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Sökning: WAKA:lic

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  • Aaboen, Lise, 1978 (författare)
  • Incubators and new technology-based firms - A resource-based view of development
  • 2006
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • New technology-based firms (NTBFs) are based upon the exploitation of a new technology. This often means that there are few other than the founder who understands the technology, and in addition the firm often aims at serving a market in a new way or operating on a presently non-existent one. Therefore, it can be hard to determine the future potential of NTBFs, and this causes growth constraints on the firm. However, the NTBFs that do survive contribute to industrial and regional growth on a long-term perspective through, for example, knowledge spillovers as well as finding and developing product concepts. The incubator on the other hand can be seen as a provider or mediator accelerating the development of promising NTBFs. As a provider the incubator mobilizes resources and adjusts them to the needs of the particular NTBF. The mediator role can instead be seen when the incubator connects the NTBF to members of the incubators external network.The basis of the resource-based view is that a competitive advantage comes from the heterogeneity in terms of resources between firms. Imitability of valuable resources makes the competitive advantage sustainable. The newness of the NTBFs implies that they are in the process of trying to obtain or develop their resources. These resources include capabilities that determine how well the organization is able to perform a certain task. Furthermore, resources like funding, patenting, human resources and intangible resources are needed. Similarly, the incubator benefits from knowledge workers, funding and continuous improvements of the knowledge base in order to serve the NTBFs and maintain fruitful external relations. Consequently, this thesis has the purpose of exploring how the obtaining of resources link incubators and NTBFs. This exploration includes three papers in which the first two are devoted to the incubator, and the NTBFs respectively, in order to understand the resource needs of these two types of organizations. However, the third paper focuses on the links between the incubator and the NTBF in terms of providing links to external actors. Further, the exploration includes empirical findings from both qualitative and quantitative data that have been gathered within the Swedish incubator program during 1999 and 2005. The concluding discussion suggests that the human and knowledge resources of the incubator increase the external resources and the capabilities of the NTBFs. A successful NTBF in turn improves the human and knowledge resources of the incubator through knowledge sharing and an increased reputation. An increased survival rate of NTBFs will also positively affect the public funding of the incubator. It is in this way that a positive spiral is created where the resources of the incubator accumulate as more and more successful NTBFs are generated. Failing NTBFs will, on the other hand, also make it more difficult for the incubator to obtain and maintain resources. Seeing the connections between incubators and NTBFs in this way further emphasizes the element of path dependency in the development of these organizations. Subsequently, there is also a long-term aspect of the expected results on regions and industries from public investments made in them.
  • Aagerup, Ulf, 1969- (författare)
  • The Impact of User Weight on Brands and Business Practices in Mass Market Fashion
  • 2010
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Overweight people claim to be mistreated by the fashion industry. If they were, it would be in line with branding theory supporting the idea of rejecting fat consumers to improve user imagery for fashion brands. However, fashion companies do not confess to such practices.To shed some light on the subject, I have conducted two studies.The first attempts to illustrate what effect, if any, user imagery has on fashion brands. It is an experiment designed to show how the weight of users affects consumers’ perceptions of mass market fashion brands. The findings show that consumers’ impressions of mass market fashion brands are significantly affected by the weight of its users. The effect of male user imagery is ambiguous. For women’s fashion on the other hand, slender users are to be preferred.In the second study I examine what effects these effects have on assortments. I compare the sizes of mass market clothes to the body sizes of the population. No evidence of discrimination of overweight or obese consumers was found -quite the contrary.The reasons for these unexpected findings may be explained by the requirements a brand must fulfil to make management of the customer base for user imagery purposes viable. The brand must be sensitive to user imagery; a requirement that mass market fashion fulfils. However, it must also be feasible for a company to exclude customers, and while garment sizes can be restricted to achieve this, the high volume sales strategy of mass market fashion apparently cannot.
  • Aalipour, Mojgan (författare)
  • Human Factors Approach for Maintenance Improvement
  • 2015
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The purpose of this research work is to explore and describe human factors affectingmaintenance execution. To achieve the purpose of this study, the influencing factors have been identified using a literature survey. They have been categorized into four main groups namely organizational, workplace, job and individual factors. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is employed on data questionnaires to rank the priority of the factors. The interrelationships between these factors have been recognized by theInterpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) model. In the present case studies, MICMAC1analysis technique is also implemented for identifying the driving, dependent, linkage and autonomous factors. The data was collected through a questionnaire survey involving the participation of 16 and 25 maintenance staff and 10 mining experts in Swedish and Iranian mines, respectively. Within the study, it has been identified that the temperature, work layout, tools design and tools availability are the most important factors in both mines related to these categories. However, the significant factors in the organizational and individual categories are different in the selected mines. The effect of workplace factors on the maintainability of mining equipment is discussed and thereafter a methodology for maintainability management in the design and operation phases is developed. In the thirdcase study HEART2 is applied to estimate the probability of human error occurring duringmaintenance execution in an Iranian cable company. This research supports maintenance management to gain knowledge of human factors that affect maintenance execution. Further, this understanding could be useful in the development of strategies to improve the execution of maintenance.Keywords: Human Factors, Maintenance Management, Human Reliability, HumanPerformance, AHP, ISM, MICMAC, HEART
  • Aalto, Aino-Maija (författare)
  • The (in)effectiveness of financial incentive on fertility behaviour : Childcare –a safety net for children?
  • 2017
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Is childcare a safety net for vulnerable children? This paper investigates the role of childcare for the health outcomes of children whose parents are unemployed. Exploiting time variation in childcare access resulting from a reform requiring Swedish municipalities to provide childcare also for children with unemployed parents, we estimate causal effects on health, as measured by register data on hospitalizations. We find that access to childcare reduced hospitalizations for infections among toddlers, especially among boys. Among children in preschool age access to childcare caused a temporary increase in hospitalization for infections the year they got access to childcare.
  • Aarno, Daniel, 1979- (författare)
  • Intention recognition in human machine collaborative systems
  • 2007
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Robotsystem har använts flitigt under de senaste årtiondena för att skapa automationslösningar i ett flertal områden. De flesta nuvarande automationslösningarna är begränsade av att uppgifterna de kan lösa måste vara repetitiva och förutsägbara. En av anledningarna till detta är att dagens robotsystem saknar förmåga att förstå och resonera om omvärlden. På grund av detta har forskare inom robotik och artificiell intelligens försökt att skapa intelligentare maskiner. Trots att stora framsteg har gjorts då det gäller att skapa robotar som kan fungera och interagera i en mänsklig miljö så finns det för nuvarande inget system som kommer i närheten av den mänskliga förmågan att resonera om omvärlden. För att förenkla problemet har vissa forskare föreslagit en alternativ lösning till helt självständiga robotar som verkar i mänskliga miljöer. Alternativet är att kombinera människors och maskiners förmågor. Exempelvis så kan en person verka på en avlägsen plats, som kanske inte är tillgänglig för personen i fråga på grund av olika orsaker, genom att använda fjärrstyrning. Vid fjärrstyrning skickar operatören kommandon till en robot som verkar som en förlängning av operatörens egen kropp. Segmentering och identifiering av rörelser skapade av en operatör kan användas för att tillhandahålla korrekt assistans vid fjärrstyrning eller samarbete mellan människa och maskin. Assistansen sker ofta inom ramen för virtuella fixturer där eftergivenheten hos fixturen kan justeras under exekveringen för att tillhandahålla ökad prestanda i form av ökad precision och minskad tid för att utföra uppgiften. Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på två aspekter av samarbete mellan människa och maskin. Klassificering av en operatörs rörelser till ett på förhand specificerat tillstånd under en manipuleringsuppgift och assistans under manipuleringsuppgiften baserat på virtuella fixturer. Den specifika tillämpningen som behandlas är manipuleringsuppgifter där en mänsklig operatör styr en robotmanipulator i ett fjärrstyrt eller samarbetande system. En metod för att följa förloppet av en uppgift medan den utförs genom att använda virtuella fixturer presenteras. Istället för att följa en på förhand specificerad plan så har operatören möjlighet att undvika oväntade hinder och avvika från modellen. För att möjliggöra detta estimeras kontinuerligt sannolikheten att operatören följer en viss trajektorie (deluppgift). Estimatet används sedan för att justera eftergivenheten hos den virtuella fixturen så att ett beslut om hur rörelsen ska fixeras kan tas medan uppgiften utförs. En flerlagers dold Markovmodell (eng. layered hidden Markov model) används för att modellera mänskliga färdigheter. En gestemklassificerare som klassificerar en operatörs rörelser till olika grundläggande handlingsprimitiver, eller gestemer, evalueras. Gestemklassificerarna används sedan i en flerlagers dold Markovmodell för att modellera en simulerad fjärrstyrd manipuleringsuppgift. Klassificeringsprestandan utvärderas med avseende på brus, antalet gestemer, typen på den dolda Markovmodellen och antalet tillgängliga träningssekvenser. Den flerlagers dolda Markovmodellen tillämpas sedan på data från en trajektorieföljningsuppgift i 2D och 3D med en robotmanipulator för att ge både kvalitativa och kvantitativa resultat. Resultaten tyder på att den flerlagers dolda Markovmodellen är väl lämpad för att modellera trajektorieföljningsuppgifter och att den flerlagers dolda Markovmodellen är robust med avseende på felklassificeringar i de underliggande gestemklassificerarna.
  • Aas, Gro Hanne (författare)
  • Kvinneforskningspolitiske (pr)øvelser
  • 1999
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Målsettingen for licentiatuppsatsen er å analysere nordisk kvinneforsknings formuleringer av forskningspolitiske felter, problemstillinger og utfordringer, og gjennom kontakt og diskusjon bidra til samarbeid, diskusjoner og offentlighet om forskingspolitikk i kvinneforskning. Arbeidet har tatt utgangspunkt i relativt nytt materiale fra Danmark, Norge og Sverige. I kap. 1 presenteres prosjektet, problemstillinger og materiale. Kapitlene 2-6 består av innledninger og artikler holdt eller skrevet i løpet av de to senaste åren. Diskusjoner om kjønn og akademia står i fokus i kap. 2 - "Universities have politics". I kap. 3, artikkelen "Gamle og nye drømmer", diskuteres et kvinneforskningspolitiske intervensjonsprosjekt som blev utført for en del år tilbake, og det antydes noen nye omdreiningspunkter for et slikt arbeid. Enkelte perspektiver utdypes i kap. 4, "Kvinneforskningens samfunnskontrakt", hvor termen "kvinneperspektiv" som forskningspolitisk term granskas krtitiskt. De to siste kapitlene tar utgangspunkt i den norske forskningsmeldingen som kom våren 1999. Ut fra tre lesestrategier forsøkes det leses muligheter for kvinneforskningspolitiske strategier. Det ses også på innholdet i regjeringens forskningspolitiske verdidebatt, og det diskuteres mulige intervensjoner i denne ut fra feministiske vitenskaps- og teknologistudier.
  • Abadikhah, Hossein, 1987 (författare)
  • Dynamic higher order equations for structural elements
  • 2014
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The subject of this thesis is to derive and evaluate governing equations and corresponding boundary conditions for solid isotropic cylinders and isotropic micropolar rectangular plates. This is achieved by a systematic power series expansion approach, by either adopting a generalized Hamilton's principle or a direct approach.For the solid cylinders a power series expansion in the radial coordinate is adopted. Equations of motion together with consistent sets of end boundary conditions are derived in a systematic fashion up to arbitrary order using a generalized Hamilton's principle. Governing equations are obtained for longitudinal, torsional, and flexural modes. In the case of the isotropic micropolar plate a power series expansion of the displacements and micro-rotations are adopted in the thickness coordinate. Governing equations of motion, for extensional and flexural case, together with consistent sets of edge boundary conditions are derived in a systematic fashion up to arbitrary order with use of the direct approach.Both the governing equations for the solid cylinder and the micropolar plate are asymptotically correct to all studied orders. Numerical examples are presented for different sorts of problems, using exact theory, the present series expansion theories of different order, various classical theories and other newly developed approximate theories. These results cover dispersion curves, eigenfrequencies, various curves of cross sectional quantities such as displacements, stresses and micro-rotations, as well as fixed frequency motion due to prescribed end displacement or lateral distributed forces. The results illustrate that the present approach may render benchmark solutions provided higher order truncations are used, and act as engineering equations using low order truncation.
  • Abadikhah, Marie, 1992 (författare)
  • Influence of electrode material and stochastic factors on the performance and microbial community assembly in microbial electrochemical systems
  • 2022
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) are systems with microbial communities in the form of biofilms on electrode surfaces. The electrogenic bacteria in the anode biofilm act as catalysts for the oxidization of organic compounds, leading to release of electrons, generation of electrical current, and production of hydrogen and methane at the cathode. In addition to production of energy carriers, MECs can be used for other applications as well; for example, as biosensors to monitor biochemical oxygen demand or toxicity. The performance of MECs is determined by both deterministic and stochastic factors influencing the microbial communities on the electrode surfaces, most of which as still poorly understood. In this thesis, the effects of electrode materials on microbial community assembly and MEC performance was investigated. Two experiments were carried out. In the first, three cathode materials (carbon nanoparticles, titanium, and steel) were compared. In the second, three anode materials (carbon cloth, graphene, and nickel) were compared. The cathode materials had no significant effect on the performance of the MECs, as opposed to the anode materials where carbon cloth MECs had the highest current density and the shortest lag time during startup. The differences seen in lag time of replicate systems at the start of the experiment indicated a stochastic initial attachment of the electrogenic bacteria on the anode. Different microbial communities develop in the biofilms on the anodes and cathodes. Electrogens from the Desulfobacterota phylum dominated the anode, while various hydrogenotrophic methanogens, e.g., Methanobacterium, were found to dominate on the cathodes. Diversity and null model analysis of the electrode communities highlighted stochasticity and not electrode material as the important factor in the community assembly. Network analysis showed that the cathode communities had fewer negative interactions between taxa in comparison to the anode. Since hydrogen gas generated at the cathode surface can diffuse through the biofilm, all microorganisms on the cathode have access to the substrate, reducing the need for competition between species. In contrast, electrogens require a short distance to the anode to be able to use it as electron acceptor. Limited space on the anode and competition between electrogens shaped the anode communities and explain the higher number of negative interactions observed. Based on the findings in this thesis, it is suggested that stochastic factors have more influence than electrode material on the anode community even though there is a selective pressure for electrogenic bacteria.
  • Abadzhiev, Andrey, 1980- (författare)
  • Wood We Change? : Business Model Innovation Towards Sustainability Transitions: Studying the Wood Construction Industry
  • 2021
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Innovations based on sustainable technologies have been widely considered as a remedy for addressing societal and environmental problems in many industries. However, the large-scale adoption of such innovations goes beyond technology and requires organizing the business in a way that drive industrial transformations across actors and system layers, such as market structures, institutional frames, consumer behavior, and business values. The aim of this dissertation is to understand how industrial firms organize for system change towards sustainability. The study is a compilation of two papers within the same research context: the development of sustainable technology in the construction industry. The overlapping unit of analysis for both papers is business model innovation. Paper I examines how industry firms combine and complement business models with different innovation types to accelerate sustainable technology. Paper II identifies how a change in the business model and value creation logic that occur on a firm level accelerate sustainable technology and shape the socio-technical system. Together, both papers help paint a more complete picture of the business model role in transitions towards sustainability. The theoretical frame of this dissertation spans several domains: business model, innovation management, and sustainability transitions. Building on a multi-disciplinary premise, the study takes into account the organizational and the systemic parts of the change process by linking the company perspective (business models) to the wider governance of sustainability transitions. The findings underline the importance of business models that combine production efficiency with higher customer engagement and more collective value creation for driving larger-scale transitions toward sustainability. Moreover, business models in combination with different innovation types, such as product, process and positioning, act together and complement each other to achieve high sustainability and business outcomes. 
  • Abaravicius, Juozas (författare)
  • Load Management in Residential Buildings: Considering Techno-Economical and Environmental Aspects
  • 2004
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Load problems in electricity markets occur both on the supply and demand side and can have technical, economic and even political causes. Commonly, such problems have been solved by expanding production and/or distribution capacity, importing electricity or by load management. Load management is a techno-economic measure for harmonizing the relations between supply and demand sides, optimizing power generation and transmission and increasing security of supply. Interest in load management differs depending on the perspective of the actors involved: from customer, utility, or producer to state policymaker. The problem of load demand and load management in residential sector is in this thesis approached from different perspectives, i.e. technical, economic, and environmental. The study does not go deep into detailed analyses of each perspective, but rather aims to establish and analyze the links between them. This trans-disciplinary approach is the key methodological moment used in the research work performed by the research group for load management in buildings at the Lund Institute of Technology. The key objective of this study is to analyze load demand variation and load management possibilities in residential sector, particularly detached and semi-detached houses, to experimentally test and analyze the conditions and potential of direct load management from customer and utility viewpoint. Techno-economic and environmental aspects are investigated. The study was performed in collaboration with one electric utility in Southern Sweden. Ten electric-heated houses were equipped with extra meters, enabling hourly load measurements for heating, hot water and total electricity use. Household heating and hot water systems were controlled by the utility using an existing remote reading and monitoring system. The residents noticed some of the control periods, although they didn’t express any larger discomfort. The experiments proved that direct load management might be a possible solution for the utility to solve their peak demand problems. Another solution, considered by the utility and analyzed in this study is a construction of diesel peak power plant. This alternative has negative environmental consequences compared to load management. The analysis of environmental aspects was extended to national level. To include an environmental perspective is a novel approach, since traditionally, load management evaluation is limited the economic and technical viewpoints. It identifies and discusses the possible environmental benefits of load management and evaluates their significance, primary focusing on CO2 emissions reduction. The results show the importance of considering the influence of site-specific or level-specific conditions on the environmental effects of load management. On the national level, load management measures can hardly provide significant environmental benefits, since hydropower is used as the demand following production source in Sweden. Emission reductions will rather be the result of energy efficiency measures, which will cut the load demand as well as the energy demand.
  • Abas, Riad Abdul (författare)
  • Property measurements towards understanding process phenomena
  • 2005
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The main objective of this industrially important work was to gain an increasing understanding of the properties of materials such as CMSX-4 nickel base super alloy, mould powder used in continuous casting of steel and coke used in blast furnace, with special reference to the thermal diffusivities. The measurements were carried out in a wide temperature range, solid, liquid, glassy and crystalline states. For CMSX-4 alloy, the thermal conductivities were calculated from the experimental thermal diffusivities. Both the diffusivities and conductivities were found to increase with increasing temperature. Microscopic analysis showed the presence of intermetallic phases such as NiTi and NiTi2 below 1253 K. In this region, the mean free path of the phonons is likely to be limited by scattering against lattice defects. Between 1253 K and solidus temperature, these phases dissolved in the alloy adding to the impurities in the matrix, which, in turn, caused a decrease in the thermal diffusivity. This effect was confirmed by annealing the samples at 1573 K. The thermal diffusivities of the annealed samples measured at 1277, 1403 and 1531 K were found to be lower than the thermal diffusivities of non-annealed samples and the values did not show any noticeable change with time. It could be related to the attainment of equilibrium with the completion of the dissolution of γ and γ´ phases during the annealing process. Liquid CMSX-4 does not show any change of thermal diffusivity with temperature. It may be attributed to the decreasing the mean free path being shorter than characteristic distance between two neighbouring atoms. On the other hand thermal diffusivities of mould powder having glassy and crystalline states decrease with increasing temperature at lower temperature and are constant at higher temperature except for one glassy sample. Analogously, the thermal diffusivity measurements of mould powder did not show any significant change with temperature in liquid state. It is likely to be due to the silicate network being largely broken down. The thermal diffusivity is increased with increasing crystallisation degree of mould powder, which is expected from theoretical considerations. The coke sample, taken from deeper level of the blast furnace, is found to have larger thermal diffusivity. This could be correlated to the average crystallite size along the structural c-axis, Lc, which is indicative of the higher degree of graphitisation. This was also confirmed by XRD measurements of the different coke samples. The degree of graphitisation was found to increase with increasing temperature. Further, XRD measurements of coke samples taken from different levels in the shaft of the blast furnace show that the graphitisation of coke was instantaneous between room temperature and 1473 K.
  • Abathun, Addisalem, 1978- (författare)
  • Asymptotic distribution of zeros of a certain class of hypergeometric polynomials
  • 2014
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The thesis consists of two papers, both treating hypergeometric polynomials, and a short introduction. The main results are as follows.In the first paper,we study the asymptotic zero distribution of a family of hypergeometric polynomials in one complex variable as their degree goes to infinity,using the associated differential equations that hypergeometric polynomials satisfy.   We describe in particular the curve complex on which the zeros cluster, as level curves associated to integrals on an algebraic curve derived from the equation.   The new result is first of all that we are able to formulate results on the location of zeros of generalized hypergeometric polynomials in greater generality than before (earlier results are mainly concerned with the Gauss hypergeometric case.) Secondly, we are able to formulate a precise conjucture giving the asymptotic behaviour of zeros in the generalized case of our polynomials, which covers previous results.In the second paper we partly prove one of the  conjectures in the first paper by using Euler integral representation of the Gauss hypergeometric functions together with the Saddle point method.
  • Abbas, Muhammad (författare)
  • Requirements-Level Reuse Recommendation and Prioritization of Product Line Assets
  • 2021
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Software systems often target a variety of different market segments. Targeting varying customer requirements requires a product-focused development process. Software Product Line (SPL) engineering is one possible approach based on reuse rationale to aid quick delivery of quality product variants at scale. SPLs reuse common features across derived products while still providing varying configuration options. The common features, in most cases, are realized by reusable assets. In practice, the assets are reused in a clone-and-own manner to reduce the upfront cost of systematic reuse. Besides, the assets are implemented in increments, and requirements prioritization also has to be done. In this context, the manual reuse analysis and prioritization process become impractical when the number of derived products grows. Besides, the manual reuse analysis process is time-consuming and heavily dependent on the experience of engineers.In this licentiate thesis, we study requirements-level reuse recommendation and prioritization for SPL assets in industrial settings. We first identify challenges and opportunities in SPLs where reuse is done in a clone-and-own manner.  We then focus on one of the identified challenges: requirements-based SPL assets reuse and provide automated support for identifying reuse opportunities for SPL assets based on requirements. Finally, we provide automated support for requirements prioritization in the presence of dependencies resulting from reuse.
  • Abbas, Muhammad Tahir (författare)
  • Improving the Energy Efficiency of Cellular IoT Device
  • 2023
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Cellular Internet of Things (CIoT) has emerged as a promising technology to support applications that generate infrequent data. One requirement on these applications, often battery-powered devices, is low energy consumption to enable extended battery life. Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) is a promising technology for IoT due to its low power consumption, which is essential for devices that need to run on battery power for extended periods. However, the current battery life of NB-IoT devices is only a few years, which is insufficient for many applications. This thesis investigates the impact of energy-saving mechanisms standardized by 3GPP on battery life of NB-IoT devices. The main research objective is to classify and analyze existing energy-saving solutions for CIoT and examine their limitations, to study the impact of standardized energy-saving mechanisms on the battery life of NB-IoT devices, both in isolation and combined, and to provide guidelines on how to configure NB-IoT devices to reduce energy consumption efficiently. The research aims to provide a deeper understanding of the effect of energy-saving mechanisms and best practices to balance energy efficiency and performance of NB-IoT devices. Applying the proposed solutions makes it possible to achieve a battery life of 10~years or more for CIoT devices.
  • Abbasi, Maisam (författare)
  • Themes and challenges in developing sustainable supply chains
  • 2012
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Sustainable development is one of the greatest global challenges facing human beings in the 21st century. In order to tackle sustainability related problems, several global, European, and national targets for 2050 have been set. The transition of supply chains activities towards sustainability targets calls for designing new strategies and continuously identifying and tackling the challenges that can hinder the operationalization of such strategies. The purpose of this research was to explore and classify themes and challenges in developing sustainable supply chains activities in general, and freight transport and urban distribution in particular. Three research questions were defined followed by defining the scientific assumptions and research strategies. Three research studies were then designed and carried out to find trustworthy and authentic answers to the corresponding research questions. However, research design, data collection, and data analysis were mixed and overlapping as they were not completely sequentially carried out. Data were collected by triangulation of different research methods, namely, literature review, content analysis, and semi-structured interviews. Analysis of the data was guided by principles of content analysis, discourse analysis, analytic induction, and grounded theory. Synthesis of the analyzed data resulted in the emergence of categories of themes and challenges, the development of hypotheses, and further discussion. In total, five categories of themes were identified for making supply chains environmentally sustainable, fifteen for making freight transport sustainable, and eight for making urban freight distribution sustainable. Five categories of challenges were identified for making supply chains environmentally sustainable, five for making freight transport sustainable, and seven for making urban freight distribution sustainable. All the themes and challenges were then synthesized to determine the patterns of their association. Five major themes in developing sustainable supply chains emerged, namely, increasing sustainability awareness, closing the loop of supply chains, making supply chains energy-efficient, making supply chains environmentally responsible, and managerial issues. Five major challenges in developing sustainable supply chains emerged, namely, change of behavior, costs, implementation, corporate governance, and antagonistic effects and paradoxical conflicts. As the nature of supply chains and the challenges identified in developing them sustainably is complex, a complexity theory perspective was considered beneficial for dealing with them. Such a perspective can enable us to: take a more holistic view of available sustainability-oriented strategies and activities; analyze the antagonistic effects of strategies and activities on each other; recognize conflicts of a paradoxical character that exist in supply chains; analyze the changes influencing and influenced by the strategies and activities; appreciate enough diversity and freedom among the sub-systems rather than too much simplification of them; design and redesign the transition paths for different types of supply chains. A complexity theory perspective can also be beneficial when governing a transformative transition of supply chains towards sustainability targets. Lessons are suggested in the discussion chapter that may help policy and decision makers in designing the future strategies and in tackling the challenges. The themes identified can be beneficial for increasing the absorptive capacity of industries, practitioners, and policy makers while they design innovative strategies for transitions towards sustainability targets. The identified challenges can also be beneficial for reducing the inertia and uncertainties against operationalization of sustainable development in practice.
  • Abbasi, Saeed (författare)
  • Characterisation of airborne particles from rail traffic
  • 2011
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Since the investigation of wear particles in rail transport started in late-1910s, the high mass concentration of these particles has raised worries among researchers concerned with air quality. However, effective action has yet to be taken because of lack of relevant knowledge. This thesis provides applicable information for the airborne wear particles in rail transport. Some aspects of their characteristics such as diameter size, mass concentration, number concentration, and morphology of particles were investigated in field tests and laboratory tests.The effects on particle characterisations from different operational conditions in the field tests, and applying different braking materials, conducting tests in different applied loads or sliding velocities in the laboratory tests were studied. The main advantage of conducting laboratory tests was to focus on studying particles from one source. The possibility of repetition, using high sensitive instruments and conducting tests at low costs are the other advantages of laboratory studies. Paper A describes how a pin-on-disc machine was used to reproduce similar real operational conditions during mechanical braking in a train. The results were validated by comparing the field tests results with the laboratory studies. The particles morphology and size distribution were also studied.Paper B presents a summary of field tests results. The effects of curve negotiating and applying braking in different real conditions were investigated with an on-board measurement.The element composition of the particles and their potential sources were also investigated outside of the particles morphologies.Paper C presents comprehensive results from laboratory studies on airborne particles from different braking materials. The differences in the particle characteristics in similar test conditions were attributable to different material compositions and dominant wear mechanisms. A new index was introduced in this paper and is suggested to be used as a qualitative factor with regard to the airborne wear particle emission rate.Paper D is a review of the recent studies of exhaust emission and non-exhaust emission from rail vehicles. A summary of results, measurements, adverse health effects, and proposed or applied solutions are reviewed in this paper.
  • Abbasiverki, Roghayeh (författare)
  • Analysis of underground concrete pipelines subjected to seismic high-frequency loads
  • 2016
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Buried pipelines are tubular structures that are used for transportation of important liquid materials and gas in order to provide safety for human life. During an earthquake, imposed loads from soil deformations on concrete pipelines may cause severe damages, possibly causing disturbance in vital systems, such as cooling of nuclear power facilities. The high level of safety has caused a demand for reliable seismic analyses, also for structures built in the regions that have not traditionally been considered as highly seismically active. The focus in this study is on areas with seismic and geological conditions corresponding to those in Sweden and Northern Europe. Earthquakes in Sweden for regions with hard rock dominated by high-frequency ground vibrations, Propagation of such high-frequency waves through the rock mass and soil medium affect underground structures such as pipelines.The aim of this project is investigating parameters that affect response of buried pipelines due to high-frequency seismic excitations. The main focus of the study is on reinforced concrete pipelines. Steel pipelines are also studied for comparison purposes. The effects of water mass, burial depth, soil layer thickness and non-uniform ground thickness caused by inclined bedrock are studied. The results are compared to those obtained for low-frequency earthquakes and the relationship between strong ground motion parameters and pipelines response is investigated. It is shown that, especially for high frequency earthquake excitations, non-uniform ground thickness due to inclined bedrock significantly increase stresses in the pipelines. For the conditions studied, it is clear that high-frequency seismic excitation is less likely to cause damage to buried concrete pipelines. However, the main conclusion is that seismic analysis is motivated also for pipelines in high-frequency earthquake areas since local variation in the ground conditions can have a significant effect on the safety.
  • Abbaspour, Sara, 1984- (författare)
  • Proposing Combined Approaches to Remove ECG Artifacts from Surface EMG Signals
  • 2015
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Electromyography (EMG) is a tool routinely used for a variety of applications in a very large breadth of disciplines. However, this signal is inevitably contaminated by various artifacts originated from different sources. Electrical activity of heart muscles, electrocardiogram (ECG), is one of sources which affects the EMG signals due to the proximity of the collection sites to the heart and makes its analysis non-reliable. Different methods have been proposed to remove ECG artifacts from surface EMG signals; however, in spite of numerous attempts to eliminate or reduce this artifact, the problem of accurate and effective de-noising of EMG still remains a challenge. In this study common methods such as high pass filter (HPF), gating method, spike clipping, hybrid technique, template subtraction, independent component analysis (ICA), wavelet transform, wavelet-ICA, artificial neural network (ANN), and adaptive noise canceller (ANC) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) are used to remove ECG artifacts from surface EMG signals and their accuracy and effectiveness is investigated. HPF, gating method and spike clipping are fast; however they remove useful information from EMG signals. Hybrid technique and ANC are time consuming. Template subtraction requires predetermined QRS pattern. Using wavelet transform some artifacts remain in the original signal and part of the desired signal is removed. ICA requires multi-channel signals. Wavelet-ICA approach does not require multi-channel signals; however, it is user-dependent. ANN and ANFIS have good performance, but it is possible to improve their results by combining them with other techniques. For some applications of EMG signals such as rehabilitation, motion control and motion prediction, the quality of EMG signals is very important. Furthermore, the artifact removal methods need to be online and automatic. Hence, efficient methods such as ANN-wavelet, adaptive subtraction and automated wavelet-ICA are proposed to effectively eliminate ECG artifacts from surface EMG signals. To compare the results of the investigated methods and the proposed methods in this study, clean EMG signals from biceps and deltoid muscles and ECG artifacts from pectoralis major muscle are recorded from five healthy subjects to create 10 channels of contaminated EMG signals by adding the recorded ECG artifacts to the clean EMG signals. The artifact removal methods are also applied to the 10 channels of real contaminated EMG signals from pectoralis major muscle of the left side. Evaluation criteria such as signal to noise ratio, relative error, correlation coefficient, elapsed time and power spectrum density are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods. It is found that the performance of the proposed ANN-wavelet method is superior to the other methods with a signal to noise ratio, relative error and correlation coefficient of 15.53, 0.01 and 0.98 respectively.
  • Abbes, Yacine (författare)
  • Educational studies in heat and power technology : how students learn with multimedia tools and problem-based learning
  • 2005
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Higher education is undergoing continuous changes and new learning tools and methods are implemented. Researchers in education do not always agree upon the effectiveness of some of the methods introduced into engineering education. The present thesis consists of two case studies on educational methods introduced at the Department of Energy Technology, at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. The qualitative research methodology has been used in case one and a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodology has been used in the second case. The sources of evidences consisted of: unstructured interviews, analysis of video recording, questionnaires, and analysis of a variety of documents. In the first case, an educational program in heat and power technology was analysed. The second case consists in an in-depth study of group dynamics in a Problem –Based Learning course. These studies showed that the learning approach adopted by students depends strongly on the way they view the particular learning tool or method. The first case study revealed the existence of two types of learners. Surfacelearners follow the structure suggested by the designers of the multimedia program. This category of learners focuses only on the material available in the program. Deep-learners go beyond the information and the structure suggested in the program and combine different learning tools in their learning. These students do not follow the structure of the tutorials’ of the multimedia program. This study showed that students who had a strong view how to learn with a multimedia program or a learning method benefited less from the learning tools available. Students with weak views on how to learn from educational program or leaning tool benefit less from the presentation and engage in more surface learning. Self-motivated learners use the multimedia presentation in novel ways and crosscheck the information given with other material. The second study showed that students have unclear and weak views on how to learn with student-directed Problem- Based Learning model. Four types of learners were identified in Problem-Based Learning project: Leaders, Key Actors, Common Students and Social Loafers. Leaders and Key Actors are self-motivated individuals and participate most in the projects. Students who viewed themselves or were viewed as leaders were held responsible to take most of the decisions and students expected them to work more than the average student. Students who viewed themselves as common team members expected a lower workload than leaders’. Key Actors are self-motivated students who do not view themselves as separate from other group members but who participate more than others. Leaders learned more group and social processes, that they did not fully take part in, while common students learned more from the project management aspects that they did not take part in. The study also found that Problem-Based Learning groups can become very cohesive, and can develop distorted views on how to learn with Problem-Based Learning, and un-common group dynamics phenomena such as groupthink can occur in Problem-Based Learning setting.
  • Abburu, Sai Kausik (författare)
  • Vehicle Conceptualisation, Compactness, and Subsystem Interaction : A network approach to design and analyse the complex interdependencies in vehicles
  • 2023
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The conventional approach to vehicle design is restrictive, limited, andbiased. This often leads to sub-optimal utilisation of vehicle capabilities and allocated resources and ultimately entails the repercussions of designing andlater on an using an inefficient vehicle. To overcome these limitations, it is important to gain a deeper understanding of the interaction effects at component,subsystem, and system level. In this thesis, the research is focused on identifying appropriate methods and developing robust models to facilitate the interaction analysis.To scrutinise and identify appropriate methods, criteria were developed.Initially, the Design Structure Matrix (DSM) and its variations were examined.While DSM proved to be fundamental for capturing interaction effects,it lacked the ability to answer questions about the structure and behaviour ofinteractions and to predict unintended effects. Therefore, network theory wasexplored as a complementary method to DSM which was capable of providing insights into interaction structures and identifying influential variables.Subsequently, two criteria were established to identify subsystems significant to interaction analysis: high connectivity to other subsystems and multidisciplinary composition. The traction motor was observed to satisfyboth criteria as it had higher connectivity with other subsystems and was composed of multiple disciplines. Therefore, a detailed model of an induction motor was developed to enable the interaction analysis.The induction motor model was integrated into a cross-scalar design tool.The tool employed a two-step process: translating operational parametersto motor inputs using Newtonian equations and deriving physical attributes,performance characteristics, and performance attributes of the motor. Comparing the obtained performance characteristics curve against existing studiesvalidated the model’s reliability and capabilities. The design tool demonstrated adaptability to different drive cycles and the ability to modify motor performance without affecting operational parameters. Thus validating the capability of the design tool to capture cross-scalar and intra-subsystem interaction effects. To examine inter-subsystem interaction, a thermal model of an inverter was developed, capturing temperature variations in the power electronics based on motor inputs. The design tool successfully captured interaction effects between motor and inverter designs, highlighting the interplay with operational parameters.Thus, this thesis identifies methods for interaction analysis and develops robust subsystem models. The integrated design tool effectively captures intra-subsystem, inter-subsystem, and cross-scalar interaction effects. The research presented contributes to the overarching project goal of developing methods and models that capture interaction effects and in turn serve as a guiding tool for designers to understand the consequences of their design choices.
  • Abd-Elrady, Emad (författare)
  • Harmonic signal modeling based on the Wiener model structure
  • 2002
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The estimation of frequencies and corresponding harmonic overtones is a problem of great importance in many situations. Applications can, for example, be found in supervision of electrical power transmission lines, in seismology and in acoustics. Generally, a periodic function with an unknown fundamental frequency in cascade with a parameterized and unknown nonlinear function can be used as a signal model for an arbitrary periodic signal. The main objective of the proposed modeling technique is to estimate the fundamental frequency of the periodic function in addition to the parameters of the nonlinear function.The thesis is divided into four parts. In the first part, a general introduction to the harmonic signal modeling problem and different approaches to solve the problem are given. Also, an outline of the thesis and future research topics are introduced.In the second part, a previously suggested recursive prediction error method (RPEM) for harmonic signal modeling is studied by numerical examples to explore the ability of the algorithm to converge to the true parameter vector. Also, the algorithm is modified to increase its ability to track the fundamental frequency variations.A modified algorithm is introduced in the third part to give the algorithm of the second part a more stable performance. The modifications in the RPEM are obtained by introducing an interval in the nonlinear block with fixed static gain. The modifications that result in the convergence analysis are, however, substantial and allows a complete treatment of the local convergence properties of the algorithm. Moreover, the Cramér–Rao bound (CRB) is derived for the modified algorithm and numerical simulations indicate that the method gives good results especially for moderate signal to noise ratios (SNR).In the fourth part, the idea is to give the algorithm of the third part the ability to estimate the driving frequency and the parameters of the nonlinear output function parameterized also in a number of adaptively estimated grid points. Allowing the algorithm to automatically adapt the grid points as well as the parameters of the nonlinear block, reduces the modeling errors and gives the algorithm more freedom to choose the suitable grid points. Numerical simulations indicate that the algorithm converges to the true parameter vector and gives better performance than the fixed grid point technique. Also, the CRB is derived for the adaptive grid point technique.
  • Abdalla, Suliman A (författare)
  • Architecture and circuit design of photon counting readout for X-ray imaging sensors
  • 2007
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Hybrid pixel array detectors for X-ray imaging are based on different technologies for sensor and readout electronics. The readout electronics are based on standard CMOS technologies that are experiencing continuously rapid improvements by means of down-scaling the feature sizes, which in turn lead to higher transistor densities, lower power consumption, and faster circuits. For pixel-array imaging sensors the improvements in CMOS technology opens up new possibilities of integrating more functionality in the pixels for local processing of the sensor data. However, new issues related to the tight integration of both analog and digital processing circuits within the small area of a pixel must also be evaluated. The advantages of down-scaling the CMOS technology can be utilized to increase the spatial resolution by reducing the pixel sizes. Recent research indicates however that the bottleneck in reaching further spatial resolution in X-ray imaging sensors may not be limited by the circuit area occupied by the functions necessary in the pixels, but are instead related to problems associated with charge-sharing of charges generated by the sensor which are distributed over a neighbourhood of pixels and will limit the spatial resolution and lead to a distortion of the energy spectrum. In this thesis a mechanism to be implemented in the readout circuits is proposed in order to suppress the charge-sharing effects. The proposed architecture and its circuit implementation are evaluated with respect to circuit complexity (area) and power consumption. For a photon-counting pixel it is demonstrated that the complete pixel, with charge-sharing suppression mechanism, can be implemented using 300 transistors with an idle power consumption of 2.7μW in a 120nm CMOS technology operating with a 1.2V power supply. The improvements in CMOS technology can also be used for increasing the range of applications for X-ray imaging sensors. In this thesis, an architecture is proposed for multiple energy discrimination, called color X-ray imaging. The proposed solution is the result of balancing the circuit complexity and the image quality. The method is based on color sub-sampling with intensity biasing. For three-level energy discrimination, that corresponds to color imaging systems for visible light with R, G, and B color components, the increase in circuit complexity will be only 20% higher than that for the Bayer method but results in significantly better image quality. As the circuit complexity in the digital processing within each pixel is increased, the digitally induced noise may play an increasingly important role for the signal-to-noise ratio in the measurements. In this thesis an initial study is conducted regarding how the digital switching noise affects the analog amplifiers in the photon-counting pixel.
  • Abdalmoaty, Mohamed, 1986- (författare)
  • Learning Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Using Non-stationary Linear Predictors
  • 2017
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The estimation problem of stochastic nonlinear parametric models is recognized to be very challenging due to the intractability of the likelihood function. Recently, several methods have been developed to approximate the maximum likelihood estimator and the optimal mean-square error predictor using Monte Carlo methods. Albeit asymptotically optimal, these methods come with several computational challenges and fundamental limitations.The contributions of this thesis can be divided into two main parts. In the first part, approximate solutions to the maximum likelihood problem are explored. Both analytical and numerical approaches, based on the expectation-maximization algorithm and the quasi-Newton algorithm, are considered. While analytic approximations are difficult to analyze, asymptotic guarantees can be established for methods based on Monte Carlo approximations. Yet, Monte Carlo methods come with their own computational difficulties; sampling in high-dimensional spaces requires an efficient proposal distribution to reduce the number of required samples to a reasonable value.In the second part, relatively simple prediction error method estimators are proposed. They are based on non-stationary one-step ahead predictors which are linear in the observed outputs, but are nonlinear in the (assumed known) input. These predictors rely only on the first two moments of the model and the computation of the likelihood function is not required. Consequently, the resulting estimators are defined via analytically tractable objective functions in several relevant cases. It is shown that, under mild assumptions, the estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. In cases where the first two moments are analytically intractable due to the complexity of the model, it is possible to resort to vanilla Monte Carlo approximations. Several numerical examples demonstrate a good performance of the suggested estimators in several cases that are usually considered challenging.
  • Abdeen, Waleed (författare)
  • Reducing the Distance Between Requirements Engineering and Verification
  • 2022
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Background Requirements engineering and verification (REV) processes play es-sential roles in software product development. There are physical and non-physicaldistances between entities (actors, artifacts, and activities) in these processes. Cur-rent practices that reduce the distances, such as automated testing and alignmentof document structure and tracing only partially close the above mentioned gap.Objective The aim of this thesis is to investigate solutions w.r.t their abilityto reduce the distances between requirements engineering and verification. Twotechniques that are explored in this thesis are automated testing (model-basedtesting, MBT) and alignment of document structure and tracing (traceability).Method The research methods used in this thesis are systematic mapping, soft-ware requirements mining, case study, literature survey, validation study, and de-sign science.Results MBT and traceability are effective in reducing the distance between re-quirements and verification. However, both activities have some shortcoming thatneeds to be addressed when used for that purpose. Current MBT techniques inthe context of software performance do not attain all the goals of MBT: 1) require-ments validation, 2) checking the testability of requirements, and 3) the generationof an efficient test suite. These goals are essential to reduce the distance. We de-veloped and assessed performance requirements verification and test environmentgeneration approach to tackle these shortcomings. Also, traceability between re-quirements and verification suffers from the low granularity of trace links and doesnot support the verification of all requirements. We propose the use of taxonomictrace links to trace and align the structure of requirements specifications and ver-ification artifacts. The results from the validation study show that the solution isfeasible in practice. However, this comes with challenges that need to be addressed.Conclusion MBT and improved traceability reduce multiple distances betweenactors, artifacts, and activities in the requirements engineering and verificationprocess. MBT is most effective in reducing the distances when the model used isbuilt from the requirements. Traceability is essential in easing access to relevantinformation when needed and should not be seen as an overhead. When creatingtrace links, we need to consider the difference in the abstraction, structure, andtime between the linked artifacts
  • Abdelmassih Waller, Peter (författare)
  • Den utsträckta TV:n - Ett exempel ur praktiken
  • 2007
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this licentiate thesis is twofold: 1) to describe old people’s interest in and prospects of using the television for something other than traditional TV viewing, and 2) to describe the nonlinearities in the design process in which this research was performed. A concept called The Extended TV was developed and tested (by old people, their relatives and care workers) in a new nursing home in the process of moving in, hiring employees, making final adjustments on the premises and in the technology. A total of thirty old people, between 60 and 100 years old, were included in the process which was carried out between June 2006 and February 2007. A pivotal background factor was that the initial resistance to the technology itself was low when it came to such a frequently used product as the television set. This proved to also be the case in this study when it came to TVs with flat screens (installed in all rooms and entirely independent of this project). The functions in The Extended TV included both personal ones and ones in common with other residents. The common functions consisted of an internal TV channel and two media centres with the necessary equipment to view common internal productions, other programmes of general interest and material that relatives supplied. The personal function dealt with communication based on one individual’s photo album presented on her own TV. The function and usage of The Extended TV were developed in and through an interweaving of visions, expertise, relationships, responsibilities and logistical prerequisites. The results deal with the interface, the people themselves in action (the old people, their relatives, the staff, IT consultants, technology providers, myself and many others), our tools and the scope of our action. What undoubtedly took the most time was the nonlinear design process. It was complex and by no means followed the initial plans. This is indeed more the rule than the exception in situated human design processes, but is documented all too seldom. I hope that the lessons from the usage of The Extended TV will contribute to innovative ideas concerning old people’s TV viewing.
  • Abdikalikova, Zamira (författare)
  • Embedding theorems for spaces with multiweighted derivatives
  • 2007
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This Licentiate Thesis consists of four chapters, which deal with a new Sobolev type function space called the space with multiweighted derivatives. This space is a generalization of the usual one dimensional Sobolev space. Chapter 1 is an introduction, where, in particular, the importance to study function spaces with weights is discussed and motivated. In Chapter 2 we consider and analyze some results of L. D. Kudryavtsev, where he investigated one dimensional Sobolev spaces. Moreover, in this chapter we present and prove analogous results by B. L. Baidel'dinov for generalized Sobolev spaces. These results are crucially for the proofs of the main results of this Licentiate Thesis. In Chapter 3 we prove some embedding theorems for these new generalized Sobolev spaces. The main results of Kudryavtsev and Baidel'dinov about characterization of the behavior of functions at a singularity take place in weak degeneration of spaces. However, with the help of our new embedding theorems we can extend these results to the case of strong degeneration. In Chapter 4 we prove some new estimates for each function in a Tchebychev system. In order to be able to study also compactness of the embeddings from Chapter 3 such estimates are crucial. I plan to study this question in detail in my further PhD studies.
  • Abdipour, Morteza, 1977- (författare)
  • Arrangement Design Studies : the introduction of the digital wall in domestic environments
  • 2021
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This research focuses on the emergence of 'digital walls' that can project images onto almost all or even the entirety of interior (and perhaps exterior) walls, and what implications this might have for how we arrange our rooms. It demonstrates the arrangement, i.e., the way that domestic products are arranged physically, of rooms changes in the domestic environment in a complex scenario when using large screens. Due to the fast-growing demand for large screens, this product could potentially be available to be used by people in their home environments; however, it does not yet exist in reality at this scale. Constructing large screens can be carried out using different production methods. Here, this concept is called the digital wall, a very thin wall-sized interactive screen. The characteristics of the digital wall will vary to be able to create different scenarios. One such scenario is a space in the home where the surface of the wall is covered with screens, which allows multiple possibilities to experience and interact with digital content. In this research, the social gathering space of homes, nowadays called the living room, is considered as a highly relevant space for installing the digital wall. In this space, the conceptual framework outlines the basic elements of the research and demonstrates the relationships between people’s interactions with the digital wall and domestic products in the domestic environment. I show two examples from design history to understand how arrangement changes impact the home environment: the transformation of the parlor to the living room, and entry of the television into the living room. These two examples are focused on the place in the home where people gather for socializing. The discussion of these examples led to the elaboration of the relationships between the elements in the conceptual framework.I explored relevant design research methodologies to bring this future scenario into the present to understand the relationships between people and the digital wall. I applied research through design and the constructive design research approaches to frame the design research methodology. In this thesis, I set up seven series of design studies in two cluster groups: Supportive studies and Main studies. All of the design studies were conducted in the Design Research Lab, the actual space for carrying out the design experiments, prototyping the digital wall, and the setting of the experiments for user participation. The Lab was fully equipped with relevant technology and allowed me to use multiple methods to collect data while people were experiencing the design study sessions. The Lab was useful as a platform to understand user experiences, barriers for interactions as well as people's experiences in a simulated space of a domestic environment. The main contribution of this research is to understand the forms of arrangement changes when people use the digital wall in homes. The research demonstrates two significant implications that are seen in two forms of arrangements: tangible arrangement and imperceptible arrangement. These findings are useful for both designers and users of the elements of domestic contexts and the relations that can be shaped by the presence of a digital wall in home environments. This understanding may provide design guidelines in future scenarios in which the digital wall is used in homes. The findings are also beneficial for designing the domestic environment, improving the arrangement of space, and raising the requirements for designing domestic products.
  • Abdul Hamid, Akram (författare)
  • Method for evaluation of renovation measures with regards to moisture and emission loads : Based on risk assessments
  • 2017
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Renovating the European building stock has for almost two decades been a matter of importance. For Sweden, it is important to renovate its multifamily buildings in order to achieve a reduced energy use, but also because renovation is needed due to building materials and services reaching (or having passed) the end of their life span. In order to renovate properly, renovation measures must be implemented correctly to avoid negative impact on the building materials and the indoor environment. For this purpose, renovation measures need to be evaluated with regards to moisture and emission loads, and the risks related to these. This thesis has developed a realistically applicable method for this type of evaluation, called RememberL, and tests RememberL on two renovation measures as case studies. Through laboratory tests, in-field measurements, building performance simulations, hygrothermal simulations and surveys, the renovation measures are evaluated according to the methodology. RememberL thereby yields useful results for understanding the impact that these methods have on building materials and the indoor environment and vice versa. Furthermore, through the application of RememberL on these case studies, it is further developed to a method that proves flexible through several alternatives.
  • Abdula, Rahimaisa, 1976 (författare)
  • Climate Change Policy of Bio-Energy: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
  • 2005
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This paper explores the intersectoral and land-use dynamics behind bio-energyâ??s development as a climate change policy. Bio-energy from agriculture and forestry can potentially mitigate the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from energy use and land-use changes (LUC) by its substitution to fossil fuels and its diversion of land-use to biomass plantation. Two major issues concerning its interplay with the other sectors of the economy and other land-use options are mapped in the study, namely its competition with other energy sources and sectors of similar production structure such as the crops and livestock sector; and its competition for land with other land-use based CO2 mitigation option of afforestation. By employing a computable general equilibrium with a land-use change model, the study was able to depict the various interfaces of bio-energy with the rest of the economy and with the land market. Moreover, the model enabled the mapping of policy implications upon the economy, welfare, and pattern of land-use changes and its subsequent contribution to CO2 emissions. The main policy considered in this study is the carbon taxation with revenues geared towards the reduction of direct taxes and towards the finance of bio-energy subsidy. Results showed that the carbon taxation per se does not ensure the growth of the bio-energy sector, unless the tax base is extended to land-use changes and unless the proceeds are directed to subsidize the sector or to buttress the incomes and consumptions of rural households; the main users of bio-energy. Investment in bio-energy as a complementary mitigation policy to carbon taxation has resulted into the improvements in the domestic capacity for energy sourcing and the welfare of the rural households. It successfully lowered the cost of mitigation by shifting reliance away from fossil fuels and by inducing land-use conversion to bio-energy and forestry purposes, without instigating dramatic transformations in the land-use system and without producing catastrophic burden upon the agricultural sector. Moreover, despite the competition for scarce land resource of the different land-use based mitigation options, synergies between developing carbon offset through bio-energy and building carbon sink through afforestation can be achieved through the market mechanism. The same benefits are presented by integrating land-use changes emissions into the carbon tax coverage.
  • Abdulahovic, Tarik, 1976 (författare)
  • Analysis of High-Frequency Electrical Transients in Offshore Wind Parks
  • 2009
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this thesis, a study of high frequency electromagnetic transient phenomena is performed. Models of various components needed for simulations of high frequency transients, such as transformers, cables and breakers are developed. Also, measurements of high frequency transients are performed in the cable laboratory in ABB Corporate Research in Västerås, Sweden for the purpose of parameter estimation of models and for verification of simulations. Some critical cases where the voltage surges of the magnitude and/or rise time above basic lightning impulse voltage level appear, are identified. Also, some transient protection schemes are analyzed and the performance of different transient mitigation devices is studied. Furthermore, the energizing transient of the Utgrunden wind park is analyzed and the simulation model is verified using the measurements.The energizing transient simulation predicted accurately the magnitude and the frequency of the transient voltages and currents. Simulations of the high frequency transients are in a very good agreement with the measurements obtained in the cable lab. Simulations predicted accurately critical surges with the highest magnitude and matched with good accuracy surge waveform recorded during the measurements. During the testing and simulations, surges which exceed the basic lightning impulse voltage level of dry-type transformers specified by IEEE standards, both in magnitude and rise time are observed even when surge arresters are used. It is confirmed both in simulations and measurements that use of additional transient protections devices such as surge capacitors and RC protection, decreased the magnitude of surges below the critical level.
  • Abdulhadi, Nadia M Noor (författare)
  • Quality of interaction between primary health-care providers and patients with type 2 diabetes in Muscat, Oman
  • 2007
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Objectives: This study aimed at exploring the quality of interactions between health-care providers and type 2 diabetic patients at primary health-care level in Muscat, Oman, focusing on the consultation environment, care and information, and how the patients perceived these interactions. Methods: Two cross-sectional sub-studies were performed using quantitative and qualitative research methods. Data for the first sub-study was collected through direct observations of 90 consultations with 23 doctors and 85 consultations with 13 diabetes nurses in six primary health-care centres (PHCCs), using checklists developed from the National Diabetes Guidelines and other studies on patient-provider interaction. Consultations were assessed as optimal if more than 75% of observed aspects were fulfilled, sub-optimal if less than 50% were fulfilled and intermediate if the level of fulfilments was 50-75%. Data for the second sub-study was collected through focus group discussions (FGDs) among women and men with type 2 diabetes, attending the PHCCs. Qualitative content analysis was applied. Main findings: In 48% of the consultations there was an optimal environment, care and information. The score of fulfillment was lower for shorter consultations. Overall scoring of the individual doctors’ consultations showed that only ten doctors were optimal in their interactions with the patients, both creating a positive consultation environment and providing optimal care and information. The quality of the diabetes nurses’ interactions was sub-optimal in about 75% of their consultations. Some important aspects of positive interactions were poorly fulfilled by doctors and nurses such as: consultation privacy; encouraging the patients to ask questions; attention; emphasis on patients understanding of the provided information; and inquiry about adverse effects of medicine and risky habits, like smoking or alcohol consumption. There was a low referral to health educators or dieticians, and the diabetes nurses provided health education for a few patients. The combined scores of all aspects for both doctors and diabetes nurses showed that they interacted optimally with the patients in only one health centre. Participants of FGDs identified several weaknesses with regard to patient-provider communication such as: unfriendly welcoming, interruption of privacy and poor attention. Moreover, the patients expressed their inability to participate in the medical dialogue or express concerns, and they discussed other problems and difficulties related to a patient-centred approach. Furthermore, some patients perceived the doctors and nurses neither to be experts, nor as competent enough in diabetes care. In addition, the patients were dissatisfied with issues related to the organization of the diabetes clinics and access to care such as: long waiting time; lack of care continuity and poor health education. Conclusions and recommendations: The interactions of the doctors and diabetes nurses with type 2 diabetes patients were not optimal in relation to the national guidelines and there was poor collaboration between the diabetes team members. Furthermore, the patients’ were to a great extent dissatisfied with the services at PHCCs in Muscat. The role of diabetes nurses, dieticians and health educators should be enhanced. Better utility of the resources and patients’ awareness of these resources within the practice could be achieved through a multidisciplinary team approach and training of the providers to upgrade their skills regarding communication and care with emphasis on patientcentred care and empowerment approach. Barriers to compliance with the guidelines need to be further explored. The results of this study can serve as a point of departure for the policy makers in Oman and countries with similar health systems, for improving the quality of diabetes care, and for further improvement in the organizational efficiency of diabetes services.
  • Abdullah Asif, Farazee Mohammad, 1980- (författare)
  • Resource Conservative Manufacturing : New Generation of Manufacturing
  • 2011
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The question of resource scarcity and emerging pressure of environmentallegislations have put the manufacturing industry with a new challenge. On theone side, there is a huge population that demands a large quantity ofcommodities, on the other side, these demands have to be met by minimumresources and with permissible pollution that the earth’s ecosystem can handle.In this situation, technologic breakthrough that can offer alternative resourceshas become essential. Unfortunately, breakthroughs do not follow any rule ofthumb and while waiting for a miracle, the manufacturing industry has to findways to conserve resources. Within this research the anatomy of a large body ofknowledge has been performed to find the best available practices for resourceconservation. Critical review of the research revealed that none of the availablesolutions are compatible with the level of resource conservation desired by themanufacturing industry or by society. It has also been discovered that a largegap exists between the solutions perceived by the scientists and theapplicability of those solutions. Through careful evaluation of the state-of-theart,the research presented in this thesis introduced a solution of maximizingresource conservation i.e., material, energy and value added, as used inmanufacturing. The solutions emerged from the novel concept named asResource Conservative Manufacturing, which is built upon the concept ofMultiple Lifecycle of product. Unlike other research work, the researchdocumented in this thesis started with the identification of the problem andfrom which a ‘wish to do’ list was drawn. The seriousness of the problem andpotential of adopting the proposed concept has been justified with concreteinformation. A great number of arguments have been presented to show theexisting gaps in the research and from that, a set of solutions to conserveresources has been proposed. Finally, one of the prime hypotheses concerningclosed loop supply chain has been validated through the system dynamicsmodeling and simulation.
  • Abdurrokhman, Iqbaal, 1991 (författare)
  • Proton conducting ionic liquids-Binary mixtures and structural modifications
  • 2020
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Proton conduction is a phenomenon of fundamental importance for biological and chemical systems, such as in photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. Proton conduction is also key in the proton exchange membrane fuel cell, a clean electrochemical device that converts chemical into electrical energy. The archetypical proton exchange membrane is currently a perfluorinated polymer with pending acidic groups. The fuel cell technology is presently at renewed focus in the commercial sector, and consequently also in the scope of research and development programs. In order to enable the development of more sustainable proton exchange membrane fuel cells, new requirements have been set that for instance target operation at higher temperatures and anhydrous conditions. In this context, protic ionic liquids have been highlighted as interesting next-generation electrolytes with the potential to assist proton conduction. Protic ionic liquids are a subset of ionic liquids, also known as low temperature molten salts, entirely composed of ions and displaying very low vapor pressures. Moreover, a protic ionic liquid has an exchangeable proton and is able to establish extended networks of hydrogen bonds. Understanding the dynamics of this local structures is fundamental to design new protic ionic liquids able to sustain a fast proton motion decoupled from the diffusion of the ionic species. To achieve such a dynamical behavior we have investigated two different approaches, that is i) mixing a protic ionic liquid candidate with a co-solvent (here ethylene glycol) able to participate in the hydrogen bonds and ii) modifying the molecular structure of the cation (here by alkyl chains of length (n) varying from ethyl (n=2) to dodecyl (n=12)) in a series of imidazolium based protic ionic liquids. The local intermolecular inter- actions, the nano-structuration as well as ionic and protonic dynamics have been investigated by suitable techniques that include vibrational spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, diffusion NMR, impedance spectroscopy and X-ray scattering.
  • Abebe, Henok Girma, 1988- (författare)
  • The Rationality and Moral Acceptability of Vision Zero Goal and Its Interventions
  • 2021
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This licentiate thesis discusses moral issues associated with road safety work, with a particular emphasis on the Vision Zero (VZ) goal and its interventions. The licentiate thesis contains three articles and an introduction that briefly discusses issues and arguments presented in the articles.The first article, identifies, systematically categorizes and evaluates arguments against VZ. Moral, operational, and rationality related criticisms against the adoption and implementation of VZ are identified and discussed. The second article in this thesis seeks to reconcile the methods of Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and VZ in road safety decision making. CBA has been and still is a major decision making tool in road transport and traffic safety work. However, proponents of VZ question the use of CBA in road safety and transport decision making on methodological and ethical grounds. In this paper, we locate the philosophical roots of the conflicting views promoted by proponents of CBA and VZ. Then we try to identify ways through which the two methods can be made compatible.The third and final paper uses VZ as a normative framework to explore and analyse the Addis Ababa road safety work. The aim of the paper is twofold. First, the paper seeks to examine how road safety problems are actually understood by those responsible for road safety at the local level. To this end, government policy documents, reports and other relevant sources where consulted to identify how road safety problems are framed, who is assigned responsibility for addressing road safety problems and through what interventions. Second, the paper aims to examine road safety work in the city from a normative point of view, i.e., what is the best, or most adequate, way of framing the problem, and who should be given the responsibility for addressing the problem and by what measures. It is argued that enhancing road safety in the city requires adopting a broader view of causes of road safety problems, and emphasizing the responsibility of actors that shape the design and operation of the traffic system and the safety of its components.
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