the respondents who participated in the survey. The study shows that although their attitudes vary depending on the different groups in question, the majority of the respondents and interviewees could imagine getting involved in interrelationships and would not react negatively if a family member got involved in such a relationship. The quantitative results address the importance of intimate contacts, in other words having friends of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds in having more positive attitudes toward interracial dating, marriage and childbearing. Age, gender, education and the place of upbringing also affects people’s attitudes. The qualitative inquiry probes the reasoning behind the survey results and points to the complicated relations between individual attitudes and the sense of group position. The interviewees’ words depict color-blind ways of talking about attitudes toward interracial marriage and different groups. Ideas of race emerge in this color-blind reasoning and the role of visible difference is highlighted both through the quantitative and qualitative inquiries.
  • Schölin, Tobias (författare)
  • Etnisk mångfald som organisationsidé. Chefs- och personalpraktiker i äldreomsorgen
  • 2007
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The dissertation’s research context is organisation, ethnic diversity and healthcare. The focus is on healthcare managers’ relations to the organisational idea of diversity and the problematisation of how ethnicity is constructed by eldercare staff. The dissertation’s research questions are: What kind of day–to–day normality is created by managers and how do they understand and work with the diversity idea? How is ethnicity constructed in organisations and what does ethnicity mean in terms of quality? What is ethnic diversity as an organisational idea and what does diversity management mean in terms of quality? The dissertation has gained inspiration from aspectual and interpretative reflection and ethnography. The methods used include reflexive interviews and fieldwork. The theories that have been made use of are micro– culture, reproducing and producing systems, interpretative ethnicity, diversity as an organisational idea and quality as a socially conditioned value. Managers interpret their daily work through the reproduction of professional values where the diversity idea plays a peripheral role. Diversity issues are not controlled by the managers from a quality perspective. Like the management, staff also interpret ethnicity from an everyday perspective, although in quite a different way and through censoring and self–censoring practices. Ethnicity’s social significance changes: within the staff group it is thin and outside it oscillates between thin and thick. The dissertation illustrates that while managers have difficulty in determining the value of the diversity issue, the staff value ethnic diversity in terms of learning, creativity and the charismatisation of routines. Reasons for this are to be found in the lack of communication between management and staff practices in the different systems.
  • Suter, Brigitte (författare)
  • Tales of transit : Sub-Saharan african migrants' experiences in Istanbul
  • 2012
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna avhandling presenterar transit erfarenheter av människor ifrån Söder om Sahara som befinner sig i Istanbul. Migranternas berättelser är i fokus, men avhandlingen tar också hänsyn till de makrostrukturella villkoren som präglar dessa människors livssituation. Målen med avhandlingen är att genom etnografiskt fältarbete och med en utforskande design/ansats, kritiskt närma sig och diskutera begreppet transit utifrån migranternas perspektiv. Social nätverksanalys samt teoretiska perspektiv på migration och mobilitet används för att analysera situationen. Transit etappen – som tidigare forskning tämligen lämnat obeaktad – belyses och undersöks genom att fokusera på migranternas erfarenheter av mobilitet och sociala nätverk. Osäkerhet, ovisshet och en allomfattande prekär situation/vardag visar sig vara grundläggande i transit skedet. Avhandlingen uppmärksammar det specifika i transit skedet för det vardagliga livet och framhävar den processuella karaktären av både mobilitets- och immobilitetsstrategier. Konceptualiserad som lokal kunskap med en specifik fokus på erfarenheten av att vara migrant, pekar avhandlingen på migrantkapital som en viktig förklaringsaspekt av immobilitet i transit. Tillsammans med immobilitet och legal status bildar/skapar migrant kapital ett mönster av social stratifiering. Argumentet är att denna stratifiering är producerad av transit rörelsen som i sin tur är reproducerad av denna stratifiering. Detta är relaterad till presentationen av Istanbul som den socioekonomiska kontexten som erbjuder villkor för både en lokal etablering och en etablering i mobilitet.
  • Suter, Brigitte (författare)
  • Tales to Transit : Sub-Saharan African Migrants’ Experiences in Istanbul
  • 2012
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation presents the transit experiences of migrants from Sub-Saharan African countries in the Turkish metropolis of Istanbul. Although the narratives of the individuals met in the course of fieldwork in Istanbul are the primary focus, the thesis also outlines the larger macro-structural conditions faced. The overarching goal of this thesis is thus, through the experiences of the migrants themselves, to critically approach and discuss the concept of transit with the aid of the theoretical perspectives of social networks analysis and mobility.Based on ethnographic fieldwork and an explorative design, this thesis investigates the ‘black-box’ that the state of transit has hitherto often represented in the literature by focusing on migrants’ experiences of mobility, immobility and social networks. Insecurity, uncertainty, and an overall precariousness constitute the state of transit. Light is shed on questions relating to the peculiarities of a state of transit and its impact on everyday life. The thesis highlights the processual nature of mobility and immobility strategies. The issue of migrant capital (conceptualised as local knowledge, with a particular focus on the migrant experience) is found to be a crucial aspect of immobility in transit. The thesis further identifies a pattern of social stratification based on immobility intersected with legal status and migrant capital, and argues that this stratification is produced by transit movements and, in turn, reproduces transit movements. Related to social stratification is the presentation of Istanbul as the socio-economic context that offers prerequisites for establishment in situ and establishment in mobility.
  • Wærp, Eline, 1991- (författare)
  • The Age of Frontex : Banal Securitization and its Normalization in EUropean External(ized) Border Control
  • 2024
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation examines how migration has become securitized in what I term the field of EUropean external(ized) border control and how this securitization has become increasingly normalized. It does so by focusing on the role of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency’s (Frontex) risk analysis reports in constructing migration as a security threat. Although framed as an apolitical and objective overview of the situation at the external(ized) border, I conceptualize these reports as constituting a particular form of knowledge with securitized ontological and epistemological assumptions, which preclude alternative framings of irregularized migration. By drawing on critical discourse analysis, I interrogate how this border knowledge securitizes migration in both banal and explicit ways, normalizes crises, and portrays border control as humanitarian. Interviews with civil society actors, border guards, Frontex, and European Commission officials were conducted to analyze how they resist or reproduce this securitization, which is taken as indicative of its normalization. The dissertation aims to question the taken-for-grantedness of treating unwanted migration as a security issue in this field and draws attention to its harmful effects for refugees and migrants who try to cross increasingly inaccessible borders.
  • Zachrison, Mozhgan (författare)
  • Invisible voices : understanding the sociocultural influences on adult migrantsʼ second language learning and communicative interaction
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation is a qualitative study exploring the sociocultural influences on adult migrants’ second language learning and the communicative interaction through which they use the language. Guided by a theoretical perspective based on the concepts of life-world, habitus, social capital, symbolic honor, game, and the idea of the interrelatedness of learning and using a second language, this study aims to understand how migrants’ everyday life context, attachments to the home country, and ethnic affiliations affect the motivation for and attitude towards learning and using Swedish as a second language. Furthermore, the study explores in what way the context within which the language is taught and learned might affect the language development of adult migrants.The research questions of the study focus on both the institutional context, that is to say, what happened in a particular classroom where the study observations took place, and a migrant perspective based on the participants’ experiences of living in Sweden, learning the language and using it. Semi-structured interviews, informal conversational interviews, and classroom observations have been used as strategies to obtain qualitative data.The findings suggest that most of the participants experience feelings of non-belonging and otherness both in the classroom context and outside the classroom when they use the language. These feelings of non-belonging make the ties to other ethnic establishments stronger and lead to isolation from the majority society. The feelings of otherness, per se, are not only related to a pedagogical context that advocates monoculturalism but are also rooted in the migrants' life-world, embedded in dreams of going back to the home country, while forging a constant relation to ethnic networks, and in the practice of not using the Swedish language as frequently in the everyday life context as would be needed for their language development.
  • Adolfsson, Caroline (författare)
  • 'We don't use the word race' : Boundaries of in-group membership in Sweden
  • 2024
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation explores the connections between the group construction of Swedishness, whiteness, and belongingness, exploring how these dynamics shape individuals' experiences of belongingness and non-belongingness. Employing a social-psychological lens, the research investigates the interplay between race and ingroup construction, shedding light on the complexities of Swedish identity within the broader global context. The dissertation comprises of a introduction (Kappa) and three stand alone articles, each contributing to the academic discourse while intersecting in their themes.The first article utilizes quantitative data to examine the feelings of belongingness among individuals from different ethnic backgrounds in Sweden. Results indicate a positive correlation between national and ethnic identifications, allowing for concurrent membership in various groups without contradiction, yet also suggests an empirical link between being appraised as Swedish and being white. The second article presents qualitative data, revealing that 'Swedishness' is closely tied to whiteness, particularly among white participants who also espoused hesitancy and adversion to the concept of ‘race’. In contrast, non-white participants display a more nuanced perspective on race and racialization. The third article investigates whether majority ethnic in-group and non-majority out-group members perceive and agree upon broad and specific representations of 'Swedishness' through a classic social categorization experiment. Results suggest a prevalence of associating 'Swedishness' with white individuals, despite efforts towards multicultural representation.Through these investigations, the dissertation provides valuable insights into the construction of Swedish group identity and its implications for both in-group and out-group members. By addressing research gaps and employing diverse methodologies, this work contributes to a deeper understanding of intergroup relations and identity dynamics in contemporary Swedish society.
  • Ekstedt, Johan, 1987- (författare)
  • Under the hood of the European Union Agency for Asylum : A study of bureaucratic structures, institutional arrangements and frontline caseworkers
  • 2024
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Those who study the Common European Asylum System are faced with a puzzling paradox. On the one hand, the system constitutes one of the most comprehensive and judicious protection regimes that the world has ever seen. On the other hand, there is a policy of deterrence in which asylum seekers are actively hindered from enjoying these rights. Living conditions for asylum seekers at the external borders have long been abhorrent, and many consider procedural safeguards in the asylum process inadequate. This study takes an in-depth look at what it is like to work at the forefront of this system by analysing the bureaucratic structures of the European Union Agency for Asylum. It is shown that the discrepancy between officially articulated values and actual practice has significant negative impact on the morale of caseworkers, and that they need to develop strategies to deal with the ethical dilemmas that arise from these discrepancies. The study also sheds light on the process through which the agency creates bureaucratic instruments, in spite of the considerable political turmoil that characterises the migration field. By interviewing caseworkers, analysing bureaucratic instruments, and reviewing the legislative framework, this thesis is both an empirical and theoretical contribution to the study of the Common European Asylum System and the European Union Agency for Asylum.
  • Söderberg, Rebecka (författare)
  • Displacing Diversity : How Social Mix Interventions are Legitimised, Experienced and Resisted in a Danish Neighbourhood
  • 2024
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This doctoral thesis explores residents’ experiences of and resistance to social mix interventions, as well as how these interventions are legitimised in policies. This is studied through an ethnographic approach to policies combined with ethnographic fieldwork in a neighbourhood targeted by social mix interventions. In its empirical scope, the thesis is limited to a Scandinavian context, highlighting the perspectives of residents in a Danish neighbourhood targeted by the so-called ghetto legislation and comparing Danish and Swedish policies. The first article of this compilation thesis explores problematisations of urban diversity in Danish and Swedish urban and integration policies. It highlights processes of ‘selfing/othering’, showing how Danish policies construct the figure of ’the non-Western’ and myths of national sameness based on assumptions about cultural homogeneity, while Swedish policies construct the figure of ‘the unproductive’ based on assumptions about sameness as productiveness. The second article explores residents’ experiences of ongoing interventions for social mix. The analysis shows how residents live in conditions of evictability and how they are subjected to the discursive, material, and psychological violence of un-homing, i.e., residents are deprived of their home on multiple scales, even before relocation. The third article highlights how residents engage in various forms of resistance against displacement and commodification. The analysis emphasises how residents’ resistance is both individual and collective, material and discursive, discreet and confrontational. In addition, it shows how residents’ resistance is productive and ambiguous, producing new discourses, (dis)alliances, and places.Researching experiences of social mix interventions while they occur, this thesis adds new aspects to previous research, which is mainly concerned with whether social mix policies ‘work’. The analysis shows how social mix interventions have immediate, wide-reaching and unintended consequences, and highlights mundane and productive dimensions of processes of resistance.
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