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Sökning: AMNE:(LANTBRUKSVETENSKAPER Lantbruksvetenskap, skogsbruk och fiske Trädgårdsvetenskap/hortikultur)

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  • Johnsson, Anna-Ida, et al. (författare)
  • Specific SCAR markers and multiplex real-time PCR for quantification of two Trichoderma biocontrol strains in environmental samples
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: BioControl. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1386-6141 .- 1573-8248. ; 56, s. 903-913
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Several strains from the genus Trichoderma (Ascomycetes, Hypocreales) are commercially used as biocontrol agents, e.g. in formulations containing the two Trichoderma strains IMI206039 (Hypocrea parapilulifera B.S. Lu, Druzhinina & Samuels) and IMI206040 (T. atroviride P. Karst). To quantify the presence of the two isolates after application, we developed primers for SCAR markers (Sequence-Characterised Amplified Region). In order to quantify both fungal strains simultaneously, we also designed fluorophore-labelled probes distinguishing the two strains, to be used in combination with the SCAR primers. In incubations of two different soils, artificially inoculated and maintained under controlled conditions, the quantification through amplification with the SCAR markers in qPCR and through colony-forming units from plate counting correlated well. Further tests of the markers on samples taken from a golf green treated with a product containing both strains indicated that the two biocontrol strains did not establish, either on the golf green or in the surrounding area.
  • Von Rosen, Dietrich (författare)
  • Non-negative estimation of variance components in heteroscedastic one-way random-effects ANOVA models
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Statistics. - : Informa UK Limited. - 0233-1888 .- 1029-4910. ; 44, s. 557-569
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • There is a considerable amount of literature dealing with inference about the parameters in a heteroscedastic one-way random-effects ANOVA model. In this paper, we primarily address the problem of improved quadratic estimation of the random-effect variance component. It turns out that such estimators with a smaller mean squared error compared with some standard unbiased quadratic estimators exist under quite general conditions. Improved estimators of the error variance components are also established.
  • Unraveling the logics of landscape
  • 2014
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Despite conceptual oscillations through times, the concept of landscape remains highly subjective, whereupon unraveling its 'logics' opens up to a plurality of interpretations. Accordingly, by focusing on the interconnections present in the non-haphazard production of landscape, this publication elaborates on how the rural landscape is valued, monitored, changed, harbored, used and misused, be it through actions, representations or metaphors. This book covers a broad range of topics, with contributions from scholars from more than 30 countries.
  • Skovsgaard, Jens Peter (författare)
  • Bog om tarmvridrøn
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Skoven. - 0106-8539. ; 45, s. 551-551
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Book review N. Mayer & R.T. Klumpp (ed.) 2013: Elsbeere in Österreich – Monographie. Verein zur Erhaltung, Pflege und Vermarktung der Elsbeere - Genussregion Wiesenwienerwald Elsbeere, Michelbach.
  • Mattsson, Eskil, 1981, et al. (författare)
  • Quantification of carbon stock and tree diversity of homegardens in a dry zone area of Moneragala District, Sri Lanka
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Agroforestry Systems. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1572-9680 .- 0167-4366. ; 89:3, s. 435-445
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Homegarden agroforestry systems are suggested to hold a large potential for climate change mitigation and adaptation. This is due to their multifunctional role in providing income, food and ecosystem services while decreasing pressure on natural forests and hence saving and storing carbon. In this paper, above-ground biomass carbon and tree species diversity of trees was quantified in homegardens around two villages in the dry south-eastern part of Moneragala district of Sri Lanka. A total of 45 dry zone homegardens were sampled on size, diameter at breast height, tree height and species diversity. Using allometric equations, we find a mean above-ground biomass stock of 13 mega grams of carbon per hectare (Mg C ha−1) with a large range among homegardens (1–56 Mg C ha−1, n = 45) due to a variation of tree diversity and composition between individual homegardens. Mean above-ground carbon stock per unit area was higher in small homegardens (0.2 ha, 26 Mg C ha−1, n = 11) and statistically different compared to medium (0.4–0.8 ha, 9 Mg C ha−1, n = 27) and large (1.0–1.2 ha, 8 Mg C ha−1, n = 7) homegardens. In total, 4,278 trees were sampled and 70 tree species identified and recorded. The Shannon Wiener index were used to evaluate diversity per homegarden and ranged from 0.76 to 3.01 with a mean value of 2.05 ± 0.07 indicating a medium evenly distributed diversity of sampled tree species. The results show a vast heterogeneity in terms of carbon stock and tree diversity within the less studied dry zone homegardens; results that contribute to more knowledge of their expansion potential as well as climate mitigation and adaptation potential. The results are also useful for whether homegardens should be considered to be included as an activity to enhance natural forest cover within Sri Lanka’s newly commenced UN-REDD National Programme.
  • Norman, Johan (författare)
  • Skogen – en plats för upplevelser
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Grön Entreprenör, Naturupplevelse och hälsa – forskningen visar vägen. - 9789157690364 ; , s. 62-75
  • Bokkapitel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)
  • Palsdottir, Anna Maria, et al. (författare)
  • Nature-Based Therapeutic Interventions
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Forests, Trees and Human Health. - Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands. - 9789048198054 ; , s. 309-342
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Salomon, Björn, et al. (författare)
  • Evolutionary process of Hordeum brachyantherum 6x and related tetraploid species revealed by nuclear DNA sequences
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Breeding Science. - : Japanese Society of Breeding. - 1344-7610 .- 1347-3735. ; 59, s. 611-616
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A hexaploid form of Hordeum brachlyantherum ssp. brachyantherum was discovered in California in 1980, and its origin has since been studied over the past three decades. We applied EF-G, a nuclear DNA sequence, to infer the parents of the hexaploid form. In polyploid taxa, amplified DNAs were cloned into a vector, and EF-G copies were amplified from the colonies by PCR and digested with restriction enzymes to separate different types. Phylogenetic analysis was performed based on the DNA sequences. The result showed that H. brachyantherum ssp. brachyantherum 6x and 4x carried one identical DNA sequence of 910 bp, and had closely related DNA sequences of 931 bp. H. brachyantherum ssp. brachyantherum 6x and H. marinum ssp. gussoneanum 2x shared one identical DNA sequence of 915 bp. From these results we hypothesized that H. brachyantherum ssp. brachyantherum 6x has evolved by an outcrossing between H. marinum ssp. gussoneanum 2x and H. brachyantherum ssp. brachyantherum 4x, followed by a chromosome doubling. Our results also indicate that H. marinum was involved in the polyploidization of H. secalinum, H. capense, and H. marinum. The origins of H. jubatum and H. depressum are discussed.
  • Messing, Ingmar, et al. (författare)
  • Methods to estimate lettuce evapotranspiration in greenhouse conditions in the central zone of Chile
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research. - 0718-5820. ; 69, s. 60-70
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This study evaluates five methods to estimate crop evapotranspiration in greenhouse conditions. It compares their performance in relation to the evapotranspiration directly determined from water balance measurements (ET(lys)) in an irrigated lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) crop during 9 weeks. Daily values of the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) from Class A pan (CAP), Piche atmometers (ATM), Andersson evaporimeters (ANE), FAO-Radiation (FRE) and FAO-Penman-Monteith (PME) equations were compared. The methods showed similar temporal variations but at different ranges as follows: ANE < CAP < FRE < PME < ATM. Furthemore, ETo had a clear correlation with solar radiation. Crop coefficients (Kc = ET(lys)/ETo) varied somewhat amongst the methods, but trends were identified for two periods: in the first week, the overall mean Kc was 0.3 (+/- 0.1) and in weeks 2 to 9 on average 0.6 (+/- 0.3). The greenhouse values of Kc were lower than those generally adopted for lettuce in field conditions. In terms of irrigation design, crop evapotranspiration can be estimated by the methods in this study, on the condition that the appropriate crop coefficients are applied. The fact that ANE showed values closest to those of ETlys, along with cost and management convenience, makes it an advantageous alternative as compared to the other methods.
  • Crous, P. W., et al. (författare)
  • Fusarium : more than a node or a foot-shaped basal cell
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Studies in mycology. - : CENTRAALBUREAU SCHIMMELCULTURE. - 0166-0616 .- 1872-9797. ; :98
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Recent publications have argued that there are potentially serious consequences for researchers in recognising distinct genera in the terminal fusarioid clade of the family Nectriaceae. Thus, an alternate hypothesis, namely a very broad concept of the genus Fusarium was proposed. In doing so, however, a significant body of data that supports distinct genera in Nectriaceae based on morphology, biology, and phylogeny is disregarded. A DNA phylogeny based on 19 orthologous protein-coding genes was presented to support a very broad concept of Fusarium at the F1 node in Nectriaceae. Here, we demonstrate that re-analyses of this dataset show that all 19 genes support the F3 node that represents Fusarium sensu stricto as defined by F. sambucinum (sexual morph synonym Gibberella pulicaris). The backbone of the phylogeny is resolved by the concatenated alignment, but only six of the 19 genes fully support the F1 node, representing the broad circumscription of Fusarium. Furthermore, a re-analysis of the concatenated dataset revealed alternate topologies in different phylogenetic algorithms, highlighting the deep divergence and unresolved placement of various Nectriaceae lineages proposed as members of Fusarium. Species of Fusarium s. str. are characterised by Gibberella sexual morphs, asexual morphs with thin- or thick-walled macroconidia that have variously shaped apical and basal cells, and trichothecene mycotoxin production, which separates them from other fusarioid genera. Here we show that the Wollenweber concept of Fusarium presently accounts for 20 segregate genera with clear-cut synapomorphic traits, and that fusarioid macroconidia represent a character that has been gained or lost multiple times throughout Nectriaceae. Thus, the very broad circumscription of Fusarium is blurry and without apparent synapomorphies, and does not include all genera with fusarium-like macroconidia, which are spread throughout Nectriaceae (e.g., Cosmosporella, Macroconia, Microcera). In this study four new genera are introduced, along with 18 new species and 16 new combinations. These names convey information about relationships, morphology, and ecological preference that would otherwise be lost in a broader definition of Fusarium. To assist users to correctly identify fusarioid genera and species, we introduce a new online identification database, Fusarioid-ID, accessible at www.fusarium.org. The database comprises partial sequences from multiple genes commonly used to identify fusarioid taxa (act1, CaM, his3, rpb1, rpb2, tef1, tub2, ITS, and LSU). In this paper, we also present a nomenclator of names that have been introduced in Fusarium up to January 2021 as well as their current status, types, and diagnostic DNA barcode data. In this study, researchers from 46 countries, representing taxonomists, plant pathologists, medical mycologists, quarantine officials, regulatory agencies, and students, strongly support the application and use of a more precisely delimited Fusarium (= Gibberella) concept to accommodate taxa from the robust monophyletic node F3 on the basis of a well-defined and unique combination of morphological and biochemical features. This F3 node includes, among others, species of the F. fujikuroi, F. incarnatum-equiseti, F. oxysporum, and F. sambucinum species complexes, but not species of Bisifusarium [F. dimerum species complex (SC)], Cyanonectria (F. buxicola SC), Geejayessia (F. staphyleae SC), Neocosmospora (F. solani SC) or Rectifusarium (F. ventricosum SC). The present study represents the first step to generating a new online monograph of Fusarium and allied fusarioid genera (www.fusarium.org).
  • Nilsson, R. Henrik, 1976 (författare)
  • Unifying fungi
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Science & Technology. - 2049-2391 .- 2049-2405. ; :14, s. 204-206
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Kreuger, Jenny, et al. (författare)
  • Bekämpningsmedel i vattendrag från områden med odling av trädgårdsgrödor under 2008
  • 2009
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Den nuvarande miljöövervakningen av bekämpningsmedel (växtskyddsmedel) är främst inriktad mot att undersöka eventuellt läckage av växtskyddsmedel som används inom jordbruket. Däremot saknar vi kunskap om hur dessa medel uppträder i miljön vid användning inom trädgårdsodlingen. I vissa delar av södra Sverige finns betydande områden med frilandsodling av bär, frukt och grönsaker, samt växthusanläggningar. Växthus har i vissa sammanhang betraktats som ’slutna miljöer’. Detta har gjort att man inte alltid haft samma höga krav när man bedömt risken för skadliga effekter i omgivande vatten av växtskyddsmedel som används i just växthus jämfört med användning på våra åkrar.Syftet med undersökningen var att utveckla kunskapen om eventuellt läckage av växtskyddsmedel som används inom frilandsodling av trädgårdsgrödor och i växthus till vatten. Undersökningen, som genomfördes under 2008, är den hitintills mest omfattande när det gäller antalet undersökta växtskyddsmedel i svenska vattendrag. Analyserna omfattade 126 enskilda substanser, varav 39 inte undersökts tidigare inom den nationella miljöövervakningen.I undersökningen ingick provtagning i vattendrag från sex områden med betydande odling av trädgårdsgrödor. Frilandsodling av bär förekom i avrinningsområdet i SÖ Småland, grönsaker i NÖ Skåne och frukt i SÖ Skåne. Växthusodling förekom i avrinningsområdet i V Skåne och NV Skåne. I dessa områden togs ett tiotal prover per område under perioden maj-oktober 2008. Därutöver analyserades ett tjugotal vattenprover från ett av de områden som ingår i den ordinarie miljöövervakningen (område N 34 i Halland). Ett fåtal prover togs också på överskottsvatten från växthus.Totalt påträffades 78 av de 126 substanser som ingick i undersökningen, med en spridning på mellan 24 och 44 substanser i vatten från de enskilda områdena. Flest substanser och högre halter påträffades i området med intensiv grönsaksodling i NÖ Skåne, från området i Halland och från de två områdena med växthusodling. Lägre halter och färre substanser återfanns i vatten från området i SÖ Småland med odling av jordgubbar och från området i SÖ Skåne med äppelodlingar.Riktvärdet överskreds i flertalet prov som samlades in från området i NÖ Skåne och i samtliga prov från de två växthusområdena (V Skåne och NV Skåne), med högst överskridanden i de två sistnämnda områdena. Insektsmedlet imidakloprid var den substans som oftast återfanns över riktvärdet i denna undersökning. Vissa av de substanser som påträffades i förhöjda halter i vatten från områden med växthusodling återfanns också i de prover som togs på överskottsvatten från växthus. Även substanser med en betydande användning i prydnadsväxtodling i växthus påträffades i vattendraget i V Skåne. Resultaten visar att det finns läckage av växtskyddsmedel från svenska växthus. Arbete med att identifiera möjliga riskmoment i samband med växtskyddsarbete i växthus, i syfte att minska förlusterna av växtskyddsmedel till omgivande vatten, bör därför vidareutvecklas.
  • Finlay, Roger (författare)
  • Role of Mycorrhizal Symbioses in Phosphorus Cycling
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Phosphorus in Action - Biological Processes in Soil Phosphorus Cycling. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg. - 9783642152702 ; 26:26, s. 137-168
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)
  • Tenngart, Carina, et al. (författare)
  • Patients' experiences and use of a therapeutic garden: from a designer's perspective
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Forstwesen = Swiss Forestry Journal. - : Swiss Forestry Society. - 0036-7818. ; 161, s. 104-113
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The object of this study is to broaden our knowledge on how a therapeutic landscape is used and experienced by its patients. Data refer to qualitative, semi-structured and hour-long interviews with ten patients in a Swedish healing garden. All patients have stress-related diseases and are participants in a rehabilitation programme with nature-assisted therapy. A thematic analysis resulted in two main themes: “to escape, observe and get sensory stimulation” and “to achieve satisfaction, socialize and re-evaluate”, with two and three sub-themes respectively. To grasp both the experience and the use, the themes are described both as phenomena and in relation to where they occur. The experiences described and how they might be aspects of healing, as well as the need to include a perspective related to this process in the design of therapeutic settings, is elaborated on in the discussion. Aspects of results in the thematic analysis are discussed with relation to design and theories in environmental psychology and can be seen as a kind of evaluation of the design of the garden. Also discussed is how this information can be used to contribute to a more evaluation-based knowledge in the design of therapeutic settings.
  • Nilsson, R. Henrik, 1976, et al. (författare)
  • Improving ITS sequence data for identification of plant pathogenic fungi
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Fungal Diversity. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1560-2745 .- 1878-9129. ; 67:1, s. 11-19
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Plant pathogenic fungi are a large and diverse assemblage of eukaryotes with substantial impacts on natural ecosystems and human endeavours. These taxa often have complex and poorly understood life cycles, lack observable, discriminatory morphological characters, and may not be amenable to in vitro culturing. As a result, species identification is frequently difficult. Molecular (DNA sequence) data have emerged as crucial information for the taxonomic identification of plant pathogenic fungi, with the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region being the most popular marker. However, international nucleotide sequence databases are accumulating numerous sequences of compromised or low-resolution taxonomic annotations and substandard technical quality, making their use in the molecular identification of plant pathogenic fungi problematic. Here we report on a concerted effort to identify high-quality reference sequences for various plant pathogenic fungi and to re-annotate incorrectly or insufficiently annotated public ITS sequences from these fungal lineages. A third objective was to enrich the sequences with geographical and ecological metadata. The results – a total of 31,954 changes – are incorporated in and made available through the UNITE database for molecular identification of fungi (http://unite.ut.ee), including standalone FASTA files of sequence data for local BLAST searches, use in the next-generation sequencing analysis platforms QIIME and mothur, and related applications. The present initiative is just a beginning to cover the wide spectrum of plant pathogenic fungi, and we invite all researchers with pertinent expertise to join the annotation effort.
  • Van Lun, Michiel, et al. (författare)
  • Subunit Interface Dynamics in Hexadecameric Rubisco
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Journal of Molecular Biology. - : Elsevier BV. - 0022-2836 .- 1089-8638. ; 411:5, s. 1083-1098
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) plays an important role in the global carbon cycle as a hub for biomass. Rubisco catalyzes not only the carboxylation of RuBP with carbon dioxide but also a competing oxygenation reaction of RuBP with a negative impact on photosynthetic yield. The functional active site is built from two large (L) subunits that form a dimer. The octameric core of four L(2) dimers is held at each end by a cluster of four small (S) subunits, forming a hexadecamer. Each large subunit contacts more than one S subunit. These interactions exploit the dynamic flexibility of Rubisco, which we address in this study. Here, we describe seven different types of interfaces of hexadecameric Rubisco. We have analyzed these interfaces with respect to the size of the interface area and the number of polar interactions, including salt bridges and hydrogen bonds in a variety of Rubisco enzymes from different organisms and different kingdoms of life, including the Rubisco-like proteins. We have also performed molecular dynamics simulations of Rubisco from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and mutants thereof. From our computational analyses, we propose structural checkpoints of the S subunit to ensure the functionality and/or assembly of the Rubisco holoenzyme. These checkpoints appear to fine-tune the dynamics of the enzyme in a way that could influence enzyme performance.
  • Andersson-Sköld, Yvonne, et al. (författare)
  • A framework for assessing urban greenery's effects and valuing its ecosystem services
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Journal of Environmental Management. - : Academic Press. - 0301-4797 .- 1095-8630. ; 205, s. 274-285
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Ongoing urban exploitation is increasing pressure to transform urban green spaces, while there is increasing awareness that greenery provides a range of important benefits to city residents. In efforts to help resolve associated problems we have developed a framework for integrated assessments of ecosystem service (ES) benefits and values provided by urban greenery, based on the ecosystem service cascade model. The aim is to provide a method for assessing the contribution to, and valuing, multiple ES provided by urban greenery that can be readily applied in routine planning processes. The framework is unique as it recognizes that an urban greenery comprises several components and functions that can contribute to multiple ecosystem services in one or more ways via different functional traits (e.g. foliage characteristics) for which readily measured indicators have been identified. The framework consists of five steps including compilation of an inventory of indicator; application of effectivity factors to rate indicators' effectiveness; estimation of effects; estimation of benefits for each ES; estimation of the total ES value of the ecosystem. The framework was applied to assess ecosystem services provided by trees, shrubs, herbs, birds, and bees, in green areas spanning an urban gradient in Gothenburg, Sweden. Estimates of perceived values of ecosystem services were obtained from interviews with the public and workshop activities with civil servants. The framework is systematic and transparent at all stages and appears to have potential utility in the existing spatial planning processes.
  • Inselsbacher, Erich, et al. (författare)
  • The potential of microdialysis to monitor organic and inorganic nitrogen compounds in soil
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. - : Elsevier BV. - 0038-0717 .- 1879-3428. ; 43, s. 1321-1332
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Plant nitrogen (N) acquisition is strongly controlled by the concentration of available inorganic and organic N in the soil solution and by biogeochemical processes in the rhizosphere. However, until now it was hardly possible to reliably estimate plant-available N in soil microsites. Here, a novel microdialysis approach based on passive diffusion sampling is presented and compared qualitatively and quantitatively with lysimeter and soil extraction techniques when analyzing two contrasting boreal soils. Further, preliminary dialysis membrane calibration issues for sampling plant-available N compounds are discussed. Due to its miniaturized design microdialysis was shown to be a suitable tool for continuous sampling of ammonium, nitrate and free amino acids from the soil solution with only minimal disturbance of the soil structure. Microdialysis proved to be outstanding regarding the possible spatial (<0.5 mm) and temporal (<30 min) resolution of soil solution N chemistry. The different methods for soil N sampling resulted in significantly different results. In lysimeter and soil extraction samples, nitrate and ammonium were found at the highest concentrations, while results from microdialysis revealed that the pool of plant-available amino acids was contributing most to the total N pool tested. Application of a standard N solution to the tested soils led to an immediate peak of recovery via the microdialysis probes followed by a rapid decrease due to the formation of a depletion zone at the probe surfaces. Therefore, this relatively new technique will not only provide essential data on diffusion rates of a variety of N compounds in the soil but might be used for monitoring quantitative and qualitative changes in plant-available N in soil microsites such as the rhizosphere. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Nilsson, Marie-Louise, et al. (författare)
  • Current-use and Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the Biodegradable Fraction of Source Separated Household Waste, Compost, and Anaerobic Digestate
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0007-4861 .- 1432-0800. ; 86, s. 60-64
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Several current-use (a parts per thousand currency sign80 ng g(-1) dry weight) and organochlorine pesticides (a parts per thousand currency sign15 ng g(-1) dry weight) and polychlorinated biphenyls (a parts per thousand currency sign18 ng g(-1) dry weight) were found in the biodegradable fraction of source separated household waste, compost, and/or anaerobic digestate. The degradation rates of individual compounds differ depending on the treatment. Dieldrin and pentachloroaniline, e.g., degrade more rapidly than the waste is mineralized and accumulates in the products after all treatments. Many organochlorines degrade at the same rate as the waste and have the same concentrations in the waste and products. Chlorpyrifos degrades slower than the waste and accumulates in all products and ethion during anaerobic digestion. The polychlorinated biphenyls and some pesticides show different degradations rates relative the waste during different processes. Understanding the degradation of the contaminants under different conditions is necessary to develop quality criteria for the use of compost and digestate.
  • Salomon, Björn (författare)
  • The origin of the H, St, W, and Y genomes in allotetraploid species of Elymus L. and Stenostachys Turcz. (Poaceae: Triticeae)
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Plant Systematics and Evolution. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0378-2697 .- 1615-6110. ; 291, s. 197-210
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Based on sequences from two single-copy nuclear genes (DMC1 and EF-G), four plastid genes (rbcL, rpoA, matK, and ndhF), and one mitochondrial gene (coxII), we investigate the origin of the H, St, W, and Y genomes in four allotetraploid species of Elymus and two allotetraploid species of Stenostachys. Despite significant incongruence between the two nuclear genes and between the nuclear and organelle data partitions, individual and combined analyses of the data partitions unequivocally show that the St and H genomes of the tetraploid American species of Elymus are derived from Pseudoroegneria and Hordeum, respectively, with Pseudoroegneria serving as the female parent, and that the H and W genomes of Stenostachys are derived from Hordeum and Australopyrum, respectively, with Hordeum serving as the female parent. The analyses equally clearly demonstrate that the St genome of the tetraploid Asiatic Elymus species is derived from Pseudoroegneria, with the latter serving as the female parent, but the relationship of the Y genome is less clear. Individual analyses of the nuclear genes provide conflicting results, but combined analysis of all data suggests a sister group relationship to Heteranthelium, albeit without any jackknife support.
  • Tasin, Marco, et al. (författare)
  • Chemical Ecology and Management of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Journal of Economic Entomology. - 0022-0493 .- 1938-291X. ; 104, s. 1125-1137
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The moth Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermuller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) feeds on grapes (Vitis vinifera L.), reducing yield and increasing susceptibility to fungal infections. L. botrana is among the most economically important insects in Europe and has recently been found in vineyards in Chile, Argentina, and California. Here, we review L. botrana biology and behavior in relation to its larval host (the grapevine) and its natural enemies. We also discuss current and future control strategies in light of our knowledge of chemical ecology, with an emphasis on the use of the sex pheromone-based strategies as an environmentally safe management approach. Pheromone-mediated mating disruption is the most promising technique available on grapes and is currently implemented on approximate to 140,000 ha in Europe. Experience from several growing areas confirms the importance of collaboration between research, extension, growers, and pheromone-supply companies for the successful implementation of the mating disruption technique. In the vineyards where mating disruption has been successfully applied as an areawide strategy, the reduction in insecticide use has improved the quality of life for growers, consumers, as well as the public living near wine-growing areas and has thereby reduced the conflict between agricultural and urban communities.
  • Witzgall, Peter (författare)
  • Sex pheromones and their impact on pest management
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Journal of Chemical Ecology. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0098-0331 .- 1573-1561. ; 36, s. 80-100
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The idea of using species-specific behavior-modifying chemicals for the management of noxious insects in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, stored products, and for insect vectors of diseases has been a driving ambition through five decades of pheromone research. Hundreds of pheromones and other semiochemicals have been discovered that are used to monitor the presence and abundance of insects and to protect plants and animals against insects. The estimated annual production of lures for monitoring and mass trapping is on the order of tens of millions, covering at least 10 million hectares. Insect populations are controlled by air permeation and attract-and-kill techniques on at least 1 million hectares. Here, we review the most important and widespread practical applications. Pheromones are increasingly efficient at low population densities, they do not adversely affect natural enemies, and they can, therefore, bring about a long-term reduction in insect populations that cannot be accomplished with conventional insecticides. A changing climate with higher growing season temperatures and altered rainfall patterns makes control of native and invasive insects an increasingly urgent challenge. Intensified insecticide use will not provide a solution, but pheromones and other semiochemicals instead can be implemented for sustainable area-wide management and will thus improve food security for a growing population. Given the scale of the challenges we face to mitigate the impacts of climate change, the time is right to intensify goal-oriented interdisciplinary research on semiochemicals, involving chemists, entomologists, and plant protection experts, in order to provide the urgently needed, and cost-effective technical solutions for sustainable insect management worldwide.
  • Anderbrant, Olle, et al. (författare)
  • Pheromone of the elm bark beetle Scolytus laevis (Coleoptera Scolytidae) : stereoisomers of 4-methyl-3-heptanol reduce interspecific competition
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Chemoecology. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0937-7409 .- 1423-0445. ; 20:3, s. 179-187
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Stereoisomers of 4-methyl-3-heptanol (MH) are pheromone components of several Scolytus bark beetles. The elm bark beetle Scolytus laevis (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) has in previous studies been caught in traps baited with commercial MH containing all four stereoisomers, but the lure has been considered a weak attractant. In this study, we addressed the question whether stereospecific responses by S. laevis to stereoisomers of MH might contribute to its niche separation from other sympatric Scolytus species. Using GC-MS, we analyzed extracts of hindguts and abdomens from male and female S. laevis and the sympatric S. triarmatus. We also tested all four MH-stereoisomers individually and in combinations in the field to determine their role for S. laevis. All four stereoisomers were synthesized via a boronic ester method with 1,2-dicyclohexylethanediol as chiral director. In addition, the (3S,4R)-stereoisomer of MH was prepared through enantioselective, lipase-mediated transesterification of a mixture of the four stereoisomers of MH. Females of both species contained small amounts of syn-MH, and males contained trace amounts of anti-MH. The anti stereoisomer (3R,4S)-MH was attractive to male and female S. laevis, whereas the syn stereoisomer (3S,4S)-MH acted as an inhibitor or deterrent and reduced the catch when added to the attractive isomer. The syn isomer is the main aggregation pheromone component of the larger and sympatric S. scolytus and possibly also of S. triarmatus. The avoidance response of S. laevis to the (3S,4S)-stereoisomer may reduce interspecific competition for host trees.
  • Ekelund Axelson, Lena, et al. (författare)
  • Klimatmärkt livsmedelsbutik : så kan handeln bidra till minskad klimatpåverkan genom att underlätta konsumentens val
  • 2015
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Klimathotet påkallar stora förändringar i konsumtionsmönster och kostvanor. Projektet Klimatmärkt livsmedelsbutik har haft som syfte att utreda hur handeln kan bidra till minskad klimatpåverkan genom att underlätta konsumentens val. Förutom klimatpåverkan orsakar livsmedelsproduktionen också annan miljöpåverkan, såsom övergödning, spridning av bekämpningsmedel och förlust av biologisk mångfald. Att bara fokusera på klimatet riskerar förbättring på ett ställe och försämring på ett annat. Därför beslutades tidigt att projektet även måste belysa dessa potentiella målkonflikter. Två delområden har ingått; miljökonsekvensanalyser samt konsumentbeteende och marknadskommunikation, vilket har krävt en tvärvetenskaplig ansats och olika forskningsmetoder. Projektet tog sin början i miljökonsekvensanalyser av olika livsmedels miljöpåverkan med hjälp av livscykelanalys, vars resultat sedan utgjorde informationsunderlag, bl.a en Köttguide, för kommunikationen till konsument. Inom konsumentbeteende och marknadskommunikation har såväl kvalitativ som kvantitativ metod använts. För att få en bild över vad som kommuniceras i butik genomfördes intervjuer med butiksansvariga och en observationsstudie i 30 större europeiska butiker. Enkätundersökningar gjordes med 184 resp. 470 konsumenter. Köttguiden testades i fokusgruppintervjuer. Kvantitativa studier gjordes med 222 slumpvis utvalda personer för att utreda hur intentionen att ändra sin köttkonsumtion kan förutsägas och med drygt 600 konsumenter i ett butiksexperiment för att studera effekten av naturljud på konsumenters betalningsvilja för klimatvänliga respektive ekologiska grönsaker. Resultat från konsumentstudierna visade på viss förvirring kring märkning och på behovet av ett enklare signalsystem. De vanligaste svaren kring vilka klimatåtgärder som är viktigast var att köpa närproducerad mat, köpa frukt och grönt efter säsong och undvika att slänga mat, medan den viktiga frågan om köttet hamnade längre ner på listan. Livscykelanalyser, kompletterade med litteraturstudier, visar att säsongsmässig konsumtion av grönsaker visserligen kan minska utsläppen, men att den minskningen är liten i förhållande till den av minskad köttkonsumtionen. Den viktigaste åtgärden för att reducera matens klimatpåverkan är att minska konsumtionen av animaliska produkter och helst ersätta dessa med vegetabiliska alternativ. Butiksobservationerna och intervjuer med butiksansvariga visade att det i stort sett saknades vägledning i butikerna. Studierna underströk behovet av Köttguiden, en vägledning som rangordnar olika proteinkällor (även vegetabiliska) i förhållande till klimat, biologisk mångfald, kemiska bekämpningsmedel samt djurskydd och bete, med hjälp av ett tydligt signalsystem (trafikljus). Matinköp och val av livsmedel styrs i stor utsträckning av preferenser och vanor, som kan vara svåra att förändra. För att övertyga konsumenter om att förändra sitt beteende måste man kommunicera budskap som bidrar till ökad motivation till förändring.. Med hjälp av Protection Motivation- teorin undersöktes vilka faktorer som förutsäger individers avsikter att ändra sitt beteende, efter att de blivit fakta kring klimathotet och matens klimatpåverkan har presenterats för dem. Studien visade att budskap i syfte att uppmuntra en mindre klimatbelastande livsmedelskonsumtion, måste vara sådana att konsumenterna känner att en sådan förändring är möjlig och att den får effekt. Resultaten tyder också på att människor bryr sig mer om klimatförändringarnas risker för andra - för personer i andra länder eller för djurlivet – än för dem själva eller deras närstående. En slutsats blir då att altruistiska snarare än egoistiska argument bör lyftas fram i marknadsföringen. I ett butiksexperiment användes skyltning och naturljud – fågelsång-, för att testa om detta gav en koppling till naturen och därmed ökade viljan att köpa produkter, i detta fall morötter, märkta ”klimatvänliga”. Fågelsången hade ingen inverkan på konsumenternas koppling till naturen. Men bland de konsumenter som uttryckte en hög samhörighet med naturen, fanns det en högre betalningsvilja för klimatmärkta produkter än för produkter utan märkning, jämfört med de konsumenter som uttryckte en låg samhörighet med naturen. När konsumenterna, i ett butiksexperiment med mjölk, erbjöds information om en varas lägre klimatpåverkan på ett enkelt sätt precis vid köptillfället ökade försäljningen av den varan, men samtidigt minskade försäljningen av andra miljömärkta varor. Klimatbudskapen är komplicerade och konsumenten har oklara uppfattningar om hur maten påverkar klimatet. Budskapen och valen i butik måste vara enkla: Att fokusera på det som konsumenten tror sig klara av och som de tror kan få effekt, är viktigt. Köttguiden har rönt stor uppmärksamhet och testats med positivt resultat som ett hjälpmedel för klimatsmarta matval. Rekommendationerna till handeln kan sammanfattas: Gör det enkelt att välja och laga vegetariskt, använd Köttguiden bland personalen, se över köttsortimentet, öka försäljningen av baljväxter, rotfrukter, frukt och grönsaker och använd ekologiskt, säsong och hälsa som indirekta klimatbudskap.
  • Fernqvist, Fredrik, et al. (författare)
  • Potatisens framtid en studie om konsumentens val : en studie om konsumentens val
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: LTV-fakultetens faktablad.
  • Annan publikation (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Potatis är en av våra viktigaste kolhydratkällor och har traditionellt en viktig position i den svenska kosthållningen. De senaste årtiondena har dock konsumtionsmönstret av kolhydratrika livsmedel förändrats drastiskt. Framförallt har konsumtionen av färsk matpotatis minskat till förmån för andra alternativ som bröd, pasta och ris och beredda potatisprodukter som pommes frites och chips. Mellan 1960 och 2010 har konsumtionen av färsk matpotatis minskat från 89 till 43 kg per person och år (Jordbruksverket, 2013). Trenden är likartad även i resten av Europa och Nordamerika. Hur skall förändringarna i konsumtionen förklaras? Anledningar som nämnts är bland annat att konsumenterna söker bekvämlighet och vill ha fler färdiga produkter i den stressade vardagen (Keijbets, 2008). De skulle också kunna bero på ett ökat intresse för hälsa och näringsintag, vilket kan påverka både i positiv och negativ riktning (Stubenitsky & Mela, 2000), eller på grund av alternativa dieter som stenålderskost, GI (Glycemic Index) och LCHF (Low Carb, High Fat). Vid SLU i Alnarp har ett flertal projekt de senaste åren handlat om konsumenters inställning till matpotatis. I ett faktablad från Tillväxt Trädgård (Spendrup, Andersson och Ekelund, 2011) har en mer genomgripande beskrivning getts över svensk produktion och konsumtion. Potatis är en viktig ekonomisk produkt och den inhemska marknaden är stor. Värdet av produktionen är omkring 1,5 miljarder kronor (LRF, 2010), medan självförsörjningsgraden ligger på 90 procent (SJV, 2010). Frågan om hur svensk matpotatis som produkt kan utvecklas och möta konkurrensen från alternativen är därför högst aktuell och viktig att besvara för branschens långsiktiga konkurrenskraft.
  • Levinsson, Anna, et al. (författare)
  • Influence of nursery production system on water status in transplanted trees
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Scientia Horticulturae. - : Elsevier. - 0304-4238 .- 1879-1018. ; 178, s. 124-131
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the nursery production system on post-transplant water uptake and stress in urban trees during the establishment phase. Field-grown trees of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L) and red oak (Quercus rubra L) were either transplanted as bare-rooted or balled & burlapped, or subjected to fine-root-stimulating measures (in so called pre-establishing systems) as root-pruning, air-potting or fabric-container-cultivation in the nurseries one year prior to transplanting. All trees were planted at two sites: one occasionally dry site in the city of Malmö and one with adequate water supply at all times, at an experimental rural site at Alnarp campus, both in Sweden. Shoot water potential was determined every third week at midday and pre-dawn the following morning during the three first years after transplanting. Leaf surface area was measured annually. The red oak trees from the pre-establishing systems showed higher water potentials at every measuring occasion compared to that of bare-rooted red oak trees at the rural site during the first year. The air-potted sweet cherry trees at the rural site had higher midday water potential than the bare-rooted trees at every measuring occasion during the first year. Leaf surface area was larger for air-potted red oaks than bare-rooted red oaks during the first post-transplant year (p < 0.001, both sites). The differences between the production systems did not persist during the following two years. Leaf surface area was restored to pre-transplant size in all trees at the rural site after three years but still reduced at the urban site. These results suggest that the pre-establishing systems do have an impact on water status when soil water availability is sufficient, but less significance in typically urban areas, with limited soil water during the initial post-transplant phase. The results indicate that red oak and sweet cherry trees planted in an urban context, with occasionally low soil water amounts, are not favored by cultivation in pre-establishing systems prior to transplant, and that low water availability cannot be compensated for by high amounts of fine roots. Good establishment management is required also for trees submitted to pre-establishing measures.
  • Levinsson, Anna, et al. (författare)
  • Visual assessments of establishment success in urban Prunus avium (L.) and Quercus rubra (L.) in relation to water status and crown morphological characteristics
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. - : Elsevier. - 1618-8667 .- 1610-8167. ; 14:2, s. 218-224
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Assessing the establishment of newly planted urban trees is important to ensure that establishmentmanagement is maintained as long as needed. Such assessment is often based on visual appraisal of the post-transplant vitality two or three years after planting. How visual assessments relate to water status in the trees, or which morphological characteristics that are driving forces in such assessments have received limited attention in past research. In this interdisciplinary study, several leaf characteristics, such as leafshape, size and colour were determined on 50 trees each of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) and red oak(Quercus rubra L.), transplanted to two Swedish sites three seasons before the study. In addition, shoot length was measured, and crown density, crownshape and die-back were estimated. Visual establishment assessments were performed by professional evaluators, who also completed a questionnaire on their background knowledge and priorities during assessments. The study investigated which of these leaf and crown characteristics had the greatest impact on the  assessments. In addition, it compared the characteristics and evaluator assessments against the tree water status, determined by pre-dawn shoot water potential measurements.  Visual assessments proved to be unrelated to shoot water potential for both species but, for red oak the assessments were strongly related to leaf colour and leaf shape. Shootwater potential was related to leaf size but not to leaf colour, indicating that one of the most influential parameters for visual assessments of red oak were not well-suited for determining tree establishment success, if defined by water status. The assessments for sweet cherry were best explained by leaf area. Our findings suggest that leaf size is a good indicator of tree establishment and that leaf shape, the character considered least important by tree evaluators, is influential on tree assessments. These findings are important for the development of more accurate tree expert assessments.
  • Mattsson, Eskil, 1981, et al. (författare)
  • Carbon stock and tree diversity of dry-zone homegardens in southern Sri Lanka
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Book of Abstracts - World Congress on Agroforestry.
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Tropical homegardens hold a large potential for climate change mitigation and adaptation due to their multi-functional role in providing income and ecosystem services while decreasing pressure on natural forests. However, there is still lack of quantitative data on homegardens and their landscape potential for carbon sequestration services. In this study, tree diversity and above-ground biomass carbon of woody species was estimated on dry-zone homegardens in the dry south-eastern part of Sri Lanka. A total of 45 homegardens were sampled on size, floristic composition of trees, diameter at breast height (GBH) and height of trees. In total, 4278 trees were sampled and 82 different tree species were recorded. The Shannon Wiener index used to evaluate biodiversity ranged from 0.76–3.01 with a mean value of 2.05. Using allometric models, we find a mean above-ground biomass stock of 13 Mg carbon (C) ha-1 with a large range among homegardens (1–56 Mg C ha-1, n=45) due to a variation of tree diversity, species and composition between individual homegardens. Per unit area basis, mean above ground carbon stock was higher in small homegardens (<0.2 ha, 26 Mg C ha-1, n=11) than medium (0.4–0.8 ha, 9 Mg C ha-1 n=27) and large (>1 ha, 8 Mg C ha-1, n=7) homegardens due to a higher tree density. The results show a vast heterogeneity in terms of carbon and biological diversity within the dry zone homegardens; results that will contribute to closing the knowledge gap of the less studied dry-zone homegarden systems and their functions in storing carbon and providing multi-functional benefits to its users. The results are also useful for whether homegardens should directly or indirectly be considered to be included as an activity within Sri Lanka’s newly commenced UN-REDD National Programme.
  • Piikki, Kristin, et al. (författare)
  • Digital soil mapping for modelling of transport pathways for pesticides to surface water
  • 2015
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Detailed spatial information of soil texture and SOM content are needed for the modelling of pesticide fate. As part of the SLF project Transport pathways for pesticides to surface water (SLFH1133108) such maps were derived for three depth layers of the soil profile in two sub-catchments with a total area of 450 ha. Data from proximal sensor measurements were combined with national datasets (a digital elevation model and a Quaternary deposit map) and calibrated against soil sample data. Different modelling strategies were tested and the best strategy for each layer was selected for production of the final maps. For topsoil texture, Marsplines modelling with a reduced number of covariables gave the best results (the final models included topographic variables and gamma radiation). In the upper subsoil, the texture was best predicted by an empirical relationship to the topsoil predictions. This is not surprising since the number of calibration samples in the subsoil was very small (n = 18) compared to the number of calibration samples (n = 85). In the deep subsoil, the best strategy was again to use Marsplines modelling with a reduced number of covariables. The SOM content in the topsoil and was mapped by Marsplines modelling using a limited number of predictors and allowing interactions. In the subsoil, however, all soil samples but one had SOM < 3 % and the entire area was classified as as SOM class u. Organic soils according to the SGU QD map (peat areas) were not included in the mapping. Instead they were directly assigned as SOM class t and the texture was not determined.
  • Burri, Stina C.M., et al. (författare)
  • Antioxidant capacity and major phenol compounds of horticultural plant materials not usually used
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Journal of Functional Foods. - : Elsevier BV. - 1756-4646. ; 38, s. 119-127
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Horticultural plant materials not usually used from onion, carrot, beetroot, sea buckthorn, black and red currants as well as a wastewater powder from olive oil production were analyzed for total phenols content (FC), ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP), radical scavenging capacity (ABTS), and for major phenolic compounds by HPLC-MS. Antioxidant capacity and phenol content varied significantly between species and cultivars, with extracts of sea buckthorn leaves being superior. In different species, different phenolic compounds were closely associated with FRAP, ABTS and FC. For instance, hydrolysable tannins were major antioxidants in sea buckthorn whereas quercetin was the major antioxidant in onion peel and skin. This study shows that horticultural plant materials usually left in the field or waste materials from processing may have high antioxidant properties, and that extracts of these materials therefore could be of potential interest for development of antioxidant food additives.
  • Ernfors, Maria (författare)
  • Challenges of accounting nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural crop residues
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Global Change Biology. - 1354-1013 .- 1365-2486. ; 29, s. 6846-6855
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Crop residues are important inputs of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) to soils and thus directly and indirectly affect nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. As the current inventory methodology considers N inputs by crop residues as the sole determining factor for N2O emissions, it fails to consider other underlying factors and processes. There is compelling evidence that emissions vary greatly between residues with different biochemical and physical characteristics, with the concentrations of mineralizable N and decomposable C in the residue biomass both enhancing the soil N2O production potential. High concentrations of these components are associated with immature residues (e.g., cover crops, grass, legumes, and vegetables) as opposed to mature residues (e.g., straw). A more accurate estimation of the short-term (months) effects of the crop residues on N2O could involve distinguishing mature and immature crop residues with distinctly different emission factors. The medium-term (years) and long-term (decades) effects relate to the effects of residue management on soil N fertility and soil physical and chemical properties, considering that these are affected by local climatic and soil conditions as well as land use and management. More targeted mitigation efforts for N2O emissions, after addition of crop residues to the soil, are urgently needed and require an improved methodology for emission accounting. This work needs to be underpinned by research to (1) develop and validate N2O emission factors for mature and immature crop residues, (2) assess emissions from belowground residues of terminated crops, (3) improve activity data on management of different residue types, in particular immature residues, and (4) evaluate long-term effects of residue addition on N2O emissions.
  • Iwarsson, Mattias (författare)
  • 'Norby' – en ny svarta vinbärssort
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Hemträdgården. - 0018-0343. ; , s. 21-22
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • This article describes a new variety of Black Currant called Ribes nigrum ‘Norby’. It was found 30 years ago in the quarter of Uppsala called Norby. It was found on a waste place in the Town forest (Stadsskogen) and is probably an old variety more than 60 years old or a new variety raised from seeds. The new variety is called ‘Norby’ from the original locality. It is an upright growing shrub, which is resistant to gall mites and it is also well resistant to mildew. A herbarium specimen, Iwarsson 2011, of the new variety will be deposited in (UPS), Museum of Evolution, Botany at Uppsala University
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