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Sökning: L4X0:1654 2010 > (2010-2014)

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  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Ovanligt samarbete i myndighetsvärldenJA, DÅ VAR DET DAGS IGEN. För oss redaktörer präglar produktionen av HAVET-rapporten vår tillvaro under en stor del av året. Att till slut få hålla rapporten i sin hand, bläddra i den, och däreft er ta hand om alla beställningar, är verkligen en tid av tillfredsställelse. Roligast av allt är att ta emot läsarnas uppskattning i form av brev, e-postmeddelanden och telefonsamtal. EN ENKEL RUNDFRÅGNING bland miljötjänstemän som arbetar med marina frågor visar att HAVET-rapporten är användbar och uppskattad. Vi är dock medvetna om att det fi nns möjlighet att ta ett steg vidare, så att den i ännu högre grad uppfyller önskemål om att ge en fullständig bild, en koncentrerad sammanfattning och en stringent tillståndsbedömning. Inte minst behöver den tvärvetenskapliga analysen av orsakerna till miljösituationen utvecklas. SAMARBETE ÄR DET ORD som beskriver arbetet med HAVET-rapporten bäst. Själva grunden till rapporten är ett samarbete mellan Naturvårdsverket och Havsmiljöinstitutet. Naturvårdsverket ansvarar för all insamling och analys av en mängd olika parametrar i alla Sveriges havsområden, och ser till att alla inblandade utförare av miljöövervakning tillsammans rapporterar till redaktionen. Havsmiljöinstitutets enheter bidrar med miljöanalytisk kompetens, sammanställer sammanfattningen som inleder rapporten och ansvarar för det redaktionella arbetet. Naturvårdsverkets roll när det gäller rapporten kommer under kommande år att tas över av en ny myndighet för havs- och vattenmiljö. Produktionen av denna rapport tillsammans med Havsmiljöinstitutet har utpekats som en viktig uppgift för den nya myndigheten, och vi ser fram emot nya spännande utmaningar när det gäller detta för myndighetsvärlden ovanliga samarbetsprojekt.I ÅRETS RAPPORT belyser fl era artiklar betydelsen av infl öden från Nordsjön till Östersjön. Frekvensen av dessa infl öden har varit låg under senare tid, vilket påverkar inte bara syreförhållanden utan även indirekt halterna av näringsämnena kväve och fosfor, skiktningen av vattenmassan och reproduktion av torsk. Dessa infl öden är en viktig pusselbit i diskussionen kring övergödning, blomning av cyanobakterier och fi skförvaltning i främst Egentliga Östersjön. HAVET-rapportens olika avsnitt visar på behovet av en ingående analys och syntes av kunskapsläget inom detta komplicerade område.Även miljögift ssituationen kopplar till politiska beslut, och man kan med all önskvärd tydlighet se att resoluta åtgärder faktiskt har eff ekt. Kunskapsläget varierar för olika ämnen, och det tillkommer hela tiden nya ämnen som borde övervakas. OM DETTA OCH MYCKET MER går att läsa i årets upplaga av HAVET-rapporten. Att värna om vår havsmiljö står högt på den politiska agendan, och förhoppningsvis utgör rapporten en viktig del i arbetet mot ett levande hav i balans.Trevlig läsningRedaktörerna
  • Martin, Roman, et al. (författare)
  • Regional innovation policy beyond ‘best practice’ : Lessons from Sweden
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This paper deals with policy measures in the regional innovation system of Scania, Southern Sweden. Focus is dedicated to requirements on innovation policy from actors representing different industries. Previous studies have identified profound differences with regard the organization of knowledge sourcing between firms and other actors in industries drawing on different knowledge bases. In correspondence with these findings, industries differ also with regard to how policy measures aiming to support innovation are perceived and acquired. Despite this, there is a tendency among regional policy programs to base their strategies on one ‘best practice’-model, inspired by successful (or sometimes less successful) cases in other parts of the world. The paper presents an in-depth analysis of such policy support targeting three industries located in one region, and ends with a suggestion to how those should be adapted to render influence on the institutional framework of the regional innovation system.
  • Lindell, Ilda, et al. (författare)
  • The World Cup 2010 and the urban poor : ‘World class cities’ for all?
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • South Africa was expecting to benefit by hosting the World Cup 2010. For urban disadvantaged groups, however, the reality proved very different. Street vendors and marketers were among the excluded. Evictions caused many of them to lose their livelihoods, and strict regulations made it difficult for them to derive economic benefit from the mega-event. This Policy Note explores their predicament, as well as the responses of grassroots organizations. Finally, lessons are drawn for cities aspiring to host similar events in the future.
  • Ottelid, Magnus (författare)
  • Sexton uppsatstal 2002-2010
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Magnus Ottelid är lärare på socionomutbildningensedan 1994. Han har också gett ut skönlitteräraböcker.Denna utgåva av Pedagogiska meddelanden är ensammanställning av sexton uppsatstal som MagnusOttelid höll mellan 2002 och 2010.Ur förordet:”När jag blev tillfrågad av prefekten vid Institutionen för socialtarbete om att hålla ett tal vid den högtidliga champagneavslutningenför socionomstudenter på höstterminen 2002, anade jag inte attuppdraget skulle hålla i sig i sexton terminer. Det visade sig ocksåvara en verklig utmaning, om än rolig.Grundidén för talet är att väva in samtliga titlar på de uppsatsersom skrivits av de studenter vilka just den aktuella terminenavslutar sina studier på socionomprogrammen. Flera sakermedverkar till att göra uppgiften knepig: antalet uppsatser somibland varit över sextio, bredden på de ämnen man skriver om,fantasifulla titlar av typen ’Mardrömmarna man drömmer är inteens egna’, mindre fantasifulla såsom ’Fyra familjerättssekreterareserfarenheter av samarbetssamtal’ eller deprimerande ämnen avkaraktären ’Implementeringen av självmordspreventiva program iJämtlands skolor’. Dessutom fanns det väl ett underförstått kravom att det skulle vara underhållande. Fast det sista gör sig litegrann självt eftersom det är säkert är rätt kul att höra sin egenuppsatstitel i ett annat och kanske underligt sammanhang.” 
  • Jonasson, Mikael, 1962- (författare)
  • Intensiva länkar i glesa strukturer
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Rapporten belyser vilka sätt Deleuzes begrepp ”intensities”, intensiteter, skulle kunna användas för att förstå såväl generell stimulans av regional utveckling, och som ett specifikt begreppsligt verktyg för utveckling av upplevelsebaserat organisations- och produkttänk i glesa strukturer.3 Intensiteter innebär här ett tillstånd av ontologisk instabilitet vilket uppstår som en följd av att en förändringsprocess startar. Ett intensivt tillstånd utgör alltså ett litet men viktigt element i en innovations- eller förändringsprocess där ett perspektiv på tingen övergår i ett annat perspektiv. Syftet är att först diskutera hur intensiteter ingår i mötesplatser för traditionell industri och upplevelseindustri, t ex av den typen som skapas inom MAKExperience workshops, i avsikt att föra in upplevelser i utvecklingen av produkter och tjänster.I geografiskt täta strukturer skapas ofta intensiteter naturligt, eftersom avståndsfriktionen inte utgör ett hinder.4 I glesa strukturer måste man dock göra särskilda insatser i syfte att förstärka nätverk-ande och kreativ organisation.5 Kapitlet försöker således diskutera möjligheten att använda begreppet intensiteter och mobila platt-formar för utveckling av företag och näringsliv. Argumentet är att förutsättningarna för utveckling i glesa strukturer är beroende av att det skapas olika former av intensiteter, i form av kreativa mötes-platser där företag ges möjlighet att ta del av olika kompetenser för att utveckla produkter eller verksamheter.
  • Schultz, Linda, et al. (författare)
  • Genusaspekter i Helix forskningsprojekt
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Föreliggande text är en rapport inom forsknings- och utvecklingsprojektet The mobility of gender – gendering mobility for learning health and  innovation. Projektet är finansierat via Vinnovas program Tillämpad genusforskning inom starka forsknings- och innovationsmiljöer – TIGER. I vårt arbete inom Helix använder vi också akronymen TIGER för det aktuella projektet.Kartläggningen som presenteras i rapporten har genomförts under hösten 2009 och våren 2010 av fil mag Linda Schultz, som också genomfört analysarbetet och skrivit merparten av texten. Rapporten fokuserar om och hur genus är en del av forskningen inom forskningsmiljön Helix. Denna rapport följs av en kartläggande studie av Helix’ partnerskapsorganisationer, med fokus på pågående aktiviteter och aktuella diskussioner om genus och jämställdhet samt upplevda behov av jämställdhetsarbete i dessa organisationer.
  • Aggestam, Josefin, et al. (författare)
  • Vägen till meningsfull sysselsättning
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna rapport är en utvärdering av MICA – Människan I Centrum Arbete. MICA är Östersunds svar på daglig verksamhet för personer med funktionshinder. Den metod som MICA arbetar efter är ett resultat av flera års utvecklingsarbete där individer som är berättigade daglig verksamhet enligt LSS (och daglig sysselsättning enligt SoL) erbjuds möjligheten att arbeta på företag, myndigheter och organisationer ute i samhället. Metodens ambition är att ge brukaren stöd för att öka sin självständighet, utvecklas och i det långa loppet också närma sig arbetsmarknaden. Vägen mot arbetsmarknaden skall hela tiden präglas av en meningsfull sysselsättning för individen. Metoden är i svenska mått mätt relativt ovanlig och Östersund tar emot studiebesök från kommuner och andra verksamheter från olika delar av landet och världen som intresserar sig för deras arbete. Av denna anledning anlitade Östersunds kommun under 2008 Malmö högskola för att med utomstående ögon utvärdera MICAs arbete. Utvärderingens syfte har varit att ligga till grund för fortsatt utvecklingsarbete inom MICAs organisation. Vi hoppas dessutom att denna rapport kan verka som inspiration eller vägledning för andra liknande verksamheter i världen eller Sverige.
  • Ahonsi, Babatunde A. (författare)
  • Towards More Informed Responses to Gender Violence and HIV/AIDS in Post-Conflict West African Settings
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The evidence is incontrovertible that Liberia (with its two civil wars, 1989-97 and 2000-03) and Sierra Leone (with its 1991-2001 war) have emerged from two of the most inhuman, ferocious and cruel conflicts in the post-Cold war era. The scale of destruction, rape, mayhem, arson and torture perpetrated during these wars was among the greatest in Africa’s postcolonial history. Women, especially adolescents and young adults, were exposed to extreme sexual brutality at a time when a growing heterosexually-driven HIV pandemic was occurring in the West African sub-region. Both countries also experienced an economic and social collapse that resulted in human development indicators on employment, income, health, education, women’s status and child well-being that are among the lowest in the world. Protracted armed conflicts, as witnessed in Liberia and Sierra Leone and beyond, expose women and girls to unprecedented levels and forms of sexual violence. Moreover, the expectation that the transition from war to peace will lead to significantly reduced sexual violence against women (SVAW) is often disappointed. Instead, post-conflict transitions tend to produce a change in the predominant forms of sexual violence and the profile of its perpetrators. The extended and interlinked conflicts in these neighbouring countries relate at a fundamental level to the persistent denial of citizenship rights to particular population sub-groups over several decades. Within such landscapes of severe social, economic and political marginalization and deprivation, women and girls were bound to suffer more than men and boys during and after the wars as a result of long-established and deeply entrenched patriarchal structures and ideologies in both countries. The persistence of SVAW during post-conflict transitions tends to increase the risk of HIV infection among younger women relative to the phase of armed conflict. A key causal factor is men’s highly exploitative, transactional and cross-generational multiple sexual activities. Thus far, the dominant responses to this complex of issues in post-conflict West Africa have lacked a nuanced understanding of the underlying drivers of sexual violence and its intersections with women’s higher risk of HIV infection.The policy responses to the challenges of post-conflict reconstruction and peace-building in West Africa have generally focused more on traditional security, physical infrastructurere building and economic revitalization issues than on such highly gendered human security concerns as sexual violence and violations of reproductive rights. Left unaddressed, these persisting or worsening human security challenges, affecting at least half their populations, make sustainable peace and development in post-conflict Liberia and Sierra Leone nearly impossible.
  • Alm, Tove, 1977- (författare)
  • Interaction engineered three-helix bundle domains for protein recovery and detection
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • HTML clipboard The great advances in DNA technology, e.g. sequencing and recombinant DNA techniques, have given us the genetic information and the tools needed to effectively produce recombinant proteins. Recombinant proteins are valuable means in biotechnological applications and are also emerging as alternatives in therapeutic applications. Traditionally, monoclonal antibodies have been the natural choice for biotechnological and therapeutic applications due to their ability to bind a huge range of different molecules and their natural good affinity. However, the large size of antibodies (150 kDa) limits tissue penetration and the recombinant expression is complicated. Therefore, alternative binders with smaller sizes have been derived from antibodies and alternative scaffolds.In this thesis, two structurally similar domains, Zbasic and ABDz1, have been used as purification tags in different contexts. They are both three-helical bundles and derived from bacterial surface domains, but share no sequence homology. Furthermore, by redesign of the scaffold used for ABDz1, a molecule intended for drug targeting with extended in-vivo half-life has been engineered. In Papers I and II, the poly-cationic tag Zbasic is explored and evaluated. Paper I describes the successful investigation of Zbasic as a purification handle under denaturating conditions. Moreover, Zbasic is evaluated as an interaction domain in matrixassisted refolding. Two different proteins were successfully refolded using the same setup without individual optimization. In Paper II, Zbasic is further explored as a purification handle under non-native conditions in a multi-parallel setup. In total, 22 proteins with varying characteristics are successfully purified using a multi-parallel protein purification protocol and a robotic system. Without modifications, the system can purify up to 60 proteins without manual handling. Paper I and II clearly demonstrate that Zbasic can be used as an interaction domain in matrix-assisted refolding and that it offers a good alternative to the commonly used His6-tag under denaturating conditions. In paper III, the small bifunctional ABDz1 is selected from a phage display library. Endowed with two different binding interfaces, ABDz1 is capable of binding both the HSA-sepharose and the protein A-derived MabSelect SuRe-matrix. The bifunctionality of the domain is exploited in an orthogonal affinity setup. Three target proteins are successfully purified using the HSA-matrix and the MabSelect SuRe-matrix. Furthermore, the purity of the target proteins is effectively improved by combining the two chromatographic steps. Thus, paper III shows that the small ABDz1 can be used as an effective purification handle and dual affinity tag without target specific optimization. Paper IV describes the selection and affinity maturation of small bispecific drug-targeting molecules. First generation binders against tumor necrosis factor-α are selected using phage display. Thereafter on-cell surface display and flow cytometry is used to select second-generation binders. The binding to tumor necrosis factor-α is improved up to 30 times as compared to the best first generation binder, and a 6-fold improvement of the binding strength was possible with retained HSA affinity. Paper III and IV clearly demonstrate that dual interaction surfaces can successfully be grafted on a small proteinaceous domain, and that the strategy in paper IV can be used for dual selection of bifunctional binders.
  • Almgren, Karin M., 1980- (författare)
  • Wood-fibre composites : Stress transfer and hygroexpansion
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Wood fibres is a type of natural fibres suitable for composite applications. The abundance of wood in Swedish forests makes wood-fibre composites a new and interesting application for the Swedish pulp and paper industry. For large scale production of composites reinforced by wood fibres to be realized, the mechanical properties of the materials have to be optimized. Furthermore, the negative effects of moisture, such as softening, creep and degradation, have to be limited. A better understanding of how design parameters such as choice of fibres and matrix material, fibre modifications and fibre orientation distribution affect the properties of the resulting composite material would help the development of wood-fibre composites. In this thesis, focus has been on the fibre-matrix interface, wood-fibre hygroexpansion and resulting mechanical properties of the composite. The importance of an efficient fibre-matrix interface for composite properties is well known, but the determination of interface properties in wood-fibre composites is difficult due to the miniscule dimensions of the fibres. This is a problem also when hygroexpansion of wood fibres is investigated. Instead of tedious single-fibre tests, more straightforward, macroscopic approaches are suggested. Halpin-Tsai’s micromechanical models and laminate analogy were used to attain efficient interface characteristics of a wood-fibre composite. When Halpin-Tsai’s model was replaced by Hashin’s concentric cylinder assembly model, a value of an interface parameter could be derived from dynamic mechanical analysis. A micromechanical model developed by Hashin was used also to identify the coefficient of hygroexpansion of wood fibres. Measurements of thickness swelling of wood-fibre composites were performed. Back-calculation through laminate analogy and the micromechanical model made it possible to estimate the wood-fibre coefficient of hygroexpansion. Through these back-calculation procedures, information of fibre and interface properties can be gained for ranking of e.g. fibre types and modifications. Dynamic FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy was investigated as a tool for interface characterization at the molecular level. The effects of relative humidity in the test chamber on the IR spectra were studied. The elastic response of the matrix material increased relative to the motion of the reinforcing cellulose backbone. This could be understood as a stress transfer from fibres to matrix when moisture was introduced to the system, e.g. as a consequence of reduced interface efficiency in the moist environment. The method is still qualitative and further development is potentially very useful to measure stress redistribution on the molecular level.
  • Andersson, Rasmus (författare)
  • Evaluation of two hydrocyclone designs for pulp fractionation
  • 2010
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The process conditions and fractionation efficiency of two hydrocyclone designs, a novel and a conventional conical design, were evaluated. The novel design comprised a modified inlet section, where the pulp suspension had to pass a narrow ring-shaped opening, and a very compact fractionation zone. The influence of feed concentration and fine fraction mass ratio was studied. The trials were performed with never-dried, unrefined bleached chemical softwood pulp. Fractionation efficiency was evaluated in terms of change of surface roughness of handsheets made out of the fractions and the feed pulp respectively.The fractionation efficiency increased considerably with decreasing fine fraction mass ratio, especially at higher feed concentrations. This finding prompted a hypothesis on the existence of a radial gradient in the composition of the suspension inside the novel hydrocyclone. Using the novel hydrocyclone in a feed-forward fractionation system would therefore prove to be more favourable as a larger total fine fraction of better properties can be obtained. A three-stage feed-forward fractionation system was evaluated in laboratory scale. Here, it was indeed possible to extract fine fractions with improved surface properties in each of the three consecutive stages. All three fine fractions had about the same surface roughness.The fractionation performance of the novel design was benchmarked against that of a conventional, best available technology (BAT) design. In terms of fractionation efficiency, the BAT design performed better. However, the fractions produced with the novel hydrocyclone had a much smaller difference in concentration, implying a much less pronounced enrichment of fines in the fine fraction. It is unclear, to what extent the lower share of latewood fibres and the increased fines content, respectively, contributed to the improved surface roughness of the fine fractions. However, it is clear that the lower enrichment of fines in the novel hydrocyclone makes it easier to install it in industrial applications without a need for auxiliary equipment to redistribute large water flows. 
  • Andersson, Samir, 1976- (författare)
  • Supramolecular chemistry based on redox-active components and cucurbit[n]urils
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis describes the host-guest chemistry between Cucurbit[7]uril (CB[7]) and CB[8] and a series of guests including bispyridinium cations, phenols and  napthalenes. These guests are bound to ruthenium polypyridine complexes or ruthenium based water oxidation catalysts (WOCs). The investigations are based upon utilizing the covalently linked photosensitizer and the electronic effects and chemical processes are investigated.
  • Angelin, Marcus, 1981- (författare)
  • Discovery-Oriented Screening of Dynamic Systems: Combinatorial and Synthetic Applications
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis is divided into six parts, all centered around the development of dynamic (i.e., reversibly interacting) systems of molecules and their applications in dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) and organic synthesis. Part one offers a general introduction, as well as a more detailed description of DCC, being the central concept of this thesis. Part two explores the potential of the nitroaldol reaction as a tool for constructing dynamic systems, employing benzaldehyde derivatives and nitroalkanes. This reaction is then applied in part three where a dynamic nitroaldol system is resolved by lipase-catalyzed transacylation, selecting two out of 16 components. In part four, reaction and crystallization driven DCC protocols are developed and demonstrated. The discovery of unexpected crystalline properties of certain pyridine β-nitroalcohols is used to resolve a dynamic system and further expanded into asynthetic procedure. Furthermore, a previously unexplored tandem nitroaldol-iminolactone rearrangement reaction between 2-cyanobenzaldehyde and primarynitroalkanes is used for the resolution of dynamic systems. It is also coupled with diastereoselective crystallization to demonstrate the possibility to combine several selection processes. The mechanism of this reaction is investigated and a synthetic protocol is developed for asymmetric synthesis of 3-substituted isoindolinones. Part five continues the exploration of tandem reactions by combining dynamic hemithioacetal or cyanohydrin formation with intramolecular cyclization to synthesize a wide range of 3-functionalized phthalides. Finally, part six deals with the construction of a laboratory experiment to facilitate the introduction of DCC in undergraduate chemistry education. The experiment is based on previous work in our group and features an acetylcholinesterase-catalyzed resolution of a dynamic transthioacylation system.
  • Arkhangelskaya, Alexandra A. (författare)
  • India, Brazil and South Africa Dialogue Forum: A Bridge between Three Continents : Challenges, achievements and policy options
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) Dialogue Forum is a trilateral development initiative to promote South-South cooperation and exchange. The forum was launched with the adoptionof the Brasília Declaration in June 2003. Each of the three countries has ambitions to play a leading role in regional and global affairs. The role of the Group of Twenty (G20) in respondingto the global financial crisis reflects growing acceptance of IBSA’s emerging position by the world’s established powers. An analysis of IBSA as a rising global power bloc is therefore critical to understanding the new dimensions of South-South relations, particularly in a post-Cold War world. This policy note addresses IBSA’s framework, principles, achievements and challenges in Africa’s development perspective.
  • Arnell, Sven-Inge, 1954-, et al. (författare)
  • Att lämna chefsjobb : Vad kan hända?
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Att lämna chefsjobb är ett resultat av ett forskningsarbete ingående i projektet Chefersrörlighet i organisationer inom Helix. Helix är ett VINN Excellence Center vid Linköpings universitet med den centrala uppgiften att skapa en arena för forskning och innovation där forskare från olika discipliner kan samverka med företag och organisationer för att utveckla nya kunskaper och metoder om rörlighetens betydelse för lärande, hälsa och innovationer. Arbetet bakom den här rapporten startade hösten 2008 som en del av projektet chefers rörlighet som startade hösten 2006. Följande parter inom Helix har deltagit i projektet: Finspångs kommun, Industrikompetens, Linköpings kommun, Mjölby kommun,Norrköpings kommun, Siemens, Toyota BT Products AB och Unionen på Saab. I projektet har vi arbetat med en interaktiv forskningsansats vilket förenklat betyder att medverkande forskare och deltagare från parterna tillsammans har skapat ny kunskap. Deltagarna från parterna har varit: Gunnar Mångsbro, Anders Granberg, Eva Pettersson, Peter Jonsson, Katarina Nyhammar, Kerstin Arwenhed, Eva Kullbjer, Jan Kovacs, UlricaNorman, Stig Karlsson, Mia Kling, Anna Skogens och Maria Söderberg. Vi från projektet vill framföra ett stort tack till alla personer som har ställt upp på intervjuer. Utan er medverkan hade vi inte kunnat genomföra projektet. Tack så mycket!
  • Axelson, Martin, et al. (författare)
  • Alternativa datainsamlingsmetoder i ULF, fas 2 : En jämförelse mellan två olika datainsamlingsmetoder
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I föreliggande rapport redovisas resultaten från den andra, och avslutande, fasen av den metodstudie som genomförts inom ramen för projektet Alternativa datainsamlingsmetoder för Undersökning av Levnadsförhållanden (ULF), som påbörjades 2002.Metodstudiens huvudsakliga syfte var att jämföra två olika metoder för datainsamling: en mixed mode ansats (MM) med en kombination av insamlingsmetoderna besök- och telefonintervju utan datorstöd respektive datorstödd telefonintervju (CATI). Jämförelser avseende huvudsakligen fyra olika kvalitetsaspekter redovisas: (1) mätkvaliteten, (2) bortfallsfelets storlek och inverkan på skattningar, (3) svarsandelen i Barn-ULF och (4) viljan hos uppgiftslämnarna för att delta i undersökningen.Den allmänna slutsatsen från studien är att den systematiska felkomponenten (mät- och bortfallsfel) i tillförlitlighetskomponenten bedöms vara oförändrad vid en övergång till CATI. I kombination med att övergången skulle frigöra resurser för en urvalsökning, innebär detta att medelkvadratfelet (MSE) i skattningarna skulle minska vid en övergång från den tidigare ansatsen med MM till CATI som primär insamlingsmetod.
  • Blomfeldt, Thomas, 1982- (författare)
  • Gluten Protein-Based Microcellular Foams and Composites: Development and Functional Properties
  • 2010
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Most common foams are produced from non-renewable resources (e.g., synthetic plastics),with a number of environmental concerns, hence there is a demand for alternative bio-derivedfoam materials. Wheat gluten protein is widely known to have excellent foaming properties(e.g., in bread making) and is a possible alternative resource for making foam products.Gluten foams were produced using a lyophilization process (freeze-drying) and variousgluten/water-based mixtures were studied. Foams with varying properties were obtained bymixing various amounts of wheat gluten with glycerol (plasticizer) and bacterial cellulosefibers (reinforcement). The gluten foams looked like bread with a beige color and few visuallydetectable surface pores. They were generally characterized as having an open cell structurewith a porosity in the range 75-85% and pore sizes ranging between 20 and 73 μm. Differentmechanical properties were obtained by using varying gluten concentrations and the differentadditives. Plasticizing with glycerol lead to increased flexibility of the foams, with the abilityto recover up to 95% after being compressed by 80%. By reinforcing with bacterial cellulosefibers the material became stiffer, with an increased elastic modulus. Confocal lasermicroscopy revealed that the fibers and gluten interacted. Analyzing the protein structure ofthe foams revealed that the different additives resulted in structures with different proteinpatterns. The samples containing glycerol were more polymerized and less extractable in SDS,whereas the fiber containing samples were only polymerized in small regions and easilyextracted in SDS. Generally the gluten foams had low conductivity values, with some valuesbelow 0.05 W/(m K), which was found to be dependant on density and pore structure. Glutenfoams were also shown to be more difficult to ignite when compared to other conventionalfoams. It was further observed that the foams did not drip making it increasingly difficult forthe fire to spread.
  • Bolling, Andreas, et al. (författare)
  • Chefers rörlighet i organisationer
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Med chefers rörlighet i organisationer menas hur personer rör sig in i, mellan och ut ur chefsbefattningar. Sådan rörlighet kan ibland uppfattas som problematisk. Det kan vara ett problem om det är för stor rörlighet och att detta uppfattas som utslag för bekymmer i organisationen ifråga. Det kan också vara ett problem på så sätt att det kan vara svårt att hitta ersättare och att det kan skapa oro bland anställda. Det går också åt energi att rekrytera nyapersoner till chefsjobb.Det kan också uppfattas som ett problem på motsatt sätt, dvs. att det anses vara för lite rörlighet bland personer på chefsbefattningar, vilket antas medföra att verksamhet och andra förhållanden inte utvecklas tillräckligt.Chefers rörlighet i organisationer kan vidare vara problematiskt på så sätt att man och kanske framför allt personer som arbetar med personalfrågor inte alla gånger vet hur man skall handskas med frågor om sådan rörlighet, såsom hur man får till stånd rörlighet bland personer som har chefsuppdrag eller hur man skall handskas med situationer där personer lämnar chefsuppdrag.
  • Bygren, Magnus (författare)
  • Unpacking the Causes of Ethnic Segregation across Workplaces
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Using a large sample of employees-within-workplaces, the author investigates the relative role of random and systematic sorting for ethnic segregation across workplaces. If employees, in a counterfactual world, were randomly allocated to workplaces, the level of ethnic segregation across workplaces would just be halved. The remainder of segregation - systematic segregation - is upheld because employees that are recruited to workplaces tend to be similar to those already employed there, not because underrepresented groups within workplaces are systematically screened out of them. This homosocial inflow of employees appears largely to be sustained by employers’ tendency to select new employees from a pool of workplaces where its employees have been employed previously.
  • Cao, Hui, 1969- (författare)
  • Dynamic Effects on Electron Transport in Molecular Electronic Devices
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • HTML clipboardIn this thesis, dynamic effects on electron transport in molecular electronic devices are presented. Special attention is paid to the dynamics of atomic motions of bridged molecules, thermal motions of surrounding solvents, and many-body electron correlations in molecular junctions. In the framework of single-body Green’s function, the effect of nuclear motions on electron transport in molecular junctions is introduced on the basis of Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Contributions to electron transport from electron-vibration coupling are investigated from the second derivative of current-voltage characteristics, in which each peak is corresponding to a normal mode of the vibration. The inelastic-tunneling spectrum is thus a useful tool in probing the molecular conformations in molecular junctions. By taking account of the many-body interaction between electrons in the scattering region, both time-independent and time-dependent many-body Green’s function formula based on timedependent density functional theory have been developed, in which the concept of state of the system is used to provide insight into the correlation effect on electron transport in molecular devices. An effective approach that combines molecular dynamics simulations and first principles calculations has also been developed to study the statistical behavior of electron transport in electro-chemically gated molecular junctions. The effect of thermal motions of polar water molecules on electron transport at different temperatures has been found to be closely related to the temperature-dependent dynamical hydrogen bond network.
  • Caraballo, Rémi, 1982- (författare)
  • Dynamic Sulfur Chemistry : Screening, Evaluation and Catalysis
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis deals with the design, formation and evaluation of dynamic systems constructed by means of sulfur-containing reversible reactions, in organic and aqueous media and under mild conditions. In a first part, the synthesis of thioglycoside derivatives, constituting the biologically relevant starting components of the dynamic systems, is described. In addition, the pD-profile of the mutarotation process in aqueous media for a series of 1-thioaldoses is reported and revealed an astonishing beta-anomeric preference for all the carbohydrate analogs under acidic or neutral conditions. In a second part, the phosphine-catalyzed or -mediated disulfide metathesis for dynamic system generation in organic or aqueous media is presented, respectively. The direct in situ 1H STD-NMR resolution of a dynamic carbohydrate system in the presence of a target protein (Concanavalin A) proved the suitability and compatibility of such disulfide metathesis protocols for the discovery of biologically relevant ligands. In a third part, hemithioacetal formation is demonstrated as a new and efficient reversible reaction for the spontaneous generation of a dynamic system, despite a virtual character of the component associations in basic aqueous media. The direct in situ 1H STD-NMR identification of the best dynamic beta-galactosidase inhibitors from the dynamic HTA system was performed and the results were confirmed by inhibition studies. Thus, the HTA product formed from the reaction between 1-thiogalactopyranose and a pyridine carboxaldehyde derivative provided the best dynamic inhibitor. In a fourth and final part, a dynamic drug design strategy, where the best inhibitors from the aforementioned dynamic HTA system were used as model for the design of non-dynamic (or “static”) beta-galactosidase inhibitors, is depicted. Inhibition studies disclosed potent leads among the set of ligands.
  • Cheru, Fantu (författare)
  • Creating a Conducive International Environment for Africa’s Development : China’s role in Global Governance Reform!
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The world is at a critical juncture: there is the opportunity to come together to pursue a common agenda, or it can break into opposing groups based on differences in income, interests, religion or race. Globalisation exacerbates this tension between opportunity and threats. The most keenly felt tension is the sense that globalisation creates greater inequality in an already unequal world. If the world is unequal, then it must be undemocratic as well. As a result, globalisation and democracy come togetheras simultaneous challenges. As far as Africa is concerned, the challenge is how to gain voice in global governance.
  • Chiswick, Barry R., et al. (författare)
  • Educational Mismatch : Are High-Skilled Immigrants Really Working at High-Skilled Jobs and the Price They Pay if They Aren’t?
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This paper examines the incidence of the mismatch of the educational attainment and the occupation of employment, and the impact of this mismatch on the earnings, of high-skilled adult male immigrants in the US labor market. Analyses for high-skilled adult male native-born workers are also presented for comparison purposes. The results show that over-education is widespread in the high-skilled US labor market, both forimmigrants and the native born. The extent of over-education declines with duration in the US as high-skilled immigrants obtain jobs commensurate with their educational level. Years of schooling that are above that which is usual for a worker’s occupation are associated with very low increases in earnings. Indeed, in the first 10 to 20 years in the US years of over-education among high-skilled workers have a negative effect on earnings. This ineffective use of surplus education appears across all occupations and high-skilled education levels. Although schooling serves as a pathway to occupational attainment, earnings appear to be more closely linked to a worker’s occupation than to the individual’s level of schooling.
  • Chiswick, Barry R., et al. (författare)
  • Ethnic Intermarriage among Immigrants : Human Capital and Assortative Mating
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This paper analyzes the determinants of interethnic marriages by immigrants in the United States. The dependent variable is intermarriage across ethnic groups (on the basis of ancestry and country of birth) and the inclusion of the explanatory variables is justified by a simple rational choice economic model. A binomial logistic regression is estimated using data from the 1980 US Census, the last Census where post-migration marriages can be identified. Results show that the probability of intermarriage increases the longer a migrant resides in the U.S. and the younger the age at arrival. Both relationships can be attributable to the accumulation of US-specific human capital and an erosion of ethnic-specific human capital. Inter-ethnic marriages are more likely between individuals with similar education levels, providing evidence of positive assortative mating by education for immigrants. The construction of the availability ratio for potential spouses from one’s own group and group size using data from several Censuses provides a more accurate measure of the marriage market. Intermarriage is lower the greater the availability ratio and the larger the size of one’s own group. Linguistic distance of the immigrant’s mother tongue from English indirectly measures the effect of English language ability at arrival and is found to be a significant negative predictor of intermarriage. Those who report multiple ancestries and who were previously married are more likely to intermarry.
  • Chiswick, Barry R., et al. (författare)
  • The "Negative" Assimilation of Immigrants : A Special Case
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Research on the economic or labor market assimilation of immigrants has to date focused on the degree of improvement in their economic status with duration in the destination. The theoretical underpinning for this finding is the international transferability of skills. This paper addresses whether positive assimilation will be found if skills are very highly transferable internationally. It outlines the conditions for “negative” assimilation in the context of the traditional immigration assimilation model, and examines the empirical relevance of the hypothesis using data on immigrants from the English-speaking developed countries (i.e., the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia/New Zealand) to the United States. Comparisons with the native born are also presented to test whether the findings are sensitive to immigrant cohort quality effects. Even after controlling for cohort effects, “negative” assimilation (a decline in earnings with duration) is found for immigrants in the US from the English-speaking developed countries. Negative assimilation is also found for immigrants from the English-speaking developed countries in Australia and from Nordic countries in Sweden.
  • Dahlberg, Carina, 1980- (författare)
  • Drugs and polymers in dissolving solid dispersions : NMR imaging and spectroscopy
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The number of poorly water-soluble drug substances in the pharmaceutical pipeline is increasing, and thereby also the need to design effective drug delivery systems providing high bioavailability. One favourable formulation approach is preparation of solid dispersions, where dispersing a poorly water-soluble drug in a water-soluble polymer matrix improves the dissolution behaviour and the bioavailability of the drug. However, in order to take full advantage of such formulations the impact of material properties on their performance needs to be investigated.   An experimental toolbox has been designed, and applied, for analysing the processes which govern the behaviour of solid pharmaceutical formulations in general, and that of solid dispersions in particular. For the purpose of monitoring multifaceted phenomena in situ during tablet dissolution, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and NMR imaging are superior to many other techniques, both on macroscopic and molecular levels. The versatility of NMR with its isotope and chemical selectivity allows one to follow the influence of the original tablet properties on polymer mobilisation, drug migration and water penetration selectively. Mapping these processes on relevant time scales in dissolving tablets highlighted the gel layer inhomogeneity below the originally dry tablet surface as a key factor for drug release kinetics.   Furthermore, NMR relaxometry has been shown to provide novel information about the particle size of the drug and its recrystallisation behaviour within swelling solid dispersions. The NMR experiments have been complemented and supported by investigation of the crystalline state, the powder morphology and the surface composition of the dry solid dispersions. These experiments have been performed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS),  scanning electron microscopy (SEM), powder X-ray diffraction (pXRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and dynamic contact angle (DAT) measurements.   The methods presented in this thesis provide a new avenue towards better understanding of the behaviour of solid dispersions, which in turn may result in more effective distribution of promising drug candidates despite their low water-solubility.
  • Edling, Christofer, et al. (författare)
  • Neighborhood and Friendship Composition in Adolescence
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The social surroundings in which the individual grows up and spends her everyday life have an effect on her life chances. Much of the research into this phenomenon focuses on so called neighborhood effects and has put particular emphasis on the negative effects of growing up in a poor neighborhood. Originating from the sociological study of inner city problems in the United States, the research question has recently been embraced by Scandinavian social scientists, who assess the phenomenon with reference to social network effects and the lock-in effects of ethnic enclaves. We critique the theoretical assumptions that we find in recent Scandinavian research, and argue that a straightforward interpretation of neighborhood effects in terms of network effects is problematic. Our argument is based on an empirical analysis of friendship circles of ninth-graders in Stockholm (n=240). We conclude that the friendship networks of ninth-graders extend well beyond the neighborhood, thus casting serious doubt on the network effects assumption of previous research. We also conclude that there is nothing in the reality of these ninth-graders that confirms the established concept of ethnic enclave.
  • Ek, Patrik, 1980- (författare)
  • New methods for sensitive analysis with nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this thesis, new methods that address some current limitations in nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry (nESI-MS) analysis are presented. One of the major objectives is the potential gain in sensitivity that can be obtained when employing the proposed techniques. In the first part of this thesis, a new emitter, based on the generation of electrospray from a spray orifice with variable size, is presented. Electrospray is generated from an open gap between the edges of two individually mounted, pointed tips. The fabrication and evaluation of two different types of such emitters is presented; an ESI emitter fabricated from polyethylene terephtalate (Paper I), and a high-precision silicon device (Paper II). Both emitters were surface-treated in a selective way for an improved wetting of the gap and to confine the sample solution into the gap. In the second part of this thesis, different methods for improved sensitivity of nESI-MS analysis have been developed. In Paper III, a method for nESI-MS analysis from discrete sample volumes down to 1.5 nL is presented, using commercially available nESI needles. When analyzing attomole amounts of analyte in such a small volume of sample, an increased sensitivity was obtained, compared to when analyzing equal amounts in conventional nESI-MS analysis. To be able to analyze smaller sample volumes, needles with a narrower orifice and a higher flow resistance were needed. This triggered the development of a new method for fabrication of fused silica nESI needles (Paper IV). The fabrication is based on melting of a fused silica capillary by means of a rotating plasma, prior to pulling the capillary into a fine tip. Using the described technique, needles with sub-micrometer orifices could be fabricated. Such needles enabled the analysis of sample volumes down to 275 pL, and a further improvement of the sensitivity was obtained. In a final project (Paper V), nESI-MS was used to study the aggregation behavior of Aβ peptides, related to Alzheimer’s disease. An immunoprecipitation followed by nESI-MS was employed. This technique was also utilized to study the selectivity of the antibodies utilized.
  • Engelmark Cassimjee, Karim (författare)
  • Tools in biocatalysis : enzyme immobilisation on silica and synthesis of enantiopure amines
  • 2010
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis presents two techniques in the field of biocatalysis: An enzyme immobilisation method based on the His6-tag for attachment on modified silica oxide beads, and it’s employment in aqueous and organic medium for synthesis applications. The method functions as a one step extraction and immobilisation protocol. An equilibrium displacement system which enables complete conversion in reactions with ω-transaminases where isopropylamine is the donor, a route for synthesis of pharmaceutically interesting enantiopure amines. Biocatalysis is predicted to be a paramount technology for an environmentally sustainable chemical industry, to which every newly developed method represents a small but important step. The work done here is aimed to be a part of this development.  
  • Eriksson Baaz, Maria, et al. (författare)
  • Comprendre et aborder les violences sexuelles liées aux conflits : Enseignements tirés de la République Démocratique du Congo
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Le paysage de guerre de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) a acquis une exécrable réputation dans le monde entier à cause des rapports sur l’échelle massive des violences sexuelles. Bien qu’un nombre énorme d’autres formes de violences et d’abus aient également été commises à grande échelle, ce sont les violences sexuelles qui ont reçu la plupart de l’attention mondiale, en particulier parmi les observateurs «de l’extérieur». D’innombrables rapports, articles de journaux, coupures de presse, appels et documentaires ont été consacrés à cette question. Un grand nombre de journalistes, d’activistes et de représentants de diverses organisations et de gouvernements internationaux ont effectué des pèlerinages en RDC pour rencontrer et écouter les survivants de vive voix.
  • Eriksson Baaz, Maria, et al. (författare)
  • Understanding and addressing conflict-related sexual violence : Lessons learned from the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) warscape has become infamous globally from the reports on the massive scale of sexual violence. While vast amounts of other forms of violence and abuse have also been committed, it is sexual violence that has attracted the lion’s share of attention, especially among “outside” observers. Countless reports, newspaper articles, news-clips, appeals and documentaries have been devoted to the issue. Numerous journalists, activists and representatives of diverse international organisations and governments have made pilgrimages to the DRC to meet and listen to survivors first-hand.
  • Eriksson, Magnus, 1973- (författare)
  • Lipase-Catalyzed Syntheses of Telechelic Polyesters
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Telechelic polyesters have successfully been synthesized with lipase-catalyzed polymerization. The produced telechelics had a high degree of di­functionalization, high purity (requiring little or no workup) and controlled degree of polymerization. The syntheses were performed in one-pot one-step reaction systems. The use of protection/deprotection chemistry was not necessary, since the lipase selectivity was utilized in the syntheses. Two different types of lipase-catalyzed polymerizations were applied – ring-opening polymerization and polycondensation. In ring-opening polymerization telechelics were produced by a combination of initiation, α-functionalization, and linking through termination, w-func­tionalization. In polycondensation different types of end-cappers were used to synthesize telechelics. Several exampels of functional groups were used for end-functionalization - epoxide, methacrylate and tetraallyls. Enzyme kinetic schemes describing the different functionalization met­hods of polyesters are presented and discussed. Stoichiometry and different reaction conditions have been studied to understand the effects these functions have on the final structure of the synthesized telechelics. Polyesters are classified as biodegradable, and can also be synthesized from materials that can be extracted or fermented from renewable sources like plants. Lipase-catalysts have several beneficial attributes, like high selectivity, they are renewable and biodegradable, are non-toxic and metal-free and can operate under mild reaction conditions. The focus of this thesis has been on lipase-catalyzed syntheses and characterization of the produced telechelics, in addition some materials have been produced. Some uses of telechelics are surface modification, materials for block co-polymers, functional films and biomedical applications.
  • Feldötö, Zsombor, 1979- (författare)
  • Structures of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers and Preasorbed Mucin : The Influence of Counterions
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The focus in this thesis has been to gain a fundamental understanding of how different type of salts affect preadsorbed polyelectrolytes, both natural and synthetic. The knowledge from the fundamental work is then applied on a commercial system to investigate if the efficiency can be enhanced. We built thin films using the synthetic polyelctrolytes by using layer-by layer (LbL) deposition. The formed film is commonly known as a polyelectrolyte multilayer. The LbL method allows the incorporation of proteins, polymers, polyelectrolytes with different functions and so on within the film, thus achieving multilayers with different functions. The major measuring technique used within this thesis is the quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D), which measures mass adsorbed on a surface including the trapped solvent and the viscoelastic properties of an adsorbed film. The QCM-D measurements were complemented with an optical technique, dual polarization interferometry (DPI), which measures the change in refractive index and thickness. From these parameters the dry mass and relative water content of the film can be calculated. The Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) further gave information about forces acting between preadsorbed films. We investigated the effect of salt on synthetic polyelectrolyte poly(allylamine hydrochloride)/poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) built with the LbL technique, thus forming polyelectrolyte multilayers. We concluded that the multilayer build-up was linear and that the internal structure of the multilayer is of a compact and rigid nature. However, the type of rinsing protocol (termination of adsorption by: salt, water and salt first followed by water) has a significant effect on the outer layer of the formed multilayer. Interestingly, the structural changes only applied when poly(allylamine hydrochloride) was at the outermost layer and the most significant when water was used. We suggest that it is only the top layer that swells due to the removal of counterions resulting in increased intrachain repulsion. We further performed two-layer model calculations with the Voight model to confirm the QCM-D results as well as a novel two layer model simulation for the DPI data in order to resolve the thickness. The model calculations were in good agreement with each other thus we concluded that only the outer layer swells for this particular multilayer system. In a related experiment we studied the adsorption of bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM), which has an important mucousal function, to different thiol modified gold surfaces as well as the effect of electrolytes (NaCl, CaCl2, LaCl3) on preadsorbed mucin to a hydrophobic thiol-modified Au surface. The salt induced an expansion at low concentrations; higher concentrations resulted in a compaction. Increasing the valence of the counter ion resultedin a compaction at low concentrations. The structural change of preadsorbed BSM was reversible for NaCl, partially reversible for CaCl2 and irreversible for LaCl3. Interestingly, the swelling of BSM could not be fully understood by using the QCM-D and thus AFM force curves of the same system were taken and the results showed that NaCl does decrease the tail length due to the effective screening of charged sites within the BSM molecule. Increasing the valence resulted in a notable compaction already at very low concentrations suggesting that the ions bind to the anionic sites on BSM. In the last work we attempted to combine the gained knowledge from the previous studies by using the LbL-buildup on an actual commercial health care application. The above-mentioned mutlilayer were used to coat polystyrene wells in order to increase the binding of immunoglobulin (IgG). The main goal was to increase the sensitivity of the conventional enzymelinked immunosorbent spot assay (ELISpot) and subsequently the modified polystyrene wells were used with the ELISpot test with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to measure the cytokine response. We suggested that the main driving force for adsorption for IgG on a PAH terminated multilayer is electrostatic attraction, whereas on PSS terminated multilayer the driving force is hydrophobic. Further, we suggested that IgG  does not overcharge the surface and the linearity of the multilayer build-up is not altered when IgG is incorporated within the multilayer structure. We concluded that the cytokine response (spots) on the built multilayers regardless thickness or adsorbed IgG is significantly less than the regular polyvinyldiene fluoride (PVDF) backed ELISpot wells. We suggested that due to the compact and rigid nature of the PAH/PSS multilayer structure it is unable to form the kind of three-dimensional antibody-binding support found in the PVDF membrane. PSS terminated PAH/PSS multilayer did not induce any cytokine response whereas PAH terminated did, which suggests that PSS totally covers the surface from the cells point of view.  
  • Fjellander, Ester, 1982- (författare)
  • Self-adaptable catalysts : Importance of flexibility and applications in asymmetric catalysis
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The topic of this thesis is the design and synthesis of biaryl-based self adaptableligands for asymmetric metal catalysis. The results discussed in papers I-III are covered, together with some unpublished results concerning substrate-adaptable catalysts. A general survey of self-adaptable catalysts is presented first. The second chapter of this thesis starts with a survey of inversion barriers in biphenyl-based ligands and catalysts. Thereafter, the determination of barriers to conformational adaptation in dibenzoazepines and dibenzophosphepines is described. Palladium complexes with a diphosphine ligand or a diamine ligand, as well as the free diamine ligand, were studied. Entropies and enthalpies of activation were determined with variable temperature NMR spectroscopy. The mechanism of conformational change in the metal complexes was elucidated. The third chapter describes the synthesis of semiflexible and rigid phosphinite ligands, as well as their application in rhodium-catalysed asymmetric hydrogenation. Modest enantioselectivities (up to 63% ee) were obtained. The semiflexible ligand was found to behave like the most active rigid diastereomer. The fourth chapter describes the behaviour of amine and phosphoramidite ligands in model complexes relevant to the palladium-catalysed asymmetricallylic alkylation of benchmark substrates. Diphosphoramidite and aminephosphoramiditeligands were designed and synthesised. Pd(olefin) complexesof diamine and diphosphoramidite ligands were studied, and their symmetry determined. It was found that both types of ligands are able to adapt their conformation to the substrate.
  • Fogelström, Linda, 1978- (författare)
  • Polymer Nanocomposites in Thin Film Applications
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The introduction of a nanoscopic reinforcing phase to a polymer matrix offers great possibilities of obtaining improved properties, enabling applications outside the boundaries of traditional composites. The majority of the work in this thesis has been devoted to polymer/clay nanocomposites in coating applications, using the hydroxyl-functional hyperbranched polyester Boltorn® as matrix and montmorillonite clay as nanofiller. Nanocomposites with a high degree of exfoliation were readily prepared using the straightforward solution-intercalation method with water as solvent. Hard and scratch-resistant coatings with preserved flexibility and transparency were obtained, and acrylate functionalization of Boltorn® rendered a UV-curable system with similar property improvements. In order to elucidate the effect of the dendritic architecture on the exfoliation process, a comparative study on the hyperbranched polyester Boltorn® and a linear analogue of this polymer was performed. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy confirmed the superior efficiency of the hyperbranched polymer in the preparation of this type of nanocomposites. Additionally, an objective of this thesis was to investigate how cellulose nanofibers can be utilized in high performance polymer nanocomposites. A reactive cellulose “nanopaper” template was combined with a hydrophilic hyperbranched thermoset matrix, resulting in a unique nanocomposite with significantly enhanced properties. Moreover, in order to fully utilize the great potential of cellulose nanofibers as reinforcement in hydrophobic polymer matrices, the hydrophilic surface of cellulose needs to be modified in order to improve the compatibility. For this, a grafting-from approach was explored, using ring-opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone (CL) from microfibrillated cellulose (MFC), resulting in PCL-modified MFC. It was found that the hydrophobicity of the cellulose surfaces increased with longer graft lengths, and that polymer grafting rendered a smoother surface morphology. Subsequently, PCL-grafted MFC film/PCL film bilayer laminates were prepared in order to investigate the interfacial adhesion. Peel tests demonstrated a gradual increase in the interfacial adhesion with increasing graft lengths.
  • García García, Sandra, 1977- (författare)
  • Generation, stability and migration of montmorillonite colloids in aqueous systems
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In Sweden the encapsulated nuclear waste will be surrounded by compacted bentonite in the granitic host rock. In contact with water-bearing fractures the bentonite barrier may release montmorillonite colloids that may be further transported in groundwater. If large amounts of material are eroded from the barrier, the buffer functionality can be compromised. Furthermore, in the scenario of a leaking canister, strongly sorbing radionuclides, can be transported by montmorillonite colloids towards the biosphere. This thesis addresses the effects of groundwater chemistry on the generation, stability, sorption and transport of montmorillonite colloids in water bearing rock fractures. To be able to predict quantities of montmorillonite colloids released from the bentonite barrier in contact with groundwater of varying salinity, generation and sedimentation test were performed. The aim is first to gain understanding on the processes involved in colloid generation from the bentonite barrier. Secondly it is to test if concentration gradients of montmorillonite colloids outside the barrier determined by simple sedimentation experiments are comparable to generation tests. Identical final concentrations and colloid size distributions were achieved in both types of tests. Colloid stability is strongly correlated to the groundwater chemistry. The impact of pH, ionic strength and temperature was studied. Aggregation kinetics experiments revealed that for colloid aggregation rate increased with increasing ionic strength. The aggregation rate decreased with increasing pH. The temperature effect on montmorillonite colloid stability is pH-dependent. At pH≤4, the rate constant for colloid aggregation increased with increasing temperature, regardless of ionic strength. At pH≥10, the aggregation rate constant decreased with increasing temperature. In the intermediate pH interval, the aggregation rate constant decreased with increasing temperature except at the highest ionic strength, where it increased. The relationship between the rate constant and the ionic strength allowed the critical coagulation concentration (CCC) for Na- and Ca-montmorillonite to be determined. In order to distinguish the contribution of physical filtration and sorption to colloid retention in transport, the different retention mechanisms were quantified. Sorption on different representative minerals in granite fractures was measured for latex colloids (50, 100, 200 nm) and montmorillonite colloids as a function of ionic strength and pH. Despite of the negative charge in mineral surfaces and colloids, sorption was detected. The sorption is correlated to the mineral point of zero charge and the zeta potential of the colloids, and increases with increasing ionic strength and decreasing pH. In transport experiments with latex colloids in columns packed with fracture filling material, the retention by sorption could clearly be seen. In particular at low flow rates, when the contact time for colloids with the mineral surfaces were the longest, sorption contributed to retention of the transport significantly. The retention of latex colloids appeared to be irreversible in contrary to the reversible montmorillonite colloid retention. Generation, stability and sorption of the montmorillonite colloids are controlled by electrostatic forces; hence, the results were in qualitative agreement with DLVO.
  • Gerdes, Christer (författare)
  • Does Immigration Induce ‘Native Flight’ from PublicSchools? : Evidence from a large scale voucher program
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Recent studies point to a positive correlation between ethnic heterogeneity due to immigration and thepropensity of opting out from public schools for private alternatives. However, immigration across regions is hardly exogenous, which obstructs attempts to reveal causal mechanisms. This paper explores changes in the immigrant population in Danish municipalities 1992-2004, a period marked by a substantial influx of refugees, where a state-sponsored placement policy restricted their initial choice of residence. Besides such demographic changes, for more than hundred years Denmark has allowed parents to enroll their children into so called ‘free schools’, i.e. schools that are privately operated. Taken together, this provides a unique opportunity to determine if there has been ‘native flight’ frompublic schools to free schools. Results from this study indicate an increase in native Danes propensity to enroll their children in free schools as the share of children with immigrant background becomes larger in their municipality of residence. The effect is most pronounced in small and medium sized municipalities, while it seems absent in larger municipalities. One explanation for the latter holds that residential segregation within larger municipalities makes a choice of private alternatives less attractive.
  • Gerdes, Christer, et al. (författare)
  • The impact of immigration on election outcomes in Danish municipalities
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In this paper we study the effects on support for different political parties following an increase in the immigrant share in Danish municipalities during a period marked by a substantial influx of refugees. The two anti-immigration parties in the political landscape of Denmark are among those that win votes as a result of this influx, but so also does a pro-immigration party on the left. Controlling for a number of social-economic aspects, our results thus point to some discontent with immigration; however, they do not support predictions of a general decline for political parties that are in favour of a generouswelfare state, as proposed by some scholars.
  • Gimåker, Magnus, 1980- (författare)
  • Influence of fibre modification on moisture sorption and the mechanical properties of paper
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Fibre modification might be a way to improve the performance of paper, to increase its cost competiveness and enable new paper-based products to be developed. Therefore, the influence of fibre modification (with polyelectrolytes or by fibre cross-linking) on the mechanical properties of special importance for packaging paper grades was studied. Creep deformation under varying humidity conditions (i.e. mechano-sorptive creep) is of outmost importance for the stacking life of paper-based boxes. The influence on creep behaviour of adsorbing polyallylamine (a cationic polyelectrolyte) to fibre surfaces or throughout the fibre walls was studied. Adsorption to fibre surfaces reduced the creep at constant humidity. The mechano-sorptive creep was not however influenced. The use of polyelectrolytes did not thus appear to be a feasible strategy for reducing mechano-sorptive creep. Polyelectrolytes can however be efficient in improving other mechanical properties. The use of multilayers consisting of polyallylamine (PAH) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) was for example shown to significantly increase the strength of paper with much less densification and build-up of residual stress than is obtained by beating. Cross-linking by oxidation with periodate radically decreased the mechano-sorptive creep of sheets made from the oxidised fibres. The basic mechanism behind the reduction in mechano-sorptive with cross-linking was found to be that the cross-linking slowed down the moisture sorption kinetics. A lower sorption rate led to smaller moisture content variations during the mechano-sorptive creep testing, and thus less sorption-induced swelling and stress concentrations at fibre/fibre joints. However, for cross-linking to be a practical way to reduce creep, the large problem of embrittlement must be solved. The shear strength of couched sheets was measured to study the interaction between the sheets at different solids content. The shear strength was low until a solids content of approximately 60−70% was reached, which suggests that interactions important for the strength at complete dryness start to develop at this solids content. The effect of different fibre modifications and additives on how the fibres interact during the consolidation process is not always well understood. The method of shear strength determination could in the future be applied to modified fibres to hopefully increase the understanding of how different modifications influence the fibre/fibre interactions. A deeper understanding might reduce the time for the development of new and improved fibre modifications.
  • Gruber, Sabine (författare)
  • Utvärdering av fortbildningen Språk och kommunikation i flerspråkiga förskolegrupper i Linköpings kommun
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I denna skrift redovisas en utvärderingsstudie som jag genomfört på uppdrag av Utbildningskontoret i Linköpings kommun under 2007-2008. Föremålet för utvärderingen var en ettårig fortbildning, Språk och kommunikation i flerspråkiga förskolegrupper, som genomfördes för förskolans personal i området Ryd. Denna utvärdering avrapporterades till Pedagogiskt Centrum september 2008. Förutom språkliga bearbetningar är föreliggande text identisk med den skriftliga avrapporteringen.Fortbildningsprojekt är ofta resultat av ett progressivt utvecklingsarbete, med ambition att bearbeta, förbättra eller förändra sociala eller mänskliga problem (Magnusson 1996). Ambitioner som dessa har även präglat fortbildningen Språk och kommunikation i flerspråkiga förskolegrupper, som utvärderas i denna skrift. Syftet med denna fortbildning har varit att genomföra ett utvecklingsarbete med sikte på att tydliggöra och förstärka förskolans språkstimulerande och språkstödjande verksamhet. Fortbildningsprojektet har kantats av såväl entusiasm som engagemang och detta på samtliga nivåer, från projektledning till dem som dagligen är verksamma i förskolan.Det jag kommer att fästa blicken på i den här utvärderingen är hur ambitionerna för fortbildningssatsningen omsatts i praktiken, mer precist riktar jag uppmärksamheten mot de processer som initierats till följd av den genomförda utbildningen. Hur reflekterar de som deltagit i fortbildningen kring dess kunskapsstoff och hur reflekterar de kring språk, som utgör ett centralt innehåll i fortbildningen? Vilka avtryck ger fortbildningen i förskolans dagliga verksamhet, dels vad det gäller konkreta handlingar, dels tankar och resonemang? Vilka dilemman kan skönjas i relation till den genomförda fortbildningen? Innan jag börjar redogöra för utvärderingens centrala iakttagelser och resultat följer dock en presentation av hur jag strukturerat texten samt några anvisningar för den fortsatta läsningen.
  • Gruber, Sabine (författare)
  • Utvärdering av utvecklingsprojektet ”Från invandrartätt till internationellt” i Linköpings kommun
  • 2010
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I denna rapport redovisas en utvärderingsstudie som jag genomfört på uppdrag av Utbildningskontoret i Linköpings kommun under 2007-2008. Utvärderingen omfattar ett fortbildningsprojekt, Från invandrartätt till internationellt, för anställda inom grund- och gymnasieskolan. Studien genomfördes i form av en processutvärdering, med syfte att belysa vad fortbildningsprojektet mynnat ut. Resultatet från denna granskning kan läsaren nu ta del av i denna skrift. Frånsett språkliga bearbetningar är rapportens text identisk med den skriftliga avrapportering som gjordes till Pedagogiskt Centrum i april 2009.Rapporten återger i första hand en kvalitetsbedömning av ett fortbildningsprojekt, men kan också läsas som ett nedslag i skolanställdas tal och föreställningar om ”mångkulturell skola”, ”kulturella skillnader” och ”invandrarelever”. De resonemang som förs fram av utvärderingens deltagare är inte unika, snarare vanligt förekommande och därför lätta att känna igen och associera till. Flera av de iakttagelser som görs i utvärderingsstudien har även visats på och diskuterats i andra studier med fokus på skolan och etniska relationer. Inte minst att välmenande inkluderingsambitioner från skolans sida riskerar att mynna ut i stigmatisering och uteslutning av elever med så kallad invandrarbakgrund. Som utvärderingen talar för är lärares ambitioner i arbetet med elever inte alltid en produkt av reflekterade insikter. Snarare förefaller det vara så att skolans personal har svårigheter med att se hur just skolan är delaktig i att generera och befästa relationer av över- respektive underordning, liksom normalitet och avvikelse. Medvetenheten om hur samhällets maktrelationer ligger inbyggda i (skolans) sociala samspel tycks med andra ord vara bristfällig.¨Från tidigare forskning vet vi att ojämlika relationer inte enbart upprätthålls via handlingar och tal med avsikt att underordna, marginalisera eller utesluta. Ojämlikhet produceras också utan avsikt, via tillsynes triviala, rutinmässiga och förgivettagna handlingar. I rapporten ges flera exempel på hur orättvisor som vid en första anblick ter sig harmlösa ändå riskerar att producera och vidmakthålla ojämlika relationer. Det är också så vi kan förstå vardagsrasism. För inte heller vardagsrasism handlar om extrema företeelser, utan snarare om alldagliga och nästan familjära handlingar, beteenden och attityder, men som i sina konsekvenser blir rasistiska. Just normaliseringen av mikroorättvisor gör det dock ofta svårt att direkt sätta fingret på såväl ojämlika relationer som vardagsrasism. Inte minst därför är det angeläget att skolans personal skaffar sig kunskap för att kunna identifiera skolvärldens mikroorättvisor.¨Min förhoppning är att den utvärderingsstudie som presenteras i det följande ska kunna bidra med insikter och verktyg för att synliggöra hur olika maktrelationer produceras och vidmakthålls i det vardagliga skollivet.. Förhoppningen är också att rapportens olika exempel och illustrationer kan inspirera till angelägna diskussioner och reflektioner i skolans förändrings- och utvecklingsarbete.För att därigenom även medverka till en ökad medvetenhet om vad det gör med elever att bli behängda med (kulturella) skillnader och ses som främmande och avvikande i den svenska skolan. Rapporten vänder sig till dem som arbetar i skolan, till lärarstuderande och till kommunpolitiker och tjänstemän med ansvar för skolan.
  • Gullfot, Fredrika, 1967- (författare)
  • On the engineering of proteins: methods and applications for carbohydrate-active enzymes
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis presents the application of different protein engineering methods on enzymes and non-catalytic proteins that act upon xyloglucans. Xyloglucans are polysaccharides found as storage polymers in seeds and tubers, and as cross-linking glucans in the cell wall of plants. Their structure is complex with intricate branching patterns, which contribute to the physical properties of the polysaccharide including its binding to and interaction with other glucans such as cellulose. One important group of xyloglucan-active enzymes is encoded by the GH16 XTH gene family in plants, including xyloglucan endo-transglycosylases (XET) and xyloglucan endo-hydrolases (XEH). The molecular determinants behind the different catalytic routes of these homologous enzymes are still not fully understood. By combining structural data and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, interesting facts were revealed about enzyme-substrate interaction. Furthermore, a pilot study was performed using structure-guided recombination to generate a restricted library of XET/XEH chimeras. Glycosynthases are hydrolytically inactive mutant glycoside hydrolases (GH) that catalyse the formation of glycosidic linkages between glycosyl fluoride donors and glycoside acceptors. Different enzymes with xyloglucan hydrolase activity were engineered into glycosynthases, and characterised as tools for the synthesis of well-defined homogenous xyloglucan oligo- and polysaccharides with regular substitution patterns. Carbohydrate-binding modules (CBM) are non-catalytic protein domains that bind to polysaccharidic substrates. An important technical application involves their use as molecular probes to detect and localise specific carbohydrates in vivo. The three-dimensional structure of an evolved xyloglucan binding module (XGBM) was solved by X-ray diffraction. Affinity-guided directed evolution of this first generation XGBM resulted in highly specific probes that were used to localise non-fucosylated xyloglucans in plant tissue sections.
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