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Sökning: L4X0:2002 6188 OR L4X0:2002 6196

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  • A Nordic Perspective on Co‐Operation for Sustainable Destination and Regional Development
  • 2015
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This research report contributes to a Nordic perspective on co-operation for sustainable destination- and regional development based on studies conducted within a Swedish-Danish Interreg project 2012-2014 (MARIFUS). An introduction chapter with major themes initiates this report followed by five chapters1 written by researchers from Aalborg University, Denmark (Incevida) and University West, Sweden (School of Business, Economics and IT). The purpose of this report is to give deeper nsights in Nordic destination and regional development by empirical case studies. These studies have been presented and discussed at seminars during international scientific conferences within regional science (the 16th Uddevalla Symposium 2013 in Kansas City, USA and the 17th Uddevalla Symposium 2014 in Uddevalla, Sweden) organized by University West. The contributions are nterdisciplinary in that sense that they are written by scholars from different scientific disciplines such as business administration, informatics, planning and culture studies. However, all scholars have a destination and/or regional perspective as a point of departure in the case studies conducted. The three-year project offered great opportunities to cross-border learning and applied research in close co-operation (Work integrated learning) with project partners and students.The studies are partly supported by the project MARIFUS “Maritime Inlands – past, present and future strengths” financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund (Interreg IV A). The editors express sincere gratitude to all authors and all partners of the MARIFUS project. 
  • Andersson, Åsa, et al. (författare)
  • ”Jag skulle så jätte, jätte, jättegärna vilja ha ett fast jobb att gå till” : Om att vara ung och arbetslös i Västervik
  • 2015
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The centre of Child and Youth Studies at University West works strategically with other regional research environments and institutions that study children, youths and young adults. The goal of our research centre is to spread knowledge about the social conditions under which children and young people live, thereby strengthening their position in society. Collaboration with external research environments is one of the ways that our research domain works to reach that goal. Partnerships are formed through a model that strives to create good conditions for both our research and that of our partners. This model is grounded in a dialogue between research partners who work together to select areas of interest and formulate hypotheses. These research projects are financed equally by the university and our partners. The following report is the result of one of  these research partnerships.Advanced industrial society has been replaced by a society based upon knowledge and information where industrial work/manufacturing becomes less common. Västervik is one of the small towns in Sweden whose main industries have closed down or severely decreased their workforce during the last few decades of great structural change. The groups in the job market that have been most affected by these changes are young men and women, something which is evident in the high unemployment rates among the young population. The purpose of this study was to investigate young people’s own experiences and thoughts regarding their own situation as jobseekers in the municipality of Västervik. How do they see themselves and the situation they find themselves in? The narratives were collected in the form of 18 in-depth interviews with young men and women between the ages of 19-25, all them registered at the job center in Västervik. In the report different aspects of their situation are discussed, such as: the young people’s relation to their hometown, their thoughts on the meaning and value of work, the role of education, the economic, social and emotional consequences of unemployment, and their experiences of taking part in various programs for unemployed. The narratives we have encountered can be seen as having some general validity in the sense that many of their experiences are probably shared by other unemployed young people in other locations in Sweden, but Västervik is also a specific town with a specific history and specific conditions.The young men and women have an ambivalent relationship to their hometown. On the one hand they want to start a life in the same location, but on the other, the future there is seen as very uncertain. Many of those interviewed would like to have the kind of industrial jobs that their parents have and grandparents experienced, but which are nowadays less and less common. The norm of a fulltime job is strong among the young men and women – something which strengthens the image of the evident dissonance between their seemingly traditional dreams and intentions and the structures of possibilities the municipality and community suggest for them. Connected to this are the ways the young people must relate to the postindustrial demands of employability – which means the ability to enterprise and market oneself on a competitive market. These demands presuppose abilities that are more likely to be socialized and practiced in certain social environments rather than in others, and the majority of the young men and women interviewed have a background in aworking class environment where these values and approaches are far from selfevident.The socioeconomic marginalization that these young people experienceresults in much curtailed possibilities for a period of youthful experimentation aswell as for an expected adulthood. Being unemployed means one has difficulty ingaining the status of an adult, but due to economic shortages, there are also limits to how much they can take part in this experimental lifestyle that characterizes youth. The young men and women’s situation can thereby be seen as a grey zone; they are neither young nor adults in the normative sense. In some of the narratives the young people express critical thoughts with regard to the social conditions that their difficult situation can be related to. By extension, expressing these thoughts and stating their opinion can be strengthening and mobilizing for them, both as individuals and as a group. Insights may be gained about unemployment as a shared experience rather than as a personal failure
  • Andrén, Ulla, 1955-, et al. (författare)
  • Utveckling av ett nytt yrke inom socialpsykiatrisk vård
  • 2019
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The program in Social Psychiatric Care is a three-year program at the university level leading to a vocational qualification in social psychiatric care and a bachelor's degree in the field of Health Sciences. Until the spring of 2018, six litters have graduated. Students in the social psychiatric care program often have personal interest, previous professional experience from the business areas or inspiration from related friends working in the field of activity. Personal experiences of problems in the fields of activity are also prominent among the students. Students believe that personal experience, willingness and ability is important in order to work within the profession. Characteristics of the students are also an interest and a clear empathetic willingness to work with people and they consider that the profession primarily requires characteristics such as altruism, empathy, social skills and deeper knowledge and understanding in the field. Upon completion of education, students want a career role where they can help other people, feel motivated, or they aim for specific positions or areas of activity. Both managers and alumni from the Social Psychiatric Care program value the broad professional competence that the program leads to. Psychiatric competence is emphasized as particularly valuable by both alumni and managers. This competence means that they also complement the other professions in the activities. Students consider themselves possessed a professional identity that involves introducing psychiatric and custody skills to organizations that previously lacked these perspectives. Something that also brings new approaches to patients, users and clients. Being able to use knowledge from several disciplines are considered to be a strength and competence that are well-needed in environments where people with mental ill health are cared for. The alumni perceive their knowledge as both interdisciplinary and interprofessional.
  • Bernhard, Iréne, 1953-, et al. (författare)
  • Samverkansmodell för Arbetsintegrerat Lärande i Forskarutbildning : En ökad samhällsrelevans genom interaktiva flöden
  • 2020
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Universiteten i Sverige och övriga världen måste ständigt se över former för förbättrat utbyte med det omgivande samhället. Strategier för samverkan behöver kunna följas upp, mätas och förbättras. På Högskolan Väst (HV) har vi vårt profilområde inom arbetsintegrerat lärande (AIL), som generellt syftar till att integrera såväl teori som praktik i både utbildning, forskning och samverkan - på ett systematiskt och hållbart sätt. I denna rapport kartläggs samverkanseffekter i forskarutbildningen i informatik med inriktning mot arbetsintegrerat lärande. Syftet med rapporten är att utvärdera forskarutbildningen och forskningsmiljön från ett AIL-perspektiv. Vi har utgått från en informativ vetenskapsmodell (Informing Flows Framework) för att genomföra en nulägesanalys där vi identifierar och visualiserar samarbetstyper inom och mellan forskar-utbildningen/forskningsmiljön och Högskolan Västs nyckelaktörer: praktiken, forskarsamhället och doktorander. Konkreta implikationer visar hur samverkan och informationsflöden är kopplade och hur de kan förbättras. Allmänna reflektioner ges på modellen som ett användbart sätt för kvalitetsutveckling som går bortom de traditionella lärandemålen. Vi ser klara utvecklingsvägar för att kunna inkludera fler och djupare aspekter av samarbete och interaktion, som kan ge förbättrat utbyte och tydligare mått och strategier för vad och hur vi ska betrakta ”societal impact” för forskarutbildningen.
  • Bolin, Anette, 1962- (författare)
  • Att få pengarna att räcka till som de brukar : Barns och ungas perspektiv på föräldrars arbetslöshet
  • 2016
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This report is about the ways in which children in families with previous economic stability experience and adapt to substantially decreased household income as a consequence of a parent's/parents' unemployment. While much is known about children growing up in poor families, and how they understand and act in relation to the family's economic situation, little is known about children who suddenly find themselves living in economic adversity. In the context of post-financial crisis Sweden where in the late 2000s/early 2010s large numbers of families with previously stable incomes found themselves in economic adversity, the objective of the research is to investigate how children and young people experience substantial decreases in household income as a consequence of parental unemployment. In particular focus is directed to the ways in which they reason about and respond to the family's new economic circumstances. Interviews with children (N=45) whose parents had previously been in long-term employment but lost their jobs were carried out. Drawing on national data provided by the National Transition Fund for Blue-collar Workers (TSL) and (ii) the Local Transition fund for white-collar staff in the private sector (TRS), five municipalities in the west of Sweden with the highest numbers of transition grants were initially identified for recruitment of families subjected to unemployment during the years of 2010-2013.The interview data was analysed using thematic content analysis (Broun & Clark2006) with focus directed to children's agency (Kuczinski 2003). While the results are largely in line with previous research on children living in long-termpoor families, that is to say that parents put children´s needs first, children take responsibility for the family situation by not financial demands on the parentsone major difference emerged. None of the types of self-excluding behavior characteristic of avoidance-oriented strategies was found. Unlike children living in poverty where self-exclusion and the avoidance of exposure to stigmatizing situations where resource disparities are highlighted are common, the children in the current study did not regard parental unemployment and the family's loss of income as a source of shame. Rather, they expressed awareness of how macroeconomic forces had impacted on their lives and, as active agents, developedstrategies that enabled them to adjust to the family's new economic reality. The implications of this result indicate that social workers working with children insuch situations need to reconsider interpretations of behavior that are rooted inthe assumption that economic adversity generates shame and stigma.
  • Cederlund, Christer, 1952-, et al. (författare)
  • I huvudet på en socialpedagog : En studie om yrkesverksamma välfärdsarbetare och deras föreställningar om socialpedagogik
  • 2020
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Detta är en studie om hur yrkesverksamma välfärdsaktörer med akademisk socialpedagogisk utbildning, förstår och beskriver socialpedagogik i teori och praktik. Studien har genomförts bland yrkesverksamma, före detta studenter på socionomprogrammet med inriktning mot socialpedagogik vid Stockholms universitet och det Socialpedagogiska programmet vid Högskolan Väst. Syftet är att beskriva och analysera de yrkesverksamma studenternas föreställningar om socialpedagogik som kunskapsfält och som praxis, samt hur socialpedagogiken kommit till uttryck i den egna yrkespraktiken. Studien bygger på intervjuer med 27 personer. Genom samtal och genom de berättelser vi tagit del av från respondenternas yrkesvardag har deras syn på socialpedagogik som fenomen, som värdegrund, som mål, metod och förhållningssätt växt fram.Analysen av yrkespraktiken tar utgångspunkt i tre teoretiska idealmodeller av socialpedagogik; den anpassande, den mobiliserande och den demokratiska, konstruerades som ett resultat av en tidigare intervjustudie med socialpedagogiska forskare (Eriksson 2006). I synen på socialpedagogikens värdegrund syns en samstämmighet bland respondenterna i den här studien och forskarna i den tidigare studien. Hur värdegrunden tar sig uttryck i praktiken är dock inte lika tydligt. Respondenterna ger uttryck för teorier, värderingar och förhållningssätt, men tvingas att i konkreta situationer handla pragmatiskt. Respondenternas sätt att förhålla sig till situationen är att inta ett pragmatiskt förhållningssätt, ett förhållningssätt som vi benämnt ”den pragmatiske socialpedagogen”. De försöker att upprätthålla, vad de menar är ett socialpedagogiskt förhållningssätt, trots administrativa och organisatoriska begränsningar. Det handlar om att hantera det upplevda handlingsutrymmet. 
  • Dahlborg Lyckhage, Elisabeth, et al. (författare)
  • Gränshinder : en kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie av samverkandesjukvård
  • 2014
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The project "Health care interaction" among different care providers was introduced as a trial activity in the municipalities of Strömstad and Tanum in the spring of 2010. The aim of health care interaction is to provide citizens health care adapted to their specific need within shortest possible time frame; Is emergency care not needed, the aim is to avoid that the care seeker ends up in an emergency room at the hospital. In this study experiences from health care interaction is described with quantitative as well as qualitative data. Empirical data is based on available medical statistics, focus group interviews with nurses with long experience from pre-hospital emergency care and home health care, questionnaires data gathered from other health professionals involved in the activity, individual interviews with nurses and physicians at call centers for medical information, primary health care centers, home health care, pre-hospital health care and elderly care. The analysis of the data reveal opportunities and expectations among the personnel as well as their willingness to develop and improve the health care. It's also evident that the general impression among health care personnel is that increased interaction among health care providers improves the quality of the health care given. Health care interaction also contributes to improved opportunities for person-centered care with an increased degree of continuity and participation for the patient. The study also reveals that collaboration between colleagues promotes development of individual and collective knowledge. Conclusions drawn from the study is that the documentation and information system used in health care interaction needs to strengthen the participation of the care seekers as well as to improve in accessibility for the personnel involved. In order for health care interaction to evolve and develop through close follow-up and evaluation, a more transparent and uniform system for documentation is recommended. It's also concluded from the study that the call center for medical information (1177) as one of the major actors in the health care interaction program has the best potential to instigate an expansion and development of the health care interaction among care providers.
  • Dåderman, Anna M., et al. (författare)
  • The work-family interface : Job demands, work engagement and turnover intentions of Polish nurses
  • 2016
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • A conflict between one's professional life and one's family life may lead to lower well-being both at work and home. Most nurses are women who have traditionally reconciled their professional life with family life. One aim of this study was to examine the relationships between the work-family conflict (WFC),the family-work conflict (FWC), and the perception of job demands (quantitative workload and interpersonal conflicts at work). We intended also to examine the components of work engagement (vigour, dedication, and absorption) and turnover intentions. Another aim was to determine whether the variables that we examined are important for turnover intentions. This study comprised Polish registered nurses. The following instruments were used:Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict Scales (Netemeyer, Boles, &McMurrian, 1996), the Interpersonal Conflict at Work Scale and Quantitative Workload Index (Spector & Jex, 1998), the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale(Schaufeli, Bakker, & Salanova, 2006), and measures of turnover intentions (intention to leave the present workplace and intention to leave the nursing profession). The score on the scale to measure WFC was positively related to perceived workload and to both turnover intentions, while negatively related to vigour. The WFC was experienced significantly more intensively than FWC. The perception of differences in mean scale scores of job demands had a moderate effect on the FWC and WFC, while differences in mean scale scores of vigour had a strong effect on the WFC. WFC, quantitative workload and a low level of dedication were significant predictors of the intention to leave the present workplace, while the level of job demands was a significant predictor of theintention to leave the nursing profession. The results are interpreted and discussed using Hobfoll's Conservation of Resources theory.
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 35
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rapport (26)
proceedings (redaktörskap) (5)
samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (3)
bok (1)
Typ av innehåll
övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (28)
refereegranskat (7)
Bernhard, Iréne, 195 ... (7)
Bolin, Anette, 1962- (3)
Nunstedt, Håkan, 195 ... (2)
Pennbrant, Sandra, 1 ... (2)
Sorbring, Emma, 1972 ... (2)
Skyvell Nilsson, Mar ... (2)
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Kullgren, Carina, 19 ... (2)
Molin, Martin, 1967- (2)
Svensson, Lars A., 1 ... (2)
Siverbo, Sven, 1970- (2)
Olsson, Anna Karin, ... (1)
Lundh Snis, Ulrika, ... (1)
Karlsson, Charlie (1)
Persson, Anders (1)
Durst, Susanne (1)
Svensson, Ann, 1962- (1)
Andersson, Morgan (1)
Herrman, Margaretha, ... (1)
Kerekes, Nora, 1969- (1)
Svensson, Lars, 1963 ... (1)
Hedman Ahlström, Bri ... (1)
Hassler, Sven (1)
Sofkova Hashemi, Syl ... (1)
Johansson, Anna, 196 ... (1)
Kauffeldt, Anders, 1 ... (1)
Åström, Sture, 1946- (1)
Dahlborg Lyckhage, E ... (1)
Gellerstedt, Martin, ... (1)
Karlsson, Margareta, ... (1)
Andersson, Åsa (1)
Beckman, Anita, 1961 ... (1)
Andrén, Ulla, 1955 (1)
Kinnander, Monica (1)
Gråsjö, Urban, 1962- (1)
Samuelsson, Marcus (1)
Asal, Maher, 1957- (1)
Henning, Cecilia (1)
Pennbrant, Sandra (1)
Basinska, Beata A. (1)
Samuelsson, Marcus, ... (1)
Ringsby Jansson, Bib ... (1)
Sorbring, Emma (1)
Fredén, Lars, 1949- (1)
Cederlund, Christer, ... (1)
Eriksson, Lisbeth, 1 ... (1)
Åhnby, Ulla (1)
Skyvell Nilsson, Mar ... (1)
Halvarsson, Christin ... (1)
Eklund, Annika, 1981 ... (1)
Dåderman, Anna M. (1)
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Högskolan Väst (34)
Göteborgs universitet (2)
Stockholms universitet (1)
Jönköping University (1)
Malmö universitet (1)
Högskolan i Skövde (1)
Svenska (26)
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