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Sökning: WFRF:(Kann Viggo)

  • Resultat 51-81 av 81
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  • Kann, Viggo, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Reflektionsseminarier som håller ihop och utvecklar programmet
  • 2013
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • En programsammanhållande kurs går över flera år, visar den röda tråden i programmet och har som syfte att kursdeltagarna ska bli professionella studenter, samtidigt som kursen har positiva effekter på mentorerna, övriga kurser och själva programmet. Detta uppnås genom regelbundna reflektions­seminarier där studenterna träffas i små årskurs­överskridande grupper tillsammans med en lärare som mentor.Den programsammanhållande kursen på civil­ingenjörs­programmet i datateknik på KTH är nu inne på sitt femte år och har utvecklats och utvärderats för varje år. I denna artikel motiveras kursens förmåga att ge akademisk integration och ökad genomströmning, visas hur reflektionerna utvecklats med högre nivåer och hur kurskonceptet spritts till flera program både inom och utanför KTH.
  • Kann, Viggo, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Student based program development
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: ITiCSE 2018 Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. - New York, NY, USA : Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). - 9781450357074 ; , s. 379-379
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The aim of this work is to investigate a new method of involving all students in the continued development of an educational program. Using this method, we have obtained a list of well-scrutinized suggestions for improvement that have support among the students, and that we can start to implement. We have also saved a large pool of suggestions that could be used in the future.
  • Kann, Viggo (författare)
  • Så lika är orden
  • 2008
  • Ingår i: Språktidningen. - 1654-5028. ; :4, s. 32-33
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)
  • Kann, Viggo, et al. (författare)
  • Tvärslå - defining an XML exchange format and then building an on-line Nordic dictionary
  • 2007
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Tvärslå is a dynamically expandable multilingual on-line dictionary, composed of all dictionaries used and developed in the Nordisk netordbog (Nordic Web Dictionary) project. Currently the languages included are Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish and English. Tvärslå can be used both interactively and called by the Tvärsök system [1]. This article describes the functionality of Tvärslå and how the system was constructed, beginning in choosing an XML format suitable for exchanging dictionaries within the project.
  • Kann, Viggo, 1964- (författare)
  • Using Reflections in a Program Integrating Course
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: ITiCSE '14 Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Innovation & technology in computer science education. - New York, New York, USA : Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). - 9781450328333 ; , s. 350-350
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A program integrating course runs over several years, shows the mainthread of the program, and its purpose is to enable students to becomemore professional in handling their studies, at the same time as thecourse has a positive effect on thementors, other courses and the program itself. This is achieved throughregular reflection seminars where students meet in small cross-gradegroups with a professor as a mentor.
  • Kjellgren, Björn, et al. (författare)
  • Gärna pedagogisk utveckling - men inte utan tid och erkännande: Lärares syn på pedagogik och utvecklingsarbete
  • 2020
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Kvalitet i högre utbildning förutsätter ett kontinuerligt och hållbart engagemang för pedagogiskutveckling bland lärare och ledning. Universitetsledningens intentioner framgår i de styrdokument,handlingsplaner och visioner som tas fram på lärosätet och innehåller som regel fina ord omutbildningens betydelse även vid forskningstunga institutioner. Det är svårare att skaffa sig en bild avden undervisande personalens bild av detta, dels för att de flesta av dem inte är inkluderade idiskussionerna och dels för att det kan finnas ett gap mellan de frågor som lärare ser som relevantaoch de frågor ledningen är intresserad av att driva.Åren 2014-2016 genomförde KTH en satsning för att bredda det pedagogiska engagemanget ochminska avståndet mellan universitetets högskolepedagoger och övriga lärare genom att utsepedagogiskt intresserade lärare till pedagogiska utvecklare på deltid. Några av dessa pedagogiskautvecklare utvecklade en enkät för att undersöka hur den undervisande personalen såg på en radfrågor relaterade till arbetssituation, förutsättningar för eget och kollegialt lärande, undervisningensmeritvärde och tankar om nuvarande och framtida pedagogik. Undersökningen var också tänkt attutifrån ett kollegialt perspektiv utforska hur lärarna såg på den faktiska situationen jämfört med derasidealbild av universitetspedagogik och universitetsarbete. Tanken var även att följa utvecklingenlongitudinellt för att identifiera trender och resultat av pedagogiska satsningar. Enkäten har hittillsskickats ut två gånger, 2016 (2240 respondenter, 20,0% svarsfrekvens) och 2019 (2534 respondenter,16,8% svarsfrekvens).Vi kommer i vårt bidrag att redovisa några av de intressantare resultaten från undersökningarna ochdiskutera implikationerna av dessa både för lärare och för universitetsledning. Vi finner att det blandrespondenterna finns ett starkt pedagogiskt intresse och en tendens till ökat kollegialt samarbete kringpedagogik, något som i litteraturen lyfts fram som ett tecken på framgångsrika mikrokulturer. Det finnsockså en konstant syn på att universitetet inte gör tillräckligt för att stödja och premiera pedagogisktarbete och ett relativt svagt förtroende för universitetets pedagogiska ledarskap men också förstudenternas pedagogiska engagemang. Vi kommer också att lyfta fram studien som en potentiellmodell för gräsrotsdrivna pedagogiska initiativ och redogöra för den speciella arbetsgång som liggerbakom vårt arbete. Inför framtiden visar vi också på de effekter det kan tänkas få, exempelvis genomatt permanentas som en del av universitetets kvalitetssäkringsarbete. Sist men inte minst kommer viatt betona vikten av att lärarnas åsikter kopplas till studenternas upplevelser av lärmiljöer och till derasmöjligheter att reellt bidra till det pedagogiska förändringsarbetet vid universitetet.
  • Kjellgren, Björn, et al. (författare)
  • Looking from the inside: Peer-exploration of teaching and learning experiences and attitudes among faculty at a technical university
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). - Uppsala : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This full paper presentation starts with the understanding that in the present-day audit society, in which most academics also find themselves, assessment and probing are usually done from positions of higher authority, and not always with quality improvement as the main driving force. In the context of teaching and learning in higher education, this can result in pedagogical evaluations that seem to take uncalled-for interest in areas of little concern to teachers, potentially omitting areas of greater interest to them. In contrast, this paper describes the process and outcomes of a grass-roots initiative to assess the experiences and attitudes toward teaching and learning at the university among peers. In 2014, a university-financed project was launched at KTH Royal Institute of Technology to engage more teachers in the university’s educational development work. The university initially selected 24 self-nominated teachers who were given relatively free reins to work on educational development projects. This project was one of them.The assessment took the form of a survey targeting all teaching – or potentially teaching – faculty at the university, carried out first in 2016 and then repeated in 2019. The first survey was sent out to 2,204 respondents, and the second to 2,534 respondents, with response rates of 20% and 17% respectively. This paper will describe the process of designing these surveys, looking at what was asked about and what was not asked about, as well as the process of getting internal approval for sending them out to a survey-fatigued faculty. The paper also reports on the results in terms of both some key findings and in terms of the effect of the survey work itself on different stakeholders and potential agents of change at the university. Most importantly, however, this paper will discuss the conditions and prerequisites for grass-roots initiatives such as this to succeed, based on the literature and on the experiences gained through the survey work. Grounded in this discussion, we will suggest strategies to help teachers at other universities successfully repeat this or similar endeavours.
  • Knutsson, Ola, 1969- (författare)
  • Developing and Evaluating Language Tools for Writers and Learners of Swedish
  • 2005
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Skrivande och skrivet språk är idag en viktig del av många människors liv, i datorns ordbehandlare, i e-postprogram och i chattkanaler på Internet. Skrivet språk har blivit mer eller mindre en förutsättning för människors dagliga kommunikation. Denna utveckling av samhället leder till ökade behov av att på olika sätt hantera text. En teknologi som har stor potential att hjälpa människor med skrivande och skrivet språk är språkteknologi. I denna avhandling ligger fokus på olika språkverktyg vars avsikt är att stödja skribenter och de som lär sig svenska bland annat genom att skriva. Ett språkverktyg som har utvecklats och utvärderats i avhandlingen är språkgranskningsverktyget Granska. I arbetet med Granska har fokus legat på utvecklingen av regelspråk, granskningsregler och generella analysregler samt utvärdering av dessa. Granska kombinerar en statistisk grundanalys av ordens ordklasser med regelbaserade metoder för sökning av grammatiska fel och frasanalys. I utvecklingen av granskningsreglerna är dragkampen mellan felaktiga utpekningar av fel, så kallade falska alarm, och uteblivna utpekningar av fel, det största enskilda problemet. Dragkampen uppstår genom att det är svårt att hitta många fel utan att också göra en del felaktiga utpekningar. Språkverktyg för skrivande kan i stort sett utvärderas på två sätt: med fokus på texten eller på den som skriver. I denna avhandling har båda typerna av utvärdering utförts med såväl modersmålskribenter som skribenter med svenska som andraspråk. I en första textbaserad utvärdering visade det sig att textgenre spelar stor roll för Granskas resultat. Ett vanligt fel i en textgenre förekommer nästan inte alls i en annan. Detta innebär att det blir mycket svårt för programmet att inte avge några falska alarm i de texter där feltypen saknas. I en andra textbaserad utvärdering jämfördes Granska och en kommersiell grammatikkontroll på texter från andraspråksskribenter. Den kommersiella grammatikkontrollen visade sig att ha bättre träffsäkerhet, men upptäckte färre fel än Granska. En första mindre användarstudie utfördes med Granska och fem erfarna skribenter. Syfte med studien var att utveckla Granska i linje med skribenters behov vid revision av text. Resultatet indikerade att användarna inte hade några problem med att välja mellan olika feldiagnoser om ett av ersättningsförslagen var korrekt. Falska alarm verkade vara av varierande svårighetsgrad: falska alarm från stavningskontrollen är mer eller mindre ofarliga, medan falska alarm från granskningen av mer komplicerade feltyper kan försvåra revisionsarbetet för användaren. Granska utvecklades från början för erfarna skribenter med svenska som modersmål, men allteftersom arbetet har fortskridit har även skribenter med svenska som andraspråk blivit en allt viktigare användargrupp. I detta arbete har diskussionen om granskningsmetod blivit mer och mer central. Även om gruppen andraspråksskribenter är mycket heterogen, så innehåller den här gruppens texter generellt sett mer fel, och i många fall fler fel i samma mening. Detta gör granskningsproblemet betydligt svårare. För det första så blir det svårare att avgöra ordens ordklass och frastillhörighet när flera fel finns i samma mening, och därmed har programmet allt mindre att hänga upp den grundläggande språkliga analysen på. För det andra är det svårare att konstruera granskningsregler för fel vars natur är svår att förutsäga på förhand. För att förbättra den grundläggande språkanalysen utvecklades programmet GTA, som gör en frasanalys och satsgränsigenkänning. GTA utvecklades ur de generella analysregler som redan fanns i Granska. GTA designades för att klara av att analysera texter som innehåller vissa avvikelser från språkets norm, t.ex. inkongruens. För att ta reda på hur väl programmet klarade av mindre avvikelser i form av stavfel utvärderades GTA och även två program för ordklassanalys på texter med olika andel stavfel. GTA bygger till mycket stor del på att identifikationen av ordklass fungerar för att fraser och satsgränser skall analyseras korrekt. Detta bekräftas också i utvärderingen, där det visade sig att GTA klarar sig bra så länge som den underliggande ordklassanalysen klarar att hantera avvikelser i texten. En viktig faktor för att klara språkliga avvikelser, i form av stavfel, är en fungerande metod för att hantera ord som är okända för programmet. Nya metoder för språkgranskning har undersökts i samarbete med andra forskare, och där har avhandlingens bidrag varit i form av transformationsregler i den statistiska språkgranskaren ProbGranska. Dessa regler visade sig vid en utvärdering avsevärt förbättra ProbGranskas säkerhet när det gällde att identifiera grammatiska problem. I utvecklingen av språkgranskaren SnålGranska har avhandlingen bidragit med idéer till dess grundläggande algoritm. Denna algoritm bygger på att träna ett maskininlärningsprogram på konstgjorda fel i avsaknad av en korpus med många uppmärkta autentiska fel. För att komma vidare med utvecklingen av språkverktyg för andraspråksskribenter genomfördes en längre fältstudie vid ett svenskt universitet. Syftet var att studera användningen av Granska i autentiska skrivuppgifter som studenterna genomförde i en avancerad kurs i svenska som främmande språk. Sexton studenter med olika språklig och kulturell bakgrund deltog i studien. En viktig del av studien utgjordes av studenternas bedömningar av Granskas alarm. Bedömningarna gjordes på en betygsskala från 1 till 5. Studenternas texter samlades också in i två versioner; en version före och en efter användningen av programmet. Denna metod gjorde det möjligt att studera i vilken grad studenterna följde Granskas råd, och huruvida dåliga eller bra råd från programmet fick höga eller låga betyg. Mest alarmerande var att dåliga råd angående ordföljd alltid fick högsta betyg. Andra ofta lämpliga råd dömdes ut för att beskrivningen av dessa feltyper, t.ex. anmärkningar om saknade tempusböjda verb och uteblivna subjekt, var svåra att förstå samt att de saknade ersättningsförslag. En viktig insikt från fältstudien var att Granska eller liknade verktyg inte är det enda verktyg som andraspråksskribenter behöver när de skriver text. Denna insikt tillsammans med andra resultat från fältstudien mynnade ut i flera designprinciper för program med fokus på andraspråksskribenter. Dessa designprinciper användes sedan i utformningen av språkmiljön Grim. Grim är en ordbehandlingsmiljö med olika interaktiva språkverktyg integrerade: Granska, GTA, den statistiska språkgranskaren ProbGranska, lexikonet Lexin med åtta olika språkpar, konkordansgränssnitt mot stora textmängder från korpusen Parole, och en ordböjningsfunktion. I Grim kan användaren arbeta med egna eller andras texter, och få återkoppling på språkets former från Granska och GTA, undersöka ords användning i autentiska texter samt få en ökad förståelse av målspråket genom integrerade tvåspråkiga lexikon.
  • Riese, Emma, 1992-, et al. (författare)
  • Computer Science Majors’ Experiences of Their Distance Education Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: 2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). - : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). ; , s. 393-397
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The COVID-19 pandemic caused many universities to switch from on-campus education to distance education, in just a couple of days. In this study, we investigate how computer science (CS) majors experienced the emergency remote education during the first months of the pandemic. We sent out a survey to bachelor’s and master’s students, which yielded 794 responses. In the survey, we asked the students to compare the online education to their on-campus education on a number of aspects, such as motivation, experienced stress and the possibility to collaborate with other students. We also asked the students to compare the quality of learning activities, such as lectures and tutorials. The results show that students preferred the on-campus setting in all aspects, but on open-ended questions about advantages, the students stated the new education format made their schedule more flexible, increased accessibility of learning material, and reduced commuting time. We also identified some differences between the students’ year of study, implying that different courses did not adapt to the new conditions equally well.
  • Riese, Emma, 1992-, et al. (författare)
  • Computer Science students’ perceptions of emergency remote teaching caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: KTH SoTL 2021. - Stockholm : KTH SoTL 2021, March 10, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, universities all over the world had to close down their campuses and move all education online in just a matter of days [1]. At KTH, where a vast majority of the education typically takes place on campus, this caused a very rapid change. In this study, we wanted to evaluate how the students had experienced their education and surveyed students enrolled in year 1-3 of the 5 year computer science and engineering programme, and in both years of the master of science program in computer science.The surveys were distributed in May 2020, as part of a mandatory assignment in the program integrating courses in the respective programmes [2]. It was mandatory for the students to fill out the survey, but the students were not graded on their responses. We got responses from almost all active students, altogether 794 respondents (139, 173, 148, 166, 168, for each grade respectively). We asked the students to compare the typical campus education before the pandemic, with the spring semester's digital education, on a number of aspects, such as stress, procrastination, motivation, and their experienced possibility to fulfill the learning outcomes. We also specifically asked the students to compare the quality of different course activities, such as lectures, tutorials, and computer labs. All of these questions were asked on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from 1 = Distance education is considerably better, to 7 = Campus education is considerably better, and with 4 being a neutral value. In addition, we also asked the students to name the main advantages and disadvantages of this new education format, in two open-ended questions.In general, the results show that the majority of the students preferred the on-campus setting in all aspects and regarding all course activities. This was shown to be statistically significant as one-sample Wilcoxon signed ranked tests, testing the null hypnosis that the median =4 (that is that distance education and on-campus were experienced as equivalent), all had p-values< 0.05, favoring the on-campus setting. The students were slightly more positive about the online lectures, and many students stated, in the open question, that having recorded lectures makes it easy to pause and rewatch if needed. The students also appreciated the flexibility that comes with remote teaching and that their commuting time disappeared. There were also a couple of differences between different grades, where for instance first-year Master students were more positive about online lectures compared to 2nd and 3rd-year bachelor students. The main disadvantages that students mentioned were lack of motivation, study discipline, and lack of social interactions with other students as well as teachers. During the conference, a more detailed presentation of the collected data will be given. It is, however, also important to remember that the results show the students’ perceptions of online education given during the first months of the pandemic. It does not imply that distance education, in general, is experienced as less sufficient, it rather shows that last-minute changes from a familiar on-campus setting to a remote one are very challenging. When evaluating the results during the pandemic it is important to note that distance education is not the same as emergency online education [3].Remote emergency teaching is challenging, and this is well reflected in the students’ perception of their education during the spring semester of 2020. We should, however, learn from the experience and for instance, recorded lectures seem to be something the students would appreciate also in a post-covid-19 world.
  • Riese, Emma, et al. (författare)
  • Erfarna lärarassistenters upplevelser av övningar i inledande programmeringskurser
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: 7:e utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Lärarassistenter, äldre studenter som hjälper den kursansvariga läraren med undervisningen, spelar ofta en betydande roll i kurser som ges till stora studentgrupper. En av lärarassistenternas arbetsuppgifter är att undervisa på övningstillfällen, där studenterna är indelade i mindre grupper och får fördjupa sig i begrepp och teori som tagits upp på föreläsningar. Vi ville undersöka hur lärarassistenterna själva upplever sin roll kring övningstillfället inom inledande programmeringskurser. Detta med syfte att undersöka om kursansvariga kan göra något ytterligare för att stödja sina lärarassistenter, för att i sin tur främja lärande hos sina studenter. Vi genomförde en intervjustudie med sex stycken erfarna assistenter och analyserade datan med en tematisk analys. I den tematiska analysen identifierades två övergripande teman: brist på utbildning och instruktioner samt brist på kommunikation.
  • Riese, Emma (författare)
  • Perspectives on Assessment in Introductory Computer Science Courses : Exploring and Comparing Experiences of Students, Teaching Assistants, and Course Coordinators
  • 2022
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Assessments of students' performances, including providing the students with feedback, are central parts of course design in higher education. These assessments can be carried out in different ways and with different purposes. The introductory programming courses (CS1) are often given to a large group of students, many of whom are non-computer science majors. To conduct the assessments and provide the students with individual feedback, teaching assistants (TAs, students with prior experience of the subject) are often employed to assist the course coordinators (main instructors) in these courses.The practice-based research aim of this thesis is to give recommendations to course coordinators and TAs on how to integrate assessment situations in CS1 courses, aiming to be experienced as fair and valid examinations and opportunities to provide the students with useful feedback. To do so, the experiences and use of assessments within CS1 courses given to non-computer science majors, are explored from the perspective of students, TAs, and course coordinators. The three stakeholders' experiences are also compared, and to further understand the experiences, the TAs' and course coordinators' perceptions of their roles in relation to the assessments are explored. The studied assessment types include lab assignments, midterm exams, and individual final projects. By using a mixed-method approach with a qualitative starting point, each of the stakeholders' perspectives has been studied in detail, mostly within a Swedish context. The research uncovers the complex role of the TAs and the other stakeholders' strong dependency on them. The results suggest that each of the three studied assessment types has weaknesses and strengths that often are experienced differently by the stakeholders. This includes pitfalls with how assessment situations, designed by course coordinators to be both learning activities and graded, are challenging for the TAs to conduct. The assessments then risk being experienced by the students as unfair or dependent on the TA. Further, the results suggest that TAs face challenges related to the student-TA relationship, specifically how to handle being friends with the students they teach. The large group of students limits the course coordinators' role in the assessments, and they have a monitoring role not always visible to the students.Recommendations for TAs and course coordinators, grounded in the research results, are presented in the thesis. Further implications from the research, in the form of TA training initiatives, are also described and evaluated as part of this thesis work.
  • Riese, Emma, 1992-, et al. (författare)
  • Programme Integrating Courses Fighting to Get Engineers to Reflect on Non-technical Topics
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: ITiCSE '19 Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. - New York, NY, USA : ACM Digital Library. - 9781450368957 ; , s. 133-139
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Programme Integrating Courses (PICs) aim to tie students, teachers and courses in education programmes closer together. In this study, we investigate three PICs, as part of engineering programmes in computer science and media technology. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of how students and mentors experience the PICs with a focus on the assessment and the relationship between students, and students and mentors. We used a mixed method approach, interviewed 22 students and 6 mentors, and sent out questionnaires to all 25 mentors and all students from two of the three courses (630+470 students). The results showed that the students and mentors appreciated the social aspects of the courses, getting to know each other and share experiences. However, some were uncomfortable reflecting upon the given non-technical topics. On a general level, the students stated that their mentors assessed their reflections correctly but they were sceptical towards being graded on a scale other than pass/fail.
  • Riese, Emma, et al. (författare)
  • Teaching Assistants' Experiences of Tutoring and Assessing in Computer Science Education
  • 2020
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This Research, Full Paper presents a study on the experiences of teaching assistants (TAs) in Computer Science (CS) courses. TAs are widely used in CS education, to reduce the workload of faculty. A way to allow smaller groups of students in tutorials and individual guidance in lab sessions, even though the numbers of students in the classes are increasing. The aim of this study is to describe the TAs, own experiences of their role, which work tasks they have and how they are carried out. Fifteen semi-structured interviews with TAs, who were themselves studying towards a bachelor's or master's degree, were carried out and analyzed using thematic analysis. The results indicate that the TAs typically work alone with preparing the material for the tutorials and that they are given a high amount of freedom both regarding which examples to explain and which pedagogical approaches to use. During the lab sessions the students conduct lots of different tasks, related to assessment and tutoring. In the paper, we present a framework with the identified work tasks, with descriptions on how they were carried out. The thematic analysis resulted in six role descriptions; as a teacher, friend, tutor, grader, mentor and apprentice. Combining the roles as tutors and graders, can be experienced as tricky, especially if the instructions and grading criteria are lacking details. The TAs can also view themselves as both a teacher and a friend to their students, which could cause conflicts of interest to arise. The TAs could experience to be an apprentice to the course coordinator and senior TAs, but also to be a mentor for the students and more novice TA colleagues. The implications of this study could be of use for faculty who employ TAs in their courses or are conducting or planning TA training sessions. Based on the result, we have made some recommendations for TA training.
  • Riese, Emma, 1992-, et al. (författare)
  • Training Teaching Assistants by Offering an Introductory Course
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium V.1 on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2022). - New York, NY, USA : Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). ; , s. 745-751
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Teaching assistants (TAs) are often used in computer science (CS) courses to conduct tutorials in smaller groups and to be able to provide students with one-to-one help sessions. TAs can also assist with the assessment, which can be time-consuming in large classes. Previous research does, however, indicate that TAs can be poorly prepared for their work tasks. In this experience report, we present a TA training course that addresses this issue and prepares new TAs for their responsibilities. This includes conducting tutorials, tutoring and providing students with useful feedback in lab settings, and conducting assessments. In addition, we also aimed at creating a safe space for our TAs to discuss challenges and fears that they foresee or have already experienced as TAs. To do this, we developed an introductory course consisting of five modules, that are based on previous research on TAs in CS and in the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. The modules are: HR questions, classroom teaching, helping and supervising in lab sessions, assessment, and reflection and discussion. The course is given in a blended learning format, where the first three modules are student-paced online modules, while the last two are synchronous meetings. To evaluate the training, we present course evaluation results from 53 TAs who enrolled in this 6-hours course during the 2020/2021 academic year. We conclude that this TA training course has been well appreciated by almost all the participants, discuss lessons learned and future plans.
  • Riese, Emma, 1992-, et al. (författare)
  • Training Teaching Assistants in Assessment of Lab Assignments in Computer Science at a Swedish University
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Nordic Journal of STEM Education. - : Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Library. - 2535-4574. ; 4:2, s. 71-84
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Teaching assistants (TAs), students who assist the faculty, are widely used in computer science (CS) courses. Previous studies have, however, shown that TAs could be poorly prepared and need training. Particularly, an interview study has shown that one of the areas where the TAs experience uncertainty is when assessing students’ oral presentations of their lab assignments. Based on that result and by interviewing course coordinators, we have developed and offered training workshops about assessment in CS. We invited our TAs in the introductory CS courses to participate on a voluntary basis. By distributing pre-workshop surveys at the beginning of each semester, and post-workshop surveys at the end of the semesters, to both workshop attendees (50) and non-attendees (44), we studied how the TAs conducted the assessments and what impact the training workshop had on their self-reported practice.  Both surveys had 11 identical statements that the TAs were asked to rate on a 7-point Likert scale. We also conducted interviews with four workshop attendees and three non-attendees. The results showed a significant difference between the two groups in the post-workshop survey: workshop attendees disagreed more with the statement “I try to assess students' understanding rather than the program”, which is more in line with the instructions given. In addition, when comparing pre- and post-workshop answers, the workshop attendees stated that they were less inclined to ask for help, experienced that the lab instructions were not detailed enough, and were more inclined to ask questions that convinced them that the students had written the program themselves. In the control group, no significant differences between pre- and post-tests were found.
  • Rosell, Magnus, 1975- (författare)
  • Clustering in Swedish : The Impact of some Properties of the Swedish Language on Document Clustering and an Evaluation Method
  • 2005
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Text clustering divides a set of texts into groups, so that texts within each group are similar in content. It may be used to uncover the structure and content of unknown text sets as well as to give new perspectives on known ones. The contributions of this thesis are an investigation of text representation for Swedish and an evaluation method that uses two or more manual categorizations. Text clustering, at least such as it is treated here, is performed using the vector space model, which is commonly used in information retrieval. This model represents texts by the words that appear in them and considers texts similar in content if they share many words. Languages differ in what is considered a word. We have investigated the impact of some of the characteristics of Swedish on text clustering. Since Swedish has more morphological variation than for instance English we have used a stemmer to strip suffixes. This gives moderate improvements and reduces the number of words in the representation. Swedish has a rich production of solid compounds. Most of the constituents of these are used on their own as words and in several different compounds. In fact, Swedish solid compounds often correspond to phrases or open compounds in other languages.In the ordinary vector space model the constituents of compounds are not accounted for when calculating the similarity between texts. To use them we have employed a spell checking program to split compounds. The results clearly show that this is beneficial. The vector space model does not regard word order. We have tried to extend it with nominal phrases in different ways. Noneof our experiments have shown any improvement over using the ordinary model. Evaluation of text clustering results is very hard. What is a good partition of a text set is inherently subjective. Automatic evaluation methods are either intrinsic or extrinsic. Internal quality measures use the representation in some manner. Therefore they are not suitable for comparisons of different representations. External quality measures compare a clustering with a (manual) categorization of the same text set. The theoretical best possible value for a measure is known, but it is not obvious what a good value is -- text sets differ in difficulty to cluster and categorizations are more or less adapted to a particular text set. We describe an evaluation method for cases where a text set has more than one categorization. In such cases the result of a clustering can be compared with the result for one of the categorizations, which we assume is a good partition. We also describe the kappa coefficient as a clustering quality measure in the same setting.
  • Rosell, Magnus, et al. (författare)
  • Comparing Comparisons: Document Clustering Evaluation Using Two Manual Classifications
  • 2004
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • “Describe your occupation in a few words”, is a question answered by 44 000 Swedish twins.Each respondent was then manually categorized according to two established occupation classificationsystems. Would a clustering algorithm have produced satisfactory results? Usually,this question cannot be answered. The existing quality measures will tell us how much thealgorithmic clustering deviates from the manual classification, not if this is an acceptable deviation. But in our situation, with two different manual classifications (in classificationsystems called AMSYK and YK80), we can indeed construct such quality measures. If the algorithmic result differs no more from the manual classifications than these differ from eachother (comparing the comparisons) we have an indication of its being useful. Further, weuse the kappa coefficient as a clustering quality measure. Using one manual classification asa coding scheme we assess the agreement of a clustering and the other. After applying both these novel evaluation methods we conclude that our clusterings are useful.
  • Rosell, Magnus, et al. (författare)
  • Global Evaluation of Random Indexing through Swedish Word Clustering Compared to the People’s Dictionary of Synonyms
  • 2010
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Evaluation of word space models is usually local in the sense that it only considers words that are deemed very similar by the model. We propose a global evaluation scheme based on clustering of the words. A clustering of high quality in an external evaluation against a semantic resource, such as a dictionary of synonyms, indicates a word space model of high quality. We use Random Indexing to create several different models and compare them by clustering evaluation against the People’s Dictionary of Synonyms, a list of Swedish synonyms that are graded by the public. Most notably we get better results for models based on syntagmatic information (words that appear together) than for models based on paradigmatic information (words that appear in similar contexts). This is quite contrary to previous results that have been presented for local evaluation. Clusterings to ten clusters result in a recall of 83 % for a syntagmatic model, compared to 34% for a comparable paradigmatic model, and 10% for a random partition.
  • Rosell, Magnus, et al. (författare)
  • Global Evaluation of Random Indexing through Swedish Word Clustering Compared to the People’s Dictionary of Synonyms
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP-2009. ; , s. 376-380
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Evaluation of word space models is usually local in the sense that it only considers words that are deemed very similar by the model. We propose a global evaluation scheme based on clustering of the words. A clustering of high quality in an external evaluation against a semantic resource, such as a dictionary of synonyms, indicates a word space model of high quality. We use Random Indexing to create several different models and compare them by clustering evaluation against the People's Dictionary of Synonyms, a list of Swedish synonyms that are graded by the public. Most notably we get better results for models based on syntagmatic information (words that appear together) than for models based on paradigmatic information (words that appear in similar contexts). This is quite contrary to previous results that have been presented for local evaluation. Clusterings to ten clusters result in a recall of 83% for a syntagmatic model, compared to 34% for a comparable paradigmatic model, and 10% for a random partition.
  • Rosell, Magnus, 1975- (författare)
  • Text Clustering Exploration : Swedish Text Representation and Clustering Results Unraveled
  • 2009
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Text clustering divides a set of texts into clusters (parts), so that texts within each cluster are similar in content. It may be used to uncover the structure and content of unknown text sets as well as to give new perspectives on familiar ones. The main contributions of this thesis are an investigation of text representation for Swedish and some extensions of the work on how to use text clustering as an exploration tool. We have also done some work on synonyms and evaluation of clustering results. Text clustering, at least such as it is treated here, is performed using the vector space model, which is commonly used in information retrieval. This model represents texts by the words that appear in them and considers texts similar in content if they share many words. Languages differ in what is considered a word. We have investigated the impact of some of the characteristics of Swedish on text clustering. Swedish has more morphological variation than for instance English. We show that it is beneficial to use the lemma form of words rather than the word forms. Swedish has a rich production of solid compounds. Most of the constituents of these are used on their own as words and in several different compounds. In fact, Swedish solid compounds often correspond to phrases or open compounds in other languages. Our experiments show that it is beneficial to split solid compounds into their parts when building the representation. The vector space model does not regard word order. We have tried to extend it with nominal phrases in different ways. We have also tried to differentiate between homographs, words that look alike but mean different things, by augmenting all words with a tag indicating their part of speech. None of our experiments using phrases or part of speech information have shown any improvement over using the ordinary model. Evaluation of text clustering results is very hard. What is a good partition of a text set is inherently subjective. External quality measures compare a clustering with a (manual) categorization of the same text set. The theoretical best possible value for a measure is known, but it is not obvious what a good value is – text sets differ in difficulty to cluster and categorizations are more or less adapted to a particular text set. We describe how evaluation can be improved for cases where a text set has more than one categorization. In such cases the result of a clustering can be compared with the result for one of the categorizations, which we assume is a good partition. In some related work we have built a dictionary of synonyms. We use it to compare two different principles for automatic word relation extraction through clustering of words. Text clustering can be used to explore the contents of a text set. We have developed a visualization method that aids such exploration, and implemented it in a tool, called Infomat. It presents the representation matrix directly in two dimensions. When the order of texts and words are changed, by for instance clustering, distributional patterns that indicate similarities between texts and words appear. We have used Infomat to explore a set of free text answers about occupation from a questionnaire given to over 40 000 Swedish twins. The questionnaire also contained a closed answer regarding smoking. We compared several clusterings of the text answers to the closed answer, regarded as a categorization, by means of clustering evaluation. A recurring text cluster of high quality led us to formulate the hypothesis that “farmers smoke less than the average”, which we later could verify by reading previous studies. This hypothesis generation method could be used on any set of texts that is coupled with data that is restricted to a limited number of possible values.
  • Sjöbergh, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • Finding the correct interpretation of Swedish compounds, a statistical approach
  • 2004
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper treats compound splitting for Swedish, where compounding is productive and very common. A method for splitting compounds and several methods for choosing the correct interpretation of ambiguous compounds are presented. 99% of all compounds are split, 97% of these are correctly interpreted.
  • Sjöbergh, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • Granska API – an Online API for Grammar Checking and Other NLP Services
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: NEALT Proceedings Series. - Linköping : Linköping University Electronic Press. - 1736-8197 .- 1736-6305.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We present an online API to access a number of Natural Language Processing services developed at KTH. The services work on Swedish text. They include tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, shallow parsing, compound word analysis, word inflection, lemmatization, spelling error detection and correction, grammar checking, and more. The services can be accessed in several ways, including a RESTful interface, direct socket communication, and premade Web forms. The services are open to anyone. The source code is also freely available making it possible to set up another server or run the tools locally. We have also evaluated the performance of several of the services and compared them to other available systems. Both the precision and the recall for the Granska grammar checker are higher than for both Microsoft Word and Google Docs. The evaluation also shows that the recall is greatly improved when combining all the grammar checking services in the API, compared to any one method, and combining services is made easy by the API.
  • Sjöbergh, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • Granska API – an Online API forGrammar Checking and Other NLP Services
  • 2020
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We present an online API to access many Nat-ural Language Processing services developedat KTH. The services work on Swedish text.They include tokenization, part-of-speech tag-ging, shallow parsing, compound word anal-ysis, word inflection, lemmatization, spellingerror detection and correction, grammar check-ing, and more. The services can be accessed inseveral ways, including a RESTful interface,direct socket communication, and pre-madeWeb forms. The services are open to anyone.The source code is also freely available mak-ing it possible to setup another server or runthe tools locally.
  • Sjöbergh, Jonas (författare)
  • Language Technology for the Lazy : Avoiding Work by Using Statistics and Machine Learning
  • 2006
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Language technology is when a computer processes human languages in some way. Since human languages are irregular and hard to define in detail, this is often difficult. Despite this, good results can many times be achieved. Often a lot of manual work is used in creating these systems though. While this usually gives good results, it is not always desirable. For smaller languages the resources for manual work might not be available, since it is usually time consuming and expensive. This thesis discusses methods for language processing where manual work is kept to a minimum. Instead, the computer does most of the work. This usually means basing the language processing methods on statistical information. These kinds of methods can normally be applied to other languages than they were originally developed for, without requiring much manual work for the language transition. The first half of the thesis mainly deals with methods that are useful as tools for other language processing methods. Ways to improve part of speech tagging, which is an important part in many language processing systems, without using manual work, are examined. Statistical methods for analysis of compound words, also useful in language processing, is also discussed. The first part is rounded off by a presentation of methods for evaluation of language processing systems. As languages are not very clearly defined, it is hard to prove that a system does anything useful. Thus it is very important to evaluate systems, to see if they are useful. Evaluation usually entails manual work, but in this thesis two methods with minimal manual work are presented. One uses a manually developed resource for evaluating other properties than originally intended with no extra work. The other method shows how to calculate an estimate of the system performance without using any manual work at all. In the second half of the thesis, language technology tools that are in themselves useful for a human user are presented. This includes statistical methods for detecting errors in texts. These methods complement traditional methods, based on manually written error detection rules, for instance by being able to detect errors that the rule writer could not imagine that writers could make. Two methods for automatic summarization are also presented. One is based on comparing the overall impression of the summary to that of the original text. This is based on statistical methods for measuring the contents of a text. The second method tries to mitigate the common problem of very sudden topic shifts in automatically generated summaries. After this, a modified method for automatically creating a lexicon between two languages by using lexicons to a common intermediary language is presented. This type of method is useful since there are many language pairs in the world lacking a lexicon, but many languages have lexicons available with translations to one of the larger languages of the world, for instance English. The modifications were intended to improve the coverage of the lexicon, possibly at the cost of lower translation quality. Finally a program for generating puns in Japanese is presented. The generated puns are not very funny, the main purpose of the program is to test the hypothesis that by using "bad word" things become a little bit more funny.
  • Viggo, Kann (författare)
  • Visst gör ett s skillnad
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Språktidningen. - : Språktidningen i Sverige. - 1654-5028. ; :9, s. 46-49
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)
  • Wenner, Cenny, 1984- (författare)
  • Label Cover Reductions for Unconditional Approximation Hardness of Constraint Satisfaction
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Combinatorial optimization include such tasks as finding the quickest route to work, scheduling jobs to specialists, and placing bus stops so as to minimize commuter times. We consider problems where one is given a collection of constraints with the objective of finding an assignment satisfying as many constraints as possible, also known as Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). Most CSPs are NP-hard to solve optimally and we turn to approximations - a solution is said to be a factor-c approximation if its satisfies at least c times the optimal number of constraints. This thesis presents new results on the approximation limits of CSPs in various settings.In ordering CSPs, one is given constraints which specify the relative order of items, and the objective is order the items so as to satisfy as many constraints as possible. We give improved approximation hardness results for two classical problems: it is NP-hard to approximate Maximum Acyclic Subgraph with a factor better than 14/15 and Maximum Betweenness with a factor better than 1/2. We present ordering problems which are NP-hard to approximate better than random assignments, and that there are ordering problems arbitrarily hard to approximate.Next, Gaussian elimination can efficiently find exact solutions for satisfiable collections of so-called parity constraints. We show that whenever constraints accept at least one assignment in addition to a parity, then the problem is NP-hard to approximate better than random assignments. Finally, we study the uselessness property which basically states that if one is given a collection where almost all constraints are simultaneously satisfiable and one is permitted to relax the constraints to accept or reject additional assignments, then it is still NP-hard to find solutions noticeably better than random assignments. We consider the setting where all variables appear unnegated and provide the first examples of non-trivially useless predicates assuming only P != NP.
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