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Sökning: AMNE:(TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER Samhällsbyggnadsteknik Annan samhällsbyggnadsteknik)

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  • Unraveling the logics of landscape
  • 2014
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Despite conceptual oscillations through times, the concept of landscape remains highly subjective, whereupon unraveling its 'logics' opens up to a plurality of interpretations. Accordingly, by focusing on the interconnections present in the non-haphazard production of landscape, this publication elaborates on how the rural landscape is valued, monitored, changed, harbored, used and misused, be it through actions, representations or metaphors. This book covers a broad range of topics, with contributions from scholars from more than 30 countries.
  • Larsson, Stefan, et al. (författare)
  • Smart City Governance - AI Ethics in a Spatial Context : Select papers from 2021/2022
  • 2022
  • Rapport (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • This brief anthology presents the basics of the interdisciplinary course called “Smart City Governance – AI Ethics in a Spatial Context”, given at Lund University. Furthermore, it includes three papers and a task written by students from the class of 2021/2022 in order to show examples of the topics possible to analyse when combining engineering students from programmes on data, ICT and land surveying with students from the humanities or social sciences.Head of course is Stefan Larsson, Associate Professor at the Department of Technology and Society at LTH, Lund University. As a socio-legal scholar and lawyer at a faculty of engineering, he leads a group studying governance and issues of trust and transparency with autonomous and AI-driven technologies in domains ranging from the public sector to consumer markets, medicine and social robotics.Laetitia Tanqueray is a Teaching Assistant on this course, and canvas coordinator. Laetitia holds bachelors’ in English Law and French Law and a master’s in Sociology of Law. She is a project assistant at the Department of Technology and Society at LTH, Lund University, investigating questions related to socio-legal robotics.
  • Ylva, Berglund, et al. (författare)
  • Framsynt efterord
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Mellanrum. Fem års seminarier om social hållbarhet och stadsutveckling i Göteborg.
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Stolen, Reidar, et al. (författare)
  • Solcelleteknologi og brannsikkerhet
  • 2018
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Bruken av solcelleteknologi er i stor vekst i Norge. I denne studien er branntekniske utfordringer ved bruk av solcelleteknologi undersøkt, med hensyn på brannstart, brannspredning og brannslokking. Studien danner et kunnskapsgrunnlag for å ivareta brannsikkerheten under montering, drift og under slokkeinnsats, samt for å utforme et enhetlig og tydelig regelverk. Resultatene fra studien viser:Brannstart: Solcelleinstallasjoner inneholder mange koblingspunkt, som kan være potensielle tennkilder, og en liten mengde brennbare materialer. Dermed er det som trengs til stede for å starte en brann. Det er viktig at alle kontaktpunkter i solcelleinstallasjonen er robuste og tåler den påkjenningen de blir utsatt for gjennom sin levetid uten at det oppstår dårlig kontakt som kan føre til brann.Brannspredning: For utenpåmonterte solcellemoduler er det ofte en åpen luftspalte mellom modul og bygning. Dersom det er en brann i denne luftspalten, vil varmen kunne bli akkumulert, noe som kan føre til raskere og større brannspredning enn om bygningsoverflaten ikke hadde vært tildekket. I fullskalaforsøk med solcellemoduler montert på tak spredte brannen seg under hele arealet som var dekket av moduler, men stoppet da den nærmet seg kanten av dette arealet. Dette illustrerer viktigheten av at områder med solceller utenpå en bygning blir seksjonert for å unngå brannspredning. Eventuelt kan det benyttes mindre brennbare materialer på taket under solcellemodulene for å motvirke den økte varmepåkjenningen som solcellemodulene gir. Luftspalten mellom modul og bygning kan potensielt også gi endringer i luftstrømningen langs bygget, som igjen kan påvirke brannspredningen.Brannslokking: Brannvesenet har behov for informasjon om det er solcelleinstallasjon i bygget og hvilke deler av det elektriske anlegget som kan være spenningssatt. Under slokkeinnsats må brannvesenet ta hensyn til berøringsfare, og fare for at det kan oppstå lysbuer og andre feil som kan føre til nye antennelsespunkt. Ferskvann kan brukes som slokkemiddel, dette må spyles fra minimum 1 meters avstand med spredt stråle og minimum 5 meters avstand med samlet stråle. Solcellemoduler kan komplisere brannslokking ved at de danner en fysisk barriere mellom brannvesenet og brannen, samt fordi det må tas hensyn til plassering av spenningssatte komponenter. Når disse punktene er tatt høyde for, bør ikke utenpåmonterte solcelleinstallasjoner være et problem.Videre arbeid: For utenpåmonterte solcelleinstallasjoner, er det lite forskning på vertikal montering (på fasader), og hvordan en eventuell endret branndynamikk kan påvirke brannspredning og slokking. Videre er det i dag økende bruk av bygningsintegrerte solcelleinstallasjoner, noe som gir mange mulige nye utfordringer for brannsikkerheten og for regelverk, ettersom solcellen da er en del av bygningskroppen, samtidig som den er en elektrisk komponent. Tysk statistikk tyder på at brannrisiko for slike installasjoner kan være større enn for utenpåmonterte solcelleinstallasjoner, og dette vil det derfor være viktig å undersøke nærmere.
  • Linnéusson, Gary, et al. (författare)
  • In Need for Better Maintenance Cost Modelling to Support the Partnership with Manufacturing
  • 2016. - 1
  • Ingår i: Current Trends in Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety. - Cham : Springer. - 9783319235967 - 9783319235974 ; , s. 263-282
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The problem of maintenance consequential costs has to be dealt with in manufacturing and is core of this paper. The need of sustainable partnership between manufacturing and maintenance is addressed. Stuck in a best practice thinking, applying negotiation as a method based on power statements in the service level agreement, the common best possible achievable goal is put on risk. Instead, it may enforce narrow minded sub optimized thinking even though not intended so. Unfortunately, the state of origin is not straightforward business. Present maintenance cost modelling is approached, however limits to its ability to address the dynamic complexity of production flows are acknowledged. The practical problem to deal with is units put together in production flows; in which downtime in any unit may or may not result in decreased throughput depending on its set up. In this environment accounting consequential costs is a conundrum and a way forward is suggested. One major aspect in the matter is the inevitable need of shift in mind, from perspective thinking in maintenance and manufacturing respectively towards shared perspectives, nourishing an advantageous sustainable partnership.
  • Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane w Polsce. Geneza, rozwój, problemy
  • 2015
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • One of the less known problems in settlement geography is the issue of so-called degraded and restituted towns. This lack of reconnaissance, however, is perhaps less the result of the towns’ scarcity than their specificity of being ‘awarded’ or ‘deprived of’ an urban label by means of strictly socio-political actions. Degraded and restituted towns, hence, are spatial units made ‘urban’ or ‘rural’ instantaneously, irrespective of their de facto state along what is widely considered a gradual path of (de)urbanization. Instead, they become compartmentalized into two constructed spatial categories that have survived the onslaught of material transformations and philosophical repositioning through different whims of time. While ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ are conceptual binaries that certainly need to be treated with caution, their cultural salience may cause tangible consequences within national administrative systems that abide by a formalized rural-urban distinction. This issue becomes particularly important for settlements that clearly transcend any imagined rural-urban divide, i.e. those, whose material and immaterial characteristics seem counterfactual to their assigned category. It is also crucial in formal practices designed to avert such counterfactualities, but whose ran-domness of approach more creates confusion than helps straighten out a historical concoction. Both processes, nonetheless, lend ‘urbanity’ and ‘rurality’ a resonance of objectivity, justifying their use as guides for a host of developmental endeavors, despite subverting a much more intricate reality. Degraded and restituted towns are direct derivatives of this. Drawing on the above-mentioned irreconcilabilities, the aim of this book is to present and scrutinize degraded and restituted towns through the example of Poland, where these towns occupy a special niche. For one, Poland, due to its chequered and variegated history, is home to a conspicuously large number of degraded (831) and restituted (236) towns; for another, Poland’s relentlessness of formalizing ‘urbanity’ as a category of statistical, political and cultural guidance has a direct bearing on the lives of the towns’ residents. Realizing the intricacy of degraded and restituted towns in the face of commonplace ru-ral-urban ideations, the editors and the 17 contributing Authors of this book have made an effort to capture the towns’ complexity with special foci on their shrouded origins, developmental specificity and incurred problems. Owing to the involvement of researchers from different scientific disciplines and subdisciplines, the undertaken project has helped elucidate the problem from multiple perspectives: spatial, social, demographic, economic, environmental, historical, architectural, cultural, legal and philosophical. Allocated into 17 chapters, not only have the presented interpretations allowed for a first interdisciplinary synthesis on the topic, but they also helped outline some prospective directions for future research. Moreover, collecting materials of such diversity into an amalgamated whole has helped identify specific discourses that enwrap the concept of “urbanity” when seen through its oscillations within formal contexts, and to which degraded and restituted towns serve as expendable game pieces. By combining knowledge arrived at through ontologically and epistemologically different approaches, the incremental contribution of this book as a whole could be summarized in two attainments: a) extending theoretical frameworks used to study degraded and restituted towns in terms of definition, conceptualization and assessing predispositions for future de-velopment on account of their spatial, legal, socio-economic and historical charac-teristics; b) initiating an anticipated discussion on a number of important and current topics re-lated to the practices of degradation and restitution that have not received adequate attention, e.g., the urbanity-vs.-rurality paradox, the changeability of human settlement forms vs. the consequences of rigid spatial categorizations; the role of various actors in shaping the socio-economic reality under the guise of an ossified binary; or identifying spatio-conceptual conflicts as future challenges for local, regional and national policy.
  • Sundell, Jonas, 1984, et al. (författare)
  • Economic valuation of hydrogeological information when managing groundwater drawdown
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Hydrogeology Journal. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1431-2174 .- 1435-0157. ; 27:4, s. 1111-1130
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • © 2019, The Author(s). A procedure is presented for valuation of information analysis (VOIA) to determine the need for additional information when assessing the effect of several design alternatives to manage future disturbances in hydrogeological systems. When planning for groundwater extraction and drawdown in areas where risks—such as land subsidence, wells running dry and drainage of streams and wetlands—are present, the need for risk-reducing safety measures must be carefully evaluated and managed. The heterogeneity of the subsurface calls for an assessment of trade-offs between the benefits of additional information to reduce the risk of erroneous decisions and the cost of collecting this information. A method is suggested that combines existing procedures for inverse probabilistic groundwater modelling with a novel method for VOIA. The method results in (1) a prior analysis where uncertainties regarding the efficiency of safety measures are estimated, and (2) a pre-posterior analysis, where the benefits of expected uncertainty reduction deriving from additional information are compared with the costs for obtaining this information. In comparison with existing approaches for VOIA, the method can assess multiple design alternatives, use hydrogeological parameters as proxies for failure, and produce spatially distributed VOIA maps. The method is demonstrated for a case study of a planned tunnel in Stockholm, Sweden, where additional investigations produce a low number of benefits as a result of low failure rates for the studied alternatives and a cause-effect chain where the resulting failure probability is more dependent on interactions within the whole system rather than on specific features.
  • Nielsen, Stig Anton, 1981 (författare)
  • Propositional architecture and the paradox of prediction
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Archidoct Vol. 4. - 2309-0103. ; 4, s. 72-85
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • What if we could predict trends, rising phenomena and future necessity in our build environment? If we could trace behaviors and forecast the needs for the future? If we had a tool for proposing architecture, that was able to point out potentialities and suggest additions, subtractions and modifications.If Architects had a tool to predict future demands, modification of the build environment could meet the changing behaviors and emerging phenomena in society. Research on existing building stock is reviewed in a context where prediction on complex indeterminate environments is possible. And an entirely new type of architectural tool is proposed, an algorithm for prediction.The algorithm, capable of making prediction in unstructured environments, is presented, and basis and idea of the algorithm is described in detail. The discussion focus on possible applications for this new tool, and the paradox of prediction is debated. Finally, improvements to the computational system are proposed.
  • Pardalis, Georgios, 1983-, et al. (författare)
  • Swedish House Owners’ Intentions Towards Renovations : Is there a Market for One-Stop-Shop?
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Buildings. - Basel : MDPI. - 2075-5309. ; 9:7, s. 1-16
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this paper, we examine factors aecting owners’ intention for renovation of their detached houses. Furthermore, we analyze their interest in choosing a one-stop-shop (OSS) service for the renovation, even though such a concept is not yet established in Sweden, but emerging in other parts of Europe. Our study is based on responses to an online questionnaire survey of 971 house owners residing in Kronoberg Region in Sweden. About 76% of the respondents intend to renovate in the near future, with approximately 71% of them preferring to renovate individual components of their dwelling and 5% to renovate their whole house in steps. House owners of younger age, higher income, higher education, and those with an interest for environmental issues, were the ones most interested in physical renovations, which improves energy efficiency of the building. For those house owners, one-stop-shop can facilitate the decision-making process, and help them to choose those measures that will improve their quality of life. Approximately 20% of the respondents had a positive view towards an one-stop-shop, which is an indicator that market for such a service exists. Parameters such as quality of work, cost and energy savings and specification of measures to be adopted are the key for the promotion of one-stop-shop. Additionally, house owners want to have a certain level of involvement in the selection of actors performing the renovation. Moreover, financial incentives, e.g., loans, do not play a significant role for the selection of one-stop-shop, but act as complementary motive for house owners.
  • Kurdve, Martin, et al. (författare)
  • Can Social Sustainability Values be Incorporated in a Product Service System for Temporary Public Building Modules?
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Procedia CIRP. - : Elsevier. - 2212-8271. ; 64, s. 193-198
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The temporary constructions industry has cost efficiency and sustainability challenges that may require new innovative business models as well as product and processes. This paperaims to discuss how social sustainability services can be included in product service system (PSS)by investigating a case where employment is offered in distributed temporary building module manufacturing in the PSS context. The case has been evaluated against PSS literature. Recent reviews and literature on inclusion of social sustainability and PSS for buildings were used. It is concluded that the current concept fits basic definitions of PSS although it is not typical. The social value of employment is difficult to evaluate and inclusion in PSS needs further research. Design practice could be used to further develop the services in the studied concept. © 2017 The Authors.
  • Dymitrow, Mirek, et al. (författare)
  • Crossing dichotomies and breaking mental patterns: Green business development when all else fails?
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: 8th International Scientific Conference “Rural Development 2017: Bioeconomy Challenges”, 23–24 November, 2017 Kaunas, Lithuania.
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Obtaining sustainable and inclusive societal organization is not merely a simple matter of ‘doing it’ by subscribing to some winning formula. Given that conceptual frameworks always guide our thoughts, judgments and actions (Latour, 2013; Harvey, 1996; Dennett, 1993), the ways in which we relate to concepts chosen to serve as guiding forces for future development will eventually determine its outcome. As scholarly evidence continuously suggests the concepts ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ are increasingly recognized as artificial barriers for conducting sound and integrated development endeavors in a globalized reality of interconnectedness. In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to eradicate poverty, shield the planet and safeguard prosperity for all, commitment to universal access to healthy food year round has become an important agenda point. This, however, has been exacerbated by binary thinking and separate ways of doing policy. This paper aims to share experiences from a unique project launched in the northern parts of Gothenburg, Sweden’s second largest city. While the area offers ample resources and immense opportunities for areal economies, it at the same time remains one of Gothenburg’s most segregated, with high levels of unemployment, ill health and crime. The uniqueness of the project lies not only in its way of abridging the rural-urban divide, but also by consciously deferring from the debilitating rhetoric of previous ‘immigrant policies’, and instead focusing on agricultural productivity, small-scale food producers and sustainable food strategies. Such exhortations to bridge between philosophical and material polarities, however, have not come without conceptual and practical challenges, something this paper aims to subsume and open up to debate.
  • Sundell, Jonas, 1984, et al. (författare)
  • Comprehensive risk assessment of groundwater drawdown induced subsidence
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1436-3240 .- 1436-3259. ; 33:2, s. 427-449
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • © 2019, The Author(s). We present a method for risk assessment of groundwater drawdown induced land subsidence when planning for sub-surface infrastructure. Since groundwater drawdown and related subsidence can occur at large distances from the points of inflow, the large spatial extent often implies heterogeneous geological conditions that cannot be described in complete detail. This calls for estimation of uncertainties in all components of the cause-effect chain with probabilistic methods. In this study, we couple four probabilistic methods into a comprehensive model for economic risk quantification: a geostatistical soil-stratification model, an inverse calibrated groundwater model, an elasto-plastic subsidence model, and a model describing the resulting damages and costs on individual buildings and constructions. Groundwater head measurements, hydraulic tests, statistical analyses of stratification and soil properties and an inventory of buildings are inputs to the models. In the coupled method, different design alternatives for risk reduction measures are evaluated. Integration of probabilities and damage costs result in an economic risk estimate for each alternative. Compared with the risk for a reference alternative, the best prior alternative is identified as the alternative with the highest expected net benefit. The results include spatial probabilistic risk estimates for each alternative where areas with significant risk are distinguished from low-risk areas. The efficiency and usefulness of this modelling approach as a tool for communication to stakeholders, decision support for prioritization of risk reducing measures, and identification of the need for further investigations and monitoring are demonstrated with a case study of a planned railway tunnel in Varberg, Sweden.
  • Petersson, Jesper, 1974 (författare)
  • Technospatialities and telehealthcare: Unfolding new spaces of visibility
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Information, Communication & Society. - 1369-118X .- 1468-4462. ; 19:6, s. 824-842
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The umbrella term ‘telehealthcare’ denotes an array of information and communication technology-based solutions for digitally connecting citizens with healthcare services. Guided by the conviction that bodies can be translated into digital data which may serve as the basis for clinical decisions made elsewhere, these designs are widely assumed to enable a mode of healthcare delivery which is independent of space and time. Addressing the increasing use of telehealthcare for personalized health monitoring targeting the growing populations of elderly and chronic-care patients, this paper suggests that such designs invariably unfold new spaces of visibility. Based on an analysis of articles published in a leading telehealthcare journal, I argue that these new visibilities do not provide a window onto something that is already there. Instead, such visibilities are shaped by the way techno-medical practices and knowledge production processes are intertwined with a specific politico-economic agenda. The paper explores differences with respect to the positioning of older people and chronic-care patients in relation to two versions of health monitoring. While each version represents an attempt to promote individual freedom, improve health outcomes and ensure a functioning healthcare system, contrasting rationales are involved and different types of spaces are being unfolded.
  • Petersson, Jesper, 1974 (författare)
  • Blurring the shoreline: De- and re-infrastructuring and the changing colors of European flood policy
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space. - : SAGE Publications. - 2514-8494 .- 2514-8494 .- 2514-8486. ; 4:2, s. 623-644
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper provides a genealogy of the emergence of a common EU flood policy, including the scope and direction of this policy. Noticing how EU policy proposes green infrastructure (associated with using nature as a buffer zone in managing floods) as an alternative to grey infrastructure (implying fixed installations of concrete and cement), this paper adopts the theoretical lens of the so-called infrastructural turn, which advocates a relational investigation of infrastructure. By engaging this approach, the paper shows how flood infrastructure can contain very different compositions of (unruly) water and (settled) land. A narrative of a historically strong focus on guarding society from the powerful forces of nature through a fixed line of defense is increasingly giving way to more muddy states—quite literally—where society is expected to learn to live with flooding and show ecological consideration. To capture the EU’s, and especially the European Commission’s efforts to establish a pan-European flood infrastructure that accommodates this turn, the concepts of de- and re-infrastructuring are developed. These concepts act as heuristic devices to capture how policy performs some combinations between water and land as constituting an attractive and functional flood infrastructure, but constitutes other infrastructural relations of the aquatic and the terrestrial as undesirable and, hence, as malfunctioning. This performative act of distinguishing between what constitutes “good and proper” versus “bad and undesirable” infrastructure is referred to as a politics of infrastructure.
  • Rempling, Rasmus, 1976, et al. (författare)
  • Utmattning
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Betonghandbok material - Hårdnad betong, fysikaliska egenskaper och beständighet. - 9789179170882 ; , s. 485-510
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Nielsen, Stig Anton, 1981, et al. (författare)
  • Propositional Architecture using Induced Representation
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: What’s the Matter? Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation. - 9789608932067 ; , s. 297-312
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The paper describes a method and an approach to using sensor data, machine-learning and pattern recognition for proposing and guiding immediate modifications to the existing built environment. The proposed method; Induced Representation, consists of a few steps which we have identified as crucial for such an approach. The steps are A: data collection from the environment, B: machine cognition, learning, prediction, and, c: proposition, visualization, and embodied representations for quick implementation. In the paper we outline the factual and theoretical basis for this approach, and we present and discuss three experiments that each deal with the steps A, B and C.
  • Femenias, Paula, 1966, et al. (författare)
  • Från omfattande till varsam renovering
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Hållbar renovering ur ett helhetsperspektiv: En antologi från forskningsmiljön SIRen. - 9789188722652 ; , s. 47-54
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series (Volume 40)
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series (De Gruyter). - 1732-4254 .- 1732-4254. ; 40:40, s. 1-196
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This 40th anniversary issue of BGSS highlights some of the tenets of the complexity that make sustainability a ‘wicked problem’ through a number of different perspectives, many of which have to date been pushed into the background amidst an otherwise exceptionally rich geographical literature on sustainability. The editorial task included procurement, administration and scientific processing of 12 articles from 25 authors as follows: (1) Mirek Dymitrow, Keith Halfacree – “Sustainability–differently”; (2) Slobodan Arsovski, Michał Kwiatkowski, Aleksandra Lewandowska, Dimitrinka Jordanova Peshevska, Emilija Sofeska, Mirek Dymitrow – “Can urban environmental problems be overcome? The case of Skopje—world’s most polluted city”; (3) Janis Birkeland – “Challenging policy barriers in sustainable urban design”; (4) Elizabeth Dessie – “Applying resilience thinking to ‘ordinary’ cities: A theoretical inquiry”; (5) Madeleine Eriksson, Aina Tollefsen – “The production of the rural landscape and its labour: The development of supply chain capitalism in the Swedish berry industry”; (6) Stina Hansson – “The role of trust in shaping urban planning in local communities: The case of Hammarkullen, Sweden”; (7) Shelley Kotze – “The place of community values within community-based conservation: The case of Driftsands Nature Reserve, Cape Town”; (8) Davide Marino, Luigi Mastronardi, Agostino Giannelli, Vincenzo Giaccio, Giampiero Mazzocchi – “Territorialisation dynamics for Italian farms adhering to Alternative Food Networks”; (9) E. Gunilla Almered Olsson – “Urban food systems as vehicles for sustainability transitions”; (10) George Mark Onyango – “Urban public transport in informal settlements: Experiences from Kisumu City, Kenya”; (11) Christian M. Rogerson – “Informality and migrant entrepreneurs in Cape Town’s inner city”; (12) Marcin Wójcik, Karolina Dmochowska-Dudek, Pamela Jeziorska-Biel, Paulina Tobiasz-Lis – “Understanding strategies for overcoming peripherality: A Polish experience of transition”. The articles have been reviewed by a cadre of 40 reviewers from 34 academic institutions across 14 countries.
  • Belin, Matts-Åke, 1966-, et al. (författare)
  • Vision Zero : a road safety policy innovation
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1745-7319 .- 1745-7300. ; 19:2, s. 171-179
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)
  • Aguiar Borges, Luciane, 1969, et al. (författare)
  • Reviewing Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment Tools through Critical Heritage Studies
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Sustainability. - : MDPI AG. - 2071-1050. ; 12:4
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article reports on a critical review of how cultural heritage is addressed in two internationally well-known and used neighborhood assessment tools (NSAs): BREEAM Communities (BREEAM-C) and LEED Neighborhood Design (LEED-ND). The review was done through a discourse analysis in which critical heritage studies, together with a conceptual linking of heritage to sustainability, served as the point of departure. The review showed that while aspects related to heritage are present in both NSAs, heritage is re-presented as primarily being a matter of safeguarding material expressions of culture, such as buildings and other artifacts, while natural elements and immaterial-related practices are disregarded. Moreover, the NSAs institutionalize heritage as a field of formal knowledge and expert-dominated over the informal knowledge of communities.
  • Lindhe, Andreas, 1981, et al. (författare)
  • Användningen av MACRO-DB i tillståndsärenden och effekter av ny modellversion: Enkätstudie och samhällsekonomisk analys av arbetet med MACRO-DB
  • 2022
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I syfte att skydda dricksvattentäkter, dvs. yt- och grundvattenresurser, kan användningen av växtskyddsmedel regleras genom att exempelvis ställa krav på tillstånd för yrkesmässig användning inom vattenskyddsområden. Att bedöma när, hur och vilka växtskyddsmedel som kan spridas kan vara komplicerat. För att underlätta arbetet med att både ta fram och handlägga tillståndsärenden finns därför modellverktyget MACRO-DB. Verktyget har utvecklats av SLU Centrum för kemiska bekämpningsmedel i miljön (CKB) och används för att simulera bekämpningsmedelsläckage till yt- och grundvatten och bedöma om risken är acceptabelt låg eller inte. År 2018 gjordes en satsning där både Havs- och vattenmyndigheten (HaV) och CKB gjorde investeringar för att vidareutveckla MACRO-DB. Syftet med analysen som presenteras i denna rapport har varit att utvärdera om satsningen varit samhällsekonomiskt motiverad med hjälp av en kostnads-nyttoanalys (KNA). För att ta fram nödvändigt underlag och ge en bild av dagens arbete med tillståndsärenden för yrkesmässig användning av växtskyddsmedel på jordbruksmark inom vattenskyddsområden har en enkätundersökning genomförts. Enkäten skickades till samtliga svenska kommuner och syftade specifikt till att kartlägga användningen av MACRO-DB. Den genomförda enkätstudien besvarades av 58 % av Sveriges kommuner och bedöms baserat på detta och den geografiska spridningen ge en bra bild av dagens arbete med tillståndsärenden för användning av växtskyddsmedel på jordbruksmark inom vattenskyddsområden och specifikt användningen av MACRO-DB. Av de kommuner som besvarat enkäten är det 71 % som handlägger den aktuella typen av ärenden och av dessa är det 61 % som använder MACRO-DB som del av beslutsunderlaget. En majoritet av kommunerna använder såldes MACRO-DB. Bland de som inte använder MACRO-DB beror det framför allt på att man inte känner verktyget. Endast en mindre andel anser att det är inte rimligt att ställa krav på användning av MACRO-DB i den typ av ärenden de hanterar. Av de kommuner som använder MACRO-DB gör 55 % egna körningar för att kontrollera resultaten som lämnas in med tillståndsansökningarna. En stor andel (44 %) gör i stället granskningar av underlagsmaterial och antaganden. Enligt drygt hälften (53 %) av kommunerna tar dricksvattenproducenten del av uppgifter om vilka växtskyddsmedel som används inom vattenskyddsområden, i syfte att anpassa kontrollen av förekomst av växtskyddsmedelsrester i rå- och dricksvatten. Resultaten från enkäten visar också att majoriteten av kommunerna som använder MACRO-DB (93 %) anser att verktyget fungerar bra (61 %) eller mycket bra (32 %) som hjälpmedel. De förslag som lämnats på hur användningen skulle kunna förbättras innefattar bland annat behov av utbildning och annan stöttning men även behovet av mindre tidskrävande simuleringar. Att reducera simuleringstiden har varit ett av syftena med den uppdatering av MACRO-DB som gjorts och är en av de nyttor som ingår i den genomförda KNA:n. I analysen har fokus varit på följande kostnader och nyttor: (i) investeringarna som HaV och CKB gjort, (ii) tidsvinster som den nya modellversionen ger för kommuner, rådgivare och andra aktörer, (iii) möjliga effekter av en ökad livsmedelproduktion om det blir möjligt att söka tillstånd för spridning av växtskyddsmedel på odlingsmark där det idag råder förbud, och (iv) förlust av miljönyttor som en ökad spridning av växtskyddsmedel kan ge upphov till. Utifrån de antaganden som scenarierna i KNA:n bygger på bedöms nyttorna kunna överstiga kostnaderna, vilket alltså indikerar att satsningen på nya MACRO-DB kan vara samhällsekonomiskt motiverad. Skillnaden mellan nyttor och kostnader är samtidigt inte så betydande att ett annat resultat helt kan uteslutas, det vill säga att kostnaderna skulle kunna överstiga nyttorna. Scenarierna bygger på flera antaganden som är osäkra och de presenterade resultaten över samhällsekonomisk lönsamhet bör därför tolkas med viss försiktighet. Det kan dock konstateras att nyttorna till följd av tidsbesparingar är i samma storleksordning som investeringskostnaderna, vilket innebär att satsningen kan vara samhällsekonomiskt även om endast dessa aspekter beaktas. Osäkerheterna bedöms vara störst i de uppskattade nyttorna av ökad livsmedelsproduktion samt de minskade miljönyttorna. Dessa poster i KNA:n beskriver för- respektive nackdelarna som uppstår om det blir möjligt att söka tillstånd för spridning av växtskyddsmedel på odlingsmark där det idag rådet förbud. Resultaten visar att även dessa nyttor och kostnader är i samma storleksordning. Det kan därför konstateras att såväl möjligheten att bruka marken för livsmedelproduktion som skyddet av yt- och grundvattenresurser är förknippade med stora nyttor. Skyddet av yt- och grundvattenresurserna behöver därför säkerställas samtidigt som åtgärderna inte ska vara onödigt långtgående så att de ger orimliga restriktioner i markanvändningen och i detta fall effekter på livsmedelproduktionen. Verktyg och hjälpmedel som MACRO-DB är därför viktiga för att möjliggöra en rimlig avvägning när risken spridning av växtskyddsmedel kan tillåtas och när det inte är rimligt. I handläggningen av tillståndsärenden och avvägningar om det ska råda förbud eller krav på tillstånd är den inte bara spridningen av växtskyddsmedel som behöver beaktas utan även övriga förutsättningar och risker som hanteringen av växtskyddsmedel är förknippad med.
  • Isacson, Åsa, 1983, et al. (författare)
  • The use of digital layers in post-growth communities - an exploratory study
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Proceedings for the 6th International Conference on Smart Villages and Rural Development (COSVARD 2023). - 9780734057150
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The pursuit of infinite growth on a planet with finite resources is leading to a failure in achieving global sustainable transition goals. The concept of Degrowth or 'post-growth' has emerged as a counter-movement advocating for alternative approaches focused on living within resource constraints. Within this context, small-scale communities with post-growth orientations are particularly interesting, as they actively explore their own alternative development models. These communities have potential to act as decentralised laboratories for radical change, translating Degrowth/post-growth theory into actionable practices. This paper examines how the operational tools have changed for post-growth communities since 2004 (Web 2.0). Through in-depth interviews with tech-savvy representatives in this field, the study explores the potential of "new" technologies to empower post-growth communities.
  • Femenias, Paula, 1966, et al. (författare)
  • Om-renovering: Möjligheter för energieffektivisering och återskapande av kulturvärden när flerbostadshus renoveras på nytt
  • 2020
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Projektet har undersökt möjligheterna att återskapa estetiska och historiska karaktärsdrag av flerbostadshus som blivit förändrade i samband med tidigare energisparprogram samtidigt som nya energieffektiviseringar kan genomföras, en process som vi valt att kalla för om-renovering. En om-renovering skapar möjligheter för energieffektivisering men också att uppnå mål om en god bebyggd och gestaltad livsmiljö. Projektet har studerat om-renovering ur ett helhetsperspektiv vilket inkluderat energibesparingar, arkitektur och kulturvärden, genomförbarhet samt sociala värden. Studien har fokuserat på flerbostadshus uppförda före 1946 i Göteborg. Flera metoder och angreppsätt har använts i fyra delstudier. En första delstudie var en inventering av ungefär en tredjedel av flerbostadshusen uppförda före 1946 i Göteborg. Målet var att undersöka hur husen har renoverats och deras status idag, med fokus på yttre synliga ändringar. Till inventeringen lades information från energideklarationer om energiprestanda vilket gjort det möjligt att undersöka samband mellan energiprestanda och renoveringar. Inventeringen visar att det är svårt att fastställa generella samband mellan tidigare renoveringar och energiprestanda med de sammanställda data. Slutsatsen är att inventeringar på fastighets- eller byggnadsnivå är nödvändiga för att ta rätt beslut vid nya energieffektiviseringar. I en andra delstudie gjordes fallstudier av fyra fastigheter med landshövdingehus, tre som omrenoverats och en som genomgått en första större renovering. Fallstudierna beskriver motiv för återställande av träfasader och ambitioner för energibesparingar. Det finns inga krav på återställande vid bygglov. De motiv som framkommer pekar istället på ekonomiska och estetiska drivkrafter för om-renoveringar. Energieffektivisering var bara ett uttalat mål i ett fall och energibesparingarna blev lägre än vad som krävs för att uppnå våra svenska energimål. Om-renoveringarna är en kompromiss mellan vad som uppfattats som estetiskt tilltalande och vad som varit ekonomiskt eller tekniskt genomförbart. Översyn från myndighetshåll av energieffektiviseringar och kulturvärden framstår som bristfällig. En tredje delstudie har studerat de boendes syn på kulturvärden i boendemiljön i tre av de ovan nämnda fallen. Studien visar ett statistiskt samband mellan trivsel och uppskattning av kulturvärden. De boende känner till sitt hus’ historia och uppskattar den. En del boende, särskilt de som bott länge på samma ställe, har en egen relation till husets och områdets historia. För andra, här representerat av flera yngre som bor i en äldre fastighet, är äktheten inte lika viktig vid ett återskapande som atmosfären. Slutligen, i en fjärde delstudie undersöktes energi- och klimatpåverkan från om-renoveringen i en av fallstudierna. Studien pekar på att återbetalningstiden för den inbyggda energi- och klimatpåverkan är strax under 25 år och därmed kortare än livslängden för material och komponenter som använts (om renoveringen antas ha en livslängd på 50 år). En jämförelse mellan en återställd träfasad och en fasad med moderna fibercementplattor är till träfasadens fördel ur ett klimatperspektiv men inte vad gäller inbyggd energi. Rapporten avslutas med rekommendationer för konsulter, fastighetsägare och handläggare på kommuner och andra myndigheter som arbetar med frågor kring om-renovering.
  • Nybacka, Mikael, et al. (författare)
  • Project: CASTT - Centre for Automotive Systems Technologies and Testing
  • 2007
  • Annan publikation (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Through the Centre for Automotive Systems Technologies and Testing, Luleå University of Technology aims to first of all support automotive winter testing in Northern Sweden. This means to support the local automotive test entrepreneurs and through them their customers: the car manufacturers and their suppliers. To succeed in this task, the center relies on the university's areas of leading research and most importantly on the cooperation between those areas.
  • Eriksson, Per-Erik, et al. (författare)
  • Collaborative Procurement Strategies for Infrastructure Projects : A Multiple Case Study
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. - : Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). - 1751-4304 .- 1751-4312. ; 172:5, s. 197-205
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • With the announcement to tender a project, several strategic decisions are made that have significant impact on the innovation and efficiency potential of a project. The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare how different types of integrative and collaborative procurement strategies may enhance the opportunities for improved efficiency and innovation in infrastructure projects. Hence, it contributes to the scientific debate on buyer-supplier relationships in relation to project performance. Furthermore, it guides public client organizations in steering explicitly for integration and innovation in their projects. Interview-based case studies of ten public infrastructure projects procured based on four different types of collaborative procurement strategies in Sweden and the Netherlands were conducted. The findings indicate that the duration of the collaboration is fundamental in setting the limits for innovation, and that early involvement as well as long-term commitments in maintenance open up for more innovation. Naturally, the potential for increased efficiency is higher than for innovation, and also occurs in collaborations with limited duration. The findings confirm the importance of a learning perspective on procurement strategies for public client organizations and show the importance of explicit considerations on incentives and project governance issues in the front-end phase of a project.
  • Hagbert, Pernilla, 1986 (författare)
  • Den gröna byggbranschens paradox
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Att svära i kyrkan - tjugofyra röster om evig tillväxt på en ändlig planet. - 9789198146707 ; , s. 206-217
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Mangold, Mikael, 1982, et al. (författare)
  • Who benefits? Effects and perceptions of residential volumetric water billing
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: 2nd Nordic Conference on Consumer Research, 29 May-1 June, 2012, Göteborg.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • What are the effects and perceptions of increased installation of water metering and volumetric billing in residential areas in Sweden? An interview study was undertaken in a low-income suburb of Göteborg to explore residents’ experiences and opinions. Additionally, the interests of water and energy companies, social affairs committee, real estate owner and maintainer were investigated to contrast the added value of reduced water consumption. Stakeholders either benefit or are disadvantaged by the introduced system. Furthermore, the applied tariff structure fails to motivate all segments of the population to reduce water consumption, yet still inequitably burdens the most financially exposed groups.
  • Mathern, Alexandre, 1986 (författare)
  • Addressing the complexity of sustainability-driven structural design: Computational design, optimization, and decision making
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Being one of the sectors with the largest environmental burden and high socio-economic impacts sets high requirements on the construction industry. At the same time, this provides the sector with great opportunities to contribute to the globally pursued sustainability transition. To cope with the increasing need for infrastructure and, at the same time, limit their sustainability impacts, changes and innovation in the construction sector are required. The greatest possibility to limit the sustainability impact of construction works is at the early design phase of construction projects, as many of the choices influencing sustainability are made at that point. Traditionally, an early choice of a preferred design is often made based on limited knowledge and past experience, considering only a handful of options. This preferred design is then taken on to the successive stages in the stepwise design process, leading to suboptimization. Alternatively, many different design choices could be considered and evaluated in a more holistic approach in order to find the most sustainable design for a particular application. However, finding design solutions that offer the best sustainability performance and fulfil all structural, performance and buildability requirements, require methods that allow considering different design options, analysing them, and assessing their sustainability. The aim of this thesis is to explore and develop methods enabling structural engineers to take sustainability objectives into account in the design of structures. Throughout this thesis, a number of methods have been explored to take sustainability aspects into account in the structural design process. As a first step, highly parameterized computer codes for sustainability-driven design have been developed. These codes interoperate with FE analysis software to automatically model and analyse design concepts over the whole design space and verify compliance with structural design standards. The codes were complemented with a harmonized method for life cycle sustainability performance assessment, in line with the state-of-the-art standards. Here, sustainability criteria were defined covering environmental, social, economic, buildability and structural performance for multi-criteria assessment of design concepts. To identify the most sustainable designs within the set, multi-objective optimization algorithms were used. Algorithms that address the high expense of constraint function evaluations of structural design problems were developed and integrated in the parameterized computer codes for sustainability-driven design. To ensure the applicability and validity of these methods, case studies based on real-world projects and common structural engineering problems were used in this thesis. Case studies for bridges and wind turbine foundations as well as a benchmark case of a reinforced concrete beam were investigated. The case studies highlight the potential of the methods explored to support the design of more sustainable structures, as well as the applicability of the methods in structural engineering practice. It is concluded that it is possible and beneficial to combine computational design, life cycle sustainability assessment, and multi-objective design optimization as a basis for decision making in the design phase of civil engineering projects. A wide adoption of such a sustainability-driven design optimization approach in structural engineering practice can directly improve the sustainability of the construction sector.
  • Bagherbandi, Mohammad, Professor, et al. (författare)
  • Time transfer and significance of vertical land motion in relativistic geodesy applications: a review paper
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Frontiers in Earth Science. - : Frontiers. - 2296-6463. ; 11
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Determination of the Earth’s gravity field and geopotential value is one of the fundamental topics in physical geodesy. Traditional terrestrial gravity and precise leveling measurements can be used to determine the geopotential values at a local or regional scale. However, recent developments in optical atomic clocks have not only rapidly improved fundamental science but also contributed to applied research. The latest generation of optical clocks is approaching the accuracy level of 10−18 when facilitating atomic clock networks. These systems allow examining fundamental theories and many research applications, such as atomic clocks applications in relativistic geodesy, to precisely determine the Earth’s gravity field parameters (e.g., geopotential values). According to the theory of relativistic geodesy, the frequency difference measured by an optical clock network is related to the gravity potential anomaly, provided that the effects of disturbing signals (i.e., tidal and non-tidal contributions) are filtered out. The relativistic geodesy principle could be used for a practical realization of global geodetic infrastructure, most importantly, a vertical datum unification or realization of height systems. This paper aims to review the background of relativistic (clock-based) geodesy and study the variations of optical atomic clock measurements (e.g., due to hydrology loading and land motion).
  • Hörteborn, Axel, 1986 (författare)
  • Ship Behaviour and Ship Bridge Allision Analysis
  • 2021
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The demand for maritime transport has increased with the growing demand for worldwide trade. This has led to a major increase in maritime traffic and ship sizes over the last decades, which raises the probability of accidents. The methods used in maritime risk assessments today are based on old hypotheses that do not include all data available today. The main objective of this thesis is to develop numerical models and methods for the analysis of what is considered as normal navigation behaviour at sea today and improve the analysis of probability for ship-bridge allisions. The first part of the thesis describes what is considered as normal meeting distance at sea today. This information is later used while identifying failure events to ensure that the event behaviour was not caused by other ships. These few cases are excluded from the methodology since the communication and situational awareness in the situations are not known. However, while studying the probability of ship-bridge accidents, it is also important to understand how waterway restrictions may affect the probability of ship-ship collisions. Therefore, this thesis also includes a study of how the improved knowledge concerning meeting distance could be used in a near ship-ship collision identification model. One of the main findings considering normal meeting distance is that small and large ships meet each other at a similar distance at sea. In the second part of the thesis, a methodology is proposed to estimate the probability of ship-bridge allision. The presented methodology uses Automatic Identification System (AIS) data and a ship manoeuvring simulator to simulate and analyse marine traffic with regards to risks for accidents, such as ship-bridge allisions. A failure event identification method is also presented, which is needed to determine the frequency, duration and behaviour for the accident scenarios. The three events that were modelled and simulated in the simulator were: drifting ship, sharp turning ship and missing turning point. The probability of the different failure events corresponded to previous statistics confirming the AIS-based methodology. This means the methods to obtain the probability and duration of the failure events could be utilised in other areas. The simulation methodology was confirmed with the probability of grounding in the Great Belt VTS area. This thesis firstly contributes to a better understanding of the modelling of probability for ship-bridge allisions. This will support bridge-building engineers who need to take into account accidental loads from ship-bridge allision while designing bridges. Secondly, this thesis also contributes to a better representation of normal behaviour at sea, which is used both in fairway designs and in estimations of ship-ship collisions.
  • Nägeli, Claudio, 1987, et al. (författare)
  • Best practice reporting guideline for building stock energy models
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Energy and Buildings. - : Elsevier BV. - 0378-7788. ; 260
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Buildings are responsible for 38% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and, therefore, pathways to reduce their impact are crucial to achieve climate targets. Building stock energy models (BSEMs) have long been used as a tool to assess the current and future energy demand and environmental impact of building stocks. BSEMs have become more and more complex and are often tailored to case-specific datasets, which results in a high degree of heterogeneity among models. This heterogeneity, together with a lack of consistency in the reporting hinders the understanding of these models and, thereby, an accurate interpretation and comparison of results. In this paper we present a reporting guideline in order to improve reporting practices of BSEMs. The guideline was developed by experts as part of the IEA's Annex 70 and builds upon reporting guidelines from other fields. It consists of five topics (Overview, Model Components, Input and Output, Quality Assurance and Additional Information), which are further subdivided into subtopics. We explain which model aspects should be described in each subtopic, and provide illustrative examples on how to apply the guideline. The reporting guideline is consistent with the model classification framework and online model registry also developed in the Annex.
  • Kordi, Maryam, 1979-, et al. (författare)
  • Effects of increasing fuzziness on analytic hierarchy process for spatial multicriteria decision analysis
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. - : Elsevier. - 0198-9715 .- 1873-7587. ; 36:1, s. 43-53
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) involves techniques which relatively recently have received great increase in interest for their capabilities of solving spatial decision problems. One of the most frequently used techniques of MCDA is Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). In the AHP, decision-makers make pairwise comparisons between different criteria to obtain values of their relative importance. The AHP initially only dealt with crisp numbers or exact values in the pairwise comparisons, but later it has been modified and adapted to also consider fuzzy values. It is necessary to empirically validate the ability of the fuzzified AHP for solving spatial problems. Further, the effects of different levels of fuzzification on the method have to be studied. In the context of a hypothetical GIS-based decision-making problem of locating a dam in Costa Rica using real-world data, this paper illustrates and compares the effects of increasing levels of uncertainty exemplified through different levels of fuzzification of the AHP. Practical comparison of the methods in this work, in accordance with the theoretical research, revealed that by increasing the level of uncertainty or fuzziness in the fuzzy AHP, differences between results of the conventional and fuzzy AHPs become more significant. These differences in the results of the methods may affect the final decisions in decision-making processes. This study concludes that the AHP is sensitive to the level of fuzzification and decision-makers should be aware of this sensitivity while using the fuzzy AHP. Furthermore, the methodology described may serve as a guideline on how to perform a sensitivity analysis in spatial MCDA. Depending on the character of criteria weights, i.e. the degree of fuzzification, and its impact on the results of a selected decision rule (e.g. AHP), the results from a fuzzy analysis may be used to produce sensitivity estimates for crisp AHP MCDA methods.
  • Normark, Carl Jörgen, PhD, et al. (författare)
  • Guidelines for a mobile tool to address human factors issues in aircraft maintenance
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics. - : InderScience Publishers. - 2045-7804 .- 2045-7812. ; 6:3, s. 208-226
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Highly specialised personnel are dependent on others and diverse systems to perform error-free aircraft maintenance. Research has shown that the maintenance process can be improved to reduce errors and increase usability by using a mobile tool. The goal of this project was to draw on theories of user-centred design to explore what human factors issues for maintenance personnel can be addressed by a mobile tool to make the most out of maintenance planning, execution, and follow-up. Military aircraft maintenance personnel at an air force unit were interviewed and observed. The following six problem areas that could be improved by the use of a mobile tool were identified: several information sources must constantly be consulted; information is constantly transferred between different locations and media types; technical documentation can be inconsistent and hard to access; there are strict hierarchies and certifications of personnel; the means of recording and transferring communicative information are insufficient; and there can be a long lag time for updates, error reporting and feedback of actions. A correctly designed mobile tool could solve these problems by combining all the information sources and recording relevant maintenance information.
  • Ribeiro, Luis, et al. (författare)
  • Industrial Agents for the Fast Deployment of Evolvable Assembly Systems
  • 2015. - 1st ed.
  • Ingår i: Industrial Agents. - Amsterdam, Netherlands : Elsevier. - 9780128003411 ; , s. 301-321, s. 301-322
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The current manufacturing scenario is characterized by high market unpredictability. Agility is therefore a central challenge for modern companies that need to understand and be proactive towards their product offer in respect to “what is offered, when it is offered, where, how and by whom” (Brown & Bessant 2003).The “what” and the “when” are particularly relevant to the research in emerging paradigms as they account for variety, customization and volume; and timing, speed and seasonality (Brown & Bessant 2003).In this scenario, several design approaches and models have been proposed in the last decade to enable re-configurability and subsequently enhance the companies’ ability to adjust their offer in nature and time.From a paradigmatic point of view research has concentrated on the organizational structure of the shop-floor and the associated controls aspects. Concepts like Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS) (Koren & Shpitalni 2010) and Fractal Factories (FF) (Montreuil 1999) support the physical construction of production systems by regulating their layout and making a few assumptions on their logical organization. On the other hand, concepts like Bionic Manufacturing Systems (BMS)(Ueda 1992), Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMS)(Van Brussel et al. 1998), Evolvable Assembly Systems (Ribeiro et al. 2010) essentially provide the theoretical guidelines for the logical/computational organization of the system (see (Tharumarajah 1996) for a comparison between BMS, HMS and FF and (Setchi & Lagos 2004) for the rationale supporting the shift from Dedicated Lines to Flexible Manufacturing System and finally RMS).While these paradigms provide the conceptual framework and the main design guidelines their actual interpretation and implementation has led to a wider set of architectures (Monostori, Váncza & Kumara 2006; Leitão 2009; Parunak 2000; Pěchouček & Mařík 2008).These architectures align the high-level principles with the technological offer and limitations while seeking to address the re-configurability requirements of (Mehrabi, Ulsoy & Koren 2000; Rösiö & Säfsten 2013):module mobility – modules are easy and quick to move and install;“diagnosability” – it is quick to identify the sources of quality and reliability problems;“integrability” – modules are easy to integrate into the rest of the system.“convertibility” – it is easy and quick to switch between existing products and it is easy to adapt the system to future products;scalability – it is easy to enlarge and downsize the production system;“automatibility” – a dynamic level of automation is enabled;modularity – all system elements are designed to be modular;customization – the capability and flexibility of the production system is designed according to the products to be produced in the system.Instant deployment, as addressed in the present chapter directly addresses mobility, “integrability”, “convertibility”, scalability and customization. Mechatronic modularity is a prerequisite and is enforced by the proposed architecture and the considered modular design. “Diagnosability” was not specifically tackled.In this context, the chapter analyses the agent-based architecture related with the Instantly Deployable Evolvable Assembly System (IDEAS) project that is inspired by the Evolvable Assembly System (EAS) paradigm (Ribeiro et al. 2010) as a mechanism to enable fast deployment of mechatronic modules. EAS advocates the use of process-oriented modules and envisions the production system as a collection of processes and the associated interacting agents.The architecture and the related test cases are used to draw the main lessons learned in respect to technological and conceptual implications.In this context, the remainder of this text is organized as follows: section 1.1 discusses the main deployment challenges, section 1.2 details the reference architecture and associated concepts, section 1.3 presents the principal implementation decisions, section 1.4 features the main lessons learned, sections 1.5 discusses the benefits of the proposed approach and finally section 1.6 reflects on the main conclusions.
  • Adam, Abderisak, 1988, et al. (författare)
  • How task heterogeneity and frequency relates to knowledge codification: Evaluating the Shared Construction Guidelines (SCG) of 24 Swedish Public Client Organizations
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: 9th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization. ; , s. 1-9
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Over a sustained period of time, organizational theorists have argued that public sector organizationsare more inefficient than their private counterparts. Recent studies have explained these inefficienciesas the result of having to do with capabilities rather than resources thereby calling for an improvementof the capabilities of public organizations. A key mechanism for achieving such improvements is thearticulation and codification of knowledge. This study examines an attempt at codifying knowledge inthe form of a set of shared construction guidelines (SCG) employed by 24 large public clientorganizations in the Municipality of Gothenburg, Sweden. Specifically, these guidelines are viewedwith respect to the framework of Zollo and Winter (2002) in terms of how organizations with high taskheterogeneity and low task frequency can more effectively develop dynamic capabilities through thedeliberate learning mechanism of knowledge codification. Preliminary results indicate that taskfrequency and organizational size are stronger indicators than heterogeneity in deciding whether apublic client organization utilizes knowledge codification systems such as the SCG.
  • Adam, Abderisak, 1988 (författare)
  • Managing construction challenges: Viability of a dynamic capabilities approach for the public client
  • 2016
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Construction clients in the public sector face a large number of challenges in designing, procuring and managing construction projects in a manner that is conducive to the organization’s overall goals. In particular, clients have faced challenges in delivering projects that satisfied the projects’ goals with respect to cost overruns, delays and sustainable construction. The role of the client in managing these challenges has more recently been emphasized with a growing number of studies and governmental reports calling for the development of the client’s capabilities.This thesis examines the capabilities of the construction client through a dynamic capabilities framework, particularly with respect to the activities of sensing, seizing and transforming. Furthermore, the thesis explores whether the concept of dynamic capabilities is a viable approach for understanding how to manage the clients’ capabilities in a way that ensures that construction-related challenges are addressed. The thesis is based primarily on a case study of a large public construction client located in Sweden.Findings are presented in three appended papers. The thesis concludes with a discussion on the viability of using a dynamic capabilities framework in the specific case described in this thesis. It is argued that the concept of dynamic capabilities is inadequate for capturing the specific context in which public client organizations operate. Suggestions for alternative approaches to understanding the management and development of capabilities are then discussed.
  • Atashipour, Seyed Rasoul, et al. (författare)
  • On the Shear Buckling of Clamped Narrow Rectangular Orthotropic Plates
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Mathematical problems in engineering (Print). - : Hindawi Limited. - 1024-123X .- 1563-5147. ; 2015
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper deals with stability analysis of clamped rectangular orthotropic thin plates subjected to uniformly distributed shear load around the edges. Due to the nature of this problem, it is impossible to present mathematically exact analytical solution for the governing differential equations. Consequently, all existing studies in the literature have been performed by means of different numerical approaches. Here, a closed-form approach is presented for simple and fast prediction of the critical buckling load of clamped narrow rectangular orthotropic thin plates. Next, a practical modification factor is proposed to extend the validity of the obtained results for a wide range of plate aspect ratios. To demonstrate the efficiency and reliability of the proposed closed-form formulas, an accurate computational code is developed based on the classical plate theory (CPT) by means of differential quadrature method (DQM) for comparison purposes. Moreover, several finite element (FE) simulations are performed via ANSYS software. It is shown that simplicity, high accuracy, and rapid prediction of the critical load for different values of the plate aspect ratio and for a wide range of effective geometric and mechanical parameters are the main advantages of the proposed closed-form formulas over other existing studies in the literature for the same problem.
  • Fall, David, 1983, et al. (författare)
  • Formbarare betong med ny armering
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Betong. - 1101-9190. ; :5, s. 46-48
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Henje, Catharina, 1960-, et al. (författare)
  • Obstacles and risks in the traffic environment for users of powered wheelchairs in Sweden
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Accident Analysis and Prevention. - : Elsevier. - 0001-4575 .- 1879-2057. ; 159
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Objective: According to the European Union, fatal road accidents involving Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) are equal in proportion to fatal car road accidents (46%). VRUs include individuals with mobility challenges such as the elderly and Powered Wheelchair (PWC) users. The aim of this interdisciplinary qualitative study was to identify obstacles and risks for PWC users by exploring their behaviour and experiences in traffic environments.Methods: Videos and in-depth interviews with 13 PWC users aged 20–66 were analysed for this study. The interviews and videos, which include real-life outdoor observations, originate from a qualitative study exploring experiences of PWC use on a daily basis in Sweden. Underlying causal factors to identified risks and obstacles were identified, based on human, vehicle (PWC) and environmental factors in accordance with the Haddon Matrix.Results: The results show significant potential for improvement within all three perspectives of the Haddon Matrix used in the analysis. Participants faced and dealt with various obstacles and risks in order to reach their destination. For example, this includes uneven surfaces, differences in ground levels, steep slopes, as well as interactions with other road users and the influence of weather conditions, resulting in PWC users constantly accommodating and coping with the shortcomings of the vehicle and the environment.Conclusions: There are still major challenges with regard to preventing obstacles and risks in the traffic environment for PWC users. To discern PWC users in traffic accident and injury data bases, a start would be to register type of aid used for persons involved in an accident. Furthermore, to emphasise PWC users’ role as VRUs, it may also be advantageous to describe them as drivers rather than users when navigating the traffic environment. Given the limited sample, further research covering more data from a broader perspective would be beneficial. By incorporating emerging knowledge of PWC users’ prerequisites and needs, and including them in research and traffic planning, the society will grow safer and more inclusive, and become better prepared for meeting future demands on accessibility from an aging population.
  • Vinas, Victor, 1988, et al. (författare)
  • Cross-connections in drinking water distribution networks: Quantitative microbial risk assessment in combination with fault tree analysis and hydraulic modelling
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Science of the Total Environment. - : Elsevier BV. - 0048-9697 .- 1879-1026. ; 831
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Deficiencies in drinking water distribution networks, such as cross-connections, may lead to contamination of the drinking water and pose a serious health risk to consumers. Cross-connections and backflows are considered among the most severe public health risks in distribution networks. The aim of this paper was to provide a framework for estimating the risk of infection from cross-connection and backflow events. Campylobacter, norovirus, and Cryptosporidium were chosen as reference pathogens for this study. The theoretical framework was constructed based on the fault tree analysis methodology. National aggregated cross-connection incident data was used to calculate the probability of a contamination event occurring in Swedish networks. Three risk cases were evaluated: endemic, elevated, and extreme. Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) was used to assess daily risk of infection for average national estimates. The framework was also evaluated using local data from the Gothenburg network. The daily risk of infection from cross-connection and backflow events in Swedish networks was generally above an acceptable target level of 10−6 for all reference pathogens and modelled cases; the exception was for the Gothenburg system where the risk was lower than 10−7. An outbreak case study was used to validate the framework results. For the outbreak case study, contaminant transport in the network was simulated using hydraulic modelling (EPANET), and risk estimates were calculated using QMRA. The outbreak simulation predicted between 97 and 148 symptomatic infections, while the epidemiological survey conducted during the outbreak reported 179 cases of illness. The fault tree analysis framework was successfully validated using an outbreak case study, though it was shown on the example of Gothenburg that local data is still needed for well-performing systems. The framework can help inform microbial risk assessments for drinking water suppliers, especially ones with limited resources and expertise in this area.
  • Almered Olsson, Gunilla, 1951, et al. (författare)
  • Agenda 2030. För oss och kommande generationers skull.
  • 2022
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Skriften ger en kortfattad genomgång av de 17 globala hållbarhetsmålen med målet att uppnå en socialt, miljömässigt och ekonomiskt hållbar värld till år 2030. Åtgärder på nationell och regional nivå beskrivs kortfattat. Varje mål illustreras med verksamheter på lokal nivå. Skriftens huvudsyfte är att belysa den lokala nivån och peka på civilsamhällets stora roll i hållbarhetsarbetet.
  • Brauer, Rene, et al. (författare)
  • The impact of tourism research
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Annals of Tourism Research. - : Elsevier BV. - 0160-7383 .- 1873-7722. ; 77, s. 64-78
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The exceedingly competitive climate of academia has increased the emphasis on performance-based research funding. In this paper we evaluate the UK's government assessment of research impact and critically comment upon the implications for future research conduct. The key findings are as follows; firstly we provide a summary of UK tourism research impact. Secondly, we demonstrate the effect of the resulting significance gap, and comment upon the consequences of the Research Excellence Frameworks' (REF) research impact assessment in terms of a research culture change. Lastly, we proposition that the current assessment structure can have negative long-term consequences in that key issues facing tourism fall outside 'good' research impact.
  • Desivyana, Nindya, 1997, et al. (författare)
  • Challenges in the adoption of sustainable criteria in the Swedish property development industry
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Procedia Computer Science. - : Elsevier BV. - 1877-0509. ; 219, s. 1752-1759
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The construction industry is facing an increased focus on sustainability and climate neutrality, causing property developers to implement new requirements into the procurement documents, which are also driven by the national agenda. This study explores the current state of sustainability practice among Swedish property developers and identifies the main obstacles to expand further the implementation of the sustainability criteria. How the property developers define and implement sustainability requirements has been assessed through qualitative semi-structured interviews, focusing on sustainability certification systems, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and social sustainability. The results show usage of sustainability certification systems for marketing purposes and high awareness and practice of LCA, even though the accuracy of LCA was questioned. This study also identified guideline gaps for circular economy and social sustainability measurements, which could relate to low initiatives from the certification systems.
  • van Eldert, Jeroen, 1987-, et al. (författare)
  • Application of Measurement While Drilling Technology to Predict Rock Mass Quality and Rock Support for Tunnelling
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. - : Springer. - 0723-2632 .- 1434-453X. ; 53:3, s. 1349-1358
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A tunnelling project is normally initiated with a site investigation to determine the in situ rock mass conditions and to generate the basis for the tunnel design and rock support. However, since site investigations often are based on limited information (surface mapping, geophysical profiles, few bore holes, etc.), the estimation of the rock mass conditions may contain inaccuracies, resulting in underestimating the required rock support. The study hypothesised that these inaccuracies could be reduced using Measurement While Drilling (MWD) technology to assist in the decision-making process. A case study of two tunnels in the Stockholm bypass found the rock mass quality was severely overestimated by the site investigation; more than 45% of the investigated sections had a lower rock mass quality than expected. MWD data were recorded in 25 m grout holes and 6 m blast holes. The MWD data were normalised so that the long grout holes with larger hole diameters and the shorter blast holes with smaller hole diameters gave similar results. With normalised MWD data, it was possible to mimic the tunnel contour mapping; results showed good correlation with mapped Q-value and installed rock support. MWD technology can improve the accuracy of forecasting the rock mass ahead of the face. It can bridge the information gap between the early, somewhat uncertain geotechnical site investigation and the geological mapping done after excavation to optimise rock support.
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