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Sökning: WFRF:(Högfeldt Anna Karin)

  • Resultat 1-22 av 22
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  • Högfeldt, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Leading the teacher team - balancing between formal and informal power in program leadership
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Tertiary Education and Management. - : Springer Nature. - 1358-3883 .- 1573-1936. ; 24:1, s. 49-65
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This continuous research within Nordic engineering institutions targets the contexts and possibilities for leadership among engineering education program directors. The IFP-model, developed based on analysis of interviews with program leaders in these institutions, visualizes the program director's informal and formal power. The model is presented as a tool for starting a shared discussion on the complexities of the leadership of engineering program development. The authors liken program development to hunting in teams. Each individual expert in the program is needed, and all experts will need to work and collaborate for the same target. This calls for strategic and long-term thinking of engineering education development. Institutions should support the development of both formal structures as well as informal leadership skills among their program directors, but never fall for the temptation to see the program director as the only actor on the stage.
  • Högfeldt, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Pedagogisk meritering på KTH - Samarbete, excellens och utbildningsinnovation
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Bidrag från 7:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar. - Luleå : Luleå University of Technology. ; , s. 76-81
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Detta bidrag beskriver och analyserar förberedelsefasen inför implementeringen av ett högskolepedagogiskt excellensprogram vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, KTH. Programmet syftar till att ytterligare stärka värdet av pedagogiska meriter och samtidigt bidra till lärosätets fortsatta och fördjupade utveckling av utbildningarna och organisationen. De tydligaste riskerna som har identifierats med befintliga pedagogiska meriteringsmodeller är att de kan skapa ett A- och B-lag (mellan en karriär som forskare och en karriär som lärare). Dessutom är det ofta oklart hur personer som har utnämnts till excellenta lärare ska kunna bidra till organisationens och utbildningens utveckling ur ett kortsiktigt såväl som ett långsiktigt perspektiv. En tydlig svaghet med befintliga pedagogiska meriteringsmodeller är att de inte explicit nog ger emfas till aktivt och relevant utvecklingsarbete, utan fokuserar på egenhändigt skrivna pedagogiska portföljer som sällan är framtidsinriktade. KTH:s högskolepedagogiska excellensprogram siktar på att försöka möta dessa risker och svagheter. KTH har, alltjämt sedan det nationella obligatoriet om 15 hp Högskolepedagogik infördes, kvarhållit detta obligatorium. Stora satsningar har gjorts på den högskolepedagogiska verksamheten. Ett gediget utbud av fortbildningsmöjligheter samt arenor för nätverkande har utvecklats. Samtidigt råder svagheter i systemet gällande prövande och tillvaratagande av pedagogisk skicklighet, och det är tydligt att KTH behöver ytterligare utveckling i området. Författarna menar också att i och med att de utmaningar vi står inför gällande pedagogisk meritering ser relativt lika ut vid landets lärosäten, bör ett stärkt nationellt samarbete och nätverkande inom landets ingenjörsutbildningar främjas inom området. Artikelförfattarna representerar KTH:s övergripande ledning, utbildningsledning samt ledningen för den högskolepedagogiska verksamheten.
  • Högfeldt, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Program leadership from a nordic perspective : Program leaders' power to influence their program
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 9th International CDIO Conference.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this paper a continuation research at five technical universities in Nordic countries (N5T network) in 2012 is presented, wheretheaim was to find out how the program leadersconceived their function, role and mandate, and the work situations between the universitieswere compared. The previous research demonstrated that programleadershave quite different positions, strategies and methods when it comes to monitoring and developing their programs.In this paper, a deeper investigationis carried out ofthe (im-) possibilitiesto make realinfluence on the study courses that constitutesthe respective Engineering study programs. Eightprogram leaders from thefiveN5Tuniversities have been interviewed, and theanalysis of these studies, has culminatedina model for the analysis of program leadership for Engineering educationdevelopment.
  • Högfeldt, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Program leadership from a Nordic perspective - Managing education development
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of 8th International CDIO Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Nordic Five Tech (N5T) is a strategic alliance between five technical universities in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The overall aim is to “utilize shared and complementary strengths and create synergy within education, research and innovation”. In this paper we focus on university educational development issues by investigating the program leadership at five Nordic technical universities. Specifically, the paper compares definitions, views and experiences of education leadership in the Nordic Five Tech (N5T) universities. The paper does this by, first, reviewing the definitions of roles and responsibilities for program directors at each university, and second, by presenting results from a survey carried out in March 2012 among program directors at the N5T universities. Based on this data, we analyze how program directors experience their role, their possibilities to lead, and their opportunities of learning to lead. How is time for reflection and development as leaders handled at the different universities? The paper goes on to consider what impact the mandate of the leadership role has on the possibilities for developing educational programs. For instance, how can program directors ensure that learning objectives concerning generic skills and abilities are reached? How can program directors drive implementation of integrative and value-oriented topics such as sustainable development, innovation and entrepreneurship?
  • Högfeldt, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Program leadership from a Nordic perspective - Program leaders' power to influence their program
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 9th International CDIO Conference, Cambridge, USA.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this paper a continuation research at five technical universities in Nordic countries (N5T network) in 2012 is presented, where the aim was to find out how the program leaders conceived their function, role and mandate, and the work situations between the universities were compared. The previous research demonstrated that program leaders have quite different positions, strategies and methods when it comes to monitoring and developing their programs. In this paper, a deeper investigation is carried out of the (im-) possibilities to make real influence on the study courses that constitutes the respective Engineering study programs. Eight program leaders from the five N5T universities have been interviewed, and the analysis of these studies, has culminated in a model for the analysis of program leadership for Engineering education development.
  • Azasu, S, et al. (författare)
  • CDIO in Africa
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: <em>Proceedings of the 15th International CDIO Conference</em>.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)
  • Cronhjort, Mikael, et al. (författare)
  • Nationellt erfarenhetsutbyte och utmaningar för civilingenjörsutbildning
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of 7:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar. ; , s. 231-232
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Vi vill i en workshop identifiera behovoch intresse för att bilda ett nätverk för civilingenjörsutbildningar i Sverige. Vi tror att det kan finnas ett behov av etteget forum för att diskutera utmaningar som är specifika förcivilingenjörsutbildningar. Vi presenterar här några förslag påområden som vi på KTH tror att kan vara intressanta att ta uppi ett sådant nätverk, men vi är mycket intresserade av att läraoss om vilka utmaningar som uppfattas som intressanta ochviktiga på andra lärosäten. 
  • Högfeldt, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Leadership, support and organisation for academics'€™ participation in engineering education change for sustainable development
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: European Journal of Engineering Education. - : Informa UK Limited. - 0304-3797 .- 1469-5898.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This work spotlights the experiences from ten years of implementing sustainable development in all educational programs at a technical university. With a focus on the critical issue of involving more academics in the work, experiences are shared through an ethnographic account including focus group interviews. "€˜Sustainable development"€™ has been perceived as both superficial and overwhelming; unclear yet somehow predetermined; it has been perceived to demand non-existent space in the curriculum; and it has challenged the academics regardless of the subjects'€™ relatedness to sustainability. It is concluded that the evolution of a web of interconnected people, key academics, activities, norms and tools has contributed to an increased participation. The work for authenticity, reliability and feasibility, along with institution-wide and long-term academic development tools is presented.
  • Högfeldt, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Mellan vision och praktik i förändring : Övergripande arenor och nätverk som hållbara mötesplatser?
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Hållbart lärande.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Universitet över hela världen svarar med olika strategier och initiativ på det ökandeförändringsbehovet av den högre utbildningens innehåll, form och resultat (Geschwind, 2019). Dettabidrag syftar till att analysera hur KTH:s övergripande nätverk och arenor för utbildningens utvecklingkan fungera som mötesplatser och bidra till en dialog mellan vision och praktik i förändring.Det finns en medvetenhet om förändringsarbetets komplexa natur inom högre utbildning (Högfeldt,2018; Roxå et al, 2011; Kezar, 2011; Fisher & Henderson, 2018), där övergripande ledord och visionersällan kan översättas i omedelbar handling i lärares och studenters vardag (Barman et al, 2016). Vanligtförekommande barriärer för förändringsarbete är organisationens strukturer, profilering ochvärdesättning (Trowler, 2001; Hellawell & Hancock, 2001; Edström, 2017). UKÄ (2017) drar slutsatsenatt det som kännetecknar goda förutsättningar för förändringsarbete är ledarskap och lärareskunskapsbildning och engagemang. Bendermacher et al (2017) visar i en kartläggning att de mestvälfungerande miljöerna har en sammanhållen kvalitetskultur som är inkluderande och tillåter ad-hocbottomup-initiativ. KTH har senaste decenniet arbetat med att utveckla arenor för att tillvarataorganisationens kraft och kompetens.År 2012 startades programansvarigas nätverk, PA-nätverket, efter att en intern utbildningsutvärderingidentifierat programansvarsrollen som otydlig och svår. Nätverksträffarna hålls månatligen. Exempelpå teman är genomströmning, jämställdhetsintegration och programsammanhållning.Studierektorsnätverket bildades 2017, där de månadsvisa träffarna behandlar teman som digitalexamination och bättre användning av lärosalar. Vid ett par tillfällen har nätverken gemensammaträffar med teman som studentinflytande och särskild behörighet för kurser.Nätverken kompletteras med s.k. storträffar som är öppna för alla på KTH 1 . Storträffarna hållsterminsvis och varar en halvdag. Varje deltagare kan delta i tre rundabordsdiskussioner och haromkring tio olika teman att välja på. Efter diskussionerna sammanfattar bordsledarna i plenum.Storträffen avslutas med att vicerektor för utbildning ger sina reflektioner och diskuterar hur arbetetgår vidare. För att underhålla det kontinuerliga arbetet mellan storträffarna arrangeras olika grupper runt prioriterade frågor, öppna för alla anställda och studenter. Här utbyts kunskaper, förslaggenereras och storträffarna används för förmedling och återkoppling.Analysen vilar bland annat på enkäter i samband med storträffarna. 2019 var 83% av deltagarna nöjda.Majoriteten framhöll att de fått nya idéer och fått dela egna erfarenheter. Endast 5% uppger att deinte var bekväma att delta aktivt i diskussionerna. Antalet deltagare vid träffarna har successivt ökat,och vi ser att olika roller och funktioner hittar fram. Samtidigt vet vi att det är många som inte hittarsin plats i den här typen av sammanhang. Vi vill med detta bidrag analysera KTH:s arenor och nätverkgällande i vilken utsträckning de uppfyller behovet av att stärka kopplingen mellan vision och praktik.
  • Högfeldt, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Mutual Capacity Building through North-South Collaboration Using Challenge-Driven Education
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Sustainability. - : MDPI. - 2071-1050. ; 11:24
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The urgent need for actions in the light of the global challenges motivates international policy to define roadmaps for education on all levels to step forward and contribute with new knowledge and competencies. Challenge-Driven Education (CDE) is described as an education for Sustainable Development (ESD) approach, which aims to prepare students to work with global challenges and to bring value to society by direct impact. This paper describes, evaluates and discusses a three-year participatory implementation project of Challenge-driven education (CDE) within the engineering education at the University of Dar es Salam, UDSM, which has been carried out in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH in Stockholm. Conclusions are drawn on crucial aspects for engineering education change through the lens of Activity Theory (AT), where CDE is brought forward as a motivating ESD initiative for engineering faculty and students. Furthermore participatory co-creation is notably useful as it aims to embrace social values among the participants. Also, traditional organizational structures will need to be continuously negotiated in the light of the integration of more open-ended approaches in education.
  • Högfeldt, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Organizing for Capacity and Involvement among Faculty, Students and Staff in Engineering Education Change : 10 Years of Development
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of 2021 World Engineering Education Forum/Global Engineering Deans Council, WEEF/GEDC 2021. - : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. ; , s. 340-348
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • KTH, as most universities, is going through major transformations to respond to the challenges in society. In this contribution, we present ten years of development work that has aimed to enable strengthened participation in educational change, across KTH's organizational boundaries-among teachers, students, and administrative staff. A practitioner and action-oriented approach has guided the development work, from 2011 to today, in creating new meeting arenas. The pandemic outbreak and the associated paralysis of our normal activities proved to lead to an increased importance of the established arenas for educational issues. A broadening could be seen in participating actors and a significant increase in the number of participants. We conclude with emphasizing the value we see with organizing for participation in the transformation of higher education. 
  • Högfeldt, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Program Leadership from a Nordic Perspective
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 8th International CDIO Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane..
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)
  • Högfeldt, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Understanding Engineering Education Change With The Introduction of Challenge Driven Education in Tanzania
  • 2018
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Sweden and Tanzania have collaborated since 1976 in research projects. A PhD sandwich program was established in the 90's in the field of electrical engineering between UDSM (University of Dar es Salam), Tanzania and KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Sweden. This collaboration has opened up for shared trust, idea exchange and the emergence of the challenge driven education approach. Challenge driven education brings in socio-technical challenges to engineering education, or rather, brings out students and academic faculty, to real life challenges outside academy. The research of the first years' experience reveals factors like high motivation among students, faculty and stakeholders in society. New ways of teaching and learning have evolved, and clear contrasts with traditional education have been found.
  • Kann, Viggo, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Effects of a Program Integrating Course for Students ofComputer Science and Engineering
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Proc. 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education. - New York, NY, USA : ACM Digital Library. - 9781450336857 ; , s. 510-515
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Study programs are a central component of the higher education system, in particular for professional education. However, for many education programs, especially in engineering, a large part of the beginner students fail to reach graduation. A reason for this could be lack of program coherence. In order to strengthen the program coherence of the computer science and engineering program at KTH, a program integrating course was introduced in 2010. The course runs at low speed through the first three years of the program. It consists of reflection seminars in small cross-grade groups of students, led by a professor as a mentor. In the seminars the students exercise self-regulated learning abilities, such as metacognitive skills, when reflecting, discussing and acting upon different topics, such as study techniques, procrastination, studying abroad, plagiarism and responsibility, and the professional life after the studies. We have studied and found both perceived and measurable positive effects of the program integrating course. In this paper we describe effects on the students’ study skills, their ability to reflect and interest in exchange studies.
  • Manneberg, Otto, 1981-, et al. (författare)
  • En struktur för ökad funktionell kunskap hos studenten från räkneövningar
  • 2008
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • En struktur för räkneövningar med syftet att ge studenten ökade funktionella kunskaper och färdigheter i ämnet presenteras. Strukturen är avsedd att aktivera studenten både innan och under en räkneövning. Genom kamraträttning av frivilliga hemuppgifter frikopplade från bonussystem, student-student-diskussioner samt diskussion i helklass antas studenten uppmuntras till djupare lärstrategier och nå en högre taxonominivå inom ämnet.Strukturen utprovas på två studentgrupper; andraårsstudenter på ett civilingenjörsprogram på KTH, samt förstårsstudenter på optikerutbildningen på Karolinska Institutet som läser optikkurser vid KTH. Utvärdering sker under pågående kurs genom enkäter till alla studenterna samt intervjuer av optikerstudenter, samt efter fullgången kurs genom intervjuer av assistenter och ingenjörsstudenter. Resultaten visar att studenterna ställer sig positiva till det nya systemet och anser att det ger dem en djupare nivå av förståelse, att det skapar en mer transparent bild av rättningsprocessen, samt att det ökar interaktionen mellan studenter och skapar en bättre klassrumsmiljö. Deltagandet är stort bland optikerstudenterna, medan ingenjörsstudenterna anser att de har betydligt svårare att hitta tid till hemuppgifterna.
  • Munkebo Hussmann, Peter, et al. (författare)
  • Peer Evaluation of Master Programs: Closing the Quality Circle of the CDIO Approach?
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education (IJQAETE). - 2155-496X. ; 2:2, s. 67-79
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A quality assurance project was conducted within the framework of the Nordic Five Tech Alliance (N5T), a strategic alliance of the five leading technical universities in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The project concerned the development of a common quality enhancement tool for conducting peer evaluations of educational programs to enable their further development and close the quality circle. In addition, the project will contribute to the consolidation of the N5T alliance by facilitating contacts between faculty members and providing them with an in-depth knowledge of the study programs within their field at another N5T institution. The article describes the quality enhancement tool in detail, its contribution to the development of the involved programs, and how international peer evaluation can contribute to closing the quality circle. Finally, it assesses the value of the approach to contribute to the creation of long-term relationships in educational networks.
  • Rosén, Anders, et al. (författare)
  • Connecting North and South through Challenge Driven Education
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 14th International CDIO Conference. - Kanazawa, Japan.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper contributes with a north-south perspective on the ongoing enhancement of engineering education for sustainable development by giving insights in and results from implementation of challenge driven education (CDE) through joint efforts by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) and other African partner universities. CDE is explained as an evolution of PBL for building learning experiences around societal challenges, engaging external stakeholders, and developing students’ abilities to contribute to sustainable development. A case study is presented where students’, teachers’ and challenge owners’ perceptions of a challenge driven approach in engineering education are explored and key drivers and barriers for implementing CDE are clarified.
  • Rosén, Anders, Dr, et al. (författare)
  • Mapping the CDIO Syllabus to the UNESO Key Competences for Sustainability
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference. - 2002-1593. ; , s. 67-84
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this paper a framework of key competencies for sustainability defined by UNESCO is used to evaluate the relevance of the CDIO Syllabus for promoting engineering education for sustainable development. The evaluation is performed in two steps. First, topics, terms and concepts in the CDIO Syllabus that corresponds to the different UNESCO key competencies are identified. The second step is a qualitative discussion where areas of strong mapping are highlighted and aspects that could be better visualized or strengthened in, or added to, the Syllabus are identified. Differences in definitions of various concepts between the CDIO Syllabus and the UNESCO key competencies and the overall relation between the two frameworks are discussed. It is concluded that the CDIO Syllabus is rather well aligned with the UNESCO framework, however several opportunities (not to say needs) for strengthening the Syllabus in relation to the key competencies are identified. The UNESCO key competencies are found to be useful instruments for scrutinizing and updating the CDIO Syllabus. Other opportunities for knowledge and methods transfer between the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) domain and the Engineering Education domain are identified. The paper is proposed to be used as basis for updating the CDIO Syllabus into a version 3.0 for maintaining its relevance in a changing world.
  • Wyss, Ramon Alexander, et al. (författare)
  • Mutual innovation capacity building through challenge driven education for sustainable development in an international framework
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: 12th international conference of education, research and innovation (ICERI 2019). - : IATED Academy. - 9788409147557 ; , s. 5209-5219
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) have successfully developed a new educational model, 'challenge driven education' (CDE). The Model comprises the following building blocks: Integrating societal challenges into the regular curriculum, close collaboration with external stakeholders 'the challenge owners' through the design thinking methodology, international and cross disciplinary student teams that develop solutions to the formulated challenges, teacher training modules that support the pedagogical learning and interaction with external stakeholders. The formulated challenges as well as the proposed solutions shall contribute to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as formulated by the UN agenda 2030.The ambition of the program is to develop student and teacher skills that can tackle the challenges of our time, like the sustainable development goals. The program is developed through a strategic partnership of KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the College of ICT of University of Dar es Salaam, UDSM supported by a STINT grant (The Swedish foundation for international cooperation in research and higher education). External stakeholders like the Dar es Salaam water and sewage authority, DAWASA, have defined challenges like clean water supply of Dar es Salaam. Students and teachers develop actionable problem statements in a design thinking process together with DAWASA, the external stakeholder. Student teams of UDSM and KTH develop proposed solutions to the formulated challenges in their final year project. Implementation of the proposed solutions by external stakeholders generates steps towards a sustainable development. In similar fashion, students from UDSM come to Stockholm KTH to participate in challenge based courses developing solutions of the sustainability challenges of the Swedish society. The key contribution to society is students that have become confident of their skills and ability to work for a sustainable future, an academia that interacts directly with external stakeholders, integrating their challenges into the learning curriculum and societal stakeholders learning to interact with the university. The model is transferable and scalable. The presentation reports the successful implementation of the project at UDSM and KTH and report learning outcomes and impact on society. A teacher training book, guide to challenge driven education has been developed [1] prior to the project start, which has been used in the project and which can be downloaded from the KTH web, see also https://www.kth.se/challenge
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