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  • Hedelin, Beatrice, 1974-, et al. (author)
  • Collaboration Adrift : Factors for Anchoring into Governance Systems, Distilled from a Study of Three Regulated Rivers
  • 2023
  • In: Sustainability. - : MDPI. - 2071-1050. ; 15:6
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Collaboration has the potential to aid the balancing of values and goals that belong to different, sometimes competing, policy fields, such as energy, climate adaptation and nature conservation-a key component of sustainable governance. However, we need to know more of how collaboration can function as integrating (and integrated) components of governance systems. Three regulated Swedish rivers are used here as examples to explore factors that influence this function. The following factors are identified: transparency of value trade-offs, understanding of collaboration and governance, interplay between public sectors, integrating funding mechanisms, clarity of mandate, strategic use of networks and consistency of the governance system. As a consequence of the poor management of these factors in our case, water quality and ecology values are not integrated in strategic decision making, e.g., regarding hydropower, urban development or climate adaptation. Instead, they are considered add-ons, or "decorations". The Swedish case illustrates the meaning of the factors and their great importance for achieving sustainable governance.
  • Jönsson, K. Ingemar, et al. (author)
  • Ekologisk kompensation som verktyg i miljömålsarbetet : Syntes från en forskningssatsning
  • 2023
  • Book (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Denna rapport utgör en syntes av de sju projekt som finansierades inom Naturvårdsverkets och Havs- och vattenmyndighetens forskningssatsning inom området ekologisk kompensation som pågick 2018–2021. Syntesprojektet har utgått dels från slutrapporterna från de enskilda projekten, dels från myndigheternas uttryckta önskemål om belysning av vissa specifika aspekter inom tillämpningen av ekologisk kompensation. Rapporten täcker därför inte in alla resultat och slutsatser från forskningsprojekten utan har inriktat sig på följande teman: (i) etiska argument kring ekologisk kompensation, (ii) förutsättningarna för lagstyrd och frivillig kompensation, (iii) modeller för beräkning av miljöskador och kompensationseffekter, och (iv) uppföljning och utvärdering av kompensationsåtgärder. Tillämpningen av ekologisk kompensation har idag en relativt begränsad omfattning, men skulle kunna utvecklas till ett mer använt styrmedel. I rapporten pekas dock på en rad aspekter som behöver åtgärdas och utvecklas för att ekologisk kompensation ska bidra till att förlusterna av biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster stoppas eller vänds till en nettouppbyggnad av miljövärden. Syntesprojektet resulterade i en rad olika förslag riktade till berörda myndigheter som förväntas vara avgörande för ekologisk kompensation som styrmedel. Dessa summeras kortfattat nedan: Lagstiftning och nationell policy • Skadelindringshierarkin bör få ett starkt lagstöd och kopplingen mellan hierarkin och principen om tvådelad prövningen bör klargöras • Målet med ekologisk kompensation bör formuleras och uttryckas i lagstiftning och nationella policydokument • Lagstiftning bör tas fram gällande regler för när ekologisk kompensation inte ska tillämpas utan exploatering i stället helt ska undvikas • Utredning behövs kring om ett mål om nettovinst vid ekologisk kompensation bör formuleras i miljöbalken, respektive om det ska uttryckas tydligare som en del av de svenska miljökvalitetsmålen • Krav på systematisk uppföljning bör ingå som standard för allakompensationsåtgärder baserade på beslut utifrån miljöbalken • Nationella riktlinjer bör utvecklas för uppföljning och utvärdering av ekologisk kompensation, och dessa bör även förtydliga vem som bär ansvaret för att utföra och bekosta dessa Utveckling av kompensationspooler • Ytterligare utredning bör göras kring förutsättningarna för att införa kompensationspooler i privat och offentlig regi, bland annat gällande ansvar samt sociala och samhällsekonomiska effekter Frivillig kompensation: kommunal och näringsliv • Nationellt gemensamma riktlinjer och utökad vägledning för frivillig kompensation bör utvecklas för att klargöra i. hur berörda aktörer kan och bör organisera arbetet med frivillig kompensation ii. hur målet med kompensationen bör definieras och i samband med det hur effekterna av införda kompensationsåtgärder bör följas upp • Tydligare stöd och riktlinjer bör utvecklas för vad som bör ingå i översiktsplaner, detaljplaner, grönplaner och naturvårdsplaner för att kunna skapa ett konsistent, transparent och mer strategiskt kommunalt arbete med kompensation, som också går att följa upp och utvärdera Beräkning och bedömning • Policydokument och riktlinjer bör upprättas för att styra handlingsutrymmet vad gäller naturtypisk, rumslig och tidsmässig flexibilitet inom ekologisk kompensation • Nationella riktlinjer bör av försiktighetsskäl förorda och rekommendera konkreta multiplikatorer för hantering av osäkerhet, även kopplat till samhällsekonomiska aspekter • Förslag bör tas fram på hur det går att förbättra möjligheterna att tillämpa ett landskapsperspektiv vid genomförande av ekologisk kompensation • Beräkningsmodeller som inkluderar samhällsekonomiska, sociala och ekologiska perspektiv bör utvecklas vidare, och dessa bör även beakta juridiska aspekter • Nationella riktlinjer bör utvecklas för vilka typer av mått på miljöegenskaper som företrädesvis kan tillämpas i beräkningen av omfattningen av ekologisk kompensation, samt i vilka fall som enklare specifika schablonvärden kan användas Delaktighet • Deltagandeprocesser bör utvecklas som främjar inkludering av berörda samhällsgrupper i beslutsfattande kring ekologisk kompensation Kunskap, uppföljning och utvärdering • Riktlinjer bör utvecklas för hur data från initierade och genomförda kompensationsprojekt ska sammanställas och tillgängliggöras, samt en nationell databas tas fram för att stödja detta • En nationell geografisk databas bör tas fram för dokumentation av implementerade kompensationsområden för långsiktig uppföljning
  • Kadefors, Anna, 1962, et al. (author)
  • Designing and implementing procurement requirements for carbon reduction in infrastructure construction - international overview and experiences
  • 2021
  • In: Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1360-0559 .- 0964-0568. ; 64:4, s. 611-634
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Carbon emissions emanating from infrastructure construction are substantial, and public infrastructure clients have begun to include carbon reduction goals in their procurement requirements. This is a new and complex field where practices vary and are still developing. Based on project documentation and interviews we map and analyze the design and implementation of carbon reduction requirements in projects by leading infrastructure clients in Australia, the Netherlands, Sweden, the US and the UK. Procurement requirements were influenced by concerns for tender competition, transaction costs and innovation, and further adapted to project delivery models, market maturity and client capabilities. Increasing awareness of practical and contextual constraints often led to modified strategies. This paper identifies factors that should be considered when designing carbon policies and requirements. This knowledge is important for clients and governments in order to develop more effective strategies for learning between contexts. Policies and future research should address client capabilities to drive long-term innovation.
  • Koch, Max, et al. (author)
  • Beyond the growth imperative and neoliberal doxa: Expanding alternative societal spaces through deliberative citizen forums on needs satisfaction.
  • 2021
  • In: Real-world Economics Review. - 1755-9472. ; :96, s. 168-183
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Are there indications for the neoliberal hegemony in economy and society to come to an end? Are people already imagining a future within environmental limits and beyond the growth imperative? Theoretically, building upon Marx and Bourdieu, we reconstruct the ideological impact that capitalism, in general, and neoliberalism, in particular, has on the ways we think, feel and make sense of our environmental and social context. Empirically, we analyse qualitative data from eleven deliberative citizen forums on needs satisfaction that we carried out in 2020 in Sweden. Theoretical and empirical results point to a weakening of capitalist and, particularly, neoliberal ideology. In the forums, this became obvious in the discussions of critical issues such as space use, labour market-generated inequalities, societal norms regarding upward mobility and individual ideas about career and happiness. There is furthermore significant intersection between what researchers recommend in terms of “eco-social” policy measures to initiate transformational change and what citizens view as necessary in this respect. Since deliberative citizen forums can provide opportunities of critical reflection and imagining alternative ways of satisfying fundamental human needs in sustainable ways, they can play a valuable role in the more general effort of igniting “counterfire” (Bourdieu) to neoliberalism and developing postgrowth economies and societies.
  • Koch, Max, et al. (author)
  • Slutrapport: Hållbar välfärd för den nya generationens socialpolitik
  • 2023
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Vårt samhälle står inför dubbla utmaningar vad gäller att ställa om till mer hållbar energi- och resursförbruking, och mer hållbara ekonomiska och sociala system, inklusive att minska växande ojämlikheter. För att nå Sveriges klimatmål samt Agenda 2030-målen måste resurs- och energiförbrukningen signifikant reduceras. Samtidigt finns det väldigt lite evidens för att denna reducering kan lyckas i en kontext av ekonomisk tillväxt (Parrique et al 2019; Hickel & Kallis 2020; Haberl et al 2021).Målet med projektet har varit att utveckla nya generationens socialpolitik inom en posttillväxtkontext som är både socialt och ekologiskt hållbar, med särskilt fokus på kombinationen av expertkunskap och medborgares praxiskunskap. Vi tog avstamp i begreppet hållbar välfärd samt teorier om behov, vilka betonarallmänmänskliga behov, samtidigt som kulturellt och socialt varierandebehovstillfredställare i förhållande till kontext tas i beaktande. Genom attkombinera medborgarforum, enkätstudie och expertforum, har vi reflekterat över vårt nuvarande sätt att tillfredsställa våra behov och utvecklat en rad nyabehovstillfredställare som kan möjliggöra en skälig nivå av välbefinnandesamtidigt som planetens gränser respekteras och resurs- och energianvändningminskas. Projektet ledde till nya kunskaper om hur den svenska befolkningenresonerar kring hållbar behovstillfredställande inom planetära gränser. Projektethar även undersökt allmänhetens stöd för ekosociala policyåtgärder som föreslogs av medborgarforumen inom fyra områden: arbetsliv/inkomstdistribution, kost, mobilitet och boende.
  • Koh, Niak Sian (author)
  • Unravelling the social and ecological implications of policy instruments for biodiversity governance
  • 2020
  • Licentiate thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Biodiversity losses are occurring at an unprecedented rate, with ongoing environmental degradation at the expense of expanding economic activities. A transformative change is needed away from business-as-usual development and towards prioritizing the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. For the effective governance of biodiversity, a well-designed mix of policy instruments are needed that are suited to the local context. This PhD project examines the social-ecological implications of policy instruments for biodiversity governance, with an emphasis on biodiversity offsets. Offsets are a policy instrument where actions are taken to compensate for negative impacts to biodiversity caused by developments. I discuss how such policy instruments must be carefully designed and implemented to ensure positive outcomes for people and biodiversity.In Paper I, I examined how biodiversity offset policies, which have been commonly misunderstood as a market-based mechanism, can be designed with various levels of involvement from market and state. I presented an ideal-typical typology based on the institutions from which biodiversity offsets are organised: Public Agency, Mandatory Market and Voluntary Offset. I identified the institutional arrangements of six offset policies using cross-case comparison and stakeholder mapping to analyse how the biodiversity losses and conservation measures are decided. Based on these results, I determined how the six policies relate to the ideal types. The results found that the government plays a key role not just in enforcing mandatory policies but also in controlling the supply and demand of biodiversity units, supervising the matching of biodiversity values or granting legitimacy to the offset. The paper concluded that commensurability of natural capital is restricted in offsets (biodiversity is always exchanged with biodiversity), while different degrees of commodification are possible depending on the policy design and role of price signals when trading credits.In Paper II, I examined the implementation gap of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) objectives and global biodiversity targets at a (sub)national level. I identified obstacles to achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and challenges faced in interpreting the CBD guidelines through a content analysis of biodiversity policy documents, participant observation as well as semi-structured interviews with experts at the 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD. As compliance was found as a key challenge in the CBD, I presented insights for fostering the implementation and enforcement of biodiversity policies by drawing from concepts in international human rights law. In particular, I examined review mechanisms of human rights law and biodiversity agreements to determine the strategies used for compliance. The paper concluded that recognising the synergies between human rights and biodiversity can help strengthen review mechanisms for implementing the objectives of the CBD.The findings from Paper I provided a foundation for understanding the institutional design of national and local offset policies. In Paper II, I then broadened out to discuss the challenges faced in interpreting and implementing global biodiversity targets into national regulatory frameworks. Together, both papers analysed the institutional design and implementation of policy instruments, and examined their contributions to a transformation for the sustainable use of biodiversity.
  • Lee, Jayeon, 1986, et al. (author)
  • Deliberating a Sustainable Welfare–Work Nexus
  • 2023
  • In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift (German Political Science Quarterly). - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0032-3470 .- 1862-2860. ; 64
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Very few countries have managed to decouple economic growth from resource use and greenhouse gas emissions in absolute terms and at rates to meet the climate targets of the Paris Agreement. To achieve this, technological solutions would need to be combined with sufficiency-oriented policies in a postgrowth context. This paper develops policy ideas for a sustainable welfare–work nexus via citizen engagement and examines the level of democratic support for such ideas. Theoretically, it employs “sustainable welfare” to understand welfare and wellbeing within planetary and social limits. The paper first sketches the welfare–work nexus as developed in the postwar circumstances in Western Europe, highlighting that this model was at no point in time ecologically generalizable to the rest of the world, and then briefly reviews the existing debate on sustainable welfare. The empirical analyses start with qualitative data from 11 deliberative forums on sustainable needs satisfaction, with emphasis on policies targeted at respecting the upper and lower boundaries of a “safe and just operating space” for economic and social development. The qualitative data are then triangulated with quantitative data from a representative survey, which was constructed based on the policy suggestions from the forums, hence allowing for an exploration of their popularity in the Swedish population as a whole.We find a considerable gap between the far-reaching policy measures that forum participants consider necessary and the measures that the general public in Sweden are prepared to support, especially when it comes to policies targeting maximum levels of needs satisfaction.
  • Lee, Jayeon, et al. (author)
  • Deliberating a Sustainable Welfare–Work Nexus / Auf dem Weg zu einem nachhaltigen Wohlfahrt-Arbeit-Nexus
  • 2023
  • In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0032-3470 .- 1862-2860. ; 61, s. 825-825
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Very few countries have managed to decouple economic growth from resource use and greenhouse gas emissions in absolute terms and at rates to meet the climate targets of the Paris Agreement. To achieve this, technological solutions would need to be combined with sufficiency-oriented policies in a postgrowth context. This paper develops policy ideas for a sustainable welfare–work nexus via citizen engagement and examines the level of democratic support for such ideas. Theoretically, it employs “sustainable welfare” to understand welfare and wellbeing within planetary and social limits. The paper first sketches the welfare–work nexus as developed in the postwar circumstances in Western Europe, highlighting that this model was at no point in time ecologically generalizable to the rest of the world, and then briefly reviews the existing debate on sustainable welfare. The empirical analyses start with qualitative data from 11 deliberative forums on sustainable needs satisfaction, with emphasis on policies targeted at respecting the upper and lower boundaries of a “safe and just operating space” for economic and social development. The qualitative data are then triangulated with quantitative data from a representative survey, which was constructed based on the policy suggestions from the forums, hence allowing for an exploration of their popularity in the Swedish population as a whole. We find a considerable gap between the far-reaching policy measures that forum participants consider necessary and the measures that the general public in Sweden are prepared to support, especially when it comes to policies targeting maximum levels of needs satisfaction.
  • Lindellee, Jayeon, et al. (author)
  • Deliberating a Sustainable Welfare-Work Nexus
  • 2022
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Very few countries have managed to decouple economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions in absolute terms and where this was achieved at rates too slow to meet the climate targets of the Paris agreement. To do so, technological solutions would need to be combined with sufficiency-oriented policies in a post growth context. Contributing to such a policy strategy, this paper explores the potentials for democratically formulating and establishing a sustainable welfare-work nexus. Theoretically, it employs ‘sustainable welfare’ as an attempt to understand welfare and wellbeing within planetary limits. Empirically, it presents qualitative and quantitative data from an ongoing research project in Sweden. The paper first sketches the welfareworknexus as developed in the post-war circumstances in Western Europe,highlighting that this model was at no point in time ecologically generalizable to the rest of the world, and briefly reviews the hitherto debate on sustainable welfare. The empirical analyses start with qualitative data from eleven deliberative forums on sustainable needs satisfaction with emphasis on policies targeted at respecting the upper and lower boundaries of a ‘safe operational space’ within which needs satisfaction may be established within planetary limits. The qualitative data are then triangulated with quantitative data from a representative survey, which was constructed based on the policy suggestions from the forums, hence allowing for an exploration of their popularity in the Swedish population as a whole.
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  • Result 21-30 of 44
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peer-reviewed (19)
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Smith, Henrik G. (2)
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Isaxon, Christina (2)
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Johansson, Erik (1)
Löndahl, Jakob (1)
Larsson, Rolf (1)
Sernhed, Kerstin (1)
Lundberg, Anna (1)
Montesino, Norma (1)
Corvellec, Hervé (1)
Sandström, Ida (1)
Ståhl, Lars-Henrik (1)
Gren, Nina (1)
Andersson, Dan-Erik (1)
Berndtsson, Ronny (1)
Persson, Kenneth M (1)
Eklundh, Lars (1)
Harrie, Lars (1)
Jeppsson, Bengt (1)
Greenberg, Larry, 19 ... (1)
Friberg, Johan (1)
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Peterson, Anna (1)
Hassel, Henrik (1)
Becker, Per (1)
Filipsson, Helena L. (1)
Hydbom, Sofia (1)
Karlsson, Mikael (1)
Lindroth, Anders (1)
Cardeña, Etzel (1)
Carlson, Stefan (1)
Ahrné, Siv (1)
Khan, Jamil (1)
Jönsson, Karin (1)
Boyd, Emily (1)
Alcer, David (1)
Bergström, Lena (1)
Akselsson, Roland (1)
Alvesson, Mats (1)
Carton, Wim (1)
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Lund University (40)
University of Gothenburg (2)
Royal Institute of Technology (2)
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (2)
Chalmers University of Technology (2)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2)
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Kristianstad University College (1)
Halmstad University (1)
Stockholm University (1)
Karlstad University (1)
Högskolan Dalarna (1)
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