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Sökning: WFRF:(Ahlgren Karin)

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  • Lange, Maria, et al. (författare)
  • För lite hemkunskap ökar risken för matförgiftningar
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Dagens Nyheter. - Stockholm : AB Dagens nyheter. - 1101-2447. ; Tisdag 15 augusti, s. 6-6
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • DN.DebattRunt 500 000 människor drabbas enligt beräkningar av matförgiftning i Sverige varje år. Bristande hygienkunskaper i hushållen är en av orsakerna. Nu är det dags för en utökad timplan i hemkunskap för att Sverige skall få medvetna konsumenter, minskat matsvinn och färre fall av matförgiftningar, skriver en grupp experter inom området.
  • Ahlgren-Moritz, Charlotte, et al. (författare)
  • Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [1] : Metoder och strategier
  • 2016
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Universitet och högskolor bidrar till samhällsutvecklingen genom att forskningsbaserad kunskap tillämpas av olika aktörer i samhället. För att möta dagens och morgondagens samhällsutmaningar utgör således kunskapsutbyte och samverkan mellan lärosäten och samhället en värdefull möjlighet. Att ha starka relationer med samhällets aktörer identifieras också som viktigt i utvecklingen av ett internationellt starkt lärosäte.Samverkan i högre utbildning främjar samhällets förändringsförmåga och stärker utbildningens kvalitet, men samverkan förbereder också studenterna för ett livslångt lärande och underlättar övergången mellan utbildning och arbetsliv. Ett lärosäte i nära samverkan med aktörer i samhället är ett relevant lärosäte, det vill säga ett lärosäte som är till nytta för sin omvärld och för sina medarbetare och studenter.Ett grundläggande problem vad gäller möjligheterna att integrera samverkan i akademisk utbildning står att finna i statens fördelning av medel till lärosätena. De statliga medlen utgår nämligen i två separata anslag, ett vardera för de båda huvuduppdragen utbildning och forskning. Samverkan kan sägas ingå i bägge uppdragen. Till skillnad från forskningssamverkan finns det för utbildningssamverkan ingen särskild uppföljning och inte heller några ekonomiska incitament. Utvärdering av forskning och utbildning bör således breddas så att kvalitetsstärkande samverkansinslag också inkluderas i resursfördelningsprinciperna. Statens bristande strukturer för fördelning och uppföljning återspeglas i hur lärosätena fördelar resurser till och följer upp samverkan: lärare ges sällan resurser (i form av särskild tid) för att på ett pedagogiskt genomtänkt sätt kunna inkludera samverkansinslag i undervisningen; samverkan är sällan meriterande eller lönegrundande; och den utbildningssamverkan som bedrivs följs sällan upp – varken på institutions-, fakultets- eller lärosätesnivå. Samma sak kan sägas gälla på nationell nivå – det samverkande lärosätet erhåller inga extra anslag och det bestraffas ej heller för försummelse av detsamma. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen innebär att samverkan bör ingå i de pedagogiska modeller som lärare använder för att leda studenternas kunskapsutveckling mot de mål som finns angivna i kurs- och utbildningsplaner. Det betyder också att arbetet med samverkan bör inkluderas i processer för styrning, planering och uppföljning av utbildning och undervisning på såväl kurs- och programnivå som på institutions-, fakultets- och lärosätesnivå. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen är att sträva mot att externa aktörer ska bli en självklar del i den dagliga verksamheten – för studenter såväl som för medarbetare och för de organisationer man samverkar med. För att svenska lärosäten ska ges en realistisk möjlighet att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningsverksamheten krävs det framför allt följande:att politiker och departement utformar ett fördelningssystem där framgångsrika samverkansinsatser inom utbildningen leder till en förstärkning av resursbasen på lärosätena;att lärosätesledningar tar tydlig ställning för samverkansfrågan i sina strategiska styrdokument och att samverkan införs i lärosätenas kvalitetssäkringssystem för utbildning, samt att lärosätena inför system för att styra och följa upp samverkan i utbildningen på lärosätesövergripande nivå;att ledningen för fakulteter, institutioner eller motsvarande omsätter lärosätets strategiska åtaganden i handlingsplaner och lokala styrdokument samt utformar system för dokumentation, styrning och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningsprogram;att lärare samt kurs- och programansvariga inför samverkan i utbildningens styrande dokument (t.ex. kurs- och utbildningsplaner) samt i den ordinarie undervisningsverksamheten.Dessutom bör lärosätena – både gemensamt men också vart och ett för sig – införa system och karriärvägar där medarbetares insatser i det vardagliga samverkansarbetet uppmärksammas och belönas.Mot bakgrund av detta kan man konstatera att det är angeläget att lärosätenas strategiska arbete avseende utveckling och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningen vidareutvecklas. Men, med vilka verktyg, var i verksamheten och på vilka sätt?I följande skrift samlas erfarenheter och goda exempel gjorda inom ramen för ett flerårigt lärosätesövergripande samarbetsprojekt, Samverkanssäkrade utbildningsprogram, där utgångspunkten har varit att identifiera strategier och metoder för att integrera samverkan i utbildningsprogram. Målet har varit att undersöka och beskriva hur samverkan kan vara ett medel som bidrar till att stärka utbildningens kvalitet och relevans, samt ge förslag på hur vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning kan se ut.Den centrala slutsatsen är att samverkan, när den är en integrerad del av utbildningen, bidrar till kvalitet och säkerställer att utbildningen blir till nytta för samhället. Det finns också andra vinster med att bedriva ett systematiskt samverkansarbete, till exempel att det leder till pedagogisk utveckling för undervisande personal, att det ökar förutsättningarna för ett utmaningsbaserat lärande med studenten i centrum, att det underlättar övergången från studier till arbetsliv, och att det möjliggör fördjupade relationer med den värld lärosätet finns i. Resan mot samverkanssäkrad utbildning är, med andra ord, mödan väl värd.
  • Ahlgren-Moritz, Charlotte, et al. (författare)
  • Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [2] : Möjligheter och utmaningar
  • 2016
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Universitet och högskolor bidrar till samhällsutvecklingen genom att forskningsbaserad kunskap tillämpas av olika aktörer i samhället. För att möta dagens och morgondagens samhällsutmaningar utgör således kunskapsutbyte och samverkan mellan lärosäten och samhället en värdefull möjlighet. Att ha starka relationer med samhällets aktörer identifieras också som viktigt i utvecklingen av ett internationellt starkt lärosäte.Samverkan i högre utbildning främjar samhällets förändringsförmåga och stärker utbildningens kvalitet, men samverkan förbereder också studenterna för ett livslångt lärande och underlättar övergången mellan utbildning och arbetsliv. Ett lärosäte i nära samverkan med aktörer i samhället är ett relevant lärosäte, det vill säga ett lärosäte som är till nytta för sin omvärld och för sina medarbetare och studenter.Ett grundläggande problem vad gäller möjligheterna att integrera samverkan i akademisk utbildning står att finna i statens fördelning av medel till lärosätena. De statliga medlen utgår nämligen i två separata anslag, ett vardera för de båda huvuduppdragen utbildning och forskning. Samverkan kan sägas ingå i bägge uppdragen. Till skillnad från forskningssamverkan finns det för utbildningssamverkan ingen särskild uppföljning och inte heller några ekonomiska incitament. Utvärdering av forskning och utbildning bör således breddas så att kvalitetsstärkande samverkansinslag också inkluderas i resursfördelningsprinciperna. Statens bristande strukturer för fördelning och uppföljning återspeglas i hur lärosätena fördelar resurser till och följer upp samverkan: lärare ges sällan resurser (i form av särskild tid) för att på ett pedagogiskt genomtänkt sätt kunna inkludera samverkansinslag i undervisningen; samverkan är sällan meriterande eller lönegrundande; och den utbildningssamverkan som bedrivs följs sällan upp – varken på institutions-, fakultets- eller lärosätesnivå. Samma sak kan sägas gälla på nationell nivå – det samverkande lärosätet erhåller inga extra anslag och det bestraffas ej heller för försummelse av detsamma. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen innebär att samverkan bör ingå i de pedagogiska modeller som lärare använder för att leda studenternas kunskapsutveckling mot de mål som finns angivna i kurs- och utbildningsplaner. Det betyder också att arbetet med samverkan bör inkluderas i processer för styrning, planering och uppföljning av utbildning och undervisning på såväl kurs- och programnivå som på institutions-, fakultets- och lärosätesnivå. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen är att sträva mot att externa aktörer ska bli en självklar del i den dagliga verksamheten – för studenter såväl som för medarbetare och för de organisationer man samverkar med. För att svenska lärosäten ska ges en realistisk möjlighet att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningsverksamheten krävs det framför allt följande:att politiker och departement utformar ett fördelningssystem där framgångsrika samverkansinsatser inom utbildningen leder till en förstärkning av resursbasen på lärosätena;att lärosätesledningar tar tydlig ställning för samverkansfrågan i sina strategiska styrdokument och att samverkan införs i lärosätenas kvalitetssäkringssystem för utbildning, samt att lärosätena inför system för att styra och följa upp samverkan i utbildningen på lärosätesövergripande nivå;att ledningen för fakulteter, institutioner eller motsvarande omsätter lärosätets strategiska åtaganden i handlingsplaner och lokala styrdokument samt utformar system för dokumentation, styrning och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningsprogram;att lärare samt kurs- och programansvariga inför samverkan i utbildningens styrande dokument (t.ex. kurs- och utbildningsplaner) samt i den ordinarie undervisningsverksamheten.Dessutom bör lärosätena – både gemensamt men också vart och ett för sig – införa system och karriärvägar där medarbetares insatser i det vardagliga samverkansarbetet uppmärksammas och belönas.Mot bakgrund av detta kan man konstatera att det är angeläget att lärosätenas strategiska arbete avseende utveckling och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningen vidareutvecklas. Men, med vilka verktyg, var i verksamheten och på vilka sätt?I följande skrift samlas erfarenheter och goda exempel gjorda inom ramen för ett flerårigt lärosätesövergripande samarbetsprojekt, Samverkanssäkrade utbildningsprogram, där utgångspunkten har varit att identifiera strategier och metoder för att integrera samverkan i utbildningsprogram. Målet har varit att undersöka och beskriva hur samverkan kan vara ett medel som bidrar till att stärka utbildningens kvalitet och relevans, samt ge förslag på hur vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning kan se ut.Den centrala slutsatsen är att samverkan, när den är en integrerad del av utbildningen, bidrar till kvalitet och säkerställer att utbildningen blir till nytta för samhället. Det finns också andra vinster med att bedriva ett systematiskt samverkansarbete, till exempel att det leder till pedagogisk utveckling för undervisande personal, att det ökar förutsättningarna för ett utmaningsbaserat lärande med studenten i centrum, att det underlättar övergången från studier till arbetsliv, och att det möjliggör fördjupade relationer med den värld lärosätet finns i. Resan mot samverkanssäkrad utbildning är, med andra ord, mödan väl värd.
  • Alm, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning
  • 2016
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Kunskapsutbyte och samverkan mellan lärosäten och andra aktörer i samhället är viktigt för att vi ska kunna möta morgondagens utmaningar. Man måste arbeta över sektorsgränser, inte bara inom forskning utan också inom utbildning. “Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning: metoder och strategier” handlar om hur samverkan kan integreras i högre utbildning. Slutsatserna baseras på de erfarenheter som gjorts i projektet Samverkanssäkrade utbildningsprogram som letts av lärosätena i Linköping, Malmö och Umeå. Publikationens andra del, “Möjligheter och utmaningar”, berättar ett antal historier ur samverkansvardagen. // Att med andra samhällsaktörer samverka kring utformningen av utbildningsprogram och i undervisningen bidrar till kvalitetsutveckling och säkerställer att utbildningen är till nytta för samhället. Samverkan förbereder också studenterna för ett livslångt lärande och underlättar övergången mellan utbildning och arbetsliv. För att man långsiktigt ska kunna integrera samverkan i utbildningsprogram krävs insatser på flera nivåer. Till exempel måste lärosätesledningar ta tydlig ställning i samverkansfrågan i sina styrdokument, och samverkansaspekten måste vara en självklar del av lärosätets kvalitetssäkringssystem. Det krävs också att ledningen för fakulteter och institutioner utformar system för dokumentation, styrning och uppföljning av samverkan. Vidare bör samverkan ingå i de pedagogiska modeller som lärare använder för att leda studenternas kunskapsutveckling, och lärosätena bör också uppmärksamma och belöna framgångsrikt samverkansarbete. Slutligen bör politiker och departement utforma ett fördelningssystem där framgångsrika samverkansinsatser inom utbildningen leder till en förstärkning av resursbasen på lärosätena.
  • Rissanen, Ritva, 1978- (författare)
  • Distress, Emotional reactivity and Fatigue following Breast Cancer : A Theoretical Approach and a Randomised Intervention Study
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Aim: Overall aims were to evaluate a stress management intervention with a stepped care approach among women with breast cancer and to explore distress, emotional reactivity and fatigue, both using a theoretical approach and self-reported assessment.Methods: A total of 821 women were approached, 372 women rejected participation, 23 women failed to return the questionnaire and one died, hence, 425 patients (52%) accepted participation. Study I evaluated the cognitive processing model with the aid of an untreated patient group, including 189 women according to the main study protocol. Sixty-six of these women were ineligible for the intervention, as they did not report clinical levels of distress. The remaining 123 women were eligible but they declined participation. Study II explored the validation of the ELSS and emotional reactivity among women with breast cancer. The population comprised of all 425 women (breast cancer sample) and 176 women randomly selected from the PAR register (random women sample). Studies III and IV evaluated the intervention and included all 425 women.Main findings: Study I: avoidance does not mediate the relationship between intrusion and later psychological distress in an early stage breast cancer population. Study II: the ELSS has acceptable validity and reliability. The factor structure of the ELSS was similar in both samples and correlated well with the STAQ (gold standard). Younger age was the only variable associated with emotional reactivity at the start of curative treatment. Studies III and IV: a stepped care approach did not reduce the number of women who require a more extensive treatment at three-months post-diagnosis. Both intervention groups (group/individual) reduced their levels of distress, but there were no significant differences between them. Only about half of the women who were randomised in the second step of the intervention accepted participation.Conclusions: The present thesis provides information regarding distress, emotional reactivity and fatigue among women with breast cancer. A majority of women with early stage breast cancer seem to process the trauma of a cancer diagnosis in a satisfactory way but may experience some emotional reactivity, and younger women may experience more emotional distress. The results also highlight the need for validated measures and carefully planned psychosocial interventions.
  • Adolfsson, Jan, et al. (författare)
  • Clinical characteristics and primary treatment of prostate cancer in Sweden between 1996 and 2005 : Data from the national prostate cancer register in Sweden
  • 2007
  • Ingår i: Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology. - Stockholm : Taylor & Francis. - 0036-5599 .- 1651-2065. ; 41:6, s. 456-477
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Objective. The incidence of prostate cancer is rising rapidly in Sweden and there is a need to better understand the pattern of diagnosis, tumor characteristics and treatment. Material and methods. Between 1996 and 2005, all new cases of adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland were intended to be registered in the National Prostate Cancer Register (NPCR). This register contains information on diagnosing unit, date of diagnosis, cause of diagnosis, tumor grade, tumor stage according to the TNM classification in force, serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels at diagnosis and primary treatment given within the first 6 months after diagnosis. Results. In total, 72 028 patients were registered, comprising >97% of all pertinent incident cases of prostate cancer in the Swedish Cancer Register (SCR). During the study period there was a considerable decrease in median age at the time of diagnosis, a stage migration towards smaller tumors, a decrease in median serum PSA values at diagnosis, a decrease in the age-standardized incidence rate of men diagnosed with distant metastases or with a PSA level of >100 ng/ml at diagnosis and an increase in the proportion of tumors with Gleason score ≤6. Relatively large geographical differences in the median age at diagnosis and the age-standardized incidence of cases with category T1c tumors were observed. Treatment with curative intent increased dramatically and treatment patterns varied according to geographical region. In men with localized tumors and a PSA level of <20 ng/ml at diagnosis, expectant treatment was more commonly used in those aged ≥75 years than in those aged <75 years. Also, the pattern of endocrine treatment varied in different parts of Sweden. Conclusions. All changes in the register seen over time are consistent with increased diagnostic activity, especially PSA testing, resulting in an increased number of cases with early disease, predominantly tumors in category T1c. The patterns of diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer vary considerably in different parts of Sweden. The NPCR continues to be an important source for research, epidemiological surveillance of the incidence, diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer
  • Adolfsson, Jan, et al. (författare)
  • Clinical characteristics and primary treatment of prostate cancer in Sweden between 1996 and 2005
  • 2007
  • Ingår i: Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology. - : Informa UK Limited. - 0036-5599 .- 1651-2065. ; 41:6, s. 456-477
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • OBJECTIVE: The incidence of prostate cancer is rising rapidly in Sweden and there is a need to better understand the pattern of diagnosis, tumor characteristics and treatment. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Between 1996 and 2005, all new cases of adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland were intended to be registered in the National Prostate Cancer Register (NPCR). This register contains information on diagnosing unit, date of diagnosis, cause of diagnosis, tumor grade, tumor stage according to the TNM classification in force, serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels at diagnosis and primary treatment given within the first 6 months after diagnosis. RESULTS: In total, 72,028 patients were registered, comprising >97% of all pertinent incident cases of prostate cancer in the Swedish Cancer Register (SCR). During the study period there was a considerable decrease in median age at the time of diagnosis, a stage migration towards smaller tumors, a decrease in median serum PSA values at diagnosis, a decrease in the age-standardized incidence rate of men diagnosed with distant metastases or with a PSA level of > 100 ng/ml at diagnosis and an increase in the proportion of tumors with Gleason score <6. Relatively large geographical differences in the median age at diagnosis and the age-standardized incidence of cases with category T1c tumors were observed. Treatment with curative intent increased dramatically and treatment patterns varied according to geographical region. In men with localized tumors and a PSA level of <20 ng/ml at diagnosis, expectant treatment was more commonly used in those aged > or =75 years than in those aged <75 years. Also, the pattern of endocrine treatment varied in different parts of Sweden. CONCLUSIONS: All changes in the register seen over time are consistent with increased diagnostic activity, especially PSA testing, resulting in an increased number of cases with early disease, predominantly tumors in category T1c. The patterns of diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer vary considerably in different parts of Sweden. The NPCR continues to be an important source for research, epidemiological surveillance of the incidence, diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.
  • Ahlgren, Hans, et al. (författare)
  • Multiple prehistoric introductions of the mountain hare (Lepus timidus) on a remote island, as revealed by ancient DNA
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Journal of Biogeography. - : Wiley. - 0305-0270 .- 1365-2699. ; 43:9, s. 1786-1796
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Aim: The majority of the non-volant mammals now present on the island of Gotland, Sweden, have been introduced in modern times. One exception is the mountain hare (Lepus timidus), which was present on the island more than 9000 years ago. This paper investigates the origins of the Gotland hares and temporal changes in their genetic structure, and considers how they may have reached the island.Location: The island of Gotland, Sweden (57°30′ N, 18°20′ E).Methods: Two fragments of the mitochondrial D-loop 130 + 164 base pairs in length from skeletal remains from 40 ancient mountain hares from Gotland, 38 from the Swedish mainland and five from Lithuania were analysed and compared with 90 modern L. timidus haplotypes from different locations in Eurasia and five haplotypes of the Don-hare (Lepus tanaiticus) morphotype.Results: The Mesolithic hares from Gotland (7304 bc–5989 bc) cluster with modern hares from Russia, Scotland, the Alps and Fennoscandia whereas the Gotland hares from the Neolithic and onwards (2848 bc–1641 ad) cluster with Neolithic hares from the Swedish mainland and modern hares from Fennoscandia. The Neolithic haplotypes from Lithuania and the Don-hare haplotypes were dispersed within the network. The level of differentiation (FST) between the Mesolithic and Neolithic hares on Gotland was twice as great as that observed on the mainland.Main conclusions: The ancient hares on Gotland fall into two haplogroups separated in time, indicating that the mountain hare became extinct at one point, with subsequent re-colonization events. In view of the isolated location of Gotland, it is probable that the hares were brought there by human means of transport.
  • Ahlgren, Jennie, et al. (författare)
  • Consumers on the Internet : ethical and legal aspects of commercialization of personalized nutrition
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Genes & Nutrition. - : Springer. - 1555-8932 .- 1865-3499. ; 8:4, s. 349-355
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Consumers often have a positive attitude to the option of receiving personalized nutrition advice based upon genetic testing, since the prospect of enhancing or maintaining one’s health can be perceived as empowering. Current direct-to-consumer services over the Internet, however, suffer from a questionable level of truthfulness and consumer protection, in addition to an imbalance between far-reaching promises and contrasting disclaimers. Psychological and behavioral studies indicate that consumer acceptance of a new technology is primarily explained by the end user’s rational and emotional interpretation as well as moral beliefs. Results from such studies indicate that personalized nutrition must create true value for the consumer. Also, the freedom to choose is crucial for consumer acceptance. From an ethical point of view, consumer protection is crucial, and caution must be exercised when putting nutrigenomic-based tests and advice services on the market. Current Internet offerings appear to reveal a need to further guaranty legal certainty by ensuring privacy, consumer protection and safety. Personalized nutrition services are on the borderline between nutrition and medicine. Current regulation of this area is incomplete and undergoing development. This situation entails the necessity for carefully assessing and developing existing rules that safeguard fundamental rights and data protection while taking into account the sensitivity of data, the risks posed by each step in their processing, and sufficient guarantees for consumers against potential misuse.
  • Ahlgren, Jennie, et al. (författare)
  • Ethical considerations in relation to personalised nutrition : An overview of Work Package 5, with respect to ethics
  • 2015
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The objectives of Food4Me work package 5 included a baseline assessment of the ethical and legal aspects of personalised nutrition at the start of the project in 2011, as well as a final assessment at the end of the project (2015), taking into account results achieved in other work packages. The initial assessment made a number of ethical issues visible, most of them relating to the consumer of personalised nutrition service. The results depicted in this publication indicate that many of the questions raised in relation to these issues remain unsolved, and in some cases they seem to be neglected in relation to the services offered by internet companies.
  • Ahlgren, Joakim, 1972- (författare)
  • Organic Phosphorus Compounds in Aquatic Sediments : Analysis, Abundance and Effects
  • 2006
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Phosphorus (P) is often the limiting nutrient in lacustrine and brackish eco-systems, and enhanced input of P into an aquatic system might therefore negatively impact the environment. Because modern waste water manage-ment have reduced external P input to surface waters, internal P loading from the sediment has become one of the main P sources to aquatic ecosys-tems, in which relatively unknown organic P compounds seem to be more active in P recycling than previously thought. This thesis focus is on improving analysis methods for organic P com-pounds in lacustrine and brackish sediments, as well as determining which of these compounds might be degraded, mobilized and subsequently recycled to the water column and on what temporal scale this occur. In both lacustrine and brackish environments, the most labile P compound was pyrophosphate, followed by different phosphate diesters. Phosphate monoesters were the least labile organic P compounds and degraded the slowest with sediment depth. In regulated lakes, it was shown that pyrophosphate and polyphos-phate compound groups were most related to lake trophic status, thus indi-cating their involvement in P cycling. This thesis also indicates faster P turn-over in sediment from the brackish environment compared to sediment from the lacustrine environment. A comparison of organic P extraction procedures showed that pre-extraction with EDTA, and NaOH as main extractant, was most efficient for total P extraction. Using buffered sodium dithionite (BD) as a pre-extractant and NaOH as main extractant was most efficient for extracting the presuma-bly most labile organic P compound groups, pyrophosphate and polyphos-phate. Furthermore, it was determined that organic P compounds associated with humic substances were more recalcitrant than other P compounds, that the BD step used in traditional P fractionation might extract phosphate monoesters, and that NMR is a statistically valid method for quantification of organic P compounds in sediment extracts.
  • Ahlgren, Joakim, et al. (författare)
  • Sediment Depth Attenuation of Biogenic Phosphorus Compounds Measured by 31P NMR
  • 2005
  • Ingår i: Environmental Science and Technology. - Univ Uppsala, Dept Analyt Chem, SE-75124 Uppsala, Sweden. Univ Uppsala, Dept Ecol & Evolut, Uppsala, Sweden. Univ Uppsala, Dept Organ Chem, SE-75124 Uppsala, Sweden. : American Chemical Society (ACS). - 0013-936X .- 1520-5851. ; 39:3, s. 867-872
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Being a major cause of eutrophication and subsequent loss of water quality, the turnover of phosphorus (P) in lake sediments is in need of deeper understanding. A major part of the flux of P to eutrophic lake sediments is organically bound or of biogenic origin. This P is incorporated in a poorly described mixture of autochthonous and allochthonous sediment and forms the primary storage of P available for recycling to the water column, thus regulating lake trophic status. To identify and quantify biogenic sediment P and assess its lability, we analyzed sediment cores from Lake Erken, Sweden, using traditional P fractionation, and in parallel, NaOH extracts were analyzed using 31P NMR. The surface sediments contain orthophosphates (ortho-P) and pyrophosphates (pyro-P), as well as phosphate mono- and diesters. The first group of compounds to disappear with increased sediment depth is pyrophosphate, followed by a steady decline of the different ester compounds. Estimated half-life times of these compound groups are about 10 yr for pyrophosphate and 2 decades for mono- and diesters. Probably, these compounds will be mineralized to ortho-P and is thus potentially available for recycling to the water column, supporting further growth of phytoplankton. In conclusion, 31P NMR is a useful tool to asses the bioavailability of certain P compound groups, and the combination with traditional fractionation techniques makes quantification possible.
  • Ahlgren, Karin, et al. (författare)
  • De stora restaureringarna : Från Uppsala domkyrka till Skokloster
  • 2004
  • Rapport (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • De stora restaureringarna har varit årets tema. Genom att dokumentera och analysera teori och praktik i några av 1800- och 1900-talets största restaureringar - från genomgripande stilrestaureringar till ett mer återhållsamt och tekniskt skon­samt synsätt. Därmed får vi också ett bättre underlag även för dagens ställningsta­gande.Föremål för våra studier är Uppsala domkyrka, Gripsholms slott, Vreta kloster­kyrka, Gustav 11I:s paviljong i Haga, Kungapalatset i Vadstena och Skoklosters slott. Vi hoppas att denna utställning skall bidra till en kritisk hållning och en ökad kunskap om restaureringskonsten, som kvalificerad yrkesuppgift, tidsspegel för historiesyn och som gestaltningsideal.
  • Ahlgren, Serina, et al. (författare)
  • Mapping of biodiversity impacts and hotspot products in Nordic food consumption
  • 2022
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The climate impact of food production has been lively debated over the last decades. It is e.g. well known that some products have a higher climate impact in comparison to other food products. The biodiversity impact of different food products is however less known. To steer the food production in a positive direction as well as to enable consumers, restaurants, public kitchens, and the food industry to make well-informed decisions, we need to address and measure this impact. The aim of this study has been to examine the biodiversity impact of Nordic and European food consumption. In this report we present (1) a brief summary of biodiversity indicators linked to food production and consumption, (2) different methods to evaluate biodiversity impact of food products and (3) a literature review of studies that assess biodiversity impacts of food products and diets. Based on the literature review, we identify food products suggested to have a higher respectively lower negative impact on biodiversity and discuss what changes that could promote a Nordic diet with lower negative impact on biodiversity. Finally, we highlight knowledge gaps and possibilities for future work. There are different methods to examine the biodiversity impact on food products, such as life cycle assessment, input-output-model, and mapping tools. Biodiversity footprints are often based on the land use (area and intensity) in combination with parameters linked to where the production takes place and thus what biodiversity values can be affected. The consumed amount of food is also often considered – a product with a low impact per kg can get a high impact when consumed to a high degree and vice versa. Our literature review shows a variety of food products with high negative biodiversity impact. Particularly, products that are known drivers of deforestation in tropical regions, such as palm oil, coffee, and cacao – as well as meat and/or animal products that have been fed with soybeans derived from tropical regions have a high negative impact on biodiversity. On the other hand, consumption of foods as vegetables, starchy roots, and pulses – ideally with domestic origin – are examples of foods indicated to have lower biodiversity impact which would be beneficial to eat more of in the Nordic diet. There are also examples of agricultural systems where human interference is crucial for maintaining a high level of biodiversity, for example keeping grazing animals on high-naturevalue-grasslands. If these lands are abandoned or planted with forest, numerous of species will be extinct. Thus, meat linked to these grasslands can also support biodiversity, especially in the Nordic countries where there are relatively many of these landscapes left (in comparison to the rest of Europe). As the studies reviewed varied in their scope, methods, and results, they are difficult to compare. More research is needed to confirm our conclusions. Furthermore, none of the methods are flawless and there are obvious difficulties with finding a transferable and scalable unit – like CO2-equivalents – since biodiversity impacts are highly dynamic and sitespecific. Additionally, most of the reviewed studies do not consider transformation of natural areas driven by food production, e.g., deforestation, and may therefore be underestimating the impacts. In future studies, the reference systems may also be discussed and further developed, and more taxonomic groups (e.g., arthropods such as insects) should preferably be included.
  • Ahlgren, Sara, 1979-, et al. (författare)
  • Targeting lipodisks enable selective delivery of anticancer peptides to tumor cells
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Nanomedicine. - : Elsevier BV. - 1549-9634 .- 1549-9642. ; 13:7, s. 2325-2328
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Issues concerning non-specificity, degradation and hemolysis severely hamper the development of membranolytic amphiphilic peptides into safe and efficient anticancer agents. To increase the therapeutic potential, we have previously developed a strategy based on formulation of the peptides in biocompatible nanosized lipodisks. Studies using melittin as model peptide show that the proteolytic degradation and hemolytic effect of the peptide are substantially reduced upon loading in lipodisks. Here, we explored the possibilities to increase the specificity and boost the cytotoxicity of melittin to tumor cells by use of targeting lipodisk. We demonstrate that small (~20 nm) EGF-targeted lipodisks can be produced and loaded with substantial amounts of peptide (lipid/peptide molar ratio >7) by means of a simple and straightforward preparation protocol. In vitro cell studies confirm specific binding of the peptide-loaded disks to tumor cells and suggest that cellular internalization of the disks results in a significantly improved cell-killing effect.
  • Alanentalo, Tomas, et al. (författare)
  • Quantification and 3-D imaging of the insulitis-induced destruction of β-cells in murine type 1 diabetes
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Diabetes. - : American Diabetes Association. - 0012-1797 .- 1939-327X. ; 59:7, s. 1756-1764
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Objective: The aim of this study was to refine the information regarding the quantitative and spatial dynamics of infiltrating lymphocytes and remaining beta-cell volume during the progression of type 1 diabetes in the NOD mouse model of the disease.Research design and methods: Using an ex vivo technique, optical projection tomography (OPT), we quantified and assessed the 3D spatial development and progression of insulitis and beta-cell destruction in pancreas from diabetes prone NOD and non-diabetes prone congenic NOD.H-2b mice between 3 and 16 weeks of age.Results: Together with results showing the spatial dynamics of the insulitis process we provide data of beta-cell volume distributions down to the level of the individual islets and throughout the pancreas during the development and progression of type 1 diabetes. Our data provide evidence for a compensatory growth potential of the larger insulin(+) islets during the later stages of the disease around the time point for development of clinical diabetes. This is in contrast to smaller islets, which appear less resistant to the autoimmune attack. We also provide new information on the spatial dynamics of the insulitis process itself, including its apparently random distribution at onset, the local variations during its further development, and the formation of structures resembling tertiary lymphoid organs at later phases of insulitis progression.Conclusions: Our data provides a powerful tool for phenotypic analysis of genetic and environmental effects on type 1 diabetes etiology as well as for evaluating the potential effect of therapeutic regimes.
  • Alexandra, Wide, et al. (författare)
  • Fertility-related information received by young women and men with cancer : a population-based survey
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Acta Oncologica. - : Taylor & Francis. - 0284-186X .- 1651-226X. ; 60:8, s. 976-983
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Infertility is a well-known sequela of cancer treatment. Despite guidelines recommending early discussions about risk of fertility impairment and fertility preservation options, not all patients of reproductive age receive such information.Aims: This study aimed to investigate young adult cancer patients' receipt of fertility-related information and use of fertility preservation, and to identify sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with receipt of information.Materials and methods: A population-based cross-sectional survey study was conducted with 1010 young adults with cancer in Sweden (response rate 67%). The inclusion criteria were: a previous diagnosis of breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, brain tumor, lymphoma or testicular cancer between 2016 and 2017, at an age between 18 and 39 years. Data were analyzed using logistic regression models.Results: A majority of men (81%) and women (78%) reported having received information about the potential impact of cancer/treatment on their fertility. A higher percentage of men than women reported being informed about fertility preservation (84% men vs. 40% women, p < .001) and using gamete or gonadal cryopreservation (71% men vs. 15% women, p < .001). Patients with brain tumors and patients without a pretreatment desire for children were less likely to report being informed about potential impact on their fertility and about fertility preservation. In addition, being born outside Sweden was negatively associated with reported receipt of information about impact of cancer treatment on fertility. Among women, older age (>35 years), non-heterosexuality and being a parent were additional factors negatively associated with reported receipt of information about fertility preservation.Conclusion: There is room for improvement in the equal provision of information about fertility issues to young adult cancer patients.
  • Appelgren, M., et al. (författare)
  • Patient-reported outcomes one year after positive sentinel lymph node biopsy with or without axillary lymph node dissection in the randomized SENOMAC trial
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Breast. - : Elsevier BV. - 0960-9776 .- 1532-3080. ; 63, s. 16-23
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Introduction: This report evaluates whether health related quality of life (HRQoL) and patient-reported arm morbidity one year after axillary surgery are affected by the omission of axillary lymph node dissection (ALND). Methods: The ongoing international non-inferiority SENOMAC trial randomizes clinically node-negative breast cancer patients (T1-T3) with 1-2 sentinel lymph node (SLN) macrometastases to completion ALND or no further axillary surgery. For this analysis, the first 1181 patients enrolled in Sweden and Denmark between March 2015, and June 2019, were eligible. Data extraction from the trial database was on November 2020. This report covers the secondary outcomes of the SENOMAC trial: HRQoL and patient-reported arm morbidity. The EORTC QLQC30, EORTC QLQ-BR23 and Lymph-ICF questionnaires were completed in the early postoperative phase and at one-year follow-up. Adjusted one-year mean scores and mean differences between the groups are presented corrected for multiple testing.
  • Baldi, Francesco, 1986, et al. (författare)
  • Energy and exergy analysis of a cruise ship
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of ECOS 2015 - the 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of  Energy Systems. - Pau : Pau University. - 9782955553909
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The shipping sector is today facing numerous challenges. Fuel prices are expected to increase in the medium-long term, and a sharp turn in environmental regulations will require several companies to switch to more expensive distillate fuels. In this context, passenger ships represent a small but increasing share of the industry. The complexity of the energy system of a ship where the energy required by propulsion is no longer the trivial main contributor to the whole energy use thus makes this kind of ship of particular interest for the analysis of how energy is converted from its original form to its final use on board.To illustrate this, we performed an analysis of the energy and exergy flow rates of a cruise ship sailing in the Baltic Sea based on a combination of available measurements from ship operations and of mechanistic knowledge of the system. The energy analysis allows identifying propulsion as the main energy user (41% of the total) followed by heat (34%) and electric power (25%) generation; the exergy analysis allowed instead identifying the main inefficiencies of the system: exergy is primarily destroyed in all processes involving combustion (88% of the exergy destruction is generated in the Diesel engines and in the oil-fired boilers) and in the sea water cooler (5.4%); the main exergy losses happen instead in the exhaust gas, mostly from the main engines (67% of total losses) and particularly from those not equipped with heat recovery devices.The improved understanding which derives from the results of the energy and exergy analysis can be used as a guidance to identify where improvements of the systems should be directed.
  • Baldi, Francesco, 1986, et al. (författare)
  • Energy and exergy analysis of a cruise ship
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Energies. - Basel, Switzerland : MDPI. - 1996-1073. ; 11:10, s. 1-41
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In recent years, the International Maritime Organization agreed on aiming to reduce shipping’s greenhouse gas emissions by 50% with respect to 2009 levels. Meanwhile, cruise ship tourism is growing at a fast pace, making the challenge of achieving this goal even harder. The complexity of the energy system of these ships makes them of particular interest from an energy systems perspective. To illustrate this, we analyzed the energy and exergy flow rates of a cruise ship sailing in the Baltic Sea based on measurements from one year of the ship’s operations. The energy analysis allows identifying propulsion as the main energy user (46% of the total) followed by heat (27%) and electric power (27%) generation; the exergy analysis allowed instead identifying the main inefficiencies of the system: while exergy is primarily destroyed in all processes involving combustion (76% of the total), the other main causes of exergy destruction are the turbochargers, the heat recovery steam generators, the steam heaters, the preheater in the accommodation heating systems, the sea water coolers, and the electric generators; the main exergy losses take place in the exhaust gas of the engines not equipped with heat recovery devices. The application of clustering of the ship’s operations based on the concept of typical operational days suggests that the use of five typical days provides a good approximation of the yearly ship’s operations and can hence be used for the design and optimization of the energy systems of the ship.
  • Baldi, Francesco, 1986, et al. (författare)
  • Optimal load allocation of complex ship power plants
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Energy Conversion and Management. - : Elsevier BV. - 0196-8904 .- 1879-2227. ; 124, s. 344-356
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In a world with increased pressure on reducing fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, thecruise industry is growing in size and impact. In this context, further effort is required for improvingthe energy efficiency of cruise ship energy systems.In this paper, we propose a generic method for modelling the power plant of an isolated system withmechanical, electric and thermal power demands and for the optimal load allocation of the different componentsthat are able to fulfil the demand.The optimisation problem is presented in the form of a mixed integer linear programming (MINLP)problem, where the number of engines and/or boilers running is represented by the integer variables,while their respective load is represented by the non-integer variables. The individual components aremodelled using a combination of first-principle models and polynomial regressions, thus making thesystem nonlinear.The proposed method is applied to the load-allocation problem of a cruise ship sailing in the Baltic Sea,and used to compare the existing power plant with a hybrid propulsion plant. The results show thebenefits brought by using the proposing method, which allow estimating the performance of the hybridsystem (for which the load allocation is a non-trivial problem) while also including the contribution ofthe heat demand. This allows showing that, based on a reference round voyage, up to 3% savings couldbe achieved by installing the proposed system, compared to the existing one, and that a NPV of11 kUSD could be achieved already 5 years after the installation of the system.
  • Bergstrom, Charlotta, et al. (författare)
  • Do young adults with cancer receive information about treatment- related impact on sex life? : Results from a population-based study
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Cancer Medicine. - : WILEY. - 2045-7634. ; 12:8, s. 9893-9901
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background Sexual dysfunction is common following a cancer diagnosis in young adulthood (18-39 years) and problems related to sex life are ranked among the core concerns in this age group. Yet, few studies have investigated to what extent adults younger than 40, receive information from healthcare providers about the potential impact of cancer and its treatment on their sex life.Methods A population-based cross-sectional survey study was conducted with 1010 young adults 1.5 years after being diagnosed with cancer (response rate 67%). Patients with breast, cervical, ovarian and testicular cancer, lymphoma, and brain tumors were identified in national quality registries. Sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with receiving information were examined using multivariable binary logistic regression.Results Men to a higher extent than women reported having received information about potential cancer-related impact on their sex life (68% vs. 54%, p < 0.001). Receipt of information varied across diagnoses; in separate regression models, using lymphoma as reference, both women and men with brain tumors were less likely to receive information (women: OR 0.10, CI = 0.03-0.30; men: OR 0.37, CI = 0.16-0.85). More intensive treatment was associated with higher odds of receiving information in both women (OR 1.89; CI = 1.28-2.79) and men (OR 2.08; CI = 1.09-3.94). None of the sociodemographic factors were associated with receipt of information.Conclusions To improve sexual health communication to young adults with cancer, we recommend diagnosis-specific routines that clarify when in the disease trajectory to discuss these issues with patients and what to address in these conversations.
  • Boman, Karolina, et al. (författare)
  • Decreased expression of RNA-binding motif protein 3 correlates with tumour progression and poor prognosis in urothelial bladder cancer
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: BMC Urology. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1471-2490. ; 13:April,8, s. 17-17
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • BACKGROUND: Low nuclear expression of the RNA-binding motif protein 3 (RBM3) has previously been found to be associated with poor prognosis in several cancer forms e.g. breast, ovarian, colorectal, prostate cancer and malignant melanoma. The aim of this study was to examine the prognostic impact of RBM3 expression in urinary bladder cancer.METHODS: Immunohistochemical RBM3 expression was examined in tumours from 343 patients with urothelial bladder cancer. Chi-square and Spearman's correlation tests were applied to explore associations between RBM3 expression and clinicopathological characteristics. The impact of RBM3 expression on disease-specific survival (DSS), 5-year overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) was assessed by Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox proportional hazards modelling.RESULTS: Reduced nuclear RBM3 expression was significantly associated with more advanced tumour (T) stage (p <0.001) and high grade tumours (p=0.004). Negative RBM3 expression was associated with a significantly shorter DSS (HR=2.55; 95% CI 1.68-3.86)) and 5-year OS (HR=2.10; 95% CI 1.56-2.82), also in multivariable analysis (HR=1.65; 95% CI 1.07-2.53 for DSS and HR=1.54; 95% CI 1.13-2.10 for 5-year OS). In patients with Ta and T1 tumours expressing reduced RBM3 levels, Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed a significantly shorter PFS (p=0.048) and 5-year OS (p=0.006).CONCLUSION: Loss of RBM3 expression is associated with clinically more aggressive tumours and an independent factor of poor prognosis in patients with urothelial bladder cancer and a potentially useful biomarker for treatment stratification and surveillance of disease progression.
  • Boman, Karolina, et al. (författare)
  • Podocalyxin-like and rna-binding motif protein 3 are prognostic biomarkers in urothelial bladder cancer : A validatory study
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Biomarker research. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 2050-7771. ; 5:1, s. 1-10
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Urothelial bladder cancer (UBC) is a disease that often is discovered when the tumour is non-muscle invasive, i.e. in Ta or T1 stage. Some patients will progress into muscle-invasive disease, a potentially deadly condition. Although there are some prognostic models, the need for prognostic and predictive biomarkers is considerate and urgent. Membranous expression of podocalyxin-like protein 1 (PODXL) and low expression of the RNA-binding motif 3 (RBM3) has previously been shown to be associated with an aggressive tumour phenotype and poor prognosis in several forms of cancer, including UBC. In this study, we sought to validate the prognostic impact of PODXL and RBM3 in an independent cohort of UBC. Methods: Using tissue microarrays and immunohistochemistry, PODXL and RBM3 expression was evaluated in 272 incident UBC cases from the prospective, population-based cohort study Malmö Diet and Cancer. Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox proportional hazards modelling were used to evaluate the prognostic impact of these markers on 5-year overall survival (OS). Results: In line with previous studies, both membranous PODXL expression and low RBM3 expression was significantly associated with disadvantageous clinicopathological features. Membranous PODXL expression was significantly associated with a reduced 5-year overall survival in the entire cohort (univariable HR 3.28; 95% CI 1.89-5.69), but this association did not remain significant in multivariable analysis. In T1 tumours, PODXL was significantly associated with reduced survival in univariable analysis (HR = 2.83; 95% CI 1.04-7.72) and borderline significant in multivariable analysis (HR = 2.60; 95% CI 0.91-7.39). Low RBM3 expression was an independent predictor of a reduced survival in the entire cohort (univariable HR 3.19; 95% CI 2.02-5.04, and multivariable HR 1.85; 95% CI 1.11-3.09), and in T1 tumours (univariable HR 2.64; 95% CI 1.11-6.27, and multivariable HR 2.63; 95% CI 1.01-6.84). Conclusions: A link between membranous PODXL expression and clinically more aggressive tumours was further confirmed, but PODXL expression was not an independent prognostic biomarker in this study. Low RBM3 expression was validated as an independent factor of poor prognosis in UBC, including T1 disease. These findings suggest that these biomarkers could be useful in stratifying patients with non-muscle invasive disease for more aggressive first line treatment.
  • Börjesson, Martin, 1980, et al. (författare)
  • Bioenergy futures in Sweden - Modeling integration scenarios for biofuel production
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Energy. - : Elsevier BV. - 0360-5442 .- 1873-6785. ; 109, s. 1026-1039
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Use of bioenergy can contribute to greenhouse gas emission reductions and increased energy security. However, even though biomass is a renewable resource, the potential is limited, and efficient use of available biomass resources will become increasingly important. This paper aims to explore system interactions related to future bioenergy utilization and cost-efficient bioenergy technology choices under stringent CO2 constraints. In particular, the study investigates system effects linked to integration of advanced biofuel production with district heating and industry under different developments in the electricity sector and biomass supply system. The study is based on analysis with the MARKAL_Sweden model, which is a bottom-up, cost-optimization model covering the Swedish energy system. A time horizon to 2050 is applied. The results suggest that system integration of biofuel production has noteworthy effects on the overall system level, improves system cost-efficiency and influences parameters such as biomass price, marginal CO2 emission reduction costs and cost-efficient biofuel choices in the transport sector. In the long run and under stringent CO2 constraints, system integration of biofuel production has, however, low impact on total bioenergy use, which is largely decided by supply-related constraints, and on total transport biofuel use, which to large extent is driven by demand.
  • Duffy, Stephen W., et al. (författare)
  • Mammography screening reduces rates of advanced and fatal breast cancers : Results in 549,091 women
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Cancer. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 0008-543X .- 1097-0142. ; 126:13, s. 2971-2979
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: It is of paramount importance to evaluate the impact of participation in organized mammography service screening independently from changes in breast cancer treatment. This can be done by measuring the incidence of fatal breast cancer, which is based on the date of diagnosis and not on the date of death.Methods: Among 549,091 women, covering approximately 30% of the Swedish screening‐eligible population, the authors calculated the incidence rates of 2473 breast cancers that were fatal within 10 years after diagnosis and the incidence rates of 9737 advanced breast cancers. Data regarding each breast cancer diagnosis and the cause and date of death of each breast cancer case were gathered from national Swedish registries. Tumor characteristics were collected from regional cancer centers. Aggregated data concerning invitation and participation were provided by Sectra Medical Systems AB. Incidence rates were analyzed using Poisson regression.Results: Women who participated in mammography screening had a statistically significant 41% reduction in their risk of dying of breast cancer within 10 years (relative risk, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.51‐0.68 [P  < .001]) and a 25% reduction in the rate of advanced breast cancers (relative risk, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.66‐0.84 [P  < .001]).Conclusions: Substantial reductions in the incidence rate of breast cancers that were fatal within 10 years after diagnosis and in the advanced breast cancer rate were found in this contemporaneous comparison of women participating versus those not participating in screening. These benefits appeared to be independent of recent changes in treatment regimens.
  • Essner, Ann, et al. (författare)
  • Comparison of Polar® RS800CX heart rate monitor and electrocardiogram for measuring inter-beat intervals in healthy dogs
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Physiology and Behavior. - : Elsevier. - 0031-9384 .- 1873-507X. ; 138:January, s. 247-253
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The aim of the present study was to assess the criterion validity, relative reliability and level of agreement ofPolar® RS800CX heart rate monitor measuring inter-beat intervals (IBIs), compared to simultaneously recordedelectrocardiogram (ECG) in dogs.Methods: Five continuous minutes of simultaneously recorded IBIs from Polar® RS800CX and Cardiostore ECG in11 adult healthy dogs maintaining standing position were analyzed. Polar® data was statistically compared toECG data to assess for systematic differences between the methods. Three different methods for handling missingIBI data were used. Criterion validities were calculated by intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and corresponding95% confidence intervals (CIs). Relative reliabilities and levels of agreement were calculated by ICCsand the Bland and Altman analysis for repeated measurements per subject.Results: Correlation coefficients between IBI data from ECG and Polar® RS800CX varied between 0.73 and 0.84depending on how missing values were handled. Polar® was over- and underestimating IBI data compared toECG. The mean difference in log transformed (base10) IBI data was 0.8%, and 93.2% of the values were withinthe limits of agreement. Internally excluding three subjects presenting IBI series containing more than 5% erroneousIBIs resulted in ICCs between 0.97 and 0.99. Bland and Altman analysis (n = 8) showed mean differencewas 1.8 ms, and 98.5% of the IBI values were plotted inside limits of agreement.Conclusion: This study showed that Polar® systematically biased recorded IBI series and that it was fundamentalto detect measurement errors. For Polar® RS800CX heart rate monitor to be used interchangeably to ECG, byshowing excellent criterion validity and reliable IBI measures in group and individual samples, only less than5% of artifacts could be accepted.
  • Gyllenhammar, Irina, et al. (författare)
  • Influence of contaminated drinking water on perfluoroalkyl acid levels in human serum - A case study from Uppsala, Sweden
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Environmental Research. - : Elsevier BV. - 0013-9351 .- 1096-0953. ; 140, s. 673-683
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In 2012 a contamination of drinking water with perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) was uncovered in the City of Uppsala, Sweden. The aim of the present study was to determine how these substances have been distributed from the contamination source through the groundwater to the drinking water and how the drinking water exposure has influenced the levels of PFAAs in humans over time. The results show that PFAA levels in groundwater measured 2012-2014 decreased downstream from the point source, although high Sigma PFAA levels (> 100 ng/L) were still found several kilometers from the point source in the Uppsala aquifer. The usage of aqueous film forming fire-fighting foams (AFFF) at a military airport in the north of the city is probably an important contamination source. Computer simulation of the distribution of PFAA-contaminated drinking water throughout the City using a hydraulic model of the pipeline network suggested that consumers in the western and southern parts of Uppsala have received most of the contaminated drinking water. PFAA levels in blood serum from 297 young women from Uppsala County, Sweden, sampled during 1996-1999 and 2008-2011 were analyzed. Significantly higher concentrations of perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS) and perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS) were found among women who lived in districts modeled to have received contaminated drinking water compared to unaffected districts both in 1996-1999 and 2008-2011, indicating that the contamination was already present in the late 1990s. Isomer-specific analysis of PFHxS in serum showed that women in districts with contaminated drinking water also had an increased percentage of branched isomers. Our results further indicate that exposure via contaminated drinking water was the driving factor behind the earlier reported increasing temporal trends of PFBS and PFHxS in blood serum from young women in Uppsala.
  • Görman, Ulf, et al. (författare)
  • Do we know enough? A scientific and ethical analysis of the basis for genetic-based personalized nutrition
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Genes & Nutrition. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1555-8932 .- 1865-3499. ; 8:4, s. 373-381
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article discusses the prospects and limitations of the scientific basis for offering personalized nutrition advice based upon individual genetic information. Two divergent scientific positions are presented, with an ethical comment. The crucial question is whether the current knowledge base is sufficiently strong for taking an ethically responsible decision to offer personalized nutrition advice based upon gene–diet–health interaction. According to the first position, the evidence base for translating the outcomes of nutrigenomics research into personalized nutritional advice is as yet immature. There is also limited evidence that genotype-based dietary advice will motivate appropriate behavior changes. Filling the gaps in our knowledge will require larger and better randomized controlled trials. According to the second position, personalized nutrition must be evaluated in relation to generally accepted standard dietary advice—partly derived from epidemiological observations and usually not proven by clinical trials. With personalized nutrition, we cannot demand stronger evidence. In several specific cases of gene–diet interaction, it may be more beneficial for individuals with specific genotypes to follow personalized advice rather than general dietary recommendations. The ethical comment, finally, considers the ethical aspects of deciding how to proceed in the face of such uncertainty. Two approaches for an ethically responsible way forward are proposed. Arguing from a precautionary approach, it is suggested that personalized dietary advice should be offered only when there is strong scientific evidence for health effects, followed by stepwise evaluation of unforeseen behavioral and psychological effects. Arguing from theoretical and applied ethics as well as psychology, it is also suggested that personalized advice should avoid paternalism and instead focus on supporting the autonomous choice of each person.
  • Görman, Ulf, et al. (författare)
  • Ethical Considerations in Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Principles of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics : Fundamentals for Individualized Nutrition - Fundamentals for Individualized Nutrition. - London : Elsevier. - 9780128045725 - 9780128045879 ; , s. 543-548
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Ethics is the study of the normative dimensions of human relations and experiences. This chapter discusses such questions in relation to basic values in modern society. The normative foundations for the analysis are the values of human dignity, autonomy, freedom, equality, and solidarity, as well as the responsibilities of society toward its citizens, including freedom, security, and justice. The questions that are brought up touch on how implementing nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics in personalized nutrition services relates to these values.Health and food are primary human needs. The choice of food can contribute to the support of health, but it can also come into conflict with health. Personalized nutrition may be seen as part of a wider trend toward early preventive actions to treat susceptibility to disease. If personalization of nutrition can contribute to eating habits that support health instead of threatening it, this will be beneficial for the individual, but it may also be good for society as a whole. As a consequence, pressure on societal expenses for health care may be reduced.Personalized nutrition, as well as the wider concept of precision nutrition, have stimulated expectations and are often described as having great potential, but it has also been difficult to realize them. Studies indicate that there is widespread optimism among researchers engaged in nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics regarding at least its long-term benefits, whereas there are divergent viewpoints within the wider research community. In this situation, ethical concerns need to receive attention.
  • Höglund, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • Biofuels and land use in Sweden: an overview of land-use change effects
  • 2013
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Supported by policies, biofuel production has been continuously increasing worldwide during recent years. However, concerns have been raised that biofuels, often advocated as the future substitute for greenhouse gas (GHG) intensive fossil fuels, may cause negative effects on the climate and the environment. When assessing GHG emissions from biofuels, the production phase of the biofuel crop is essential since this is the phase in which most of the GHG emissions occur during the life cycle of the fuel, often linked to land use and land management. Changes in land use can result from a wide range of anthropogenic activities including agriculture and forestry management, livestock and biofuel production. The report first presents a review of the literature in the different scientific areas related to land use change (LUC) and biofuel production. Knowledge gaps related to LUC is compiled and, a synthesis is developed highlighting major challenges and key findings. Main findings are that (i) deforestation, forest management, and climate change deforestation is a major contributor to GHG emissions and can contribute to soil erosion and carbon stock changes, (ii) albedo changes and the timing of emissions need to be better understood, (iii) to avoid degradation of biodiversity great care must be taken to develop sustainable biofuel production (iv) nutrient leakage and removal of forest residues can influence the biomass growth potential (v) to avoid fertility losses in agricultural soils during biofuel production, crops with low fertilizer needs, high nutrient use efficiency and high yields should be given priority (vi) indirect effects on land use are extremely complex to quantify without great uncertainty (vii) biofuels contribution to rising food prices and poverty even more challenging (viii) biofuel production can create jobs but also interfere with traditional ways of life and recreational values, (ix) to avoid negative effects, biofuel production should be developed in collaboration with the stakeholders involved: farmers, land owners, tourists, and industry. The literature review and synthesis presented in this report shows that land use on this planet is already placing high stress on ecosystems, atmosphere, soils and human life. Because of increased biofuel production, land use change is therefore at risk of aggravating these problems. Conclusions drawn are that the LUC caused by increasing use of biofuels can be negative to various degrees but that drawbacks can be mitigated through policy measures or technology developments. Examples include the cultivation of high-yielding crops, cultivation on abandoned arable land, and effective use of by-products and waste. To explore the opportunities that exist for beneficial land use change, continued responsible and sensitive collaboration between industry, policy-makers, researchers and local communities is a prerequisite.
  • Høyer, Marie, et al. (författare)
  • Change in working time in a population-based cohort of patients with breast cancer
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Journal of Clinical Oncology. - : American Society of Clinical Oncology. - 0732-183X .- 1527-7755. ; 30:23, s. 2853-2860
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Purpose: We examined changes in working time 16 months after a breast cancer diagnosis and identified factors associated with job discontinuation and/or decreased working time.Patients and Methods:This was a population-based cohort study with 735 patients identified in the Regional Breast Cancer Quality Register of Central Sweden. The study sample consisted of 505 women (age <63 years at diagnosis) who completed questionnaires at baseline and at follow-up (on average 4 and 16 months after diagnosis, respectively). Clinical register data and questionnaire data on sociodemographic factors were obtained at baseline. Self-reported work-related data were obtained at follow-up. Odds ratios were estimated by using logistic regression models.Results:Compared with prediagnosis working time, 72% reported no change in working time, 2% reported an increase, 15% reported a decrease, and 11% did not work at follow-up. Chemotherapy increased the likelihood (odds ratio [OR], 2.45; 95% CI, 1.38 to 4.34) of job discontinuation/decreased working time. Among chemotherapy recipients, associated factors included full-time work prediagnosis (OR, 3.25; 95% CI, 1.51 to 7.01), cancer-related work limitations (OR, 5.26; 95% CI, 2.30 to 12.03), and less value attached to work (OR, 3.69; 95% CI, 1.80 to 7.54). In the nonchemotherapy group, older age (OR, 1.09; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.17) and less value attached to work (OR, 5.00; 95% CI, 2.01 to 12.45) were associated with the outcome.Conclusion: The majority of women treated for breast cancer returned to their prediagnosis working time. Chemotherapy and cancer-related work limitations are important factors to take into account in identifying women in need of support. Moreover, it is important to consider the woman’s own valuation of labor market participation.
  • Høyer, Marie, et al. (författare)
  • Health-related quality of life among women with breast cancer : a population-based study
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Acta Oncologica. - : Informa Healthcare. - 0284-186X .- 1651-226X. ; 50:7, s. 1015-1026
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: High incidence rates of breast cancer emphasize the importance of increased knowledge about the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in this patient group. The aim of the present study was to describe and compare HRQoL among breast cancer patients shortly after diagnosis with normative data from the general population, and to investigate how clinical, demographic, and socio-economic factors and social support are associated with HRQoL. Material and methods:Participants were identified in a population-based Breast Cancer Quality Register in central Sweden. Of 1573 women newly diagnosed with breast cancer during a one-year period (2007 – 2008), 69% (n =1086) completed a questionnaire including the EORTC QLQ-C30, BR23 and the HADS.Results: Compared to age-adjusted normative data, breast cancer patients (mean age 62 years, range 25–94), especially younger women (<50 years), experienced clinically meaningful poorer HRQoL. Clinically significant levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms were found among 14% and 6% of the patients, respectively. Factors associated with more problems/symptoms among study participants included chemotherapy, lack of social support, sick leave and a poor financial situation. Adding socio-economic factors diminished the association between age and HRQoL (p > 0.05).Conclusion:Recently diagnosed breast cancer patients reported poorer HRQoL in several dimensions compared to normative data. In addition to clinical and demographic factors, an unfavorable socio-economic standing was associated with more problems/symptoms. The present findings emphasize the importance of taking a variety of factors into account when assessing HRQoL in the clinical setting.
  • Johansson, Bertil, et al. (författare)
  • Cytogenetic polyclonality in hematologic malignancies
  • 1999
  • Ingår i: Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer. - 1045-2257. ; 24:3, s. 222-229
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The present study was undertaken to ascertain the frequency of cytogenetic polyclonality in various hematologic malignancies and to investigate whether morphologic subgroup, age, gender, or previous genotoxic exposure influences the incidence. Among 2,243 cytogenetically investigated hematologic malignancies, 10 acute myeloid leukemias (AML), 5 myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), 2 acute lymphoblastic leukemias (ALL), 1 acute undifferentiated leukemia (AUL), 1 atypical Philadelphia chromosome-negative (Ph-) chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), 1 chronic myeloproliferative disorder (CMD), and 1 chronic lymphoproliferative disorder (CLD) with karyotypically unrelated clones were identified, constituting 2.6% of AML, 1.6% of MDS, 0.8% of ALL, 13% of AUL, 9.1% of Ph- CML, 1.5% of CMD, and 2.8% of CLD with chromosomal abnormalities. In contrast to the cytogenetic features, the X-inactivation pattern was monoclonal in the two informative female patients that could be investigated. Among 17,733 karyotypically aberrant published cases surveyed, significant frequency differences (P < 0.001) were discerned: 1.7% of 6,526 AML, 3.4% of 2,391 MDS, 0.4% of 1,920 Ph+ CML, 2.9% of 856 CMD, 0.9% of 4,226 ALL, and 5.8% of 1,814 CLD displayed unrelated clones. The incidence of cytogenetic polyclonality did not differ significantly among the MDS, CMD, or ALL subgroups, between males and females, between children (< 16 years) and adults, or between B- and T-cell ALL, whereas the frequencies varied among the AML FAB types (P < 0.05), among the different CLD entities (P < 0.001), and between B- and T-cell CLD (P < 0.001). Furthermore, the incidence was higher in therapy-related AML and MDS than in de novo AML and MDS (P < 0.001 and P < 0.01, respectively).
  • Kimby, Eva, et al. (författare)
  • Two courses of four weekly infusions of rituximab with or without interferon-α2a : final results from a randomized phase III study in symptomatic indolent B-cell lymphomas
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Leukemia and Lymphoma. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1042-8194 .- 1029-2403. ; 56:9, s. 2598-2607
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Patients with advanced CD20 + indolent lymphoma, requiring therapy, were randomized to rituximab (four weekly infusions of 375 mg/m(2)) or to rituximab combined with 5 weeks of interferon-α2a (IFN-α2a) (3-4.5 MIU daily) as priming. Responding patients were eligible for a second cycle with the same allocated treatment. In total, 156 patients were randomized to rituximab and 157 to rituximab + IFN-α2a. In the intention-to treat (ITT) population, 244 patients (78%) responded to cycle 1. After a second cycle the complete remission/complete remission unconfirmed (CR/CRu) rate was 41% with the combination versus 24% with monotherapy (p = 0.005). The median time to treatment failure (primary endpoint) in ITT patients was 28 vs. 21.5 months, respectively (p = 0.302). After a long median follow-up (61 months), 33% (42% of patients responding to cycle 1) were still failure-free with an overall survival rate of 88% and with no difference between the treatment groups. The trial was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01609010.
  • Knutsson, Linda, et al. (författare)
  • Dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI with a prebolus contrast agent administration design for improved absolute quantification of perfusion.
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. - : Wiley. - 1522-2594 .- 0740-3194. ; 72:4, s. 996-1006
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Arterial partial-volume effects (PVEs) often hamper reproducible absolute quantification of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV) obtained by dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI (DSC-MRI). The aim of this study was to examine whether arterial PVEs in DSC-MRI data can be minimized by rescaling the arterial input function (AIF) using a sagittal-sinus venous output function obtained following a prebolus administration of a low dose of contrast agent.
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