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Träfflista för sökning "WFRF:(Jacobsson Andreas) "

Sökning: WFRF:(Jacobsson Andreas)

  • Resultat 1-50 av 144
Sortera/gruppera träfflistan
  • Dahlbom, L, et al. (författare)
  • Gender and Overconfidence : Are Girls really overconfident?
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Applied Economics Letters. - : Taylor & Francis. - 1350-4851 .- 1466-4291. ; 18:4, s. 325-327
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Previous research finds that people are overconfident and that men are more overconfident than women. Using a very precise confidence measure, this article shows, however, that whereas boys are overconfident, girls are actually underconfident regarding their mathematics performance. We conducted a survey where 14-year-old high school students were asked what grade they thought they would get in a mathematics test a week later. These results were then compared with their actual grade. Boys were overconfident about their grades, whereas girls were underconfident.
  • Hellsmark, Hans, 1974, et al. (författare)
  • Teknologiska innovationssystem inom energiområdet: En praktisk vägledning till identifiering av systemsvagheter som motiverar särskilda politiska åtaganden
  • 2014
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med denna rapport är att illustrera hur ett praktiskt inriktat ramverk, tekno- logiska innovationssystem (TIS), kan användas av analytiker och beslutsfattare vid departement och myndigheter för att analysera strategiskt viktiga teknikområden ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????I rapporten analyseras fem TIS centrerade kring havsbaserad vindkraft, marin energi, ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? systemsvagheter som bromsar områdets vidare utveckling, vilka som kan åtgärdas av systemets aktörer och vilka som motiverar särskilda politiska åtaganden. Rapporten utgör därmed ett underlag för att formulera åtgärder för att åstadkomma ökad innova- tion, teknikspridning och industrialisering inom ovan nämnda teknikområden.Studien har även möjliggjort en jämförande analys av likheter och skillnader ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? mellan områdena – de är starka respektive svaga av olika orsaker. Detta visar att ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Samtidigt har områdena gemensamma drag. Systemets aktörer, där även politiska ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????- skapsnätverk. Men de har varit sämre på att skapa tidiga nischmarknader som ger utrymme för fortsatt lärande och kostnadsreduktion. Sådana nischer kan ibland skapas av marknadens aktörer, men ofta krävs politiska styrmedel. De behövs för att investeringar i kunskapsutveckling ska kunna nyttiggöras och för att en bred industriell utveckling inom nya områden skall göras möjlig i Sverige.Vidare presenteras lärdomar kring vad en aktiv teknikpolitik innebär. Två huvud- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????- hällsbygget och därför bör vara ett politikområde bland många samt att den skarpa ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? olika faser av innovationssystemets utveckling.För att lyckas med en aktiv teknikpolitik behövs en hög grad av koordinering ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? teknikområden så att ”rätt” typ av åtgärder kan sättas in vid ”rätt” tidpunkt av ”rätt” aktör. TIS-ramverket lyfts här fram som en metod för att skapa ett sådant underlag. Slutligen presenteras en metod för projektbedömningar som syftar till att stötta handläggare i utvärderingar av projekt inom nya teknikområden.Rapporten i sin helhet riktar sig särskilt till beslutsfattare och handläggare vid myndigheter, departement och politiker, men även andra organisationer och indi- vider med intresse av att högt ställda klimatmål ska kunna nås samtidigt som en positiv näringslivsutveckling möjliggörs.
  • Adams, Robin, et al. (författare)
  • What is the word for 'Engineering' in Swedish : Swedish students conceptions of their discipline
  • 2007
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Engineering education in Sweden – as in the rest of the world – is experiencing a decline in student interest. There are concerns about the ways in which students think about engineering education, why they join an academic programme in engineering, and why they persist in their studies. In this context the aims of the Nationellt ämnesdidaktiskt Centrum för Teknikutbildning i Studenternas Sammanhang project (CeTUSS) is to investigate the student experience and to identify and support a continuing network of interested researchers, as well as in building capacity for disciplinary pedagogic investigation. The Stepping Stones project brings together these interests in a multi-researcher, multi-institutional study that investigates how tudents and academic staff perceive engineering in Sweden and in Swedish education. The first results of that project are reported here. As this study is situated uniquely in Swedish education, it allows for exploration of “a Swedish perspective” on conceptions of engineering. The Stepping Stones project was based on a model of research capacity-building previously instantiated in the USA and Australia (Fincher & Tenenberg, 2006).
  • Adewole, Kayode Sakariyah, et al. (författare)
  • HOMEFUS : A Privacy and Security-Aware Model for IoT Data Fusion in Smart Connected Homes
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security IoTBDS. - : SciTePress. - 9789897586996 ; , s. 133-140
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The benefit associated with the deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) technology is increasing daily. IoT has revolutionized our ways of life, especially when we consider its applications in smart connected homes. Smart devices at home enable the collection of data from multiple sensors for a range of applications and services. Nevertheless, the security and privacy issues associated with aggregating multiple sensors’ data in smart connected homes have not yet been sufficiently prioritized. Along this development, this paper proposes HOMEFUS, a privacy and security-aware model that leverages information theoretic correlation analysis and gradient boosting to fuse multiple sensors’ data at the edge nodes of smart connected homes. HOMEFUS employs federated learning, edge and cloud computing to reduce privacy leakage of sensitive data. To demonstrate its applicability, we show that the proposed model meets the requirements for efficient data fusion pipelines. The model guides practitio ners and researchers on how to setup secure smart connected homes that comply with privacy laws, regulations, and standards. 
  • Adewole, Kayode Sakariyah, et al. (författare)
  • LPM : A Lightweight Privacy-Aware Model for IoT Data Fusion in Smart Connected Homes
  • 2024
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Internet of Things (IoT) technology has created a new dimension for data collection, transmission, processing, storage, and service delivery. With the advantages offered by IoT technologies, interest in smart home automation has increased over the years. Nevertheless, smart connected homes are characterized with the security and privacy problems that are associated with aggregating multiple sensors' data and exposing them to the Internet. In this paper, we propose LPM, a lightweight privacy-aware model that leverages information theoretic correlation analysis and gradient boosting to fuse multiple sensors' data at the edge nodes of smart connected homes. LPM employs federated learning, edge and cloud computing to reduce privacy leakages of sensitive data. To demonstrate its applicability, two services, commonly provided by smart homes, i.e., occupancy detection and people count estimation, were experimentally investigated. The results show that LPM can achieve accuracy, F1 score and AUC-ROC of 99.98%, 99.13%, and 99.98% respectively for occupancy detection as well as Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and R2 of 0.0011,0.0175, and 98.39% respectively for people count estimation. LPM offers the opportunity to each smart connected home to participate in collaborative learning that is achieved through the federated machine learning component of the proposed model.
  • Ahlgren-Moritz, Charlotte, et al. (författare)
  • Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [1] : Metoder och strategier
  • 2016
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Universitet och högskolor bidrar till samhällsutvecklingen genom att forskningsbaserad kunskap tillämpas av olika aktörer i samhället. För att möta dagens och morgondagens samhällsutmaningar utgör således kunskapsutbyte och samverkan mellan lärosäten och samhället en värdefull möjlighet. Att ha starka relationer med samhällets aktörer identifieras också som viktigt i utvecklingen av ett internationellt starkt lärosäte.Samverkan i högre utbildning främjar samhällets förändringsförmåga och stärker utbildningens kvalitet, men samverkan förbereder också studenterna för ett livslångt lärande och underlättar övergången mellan utbildning och arbetsliv. Ett lärosäte i nära samverkan med aktörer i samhället är ett relevant lärosäte, det vill säga ett lärosäte som är till nytta för sin omvärld och för sina medarbetare och studenter.Ett grundläggande problem vad gäller möjligheterna att integrera samverkan i akademisk utbildning står att finna i statens fördelning av medel till lärosätena. De statliga medlen utgår nämligen i två separata anslag, ett vardera för de båda huvuduppdragen utbildning och forskning. Samverkan kan sägas ingå i bägge uppdragen. Till skillnad från forskningssamverkan finns det för utbildningssamverkan ingen särskild uppföljning och inte heller några ekonomiska incitament. Utvärdering av forskning och utbildning bör således breddas så att kvalitetsstärkande samverkansinslag också inkluderas i resursfördelningsprinciperna. Statens bristande strukturer för fördelning och uppföljning återspeglas i hur lärosätena fördelar resurser till och följer upp samverkan: lärare ges sällan resurser (i form av särskild tid) för att på ett pedagogiskt genomtänkt sätt kunna inkludera samverkansinslag i undervisningen; samverkan är sällan meriterande eller lönegrundande; och den utbildningssamverkan som bedrivs följs sällan upp – varken på institutions-, fakultets- eller lärosätesnivå. Samma sak kan sägas gälla på nationell nivå – det samverkande lärosätet erhåller inga extra anslag och det bestraffas ej heller för försummelse av detsamma. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen innebär att samverkan bör ingå i de pedagogiska modeller som lärare använder för att leda studenternas kunskapsutveckling mot de mål som finns angivna i kurs- och utbildningsplaner. Det betyder också att arbetet med samverkan bör inkluderas i processer för styrning, planering och uppföljning av utbildning och undervisning på såväl kurs- och programnivå som på institutions-, fakultets- och lärosätesnivå. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen är att sträva mot att externa aktörer ska bli en självklar del i den dagliga verksamheten – för studenter såväl som för medarbetare och för de organisationer man samverkar med. För att svenska lärosäten ska ges en realistisk möjlighet att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningsverksamheten krävs det framför allt följande:att politiker och departement utformar ett fördelningssystem där framgångsrika samverkansinsatser inom utbildningen leder till en förstärkning av resursbasen på lärosätena;att lärosätesledningar tar tydlig ställning för samverkansfrågan i sina strategiska styrdokument och att samverkan införs i lärosätenas kvalitetssäkringssystem för utbildning, samt att lärosätena inför system för att styra och följa upp samverkan i utbildningen på lärosätesövergripande nivå;att ledningen för fakulteter, institutioner eller motsvarande omsätter lärosätets strategiska åtaganden i handlingsplaner och lokala styrdokument samt utformar system för dokumentation, styrning och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningsprogram;att lärare samt kurs- och programansvariga inför samverkan i utbildningens styrande dokument (t.ex. kurs- och utbildningsplaner) samt i den ordinarie undervisningsverksamheten.Dessutom bör lärosätena – både gemensamt men också vart och ett för sig – införa system och karriärvägar där medarbetares insatser i det vardagliga samverkansarbetet uppmärksammas och belönas.Mot bakgrund av detta kan man konstatera att det är angeläget att lärosätenas strategiska arbete avseende utveckling och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningen vidareutvecklas. Men, med vilka verktyg, var i verksamheten och på vilka sätt?I följande skrift samlas erfarenheter och goda exempel gjorda inom ramen för ett flerårigt lärosätesövergripande samarbetsprojekt, Samverkanssäkrade utbildningsprogram, där utgångspunkten har varit att identifiera strategier och metoder för att integrera samverkan i utbildningsprogram. Målet har varit att undersöka och beskriva hur samverkan kan vara ett medel som bidrar till att stärka utbildningens kvalitet och relevans, samt ge förslag på hur vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning kan se ut.Den centrala slutsatsen är att samverkan, när den är en integrerad del av utbildningen, bidrar till kvalitet och säkerställer att utbildningen blir till nytta för samhället. Det finns också andra vinster med att bedriva ett systematiskt samverkansarbete, till exempel att det leder till pedagogisk utveckling för undervisande personal, att det ökar förutsättningarna för ett utmaningsbaserat lärande med studenten i centrum, att det underlättar övergången från studier till arbetsliv, och att det möjliggör fördjupade relationer med den värld lärosätet finns i. Resan mot samverkanssäkrad utbildning är, med andra ord, mödan väl värd.
  • Ahlgren-Moritz, Charlotte, et al. (författare)
  • Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [2] : Möjligheter och utmaningar
  • 2016
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Universitet och högskolor bidrar till samhällsutvecklingen genom att forskningsbaserad kunskap tillämpas av olika aktörer i samhället. För att möta dagens och morgondagens samhällsutmaningar utgör således kunskapsutbyte och samverkan mellan lärosäten och samhället en värdefull möjlighet. Att ha starka relationer med samhällets aktörer identifieras också som viktigt i utvecklingen av ett internationellt starkt lärosäte.Samverkan i högre utbildning främjar samhällets förändringsförmåga och stärker utbildningens kvalitet, men samverkan förbereder också studenterna för ett livslångt lärande och underlättar övergången mellan utbildning och arbetsliv. Ett lärosäte i nära samverkan med aktörer i samhället är ett relevant lärosäte, det vill säga ett lärosäte som är till nytta för sin omvärld och för sina medarbetare och studenter.Ett grundläggande problem vad gäller möjligheterna att integrera samverkan i akademisk utbildning står att finna i statens fördelning av medel till lärosätena. De statliga medlen utgår nämligen i två separata anslag, ett vardera för de båda huvuduppdragen utbildning och forskning. Samverkan kan sägas ingå i bägge uppdragen. Till skillnad från forskningssamverkan finns det för utbildningssamverkan ingen särskild uppföljning och inte heller några ekonomiska incitament. Utvärdering av forskning och utbildning bör således breddas så att kvalitetsstärkande samverkansinslag också inkluderas i resursfördelningsprinciperna. Statens bristande strukturer för fördelning och uppföljning återspeglas i hur lärosätena fördelar resurser till och följer upp samverkan: lärare ges sällan resurser (i form av särskild tid) för att på ett pedagogiskt genomtänkt sätt kunna inkludera samverkansinslag i undervisningen; samverkan är sällan meriterande eller lönegrundande; och den utbildningssamverkan som bedrivs följs sällan upp – varken på institutions-, fakultets- eller lärosätesnivå. Samma sak kan sägas gälla på nationell nivå – det samverkande lärosätet erhåller inga extra anslag och det bestraffas ej heller för försummelse av detsamma. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen innebär att samverkan bör ingå i de pedagogiska modeller som lärare använder för att leda studenternas kunskapsutveckling mot de mål som finns angivna i kurs- och utbildningsplaner. Det betyder också att arbetet med samverkan bör inkluderas i processer för styrning, planering och uppföljning av utbildning och undervisning på såväl kurs- och programnivå som på institutions-, fakultets- och lärosätesnivå. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen är att sträva mot att externa aktörer ska bli en självklar del i den dagliga verksamheten – för studenter såväl som för medarbetare och för de organisationer man samverkar med. För att svenska lärosäten ska ges en realistisk möjlighet att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningsverksamheten krävs det framför allt följande:att politiker och departement utformar ett fördelningssystem där framgångsrika samverkansinsatser inom utbildningen leder till en förstärkning av resursbasen på lärosätena;att lärosätesledningar tar tydlig ställning för samverkansfrågan i sina strategiska styrdokument och att samverkan införs i lärosätenas kvalitetssäkringssystem för utbildning, samt att lärosätena inför system för att styra och följa upp samverkan i utbildningen på lärosätesövergripande nivå;att ledningen för fakulteter, institutioner eller motsvarande omsätter lärosätets strategiska åtaganden i handlingsplaner och lokala styrdokument samt utformar system för dokumentation, styrning och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningsprogram;att lärare samt kurs- och programansvariga inför samverkan i utbildningens styrande dokument (t.ex. kurs- och utbildningsplaner) samt i den ordinarie undervisningsverksamheten.Dessutom bör lärosätena – både gemensamt men också vart och ett för sig – införa system och karriärvägar där medarbetares insatser i det vardagliga samverkansarbetet uppmärksammas och belönas.Mot bakgrund av detta kan man konstatera att det är angeläget att lärosätenas strategiska arbete avseende utveckling och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningen vidareutvecklas. Men, med vilka verktyg, var i verksamheten och på vilka sätt?I följande skrift samlas erfarenheter och goda exempel gjorda inom ramen för ett flerårigt lärosätesövergripande samarbetsprojekt, Samverkanssäkrade utbildningsprogram, där utgångspunkten har varit att identifiera strategier och metoder för att integrera samverkan i utbildningsprogram. Målet har varit att undersöka och beskriva hur samverkan kan vara ett medel som bidrar till att stärka utbildningens kvalitet och relevans, samt ge förslag på hur vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning kan se ut.Den centrala slutsatsen är att samverkan, när den är en integrerad del av utbildningen, bidrar till kvalitet och säkerställer att utbildningen blir till nytta för samhället. Det finns också andra vinster med att bedriva ett systematiskt samverkansarbete, till exempel att det leder till pedagogisk utveckling för undervisande personal, att det ökar förutsättningarna för ett utmaningsbaserat lärande med studenten i centrum, att det underlättar övergången från studier till arbetsliv, och att det möjliggör fördjupade relationer med den värld lärosätet finns i. Resan mot samverkanssäkrad utbildning är, med andra ord, mödan väl värd.
  • Alkhabbas, Fahed (författare)
  • Towards Emergent Configurations in the Internet of Things
  • 2018
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast-spreading technology that enables new types of services in several domains, such as transportation, health, and building automation. To exploit the potential of the IoT effectively, several challenges have to be tackled including the following ones. First, the proposed IoT visions provide a fragmented picture, leading to a lack of consensus about IoT systems and their constituents. A second set of challenges concerns the environment of IoT systems that is often dynamic and uncertain, e.g. devices can appear and be discovered at runtime as well as become suddenly unavailable. Additionally, the in- volvement of human users complicates the scene as people’s activities are not always predictable . The majority of existing approaches to en- gineer IoT systems rely on predefined processes to achieve users’ goals. Consequently, such systems have significant shortcomings in coping with dynamic and uncertain environments. To piece together the fragmented picture of IoT systems, we sys- tematically identified their characteristics by analyzing and synthesizing existing taxonomies. To address the challenges related to the IoT envir- onment and the involvement of human users, we used the concept of Emergent Configurations (ECs) to engineer IoT systems. An EC consists of a dynamic set of devices that cooperate temporarily to achieve a user goal. To realize this vision, we proposed novel approaches that enable users to achieve their goals by supporting the automated formation, en- actment, and self-adaptation of IoT systems.
  • Alm, Anna-Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning
  • 2016
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Kunskapsutbyte och samverkan mellan lärosäten och andra aktörer i samhället är viktigt för att vi ska kunna möta morgondagens utmaningar. Man måste arbeta över sektorsgränser, inte bara inom forskning utan också inom utbildning. “Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning: metoder och strategier” handlar om hur samverkan kan integreras i högre utbildning. Slutsatserna baseras på de erfarenheter som gjorts i projektet Samverkanssäkrade utbildningsprogram som letts av lärosätena i Linköping, Malmö och Umeå. Publikationens andra del, “Möjligheter och utmaningar”, berättar ett antal historier ur samverkansvardagen. // Att med andra samhällsaktörer samverka kring utformningen av utbildningsprogram och i undervisningen bidrar till kvalitetsutveckling och säkerställer att utbildningen är till nytta för samhället. Samverkan förbereder också studenterna för ett livslångt lärande och underlättar övergången mellan utbildning och arbetsliv. För att man långsiktigt ska kunna integrera samverkan i utbildningsprogram krävs insatser på flera nivåer. Till exempel måste lärosätesledningar ta tydlig ställning i samverkansfrågan i sina styrdokument, och samverkansaspekten måste vara en självklar del av lärosätets kvalitetssäkringssystem. Det krävs också att ledningen för fakulteter och institutioner utformar system för dokumentation, styrning och uppföljning av samverkan. Vidare bör samverkan ingå i de pedagogiska modeller som lärare använder för att leda studenternas kunskapsutveckling, och lärosätena bör också uppmärksamma och belöna framgångsrikt samverkansarbete. Slutligen bör politiker och departement utforma ett fördelningssystem där framgångsrika samverkansinsatser inom utbildningen leder till en förstärkning av resursbasen på lärosätena.
  • Baca, Dejan, et al. (författare)
  • A Novel Security-Enhanced Agile Software Development Process Applied in an Industrial Setting
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: ARES Conference International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2015. - : IEEE. - 9781467365901
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A security-enhanced agile software development process, SEAP, is introduced in the development of a mobile money transfer system at Ericsson Corp. A specific characteristic of SEAP is that it includes a security group consisting of four different competences, i.e., Security manager, security architect, security master and penetration tester. Another significant feature of SEAP is an integrated risk analysis process. In analyzing risks in the development of the mobile money transfer system, a general finding was that SEAP either solves risks that were previously postponed or solves a larger proportion of the risks in a timely manner. The previous software development process, i.e., The baseline process of the comparison outlined in this paper, required 2.7 employee hours spent for every risk identified in the analysis process compared to, on the average, 1.5 hours for the SEAP. The baseline development process left 50% of the risks unattended in the software version being developed, while SEAP reduced that figure to 22%. Furthermore, SEAP increased the proportion of risks that were corrected from 12.5% to 67.1%, i.e., More than a five times increment. This is important, since an early correction may avoid severe attacks in the future. The security competence in SEAP accounts for 5% of the personnel cost in the mobile money transfer system project. As a comparison, the corresponding figure, i.e., For security, was 1% in the previous development process.
  • Bagheri, Sally, et al. (författare)
  • Smart Homes as Digital Ecosystems : Exploring Privacy in IoT Contexts
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy. - Portugal : SciTePress. - 9789897586835 ; , s. 869-877
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Although smart homes are tasked with an increasing number of everyday activities to keep users safe, healthy, and entertained, privacy concerns arise due to the large amount of personal data in flux. Privacy is widely acknowledged to be contextually dependent, however, the interrelated stakeholders involved in developing and delivering smart home services – IoT developers, companies, users, and lawmakers, to name a few – might approach the smart home context differently. This paper considers smart homes as digital ecosystems to support a contextual analysis of smart home privacy. A conceptual model and an ecosystem ontology are proposed through design science research methodology to systematize the analyses. Four privacy-oriented scenarios of surveillance in smart homes are discussed to demonstrate the utility of the digital ecosystem approach. The concerns pertain to power dynamics among users such as main users, smart home bystanders, parent-child dynamics, and intimate partner relationships and the responsibility of both companies and public organizations to ensure privacy and the ethical use of IoT devices over time. Continuous evaluation of the approach is encouraged to support the complex challenge of ensuring user privacy in smart homes.
  • Björgvinsson, Erling, et al. (författare)
  • Prototyping Futures
  • 2012
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Prototyping Futures gives you a glimpse of what collaborating with academia might look like. Medea and its co-partners share their stories about activities happening at the research centre – projects, methods, tools, and approaches – what challenges lie ahead, and how these can be tackled. Examples of highlighted topics include: What is a living lab and how does it work? What are the visions behind the Connectivity Lab at Medea? And, how can prototyping-methods be used when sketching scenarios for sustainable futures? Other topics are: What is the role of the body when designing technology? What is collaborative media and how can this concept help us understand contemporary media practices? Prototyping Futures also discusses the open-hardware platform Arduino, and the concepts of open data and the Internet of Things, raising questions on how digital media and connected devices can contribute to more sustainable lifestyles, and a better world.
  • Blomberg, Jeanette, et al. (författare)
  • Inhibition of cellular FLICE-like inhibitory protein abolishes insensitivity to interferon-α in a resistant variant of the human U937 cell line
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Apoptosis (London). - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1360-8185 .- 1573-675X. ; 16:8, s. 783-794
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Type I interferons constitute a family of pleiotropic cytokines that have a key role in both adaptive and innate immunity. The interferon signalling pathways mediate transcriptional regulation of hundreds of genes, which result in mRNA degradation, decreased protein synthesis, cell cycle inhibition and induction of apoptosis. To elucidate regulatory networks important for interferon induced cell death, we generated interferon resistant U937 cells by selection in progressively increasing concentrations of interferon-α (IFN-α). The results show that IFN-α activates the death receptor signalling pathway and that IFN resistance was associated with cross-resistance to several death receptor ligands in a manner similar to previously described Fas resistant U937 cell lines. Increased expression of the long splice variant of the cellular FLICE-like inhibitor protein (cFLIP-L) was associated with the resistance to death receptor and IFN-α stimulation. Accordingly, inhibition of cFLIP-L expression with cycloheximide or through cFLIP short harpin RNA interference restored sensitivity to Fas and/or IFN-α. Thus, we now show that selection for interferon resistance can generate cells with increased expression of cFLIP, which protects the cells from both IFN-α and death receptor mediated apoptosis.
  • Blomberg, Jeanette, 1977-, et al. (författare)
  • Reduced FAS transcription in clones of U937 cells that have acquired resistance to Fas-induced apoptosis
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: The FEBS Journal. - : Wiley. - 1742-464X .- 1742-4658. ; 276:2, s. 497-508
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Susceptibility to cell death is a prerequisite for the elimination of tumour cells by cytotoxic immune cells, chemotherapy or irradiation. Activation of the death receptor Fas is critical for the regulation of immune cell homeostasis and efficient killing of tumour cells by apoptosis. To define the molecular changes that occur during selection for insensitivity to Fas-induced apoptosis, a resistant variant of the U937 cell line was established. Individual resistant clones were isolated and characterized. The most frequently observed defect in the resistant cells was reduced Fas expression, which correlated with decreased FAS transcription. Clones with such reduced Fas expression also displayed partial cross-resistance to tumour necrosis factor-alpha stimulation, but the mRNA expression of tumour necrosis factor receptors was not decreased. Reintroduction of Fas conferred susceptibility to Fas but not to tumour necrosis factor-alpha stimulation, suggesting that several alterations could be present in the clones. The reduced Fas expression could not be explained by mutations in the FAS coding sequence or promoter region, or by silencing through methylations. Protein kinase B and extracellular signal-regulated kinase, components of signalling pathways downstream of Ras, were shown to be activated in some of the resistant clones, but none of the three RAS genes was mutated, and experiments using chemical inhibitors could not establish that the activation of these proteins was the cause of Fas resistance as described in other systems. Taken together, the data illustrate that Fas resistance can be caused by reduced Fas expression, which is a result of an unidentified mode of regulation.
  • Boldt, Martin, et al. (författare)
  • Automated Spyware Detection Using End User License Agreements
  • 2008
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The amount of spyware increases rapidly over the Internet and it is usually hard for the average user to know if a software application hosts spyware. This paper investigates the hypothesis that it is possible to detect from the End User License Agreement (EULA) whether its associated software hosts spyware or not. We generated a data set by collecting 100 applications with EULAs and classifying each EULA as either good or bad. An experiment was conducted, in which 15 popular default-configured mining algorithms were applied on the data set. The results show that 13 algorithms are significantly better than random guessing, thus we conclude that the hypothesis can be accepted. Moreover, 2 algorithms also perform significantly better than the current state-of-the-art EULA analysis method. Based on these results, we present a novel tool that can be used to prevent the installation of spyware.
  • Boldt, Martin, et al. (författare)
  • Exploring Spyware Effects
  • 2004
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this paper, we discuss various types of spyware programs, their behaviour, how they typically infect computers, and the propagation of new varieties of spyware programs. In two experiments, we investigate the occurrence and impact of spyware programs found in popular P2P applications. Based on the findings from the empirical investigations, we try to lift the perspective to a more general view on spyware deriving from the theory of (virtual) network effects. In a model, we categorize in what ways spyware might decrease the utility of belonging to a large virtual network. Here, the baseline is that spyware programs intrude systems and networks, but since they profit from user data they also intrude user privacy. In the model, the intrusions are classified as moderate, severe or disastrous. We found that spyware has the potential to overthrow the positive aspects of belonging to a large network, and network owners should therefore be very careful about permitting such programs in applications and on networks.
  • Boldt, Martin, et al. (författare)
  • Exploring Spyware Effects
  • 2007
  • Ingår i: Spyware. - Hyderabad : ICFAI University Press. - 9788131407264 ; , s. 39-58
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Boldt, Martin, et al. (författare)
  • Introducing a Novel Security-Enhanced Agile Software Development Process
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Secure Software Engineering. - : IGI Global. - 1947-3036 .- 1947-3044. ; 8:2
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this paper, a novel security-enhanced agile software development process, SEAP, is introduced. It has been designed, tested, and implemented at Ericsson AB, specifically in the development of a mobile money transfer system. Two important features of SEAP are 1) that it includes additional security competences, and 2) that it includes the continuous conduction of an integrated risk analysis for identifying potential threats. As a general finding of implementing SEAP in software development, the developers solve a large proportion of the risks in a timely, yet cost-efficient manner. The default agile software development process at Ericsson AB, i.e. where SEAP was not included, required significantly more employee hours spent for every risk identified compared to when integrating SEAP. The default development process left 50.0% of the risks unattended in the software version that was released, while the application of SEAP reduced that figure to 22.5%. Furthermore, SEAP increased the proportion of risks that were corrected from 12.5% to 67.9%, a more than five times increment.
  • Boldt, Martin, et al. (författare)
  • On the risk exposure of smart home automation systems
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Proceedings 2014 International Conferenceon Future Internet of Things and Cloud. - : IEEE Computer Society Digital Library. - 9781479943579
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A recent study has shown that more than every fourth person in Sweden feels that they have poor knowledge and control over their energy use, and that four out of ten would like to be more aware and to have better control over their consumption [5]. A solution is to provide the householders with feedback on their energy consumption, for instance, through a smart home automation system [10]. Studies have shown that householders can reduce energy consumption with up to 20% when gaining such feedback [5] [10]. Home automation is a prime example of a smart environment built on various types of cyber-physical systems generating volumes of diverse, heterogeneous, complex, and distributed data from a multitude of applications and sensors. Thereby, home automation is also an example of an Internet of Things (IoT) scenario, where a communication network extends the present Internet by including everyday items and sensors [22]. Home automation is attracting more and more attention from commercial actors, such as, energy suppliers, infrastructure providers, and third party software and hardware vendors [8] [10]. Among the non-commercial stake-holders, there are various governmental institutions, municipalities, as well as, end-users.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • A Privacy-Centered System Model for Smart Connected Homes
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops. - : IEEE. - 9781728147161
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Smart connected homes are integrated with heterogeneous Internet-connected devices interacting with the physical environment and human users. While they have become an established research area, there is no common understanding of what composes such a pervasive environment making it challenging to perform a scientific analysis of the domain. This is especially evident when it comes to discourse about privacy threats. Recognizing this, we aim to describe a generic smart connected home, including the data it deals with in a novel privacy-centered system model. Such is done using concepts borrowed from the theory of Contextual Integrity. Furthermore, we represent privacy threats formally using the proposed model. To illustrate the usage of the model, we apply it to the design of an ambient-assisted living use-case and demonstrate how it can be used for identifying and analyzing the privacy threats directed to smart connected homes.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • An Analysis of Malicious Threat Agents for the Smart Connected Home
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Proceeding of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). - : IEEE.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Smart connected home systems aim to enhance the comfort, convenience, security, entertainment, and health of the householders and their guests. Despite their advantages, their interconnected characteristics make smart home devices and services prone to various cybersecurity and privacy threats. In this paper, we analyze six classes of malicious threat agents for smart connected homes. We also identify four different motives and three distinct capability levels that can be used to group the different intruders. Based on this, we propose a new threat model that can be used for threat profiling. Both hypothetical and real-life examples of attacks are used throughout the paper. In reflecting on this work, we also observe motivations and agents that are not covered in standard agent taxonomies.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • An Empirical Analysis of Smart Connected Home Data
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Internet of Things – ICIOT 2018. - Cham : Springer. ; , s. 134-149
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The increasing presence of heterogeneous Internet of Things devices inside the home brings with it added convenience and value to the householders. At the same time, these devices tend to be Internet-connected and continuously monitor and collect data about the residents and their daily lifestyle activities. Such data can be of a sensitive nature, given that the house is the place where privacy is naturally expected. To gain insight into this state of affairs, we empirically investigate the privacy policies of 87 different categories of commercial smart home devices in terms of data being collected. This is done using a combination of manual and data mining techniques. The overall contribution of this work is a model that identifies and categorizes smart connected home data in terms of its collection mode, collection method, and collection phase. Our findings bring up several implications for smart connected home privacy, which include the need for better security controls to safeguard the privacy of the householders.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • An Investigation of Vulnerabilities in Smart Connected Cameras
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). - : IEEE. - 9781538632277 - 9781538632284 ; , s. 656-661
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The Internet of Things is enabling innovative ser-vices promising added convenience and value in various domains such as the smart home. Increasingly, households, office envi-ronments and cities, are being fitted with smart camera systems aimed to enhance the security of citizens. At the same time, sev-eral systems being deployed suffer from weak security implemen-tations. Recognizing this, and to understand the extent of this situation, in this study we perform a global vulnerability assess-ment using the Shodan search engine and the Common Vulnera-bilities and Exposures database. This is done to detect smart con-nected cameras exposed on the Internet alongside their sensitive, potentially private, data being broadcasted. Furthermore, we discuss whether the discovered data can be used to compromise the safety and privacy of individuals, and identify some mitiga-tions that can be adopted. The results indicate that a significant number of smart cameras are indeed prone to diverse security and privacy vulnerabilities.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • Functional Classification and Quantitative Analysis of Smart Connected Home Devices
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: 2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS). - : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). ; , s. 144-149
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The home environment is rapidly becoming more complex with the introduction of numerous and heterogeneous Internet of Things devices. This development into smart connected homes brings with it challenges when it comes to gaining a deeper understanding of the home environment as a socio-technical system. A better understanding of the home is essential to build robust, resilient, and secure smart home systems. In this regard, we developed a novel method for classifying smart home devices in a logical and coherent manner according to their functionality. Unlike other approaches, we build the categorization empirically by mining the technical specifications of 1,193 commercial devices. Moreover, we identify twelve capabilities that can be used to characterize home devices. Alongside the classification, we also quantitatively analyze the entire spectrum of commercial smart home devices in accordance to their functionality and capabilities. Overall, the categorization and analysis provide a foundation for identifying opportunities of generalizations and common solutions for the smart home.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • Green Intelligent Homes : A Perspective on the Future of Smart Homes and Their Implications
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2023).. - Portugal. - 9789897586439 ; , s. 186-193
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The smart home technology market is witnessing rapid growth due to the advent of more advanced, intuitive, and affordable solutions. As the adoption of these technologies becomes more prevalent, there is a need for research to explore potential avenues for pervasive smart living. This study aims to review the available literature and industry studies, along with our own experiences in the field, to identify and discuss potential future research in the smart home. We observe that the future of the smart home will likely be focused on improving the user experience, with a greater emphasis on personalization, automation, and Artificial intelligence (AI)-driven technologies, leading to what we call the "Green Intelligent Home". Through this analysis, this study aims to offer insights into how the development of smart homes could shape society in the future and the potential implications of such a development. This study concludes by suggesting a framework for knowledge development in the smart home domain.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • IoTSM : An End-to-end Security Model for IoT Ecosystems
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). - : IEEE. - 9781538691519
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The Internet of Things (IoT) market is growing rapidly, allowing continuous evolution of new technologies. Alongside this development, most IoT devices are easy to compromise, as security is often not a prioritized characteristic. This paper proposes a novel IoT Security Model (IoTSM) that can be used by organizations to formulate and implement a strategy for developing end-to-end IoT security. IoTSM is grounded by the Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) framework, however it expands it with new security practices and empirical data gathered from IoT practitioners. Moreover, we generalize the model into a conceptual framework. This approach allows the formal analysis for security in general and evaluates an organization’s security practices. Overall, our proposed approach can help researchers, practitioners, and IoT organizations, to discourse about IoT security from an end-to-end perspective.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • Is Your Home Becoming a Spy? : A Data-Centered Analysis and Classification of Smart Connected Home Systems
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: IoT '20. - New York, United States : ACM Digital Library. - 9781450387583
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Smart connected home systems bring different privacy challenges to residents. The contribution of this paper is a novel privacy grounded classification of smart connected home systems that is focused on personal data exposure. This classification is built empirically through k-means cluster analysis from the technical specification of 81 commercial Internet of Things (IoT) systems as featured in PrivacyNotIncluded – an online database of consumer IoT systems. The attained classification helps us better understand the privacy implications and what is at stake with different smart connected home systems. Furthermore, we survey the entire spectrum of analyzed systems for their data collection capabilities. Systems were classified into four tiers: app-based accessors, watchers, location harvesters, and listeners, based on the sensing data the systems collect. Our findings indicate that being surveilled inside your home is a realistic threat, particularly, as the majority of the surveyed in-home IoT systems are installed with cameras, microphones, and location trackers. Finally, we identify research directions and suggest some best practices to mitigate the threat of in-house surveillance.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • On Privacy and Security Challenges in Smart Connected Homes
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Proceedings. - : IEEE.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Smart homes have become increasingly popular for IoT products and services with a lot of promises for improving the quality of life of individuals. Nevertheless, the heterogeneous, dynamic, and Internet-connected nature of this environment adds new concerns as private data becomes accessible, often without the householders’ awareness. This accessibility alongside with the rising risks of data security and privacy breaches, makes smart home security a critical topic that deserves scrutiny. In this paper, we present an overview of the privacy and security challenges directed towards the smart home domain. We also identify constraints, evaluate solutions, and discuss a number of challenges and research issues where further investigation is required.
  • Bugeja, Joseph (författare)
  • On Privacy and Security in Smart Connected Homes
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The growth and presence of heterogeneous sensor-equipped Internet-connected devices inside the home can increase efficiency and quality of life for the residents. Simultaneously, these devices continuously collect, process, and transmit data about the residents and their daily lifestyle activities to unknown parties outside the home. Such data can be sensitive and personal, leading to increasingly intimate insights into private lives. This data allows for the implementation of services, personalization support, and benefits offered by smart home technologies. Alas, there has been a surge of cyberattacks on connected home devices that essentially compromise privacy and security of the residents.Providing privacy and security is a critical issue in smart connected homes. Many residents are concerned about unauthorized access into their homes and about the privacy of their data. However, it is typically challenging to implement privacy and security in a smart connected home because of its heterogeneity of devices, the dynamic nature of the home network, and the fact that it is always connected to the Internet, amongst other things. As the numbers and types of smart home devices are increasing rapidly, so are the risks with these devices. Concurrently, it is also becoming increasingly challenging to gain a deeper understand- ing of the smart home. Such understanding is necessary to build a more privacy-preserving and secure smart connected home. Likewise, it is needed as a precursor to perform a comprehensive privacy and security analysis of the smart home.In this dissertation, we render a comprehensive description and account of the smart connected home that can be used for conducting risk analysis. In doing so, we organize the underlying smart home devices ac- cording to their functionality, identify their data-collecting capabilities, and survey the data types being collected by them. Such is done using the technical specification of commercial devices, including their privacy policies. This description is then leveraged for identifying threats and for analyzing risks present in smart connected homes. Such is done by analyzing both scholarly literature and examples from the industry, and leveraging formal modeling. Additionally, we identify malicious threat agents and mitigations that are relevant to smart connected homes. This is performed without limiting the research and results to a particular configuration and type of smart home.This research led to three main findings. First, the majority of the surveyed commercial devices are collecting instances of sensitive and personal data but are prone to critical vulnerabilities. Second, there is a shortage of scientific models that capture the complexity and heterogeneity of real-world smart home deployments, especially those intended for privacy risk analysis. Finally, despite the increasing regulations and attention to privacy and security, there is a lack of proactive and integrative approaches intended to safeguard privacy and security of the residents. We contributed to addressing these three findings by developing a framework and models that enable early identification of threats, better planning for risk management scenarios, and mitigation of potential impacts caused by attacks before they reach the homes and compromise the lives of the residents.Overall, the scientific contributions presented in this dissertation help deepen the understanding and reasoning about privacy and security concerns affecting smart connected homes, and contributes to advancing the research in the area of risk analysis as applied to such systems.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • On the Analysis of Semantic Denial-of-Service Attacks Affecting Smart Living Devices
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Intelligent Computing. - Cham : Springer. - 9783030522469 - 9783030522452
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • With the interconnectedness of heterogeneous IoT devices being deployed in smart living spaces, it is imperative to assure that connected devices are resilient against Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. DoS attacks may cause economic damage but may also jeopardize the life of individuals, e.g., in a smart home healthcare environment since there might be situations (e.g., heart attacks), when urgent and timely actions are crucial. To achieve a better understanding of the DoS attack scenario in the ever so private home environment, we conduct a vulnerability assessment of five commercial-off-the-shelf IoT devices: a gaming console, media player, lighting system, connected TV, and IP camera, that are typically found in a smart living space. This study was conducted using an automated vulnerability scanner – Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) – and focuses on semantic DoS attacks. The results of the conducted experiment indicate that the majority of the tested devices are prone to DoS attacks, in particular those caused by a failure to manage exceptional conditions, leading to a total compromise of their availability. To understand the root causes for successful attacks, we analyze the payload code, identify the weaknesses exploited, and propose some mitigations that can be adopted by smart living developers and consumers.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • On the Design of a Privacy-Centered Data Lifecycle for Smart Living Spaces
  • 2020. - 576
  • Ingår i: Privacy and Identity Management. Data for Better Living: AI and Privacy. - Cham : Springer. - 9783030425036 - 9783030425043 ; , s. 126-141
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Many living spaces, such as homes, are becoming smarter and connected by using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. Such systems should ideally be privacy-centered by design given the sensitive and personal data they commonly deal with. Nonetheless, few systematic methodologies exist that deal with privacy threats affecting IoT-based systems. In this paper, we capture the generic function of an IoT system to model privacy so that threats affecting such contexts can be identified and categorized at system design stage. In effect, we integrate an extension to so called Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) in the model, which provides the means to handle the privacy-specific threats in IoT systems. To demonstrate the usefulness of the model, we apply it to the design of a realistic use-case involving Facebook Portal. We use that as a means to elicit the privacy threats and mitigations that can be adopted therein. Overall, we believe that the proposed extension and categorization of privacy threats provide a useful addition to IoT practitioners and researchers in support for the adoption of sound privacy-centered principles in the early stages of the smart living design process.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • PRASH : A Framework for Privacy Risk Analysis of Smart Homes.
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Sensors. - : MDPI. - 1424-8220. ; 21:19
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Smart homes promise to improve the quality of life of residents. However, they collect vasts amounts of personal and sensitive data, making privacy protection critically important. We propose a framework, called PRASH, for modeling and analyzing the privacy risks of smart homes. It is composed of three modules: a system model, a threat model, and a set of privacy metrics, which together are used for calculating the privacy risk exposure of a smart home system. By representing a smart home through a formal specification, PRASH allows for early identification of threats, better planning for risk management scenarios, and mitigation of potential impacts caused by attacks before they compromise the lives of residents. To demonstrate the capabilities of PRASH, an executable version of the smart home system configuration was generated using the proposed formal specification, which was then analyzed to find potential attack paths while also mitigating the impacts of those attacks. Thereby, we add important contributions to the body of knowledge on the mitigations of threat agents violating the privacy of users in their homes. Overall, the use of PRASH will help residents to preserve their right to privacy in the face of the emerging challenges affecting smart homes.
  • Bugeja, Joseph, et al. (författare)
  • Smart Connected Homes
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Internet of Things A to Z. - Hoboken, NJ, USA : John Wiley & Sons. - 9781119456742 ; , s. 359-384
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Carlsson, Bengt, et al. (författare)
  • Om säkerhet i digitala ekosystem
  • 2012
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Vi är på väg mot ett samhälle som styrs av programvarukod och där digitala marknadskrafter tar över allt större delar av våra traditionella verksamhetsområden. Om säkerhet i digitala ekosystem handlar om människorna, tekniken och ekonomin som formar det dynamiska och komplexa, men även stundtals fientliga ekosystem som dagens Internet utgör. Globala trender som webb 2.0, sociala nätverk och datamoln i kombination med dominerande företag som Facebook, Amazon och Google har på kort tid förändrat förutsättningarna för nätets digitala invånare. Samtidigt har det skett en ökning av illvilliga aktiviteter i form av virus- och spionprogram, men också genom diverse sociala tekniker. Som en konsekvens har vi ett digitalt ekosystem där såväl goda som mindre goda beteenden skapar dynamik och spänningar, och där mötet mellan artificiella instanser av både människor och företag väcker spännande frågor. Särskilt viktiga spörsmål har med människans behov av säkerhet, privatliv, tillit och trygghet att göra, men också om våra biologiska beteendemönster, kognitiva förutsättningar, ekonomiska affärsmodeller och tekniska upptäckariver. I denna myriad av perspektiv, områden och företeelser tar boken sin utgångspunkt. Boken är lämplig att användas i undervisning på universitetsnivå, men den kan också utan speciella förkunskaper läsas av den som är intresserad av säkerhetsfrågor om dagens och morgondagens Internet.
  • Carlsson, Bengt, et al. (författare)
  • On Contamination in Information Ecosystems
  • 2005
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • On the Internet, digitally active small and medium sized enterprises (SME) face numerous security risks. When SMEs join networks, business ideas and malicious activities may interfuse. E-mail marketing, remote control and information gathering are replaced by spam, virulent programs and spyware. In this paper, we use the concepts of information ecosystems to describe a security model where, as a background, humans are presumed to act as Machiavellian beings, i.e., behaving selfishly. Based on this notion, we analyse behaviours initiated by network contaminants and their effects to an entire ecosystem. The contribution of this paper is the security model, which permits a comprehensive view on the risk environment in virtual networks (like the digital SME community).
  • Carlsson, Bengt, et al. (författare)
  • Security Aspects on Inter-Organizational Cooperation Using Wrapper Agents
  • 2005
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The significance of electronic information exchange in interorganizational cooperation is well-known. We will here focus on the particular requirements of SMEs. We describe a general “wrapper agent” solution based on open source freeware that makes it possible (in principle) for any business system to exchange information with any other business system. It has been successfully applied in a pilot study involving two companies in a transport chain using different business systems. We also suggest further improvements by addressing security and privacy issues as well as an extended, possibly dynamic, set of involved companies and higher levels of cooperation.
  • Carlsson, Bengt, et al. (författare)
  • Security aspects on inter-organizational cooperation using wrapper agents
  • 2009
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The significance of electronic information exchange in inter-organizational cooperation is well-known. We will here focus on the particular requirements of SMEs. We describe a general wrapper agent solution based on open source freeware that makes it possible (in principle) for any business system to exchange information with any other business system. It has been successfully applied in a pilot study involving two companies in a transport chain using different business systems. We also suggest further improvements by addressing security issues as well as an extended, possibly dynamic, set of involved companies and higher levels of cooperation.
  • Carlsson, Bengt, et al. (författare)
  • Security Consistency in Information Ecosystems : Structuring the Risk Environment on the Internet
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: Journal of Information System Security. - : The information institute. - 1551-0123 .- 1551-0808. ; 2:1, s. 3-26
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The concepts of information ecosystems and multi agent systems are used to describe a security consistency model where, as a background, humans are presumed to act as Machiavellian beings, i.e. behaving selfishly. Based on this notion, we analyze behaviors initiated by network contaminants derived from the groupings marketing, espionage and malice, and their effects to an entire ecosystem. The contribution of this paper is a security consistency model, which illustrates a comprehensive and systemic view of the evolutionary risk environment in information networks.
  • Corrêa, Gregório B., et al. (författare)
  • Raman characterization of single-crystalline Ga0.96Mn0.04As:Zn nanowires realized by ion-implantation
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Nanotechnology. - Bristol : IOP Publishing. - 0957-4484 .- 1361-6528. ; 30:33
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Recent progress in the realization of magnetic GaAs nanowires (NWs) doped with Mn has attracted a lot of attention due to their potential application in spintronics. In this work, we present a detailed Raman investigation of the structural properties of Zn doped GaAs (GaAs:Zn) and Mn-implanted GaAs:Zn (Ga0.96Mn0.04As:Zn) NWs. A significant broadening and redshift of the optical TO and LO phonon modes are observed for these NWs compared to as-grown undoped wires, which is attributed to strain induced by the Zn/Mn doping and to the presence of implantation-related defects. Moreover, the LO phonon modes are strongly damped, which is interpreted in terms of a strong LO phonon-plasmon coupling, induced by the free hole concentration. Moreover, we report on two new interesting Raman phonon modes (191 and 252 cm-1) observed in Mn ion-implanted NWs, which we attribute to Eg (TO) and A1g (LO) vibrational modes in a sheet layer of crystalline arsenic present on the surface of the NWs. This conclusion is supported by fitting the observed Raman shifts for the SO phonon modes to a theoretical dispersion function for a GaAs NW capped with a dielectric shell.
  • Davidsson, Paul, et al. (författare)
  • Agreement Technologies for Supporting the Planning and Execution of Transports
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Agreement Technologies, Law, Governance and Technology Series. - Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands. - 9789400755833 ; , s. 533-547
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The use of agreement technologies in the planning and execution of goods transports is analyzed. We have previously suggested an approach called Plug and Play Transport Chain Management (PnP TCM) that provides agent-based support for key tasks, such as, finding the best sequence of transport services for a particular goods transport, monitoring the execution of the transport, and managing the interaction between the involved actors. In this paper we analyze five agreement technologies in the context of PnP TCM, i.e., semantics, norms, organizations, argumentation and negotiation, and trust. We conclude that all five technologies play a critical role in the realization of PnP TCM.
  • Davidsson, Paul, et al. (författare)
  • Agreement technologies for supporting the planning and execution of transports
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Agreement Technologies. - Dordrecht : Springer. - 9789400755826 - 9789400755833 ; , s. 533-547
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The use of agreement technologies in the planning and execution of goods transports is analyzed. We have previously suggested an approach called Plug and Play Transport Chain Management (PnP TCM) that provides agent-based support for key tasks, such as, finding the best sequence of transport services for a particular goods transport, monitoring the execution of the transport, and managing the interaction between the involved actors. In this paper we analyze five agreement technologies in the context of PnP TCM, i.e., semantics, norms, organizations, argumentation and negotiation, and trust. We conclude that all five technologies play a critical role in the realization of PnP TCM.
  • Davidsson, Paul, et al. (författare)
  • An agent-based approach to transport chain management
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: ICE-B 2009. - Milan : INSTICC-INST SYST TECHNOLOGIES INFORMATION CONTROL & COMMUNICATION. - 9789896740061 ; , s. 175-182
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A novel application of agent-mediated electronic commerce is presented. It concerns developing and maintaining efficient and effective transport solutions. The suggested approach is inspired by the concepts of virtual enterprises and breeding environments, as well as peer-to-peer technology. We discuss the requirements of such an approach and outline a software architecture meeting these requirements.
  • Davidsson, Paul, et al. (författare)
  • Plug and Play Transport Chain Management : Agent-Based Support to the Planning and Execution of Transports
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: e-Business and Telecommunications. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer. ; , s. 139-155, s. 139-155
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A novel approach to efficiently plan and execute effective transport solutions is presented. It provides agent-based support for key tasks, such as, finding the best sequence of transport services for a particular goods transport, monitoring the execution of the transport, as well as the interaction between the involved actors. The approach is based on the FREIGHTWISE framework in which a minimal set of information packages is defined. The purpose is to capture all the information that needs to be communicated between the actors involved in a transport, such as, transport users, transport providers, and infrastructure managers, during the complete process from planning to termination. The approach is inspired by the concepts of virtual enterprises and breeding environments. We analyse the requirements of such an approach and describe a multi-agent system architecture meeting these requirements.
  • Davidsson, Paul, et al. (författare)
  • Towards norm-governed behavior in virtual enterprises
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Studies in Computational Intelligence. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer. - 1860-949X .- 1860-9503. ; 167, s. 35-55
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • An important application of intelligent agents on the World Wide Web is to support Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce, such as, virtual enterprises. A virtual enterprise can be described as a temporary alliance of enterprises that come together to share skills or core competencies and re sources in order to better respond to business opportunities, and whose coop eration is supported by computer networks. In order to ensure sound collab oration, it is important that the actors involved, as well as the software repre senting the actors such as intelligent agents, act according to the explicit and implicit rules, or norms, that the participating enterprises have agreed upon. The purpose of this article is to explore how norm-governed behavior can be achieved in the context of virtual enterprises. We analyse a number of formal models of both artificial societies and normative systems, and compare and try to align them with a formal model of agent-supported virtual enterprises. A general observation is that the models analysed are not concordant with each other and therefore require further alignment. It is concluded that the in troduction of different types of norms on different levels can support sound collaboration in virtual enterprises. Moreover, the deployment of norm de fender and promoter functionality is argued to ensure norm compliance and impose punishments of norm violations. Finally, a number of additions that may enrich the norm-focused models are suggested.
  • Dervin, Fred, et al. (författare)
  • Covid-19 and interculturality : First lessons for Teacher Educators
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Education and Society. - : James Nicholas Publishers, Pty. Ltd.. - 0726-2655. ; 38:1, s. 89-106
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This exploratory article represents an attempt to examine and problematize the links between the COVID-19 crisis and interculturality for education. Aiming at teacher educators, we review problems with the notion of interculturality in light of the crisis. We argue that these problems were not created by the crisis, but that the crisis unveiled them. In the first part of the article we suggest that these issues should be approached by looking into interculturality (and companion terms such as “democracy” and “equality”) as an ideology that deserves deconstructing, unthinking, reconstructing and rethinking. We also describe the problems triggered by this ideology: the need to shift from “dead imagination” (culture, difference, etc.) to unearthing the “groundwater” of the economy and globalization in the way interculturality functions. We then propose a set of three principles that could be used by teacher educators to train future teachers to deal with interculturality afresh: “Beyond comparison”, “The mirror: turning inward”, and “Questioning the unquestionables”.
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