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Sökning: WFRF:(Kjellberg Sara)

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  • Adman, Per, et al. (författare)
  • 171 forskare: ”Vi vuxna bör också klimatprotestera”
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Dagens nyheter (DN debatt). - Stockholm. - 1101-2447.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • DN DEBATT 26/9. Vuxna bör följa uppmaningen från ungdomarna i Fridays for future-rörelsen och protestera eftersom det politiska ledarskapet är otillräckligt. Omfattande och långvariga påtryckningar från hela samhället behövs för att få de politiskt ansvariga att utöva det ledarskap som klimatkrisen kräver, skriver 171 forskare i samhällsvetenskap och humaniora.
  • Anderson, Theresa Dirndorfer, et al. (författare)
  • Storying Research : Conducting Research in New Formats and New Voices
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: iConference 2014 Proceedings. - : IDEALS/iSchools. ; , s. 1223-1226, s. 1223-1226
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The session engages with an acute tension evident in scholarly communication: We are witnessing a great deal of innovation and experimentation in relation to the way research is performed and shared. The push towards, and need for, innovation and creativity in academic research is being emphasized to an ever increasing extent. A rich set of digital tools and transdisciplinary engagements have opened the door for research conducted and reported in increasingly hybridised, dynamic and interactive ways. At the same time, academic research is increasingly being evaluated by focusing on quantitative analyses based on publications; analyses which privilege established scholarly practices and publication venues. In the session, we are interested in exploring collectively on the one hand, the voice in and position from which we report on research and - indeed - conduct research. On the other hand, how do we use documents and artefacts to tell our stories? Digital media provide new affordances through a broader selection of modes of representation to present data, results and argumentation. The session is conducted as a 'conversation café', where each café table focuses on one aspect of these opportunities.
  • Dirndorfer Anderson, Theresa, et al. (författare)
  • In form & informing: Materiality and Information Seeking
  • 2008
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. - : Wiley. - 1550-8390 .- 0044-7870. ; 45:1, s. 1-6
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)
  • Egevad, Per, et al. (författare)
  • Analys av forskares publiceringsmönster för utveckling av bibliotekets forskarstöd
  • 2014
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I detta projekt undersöks hur väl det periodiska beståndet på Malmö högskolas bibliotek överensstämmer med forskarnas publicering. Har bibliotek tillgång till de tidskrifter som högskolans forskare publicerar sina artiklar i? För att kunna undersöka detta har en metod utvecklats som kan användas för att ta fram de tidskrifter som forskarna publicerar sig i, och jämfört dessa uppgifter med bibliotekets bestånd. För att testa metoden genomfördes en pilotundersökning på forskare vid fakulteten för Hälsa och Samhälles publicering. I projektet kommer det fram att de öppna källorna med publicering och bestånd inte kan användas, men att metoden kan baseras på uttag ur interna informationskällor. Projektet synliggör kvalitetsarbete som behöver göras med metadata samt tillgång till publikationer, t.ex. visar det brister i att tillgängliggöra material publicerat i open access via bibliotekets system där den licensierade eller prenumerationsbaserade tillgången finns. Metoden att utgå ifrån publiceringsmönster fungerar också bra för att redovisa total access, via tryck, öppen tillgång samt via köpta tidskrifter, vilket är ett bra underlag för diskussion kring samlingsutveckling.
  • Fransson, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • Developing integrated research data management support in close relation to doctoral students’ research practices
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 79th ASIS&T Annual Meeting. - : International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press. ; , s. 1-4
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The quest for open research data is the driving force behind the development of the whole area of research data management practices. We, as a university library, offer and develop support to researchers and doctoral students. Based on the result of a web survey submitted to all researchers at Malmö University, and the knowledge that doctoral students are on their way of forming their individual research practices, we have made doctoral students our first target group for specific seminars and workshops promoting conscious research data management practices. We will organise these seminars and workshops, which both take into account the general aspects of research data management and the discipline specific practices, so as to develop integrated research data management support in close relation to doctoral students’ research practices.
  • Fransson, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • Forskningsdata : ett biblioteks läranderesa i de internationella, nationella och lokala landskapen
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: InfoTrend. - : Svensk förening för informationsspecialister. - 1653-0225. ; 69:1/2, s. 41-48
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Malmö högskolas bibliotek har under flera år gradvis arbetat alltmer med forskningsdatafrågor. Efter en intern fortutbildning inom ansvarigt team på biblioteket har arbetet fördjupats i projektform. En enkät till högskolans forskare gav en nulägesbild, erfarenheter av och syn på forskningsdatafrågor med fokus på öppet tillgängliggörande, samt kunskap om i vilka frågor mer stöd och kunskap behövdes. Biblioteket deltar också i Svensk Nationell Datatjänsts (SND) pilotprojekt. Deltagandet har inneburit kompetensutveckling på flera sätt, genom undervisning, diskussioner och i möten med forskare. Nästa steg är att ta fram förslag på hur biblioteket kan organisera det fortsatta arbetet med stöd till forskningsdatahantering.
  • Fransson, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • Stöd för forskningsdatahantering : Malmö högskolas bibliotek 2017
  • 2016
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Vilken roll har forskningsdata i förhållande till forskningsinformation? Detta undersöks i ett pågående projekt vid Malmö högskola. Syftet är att öka förståelsen för och kunskapen om hur biblioteket, med sin kompetens inom vetenskaplig kommunikation, kan stödja forskare i hantering av forskningsdata. Underlaget bygger bland annat på en enkät till högskolans forskare samt på erfarenheter som gjorts inom ett pilotprojekt tillsammans med SND.
  • Fransson, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • Tillgängliggörande av forskningsdata : nulägesbeskrivning samt rekommendationer för uppbyggnad av stöd till högskolans forskare
  • 2016
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Biblioteket har genomfört ett internt projekt med syftet att få en bättre bild av nuläget kring forskningsdatahantering för att utveckla ett adekvat stöd till forskningen och forskarna. Rapporten innehåller en redovisning av en enkät till högskolans forskare, en utblick kring dataarkiv för tillgängliggörande av data och en diskussion kring roller vid tillgängliggörande av data. Rapporten avslutas med rekommendationer kring stödet till högskolans forskare baserat på ett antal identifierade frågeställningar. Tillgängliggörande av forskningsdata är komplext. Inte minst eftersom de data som ska tillgängliggöras bygger på forskning som är komplex. Högskolans forskares syn på frågan är central för utvecklingen av bibliotekets verksamhet. Områdets komplexitet innebär en rad frågor som framförallt behöver diskuteras på fakulteterna och mellan forskare. Bakgrunden är bland annat Vetenskapsrådets förslag till nationella riktlinjer för öppen tillgång till vetenskaplig information (Vetenskapsrådet, 2015a) och högskolans inspel till forskningspropositionen 2015 (Jönsson, 2015). En enkät skickades ut till högskolans samtliga forskare (ca 600) i december 2015. Svarsfrekvensen blev 27 % (n=164). Ett engagemang i frågorna är synligt i kommentarerna som lämnats. Den aktuella bilden är att en majoritet av de som svarat använder öppen eller delad data, likaså delar en majoritet forskningsdata informellt, men bara enstaka har öppet tillgängliggjort data till exempel via ett dataarkiv. Mer kunskap och stöd efterlyses i alla aspekter kring öppna forskningsdata. I kommentarerna framkommer en krock mellan forskningsetiska och juridiska aspekter, till exempel skydd av data gentemot data som allmän handling. Bland svaren och kommentarerna i enkäten märks också en viss oro, både på temat "min data” och för mer administration som kommer att uppta forskningstid. Lagstiftningen är viktig, allt kan inte tillgängliggöras. Öppet tillgängliggörande sker först när data bedömts möjlig att göra öppen. En annan relevant aspekt som inte kommit upp i enkäten är om all forskningsdata är värd besväret att tillgängliggöra, vem kan ha nytta av den? Det råder också en viss begreppsförvirring i svaren, kring tillgängliggörande kontra arkivering och data kontra publikationer. Men också kring vad forskningsdata innebär för olika forskare. För somliga är begreppet helt naturligt, andra använder källmaterial eller empiri. En del samlar inte in material utan genererar data utifrån beräkningsmodeller. I bred bemärkelse är data mer än det som samlas in, det kan också vara annan output från forskningsprocessen än rena publikationer, som enskilda illustrationer eller en presentation. Tjänster för tillgängliggörande och roller vid tillgängliggörande har i rapporten översiktligt beskrivits, men behöver fördjupas och formaliseras. Högskolans kommande e-arkiv kan utgöra en central funktion vid tillgängliggörande, speciellt om en nationell plattform för öppna forskningsdata skapas. Tillgängliggörande och arkivering av forskningsdata är två likartade, men skilda processer. I vissa fall kan arkiverad data tillgängliggöras rakt av, till exempel data från viss naturvetenskaplig forskning, i andra fall kan data behöva anonymiseras eller på annat sätt anpassas. Alla data kanske inte lämpar sig för tillgängliggörande. Datahanteringsplaner kan vara ett centralt redskap, både före, under och efter avslutat forskningsprojekt. Väl kurerad data är lättare att arkivera och tillgängliggöra. Vad krävs för att data ska bli användbar för andra? Ett svar är att en långsiktighet krävs och att resurser för datahantering behöver inkluderas i ansökningar och projektplaner. Vetenskapsrådets förslag till nationella riktlinjer för öppen tillgång behöver spridas mer eftersom det kommer påverka alla forskare. Hur information och kommunikation om det ska läggas upp är beroende av om och i så fall hur förslaget kommer att se ut i regeringens kommande forskningsproposition. Men med tanke på att detta inte är en nationell fråga, utan internationell, och att EU är starkt pådrivande i öppenhetens riktning så kan högskolan troligen räkna med att någon form av krav på öppen tillgång till forskningsdata kommer från regeringen. Ett antal behov har identifierats som resulterar i rekommendationer för vad som behöver byggas upp i stödet kring tillgängliggörande av forskningsdata. Under 2016 kommer ett pilotprojekt tillsammans med Svensk Nationell Datatjänst (SND) att genomföras vid högskolan. SND är en nationell forskningsinfrastruktur som kommer förändra sin roll och där lärosätesbiblioteken kommer att bli noder i stödet för tillgängliggörande av forskningsdata. Biblioteket kommer i projektet tillsammans med bland annat arkivet och ett par forskare utforska de processer som krävs för tillgängliggörande av forskningsdata.
  • Haider, Jutta, et al. (författare)
  • Cultures of Search in the Social Study of Information
  • 2015
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • With digital infrastructures now permeating most aspects of society, online search has become integral to everyday life in unprecedented ways. Looking for information is today mostly done online and mediated through the various tools and devices that we carry with us on a daily basis. This way search is enmeshed into our cultural practices and everyday life, yet it often remains invisible. Furthermore, algorithms and economic interests organise search and thus contribute to structuring private as much as professional lives and public and personal memories. Being searchable is a feature of information that is culturally and socially structured and which needs to be explored from a variety of perspectives in order to understand the currently on-going “searchification” of society. This session wants to put the spotlight on the narratives, ideologies, ethical dimensions, and also the mundane practices tied to online search - its meaning, function, implications and limits - in contemporary society.; Published meeting abstract
  • Haider, Jutta, et al. (författare)
  • Data in the making
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: New big science in focus : Perspectives on ESS and MAX IV.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)
  • Haider, Jutta, et al. (författare)
  • Making research data possible : negotiating between disciplinary cultures, temporalities, data policies, professional interests and education and training
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 79th ASIS&T Annual Meeting. - : International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press. ; 53:1, s. 1-4
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The workshop brings together differing perspectives on what makes research data possible. How data is made represents an on-going negotiation between a number of elements. It reflects, firstly, the nature of disciplines and the complex way this is linked to cultures of research data and data sharing. Secondly, data is made across the complex temporalities within different practices of its management. Thirdly, it increasingly reflects the influences of data policies: working at the international and national, down to institutional level. Fourthly, it is also shaped by the renegotiation of professional interests and relationships such as between librarians, computing services, archivists and research administrators. And, fifthly, data is being shaped within models of education and training of current and new information professionals. The panel seeks to bring together a diverse range of participants to explore appropriate theories and methodologies for work in this field, using a conversation cafe format, and based on discussions around the five elements.
  • Haider, Jutta, et al. (författare)
  • Research data is a product of (its) time
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Big data - small meaning and global discourses. - : The Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University.
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Research data are complicated things. The question of whether they are things at all is of course contentious. Yet, even if we leave this issue aside for now, there are continuous debates - some would say struggles - over who owns the data, how to handle and describe it, how to store and share more of it and why, in short, who has which interest in it. It is also unclear when it is appropriate to speak of research data in the first place, as opposed to say, publication, document, working material, metadata, catalogue entry and so on.
  • Haider, Jutta, et al. (författare)
  • When are data?
  • 2016
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Digital research data is often advanced as a trouble-free concept and used to describe the material of research at all stages in a research process. However frequently such framing lacks understanding of the roles of disciplinary and organisational cultures, and of what the various practices, including those of funding policy and university administration, involved in shaping what research data are and can do and when. In this paper we explore data and the making of data during the construction of two big science facilities in Sweden, the European Spallation Source (ESS) and MAX IV. Specifically we focus on the necessary infrastructure for dealing with various aspects of research data management (RDM). We transform the question "What are data?" into "When are data?" and highlight how research data are also shaped by their entanglement across different support services and professional practices aiding, preceding and succeeding the work of the researcher. This brings into relief how the making of data relates to the making possible of data and that making possible occurs by setting up and planning for production, storage, and use of research data. Paying attention to temporal aspects in the construction of research data allows us to show some ways in which the meaning of data is contingent to when they are approached, to the possibilities of support infrastructures and their various materialities and to strategic roles data are assigned. This paper draws on a study carried out in 2014 and 2015. The material used was compiled in interviews and document studies.
  • Haider, Jutta, et al. (författare)
  • When are data? : Reflections on the making (possible) of research data.
  • 2016
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Digital research data is often advanced as a trouble-free concept and used to describe the material of research at all stages in a research process. However frequently such framing lacks understanding of the roles of disciplinary and organisational cultures, and of what the various practices, including those of funding policy and university administration, involved in shaping what research data are and can do and when. In this paper we explore data and the making of data during the construction of two big science facilities in Sweden, the European Spallation Source (ESS) and MAX IV. Specifically we focus on the necessary infrastructure for dealing with various aspects of research data management (RDM). We transform the question "What are data?" into "When are data?" and highlight how research data are also shaped by their entanglement across different support services and professional practices aiding, preceding and succeeding the work of the researcher. This brings into relief how the making of data relates to the making possible of data and that making possible occurs by setting up and planning for production, storage, and use of research data. Paying attention to temporal aspects in the construction of research data allows us to show some ways in which the meaning of data is contingent to when they are approached, to the possibilities of support infrastructures and their various materialities and to strategic roles data are assigned. This paper draws on a study carried out in 2014 and 2015. The material used was compiled in interviews and document studies.
  • Kjellberg, Hans, et al. (författare)
  • A new perspective on market dynamics : Market plasticity and the stability–fluidity dialectics
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Marketing Theory. - : SAGE Publications (UK and US). - 1741-301X .- 1470-5931. ; 14:3, s. 269-289
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Several researchers have pointed out that if marketing is to develop as a discipline and contribute to solving complex business and societal challenges, it should question the neoclassical view of markets and develop its own theory of markets. Efforts in this direction indicate an emerging view of markets as dynamic, subjective, and subject to multiple change efforts. However, the neoclassical view of objective, detached, and deterministic market still influences the dominant models used to describe market change. We argue that in order to better understand market dynamics, both academics and practitioners need new concepts and constructs that go beyond existing linear process and development stage models. We seek to contribute to improved understanding of markets by studying a special characteristic of markets that enables market dynamics. Borrowing a term used by Alderson (1957: 277), we propose that markets are characterized by plasticity, that is, a “potentiality for being remolded and responding in a different way thereafter.” Even though the plasticity concept was introduced into the marketing literature nearly 60 years ago, the plastic character of markets remains underresearched. This article investigates the meaning and manifestations of market plasticity, drawing analogies from the physical, natural, and social sciences. We define market plasticity as the market’s capacity to take and retain form and propose that the dialectic between market stability and market fluidity lies at the heart of market change.
  • Kjellberg, H., et al. (författare)
  • Apical root resorptions in girls with Turner syndrome: a controlled longitudinal study
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: European Journal of Orthodontics. - : Oxford University Press (OUP). - 0141-5387 .- 1460-2210.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Objectives To study, longitudinally, the development of apical root resorptions (ARRs) in Turner syndrome (TS) and to correlate these to the karyotype and orthodontic treatment. Materials and methods Thirty girls with TS participated in the study, mean age 10.8 years (6.6-23.4) at the first registration (T1), and 14.3 years (9.2-25.2) at the second registration (T2). Forty girls without TS, orthodontically untreated, served as controls. ARR was diagnosed in panoramic radiographs, and root/crown ratios of the lower permanent first molar were measured at T1 and T2 with a mean follow-up period of 42 (11-89) months. Results During the follow-up period, ARR was seen in 40% of all TS patients and in 2.5% in the control group. The majority displayed ARR on the distal root of the mandibular first permanent molars (30%). ARR at T2 was seen in 56% of 45,X and isochromosome karyotype and 21% of every other TS karyotype patients. AAR was seen in 5 out of 12 TS patients with orthodontic treatment. No statistically significant differences in root/crown ratios between T1 and T2 were found. Limitations The number of patients studied is limited, thus possible differences might be disguised for this reason. Spatial projection errors in panoramic radiograph recordings might have influenced measurement, resulting in an underestimation of ARR. Conclusions There is a higher risk for ARR in girls with TS and probably the risk is therefore probably also higher during orthodontic treatment. Thus, if treated, frequent radiographic follow-ups should be taken during the treatment. Protocol The protocol was not published before trial commencement.
  • Kjellberg, Sara (författare)
  • Biblioteksdidaktik
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Nordisk Tidsskrift for informations- og kulturformidling. - : Det Kgl. Bibliotek. - 2245-2931 .- 2245-294X. ; 7:1, s. 54-56
  • Recension (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Kjellberg, Sara (författare)
  • Blogs as Interfaces between Several Worlds A Case Study of the Swedish Academic Blogosphere
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Human IT. - 1402-1501. ; 10:3, s. 1-45
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The purpose of this article is to examine the use of blogs as tools in scholarly communication practice. The article is based on a case study of the Swedish academic blogosphere. It starts with an overview of earlier research about blogs which is followed by a presentation of earlier research on scholarly communication practice. Disciplinary differences regarding the use of ICTs are considered specifically. Sixty-seven Swedish academic blogs are investigated using content analysis, supplemented by a webometric study of the same material. The results indicate agreement across disciplines regarding the use of blogs as tools. One conclusion is that blogs do not replace a previous form of communication, but function as distinct interfaces between four arenas: the university, the research field, the general public, and private life.
  • Kjellberg, Sara (författare)
  • Forskarbloggar: Vetenskaplig kommunikation och kunskapsproduktion i bloggosfären.
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • It is the aim of this thesis to contribute to a research-based understanding of researchers’ use of blogs as a part of scholarly communication. The following research questions guide the investigation: (1) How are scholarly blogs constructed and used as sociotechnical systems in scholarly communication? (2) Which roles do scholarly blogs play in relation to other forms of scholarly communication? (3) Which expressions of researchers’ relations to the public emerge in scholarly blogs? Four separate research articles make up the main body of the thesis. These articles report on three largely independent studies which explore different aspects of scholarly blogs. The thesis starts from the assumption that scholar’s different epistemic cultures influence and shape scholarly communication practices. It furthermore approaches scholarly communication as practice. This makes it possible to include technology as shaping and being shaped by these practices. Consequently, scholarly blogs are treated as sociotechnical systems and envisioned as shaped in an interplay between technical and social aspects. The thesis’ first study takes a bird’s eye view and investigates the landscape of academic blogs. This is achieved through a case study of the Swedish academic blogosphere which unites a content analysis and a webometric analysis. The second study draws on 11 in-depth, semi- structured interviews with researchers who are all active bloggers. It focuses in particular on the motivations these researchers have for blogging, by starting from how they describe the functions that their blogs serve in their scholarly communication practices. Finally, the third study investigates characteristics of blogging as part of scholarly communication within epistemic cultures. This study is based on a genre-theoretical approach and structured around two groups of researchers in two disciplines, Physics and History. It employs a framework for situated genre-analysis, developed specifically for analysis of blogs, which is presented in a separate article in the thesis. The studies show that the motivations for maintaining scholarly blogs are as much of a personal character – i.e. blogs are used for fostering and supporting the researcher’s work – as driven by intentions to enter into a dialogue with others. Furthermore, scholarly blogs can be treated as a new genre situated in a researcher’s particular context. In addition, blogs maintained by researchers include several communicative purposes and target groups. Scholarly blogs show that the boundaries between the research community and society at large are far less distinct than has previously been suggested. Rather, scholarly blogs amalgamate formal and informal scholarly communication and, by mediating parts of otherwise informal interactions, scholarly blogs can contribute to a new kind of knowledge production.
  • Kjellberg, Sara (författare)
  • Förord
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Allas bibliotek - vår berättelse. - : Malmö universitet. - 9789178774319 - 9789178774326 ; , s. 7-8
  • Bokkapitel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)
  • Kjellberg, Sara (författare)
  • I am a blogging researcher: Motivations for blogging in a scholarly context
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: First Monday. - 1396-0466. ; 15:8
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The number of scholarly blogs on the Web is increasing. In this article, a group of researchers are asked to describe the functions that their blogs serve for them as researchers. The results show that their blogging is motivated by the possibility to share knowledge, that the blog aids creativity, and that it provides a feeling of being connected in their work as researchers. In particular, the blog serves as a creative catalyst in the work of the researchers, where writing forms a large part, which is not as prominent as a motivation in other professional blogs. In addition, the analysis brings out the blog’s combination of functions and the possibility it offers to reach multiple audiences as a motivating factor that makes the blog different from other kinds of communication in scholarly contexts.
  • Kjellberg, Sara, et al. (författare)
  • Institutionella arkiv som en ny typ av samling
  • 2015
  • Konferensbidrag (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Biblioteken har traditionellt byggt upp sina samlingar genom förvärv, men i och med de institutionella arkiven (och liknande databaser) utvecklar biblioteken i allt högre grad samlingar där lärosätets lokala forskningsproduktion görs tillgänglig för såväl det egna lärosätets personal och studenter som för olika delar av det omgivande samhället (Kohl, 2009). Givet såväl nationella som internationella initiativ kring öppen tillgång till forskningsresultat kan dessa samlingar förväntas öka i såväl omfattning som betydelse i framtiden. Snarare än att erbjuda svar vill vi i detta bidrag ge underlag för en vidare diskussion kring de institutionella arkiven som en ny typ av samlingar som byggs upp, organiseras och kan integreras med andra samlingar såväl vid lärosätesbiblioteken som genom återanvändning av andra aktörer.Det väcker potentiellt frågor som berör såväl hur arbetet med de institutionella arkiven relaterar till hur man gör med andra delar av bibliotekens samlingar och system för kunskapsorganisation, som hur vi ska tänka kring samlingar, delar av samlingar och hypersamlingar. En utgångspunkt är dessutom att publiceringspraktiker inom olika ämnesområden skiljer sig åt. Vilken betydelse har detta för hur man skapar förutsättningar för att bygga upp samlingen? Hur hanterar vi t.ex. att de institutionella arkiven är synnerligen diversifierade med avseende på innehåll täckning, filformat, versioner (pre-/postprint), upphovsrättsliga frågor, m.m.?Vad händer när biblioteken både hanterar de institutionella arkiven i uppbyggnad och mer långsiktigt ska säkra tillgången till dem? Hur utmanas det traditionella perspektivet på forskningsbibliotekets samlingar, som har syftat till att ge tillgång till material till det egna lärosätets forskare och studenter, när man bygger en samling som riktar sig utåt till potentiella användare över hela världen?Kohl, D.F. (2009). Collection development in the ARL library. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences. 3rd ed. New York: Taylor and Francis. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1081/E-ELIS3-120043881
  • Kjellberg, Sara, et al. (författare)
  • It´s all about keeping quiet – using focus group interviews to understand the everyday life of researchers in order to support their research
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Qqml. - : ISAST. - 2241-1925. ; :1, s. 253-261
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper describes how focus group interviews were used in a project on developing research support services. The object of the interviews was to understand the everyday lives of researchers and the obstacles they experience in their research process. Advantages and challenges of the method are discussed, e.g. the benefits of the interaction and the free form that the method allows for and the challenge not to interfere in the discussions and yet see to it that the discussions keep to the selected themes and keep on going.
  • Kjellberg, Sara (författare)
  • Researchers’ Blogging Practices in Two Epistemic Cultures: The Scholarly Blog as a Situated Genre
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Human IT. - : University College of Borås. - 1402-1501 .- 1402-151X. ; 12:3, s. 36-77
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article presents a study of 16 scholarly blogs with the aim to gain an in-depth understanding of what characterizes blogging as part of the scholarly communication. Eight blogs from high energy physics (HEP) and eight from digital history were closely followed. The analysis was made by employing an analytical framework based on genre theory. The results reveal common communicative purposes in the scholarly blogs; there are many similarities in form features and content, which also relate to the purposes of the blogs. In addition, the context in which the blogs are situated is based both in the blogging researchers’ epistemic cultures and in their knowledge about blogging practices. A conclusion is that the scholarly blogs is an addition to the landscape of scholarly communication, including communication with the public, and that the scholarly blogs contribute to our understanding of how research is done.
  • Kjellberg, Sara, et al. (författare)
  • Researchers' online visibility : tensions of visibility, trust and reputation
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Online information review (Print). - 1468-4527 .- 1468-4535.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The purpose of this paper is to understand what role researchers assign to online representations on the new digital communication sites that have emerged, such as Academia, ResearchGate or Mendeley. How are researchers’ online presentations created, managed, accessed and, more generally, viewed by academic researchers themselves? And how are expectations of the academic reward system navigated and re-shaped in response to the possibilities afforded by social media and other digital tools? Design/methodology/approach Focus groups have been used for empirical investigation to learn about the role online representation is assigned by the concerned researchers. Findings The study shows that traditional scholarly communication documents are what also scaffolds trust and builds reputation in the new setting. In this sense, the new social network sites reinforce rather than challenge the importance of formal publications. Originality/value An understanding of the different ways in which researchers fathom the complex connection between reputation and trust in relation to online visibility as a measure of, or at least an attempt at, publicity (either within academia or outside it) is essential. This paper emphasizes the need to tell different stories by exploring how researchers understand their own practices and reasons for them.
  • Kjellberg, Sara, et al. (författare)
  • Researchers’ use of social network sites : a scoping review
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Library & Information Science Research. - : Elsevier BV. - 0740-8188 .- 1873-1848. ; 38:3, s. 224-234
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The study is a scoping review of 80 research articles in LIS and related fields (2004-2014) on the use of social network sites by researchers. The results show that social network sites are used as part of scholarly life, yet with disciplinary differences. It is also shown that the area lacks methodological, theoretical and empirical coherence and theoretical stringency. The most salient strands of research (General uptake, Outreach, Special tools/cases, Assessing impact, Practices/new modes of communication) are mapped and ways to improve research in the field are identified. This provides a first step towards a more comprehensive understanding of the roles of social network sites in scholarship.
  • Kjellberg, Sara (författare)
  • Scholarly blogging practice as situated genre: an analytical framework based on genre theory
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Information Research. - 1368-1613. ; 14:3
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Introduction. Examines how an analytical framework of situated genre analysis can be used to study how research blogs are constructed and used as tools in scholarly communication. Method. A framework was extracted from genre research theories consisting of four concepts: aim, form, content and context. The term situated genre was used to focus on social practices. The context was further elaborated by combining discourse community with the concept of epistemic cultures. Analysis. The main purpose was to outline, discuss and test the framework. Three blogs from researchers in the field of physics were selected and used to test how the framework operated. Results. The preliminary results showed that scholarly blogs could be approached as a situated genre that is part of scholarly communication practice and that this framework can be used to analyse the social and technical features of the blogs. However, the framework has some constraints that have to be addressed. The four concepts are interlaced and can benefit from the application of a number of different methods. Conclusions. The proposed framework is useful as a tool for the analysis of research blogs and for making visible their socio-technical character. Existing genres in a particular epistemic culture, or differences between different epistemic cultures, are issues that could be studied further with this framework.
  • Kjellberg, Sara (författare)
  • Shaping a trustworthy representation online : researchers’ use of social media
  • 2013
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Our online presence is often distributed in a number of digital spaces today like Facebook, Twitter or other kind of web sites. This research project investigates how researchers represent themselves online and what happens with the issues like trust and authority when researchers publish, create and communicate in digital settings.
  • Kjellberg, Sara, et al. (författare)
  • The time of data – conditions for digital knowledge production in big science
  • 2016
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Increasingly the material research deals with is cast as data. This is an ambiguous concept, which describes the matter of research in all stages of the research process. From having been seen as a stepping-stone on the way to producing the scientific results, increasingly data is itself positioned as the result. At the same time demands for data preservation and open data are often motivated with the hope that they will be of some use for new discoveries in the future. This poster highlights some of the ways in which notions of data emerge in the construction of big science facilities in order to raise some issues concerning implications for how and when knowledge production is thought to occur. We studied data and their making in setting up of two large-scale research facilities in southern Sweden, ESS and MAX IV, specifically of the necessary infrastructure for dealing with research data management. The main focus is on temporal aspects of data, thus shifting the interest from the question “what are data?” to the often more productive question “when are data?”. This also works to emphasis various sociomaterial entanglements shaping research data and its meaning in different organisational contexts.
  • Leeb-Lundberg, Sara, et al. (författare)
  • Helping parents to tell their children about the use of donor insemination (DI) and determining their opinions about open-identity sperm donors
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. - : Wiley. - 0001-6349 .- 1600-0412. ; 85:1, s. 78-81
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Objective. To look at the level of compliance with Swedish law whether or not parents intend to tell their child about donor insemination. We also wanted to look at the parents' attitudes towards open-identity sperm donors and at relationships within the family. Method. All parents who were treated and gave birth to a child through donor insemination from 1997 to 2003 were included in the study. Sixteen of 20 couples (80%) were willing to take part in an interview, where the men and women were interviewed separately. The children of these couples had an average age of 2.9 years. Results. Three of the 16 couples had told their child about donor insemination and 9 couples intended to tell the child when he/she was older. Thus 12 couples (75%) had disclosed or planned to inform their child in the future. Fourteen of 16 couples had told others about the donor insemination. The majority (20 of 31 individuals) had a positive attitude towards open-identity for sperm donors and 21 of 31 would have chosen an open-identity sperm donor if they had had the choice between that and an anonymous donor. All the parents felt they had an equal relationship with their child. Conclusion. Couples who conceived a child through donor insemination are open about the donor insemination, both to other people in their surroundings and in their intention to tell the child. These families seem to be functioning well with relaxed attitudes towards the donor insemination process. © 2006 Taylor & Francis.
  • Lundblad, Joakim, et al. (författare)
  • Från Byråkrati till Innovation: En introduktion till att arbeta med öppna data
  • 2013
  • Rapport (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Det här är en rapport från ett Vinnovafinansierat projekt där syftet har varit att empiriskt visa på de största utmaningarna för ett ökat tillgängliggörande av öppna data och att visa på möjliga vägar fram. Gemensamt för alla öppna data är att det är maskinläsbara datamängder som kan vidareutnyttjas av vem som helst. Det finns framförallt två aspekter man behöver förhålla sig till när man pratar om öppna data: Vilka datamängder det handlar om samt vilka krav som ställs på tillgängliggörandet. • Det finns flera olika drivkrafter för att arbeta med öppna data. Exempelvis är en verklig offentlighetsprincip i en modern förvaltning är knappt möjlig utan öppna data. Rapporten beskriver ett antal grupper av olika men relaterade syften. - Effektivisera den egna verksamheten - Främja innovation och företagsklimat - Främja regional upplevelse- och besöksnäring - Öka insyn och demokratisk delaktighet • Att tillgängliggöra data består av två huvudsakliga processer - det institutionella möjliggörandet och det tekniska tillgängliggörandet. De organisatoriska frågorna underskattas ofta. Medverkande institutioner i framtagandet av rapport: Media Evolution, Sydsvenska Industri- och Handelskammaren, BTH Innovation (wi.se), och Lunds universitets Internetinstitut (LUii). Huvudsaklig skribent är Joakim Lundblad vid Handelskammaren.
  • Nilsson, Sofia, et al. (författare)
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Journal of Cancer Rehabilitation. - 2704-6494. ; 7, s. 53-56
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background With increasing number of childhood cancer survivors, there is a growing population of adult survivors that reach reproductive age. Long-term side effects of cancer treatment can include damage to the reproductive organs and lead to premature ovarian failure. The purpose of the study was to examine female childhood cancer survivors’, participating in long-term follow-up, experiences of communication and information regarding fertility and reproductive health outcomes. We also aimed to investigate how they experienced the transition from pediatric to adult health services. Methods Participants for the study were all part of a longitudinal project, identified through the Long-Term Follow-Up Clinic at the Oncology Department at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden. Fifty-four female childhood cancer survivors treated with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy before 18 years of age were included between 2016 and 2018. During the years 20182022, twenty-five of the participants reached the age of 25 and were invited to conduct a semi-structured interview. Twenty-two agreed to participate. The interview includes questions about fertility, collaboration with healthcare and communication regarding reproductive options when diagnosed with cancer. Interview data was analysed inductively using a thematic analysis. Results The analysis of the data resulted in three main themes; (1) Communication challenges, (2) Information about potential infertility and (3) Follow-up – a broader perspective, with a total of 9 subthemes. Many of the women expressed lack of information regarding reproductive health and a disappointment in their follow-up. Conclusion It is evident that the young women have felt a lack of information regarding fertility, reproductive health outcomes and options after their cancer treatment. The results of our study also indicate that transition from pediatric health care to adult health care needs to be facilitated and supported.
  • Rivano Eckerdal, Johanna, et al. (författare)
  • Talking infrastructures
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Big data - small meaning and global discourses.
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
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