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Sökning: WFRF:(Fredriksson Martin 1972 )

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  • Lübbe, Nils, 1982, et al. (författare)
  • Predicted road traffic fatalities in Germany: The potential and limitations of vehicle safety technologies from passive safety to highly automated driving
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. - 2235-3151. ; 2018-September, s. 17-52
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • It has been proposed that automated vehicles will greatly increase road traffic safety. However, few attempts have been made to quantify this thesis and to compare the expected benefits with more traditional safety systems. This study was carried out in five steps, adding systems in each step (from passive safety, standard Advances Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), advanced ADAS, safety-minded driving, to cautious driving) in order to capture the benefit of increasing levels of automation. Conservative and optimistic rules based on the expected performance of each safety system were developed and applied to the German In-Depth Accident Study database. Adding safety systems was effective in preventing fatalities, ranging from 12-13% (step 1, passive safety, no automation, conservative-optimistic estimate) to 45-63% (step 5, cautious driving). The highest automation level, in step 5, achieved a reduction of Vulnerable Road User (VRU) fatalities of 33-41%. Thus, passive and active safety systems contribute substantially to preventing fatalities and their further development and deployment should not be abandoned. Even the safest foreseeable, highly automated passenger cars are not likely to avoid all crashes and all road traffic fatalities. While increased market penetration across safety systems will make road traffic substantially safer, more efforts are needed to protect VRUs.
  • Arvanitakis, James, et al. (författare)
  • Bellamy’s Rage and Beer’s Conscience: Pirate Methodologies and the Contemporary University
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Culture Unbound. - : Linkoping University Electronic Press. - 2000-1525. ; 09:3, s. 260-276
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Over the last decade piracy has emerged as a growing field of research covering a wide range of different phenomena, from fashion counterfeits and media piracy, through to 17th century buccaneers and present-day pirates off the coast of Somalia. In many cases piracy can be a metaphor or an analytical perspective to understand conflicts and social change. This article relates this fascination with piracy as a practice and a metaphor to academia and asks what a pirate methodology of knowledge production could be: how, in other words, researchers and educators can be understood as ‘pirates’ to the corporate university. Drawing on the history of maritime piracy as well as on a discussion on contemporary pirate libraries that disrupt proprietary publishing, the article explores the possibility of a pirate methodology as a way of acting as a researcher and relating to existing norms of knowledge production. The methodology of piratical scholarship involves exploiting the grey zones and loopholes of contemporary academia. It is a tactical intervention that exploits short term opportunities that arise in the machinery of academia to the strategic end of turning a limiting structure into an enabling field of opportunities. We hope that such a concept of pirate methodologies may help us reflect on how sustainable and constructive approaches to knowledge production emerge in the context of a critique of the corporate university. 
  • Arvanitakis, James, et al. (författare)
  • Commons, piracy and property : crisis, conflict and resistance
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Property, place and piracy. - London : Routledge. - 9781138745131 - 9781315180731 - 9780367735654 ; , s. 23-35
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This chapter aims to set the theoretical framework for this collection by challenging the established, liberal understanding of property. Second, it presents a theoretical overview of piracy. The chapter addresses how a better understanding of the commons allows to problematise the concept of property, which, as this collection highlights, is continuously destabilised through acts of 'piracy'. It discusses the process of enclosure not as an isolated act, but as part of an ideology that prioritises private ownership over the common good. The concept of the commons can be traced back to ancient Rome with discussions of the Res Communes. The immaterial conceptualisation spreads into the 'information commons' that has had a particular political impact in the copyright debates that emerged since the late 1990s. In response to the invisible and 'natural' processes of enclosure, the chpater debates that both the existence and reciprocated exchange of the commons is fundamental in the functioning of authentic and vibrant communities.
  • Billeter, Martin, 1955, et al. (författare)
  • Multi-way decomposition of projected spectra obtained in protein NMR
  • 2007
  • Ingår i: Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.. ; 7, s. 1110103-1110104
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a highly versatile tool in protein research. Experimental limitations prohibit spectra with ≥ 5 dimensions. However, similar information can be obtained by recording 2-dimensional projections. A decomposition-based approach for analyzing projections is presented and applied to a protein. The resulting resonance identification is a prerequisite for further characterization of structure, dynamics and interactions of proteins.
  • Bjurström, Erling, et al. (författare)
  • Den nya kulturekonomin : Kreativ ekonomi, kulturellt entreprenörskap och platsmarknadsföring i Norrköping
  • 2013
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Under de senaste decennierna har ”kulturen” alltmer beskrivits som en outnyttjad resurs för ekonomisk tillväxt och regional utveckling. Detta har också varit knutet till föreställningar om en omvandling av samhällsekonomin i stort och uppkomsten av en ny ekonomi, som har beskrivits som en upplevelse- eller kreativ ekonomi. Både utomlands och i Sverige finns det otaliga exempel på kultursatsningar som antingen kan betraktas som uttryck för eller implementeringar av dessa ekonomier. Överlag är dock deras genomslag oklart, inte minst om man ser till kultursektorn. Så är också fallet i Norrköping, som utgör fokus för den här studien av kulturellt och kreativt inriktade verksamheter och satsningar.Till viss del kan detta förklaras av att diskursen (talet, diskussionen eller samtalet) om upplevelse- och den kreativa ekonomin bidrar till att lösa upp etablerade föreställningar om och definitioner av kultur, liksom gränserna mellan olika samhälls- och ekonomiska sektorer. Med fokus på upplevelser och kreativitet överskrider dessa ekonomier gränserna mellan olika kulturella genrer, samhällssektorer, näringsgrenar och branscher. Detta återspeglar sig inte minst i anspråken på att vidga synen på kultursektorn genom att omdefiniera den till en kreativ sektor.Samtidigt är det långt ifrån klart vad som kan räknas till de ekonomier, samhällssektorer eller näringsgrenar som avgränsas med upplevelse- eller kreativitetsbegreppet. Denna oklarhet diskuteras i den första delen av boken (kapitel 1-3), där också olika teorier kring, förklaringsmodeller till och avgränsningar av upplevelse- och den kreativa ekonomin granskas. Likaså diskuteras de kulturpolitiska konsekvenserna av dessa ekonomiers intåg i kulturlandskapet, med tonvikt vid den kulturpolitik som förts i Norrköping.I den andra delen av boken (kapitel 4-8) ställs diskussionen i den första delen i relation till den kreativa ekonomins genomslag och mottagande i några kultur- och kreativt inriktade verksamheter i Norrköping. Vilket genomslag har denna ekonomi fått i staden? Hur förhåller sig de som verkar här inom en presumtiv kreativ sektor till föreställningarna om en kreativ eller upplevelsebaserad ekonomi? Hur ställer sig dem som själva verkar inom denna kreativa sektor till de föreställningar om ekonomisk tillväxt och regional utveckling som har ackompanjerat den tankemässiga etableringen av den? Ser de sig själva som del av eller företrädare för en sådan sektor? Bekräftar deras egna erfarenheter den bild som ofta målas upp av kultur, konst och kreativitet som nya drivkrafter för  ekonomisk tillväxt och regional utveckling? I bokens andra del tas frågeställningar som dessa som utgångspunkt för att ställa kvantitativa avgränsningar av den kreativa sektorn mot hur den framtonar för dem som är verksamma inom den.Denna del bygger på sex fallstudier av Norrköpings presumtiva kreativa ekonomi: Norrköpings symfoniorkester, Norrköpings visualiseringscenter, EWK-museet, Museet för glömska, reklambyrån Anfang och webbdesignfirman Angry Creative. Dessa har dessutom kompletterats med en granskning av och ställts i relation till stadens kulturpolitik. Härigenom har företrädare för etablerade kulturinstitutioner, nya kulturverksamheter, kreativt inriktade företag och den lokala kulturpolitiken fått ge sin syn på förutsättningarna för att bedriva kultur- och kreativt inriktade verksamheter i Norrköping.Skillnader ifråga om verksamhetsinriktning, storlek, etablering och finansieringsmöjligheter slog på detta sätt igenom i de synpunkter som redovisas och diskuteras i bokens andra del. Detsamma gäller de synpunkter på villkoren för kulturellt inriktade entreprenörskap som kom fram i studien, inte minst om man ser till de relativt nyetablerade verksamheter som ingick i den: Norrköpings visualiseringscenter, EWK-museet, Museet för glömska och Angry Creative. Likaså varierade kännedomen om, intresset för och synen på den kreativa ekonomin bland representanterna för de olika verksamheterna. Medan vissa gav uttryck åt att känna sig delaktiga i denna ekonomi, markerade andra snarare att de anpassat sig till den i form av ett slags kritisk delaktighet. I ett fall var detta även förenat med en kritisk syn på denna anpassning i sig och ett visst motstånd mot att godta de verklighetsbeskrivningar som ligger till grund för och de kulturpolitiska förväntningar som har knutits till den kreativa ekonomin. Samtidigt stod flera av representanterna för de verksamheter som ingick i studien relativt främmande för talet om en ny kreativ ekonomi och gav uttryck åt en tämligen likgiltig inställning till den.Den kritiska delaktigheten och motståndet var mest markant bland de verksamheter som kan räknas till kultursektorns och kulturpolitikens kärnområden, som i detta fall bland annat representerades av nyetablerade musei- och konstverksamheter. Områden som överlag dessutom räknas till ”den kreativa kärnan” i den kreativa ekonomin. Samtidigt återspeglade sig en mer utbredd skepsis gentemot den kreativa ekonomins tendens att vidga synen på kultur och bryta ner gränserna mellan olika kulturella delfält eller genrer, liksom mellan olika samhällssektorer, inklusive dess anspråk på att omvandla kultursektorn till en kreativ sektor. Likaså gav många, inte sällan med hänvisning till egna erfarenheter, uttryck åt en skepsis vad gäller den kommersiella potential som den kreativa ekonomin tillskriver kulturen. Utifrån vad som kom fram i studien tyder inte heller mycket på att den kreativa ekonomin har öppnat nya möjligheter för etablerade kulturinstitutioner eller kulturverksamheter som har haft svårt att få kostnader och intäkter att gå jämnt ut, vilket Norrköpings symfoniorkester, EWK-museet och Museet för glömska utgör exempel på. Å andra sidan är det tydligt att denna ekonomi, såväl tankemässigt som i praktiken, har spelat en betydelsefull roll för satsningar på nya kreativa verksamheter, vilket Norrköpings visualiseringscenter utgör ett mer storskaligt och Angry Creative ett mer småskaligt exempel på.Precis som man kan förvänta sig spelar enskilda entreprenörer – eller vad som i en del fall snarare kan betecknas som eldsjälar, eftersom de enligt egen utsago helt är i avsaknad av ekonomiska motiv – en betydelsefull roll för de nysatsningar på kultur- och kreativa verksamheter som ingick i studien. Ingen av dem var dock beredd att, i varje fall inte utan tveksamhet eller reservationer, beteckna sig själv som ”kulturentreprenör”. För dem som uppgav sig sakna ekonomiska motiv var det dock främst själva entreprenörrollen som de hade svårt att identifiera sig med, medan det var prefixet ”kultur” som framstod som problematiskt för dem som redovisade sådana motiv och uttryckligen betraktade sig som entreprenörer.Trots att de tveksamma inställningarna till själva beteckningen ”kulturentreprenör” bottnade i olika överväganden gav de på detta sätt uttryck åt en motvilja mot eller obenägenhet att förena vissa synsätt på kultur och ekonomi med varandra. Den roll som föreskrivs för kulturentreprenören, inte minst från politiskt håll, tycks i denna mening fungera som en brytpunkt för överväganden kring kulturens egenvärde och instrumentalisering i förhållande till ekonomiska motiv och drivkrafter. Samma tendens återspeglade sig i synen på kulturbegreppet, där flera av representanterna för de verksamheter som ingick i studien gav uttryck åt en motvilja mot eller oförståelse inför att vidga dess omfång eller omdefiniera gränserna mellan kultur och ekonomi på det sätt som den kreativa ekonomin gått i bräschen för.Som bidrag till förståelsen av en pågående förändring av relationen mellan kultur och ekonomi är den kreativa ekonomins status oklar. Som begrepp står den kreativa ekonomin växelvis för att beskriva en sådan förändring, en politiskt och ekonomiskt förankrad strategi för att åstadkomma den och en policy för att implementera den.
  • Bøg, Martin, et al. (författare)
  • 12-step programs for reducing illicit drug use
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Campbell Systematic Reviews. - : Wiley. - 1891-1803. ; 13:2
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This Campbell systematic review examines the effectiveness of 12-step programs in reducing the use of illicit drugs. The review summarises findings from 10 studies, nine of which were conducted in the US.
  • Current Issues in European Cultural Studies, ACSIS Conference 2011, Norrköping, 15–17 June : Abstracts
  • 2011
  • Proceedings (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • We proudly present the programme of our international conference ‘Current Issues in European Cultural Studies’! The conference is arranged by the Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden (ACSIS) which is a national centre for interdisciplinary and international networking in the !eld of cultural studies (www.acsis.liu.se). ACSIS has a wide range of activities, including the large biannual conference on cultural research that we have arranged since 2005. The great response to our !rst international conference ‘INTER’, in 2007 convinced us of the need for continuing to bring di#erent regions and thematic areas together on an international scale.This is why we have given the 2011 conference a broad European scope. Each of its plenary sessions focuses on a particular set of current issues, dimensions and perspectives for interdisciplinary, critical and cultural research in Europe. Our intention is to point at tensions and contradictions that together serve to map key contemporary directions in this complex !eld.What does Europe mean to cultural researchers today? How is cultural studies de!ned and how does it thrive or su#er in di#erent countries? What threats, challenges and opportunities are pivotal for us in the 2010s? The last plenary sums up a series of !ve ‘spotlight sessions’ that each gathers scholars into a panel to discuss the current state of cultural research in different regions of Europe : central, east, north, south and west. The latter is actually limited to British cultural studies, indicating that these regions are far from innocent concepts, and we expect critical debates around the very idea of dividing Europe in this manner! The European branch of the international Association for Cultural Studies ACS has kindly supported our efforts by letting their board members chair and take part in these spotlight sessions.Parallel to the spotlights a total number of 50 group sessions, including double sessions, involving more than 200 participants will take place. Conferences are not only work, they are also a great opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. In addition to the discussions at the sessions, there will be plenty of time to socialise at the reception hosted by the city of Norrköping on Wednesday evening and the big conference dinner on Thursday night.Since the start these ACSIS conferences have provided a rich overview of the contemporary trends in cultural research, which our conference publications prove. We will continue this work and publish the conference proceedings, which are open to all conference participants, of this year in open access at Linköping University Electronic Press. More information about the proceedings will be distributed after the conference. Participants are also invited to submit articles to our refereed academic journal Culture Unbound : Journal of Current Cultural Research, published open access since 2009 by Linköping University Electronic Press. Culture Unbound is partly owned by ACSIS and as the journal’s publication history shows, it is a wonderful resource for publishing this kind of texts (www.cultureunbound.ep.liu.se).The national board of ACSIS has served as a programme committee for the conference, and a great number of local supporters have assisted in preparing and organising the event. The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond), the Wenner-Gren Foundations (Wenner-Gren Stiftelserna), Linköping University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the city of Norrköping have contributed with the funding needed to make this all possible. Last but certainly not least, we are enormously grateful for and impressed by the nonsalaried e#orts from all invited speakers, Panelists, moderators, session organisers and paper presenters who have !lled these frameworks with such fascinating intellectual contents.This programme book includes the full programme, abstracts, maps and various other kinds of information, ending with a list of participants and emails in alphabetic order.Welcome to Norrköping, to ACSIS and to the borderlands of European cultural studies!Johan Fornäs, Director of ACSIS, Södertörn UniversityJohanna Dahlin, ACSIS conference organizer, Linköping UniversityMartin Fredriksson, ACSIS research coordinator, Linköping University
  • Current Issues in European Cultural Studies, June 15–17, Norrköping, Sweden 2011
  • 2011
  • Proceedings (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In June 2011 ACSIS arranged its fourth biennial conference on cultural research, this time on the subject “Current Issues in European Cultural Studies”. The conference provided an updated inventory of main issues in European cultural studies today, covering cross-European topics and trends as well as regional developments in East, West, South, North and Central Europé.The program had three main levels. First, a series of plenary sessions dealt with selected key current issues for cultural studies that partly connected to European perspectives and partly reached beyond this geographic scope. Second, a set of spotlight sessions opened up for presentations and debates on the state of cultural studies in different regions of Europé, leading up to a final plenary discussing whether EU’s motto “united in diversity” is also applicable to European cultural studies. Finally, about 200 cultural studies scholars from all over the world came together to present their own research in more than 30 parallel sessions. You can find the details on the participants in the Statistics for 2011 and if you really like figures you find statistics for all conferences in Statistics 2005-2011.The conference was supported by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Wenner-Gren Foundations, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Linköping University and the City of Norrköping.
  • Dahlin, Johanna, et al. (författare)
  • Extracting the Commons
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Cultural Studies. - : Taylor & Francis. - 0950-2386 .- 1466-4348. ; 31:2-3, s. 253-276
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article investigates how resources that are perceived as common are turned into property through different interventions of extractivism, and how this provokes counter-activism from groups and actors who see their rights and living conditions threatened by the practices of extraction. The article looks at how extraction is enacted through three distinct practices: prospecting, enclosure and unbundling, studied through three different cases. The cases involve resources that are material and immaterial, renewable as well as non-renewable, ‘natural’ as well as man-made. Prospecting is exemplified by patenting of genetic resources and traditional knowledge, enclosure is exemplified by debates over copyright expansionism and information commons, and unbundling through conflicts over mining and gas extraction. The article draws on fieldwork involving interviews and participant observation with protesters at contested mining sites in Australia and with digital rights activists from across the world who protest against how the expansion of copyright limits public access to culture and information. The article departs from an understanding of ‘commons’ not as an open access resource, but as a resource shared by a group of people, often subjected to particular social norms that regulate how it can be used. Enclosure and extraction are both social processes, dependent on recognising some and downplaying or misrecognising other social relations when it comes to resources and processes of property creation. These processes are always, regardless of the particular resources at stake, cultural in the sense that the uses of the commons are regulated through cultural norms and contracts, but also that they carry profound cultural and social meanings for those who use them. Finally, the commonalities and heterogeneities of these protest movements are analysed as ‘working in common’, where the resistance to extraction in itself represents a process of commoning.
  • Dahlin, Johanna, 1979-, et al. (författare)
  • Where does the Mine End
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Rivers of Emotion, Bodies of Ore. - Oslo : Not Yet Titled Press. - 9788293502180 ; , s. 118-128
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • de Beukelaer, Christiaan, et al. (författare)
  • The Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights: the Paradox of Article 27 Exemplified in Ghana
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Review of African Political Economy. - : Taylor & Francis. - 0305-6244 .- 1740-1720. ; 46:161, s. 459-479
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Orthodox copyright scholarship frames piracy in ‘developing’ countries as a detrimental and illegal practice that results from these countries’ lack of economic, social and cultural development. It argues that piracy needs to be discouraged, regulated, and finally overcome for legitimate business to flourish. In this article, the authors challenge this viewpoint and question whether the implementation of international copyright instruments in legislation across Africa really promotes those local economies or if it merely exposes them to neo-colonial exploitation. While the early international treaties on intellectual property rights (IPR) were formulated by European states and implemented in most parts of Africa through colonial laws, more recent legislation has been globally implemented through institutions such as the United Nations or the World Trade Organization, which remain dominated by Western interests. Through a structured overview of the adoption of IPR treaties in African countries, the authors advance a political economy perspective of intellectual property rights as a (neo-)colonial regime.
  • Ekstrand, Eva-Maria, 1985-, et al. (författare)
  • Identifying targets for increased biogasproduction through chemical and organicmatter characterization of digestate from full‑scale biogas plants : what remains and why?
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. - London, United Kingdom : BioMed Central. - 2731-3654. ; 15:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: This study examines the destiny of macromolecules in different full-scale biogas processes. From previousstudies it is clear that the residual organic matter in outgoing digestates can have significant biogas potential,but the factors dictating the size and composition of this residual fraction and how they correlate with the residualmethane potential (RMP) are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to generate additional knowledge of thecomposition of residual digestate fractions and to understand how they correlate with various operational and chemicalparameters. The organic composition of both the substrates and digestates from nine biogas plants operating onfood waste, sewage sludge, or agricultural waste was characterized and the residual organic fractions were linked tosubstrate type, trace metal content, ammonia concentration, operational parameters, RMP, and enzyme activity.Results: Carbohydrates represented the largest fraction of the total VS (32–68%) in most substrates. However, inthe digestates protein was instead the most abundant residual macromolecule in almost all plants (3–21 g/kg). Thedegradation efficiency of proteins generally lower (28–79%) compared to carbohydrates (67–94%) and fats (86–91%).High residual protein content was coupled to recalcitrant protein fractions and microbial biomass, either from thesubstrate or formed in the degradation process. Co-digesting sewage sludge with fat increased the protein degradationefficiency with 18%, possibly through a priming mechanism where addition of easily degradable substrates alsotriggers the degradation of more complex fractions. In this study, high residual methane production (> 140 L CH4/kgVS) was firstly coupled to operation at unstable process conditions caused mainly by ammonia inhibition (0.74 mgNH3-N/kg) and/or trace element deficiency and, secondly, to short hydraulic retention time (HRT) (55 days) relative tothe slow digestion of agricultural waste and manure.Conclusions: Operation at unstable conditions was one reason for the high residual macromolecule content andhigh RMP. The outgoing protein content was relatively high in all digesters and improving the degradation of proteinsrepresents one important way to increase the VS reduction and methane production in biogas plants. Post-treatment
  • Fjeld, Morten, 1965, et al. (författare)
  • Tangible User Interface for Chemistry Education: Comparative Evaluation and Re-Design
  • 2007
  • Ingår i: ACM Proceedings of CHI07. ; 2:1, s. 805-808
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • tangible user interface (TUI) for organic chemistry education.The empirical evaluation described in this paper compareslearning effectiveness and user acceptance of AC versus themore traditional ball-and-stick model (BSM). Learningeffectiveness results were almost the same for both learningenvironments. User preference and rankings, using NASATLXand SUMI, showed more differences and it wastherefore decided to focus mainly on improving these aspectsin a re-design of the AC system. For enhanced interaction,keyboard-free system configuration, and internal/externaldatabase (DB) access, a graphical user interface (GUI) hasbeen incorporated into the TUI. Three-dimensional (3D)rendering has also been improved using shadows and relatedeffects, thereby enhancing depth perception. The re-designedAC system was then compared to the old system by means ofa small qualitative user study. This user study showed animprovement in subjective opinions about the system’s easeof use and ease of learning.
  • Fornäs, Johan, et al. (författare)
  • Culture Unbound Vol. 1 Editorial
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Culture Unbound. - Linköping : Linköping University Electronic Press. - 2000-1525. ; 1, s. 1-5
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Fornäs, Johan, 1952-, et al. (författare)
  • Culture Unbound Vol. 2 Editorial
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Culture Unbound. - Linköping : Linköping University Electronic Press. - 2000-1525. ; 2:1, s. 4-8
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Fornäs, Johan, 1952-, et al. (författare)
  • Culture Unbound Vol. 3 Editorial
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Culture Unbound. - Linköping : Linköping University Electronic Press. - 2000-1525. ; 3, s. 5-10
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Fornäs, Johan, et al. (författare)
  • Editorial, Culture Unbound, vol. 4
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Culture Unbound. - : Linköping University Electronic Press. - 2000-1525. ; 4, s. 5-10
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Fornäs, Johan, et al. (författare)
  • Editorial, Culture Unbound, Volume 5
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Culture Unbound. - Linköping : Linköping University Electronic Press. - 2000-1525. ; 5, s. 7-13
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • We are proud to present the fifth volume of Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research. This time we have some important news to share. First, the journal’s scholarly success has been financially rewarded, in that Culture Unbound has received two different publishing grants: one from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and the other from the Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS). Together these two grants cover most of the costs for Martin Fredriksson’s work as executive editor, which forms the core of our rather minimal costs. The remaining expenses are covered by our three collaborating host institutions at Linköping University: the Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden (ACSIS), the Department of Culture Studies (Tema Q) and the Swedish Cultural Policy Research Observatory (SweCult).
  • Fredriksson Almqvist, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • Biopiracy or bioprospecting : negotiating the limits of propertization
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Property, place and piracy. - London : Routledge. - 9781138745131 - 9780367735654 ; , s. 174-186
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This chapter takes the Nagoya Protocol a UN protocol aiming to prevent biopiracy as an example to discuss how the negotiations over biopatents also reflect different approaches to commodification of nature and the limits of propertization. These practical problems can potentially be addressed through legislation. The chapter looks at such an initiative on an international level. Another limitation to the Nagoya Protocol is that it does not address the core issue of biopiracy; that is, patents and intellectual property rights in general. It argues that property relates to place in a very specific manner in the context of nuclear testing. Indigenous Australians were hence doubly denied access to the Australian nation: because they held no title to the land, and because they were not given citizenship rights which would extend to them the rights and protection which any nation grants to its citizens.
  • Fredriksson, Jonas, 1972, et al. (författare)
  • Automated protein backbone assignment using the projection-decomposition approach
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Journal of Biomolecular NMR. - 0925-2738. ; 54:1, s. 43-51
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Spectral projection experiments by NMR in conjunction with decomposition analysis have been previously introduced for the backbone assignment of proteins; various pulse sequences as well as the behaviour with low signal-to-noise or chemical shift degeneracy have been illustrated. As a guide for routine applications of this combined tool, we provide here a systematic analysis on different types of proteins using welldefined run-time parameters. As a second result of this study, the backbone assignment module SHABBA was extensively rewritten and improved. Calculations on ubiquitin yielded again fully correct and nearly complete backbone and CHb assignments. For the 128 residue long azurin, missing assignments mostly affect Ha and Hb. Among the remaining backbone (plus Cb) nuclei 97.5 % could be assigned with 1.0 % differences to a reference. Finally, the new SHABBA algorithm was applied to projections recorded for a yeast histone protein domain at room temperature, where the protein is subject to partial unfolding: this leads to unobservable resonances (about a dozen missing signals in a normal 15N-HSQC) and extensive degeneracy among the resonances. From the clearly observable residues, 97.5 % of the backbone and CHbresonances could be assigned, of which only 0.8 % showed differences to published shifts. An additional study on the protein MMP20, which exhibits spectral difficulties to an even larger extent, explores the limitations of the approach.
  • Fredriksson, Jonas, 1972, et al. (författare)
  • Complete protein assignment from sets of spectra recorded overnight
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Journal of Biomolecular NMR. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0925-2738 .- 1573-5001. ; 73:1-2, s. 59-70
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A flexible and scalable approach for protein NMR is introduced that builds on rapid data collection via projection spectroscopy and analysis of the spectral input data via joint decomposition. Input data may originate from various types of spectra, depending on the ultimate goal: these may result from experiments based on triple-resonance pulse sequences, or on TOCSY or NOESY sequences, or mixtures thereof. Flexible refers to the free choice of spectra for the joint decompositions depending on the purpose: assignments, structure, dynamics, interactions. Scalable means that the approach is open to the addition of similar or different experiments, e.g. larger proteins may require a wider selection of triple-resonance based experiments. Central to the proposed approach is the mutual support among the different spectra during the spectral analysis: for example, sparser triple-resonance spectra may help decomposing (separating) spin systems in a TOCSY or identifying unique NOEs. In the example presented, backbone plus side chain assignments of ubiquitin were obtained from the combination of either two or three of the following projection experiments: a 4D HCCCONH, a 4D HNCACO and a 3D HNCACB. In all cases, TOCSY data (4D HCCCONH) proved crucial not only for the side chain assignments, but also for the sequential assignment. Even when total recording time was reduced to about 10 h, nearly complete assignments were obtained, with very few missing assignments and even fewer differences to a reference.
  • Fredriksson, Jonas, 1972, et al. (författare)
  • DIADECOMP: a new approach to analyze decompositions from projection spectroscopy
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Journal of magnetic resonance. - : Elsevier BV. - 1090-7807. ; 273, s. 1-8
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We demonstrate for the first time a complete small protein characterization with the projection-decomposition approach, including full assignments as well as determination of the 3D fold. In TOCSY- and NOESY-type 4D experiments, pairing of signals from hydrogens and from their respective heavy atoms in decompositions represents a new problem. An approach, referred to as “DIADECOMP” (diagonal decomposition), is introduced to solve this problem; it consists of two separate decompositions of the input projections, differing in a 45° rotation of the spectral axes. While DIADECOMP requires a somewhat complex formulation, in practice it results in observing signals in the rotated decompositions that correspond to sums or differences of frequencies. When applied to a small protein, human defensin β6, the analysis of a HCC(CO)NH-TOCSY with DIADECOMP results in largely unambiguous assignments of the aliphatic side chain groups. Furthermore, DIADECOMP applied to a 15N-HSQC-NOESY-15N-HSQC provides all expected short distances between amide groups (defined as all HN-HN distances <3.5 Å in a reference structure). It is worth noting that short HN-HN distances unambiguously define α-helices, the alignment of β-strands in sheets, as well as the presence of β-bulges. This approach of using a minimal amount of NMR data, namely four projection experiments recorded in ~2.5 days, resulted for the human defensin β6 in complete assignments and a backbone fold with a RMSD of the non-flexible structure of 0.6 Å. Uniqueness of decompositions specifically from TOCSY- and NOESY-type 4D experiments is discussed
  • Fredriksson, Jonas, 1972, et al. (författare)
  • Structural characterisation of a histone domain by projection-decomposition
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Journal of Magnetic Resonance. - : Elsevier BV. - 1090-7807. ; 217, s. 48-52
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We demonstrate that two projection experiments, a 15N-HSQC–NOESY–15N-HSQC and a 13C-HSQC–NOESY–15N-HSQC, recorded for a histone domain from yeast, contain enough information to support a structural characterisation of the protein. At the temperature used, 298 K, the histone domain exhibits a very high extent of chemical shift degeneracy that is uncharacteristic for a fully folded domain. Nonetheless, a structured core of 67 residues, which is formed by three α-helices and a two-stranded β-sheet is defined by this NOESY data; this core structure was shown earlier to be present at lower temperature. The above two experiments, which together required 18 h of instrument time, are part of a set of five projection experiments acquired during 2.5 days with the goal of complete characterisation of proteins, including full resonance assignment and structure.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • A Reflection on the Cultural Significance of the  Protection of Classics
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Stockholm intellectual property law review. - Stockholm : Stockholm University. - 2003-2382. ; 5:2, s. 8-13
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This article applies a cultural perspective on § 51of the Swedish Copyright Act, which prohibits therendering of works in the public domain ‘in a waythat offends the interests of spiritual cultivation’(SFS 1960:729). This so called ‘protection of clas-sics’ was formulated in the 1950s to protect classicalworks against derogatory interpretations, such aspopular cultural adaptions. § 51 has rarely beenapplied, but in 2021 it was for the first time triedin court as the nationalist website Nordfront wasaccused of violating §51 by publishing works bythree prominent romanticist poets in a contextbordering on hate speech. The court ruled that thepublication was not a violation of § 51, which callsthe future of the protection of classics into question.Even though §51 might soon be obsolete, it raises anumber of questions regarding the relation betweenlaw and culture. This article discusses what theprotection of classics and the Nordfront case cantell us about cultural change in postwar Sweden if itis approached as a cultural rather than a legal textand studied not primarily as a legislative processbut as a process of meaning making. The articlemakes no attempts to conduct such an analysis butrather aims to introduce the perspective and presentpreliminary reflections on how the formulation anduse of protection of classics reflects changing con-ceptions of cultural norms and values.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • An Open Source Project for Politics : Visions of Democracy and Citizenship in American Pirate Parties
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: The Citizen in the 21<sup>st</sup> Century. - Oxford : Inter-Disciplinary Press. - 9781848882386 ; , s. 201-213
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • A political battle is being waged over the use and control of culture and information. While media companies and copyright organisations argue for stricter intellectual property laws, a growing body of citizens and netizens challenge the contemporary Intellectual property-regime. Lately this has resulted in what could be described as a political mobilisation of piracy. This is maybe most evident in the formation of pirate parties that see themselves as a digital civil rights movement defending the public domain and the citizen’s right to privacy against copyright expansionism and increased surveillance. Since the first pirate party was formed in Sweden in 2006, similar parties have spread across the world, from USA to Australia.This presentation draws on a study of the culture and ideology of copyright resistance which involves a series of interviews with representatives of pirate parties in USA and Canada. The study looks into what ideas, ideals and aspirations motivate active pirate party members in North America and how this relates to traditional values of a modern, democratic society such as freedom of speech, respect for private property and the public access to culture and information. This presentation focuses particularly on the role of democracy and citizenship in pirate politics. It discusses how the pirate ideology envisions the relationship between the citizen and society in a time when digital technology rapidly and radically changes the conditions for political and social agency and participation. Does a movement that relies so much on global networking and sees the principles of swarm intelligence and open source collaboration as the future of democracy also convey a relationship between the citizen and the state? How would, in that case, such a pirate citizen be defined and situated, and how does it relate to old conceptions of citizenship and existing political institutions?
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • Authors, Inventors and Entrepreneurs: Intellectual Property and Actors of Extraction
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Open Cultural Studies. - : De Gruyter Open. - 2451-3474. ; 2:1, s. 319-329
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The ideas and ideals of authorship and the discourse on property rights that emerged in parallelsince the 18th century have come to form the bedrock of copyright law. Critical copyright scholars arguethat this construction of authorship and ownership contributes to individualisation and privatisationof artistic works that disregards the collective aspects of creativity. It also embodies a certain kind ofauthorial character—or “author function” as Michel Foucault puts it—imbued with racial and genderedpowers and privileges. While the gendered and racialised biases of intellectual property rights are welldocumented within copyright research, the commodification of ideas and cultural expressions relies onindividualisation of creativity that is significant not only to the cultural economy but also to the 20th-centurynotion of the entrepreneur as the protagonist of capitalism. This article relates the idea of the entrepreneurto the deconstruction of authorship that was initiated by Foucault and Roland Barthes in the late 1960s,and the critique of an author-centred IPR regime developed by law scholars in the 1990s. It asks if and howthe deconstruction of the author as a cultural and ideological persona that underpins the privatisationof immaterial resources can help us understand the construction and function of the entrepreneur inextractive capitalism.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • Balancing community rights and national interests in international protection of traditional knowledge : a study of India’s Traditional Knowledge Digital Library
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Third World Quarterly. - : Routledge; Taylor & Francis. - 0143-6597 .- 1360-2241. ; 43:2, s. 352-370
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article analyses how local, national and international interests are reflected in India’s attempts to protect traditional knowledge through the formation of a Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL). It compares how the digital library is contextualised within India’s domestic policy with how it is presented to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The article argues that WIPO has endorsed the Indian initiative and embraced the promotion of protective databases as an uncontroversial tool that diverts attention from more contested forms of traditional knowledge protection. Consequently, India has been able to use WIPO as a platform to promote itself and the TKDL to the global community. Domestically, however, the library serves other purposes. Since it systematically documents a vast body of traditional medical knowledge, Indian authorities can use the library to claim that knowedge as part of a national cultural heritage, and as a source of scientific innovations to the economic and social benefit of the country. In that regard, the TKDL reflects an interplay among local, national and international interests, where the goal of protecting the traditional knowledge of indigenous and local communities against misappropriation risks being co-opted to serve national purposes.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • Between Intellectual and Cultural Property : Myths of Authorship and Common Heritage in the Protection of Traditional Cultural Expression
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Cultural Analysis. - Middletown, PA, United States : Cultural Analysis. - 2572-0643 .- 1537-7873. ; 17:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Since the 1970s international law has tried to provide protection for traditional knowledge (TK) and traditional cultural expressions (TCEs). Academics, activists and policymakers have discussed how to apply a legal framework based on Western norms of authorship on various forms of creativity that exist in different traditional communities. While aiming to acknowledge indigenous rights, this discourse also reflects assumptions and distinctions regarding differences between indigenous and non-indigenous cultures, relating to concepts of commons as well as individual and collective authorship. Here certain norms of cultural creativity are taken for granted, not only with regards to indigenous cultures but also regarding a Western cultural heritage. This article questions these assumptions by analyzing international legislation regarding the protection of TCEs and comparing them to the articulation of creativity and cultural entitlements in European cultural and legal discourses. It takes a particular paragraph in the Swedish copyright law, regarding the so called “protection of classics”, as a case study to discuss the inconsistencies between individual authorship and collective cultural entitlements within Western copyright law. Eventually it takes a decolonizing perspective on dichotomies between concepts such as: Western/non-Western; modern/traditional; authored/non-authored and intellectual property/cultural property.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972 (författare)
  • Cardiac arrest outside and inside hospital from a 30 year perspective in the Municipality of Gothenburg
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Aims: 1:To describe the epidemiology of both out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) and in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) in the Municipality of Gothenburg. 2:To describe the differences and similarities in cardiac arrest inside and outside hospital. 3:To describe the eventual change in outcome following the implementation of mechanical chest compression in the emergency medical service. Method: Consecutive OHCA cases in the Municipality of Gothenburg between 1980 and 2009 to which the emergency medical service responded were followed up to hospital discharge and at 1-month after the event for survival and neurological outcome according to the Utstein guidelines. Consecutive IHCA cases at Sahlgrenska university hospital between 1994 and 2006 to which the rescue team was called were followed up to discharge and at one month after the event for survival and neurological outcome according to the Utstein guidelines. We used the Swedish Cardiac Arrest Register for comparison. Results: In the time period 1980 - 1999 there were 5270 resuscitation attempts in relation to OHCA of which 3871 were regarded as being of cardiac aetiology. The delay to defibrillation was short (8 minutes median) and 27 percent of the witnessed OHCAs and 12 percent of the unwitnessed OHCAs received bystander-CPR. In all, 8.8% survived to discharge. In the Utstein ”golden standard” (bystander-witnessed cardiac arrest of cardiac aetiology found in ventricular fibrillation), 20 % were discharged from hospital. In the time period 1994 – 2002, the rescue team at Sahlgrenska University hospital was called 1570 times. In 71% of the cases, the patient had suffered a cardiac arrest. If the patients found in ventricular fibrillation were defibrillated within three minutes, survival to discharge was 63% if the IHCA occurred on a ward with ECG-monitoring capacity and 72% if the IHCA occurred on a ward without ECG-monitoring capacity. Of IHCAs between 1994 and 2001 (n=833) 37 per cent survived to hospital discharge, and 86 percent of them were alive one year later. The survival after IHCA was three times higher compared with OHCA for shockable rhythms and seven times higher for non-shockable rhythms. Between 1992 and 2009, curve for the survival after OHCA had a U shape, with the highest survival at the beginning and at the end. During the last decade, there was an increase in survival which was associated in terms of time with an increase in the use of mechanical chest compression. However, other factors of importance for survival, such as bystander CPR and post-resuscitation care, also changed. Conclusion: If patients with ventricular fibrillation are defibrillated within three minutes after collapse, the majority will survive. There are changes in survival after OHCA in Gothenburg over time with improvement and deterioration. The mechanisms behind these changes are not entirely understood, but a delay to start of treatment and post-resuscitation care are most probably important. Survival after IHCA is much higher than after OHCA, but this is not solely explained by a short time to the delivery of treatment.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • Commentary on: Swedish Copyright Act (1877)
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900).
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • For most of the 19th century Swedish copyright law was primarily regulated by the Freedom of the Press Ordinance of 1812, which merely stated that ‘Any writing is the property of the author or its legal proprietor’. It was not until 1877 that Sweden passed a separate, comprehensive copyright law. This was initially motivated by the fact that copyright was becoming much too extensive and complicated an issue to be regulated in a constitutional law. Apart from addressing many of the practicalities surrounding the exchange and sale of literary rights, the 1877 Copyright Act also introduced two important novelties in Swedish copyright law. First, it imposed a fixed time limitation on the protection of copyright; while the previous law had, in practice, allowed for an eternal extension of copyright protection, the new act limited this to 50 years after the death of the author. Secondly, the 1877 Copyright Act provided a certain, although very limited, copyright protection for translated works stating that original authors retained their copyright for works translated from Swedish into Norwegian or Danish. This was the most controversial part of the new law as many publishers saw this as a limitation of what they thought of as their ‘freedom to translate’ which, they argued, could limit public access to literature.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • Commentary on: Swedish freedom of the Press Ordinance (1810)
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Primary Sources on Copyright 1450-1900.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Sweden’s Freedom of the Press Ordinance of 1810 was not only a return to the liberal ideals that shaped the famous Freedom of the Press Ordinance of 1766 (sometimes referred to as the world’s first freedom of the press act), but it was also, arguably, Sweden’s first copyright regulation. This was indeed the first time that authors’ rights to the works they produced were acknowledged in Swedish law, although it was only mentioned in one paragraph, stating that ‘Any writing is the property of the author or its legal proprietor.’ The inclusion of authors’ rights in the Freedom of the Press Ordinance was largely uncontroversial and uncontested, and this commentary argues that it was most likely included because many of those involved in drafting the legislation were not only politicians but also authors and intellectuals. As such, they were familiar with the debates on authors’ rights in England and on the continent at the time. However, unlike in other European countries, the legislators did not elaborate on the nature and limitations of literary ownership, but merely assumed that the ownership of texts was to be equated with any other form of material property. Consequently, early Swedish copyright came to be entirely unlimited in time.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • Commentary on: Swedish Ordinance on the Limitation of Terms of Protection (1841)
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900).
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In the mid-19th century Swedish copyright law was regulated in the Freedom of the Press Ordinance of 1812, which merely stated that ‘Any writing is the property of the author or its legal proprietor’. This implied that copyright was to be seen as any other property right and that the ownership of texts was unlimited in time. This changed in 1841 when Sweden passed an addition to the copyright paragraph stating that copyright protection expired if the copyright holder or its heirs did not publish or reissue the works within 20 years. Since the copyright holders were still allowed to republish the work as many times as they wished, the law in practice still allowed for an infinite extension of the copyright protection. This revision was nevertheless principally important since it was the first time that Swedish law acknowledged that literary property needed to be addressed differently from material property. The discussion preceding the revision also introduced the interests of the public in Swedish copyright law for the first time, as it referred to the need to make literature publicly available as an argument for imposing potential limitations on the terms of protection.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972-, et al. (författare)
  • Commons, Piracy and the Crisis of Property
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: tripleC. - 1726-670X. ; 14:1, s. 132-144
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article takes the politicisation of copyright and file sharing as a starting point to discuss the concept of the commons and the construction of property. Empirically, the article draws on a series of interviews with Pirate Party members in Sweden, Australia, Germany, the UK and USA; placed in the theoretical framework of the commons. We argue that piracy, as an act and an ideology, interrogates common understandings of property as something self-evident, natural and uncontestable. Such constructions found liberal market ideology. The article has two broad aims: to outline the different phases of enclosure, from the physical commons, to the institutional and finally the cultural commons; and to discuss the way that piracy highlights the emergent crisis in private property rights, brought to the fore by the global financial crisis and ongoing privatization of public resources. We conclude by questioning what new modes of enclosure are emerging in a digital economy driven by excessive data mining and centralized streaming services.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • Copyright Culture and Pirate Politics
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Cultural Studies. - : Routledge. - 0950-2386 .- 1466-4348. ; 28:5-6, s. 1022-1047
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article approaches the recent debates about copyright and piracy from a cultural and historical perspective, discussing how problems surrounding intellectual property rights (IPR) reflect cultural conflicts that are central to cultural studies. It sets out with a study of how international copyright norms developed in nineteenth-century Europe were implemented in two different national contexts: Sweden and the USA. This historical background shows how copyright has been embedded in the cultural history of Europe and intertwined with the idea of an evolving Western civilization. The examples from the past are thus used to highlight the underlying cultural implications that affect the contemporary discussions. Particular interest is paid to how the historical association between the spread of copyright and the development of civilization affects the understanding of Asian piracy and Western file sharing today, and how a multitude of social movements both in the West and the Third World simultaneously challenge the cultural legitimacy of the current system of IPR. Eventually this is also taken as an example of how law and culture intersect and how the broad, interdisciplinary field of copyright studies that has emerged over the last decade can be seen as an extension of the cultural studies tradition.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • ’De patenterade konsterna’: 100 år av upphovsrättskritik
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: <em>Kultur~Natur:</em>. - Linköping : Linköping University Electronic Press. ; , s. 291-297
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Ända sedan 1700-talet har upphovsrätten motiverats utifrån John Lockes naturrättsliga föreställning om att varje individ har en odiskutabel rätt till frukterna av sitt eget arbete. Att författare, konstnärer och andra upphovsmän därmed har en naturlig äganderätt till sina egna verk är en grundtes som fortfarande präglar synen på upphovsrätten. Under senare år har denna tes mött högljutt motstånd, men det har alltid funnits röster som har ifrågasatt det självskrivna och naturliga i upphovsmannens rätt att begränsa andra människors tillgång på kultur. I detta paper tittar jag närmare på hur sådana motdiskurser har artikulerats i upphovsrättshistorien. Det en text vigd åt avvikare och nejsägare i den svenska riksdagsdebatten om upphovsrätt från mitten av 1800-talet fram till 1960 och den visar bland annat hur upphovsrättsfrågan på olika sätt inordnats i en politisk debatt där kritiken växelvis kommit från liberalt och socialistiskt håll. Avslutningsvis frågar jag mig vilka perspektiv dessa röster kan ge på dagens upphovsrättsdebatt och vad de kan säga om upphovsrättskritikens roll i samtidens politiska landskap.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • Dilemmas of Protection : Decolonising the Regulation of Genetic resources and Cultural Heritage
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS). - : Informa UK Limited. - 1352-7258 .- 1470-3610. ; 27:7, s. 720-733
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article argues that since genetic resources carry cultural significanceto many Indigenous communities, the protection of genetic resourcesshould be considered in relation to the protection of Indigenous culturalheritage. It compares international regulations of genetic resources andassociated traditional knowledge to those of traditional cultural expressions,focusing particularly on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)and its implementation through the Nagoya Protocol. The article discusseshow attempts to decolonise the regulation of genetic resources areimpeded by two dilemmas that have also affected UNESCO and WIPO’sattempts to safeguard traditional cultural expressions. The first dilemmaconcerns the problems of promoting Indigenous self-recognition withina system of governance based on national agency and sovereignty.The second dilemma concerns how international regulations are basedon a Western ontology that polarises natural and cultural resources, whichhas resulted in a reluctance to address intellectual property rights withinthe CBD. Exploring parallels between the regulation of genetic resourcesand traditional cultural expressions provides new perspectives on thedifficulties facing the decolonisation of the protection of Indigenousresources and the implementation of Indigenous data sovereignty.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972-, et al. (författare)
  • Epilogue: Property, Place and Piracy
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Property, Place and Piracy. - : Routledge. - 9781138745131 ; , s. 231-234
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • Författarrättens genombrott, Gunnar Petri (Bokrecension)
  • 2008
  • Ingår i: TFL : tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap. - 0282-7913. ; 2, s. 98-101
  • Recension (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Recension av Gunnar Petris avhandling Författarrättens genombrott: "Författarens rätt till sitt verk har djupa rötter, ständigt omdiskuterade, ständigt utnyttjade för den ena eller andra ståndpunkten i en alltid aktuell debatt. Författarrätten föddes ur censurens fall, och den skapade förutsättningarna för uppkomsten av oberoende författarskap. I dagens cybervärld är den ifrågasatt. Historien om dess genombrott i 1700- och 1800-talets Europa berättas i Författarrättens genombrott, som ger en bred och fascinerande skildring av den idémässiga, ekonomiska och politiska bakgrunden till den moderna författarrollens uppkomst. Det är en dramatisk utveckling alltifrån tryckerikonstens första uppblomstring i Venedig, över Locke och den tidiga parlamentarismens England, franska revolutionen, Metternichs reaktionära Tyskland och till vår egen svenska statsvälvning 180910 och dess följder."
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972, et al. (författare)
  • In-hospital cardiac arrest--an Utstein style report of seven years experience from the Sahlgrenska University Hospital
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: Resuscitation. - : Elsevier BV. - 0300-9572 .- 1873-1570. ; 68:3, s. 351-8
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • BACKGROUND: In-hospital cardiac arrest is one of the most stressful situations in modern medicine. Since 1997, there has been a uniform way of reporting - the Utstein guidelines for in-hospital cardiac arrest reporting. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We have studied all consecutive cardiac arrest in the Sahlgrenska University Hospital (SU) between 1994 and 2001 for who the rescue team was alerted in all 833 patients. The primary endpoint for this study was survival to discharge. RESULTS: Thirty-seven percent survived to hospital discharge. Among patients who were discharged alive, 86% were alive 1 year later. The survivors have a good cerebral outcome (94% among those who were discharged alive had cerebral performance category (CPC) score 1 or 2). The organization at SU is efficient; 80% of the cardiac arrest had CPR within 1 min. Time from cardiac arrest to first defibrillation is a median of 2 min. Almost two-thirds of the patients were admitted for cardiac related diagnoses. CONCLUSION: The current study is the largest single-centre study of in hospital cardiac arrest reported according to the Utstein guidelines. We report a high survival for in-hospital cardiac arrest. We have pointed out that a functional chain of survival, short intervals before the start of CPR and defibrillation are probably contributing factors for this.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • India’s Traditional Knowledge Digital Library and the Politics of Patent Classifications
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Law and Critique. - : Springer Netherlands. - 0957-8536 .- 1572-8617. ; 34, s. 1-19
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article analyzes India’s Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) as a potential intervention in the administration of patent law. The TKDL is a database including a vast body of traditional medical knowledge from India, aiming to prevent the patenting and misappropriation of that knowledge. This article contextualizes the TKDL in relation to documentation theory as well as to existing research on the uses of databases to protect traditional knowledge. It explores the TKDL’s potential consequences for India’s traditional medical knowledge and the wider implications that traditional knowledge databases can have for the safeguarding of traditional knowledge in general. The article concludes that on the one hand the TKDL bridges the gap between the main branches of Indian traditional medicine and the formal knowledge system of International Patent Classifications. Furthermore, it has also inspired revisions of the International Patent Classification system, which makes it better adapted to incorporate traditional medical knowledge. On the other hand, critical research on traditional knowledge documentation argues that traditional knowledge databases, like the TKDL, can decontextualize the knowledge they catalogue and dispossess its original owners. The TKDL, however, also fits into a national, Indian agenda of documenting and modernizing traditional medicine that predates the formation of the TKDL by several decades and challenges the dichotomy between traditional and scientific knowledge systems that originally motivated the formation of the TKDL.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972- (författare)
  • Information Commons Between Enclosure and Exposure : Regulating Piracy and Privacy in the EU
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: International Journal of the Commons. - Utrecht, Netherlands : Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals. - 1875-0281. ; 14:1, s. 494-507
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In the first decade of the 21s century, copyright was high on the political agenda as activists and academics criticised how stricter implementations of copyright laws limited the public access to culture and knowledge and enclosed the information commons. A decade later, streaming media and data mining have changed the information-political agenda, shifting the focus from piracy to privacy, giving concepts such as access to knowledge and information commons new meanings. This article relates the copyfights of the early 2000nds to more recent copyright discussions. It relies on a series of interviews with members of the Pirate Party, conducted between 2011 and 2015 and connects them to more recent debates about the European Union Directive on Copyright for the Digital Single Market (COM/2016/0593) that was passed in march 2019. The article asks if and how the information commons movement and the international political agenda about intellectual property rights and access to information have changed with the rise of a digital economy build around streaming media and data mining.
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972-, et al. (författare)
  • Introduction: Property, Place and Piracy
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Property, Place and Piracy. - : Routledge. - 9781138745131 ; , s. 1-10
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Fredriksson, Martin, 1972-, et al. (författare)
  • On Piracy
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Piracy. - Sacramento, CA : Litwin Books. - 1936117592 - 9781936117598 ; , s. 1-13
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • "Piracy" is a concept that seems everywhere in the contemporary world. From the big screen with the dashing Jack Sparrow, to the dangers off the coast of Somalia; from the claims by the Motion Picture Association of America that piracy funds terrorism, to the political impact of pirate parties in countries like Sweden and Germany. While the spread of piracy provokes responses from the shipping and copyright industries, the reverse is also true: for every new development in capitalist technologies, some sort of "piracy" moment emerges.This is maybe most obvious in the current ideologisation of Internet piracy where the rapid spread of so called Pirate Parties is developing into a kind of global political movement. While the pirates of Somalia seem a long way removed from Internet pirates illegally downloading the latest music hit or, it is the assertion of this book that such developments indicate a complex interplay between capital flows and relations, late modernity, property rights and spaces of contestation. That is, piracy seems to emerge at specific nodes in capitalist relations that create both blockages and leaks between different social actors.
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