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Sökning: AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics and Business Economic History)

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  • Moore, Jason W., 1971- (författare)
  • Environmental crises and the metabolic rift in world-historical perspective
  • 2000
  • Ingår i: Organization & environment. - 1086-0266 .- 1552-7417. ; 13:2, s. 123-157
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article proposes a new theoretical framework to study the dialectic of capital and nature over the longue durée of world capitalism. The author proposes that today’s global ecological crisis has its roots in the transition to capitalism during the long sixteenth century. The emergence of capitalism marked not only a decisive shift in the arenas of politics, economy, and society, but a fundamental reorganization of world ecology, characterized by a “metabolic rift,” a progressively deepening rupture in the nutrient cycling between the country and the city. Building upon the historical political economy of Marx, Foster, Arrighi, and Wallerstein, the author proposes a new research agenda organized around the concept of systemic cycles of agro-ecological transformation. This agenda aims at discerning the ways in which capitalism’s relationship to nature developed discontinuously over time as recurrent ecological crises have formed a decisive moment of world capitalist crisis, forcing successive waves of restructuring over long historical time.
  • Moore, Jason W., 1971- (författare)
  • 'Amsterdam is Standing on Norway', Part I : The Alchemy of Capital, Empire and Nature in the Diaspora of Silver, 1545–1648
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Journal of Agrarian Change. - 1471-0358 .- 1471-0366. ; 10:1, s. 33-68
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In the first of two essays in this Journal, I seek to unify the historicalgeography of early modern ‘European expansion’ (Iberia and Latin America)with the environmental history of the ‘transition to capitalism’ (northwestern Europe). The expansion of Europe’s overseas empires and the transitions to capitalism within Europe were differentiated moments within the geographicalexpansion of commodity production and exchange – what I call the commodityfrontier. This essay is developed in two movements. Beginning with a conceptual and methodological recasting of the historical geography of the rise of capitalism,I offer an analytical narrative that follows the early modern diaspora of silver.This account follows the political ecology of silver production and trade from the Andes to Spain in Braudel’s ‘second’ sixteenth century (c. 1545–1648). In highlighting the Ibero-American moment of this process in the present essay, Icontend that the spectacular reorganization of Andean space and the progressive dilapidation of Spain’s real economy not only signified the rise and demise of a trans-Atlantic, Iberian ecological regime, but also generated the historicallynecessary conditions for the unprecedented concentration of accumulation andcommodity production in the capitalist North Atlantic in the centuries thatfollowed.
  • Moore, Jason W., 1971- (författare)
  • Introduction : The World-Historical Imagination
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Journal of World-Systems Research. - Riverside, Calif. : Institute for Research on World-Systems. - 1076-156X. ; 17:1, s. 1-3
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This article is the editor's introduction to the special issue of the Journal of World-Systems Research, entitled The World-Historical Imagination: Giovanni Arrighi's The Long Twentieth Century in Prospect and Retrospect.
  • Moore, Jason W., 1971- (författare)
  • The Socio-Ecological Crises of Capitalism
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Capital and its Discontents. - Oakland : PM Press. - 9781552663943 ; , s. 136-152
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I think the lesson is that Malthus was wrong because he took the problem of limits outside of history, outside the history that women and men make in the modern world. So the issue is not that there is no scarcity — of course, capitalism is a system that is premised on induced scarcity. That’s why markets in the capitalist era function the way that they do. So I think the mistake of the left has been in a certain reluctance to deal with the problems of scarcity, or in some cases back into an embrace of a neo-Malthusian scarcity mentality in which there are these “natural limits” that are outside of how capitalism functions historically as an ecological regime.
  • Moore, Jason W., 1971- (författare)
  • The end of the road? : agricultural revolutions in the capitalist World-ecology, 1450-2010
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Journal of Agrarian Change. - : Wiley - Blackwell. - 1471-0358 .- 1471-0366. ; 10:3, s. 389-413
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Does the present socio-ecological impasse – captured in popular discussions of the ‘end’ of cheap food and cheap oil – represent the latest in a long history of limits and crises that have been transcended by capital, or have we arrived at an epochal turning point in the relation of capital, capitalism and agricultural revolution? For the better part of six centuries, the relation between world capitalism and agriculture has been a remarkable one. Every great wave of capitalist development has been paved with ‘cheap’ food. Beginning in the long sixteenth century, capitalist agencies pioneered successive agricultural revolutions, yielding a series of extraordinary expansions of the food surplus. This paper engages the crisis of neoliberalism today, and asks: Is another agricultural revolution, comparable to those we have known in the history of capitalism, possible? Does the present conjuncture represent a developmental crisis of capitalism that can be resolved by establishing new agro-ecological conditions for another long wave of accumulation, or are we now witnessing an epochal crisis of capitalism? These divergent possibilities are explored from a perspective that views capitalism as ‘world-ecology’, joining together the accumulation of capital and the production of nature in dialectical unity.
  • Moore, Jason W., 1971- (författare)
  • Nature and the transition from feudalism to capitalism
  • 2003
  • Ingår i: Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center. - 0147-9032. ; 26:2, s. 97-172
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • An epochal transformation of nature-society relations was inscribed in the transition from feudalism to capitalism. This article advances three central propositions. First, the origins of today’s global ecological crisis are found in the emergence of the capitalist world-economy in the “long” sixteenth century - not in industrialization, population growth, or market expansion, as the conventional wisdom would have it. Secondly, the crisis of feudalism was a general crisis not only of medieval Europe’s political economy, but in equal measure an expression of feudalism’s underlying ecological contradictions. Thirdly, the rise of capitalism effected a radical recomposition of world ecology. As early as the sixteenth century, we can see how the emergent logic of capital, which at once implies endless expansion and seeks to flatten socio-ecological diversity, undermined the possibilities for a sustainable relation between nature and society. Capitalism thus differed radically from feudalism and all other precapitalist formations. Where earlier ecological crises had been local, capitalism globalized them. From this standpoint, the origins of capitalism may shed light on today’s ecological crises.
  • Coloniality and Decolonisation in the Nordic region
  • 2023
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This book advances critical discussions about what coloniality, decoloniality and decolonization mean and imply in the Nordic region. It brings together analysis of complex realities from the perspectives of the Nordic peoples, a region that are often overlooked in current research, and explores the processes of decolonization that are taking place in this region. The book offers a variety of perspectives that engage with issues such as Islamic feminism and the progressive left; racialization and agency among Muslim youths; indigenizing distance language education for Sami; extractivism and resistance among the Sami; the Nordic international development endeavour through education; Swedish TV-reporting on Venezuela; creolizing subjectivities across Roma and non-Roma worlds and hierarchies; and the whitewashing and sanitization of decoloniality in the Nordic region. As such, this book extends much of the productive dialogue that has recently occurred internationally in decolonial thinking but also in the areas of critical race theory, whiteness studies, and postcolonial studies to concrete and critical problems in the Nordic region. This should make the book of considerable interest to scholars of history of ideas, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, postcolonial studies, international development studies, legal sociology and (intercultural) philosophy with an interest in coloniality and decolonial social change.
  • Moore, Jason W., 1971- (författare)
  • Ecology, Capital, and the Nature of Our Times : Accumulation & Crisis in the Capitalist World-Ecology
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Journal of World-Systems Research. - 1076-156X. ; 17:1, s. 108-147
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this essay, I elaborate the possibilities for a unified theory of historical capitalism – one that views the accumulation of capital and the production of nature (humans included!) as dialectically constituted. In this view, the modern world-system is a capitalist world-ecology, a world-historical matrix of human- and extra-human nature premised on endless commodification. The essay is organized in three movements. I begin by arguing for a reading of modernity’s “interdependent master processes” (Tilly) as irreducibly socio-ecological. Capitalism does not develop upon global nature so much as it emerges through the messy and contingent relations of humans with the rest of nature. Second, the paper engages Giovanni Arrighi’s handling of time, space, and accumulation in The Long Twentieth Century. I highlight Arrighi’s arguments for a “structurally variant” capitalism, and the theory of organizational revolutions, as fruitful ways to construct a theory of capitalism as world-ecology. I conclude with a theory of accumulation and its crises as world-ecological process, building out from Marx’s “general law” of underproduction. Historically, capitalism has been shaped by a dialectic of underproduction (too few inputs) and overproduction (too many commodities). Today, capitalism is poised for a re-emergence of underproduction crises, characterized by the insufficient flow of cheap food, fuel, labor, and energy to the productive circuit of capital. Far from the straightforward expression of “overshoot” and “peak everything,” the likely resurgence of underproduction crises is an expression of capitalism’s longue durée tendency to undermine its conditions of reproduction. The world-ecological limit of capital, in other words, is capital itself.
  • Lilja, Sven, 1947- (författare)
  • Appendix - Projektbeskrivning : förmoderna kustmiljöer. Naturresurser, klimat och samhälle vid östersjökusten före 1800 - ett miljöhistoriskt projekt
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: Människan anpassaren - människan överskridaren. - Huddinge : Södertörns högskola. - 9789189315617 - 9189315618 ; , s. 231-241
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Projektet Förmoderna kustmiljöer. Natur, klimat och samhälle vid Östersjökusten före ca 1800 är en komparativ miljöhistorisk studie av lokalt resursutnyttjande och miljöpåverkan under förmodern tid (järnålder till tidigt 1800-tal). Projektets övergripande tema ”människoskapade miljöförändringarkontra naturprocesser” undersöks genom intensivstudier av några lokalakustsamhällens elasticitet och överlevnadsförmåga. Såväl långsiktiga somkortsiktiga förändringar studeras. Hur anpassade sig sådana samhällen tilllångsamma naturprocesser, och vilka strategier valdes för att hantera kortarehistoriska fluktuationer och förändringsförlopp? Vilka konsekvenser fick devalda anpassningsstrategierna för närmiljön? Projektet syftar till ett disciplinöverskridande samarbete mellan arkeologi, historia och geografi. Delprojekten behandlar kompletterande perspektiv, där yttre naturförhållanden(landhöjning, klimatförändringar och växlingar i den marinbiologiska faunanetc.), samt yttre samhällsförhållanden (närhet till stat och marknad) ställsmot lokalsamhällets inre anpassnings- och förändringsstrategier. Undersökningen är komparativ, med undersökningsområden i lokala kust- och skärgårdsmiljöer vid Östersjön. I första hand kommer Stockholms södra skärgård och Estlands kust, med Saaremaa (Ösel) och Hiumaa (Dagö), att studeras, men även områden i Finland och västra Ryssland.
  • Lilja, Sven, 1947- (författare)
  • Pre-modern coastal environments - project description
  • 2008
  • Ingår i: Leva vid Östersjöns kust. - Huddinge : Södertörns högskola. - 9789189315952 ; , s. 319-329
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The project Pre-Modern Coastal Environments has as its objective the studyof local resource use in selected coastal regions along the Baltic Sea. Thestudy’s main purpose is to determine the correlation between the effects ofhuman activities on the environment and the effects of naturally occurringenvironmental change. This will be achieved by using case studies focussingon the elasticity and survival capacity of specific coastal societies in easternSweden and western Estonia. The project will study settlement patterns,trade and industry, in relation to changes in the physical environment in thecontext of offshore displacement, climate changes, and changes in marinebiota. The project is a multidisciplinary cooperative effort of six researcherswho represent the disciplines of history, archaeology, human geography andphysical geography.
  • Lilja, Sven, 1947- (författare)
  • Klimatet, döden och makten : 1690-talets klimatkris
  • 2008
  • Ingår i: Leva vid Östersjöns kust. - Huddinge : Södertörns högskola. - 9789189315952 ; , s. 23-79
  • Bokkapitel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Artikeln beskriver och analyserar den stora klimatkris som drabbade norra Sverige, Finland och Baltikum på 1690-talet. Den studerar de demografiska och ekonomiska aspekterna av krisen, med särskild hänsyn till mortalitet, skördeutfall och och klimat- och vädersituationen. Artikeln diskutera även kronans sätt att reagera på krissignalerna från agrarsamhället.
  • Lilja, Sven, 1947- (författare)
  • Teoretisk epilog
  • 2008
  • Ingår i: Leva vid Östersjöns kust. - Huddinge : Södertörns högskola. - 9789189315952 ; , s. 265-276
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Arftikeln är en teoretiskt orienterad sammanfatande analys av publikationens bidrag. Den anknyter till projektets övergriande målsättningar, och strävar efter att sätta antologins hvuudresultat i det större projektsammanhanget.
  • Funke, Michael, 1966- (författare)
  • Regulating a Controversy : Inside Stakeholder Strategies and Regime Transition in the Self-Regulation of Swedish Advertising 1950–1971
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis concerns the development of the self-regulation of advertising in Sweden from 1950 until 1971. Self-regulation was initiated in the 1930s due to a business desire to regulate fair competition in marketing, and while it initially was a minor operation, the 1950s and 1960s were characterized by extensive development. When self-regulation was overtaken by state policies in 1971, it included several interlocking systems, of which parts survived the introduction of the state regime. The thesis’ aim has been to analyze how the rapid regime transitions in the self-regulation regime can be understood.The existing literature identifies four major transitions that occurred during the studied time period. To understand them, the thesis has studied the policy processes leading up to these transitions. Focus has been on the business interest organizations that controlled the regime and their regulatory strategies. Theoretically, the analysis has departed from the hypothesis that tensions between these organizations, due to their members’ different market interests and varying levels of exposure to regulation and public badwill, to a significant degree informed their strategic choices as well as policy outcomes.The results show that the policy processes preceding the regime transitions were characterized by internal tensions, whereby organizations representing advertisers, and to a lesser degree media carriers, due to their members’ higher level of exposure to regulation and public badwill, successfully supported stronger market policing, while ad agencies, being less exposed, as well as a peak industry organization for the proliferation of marketing largely opposed such measures, preferring a more lenient regulation. However, due to increased exposure to regulation and bad will, the ad agencies finally abandoned their opposition and took the lead in regulatory innovation through the introduction of an extensive clearance program that survived the launch of the state regime, becoming a key component in the co-regulatory structure that followed.
  • Funke, Michael, 1966- (författare)
  • Från tidningsannonser till sponsrade länkar : den svenska reklamens utveckling
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Entreprenörskap och varumärken. - Möklinta : Gidlunds förlag. ; , s. 87-106
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Artikeln åskådliggör den moderna svenska reklamens historiska utveckling och förklarar den utifrån interaktionen mellan marknads- och innovationsutveckling, nya reklamkoncept och påverkan från samhällsdebatt och regleringar.
  • Moore, Jason W., 1971- (författare)
  • Ecology and the accumulation of capital : thinking capitalism through the web of life
  • 2011
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Capitalism as world-ecology is an effort to move from the “environmental history of” capitalism, or modernity, or the world market, to capitalism AS environmental history. Financial crises, for instance, are not social or economic crises that make their footprint on the rest of nature; they are crises of a key moment of capitalism’s symbolic and material ordering of the relation between humans and the rest of nature. This dialectical alternative views the great movements of modern world history – industrial and agricultural revolutions, successive new imperialisms, the development of the world market – as socio-ecological projects and processes, aimed at reconfiguring nature-society relations. ‘Nature,’ no longer a passive substance upon which humanity leaves its footprint, becomes an active bundle of relations, formed and re-formed through the historically- and geographically-specific movements of humans, with the rest of nature. This entails more than a catalogue of capitalism’s biophysical depredations. It calls for new synthesis that locates the accumulation of capital, the production of nature, and pursuit of power in a singular and differentiated whole. This perspective begins from the premise that capitalism does not act upon nature so much as develop through nature-society relations. Capitalism does not have an ecological regime; it is an ecological regime.
  • Lilja, Sven, 1947- (författare)
  • Teoretisk epilog
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: Människan anpassaren - människan överskridaren. - Huddinge : Södertörns högskola. - 9789189315617 - 9189315618 ; , s. 197-220
  • Bokkapitel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)
  • Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane w Polsce. Geneza, rozwój, problemy
  • 2015
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • One of the less known problems in settlement geography is the issue of so-called degraded and restituted towns. This lack of reconnaissance, however, is perhaps less the result of the towns’ scarcity than their specificity of being ‘awarded’ or ‘deprived of’ an urban label by means of strictly socio-political actions. Degraded and restituted towns, hence, are spatial units made ‘urban’ or ‘rural’ instantaneously, irrespective of their de facto state along what is widely considered a gradual path of (de)urbanization. Instead, they become compartmentalized into two constructed spatial categories that have survived the onslaught of material transformations and philosophical repositioning through different whims of time. While ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ are conceptual binaries that certainly need to be treated with caution, their cultural salience may cause tangible consequences within national administrative systems that abide by a formalized rural-urban distinction. This issue becomes particularly important for settlements that clearly transcend any imagined rural-urban divide, i.e. those, whose material and immaterial characteristics seem counterfactual to their assigned category. It is also crucial in formal practices designed to avert such counterfactualities, but whose ran-domness of approach more creates confusion than helps straighten out a historical concoction. Both processes, nonetheless, lend ‘urbanity’ and ‘rurality’ a resonance of objectivity, justifying their use as guides for a host of developmental endeavors, despite subverting a much more intricate reality. Degraded and restituted towns are direct derivatives of this. Drawing on the above-mentioned irreconcilabilities, the aim of this book is to present and scrutinize degraded and restituted towns through the example of Poland, where these towns occupy a special niche. For one, Poland, due to its chequered and variegated history, is home to a conspicuously large number of degraded (831) and restituted (236) towns; for another, Poland’s relentlessness of formalizing ‘urbanity’ as a category of statistical, political and cultural guidance has a direct bearing on the lives of the towns’ residents. Realizing the intricacy of degraded and restituted towns in the face of commonplace ru-ral-urban ideations, the editors and the 17 contributing Authors of this book have made an effort to capture the towns’ complexity with special foci on their shrouded origins, developmental specificity and incurred problems. Owing to the involvement of researchers from different scientific disciplines and subdisciplines, the undertaken project has helped elucidate the problem from multiple perspectives: spatial, social, demographic, economic, environmental, historical, architectural, cultural, legal and philosophical. Allocated into 17 chapters, not only have the presented interpretations allowed for a first interdisciplinary synthesis on the topic, but they also helped outline some prospective directions for future research. Moreover, collecting materials of such diversity into an amalgamated whole has helped identify specific discourses that enwrap the concept of “urbanity” when seen through its oscillations within formal contexts, and to which degraded and restituted towns serve as expendable game pieces. By combining knowledge arrived at through ontologically and epistemologically different approaches, the incremental contribution of this book as a whole could be summarized in two attainments: a) extending theoretical frameworks used to study degraded and restituted towns in terms of definition, conceptualization and assessing predispositions for future de-velopment on account of their spatial, legal, socio-economic and historical charac-teristics; b) initiating an anticipated discussion on a number of important and current topics re-lated to the practices of degradation and restitution that have not received adequate attention, e.g., the urbanity-vs.-rurality paradox, the changeability of human settlement forms vs. the consequences of rigid spatial categorizations; the role of various actors in shaping the socio-economic reality under the guise of an ossified binary; or identifying spatio-conceptual conflicts as future challenges for local, regional and national policy.
  • Näsman, Mattias, 1989-, et al. (författare)
  • A promised land? : First summary of the research program
  • 2023
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This document lays out the background for the research program “A promised land? Drivers, challenges and opportunities related to the (green) industrialization of Northern Sweden,” (nr. M22-0029) awarded by the Swedish Riksbankens Jubileumsfond’s in 2022. The document summarizes work in progress and may therefore be updated and republished in different versions according to the requirements of the program. This interdisciplinary program aims to understand the economic, social, and political challenges and opportunities of the ongoing industrial transformation in northern Sweden. A key element of the program is to identify drivers, obstacles, and preconditions in a historical, present, and forward-looking process-perspective.
  • Olsson, Lars (författare)
  • Altern im gesellschaftlichen Wandel : Ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt über Schweden im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
  • 1984
  • Ingår i: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie: europäische Zeitschrift für Altersmedizin und interdisziplinäres Alternsforschung. - : Dietrich Steinkopff. Darmstadt. - 0044-281X. ; 17:1, s. 6-12
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • The author discusses the conceptual framework of ageing in rural and industrial societies. The empiciral studies concern changes in the provisions for old age and in ageing processes of farmers, rural workers and industrial workers. A life course perspective is combined with the analytical terms class and gender.
  • Mäkeler, Hendrik, 1979- (författare)
  • Von Wikingern über Geld lernen
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. - 0174-4909. ; :198, s. 19-
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)
  • Jörgensen, Hans, 1961-, et al. (författare)
  • Private landowners’ relation to land and forest in two Estonian counties
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Journal of Northern Studies. - Umeå : Umeå University & The Royal Skyttean Society. - 1654-5915 .- 2004-4658. ; 2010:2, s. 33-54
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This comparative study is based on two large surveys of privateland and forest owners in two Estonian counties. While more than half of Põlvamaa is covered with forests, Läänemaa has a potential for summer tourism and second homes. We explore different rationales for obtaining landed property and analyse the individual property holders’ relations to—and use of—landand forests. Based on the two interlinked restitution and privatisation processes from 1991 onwards, our surveys reveal two main rationales among the owners:emotional and economic. The owners’ relations to the property are connected with legacies from both the interwar independence and the Soviet period. In addition, different rationalities, ambitions and attitudes are also related to how the property was obtained. In spite of the demand for land, many resituated landowners have chosen to maintain or recreate family property, even if the property was not actively used. In both Põlvamaa and Läänemaa the emotional bonds to land are strong among the owners of restituted or inherited property, while this is a weaker factor among those who have obtained land or forest through privatisation.
  • Funke, Michael, 1966- (författare)
  • Advertising of a national importance the Swedish Advertisers’ Association and the institutionalization of Sweden’s international advertising 1955-1972
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. - : Emerald Group Publishing Limited. - 1755-750X .- 1755-7518. ; 15:1, s. 1-24
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Swedish Advertisers’ Association role in institutional development of Swedish international advertising during 1955–1972.Design/methodology/approach – Qualitative analysis of organizational material to analyze institutional development of collective international advertising.Findings – A new postwar paradigm that focused on a consumer-oriented brand ideology enabled marketing nexecutives in the Swedish Advertisers’ Association to develop a new discourse on international advertising inSweden, which then was institutionalized within a national network on export promotion. The institutionalization process was supported by a corporatist system typical of smaller export dependent postwar European economies.Research limitations/implications – While based on a national case, this study points to the importance of understanding how advertising concepts are embedded within other economic, political and cultural systemsthan in those they originated in and how this contributes to a heterogenous implementation of similar ideas andpractices. This study also illustrates how members can use their association to institutionalize a new discourse on marketing and network with other actors to enhance the use and reputation of its ideas and practices.Practical implications – By highlighting the importance of analyzing both internal and external organizational relations, this study contributes to the research on history of marketing by making salient the importance of an institutional perspective to understand key processes in marketing. In practice neitherthe institutional perspective nor the explanatory power of discourse has received much attention, therefore the study results should be both interesting and valid for practitioners as well.Originality/value – The study of the historical development of international advertising is limited and often descriptive. This study contributes to the literature by using a theoretical and methodological approach to make salient how the interaction between discourse, marketing associations and other collective actors propelled the institutionalization of international advertising within a specific national context.
  • Funke, Michael, 1966- (författare)
  • Swedish Advertisers’ Association and Institutional Development of Swedish Export Promotion Advertising 1955-1972
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Marketing and Social Change. - Toronto : Conference on Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing (CHARM). ; , s. 37-40
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Purpose – To analyze the Swedish Advertisers’ Association role in the institutional development ofSwedish export promotion 1955-1972.Methodology/approach – Qualitative method, business interest organization theory, advertisingconcepts related to the historical development of marketing.Findings – Thanks to bottoms-up engagement of members in the mid-1950s, leading to the formationof the knowledge-exchange committee for members of the association (the E-group), the associationbecame crucial in enabling Swedish companies getting access to marketing resources when competingon foreign markets, as well as becoming a key player in supporting the collective export promotionefforts of the Swedish government. The E-Group increased member participation and knowledgeexchange among members, supporting professionalization and legitimacy of advertising practices.Limitations/implications – While based on a national case, the study illustrates how marketingassociations act in an institutional system, while being challenged by member demands to supplythem with adequate resources, highlighting the importance of analyzing both the collectiveorganizations and the political system they are part of to understand the historical development ofmarketing.Originality/ value – The history of export promotion and export advertising is not well studied on aninstitutional level. This study furthers knowledge of this significant aspect of marketing history aswell as the history of political economy, making salient the interaction between the state andorganized business interests in a key aspect of a national economy. This should interest the fields ofmarketing history as well as, business studies, economics and political science.Keywords – Advertising history, business history, export promotion, business associationClassification – Research paper
  • Klepke, Birgita, Professor (författare)
  • Kan hela landet leva?
  • 2001
  • Ingår i: Befolkning. - Västerås : Svenska kommunförbundet. - 9170999716 ; , s. 10-11
  • Bokkapitel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Befolkningsfrågan handlar inte längre primärt om "stad eller land" utan om "hur många städer- och var". All landsbygd ingår i och är beroende av en eller flera stadsregioner. Tillgängligheten till städerna avgör nivån på service, inkomstutveckling och ekonomiska risker för de allra flesta i glesbygden. Om uttrycket "Hela Sverige ska leva" innebär att det ska bo människor inom till exempel varje kvadratkilometer har hela landet egentligen aldrig "levt". Sådana målsättningar leder till resonemang som varken är fruktbara eller rimliga. Felet är inte att man har en politisk uppfattning om befolkningens fördelning över landet. Problemet är att vi inte kan utvärdera om vi närmar oss eller avlägsnar oss från målet som det är formulerat idag. Därmed kan vi inte heller bedöma politikens kostnader och intäkter.
  • Funke, Michael, 1966- (författare)
  • Swedish Business and the Political Radicalism of the 1960s : the Case of Advertising
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: <em>Aktörer och marknader i omvandling</em>. - Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. - 9789155480592 ; , s. 94-109
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The polical radicalism of the 1960s confronted the  consesus politics of the corportist political economies of the West. The  new social movements (NSM) that arose at this time have been studied, but the reactions of the established interest groups to their emergence is largely unknown. This study highlights how a number of Swedish business interest associations (BIA) repsonded to these groups, specifically to their critcism of advertising. The actions of the NSMs and the BIAs are contextualized within the  radicalization of the ruling labor movement, state consumer politics, and the increasing importance of mobilizing public opinion when trying to influence policy and regulations pertaining to advertising. Offe's categories of "old politics vs. new politics" is used as ideal types, and Manin's analytical categories describing the historical development of modern democracy ( from "party democracy" to "audience democracy") is used as analytical tools. The conflict over advertising took place during a transition from party democracy to audience democracy, which forced the BIAs to re-invent their strategies on influencing policy, devoting more effort in developing outside strategies in influencing public opinion. The NSM were no theat in themselves, but their media skills meant that they could influence both public opinion and the ruling labor movement, which risked leading to stricter advertising regulations. The initial efforts of the BIAs were not successful, but the experience can be seen as a starting point of the increased business activity in mobilizing public opinion which was spearheaded by peak business interest associations in the 1970s and 1980s.
  • Westin, Lars, Professor, 1953- (författare)
  • Research strategies for Urban Design in Umeå
  • 2000
  • Ingår i: Urban Design for Sweden and Europe, June 20-21, 2000. - Umeå : CERUM, Umeå universitet. - 9171919953 ; , s. 3-5
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Creation of an Urban Design Centre in Umeå
  • Westin, Lars, Professor, 1953- (författare)
  • Unga kvinnor i Luleå
  • 2020
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Luleå kommun har i förhållande till många jämförbara kommuner en låg andel kvinnor i befolkningen. Så har det varit under relativt lång tid. Det gäller även Norrbotten generellt i förhållande till andra län i Sverige. Luleå kan jämföras med Linköping. Båda städerna har i förhållande till sin befolkning en relativt hög andel män. Båda har universitet som signalerar en teknisk profil. Totalt sett är däremot inte LTU ett universitet med en starkt manlig studentgrupp. Endast en tredjedel av studenterna läser teknik och könsfördelningen bland studenterna på LTU är jämn.Den största enskilda mantalsskrivna åldersgruppen med kvinnor Luleå var 2016  de som är 23 år. Det är en i Sverige stor åldersgrupp och i den åldersgruppen fanns även betydlig fler män i kommunen. I åldrarna mellan 40 och 60 år råder huvudsakligen balans mellan könen medan andelen kvinnor är som störst efter sjuttioårsåldern. Framförallt är Luleå underrepresenterat med kvinnor i åldrarna 25 till 40 år. Det pekar på att fokus när det gäller åtgärder för att skapa ökad balans mellan män och kvinnor i Luleå bör riktas mot åtgärder som ökar möjligheten för familje­bildande par, att efter studietiden bli delaktiga i och känna sig attraherade av Luleås bostads-, arbets-, kultur- och fritidsmarknader.En åtgärd för att åstadkomma det kan vara att öka rörligheten på arbets- och bostadsmarknaderna, öka risktagande och stärka entreprenörskapet bland de relativt stora kohorterna av invånare i medelåldern i Luleå. Det kan öppna upp för de yngre att komma in på arbets- och bostadsmarkanerna.Luleå bör framförallt sträva efter att växa snabbare och nå 100 000 invånare. Med ökat byggande blir det lättare för yngre att etablera sig och för äldre att söka nya utmaningar. I ett tillväxtprogram för kommunen bör andelen kvinnor växa snabbare än andelen män. Endast genom att sätta explicita delmål för detta kan hinder och flaskhalsar för att nå må­let identifieras. 
  • Moore, Jason W., 1971- (författare)
  • Madeira, Sugar, & the Conquest of Nature in the ‘First’ Sixteenth Century, Part I : From ‘Island of Timber’ to Sugar Revolution, 1420-1506
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Review: a journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the study of economies, historical systems, and civilizations. - Binghamton, N.Y. : Fernand Braudel Center for the study of economies, historical systems, and civilizations. - 0147-9032. ; 32:4, s. 345-390
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Madeira is a small island with a large place in the origins of the modern world. Lying 560 kilometers west of north Africa, Madeira was home to the modern world’s first cash crop boom, a sugar revolution. In the first of two successive essays in  REVIEW, I explain how the epoch-making acceleration of boom and bust on Madeira, during Braudel’s “first” sixteenth century (c. 1450-1557), marked a new crystallization of the nature-society relations pivotal to the rise of capitalism. This new crystallization represented an ensemble of new capacities to exploit and extract extra-human nature much faster, and on a much larger scale, than ever before. It was a mode of socio-ecological conquest and commodification that was possible because of early capitalism's “commodity frontier” strategy, one premised on global expansion as a constitutive moment in the formation of the modern world-system – as capitalist world-ecology no less than world-economy. From this standpoint, the very conditions of Madeira’s rapid ascent were also the conditions of its rapid decline after 1506. These stemmed from the rapid commodity-centered organization, and consequent exhaustion, of the relations governing human and extra-human nature: labor and land.
  • Mannberg, Andrea, et al. (författare)
  • Påverkar skatteundantag hushållens benägenhet att köpa miljöbilar? En studie av Stockholms trängselskatt
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Ekonomisk Debatt. - 0345-2646. ; 43:1, s. 32-39
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Sedan januari 2006 är in- och ut-passage genom tullarna i Stockholm belagt med en avgift för bilister. Som ett led i riksdagens mål att helt eliminera utsläppen av växthusgaser 2050 och ha en bilpark oberoende av fossila bränslen 2030 (Regeringens proposition 2008/09:162) undantogs sk miljöbilar från trängselskatten mellan 2006 och 2009. I denna studie har vi undersökt om undantaget av miljöbilar från trängselskatten i Stockholm påverkade sannolikheten att köpa etanolbil (E85). Våra resultat visar att undantaget för etanolbilar i trängselskatten hade en signifikant effekt på etanolbilsförsäljningeni Stockholm.
  • Larsson Lovén, Lena, 1956 (författare)
  • Romerska kvinnors arbete och yrkesidentiteter
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Gender, history, futures : report from the XI Nordic Women's and gender history conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 19–21, 2015 / edited by Daniel Nyström, Johanna Overud. - Sveriges kvinno- och genushistoriker : Umeå. - 9789176018484 ; , s. 68-76
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Kvinnligt arbete och yrkesidentitet i det antika Rom avspeglat i bild och inskrifter.
  • Strid, Jan Paul, 1947- (författare)
  • Tindra : Ett landskap i tidens spegel
  • 2009. - 1000
  • Bok (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Denna bok handlar om det tidigare militära övningsområdet i Linköping. När området inköptes av Linköpings kommun efter garnisonens nedläggnng 1997 öppnades portarna till ett landskap av stor skönhet och överraskande ålderdomlig prägel - en oas för unika naturupplevelser i stadens närmaste grannskap. Boken vill ge bakgrunden till att området genom historien kunnat fungera som en fristad för flora och fauna, men också för fornminnen. Dess historia från forntid till militärtid skildlras med ett rikt illustrationsmaterial i form av kartor, modellbilder och nya och gamla fotografier ----
  • Eriksson, Sören (författare)
  • Näringsliv
  • 2007
  • Ingår i: Jönköpings kommuns historia. - Lund : Historiska Media. - 9789185507207
  • Bokkapitel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)
  • Long, Vicky, et al. (författare)
  • An Indigenous Innovation : An Example from Mobile Communication Technology
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Oxford Development Studies. - : Taylor & Francis Group. - 1360-0818 .- 1469-9966. ; 44:1, s. 113-133
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper explores the processes of indigenous (global South) innovation, particularly of the “high-tech” and “radical” kind, which have spurred technological catch-up, using the example of a third-generation (3G) Chinese mobile communications technology standard. Three hypotheses were generated from this study: (a) modularity-in-design opens new windows of opportunity for technological catching-up; (b) the lack of essential intellectual property rights acts as a key inducement, or a factor-saving bias, that influences the rate and direction of indigenous innovation in the global South; and (c) the long tail of an old technology affects the take-off of a new indigenous innovation, essentially by shortening the technological distance to be covered.
  • Groglopo, Adrián, 1967, et al. (författare)
  • Coloniality and decolonisation in the Nordic region: An introduction
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Groglopo, Adrián & Julia Suárez-Krabbe (2023).Coloniality and Decolonisation in the Nordic Region. Routledge: New York.. - New York : Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group. - 9781032274867 ; , s. 1-21
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This chapter aims to further fruitful conversations about the meaning and implications of coloniality, decoloniality and decolonization in the Nordic region. Such a collective endeavour cannot bypass the perspectives and historical experience of people in the Nordic region who are produced as non-belonging, absent, criminal and/or barbaric in general, including ‘non-Western’ migrants and refugees, Afro-Nordics and Muslim communities, as well as the Romani and the indigenous communities of the region such as the Sami and Inuit. However, much of the decolonial scholarship in the Nordic region approaches coloniality through a poststructuralist and postcolonial lens and reproduces the coloniality of knowledge by ignoring and depoliticizing the radical political concepts and projects emanating the abovementioned peoples in the Nordic region and the colonized regions of the world, resulting in undertheoretization. On this basis, the chapter argues for the need of reclaiming the political, which involves theorizing the materiality of colonial politics in contemporary Nordic societies, including its imperial investments and political economy.
  • Lagerqvist, Christopher, 1976- (författare)
  • Vad är "högre" i den högre utbildningen? : Om den högre utbildningens kvalitativa mervärde inom historieämnet vid University of Oxford och Uppsala universitet
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Under de senaste decennierna har debatten om och insatserna för att kvalitetssäkra svensk högre utbildning och forskning varit omfattande. Att garantera en miniminivå för samtliga utbildningar har varit vägledande för arbetet. Under Uppsala universitets forsknings- och utbildningssamarbete med University of Oxford har vi valt att angripa kvalitetsproblematiken från motsatt håll. Vi har medvetet sökt efter de mekanismer som erfordras för att kunna bedriva en internationellt erkänd och framgångsrik spetsutbildning. Den övergripande frågan har varit vad som i praktiken konstituerar den vetenskapliga optimumnormen inom historieämnet vid University of Oxford.Mer konkret syftar utbildningssamarbetet mellan Uppsala universitet och University of Oxford till att utveckla ännu mer stimulerande och utmanande undervisningsmetoder i ämnena historia, ekonomisk historia och utbildningshistoria. Samarbetet består av tre övergripande moment: (1) att genomföra Oxfordkurser vid Uppsala universitet, (2) att få till stånd ett utbytesprogram för doktorander, och (3) att arrangera årligen återkommande OXFORD—UPPSALA LECTURES AND SEMINARS. I föreliggande rapport belyses det förstnämnda momentet mer ingående, med ett särskilt fokus på utbildningens kvalitativa mervärde: Vad är egentligen ”högre” i den högre utbildningen? Målsättningen är att utveckla och explicitgöra en rad olika arbetsmetoder som alla var för sig dels underlättar och stödjer studentens lärande, dels rustar studenten med erforderliga kunskaper och färdigheter inför det kommande arbetslivet — oavsett om det är inom eller utom universitetsväsendet. Avslutningsvis ges förslag på hur befintliga grund-, master- och forskarutbildningar vid Uppsala universitet ska kunna få ett ännu tydligare analytiskt innehåll. Rapporten bygger på aktivt deltagande, käll- och litteraturstudier, kursutvärderingar samt åtskilliga intervjuer och samtal med forskare, lärare, studenter och administrativ personal i såväl Oxford som Uppsala.Vår ambition är även att föreliggande rapport ska kunna ligga till grund för en mer allmän diskussion om hur svensk högre utbildning ska kunna förbättras genom en tilltagande internationalisering.
  • Funke, Michael, 1966- (författare)
  • Advocacy Coalitions and Strategic Interests - the Policy Process of Swedish Advertising Self-Regulation 1950-1971.
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Knowledge and Policy Change. - Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. - 144384232X - 9781443842327 ; , s. 131-168
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The article suggests a combination of advocay coalition framework and strategic interest theory in analyzing  policy processes where interest groups with opposing regulatory preferences must compete or delibarate on regulation. The model is applied on an empirical case constituting the development of Swedish advertising self-regulation during the postwar era, 1950-1971.
  • Funke, Michael, 1966- (författare)
  • Business Associations and Institutional Development of Swedish Post-War Export Advertising
  • 2022
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The study highlights the importance of business associations in institutional development in a political economy. Utilizing Streeck & Schmitter’s concept of two logics of collective action, in which interest group action is explained by internal relations (logic of membership) as well as external relations (logicof influence), the paper analyzes the Swedish Advertisers’ Association role in the institutional development of Swedish export advertising during 1955-1972.Using qualitative analysis ofassociational material to trace institutional development, the paper demonstrates that thanks to the logicof membership, expressed in bottom-up member engagement, the association’s leadership together with members established new institutional resources and services for export advertising during the second half of the 1950s. Among the initiatives were educational efforts, knowledge-exchange forums, national trademarks, and registries with information of foreign ad markets.As the competitiveness of Swedish exports was of national interest, the services attracted external actors, as the government, state agenciesand other business associations. Here the logic of influence, conveyed in increasing contacts between the association’s leadership and external representatives, embedded its institutions in a wider network of stakeholders in export promotion. This process was facilitated by the post-war dominance of corporatism, which emphasized cooperation between collective actors. The contributions of the association grew in size and importance until the formation of the Swedish Export Council in 1972, that redrew the institutional landscape of export promotion by forming a more centralized form of cooperation between the government and the export business community.Keywords advertising, business association, business interest organization, corporatism, economichistory, export promotion, institutions, marketing history, post-war, Sweden
  • Lilja, Sven, 1947- (författare)
  • Danish Towns during Absolutism
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Scandia. - 0036-5483. ; 75:1
  • Recension (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Artikeln är en kort recension av en dansk antologi över städernas utveckling, och inre förhållanden i det danska riket under den tidiigmodern tiden (ca 1500-1850).
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