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Sökning: AMNE:(HUMANITIES Languages and Literature)

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  • Nylund, Jan H. (författare)
  • The Potential of Linguistic Theories in the Study of Aspect and Tense in Ancient Greek, With Particular Attention to New Testament Greek
  • 2024
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This enquiry discusses the potential of a large number of linguistic theories, approaches, concepts etc. from Plato to usage-based linguistics for the understanding of the tense system in Ancient Greek, and particularly in the Greek of the New Testament. It is argued that many significant insights within linguistics in the period from the earliest beginning of linguistic thought up to Saussure have not been noted or included in the discussion of the tenses in New Testament Greek. Many of these insights find corroboration in later linguistic theories in the 20th and 21st centuries. In this volume it is demonstrated that ideas from structuralism and generative linguistics that so far have dominated the debate on the New Testament Greek tense system, such as in the works of Stanley E. Porter, Buist M. Fanning and Constantine R. Campbell, need to be revised or discarded. It is noted that insights from Systemic Functional Linguistics, though favoured by many contributors to the New Testament verbal aspect debate, have been underused. Throughout this volume it is argued that certain theories, both ones preceding and following structuralism and generative linguistics, such as genuine functionalism, grammaticalisation theory, cognitive linguistics and usage-based linguistics, have considerable explanatory power in regard to the understanding and analysis of the New Testament Greek tense system.
  • Cedergren, Mickaëlle, 1969-, et al. (författare)
  • L’importation de la littérature française: un triple détournement de capital : Réflexions à partir d’une étude de réception journalistique en Suède
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Moderna Språk. - 2000-3560. ; 110, s. 108-131
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The background material of the study consists of articles about French literature gathered between 2010 and 2014 in the Swedish press. The aim of the article is to isolate the most widely discussed French literature from France in the Swedish press during the period, in order to explore why the transfer of this literature persists over time, how it is perceived, and which type of mediators bring about this transmission. The study raises questions about the image of French literature in Swedish media, Sweden’s impact on the transnational circulation of literature, and the use of French literature to place Sweden on the literary map.The results of the reception study show that French literature is presented as both aesthetically disruptive with innovative features and as a normative and traditional model. It incarnates an image of tradition as well as of modernity. French literature from France is principally mediated by orthodox journalists with a consistent symbolic capital, and the posture of these journalists is analyzed through Sapiro’s model, inspired by Bourdieu. The orthodox journalists manage to redirect the symbolic capital inherent to consecrated French literature at three levels: national, personal, and transnational. Firstly, the importation of French literature increases Swedish literature’s symbolic capital. Secondly, this transfer allows for an auto-consecration of the orthodox journalists themselves. Thirdly, this use of highly valued imported literature engenders a supplementary consecration (surconsecration) of a national literature and its dominating language. In conclusion, these observed bilateral literary exchanges show the often overlooked importance of peripheral countries in transnational literary transmission. The results modify Casanova’s (2002) model, since they display the impact on the market from the margins. The transfer of central national literatures in dominating languages towards peripheral countries allows for dominated languages and minor national literatures to take an active part in the construction and reconstruction of the relations on the global literary map.
  • Sylén-Lagerholm, Annika (författare)
  • Pearl and Contemplative Writing
  • 2005
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation places Pearl in the context of works by the English fourteenth-century contemplative writers (‘mystics’), as well as of patristic and other theological treatises, focusing on the theme of comprehending and speaking about a transcendent divine dimension. The purpose is to show that Pearl and the works of Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, Walter Hilton, Richard Rolle and the author of The Cloud of Unknowing share a concern with attempting to express the inexpressible. In that attempt, concepts and ideas handed down by influential thinkers such as Dionysius the Areopagite, or Pseudo-Dionysius, turn out to be vital. Chapter one deals with underlying generic and narrative distinctions between Pearl and the texts of the contemplative writers. Medieval concepts of literature, as well as contemporary aspects of narratology, are discussed in order to identify principal dissimilarities with regard to narrative form and purpose. Chapter two presents Pearl in the context of the affective strain in fourteenth-century English contemplative and devotional writing. In the contemplative texts as well as in Pearl, the Passion is portrayed as the foundation for the spiritual life and as an essential principle of transformation. Chapter three closely examines the Dreamer, the narrator and protagonist of Pearl, at the beginning of the narrative up to his meeting with the Pearl-Maiden in Paradyse. Chapter three also considers the role and authority of the Marian Pearl-Maiden as a guide to the Dreamer and as an intermediary between the human and divine, i.e. between the Dreamer and God. The last two chapters discuss the concept of hierarchy and the idea of a transcendent but also an immanent God, as described by Pseudo-Dionysius and the English contemplative writers, in order to shed light on the Dreamer's (mis)conception of the divine and on his inner transformation.
  • Sylén-Lagerholm, Annika (författare)
  • Pearl and Contemplative Writing
  • 2003
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation places Pearl in the context of works by the English fourteenth-century contemplative writers (‘mystics’), as well as of patristic and other theological treatises, focusing on the theme of comprehending and speaking about a transcendent divine dimension. The purpose is to show that Pearl and the works of Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, Walter Hilton, Richard Rolle and the author of The Cloud of Unknowing share a concern with attempting to express the inexpressible. In that attempt, concepts and ideas handed down by influential thinkers such as Dionysius the Areopagite, or Pseudo-Dionysius, turn out to be vital. Chapter one deals with underlying generic and narrative distinctions between Pearl and the texts of the contemplative writers. Medieval concepts of literature, as well as contemporary aspects of narratology, are discussed in order to identify principal dissimilarities with regard to narrative form and purpose. Chapter two presents Pearl in the context of the affective strain in fourteenth-century English contemplative and devotional writing. In the contemplative texts as well as in Pearl, the Passion is portrayed as the foundation for the spiritual life and as an essential principle of transformation. Chapter three closely examines the Dreamer, the narrator and protagonist of Pearl, at the beginning of the narrative up to his meeting with the Pearl-Maiden in Paradyse. Chapter three also considers the role and authority of the Marian Pearl-Maiden as a guide to the Dreamer and as an intermediary between the human and divine, i.e. between the Dreamer and God. The last two chapters discuss the concept of hierarchy and the idea of a transcendent but also an immanent God, as described by Pseudo-Dionysius and the English contemplative writers, in order to shed light on the Dreamer's (mis)conception of the divine and on his inner transformation.
  • Mattisson, Jane (författare)
  • Knowledge and Survival in the Novels of Thomas Hardy
  • 2000
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Abstract This thesis identifies two different kinds of knowledge in Thomas Hardy's novels: the everyday, passed on from generation to generation, which is non-academic and closely bound to the local environment and its traditions; and the specialised, recorded in the printed word, which is the product of formal education and independent of the local community and its traditions. These two kinds of epistemological competence determine one's ability to adapt and survive in a changing society. It is argued that everyday knowledge does not promote analytical thinking and the ability to predict; specialised knowledge, on the other hand, is closely related to scientific analytical thinking and is thus more in tune with the scientific world view which developed in the second half of the nineteenth century. The two forms of knowledge are discussed in relation to three groups of characters: the rustics, the lower/middle class and the upper-middle/upper class. Selected concepts taken from the work of Pierre Bourdieu have been used to identify the source, nature and scope of the various characters' knowledge within the three groups. With the aid of Basil Bernstein's concepts of the ‘restricted' and ‘elaborated' codes, dialogues are seen to constitute a useful indication of the type of knowledge which an individual character possesses. Throughout the study reference is made to historical factors, local as well as national, in the belief that what the reader brings to the text constitutes a third, and vital, form of knowledge. While today's reader has the benefit of hindsight, s/he lacks intimate knowledge of nineteenth-century social/working conditions. All fourteen published novels have been analysed to show that, while Hardy's sympathies lay with the rustics, he was keenly aware that the lower/middle class had the greatest potential for survival in the transformation from an agrarian to an industrial society. It is the purpose of this study to demonstrate that historical research and sociological/sociolinguistic theory provide valuable insights into Hardy's prose by illuminating salient features of his texts and in outlining a pattern of thought in his writing. The introduction presents the assumptions on which the study is based and defines the tools which have been used. Chapter One discusses national developments in education, concentrating on those which are most pertinent to Hardy's novels. The chapter which follows looks at educational developments in Dorset and concludes with a review of Hardy's own education. Chapter Three considers Hardy's early novels, from Desperate Remedies to A Laodicean. The latter represents a turning-point in Hardy's literary career, as it is the first work in which he openly focuses on the juxtaposition of the traditional and the modern. Chapter Four discusses Hardy's later novels, from Two on a Tower to Jude the Obscure. The later novels are more obviously concerned with science and its significance for future developments. The study closes with a short summary and some suggestions for future research.
  • Omodernt : Människor och tankar i förmodern tid
  • 2009. - 1
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Kan vi idag ha något att lära av de klassiska, medeltida och tidigmoderna kulturerna? Många skulle svara ja på den frågan, men det finns också de som skulle beskriva det förmoderna som irrationellt, traditionsbundet, kollektivistiskt och framför allt otidsenligt. Att behålla kontakten med det förmoderna behöver inte betyda att man bekräftar ett "arv" från det förflutna eller ägnar sig åt återbruk av äldre tiders idéer. Bättre är att omvandla, utveckla eller avveckla tidigare tankar eller kritik kring sociala och estetiska mönster. I antologin Omodernt - Människor och tankar i förmodern tid medverkar elva forskare som representerar en rad humanistiska discipliner. Deras texter berättar på mångfacetterade sätt om idéer och föreställningar, språk och texter från antiken till 1600-talet som är relevanta än idag. De argumenterar för vikten av kunskap om de perioder som ligger före vår moderna tid och ger konkreta exempel på forskning i den andan. Det viktiga är att uppmuntra kommunikation över seklen, viljan att vidga sina egna associationer kring mänskligt handlande, att fördjupa sina insikter om hur människor i historien försökt att hantera sin existentiella och samhälleliga situation. Genom sådana perspektivbyten kan vi i bästa fall få klargörande idéer även om vår egen tid.
  • Literary history : towards a global perspective Vol. 1 Notions of literature across times and cultures
  • 2006
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Literary History: Towards a Global Perspective is a research project funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet). Initiated in 1996 and launched in 1999, it aims at finding suitable methods and approaches for studying and analysing literature globally, emphasizing the comparative and intercultural aspect.Even though we nowadays have fast and easy access to any kind of information on literature and literary history, we encounter, more than ever, the difficulty of finding a credible overall perspective on world literary history. Until today, literary cultures and traditions have usually been studied separately, each field using its own principles and methods. Even the conceptual basis itself varies from section to section and the genre concepts employed are not mutually compatible. As a consequence, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for the interested layperson as well as for the professional student, to gain a clear and fair perspective both on the literary traditions of other peoples and on one's own traditions.The project can be considered as a contribution to gradually removing this problem and helping to gain a better understanding of literature and literary history by means of a concerted empirical research and deeper conceptual reflection. The contributions to the four volumes are written in English by specialists from a large number of disciplines, primarily from the fields of comparative literature, Oriental studies and African studies in Sweden. All of the literary texts discussed in the articles are in the original language.Each one of the four volumes is devoted to a special research topic.
  • Rome and the guidebook tradition : from the Middle Ages to the 20th century
  • 2019
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Almost everyone has used a guidebook, when travelling or in the armchair at home. But how and when was the guidebook born? In this book, seven scholars from various disciplines argue that the guidebook emerged in Rome in the late Middle Ages, to form a surprisingly consistent model for guidebooks up to our time. The descriptions of must-see monuments, recommended routes, practical information and value-laden instructions have guided travellers to Rome through more than 1000 years.
  • Hållén, Nicklas, 1983- (författare)
  • "Can't seem to live without it somehow" : An interview with Eddy Harris
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Studies in Travel Writing. - : Taylor & Francis. - 1364-5145 .- 1755-7550. ; 18:3, s. 279-294
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In his books about Paris and Harlem and his travelogues about journeys in Africa and the American South, African-American author Eddy L. Harris explores what it means to be Black in the present moment in history. In this interview, he talks to Nicklas Hållén about his need to travel, the craft of travel writing and his plans for a movie project about a journey down the Mississippi River. The conversation revolves particularly around his travelogue Native Stranger: A Blackamerican's Journey into the Heart of Africa (1992) and the way in which identity conditions (and does not condition) travel and travel writing, and the functions that travel writing may have for the author as well as reader. The interview was conducted in the summer of 2013 at a café in the village of Pranzac in the Charente department of France, where Harris currently lives and works.
  • Hållen, Nicklas, 1983- (författare)
  • Travelling objects : modernity and materiality in British Colonial travel literature about Africa
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This study examines the functions of objects in a selection of British colonial travel accounts about Africa. The works discussed were published between 1863 and 1908 and include travelogues by John Hanning Speke, Verney Lovett Cameron, Henry Morton Stanley, Mary Henrietta Kingsley, Ewart Scott Grogan, Mary Hall and Constance Larymore. The author argues that objects are deeply involved in the construction of pre-modern and modern spheres that the travelling subject moves between. The objects in the travel accounts are studied in relation to a contextual background of Victorian commodity and object culture, epitomised by the 1851 Great Exhibition and the birth of the modern anthropological museum. The four analysis chapters investigate the roles of objects in ethnographical and geographical writing, in ideological discussions about the transformative powers of colonial trade, and in narratives about the arrival of the book in the colonial periphery. As the analysis shows, however, objects tend not to behave as they are expected to do. Instead of marking temporal differences, descriptions of objects are typically unstable and riddled with contradictions and foreground the ambivalence that characterises colonial literature.
  • Ihrmark, Daniel, 1993-, et al. (författare)
  • A Corpus Stylistic Analysis of Development in Hemingway's Literary Production
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: The Hemingway Review. - : The Ernest Hemingway Foundation. - 1548-4815. ; 40:2, s. 71-93
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article describes an attempt at introducing the quantitative perspective available through corpus stylistics into the discussion regarding Hemingway's linguistic development throughout his career. By building a corpus of Hemingway's fiction, previous statements and research into the author's style are explored through part-of-speech tagging and diachronic presentations of data regarding word class distributions, sentence lengths, and lexical density. This method combines literary theory with contemporary advances in digital humanities to offer a nuanced investigation of underlying text patterns that are otherwise frequently overlooked.
  • Schötz, Susanne, et al. (författare)
  • Phonetic Characteristics of Domestic Cat Vocalisations
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots, VIHAR 2017. - 9782956202905 ; , s. 5-6
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The cat (Felis catus, Linneaus 1758) has lived around or with humans for at least 10,000 years, and is now one of the most popular pets of the world with more than 600 millionindividuals. Domestic cats have developed a more extensive, variable and complex vocal repertoire than most other members of the Carnivora, which may be explained by their social organisation, their nocturnal activity and the long period of association between mother and young. Still, we know surprisingly little about the phonetic characteristics of these sounds, and about the interaction between cats and humans.Members of the research project Melody in human–cat communication (Meowsic) investigate the prosodic characteristics of cat vocalisations as well as the communication between human and cat. The first step includes a categorisation of cat vocalisations. In the next step it will be investigated how humans perceive the vocal signals of domestic cats. This paper presents an outline of the project which has only recently started.
  • Ulfgard, Maria (författare)
  • För att bli kvinna - och av lust : en studie i tonårsflickors läsning
  • 2002
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • As part of the development of the teaching of literature in school, it is also important to reflect upon what pupils read outside school. This thesis deals with the spare time reading of twenty 15-16-year-old girls which has been examined during a two-year period. Empirical material related to young girls’ reading is examined in a variety of scholarly methods. Young girls’ reading is studied in the light of reception theory; novels are analysed by means of narratology; young girls’ lives are charted from perspectives drawn from cultural sociology and social psychology; finally, all aspects of the empirical material are tested by means of theories derived from gender studies. For the purposes of the thesis the initial question has been broken down into three segments: To what extent the girls actually engage in reading in their spare time, what they read, and what importance they attach to their reading. Another aim, which focusses attention on the connection between the girls’ lives and their reading, has been to find out to what extent the girls’ choice of literature is determined by geographical, social, cultural, and religious factors and by the teaching of literature at school. The third aim has been to find out how gender is constructed in the books that the girls choose to read, how they construct gender while reading these books, and how they construct gender in their own lives. The results of the study suggest that pleasure is a strong factor governing the girls’ reading and that there is a strong connection between the girls’ construction of their identity, including the formation of gender, and their choice of literature and the development of their reading. The study shows that the fiction chosen by the girls themselves mirrors their lives and that the social, cultural and religious factors have an influence on their reading. The relevance of the results of the thesis to the teaching of literature in Swedish schools is discussed. A dialogue is initiated with Läroplanens värdegrund, Lpo 94 and with Kursplan 2000, the Swedish syllabus currently used.
  • Groglopo, Adrián, 1967 (författare)
  • En diagnos av rasism och demokrati i Sverige
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Antirasistiska Akademin youtube kanal. - : Antirasistiska Akademin.
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Intervjuserie som finansierades av Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällsfrågor. Projektet handlar om 17 djupintervjuer med både forskare som studerar rasism i Sverige och aktivister som arbetar med frågor om rasism och mänskliga rättigheter. projektansvarig och intervjuare: Adrián Groglopo
  • Hållén, Nicklas, 1983-, et al. (författare)
  • “You want people to see you in all your nuanced variety” : An Interview with Noo Saro-Wiwa
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Studies in Travel Writing. - : Taylor & Francis Group. - 1364-5145 .- 1755-7550. ; 19:3, s. 274-282
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Born in Nigeria in 1976, Noo Saro-Wiwa grew up in the UK. In 2008 she took a trip around the country of her birth. The journey resulted in her first book, Looking for Transwonderland: Travels in Nigeria (Granta, 2012). It was selected as BBC Radio 4's Book of the Week and the Sunday Times Travel Book of the Year in 2012. In this interview with Nicklas Hållén and Janet Remmington, Saro-Wiwa covers a range of topics and reflections, including (trans)national identities, readership and reception, the legacy of her father, Ken Saro-Wiwa, and the craft of travel writing. The interview incorporates questions and answers from two occasions: a face-to-face meeting in London in May 2014 and an audience-facing discussion at the University of York's “African Intellectual Mobilities” colloquium in February 2015.
  • Ullström, Sten-Olof (författare)
  • Likt och olikt. Strindbergsbildens förvandlingar i gymnasiet
  • 2002
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This doctorial thesis deals with the changes in the image of August Strindberg in Swedish Senior High School Education. Strindberg represents the breakthrough of modern literature in Sweden, where the bounds between public and intimate spheres are challenged. The study investigates how and why the image of a writer is qualified or disqualified for inclusion in a national literary discourse of teaching, and why this image varies. Strindberg’s role illustrates how literary meaning is constructed in higher mother tongue education. Learning and literary understanding are viewed as dialogical, communicative processes. The literary classroom is, however, an arena for a process of sociocultural reproduction and socialization, where linguistic actions also serve non-communicative purposes and various relations of power influence the teaching process. The present study begins around the 1880s. The bulk of the thesis deals with the period beginning around the early 1900s up to the mid-sixties, but it also includes outlooks on teaching today. The research is based on a critical analysis of texts produced for or within literary education. Passages or chapters on Strindberg in frequently used textbooks of literary history are discussed, as well as works of Strindberg represented in school and text selections in various anthologies. Additionally, close to 300 student essays on Strindberg were retrieved from seven or more educational institutions, dated in 1912, 1923, 1943, 1950, and 1960. The approach to Strindberg in school became ambiguous and divided. In the beginning, textbooks and educational institutions tended to ignore his literary authorship. Later on, literary works with themes from national history were given priority, but this canon was mainly studied with a number of important reservations. A qualitative inconsistency in Strindberg’s writings was brought forth as a basis for selection. Many times, this artistic inconsistency was attributed to Strindberg’s psyche. Taken together, the student essays present a picture of how different conceptions of Strindberg have been reproduced and constructed at the senior high school level during half a century. Despite the many stereotypes, the student essays stand out as more or less heterogeneous and reflect, to varying degrees, multiple voices. Even though the teaching of literature often has strongly influenced the reading pre-ferences of the predominant culture, to some students, it has also sometimes had a meaning-making function.
  • Från Island till Sverige och tillbaka : Festskrift till Veturliði G. Óskarsson på 65-årsdagen
  • 2023
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This Festschrift is dedicated to Veturliði G. Óskarsson, Uppsala professor of Scandinavian Languages with a focus on Icelandic, on his sixty-fifth birthday, 25 March, 2023. Eleven colleagues based in three different Nordic countries have written contributions in Icelandic, Swedish, English, and Norwegian, touching on different aspects of Veturliði’s research interests: Lexicology and etymology: Katrín Axelsdóttir (University of Iceland), Enn um ald(u)rnara (Ald(u)rnari once again); Margrét Jónsdóttir (University of Iceland, emerita), Orðið féskylft (About the word féskylft ‘insolvent’); Matteo Tarsi (Uppsala University), Naming the elements in the Nordic languages (Swedish, Danish, Icelandic) until 1945; Morphology: Þorsteinn G.Indriðason (University of Bergen), Hvorfor er suffikset -legur såpass produktivt i islandsk? En historisk utgreiing (Why is the derivational suffix -legur so productive in Icelandic? A diachronic study); Nordic Philology: Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir (University of Iceland), Guðrúnarbrögð hin nýju (A new lay of Guðrún); Heimir Pálsson (Uppsala University, emeritus), Forn nöfn — fornöfn (Old names — pronomina); Henrik Williams (Uppsala University), Vart tog Röskva vägen? (What became of Röskva?); Lasse Mårtensson (Uppsala University), Dvergatal i Uppsala-Eddan (The catalogue of dwarves in the Uppsala Edda); and Michael Schulte (University of Agder), Between the pagan past and the Christian future; Sociolinguistics: Ari Páll Kristinsson (The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies), Bonds and Boundaries and Helga Hilmisdóttir (The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies), Språkkontakt och pragmatik: En empirisk undersökning av pragmatiska lån i isländska tonårspojkars samtal (Language contact and pragmatics: An empirical study of pragmaticloans in the speech of Icelandic teenagers).
  • Edfeldt, Chatarina, 1963-, et al. (författare)
  • Northern Crossings : Translation, Circulation and the Literary Semi-periphery
  • 2022
  • Bok (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This open access book uses Swedish literature and the Swedish publishing field as recurring examples to describe and analyse the role of the literary semi-peripheral position in world literature from various perspectives and on meso, micro and macro levels, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. This includes the role of translation in the semi-periphery and the conditions under which literature travels to and from that position. The focus is not on Sweden, as such, but rather on the semi-peripheral transitional space as exemplified by the Swedish case.Consisting of three co-written chapters, this study sheds light on what might be called the semi-peripheral condition or the semi-periphery as an area of transition. As part of the Cosmopolitan and Vernacular Dynamics in World Literatures series, it makes continuous use of the concepts of 'cosmopolitan' and 'vernacular' – or rather, the processual terms, cosmopolitanization and vernacularization – which provide an overall structure to the analysis of literature and literary phenomena. In this way, the authors show that the semi-periphery is an ideal point of departure to further the understanding of world literature, because it is a place where the cosmopolitan (the literary universal) and the vernacular (the rootedness in a particular culture or place) interact in ways that have not yet been thoroughly explored.
  • Médiations interculturelles entre la France et la Suède : Trajectoires et circulations de 1945 à nos jours
  • 2015
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Ce livre porte sur les relations culturelles entre la France et la Suède de 1945 à nos jours. Il réunit les articles présentés à l’occasion de la conférence internationale, « Frankrike-Sverige – Tur och retur », qui a eu lieu à Stockholm en janvier 2014, organisée par l’Université Paris-Sorbonne et l’Université de Stockholm. Ces vingt-deux articles tracent ensemble une histoire croisée des médiations matérielles et immatérielles, dynamiques et complexes, ayant permis la construction des identités culturelles dans trois domaines principaux : les représentations et l’imaginaire ; la médiation et les vecteurs de transmission ; la traduction, la réception et la circulation des oeuvres.
  • Trotta, Joe, et al. (författare)
  • Broken Mirrors: Representations of Apocalypses and Dystopias in Popular Culture
  • 2019
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Dystopian stories and visions of the Apocalypse are nothing new; however in recent years there has been a noticeable surge in the output of this type of theme in literature, art, comic books/graphic novels, video games, TV shows, etc. The reasons for this are not exactly clear; it may partly be as a result of post 9/11 anxieties, the increasing incidence of extreme weather and/or environmental anomalies, chaotic fluctuations in the economy and the uncertain and shifting political landscape in the west in general. Investigating this highly topical and pervasive theme from interdisciplinary perspectives this volume presents various angles on the main topic through critical analyses of selected works of fiction, film, TV shows, video games and more.
  • Posthumanistiska nyckelstexter
  • 2012. - 1
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Den här boken introducerar några viktiga författare på samtidsaktuella teoriområden. Donna Haraway, Karen Barad, Rosi Braidotti, Michel Callon, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Serres och Annemarie Mol presenteras i boken, som också innehåller översatta texter av dessa namn. Boken ger en bakgrund till och en överblick över ett område i intensiv teoriutveckling. Här presenteras den så kallade materiella, posthumana eller ontologiska vändningen. Här kartläggs grunderna för olika posthumanistiska förhållningssätt till de både mänskliga och icke-mänskliga (djur, miljö, teknik) krafterna i vår värld så som de begreppsliggjorts inom filosofi, feministisk teori, kulturstudier och samhällsvetenskapliga studier av naturvetenskap, medicin och teknik. Genom lästips och en omfattande litteraturlista öppnar boken för fortsatta studier och vidare diskussioner. Avslutningsvis finns också en omfattande ordlista med viktiga nyckelbegrepp som i sig ger en introduktion till ett heterogent forskningsfält. Boken riktar sig till studenter, doktorander och andra nyfikna forskare inom olika tvärvetenskapliga eller disciplinära former av humaniora och samhällsvetenskap.POSTHUMANISTISKA NYCKELTEXTER ger i de inledande kapitlen en överblick och en introduktion till posthumanistiska studier och till materiell-semiotik. Här behandlas tankeströmningar som rör det humanas natur, humanismens etik och humanvetenskapernas framtid. Boken ger en introduktion till det som inom genusvetenskap och tekniksociologi kommit att kallas den ontologiska vändningen mot de materiaaliteter och världsliga relationer som både gör och förgör oss. Här kartläggs grunderna för posthumanistiska förhållningssätt till de både mänskliga och icke-mänskliga (djur, miljö, teknik) dimensionerna av vår värld så som de begreppsliggjorts inom filosofi, feministisk teori, kulturstudier och sociala studier av vetenskap och teknik. POSTHUMANISTISKA NYCKELTEXTER erbjuder introduktioner till viktiga författare och översättningar av nyckeltexter skrivna av Donna Haraway, Karen Barad, Rosi Braidotti, Michel Callon, Gilles Deleuze med Felix Guattari, Michel Serres och Annemarie Mol. Boken innehåller även en omfattande ordlista med viktiga nyckelbegrepp som i sig ger en introduktion till ett mångfaldigt forskningsfält.
  • Grote, Michael, et al. (författare)
  • Perspektiven : Das IX. Nordisch-Baltische Germanistentreffen in Os/Bergen, 14.-16. Juni 2012
  • 2013
  • Bok (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Der Band versammelt ausgewählte Beiträge des IX.Nordisch-Baltischen Germanistentreffens, das vom14. bis 16. Juni 2012 im Konferenzhotel Solstrandin Os, ca. 30 Kilometer südlich von Bergen amBjørnafjord gelegen, stattfand. 19 Jahre nach demdritten Treffen des Nordischen Germanistenverbandesin Oslo 1993 lud der seit 2002 auch die baltischenGermanistiken repräsentierende Nordisch-BaltischeGermanistenverband mit dem NBGT 2012 zum zweitenMal nach Norwegen ein. Die Dokumentation bildetdie thematische Struktur der Konferenz ab und zeigtin vier Sektionen mit jeweils literatur-, sprach-, lehr-/lern- und kulturwissenschaftlichem Schwerpunkt diethematische, methodische und theoretische Vielfaltder nordisch-baltischen Germanistik auf.
  • Proceedings from the Second International Interdisciplinary Conference on Perspectives and Limits of Dialogism in Mikhail Bakhtin, 3-5 June, 2009
  • 2010
  • Proceedings (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • (Preface) This conference focused on the core of Bakhtin’s theory, which concerns dialogue and dialogicality. The conference themes reflected his notion that the “I” and the “self”, the “you” and the “other” are embedded in each other so that each affects the other and as a whole they create a centrifugal force around which communication and life circle. The choice of the two-faced Janus figure as the symbol of the conference reflects the inward and outward aspects of communication’s inherent dialogue and dialogicality. As an ancient Roman god of beginnings and doorways, of the rising and setting sun, looking in opposite directions, Janus has been associated with polarities, that is, seeing different and contrasting aspects and characteristics. As a metaphor it describes Bakhtin’s view on dialogues and dialogicality within or between “selves” and “others”. As a metaphorical symbol it captured the intent, purpose and outcome of the conference as reflected in this collection of papers.
  • Bladh, Elisabeth, 1975, et al. (författare)
  • Förord
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Översättning, stil och lingvistiska metoder. Elisabeth Bladh och Magnus P. Ängsal (red.). - Göteborg : University of Gothenburg. - 9789197992114 ; , s. 1-7
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Olsson, Kenneth, 1960- (författare)
  • Le discours beur comme positionnement littéraire : Romans et textes autobiographiques franςais (2005-2006) d'auteurs issus de l'immigration maghrébine
  • 2011
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The subject of this thesis is the contemporary literature written by the sons and daughters of North African immigrant families in France. Its main area of investigation is the place of this literature in the French literary field, in the Bourdieusian sense of the term, and the discursive features which motivate the ethnic based label of “Beur literature”. The study has a double approach in investigating both the argument for the socio-ethnic categorisation, and the reception of this literature in the French press. The literary corpus consists of twenty works from 2005 and 2006 by eighteen Beur writers. Thirteen of these works are subject to literary analysis. These are novels by Akli Tadjer, Zahia Rahmani, Faïza Guène, Mabrouck Rachedi, El Driss, Mohamed Razane, Houda Rouane, Nora Hamdi, Nor Eddine Boudjedia and Touhami Moualek, and three autobiographical narratives written by Razika Zitouni, Abel El Quandili and Aziz Senni. The press corpus from the corresponding period covers 14 titles of French national and regional daily papers, 8 titles of weekly general press and 6 titles of periodicals of literary and social debate. According to my hypothesis, the Beur fiction and the autobiographical narratives of my corpus are based on a common discourse that is expressed through certain literary means. A frequent strategy found in the novels is the subversion of French classics. Another feature is the constant referral to the French republican values. The novels share the latter of these two strategies with the autobiographical stories. This can be interpreted as resulting from a communication between a literary discourse and a social discourse which points toward a common ideological foundation. It also reveals the specific “Frenchness” of a literature that is often classified as “francophone” rather than “French” literature. The study of the journalistic reception confirms this aspect by the frequent referral of its authors to their ethnic and social origins.
  • Kärleken begär att detta tal skall fram - Jalal ud-din Rumis liv, lära och lyrik
  • 2008
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Kärleken begär att detta tal skall fram är en antologi med texter om den persiske 1200-tals mystikern och poeten Jalal ud-din Rumi. Bidragen är skrivna av Sveriges främsta kännare av persisk litteratur och muslimsk mystik. I anslutning till texterna finns ett urval av Rumis dikter i svensk översättning av Eric Hermelin, Eric von Post, Gunnar Ekelöf, Bo Utas, Ashk Dahlén och Simon Sorgenfrei.
  • Eksell, Kerstin, 1948- (författare)
  • Mellemøsten
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Verdenslitteraturer. - Århus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag. - 9788771244731 ; , s. 353-385
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)
  • Changing Satire : Transformations and Continuities in Europe, 1600–1830
  • 2022
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This edited collection brings together literary scholars and art historians, and maps how satire became a less genre-driven and increasingly visual medium in the seventeenth through the early nineteenth century. Changing satire demonstrates how satire proliferated in various formats, and discusses a wide range of material from canonical authors like Swift to little known manuscript sources and prints. As the book emphasises, satire was a frame of reference for well-known authors and artists ranging from Milton to Bernini and Goya. It was moreover a broad European phenomenon: while the book focuses on English satire, it also considers France, Italy, The Netherlands and Spain, and discusses how satirical texts and artwork could move between countries and languages. In its wide sweep across time and formats, Changing satire brings out the importance that satire had as a transgressor of borders.
  • Kuzmičová, Anežka, 1982-, et al. (författare)
  • Reading and company : embodiment and social space in silent reading
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Literacy. - : Wiley. - 1741-4350 .- 1741-4369. ; 52:2, s. 70-77
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Reading, even when silent and individual, is a social phenomenon and has often been studied as such. Complementary to this view, research has begun to explore how reading is embodied beyond simply being ‘wired’ in the brain. This article brings the social and embodied perspectives together in a very literal sense. Reporting a qualitative study of reading practices across student focus groups from six European countries, it identifies an underexplored factor in reading behaviour and experience. This factor is the sheer physical presence, and concurrent activity, of other people in the environment where one engages in individual silent reading. The primary goal of the study was to explore the role and possible associations of a number of variables (text type, purpose, device) in selecting generic (e.g. indoors vs outdoors) as well as specific (e.g. home vs library) reading environments. Across all six samples included in the study, participants spontaneously attested to varied, and partly surprising, forms of sensitivity to company and social space in their daily efforts to align body with mind for reading. The article reports these emergent trends and discusses their potential implications for research and practice.
  • Sivefors, Per, 1968- (författare)
  • Representing Masculinity in Early Modern English Satire, 1590–1603 : "A Kingdom for a Man"
  • 2020
  • Bok (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Engaging with Elizabethan understandings of masculinity, this book examines representations of manhood during the short-lived vogue for verse satire in the 1590s, by poets like John Donne, John Marston, Everard Guilpin and Joseph Hall. While criticism has often used categorical adjectives like "angry" and "Juvenalian" to describe these satires, this book argues that they engage with early modern ideas of manhood in a conflicted and contradictory way that is frequently at odds with patriarchal norms even when they seem to defend them. The book examines the satires from a series of contexts of masculinity such as husbandry and early modern understandings of age, self-control and violence, and suggests that the images of manhood represented in the satires often exist in tension with early modern standards of manhood. Beyond the specific case studies, while satire has often been assumed to be a "male" genre or mode, this is the first study to engage more in depth with the question of how satire is invested with ideas and practices of masculinity.
  • Hron-Öberg, Irina (författare)
  • Hervorbringungen : zur Poetik des Anfangens um 1900
  • 2014
  • Bok (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Hervorbringungen beleuchtet eines der wesentlichsten Momente jedes Schöpferischen, nämlich die unhintergehbare Nachträglichkeit alles Geschaffenen. Am Anfang steht die Machtlosigkeit des modernen Schaffenden, der im Wettlauf um den originären Hervorbringungsakt zum ewigen Zweiten verdammt bleibt. Anders, so die These dieses Buches, verfährt die Literatur mit dem Problem des Anfangens, indem sie es unzählige Male umschreibt und so auf andere Weise neu und gründlich zu Ende erzählt.Die vergleichende Studie setzt sich zunächst methodisch-systematisch mit den philosophischen und literarischen Semantiken des Schöpferischen, der Fabrikation und des Genealogischen um 1900 auseinander. Anhand einer exemplarischen Lektüre dreier Texte der Jahrhundertwende (Hamsun, Strindberg, Rilke) leistet die Untersuchung einen literaturwissenschaftlichen Beitrag zur Beschreibung des ›Anfangsproblems‹ der Moderne.
  • World Literatures : Exploring the Cosmopolitan-Vernacular Exchange
  • 2018
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Placing itself within the burgeoning field of world literary studies, the organising principle of this book is that of an open-ended dynamic, namely the cosmopolitan-vernacular exchange.As an adaptable comparative fulcrum for literary studies, the notion of the cosmopolitan-vernacular exchange accommodates also highly localised literatures. In this way, it redresses what has repeatedly been identified as a weakness of the world literature paradigm, namely the one-sided focus on literature that accumulates global prestige or makes it on the Euro-American book market.How has the vernacular been defined historically? How is it inflected by gender? How are the poles of the vernacular and the cosmopolitan distributed spatially or stylistically in literary narratives? How are cosmopolitan domains of literature incorporated in local literary communities? What are the effects of translation on the encoding of vernacular and cosmopolitan values?Ranging across a dozen languages and literature from five continents, these are some of the questions that the contributions attempt to address.
  • Pálsson, Heimir, 1944- (författare)
  • Tertium vero datur : A study of the text of DG 11 4to
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • By comparing the epic and mythologic tales in different versions of Edda (th RTW and the U), the author comes to the conclusion that there hardly can be a question of either a shortening or a lengthening of texts, but there must be a third possibility.
  • Van Meerbergen, Sara, 1981- (författare)
  • Dick Bruna in Zweedse vertaling : Een multimodale vertaalanalyse van kindbeelden
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Literatuur zonder leeftijd. - Leidschendam : DBN/ Biblion. - 0929-8274. ; 24:81, s. 47-60
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • I denna artikel undersöks hur skilldringen av barnet ändras när en bilderbok om kaninen Miffy av nederländske Dick Bruna översätts till svenska. I artikel undersöks även hur en multimodal textanalys (Kress & van Leeuwen 2006) kan integreras som metod för att undersöka översättning av bilderböcker.
  • Van Meerbergen, Sara, 1981- (författare)
  • Nederlandse prentenboeken worden Zweeds : Een multimodale vertaalanalyse
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: de Leeswelp. - Antwerpen : Vlabin-VBC v.z.w.. - 1780-3845. ; 17:1, s. 32-35
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • This article is written in Dutch and discusses some of the main issues in my doctoral thesis "Nederländska bilderböcker blir svenska. En multimodal översättningsanalys" (2010). The thesis deals with the translation of Dutch and Flemish picture books between 1995 and 2006. It includes a general bibliographical study and also a more detailed translation analysis about the Miffy-books by Dutch picture book artits Dick Bruna. In order to analyse how both words and images are translated, multimodal text analysis is integrated as a tool in the translation analysis.
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