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Sökning: WFRF:(Pihl Jörgen)

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  • Andersson, Mathias H, et al. (författare)
  • A framework for regulating underwater noise during pile driving
  • 2017
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Pile driving is a common technique used during the construction of bridges, offshore wind power, and underwater infrastructure or shoreline structures. It is the process by which a foundation, beam or pole is hammered or vibrated down into the bottom, which can generate extremely loud noise that propagates throughout the surrounding water and sediment. The noise can reach such high levels that marine animals are at risk of disturbance, injury or even death.Sweden currently lacks established thresholds stating the level at which underwater noise potentially disturbs or injures marine animals. Hence, there are no guidance values for allowable underwater noise levels from noiseproducing activities to avoid serious environmental impacts. Several countries in Europe have defined thresholds for when underwater noise can result in severe negative environmental impacts as well as standards for measuring, analysing and reporting underwater noise levels.The purpose of this study is to review the scientific literature on underwater noise from pile driving and its effects on marine life. The study aims to define the noise levels that can cause injury and other negative effects and, on this basis, recommend noise levels that can be used to establish guidance values for regulating underwater noise for Swedish waters and species. The study presents examples of the factors that contribute to sound propagation in Swedish waters and how this influences the noise level from a pile strike as a function of distance at four study areas along the Swedish coast. Additionally, the study contains a thorough technical description of pile driving activities, basic underwater acoustics and noise effects on marine animals. These effects (injury and behavioral, e.g., flight, but not subtle effects) are demonstrated on representative species such as the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) and on fish larvae and eggs. The study’s authors look atthe original sources of information that other countries base their guidelines and thresholds on, so the recommendations follow scientifically determined levels rather than values that have been rounded off or otherwise altered.The study presents sound levels in three different units, each with different biological relevance to the effects caused by a pile driving activity. None of the sound levels have been frequency weighted for a specific species, as this method is not yet fully established. The first unit used is the sound pressure level SPL(peak), which is the maximum overpressure or underpressure of the noise pulse generated by the pile strike. This unit has a high relevance for behavioural effects. The sound exposure level, SEL, is the calculated energy level over a period of time and expresses the energy of the entire sound pulse. SEL is the unit most related to hearing impairing effects. SEL(ss) is the value for a single strike while SEL(cum) is the cumulative value of a determined number of pulses over a period of time. The review revealed that for Atlantic cod and Atlantic herring there are currently no studies that can be used to determine a species’ specific threshold value for injury, but studies show that loud noise can affect both species negatively. Because of this, the recommended noise levels for injury are based mainly on studies on other species exposed to pile driving noise in laboratory environments, supported by studies conducting large-scale experiments in tanks and oceans. The levels at which fish are at risk of death or sustaining serious injury to internal organs is SPL 207 dB re 1 μPa, SEL(ss) 174 dB re 1 μPa2s and SEL(cum) 204 dB re 1 μPa2s. Note that for injury in fish, the cumulative sound exposure level has higher relevance than the single-strike level as the cited studies found injuries after a certain time period of exposure. The thresholds for fish larvae and eggs are based on the fact that no negative effects were observed at exposures of up to SPL(peak) 217 dB re 1 μPa, SEL(ss) 187 dB re 1 μPa2s and SEL(cum) 207 dB re 1 μPa2s. However, there are relatively few studies on early life stages of fish. There are more species-specific studies on harbour porpoises regarding noise than there are for Atlantic cod and Atlantic herring. Nonetheless, only a few can be used to determine thresholds that will lead to injury or negative behavioural effects. The levels at which there is a risk of a temporary impact on hearing, i.e. temporary threshold shift (TTS), for the harbour porpoises is SPL(peak) 194 dB re 1 μPa, SEL(ss) 164 dB re 1 μPa2s and SEL(cum) 175 dB re 1 μPa2s. When it comes to TTS, the cumulative sound exposure level, SEL(cum), is of primary importance. However, this unit is dependent on a specific time and number of pulses. For permanent threshold shift (PTS), the level is set to SPL(peak) 200 dB re 1 μPa, SEL(ss) 179 dB re 1 μPa2s and SEL(cum) 190 dB re 1 μPa2s. The recommended level should be revised as new relevant studies are conducted.
  • Andersson, Mathias H., et al. (författare)
  • Underlag för reglering av undervattensljud vid pålning
  • 2016
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Vid byggnation av broar, havsbaserad vindkraft och andra havsbaserade eller strandnära konstruktioner används det oftast någon form av pålningsteknik för att få ner konstruktionen i botten. Detta innebär att ett fundament, balk eller spont hamras eller vibreras ner i botten, vilket kan generera mycket höga ljudnivåer som sprids ut i vattnet och ner i botten. Ljudnivåerna är så höga att marina organismer kan störas, skadas eller till och med dödas. Idag saknar Sverige fastställda ljudnivåer för när undervattensbuller blir så högt att de kan skada djur i havet. Det saknas därför också vedertagna begränsningsvärden som anger vilka nivåer av undervattensbuller som kan tillåtas för bullrande aktiviteter utan att riskera allvarliga miljöeffekter. Flera länder i Europa har någon form av gränsvärden för när bullernivån under vattnet kan ge upphov till allvarlig miljöpåverkan liksom standarder för hur undervattensbuller skall mätas och rapporteras. Syftet med denna studie var att ta fram ett vetenskapligt underlag rörande ljudet från pålning i havet och dess påverkan på det marina livet. Slutmålet var att utifrån den vetenskapliga information som finns idag ge förslag på ljudnivåer för skador och negativ påverkan som sedan kan användas för att ta fram begränsningsvärden för reglering av undervattensbuller anpassade för svenska vatten och arter. Studien ger ett antal exempel på vilka faktorer som påverkar ljudutbredningen i svenska vatten och hur detta påverkar ett pålningsslags ljudnivå som funktion av avstånd i fyra typområden kring den svenska kusten. Vidare presenteras ingående både tekniska beskrivningar av pålningsaktiviteter, undervattensakustik samt påverkan på marina djur. Denna påverkan (skada och flyktbeteende men ej subtila effekter) demonstreras med hjälp av ett antal typarter som tandvalen tumlare (Phocoena phocoena) och fiskarterna torsk (Gadus morhua) och sill (Clupea clupea) samt fiskägg och fisklarver. I denna studie har författarna gått tillbaka till de originalkällor av information som andra länders gränsvärden grundas på, så att rekommendationerna bygger på vetenskapliga nivåer och inte värden som har avrundats eller på annat sätt ändrats.Studien presenterar ljudnivåer i tre olika enheter då dessa har olika biologisk relevans för påverkan från en pålningsaktivitet. Inga av dessa värden har frekvensviktats för att anpassas för en specifik art då denna metod ännu inte är helt vedertagen. Den första enheten är ljudtrycksnivå SPL(topp), d.v.s. det maximala över- eller undertryck som den av pålningsslaget genererade ljudpulsen har. Denna enhet har hög relevans för beteendepåverkan. För ljudexponeringsnivå SEL, beräknas ljudnivån över en viss tid och tar då med energin i hela ljudpulsen. SEL är den enhet som visats vara bäst relaterad till hörselskador. SEL(enkel) är värdet för en enkel puls och för det kumulativa SEL(kum) har antalet pulser under en viss tid summerats.Litteraturstudien på torsk och sill visar att det i dagsläget inte finns några studier som kan användas för att fastställa en artspecifik ljudnivå för skada men litteraturen visar tydligt på att höga bullernivåer kan påverka torsk och sill negativt. Istället baseras de föreslagna nivåerna i huvudsak på studier på andra arter som har exponerats för pålningsljud i laboratoriemiljö med stöd av studier från mer storskaliga experiment i tankar och hav. De nivåer då fisk riskerar att dödas eller få allvarliga skador på inre organ är 207 dB re 1 μPa SPL(topp), 174 dB re 1 μPa2s SEL(enkel) och 204 dB re 1 μPa2s SEL(kum). Notera att för skada på fisk har det kumulativa värdet högre relevans än enkelvärdet för SEL eftersom studier visar att skador uppkommer efter en viss tids exponering. Nivåerna för påverkan på fiskägg och larver grundas i att inga negativa effekter har observerats vid exponering för ljudtryck från pålning upp till 217 dB re 1 μPa SPL(topp), 187 dB re 1 μPa2s SEL(enkel) och 207 dB re 1 μPa2s SEL(kum). Det finns emellertid mycket få studier relaterat till pålningsljud för dessa livsstadier. För tumlare finns det fler artspecifika studier gjorda relaterat till buller än för torsk och sill. Det är dock endast ett fåtal som kan användas för att bestämma ljudnivåer som leder till skada eller negativ beteendepåverkan. De ljudnivåer som riskerar ge tillfällig hörselnedsättning (TTS) hos tumlare är 194 dB re 1 μPa SPL(topp), 164 dB re 1 μPa2s SEL(enkel) och 175 dB re 1 μPa2s SEL(kum). Det är framförallt den kumulativa ljudexponeringsnivån SEL(kum) som har stor betydelse för just TTS, dock hänger detta värde ihop med en specifik tid och antalet pulser vilket kan vara svårt att uppskatta i förväg. Vidare avseende permanent hörselskada (PTS) är ljudnivån 200 dB re 1 μPa SPL(topp), 179 dB re 1 μPa2s SEL(enkel) och 190 dB re 1 μPa2s SEL(kum). Föreslagna nivåer bör uppdateras när nya relevanta forskningsstudier tillkommer.
  • Chandrasekaran, Abinaya, et al. (författare)
  • Astrocytic reactivity triggered by defective autophagy and metabolic failure causes neurotoxicity in frontotemporal dementia type 3
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Stem Cell Reports. - : Elsevier BV. - 2213-6711. ; , s. 2736-2751
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Frontotemporal dementia type 3 (FTD3), caused by a point mutation in the charged multivesicular body protein 2B (CHMP2B), affects mitochondrial ultrastructure and the endolysosomal pathway in neurons. To dissect the astrocyte-specific impact of mutant CHMP2B expression, we generated astrocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and confirmed our findings in CHMP2B mutant mice. Our data provide mechanistic insights into how defective autophagy causes perturbed mitochondrial dynamics with impaired glycolysis, increased reactive oxygen species, and elongated mitochondrial morphology, indicating increased mitochondrial fusion in FTD3 astrocytes. This shift in astrocyte homeostasis triggers a reactive astrocyte phenotype and increased release of toxic cytokines, which accumulate in nuclear factor kappa b (NF-κB) pathway activation with increased production of CHF, LCN2, and C3 causing neurodegeneration.
  • Gron, Kurt J., et al. (författare)
  • Archaeological cereals as an isotope record of long-term soil health and anthropogenic amendment in southern Scandinavia
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Quaternary Science Reviews. - : Elsevier BV. - 0277-3791. ; 253
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Maintaining soil health is integral to agricultural production, and the archaeological record contains multiple lines of palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental proxy evidence that can contribute to the understanding and analysis of long-term trajectories of change that are key for contextualizing 21st century global environmental challenges. Soil is a capital resource and its nutrient balance is modified by agricultural activities, making it necessary to ensure soil productivity is maintained and managed through human choices and actions. Since prehistory this has always been the case; soil is a non-renewable resource within a human lifetime. Here, we present and interpret carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of charred cereals from southern Scandinavia. Anthropogenic effects on soils are evident from the initiation of farming 6000 years ago, as is amendment to counteract its effects. The earliest cereals were planted on pristine soils, and by the late Neolithic, agriculture extensified. By the Iron Age it was necessary to significantly amend depleted soils to maintain crop yields. We propose that these data provide a record of soil water retention, net precipitation and amendment. From the start of the Neolithic there is a concurrent decrease in both Δ13C and δ15N, mitigated only by the replacement of soil organic content in the form of manure in the Iron Age. The cereal isotopes provide a record of trajectories of agricultural sustainability and anthropogenic adaptation for nearly the entire history of farming in the region.
  • Hillberg, Emil, et al. (författare)
  • Active Network Management for All : ANM4L a collaborative research project
  • 2020
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Developments of the power system are driven by the need to decrease the environmental footprint, to meet international climate goals, pushing for fossil‐free energy system. The transition towards clean energy will require power systems to adapt on a global scale with significant investments needed in fossil‐free electricity generation and transport. Renewable Energy Sources (RES) play an increasingly important role in the power system and may become the dominant sources of electricity. Significant RES are integrated in distribution grids globally, resulting in an increased need for distribution grids to perform new and complex tasks necessary for continued grid stability. The rapidity of small‐scale investments calls for agile, alternative grid development solutions. This agility is furthermore necessary to meet challenges arising from demand scenarios encompassing intermittent renewables along with electrification of transport and heat sectors. New technologies and markets are emerging to provide flexibility in consumption, generation, and power transfer capacity. Active Network Management (ANM) solutions provides alternative methods for planning and operation of the power system, through monitoring and control of multiple grid assets. This paper presents an overview of the ongoing project ANM4L, where a toolbox will be developed to support operation and planning of distribution grids.The project ANM4L (Active network management for all - anm4l.eu), will develop and demonstrate innovative ANM solutions for increasing integration of distributed generation in electricity distribution systems. ANM solutions will consider management of active and reactive power to avoid overload situations and maintain voltage limits. The goal is to decrease the need of curtailment of renewable energy, theoretically enabling further integration of distributed generation potentially even above the current design limitations of the electricity network. Core research and development activities of the ANM4L project include development of:  ANM methods for local energy systems.  Economic considerations to provide decision support.  A toolbox to support the planning and operation. The toolbox, methods and business models for ANM will be demonstrated in real life distribution grids in both Sweden and Hungary. Furthermore, the project will consider the replicability and scalability necessary for these ANM solutions to be applied across the EU. 
  • Petridou, Evangelia, 1972-, et al. (författare)
  • Immersive simulation and experimental design in risk and crisis management : Implications for learning
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. - : Wiley. - 0966-0879 .- 1468-5973. ; 31:4, s. 1009-1017
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Experiments have long been recognized as effective tools in teaching natural sciences and, to a lesser degree, in social sciences. However, understanding the role of immersive simulation experiments in undergraduate degree programmes demands more scholarly attention, given the pace of technological advances and research literacy in immersive simulation. The purpose of this article is to illustrate the potential of integrating immersive simulation laboratory experiments in social science education and specifically in a risk and crisis management undergraduate degree programme. Based on the work of Claire Dunlop, we demonstrate how an experiment with a high degree of experimental realism was a fruitful vehicle for initiating conversations about sensitive subjects in a safe environment and made teaching more inclusive, while high mundane realism made teaching risk and crisis management fun, and, we argue, fostered practical aspects of risk and crisis management. 
  • Petridou, Evangelia, 1972-, et al. (författare)
  • Resilience work in Swedish local governance : Evidence from the areas of climate change adaptation, migration, and violent extremism
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Understanding Disaster Risk. - Amsterdam : Elsevier. - 9780128190470 ; , s. 225-238
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The concept of resilience is multidimensional, multiscalar, and contextualized, whereas global shifts ripple down to the local level, creating tangible consequences for local communities. In this chapter, we investigate how resilient processes play out in the context of emergency preparedness in three Swedish municipalities and thus examine the understanding of risk, through the concept of resilience in an advanced Western democracy. Our case studies were three municipalities spanning the demographic gamut of Swedish local authorities (Malmö, Arboga, and Örebro) in the broad empirical areas of climate change adaptation, migration, and violent extremism. We conducted a qualitative, inductive analysis with the aid of Atlas.ti on group interviews with stakeholders from the local authority and NGOs in all municipalities and empirical areas. With our analysis focusing on similarities across local authorities and empirical areas, we found that resilience as a concept is not yet integrated in the everyday operations of the local authorities, which instead work with the concept of sustainability. What is more, dominant themes that emerge across the board when it comes to emergency preparedness are collaboration, legitimacy, power relations, and projectification of work.
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