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Sökning: L4X0:0280 7971

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  • Ahlström, Christer, 1977- (författare)
  • Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal : methods for the intelligent stethoscope
  • 2006
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Phonocardiographic signals contain bioacoustic information reflecting the operation of the heart. Normally there are two heart sounds, and additional sounds indicate disease. If a third heart sound is present it could be a sign of heart failure whereas a murmur indicates defective valves or an orifice in the septal wall. The primary aim of this thesis is to use signal processing tools to improve the diagnostic value of this information. More specifically, three different methods have been developed:• A nonlinear change detection method has been applied to automatically detect heart sounds. The first and the second heart sounds can be found using recurrence times of the first kind while the third heart sound can be found using recurrence times of the second kind. Most third heart sound occurrences were detected (98 %), but the amount of false extra detections was rather high (7 % of the heart cycles).• Heart sounds obscure the interpretation of lung sounds. A new method based on nonlinear prediction has been developed to remove this undesired disturbance. High similarity was obtained when comparing actual lung sounds with lung sounds after removal of heart sounds.• Analysis methods such as Shannon energy, wavelets and recurrence quantification analysis were used to extract information from the phonocardiographic signal. The most prominent features, determined by a feature selection method, were used to create a new feature set for heart murmur classification. The classification result was 86 % when separating patients with aortic stenosis, mitral insufficiency and physiological murmurs.The derived methods give reasonable results, and they all provide a step forward in the quest for an intelligent stethoscope, a universal phonocardiography tool able to enhance auscultation by improving sound quality, emphasizing abnormal events in the heart cycle and distinguishing different heart murmurs.
  • Ahlström, Petter, 1970- (författare)
  • Affärsstrategier för seniorbostadsmarknaden
  • 2005
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Den demografiska utvecklingen i Sverige går mot en befolkningssammansättning med allt högre medelålder. Enligt svenska befolkningsprognoser kommer nästan var fjärde svensk år 2025 att vara över 65 år. Den äldre andelen av befolkningen utgör en välbeställd grupp med relativt stora realekonomiska tillgångar. Attitydundersökningar på morgondagens pensionärer talar för att denna grupp ställer högre krav på boendeutformning, kringservice, vård och omsorg än tidigare generationer. Flera studier visar på en ökad betalningsvilja och betalningsförmåga för alternativa service- och boendeformer. Samtidigt försöker olika marknadsaktörer att positionera ett produkt- och tjänsteutbud inom en bostadsmarknadens nischer, här definierad som seniorbostadsmarknaden. På seniorbostadsmarknaden har ett särskilt segment identifierats där utöver seniorboende även service-, vård- och omsorgsrelaterade kringtjänster bjuds ut. Mot den bakgrunden har avhandlingens problemställning formulerats enligt följande: vad skapar en stark marknadsposition för en aktör på seniorbostadsmarknaden med integrerad service, vård och omsorg?Utgångspunkten har varit ett sannolikt scenario där privata initiativ i allt större utsträckning kommer att bidra till framtida boendelösningar riktade till samhällets seniora och äldrebefolkningsgrupper. Syftet med avhandlingen har varit dels att identifiera de framgångsfaktorer som kan antas ligger till grund för en stark marknadsposition, dels att skapa en typologi över olika affärsstrategier. Genom en branschanalys har det i avhandlingen påvisats att seniorbostadsmarknaden är en nischmarknad med marginell omfattning. Avhandlingens empiriska undersökning har designats som en fältstudie. Fältstudien har i sin tur bl.a. genomförts i form av en förstudie och en intervjustudie. Intervjustudien ägde rum under hösten 2004 med platsbesök och intervjuer av verksamhetsföreträdare för elva utvalda fallstudieorganisationer. Utifrån ett antal i förhand uppställda kriterier har marknadsaktörernas framgångsfaktorer identifierats. Den bearbetnings- och analysmodell som konstruerats för detta syfte och som använts för att analysera fältstudiens empiri är baserad på studier inom strategiområdet. Modellen har bl.a. inspirerats av forskare som Miles & Snow (1978), Porter (1980) och Gupta & Govindarajan (1984). Vidare bygger den på antagandena om resursers och kompetensers betydelse för strategiformuleringen. Service management, och då särskilt tjänsters sammansättning, är ett annat område som beaktas. Analysmodellen har byggts upp kring fem dimensioner: omgivning, strategi, resurser, tjänstekoncept och konkurrens. De identifierade framgångsfaktorerna har baserats på intervjustudiens två mest framgångsrika aktörer. Resultatet har formulerats i ett antal strategiska vägval vilka kan sammanfattas i begreppen: differentiering, fokus, integration, samverkan, kontroll, verksamhetsutveckling, kärnkompetens och resurser. I avhandlingen påvisas att aktörer som bedriver framgångsrik verksamhet på seniorbostadsmarknaden till stora delar följer det Porter (1980) definierat som en differentieringsstrategi med fokus. Avhandlingen har också utmynnat i en affärsstrategisk typologi för seniorbostadsmarknaden. Dessa tentativa slutsatser har formulerats i fyra strategiska idealtyper: förvaltare, konceptbyggare, entreprenörer och idealister.
  • Ahsan, Naveed, 1974- (författare)
  • Programmable and Tunable Circuits for Flexible RF Front Ends
  • 2008
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Most of today’s microwave circuits are designed for specific function and specialneed. There is a growing trend to have flexible and reconfigurable circuits. Circuitsthat can be digitally programmed to achieve various functions based on specific needs. Realization of high frequency circuit blocks that can be dynamically reconfigured toachieve the desired performance seems to be challenging. However, with recentadvances in many areas of technology these demands can now be met.Two concepts have been investigated in this thesis. The initial part presents thefeasibility of a flexible and programmable circuit (PROMFA) that can be utilized formultifunctional systems operating at microwave frequencies. Design details andPROMFA implementation is presented. This concept is based on an array of genericcells, which consists of a matrix of analog building blocks that can be dynamicallyreconfigured. Either each matrix element can be programmed independently or severalelements can be programmed collectively to achieve a specific function. The PROMFA circuit can therefore realize more complex functions, such as filters oroscillators. Realization of a flexible RF circuit based on generic cells is a new concept.In order to validate the idea, a test chip has been fabricated in a 0.2μm GaAs process, ED02AH from OMMICTM. Simulated and measured results are presented along withsome key applications like implementation of a widely tunable band pass filter and anactive corporate feed network.The later part of the thesis covers the design and implementation of tunable andwideband highly linear LNAs that can be very useful for multistandard terminals suchas software defined radio (SDR). One of the key components in the design of a flexibleradio is low noise amplifier (LNA). Considering a multimode and multiband radiofront end, the LNA must provide adequate performance within a large frequency band.Optimization of LNA performance for a single frequency band is not suitable for thisapplication. There are two possible solutions for multiband and multimode radio frontends (a) Narrowband tunable LNAs (b) Wideband highly linear LNAs. A dual bandtunable LNA MMIC has been fabricated in 0.2μm GaAs process. A self tuningtechnique has also been proposed for the optimization of this LNA. This thesis alsopresents the design of a novel highly linear current mode LNA that can be used forwideband RF front ends for multistandard applications. Technology process for thiscircuit is 90nm CMOS.
  • Aijaz, Asim (författare)
  • HiPIMS-based Novel Deposition Processes for Thin Films
  • 2012
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this research, high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) based new deposition processes are introduced to address; the issue of low degree of ionization of C in magnetron sputtering discharges, and the difficulty encountered in thin film deposition on complex-shaped surfaces. The issue of low degree of C ionization is addressed by introducing a new strategy which is based on promoting the electron impact ionization ofC by increasing the electron temperature in the plasma discharge using Ne, instead of conventionally used Ar. The Ne-based HiPIMS process provides highly ionized C fluxes which are essential for the synthesis of high-density and sp3 rich amorphous carbon (a-C) thin films such as diamond-like carbon (DLC) and tetrahedral a-C (ta-C). The feasibility of coating complex-shaped surfaces is demonstrated by using the dual-magnetron approach in an open-field (magnetic field of the magnetrons) configuration and performing sideways deposition of Ti films. The HiPIMS-based open-field configuration process enhances the sideways transport of the sputtered flux — an effect which is observed in the case of HiPIMS.The characterization of the Ne-HiPIMS discharge using a Langmuir probe and mass spectrometry shows that it provides an increase in the electron temperature resulting in an order of magnitude decrease in the mean ionization length of the sputtered C as compared to the conventional Ar-HiPIMS discharge. The C1+ ion energy distribution functions exhibit the presence of an energetic C1+ ion population and a substantial increase in the total C1+ ion flux. The higher C1+ ion flux facilitates the growth of sp3 rich carbon films with mass densities, measured by x-ray reflectometry, reaching as high as approx. 2.8 gcm-3.The dual-magnetron open-field configuration process is operated in DCMS as well as in HiPIMS modes. The plasma characterization, performed by Langmuir probe measurements and optical emission spectroscopy, shows that the plasma density in the Ti-HiPIMS discharge is higher than that of the Ti-DCMS discharge. This results in the higher ionized fraction of the sputtered Ti in the case of HiPIMS. The film uniformity and the deposition rate of the film growth, obtained by employing scanning electron microscopy, demonstrate that the sideways deposition approach can be used for depositing thin films on complex-shaped surfaces.
  • Al Haji, Ghazwan (författare)
  • Towards a Road Safety Development Index (RSDI) : Development of an International Index to Measure Road Safety Performance
  • 2005
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Aim. This study suggests a set of methodologies to combine different indicators of road safety into a single index. The RSDI is a simple and quick composite index, which may become a significant measurement in comparing, ranking and determining road safety levels in different countries and regions worldwide. Design. One particular concern in designing a Road Safety Development Index (RSDI) is to come up with a comprehensive set of exposure and risk indicators which includes as far as possible the main parameters in road safety related to human-vehicle-road and country patterns instead of considering few and isolated indicators such as accident rates. The RSDI gives a broad picture compared to the traditional models in road safety. Challenges. The differences in definitions, non-collection of data, no reliability of data and underreporting are problems for the construction of RSDI. In addition, the index should be as relevant as possible for different countries of the world, especially in developing countries.Empirical study. This study empirically compares the road safety situation and trends between ten Southeast Asian countries and Sweden for the period 1994- 2003. Methodologies. Eleven indicators are chosen in RSDI, which have been categorised in nine dimensions. Four main approaches (objective and subjective) are used to calculate RSDI and determine which one is the best. One approach uses equal weights for all indicators and countries, whereas the other approaches give different weights depending on the importance of indicators.Findings. The thesis examines the RSDI for the ten ASEAN countries and Sweden in 2003. The results from this study indicate a remarkable difference between ASEAN countries even at the same level of motorisation. Singapore and Brunei seem to have the best RSDI record among the ASEAN countries according to the indicators used, while Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam show lower RSDI records. Conclusions. The RSDI results seem very promising and worth testing further applications with bigger samples of countries and from different parts of the world.
  • Alami, Jones, 1971- (författare)
  • Plasma characterisation in high power pulsed magnetron sputtering
  • 2003
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this thesis, plasma parameters including plasma and floating potentials, electron energy distribution function (EEDF) plasma density and electron temperature are studied in a high power pulsed magnetron (HPPM) discharge at different Argon (Ar) gas pressures and different magnetron powers. It is reported that the EEDF during and shortly after the pulse can be represented by a bi-Maxwellian distribution indicating two energy groups of electrons.Furthermore, we report on the variation of the plasma parameters and electron energy distribution function with gas pressure in the pressure range 0.5-20 mtorr. At a high pressure (> 10 mTorr) two density peaks are present, the second of which occurs hundreds of microseconds after the pulse is switched off. It shows that the second peaks occurrence depends on the target material used as well as the chamber pressure and the magnetron power. It is found that the electron density is very high (up to 1019 m-3, during the whole of the measured 2000 µs, indicating the importance of the second density peak in maintaining the high plasma density.Measurements on the electron temperature show that this does not exceed 3 eV while the pulse is on, and that it is no more than 0.5 after the pulse is off. A movie is constructed using Langmuir probe measurements data, showing the temporal evolution of the plasma at 20 mTorr argon pressure and 11 J pulse energy. Analysis shows the existence of a magnetic trap underneath the center of the target. Furthermore, the electron flux in the substrate vicinity 10 - 12 cm from the target is found to be homogeneous. Ti thin films are grown along the sidewalls of a hole, 1 cm2 in area and 2 cm in depth, using both de magnetron and HPPM sputtering. Secondary electron microscopy shows that the film grown by de magnetron sputtering shows clear columnar growth, while a dense and flat film was produced using the HPPM sputtering technique.
  • Albinsson, Pär-Anders, 1975- (författare)
  • Interacting with command and control systems : Tools for operators and designers
  • 2004
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Command and control is central in all distributed tactical operations such as rescue operations and military operations. It takes place in a complex system of humans and artefacts, striving to reach common goals. The command and control complexity springs from several sources, including dynamism, uncertainty, risk, time pressure, feedback delays and interdependencies. Stemming from this complexity, the thesis approaches two important and related problem areas in command and control research. On a general level, the thesis seeks to approach the problems facing the command and control operators and the problems facing the designers in the associated systems development process.We investigate the specific problem of operators losing sight of the overall perspective when working with large maps in geographical information systems with limited screen area. To approach this problem, we propose high-precision input techniques that reduce the need for zooming and panning in touch-screen systems, and informative unit representations that make better use of the screen area available. The results from an experimental study show that the proposed input techniques are as fast and accurate as state-of-the-art techniques without the need to resort to zooming. Furthermore, results from a prototype design show that the proposed unit representation reduces on-screen clutter and makes use of off-screen units to better exploit the valuable screen area.Developing command and control systems is a complex task with several pitfalls, including getting stuck in exhaustive analyses and overrated reliance on rational methods. In this thesis, we employ a design-oriented research framework that acknowledges creative and pragmatic ingredients to handle the pitfalls. Our approach adopts the method of reconstruction and exploration of mission histories from distributed tactical operations as a means for command and control analysis. To support explorative analysis of mission histories within our framework, we propose tools for communication analysis and tools for managing metadata such as reflections, questions, hypotheses and expert comments. By using these tools together with real data from live tactical operations, we show that they can manage large amounts of data, preserve contextual data, support navigation within data, make original data easily accessible, and strengthen the link between metadata and supporting raw data. Furthermore, we show that by using these tools, multiple analysts, experts, and researchers can exchange comments on both data and metadata in a collaborative and explorative investigation of a complex scenario.
  • Aldin, Niklas, 1974- (författare)
  • The strategic interplay between logistics and market development : and the influence of electronic commerce
  • 2002
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overall purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how logistics and market development interplay. In order to do this the research topics are to analyze what the requirements on logistics are from a changing marketing strategy, as expansion or changed customer focus, and how logistics may support continued market development. This is particularly interesting when the business environment is changing. Within the research topics Internet-based electronic commerce is given attention, firstly as a marketing channel sensitive to business changes and secondly as an integrated part of marketing and logistics development. In all parts of the study, the choice of processes, structures and organizations of logistics have been in focus, here labelled logistics.The study consists of three parts and a cover. The cover synthesizes and summarizes the parts - one case study and two journal papers. The case study is a study over time of a medium-sized Swedish distributor selling tools and machinery to Nordic industrial sectors and the Baltic States. The distributor has gone through a change in marketing strategy and implemented an electronic commerce portal, which makes it interesting to study. In the journal papers the research topics are further elaborated and analyzed. The first journal paper focuses on the requirements, and the second paper on the contributions created, even though they overlap. In both parts electronic commerce has been considered an important element. In-depth interviews have been performed in the main case study object but also in two other distributors concerning electronic commerce possibilities. The case study describes the development of the case considering changes in marketing, logistics and electronic commerce strategy. It shows how the case company goes through a strategic change that involves expansion, the use of electronic commerce and changed logistics processes, structures and organizations. In journal paper one the market channel possibilities are analyzed for the case and how these require changes in logistics. It is concluded that with an increased environmental insecurity the need of strategic flexibility increases in new marketing channels and as a consequence the need for a centralized logistics organization. In journal paper two is the electronic commerce support for market and logistics development analyzed for three different distributors. It is concluded that electronic commerce efforts need to start at an activity level, but constantly widen the scope. A stepwise approach is outlined that combines market repositioning and logistics refinement. Support for how electronic commerce contributes to market and logistics development is found.This study supports previous research that claims that organizational integration between logistics and marketing is important. In a changing business environment organizational issues become the main focus in logistics. The need for centralized responsibility to tackle new and changing market requirements is outlined as essential in combination with a greater amount of internal collaboration through informal communication. In this study, the organization of logistics has been argued to have a decisive impact on the ability to find the best strategies that integrate logistics and marketing. Therefore organizational issues precede process and structural change. Electronic commerce and structural change become parts of a strategy to adapt to a continuously changing business.Electronic commerce, logistics process, organizational and structural development contribute to marketing development in different ways by combining cost, service and flexibility in logistics. The stepwise approach signals that to come further with electronic commerce, different lines of action in logistics are needed, such as process streamlining to create better co-ordination and customer service or structural change to further expand the market. Accordingly, different logistics strategies are adaptable to different marketing strategies. However, a centralized logistics organization is argued to be a pre-requisite to become strategic flexible for new marketing strategies and being able to create the necessary interplay between marketing and logistics.
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  • Resultat 21-30 av 1275
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licentiatavhandling (1265)
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (1275)
Hultman, Lars, Profe ... (21)
Ljung, Lennart, Prof ... (18)
Krus, Petter, Profes ... (13)
Gustafsson, Fredrik, ... (13)
Larsson, Erik G., Pr ... (11)
Lundgren, Jan, Profe ... (9)
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Eles, Petru, Profess ... (7)
Eriksson, Henrik, Pr ... (7)
Brege, Staffan, Prof ... (7)
Odén, Magnus, Profes ... (7)
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Ölvander, Johan, Pro ... (6)
Granlund, Gösta, Pro ... (6)
Eklund, Per, Dr, (6)
Johansson, Sten, Pro ... (6)
Rosén, Johanna, Dr. (6)
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