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Sökning: WFRF:(Lindstrand Fredrik) > (2015-2019)

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  • Didaktik i omvandlingens tid : Text, representation, design
  • 2017. - 1
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I Didaktik i omvandlingens tid ger författarna en bred syn på didaktik och på hur miljöer och resurser utformas för att understödja lärande. Boken tar avstamp i en tid då kommunikation blir alltmer utvecklad genom ny teknologi. Hur lärare använder teknologin får då avgörande betydelse för undervisningen. Författarna sätter fokus på design för lärande och multimodalitet och betonar särskilt de kreativa och mångfasetterade aspekterna av lärande, undervisning och bedömning.
  • Eriksson, Per Erik (författare)
  • Videography as Design Nexus : Critical Inquires into the Affordances and Efficacies of Live-action Video Instructions
  • 2018
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis is about live-action instructional videos (LAVs). By addressing design problems with respect to the how-to video genre, the thesis asks fundamental questions about mediated instructional communication efficacies and the factors that either obstruct or augment them. The analysis presented in this thesis is based on the notion that videography is a design nexus and key focal point of the connections that make live-action video instructional efforts possible. This Design Nexus is explored by defining and illuminating key ontological dimensions, medium specificities and the video users’ cognitive capacities. This is to acknowledge that the users of instructions in this thesis are center stage, both as biological and cultural beings.The methods used in this thesis and its associated papers are eye-tracking, video observations, questionnaires, self-reports, focus group interviews and YouTube analytics. Hence, both numerical data and non-numerical data are analyzed in this study.The results of the analyses indicate that pre-production planning is key in live-action video instructional endeavors, but not at the expense of the videographer’s status as designer. Moreover, the analyses show that users’ cognitive processing and visual decoding depend on the power of the live-action format to show actual human behavior and action. Other presented evidence seems to infer that LAV-instructions are a little less demanding if users apply a focused decoding style when interacting with them. Nevertheless, physiological engagement of this kind is likely not to fully compensate for users’ psychological engagement.This thesis contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of humans’ abilities to interpret the actions of others via medial means. By relating this to video medium-specific affordances, this thesis also furthers important efficacy distinctions and boundary conditions. This understanding is considered important for live-action video makers and designers of visual instructions as well as scholars who need to develop better methods to assess users’ behavioral engagement when they interact with digital instructional media.
  • Insulander, Eva, 1972-, et al. (författare)
  • Designing Multimodal Texts about the Middle Ages
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Society. - New York, Oxford : Berghahn Books. - 2041-6938 .- 2041-6946. ; 9:2, s. 1-14
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Multimedial and multimodal communication arouse interest in many fields of research today. By contrast, little attention is paid to multimodality in relation to designs for learning, especially in relation to representations of knowledge on an aggregated level. By analyzing three multimodal texts about the Middle Ages, including a textbook, a film series and a museum exhibition, this article provides insight into the role of multimodal designs for learning in a school context.
  • Insulander, Eva, et al. (författare)
  • Designing the Middle Ages : Knowledge emphasis and designs for learning in the history classroom
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Historical Encounters. - Newcastle, Australia : Faculty of Education and Arts, University of Newcasle. - 2203-7543. ; 3:1, s. 31-42
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Contemporary teaching and learning implies that pupils encounter curricular content in the form of multimodal representations such as film, museum visits, PowerPoint presentations, roleplay and digital games. Spoken language is no longer the only mode for knowledge representation and meaning-making. This means a new demand for teaching (and assessment), since the school tradition is heavily based on verbal language and assessments of verbal representations. In this article, we will present an analysis of the use of resources and different media in classroom work about the Middle Ages, and discuss the need for the development of assessment tools.
  • Lindgren, Monica, 1958, et al. (författare)
  • Potential för estetikfältets legitimering och utveckling : samtal kring forskning inom det estetiskt-pedagogiska fältet
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: NEÄL 2018 Abstracts. - Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Potential för estetikfältets legitimering och utveckling - samtal kring forskning inom det estetiskt-pedagogiska fältetAbstract till rundabordssamtal NEÄL 2018 Under 1990-talet och början av 2000-talet var intresset för estetisk verksamhet, estetiska lärprocesser och estetiska ämnen i skola och lärarutbildning stort. Forskningsinstitut finansierade studier inom området, läromedel publicerades, nya kurser i lärarutbildningen skapades och olika typer av strategiska satsningar i skola och lärarutbildning gjordes. Under det senaste decenniet har frågor om estetiska perspektiv och estetiska ämnen i skola och lärarutbildning alltmer tonats ned i takt med ett ökat intresse för individualisering, tydliga kunskapskrav och ökad måluppfyllelse. Det kan också tolkas som en ökad tonvikt på de enskilda konstarternas särart och betydelse för samhällsekonomi, på bekostnad av det estetiska som personlig utveckling och bildning. Utvecklingen betraktas av många som förödande för det estetiskt-pedagogiska fältet och det är lätt att nedslås och skylla på det som kallas New Public Management. Men samtidigt måste vi vara självkritiska. Forskning och utvärderingar visar att vi som företräder skolans och lärarutbildningens estetiska verksamhet inte lyckats med att legitimera och definiera det estetiska området, vare sig som ämnen eller som kunskapsområde. Inte heller har vi förmått utveckla detsamma. Såväl Lgr 11 som lärarutbildningsreformen samma år satte ramar som försvårade för modernisering av ämnesinnehållet i de estetiska ämnena i skolan. Här har vi forskare och lärarutbildare ett väsentligt ansvar. Hur kan vi främja kunskapsutveckling inom området? Vilken typ av forskning behövs för denna utveckling? Ska vi möta politikers krav på mer fakta och söka oss mot en annan kunskapsfilosofisk grund, i riktning mot, hjärnforskning, essentialism och falsifierbara resultat? Ska vi samarbeta med andra ämnen och söka vetenskapliga belägg för transfereffekter? Eller ska vi gå på tvärs och fortsätta söka kunskap kring estetiska ämnen i ljuset av begrepp som demokrati och bildning, i syfte att söka hållbara argument för alla barns och ungdomars rättighet att få tillgång till estetiska uttryck. Eller kanske slå in på en helt ny väg? I detta samtal kommer fyra forskare att presentera sina perspektiv och bjuda in till samtal utifrån följande fråga: Vad krävs av forskningen för att fältet ska utvecklas och ges en starkare legitimitet?   Monica Lindgren, Fredrik Lindstrand, Ketil Thorgersen, Stina Wikberg
  • Lindstrand, Fredrik, et al. (författare)
  • Design för lärande Historia : Medeltiden som exempel
  • 2019. - 1
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Medeltiden är en epok som har avsatt många olika avtryck också i vår tid, inte minst som en mytomspunnen inspirationskälla. Detta gestaltas på många vis, bland annat i romaner, filmer, tv-serier, spel, lajv och arrangemang som "Medeltidsveckan" eller Nordisk festival för medeltida musik. Bruket av medeltiden säger därför också något väsentligt om vår egen tid, och blir ett intressant "nyckelhål" för att förstå både vilken bild vi skapar av oss själva och vilken bild vi skapar om en historisk epok.I den här boken söker vi svar på frågor som: Hur gestaltas och används medeltiden i olika sammanhang? Vilka aspekter lyfts fram som centrala, och vilka tonas ner? Dessa frågor rör historiebruk och historiemedvetande, som ju också är centralt för skolans undervisning. Därför vill vi också se närmare på hur medeltiden representeras (multimodalt) och bearbetas i förskolans och skolans värld jämfört med hur medeltiden tar gestalt i andra sammanhang.Boken - med fokus på design för och design i lärande - vänder sig till lärarutbildning och lärarfortbildning, men också till studerande i pedagogik och didaktik såväl som studerande inom andra discipliner som intresserar sig för hur kunskap gestaltas och används i olika sammanhang.
  • Lindstrand, Fredrik, 1973-, et al. (författare)
  • Ett dubbelt perspektiv i högskolepedagogiken : om kunskapens representationsformer
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Praktiska och estetiska lärprocesser i skola och högre utbildning.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    •  Ett dubbelt perspektiv i högskolepedagogiken - om kunskapens representationsformer I en tid där digitala medier mer och mer utvecklats till en vardaglig kommunikationsresurs, utmanas traditionella gränser och förhållningssätt ifråga om hur kunskap kan gestaltas. Som en följd av denna utveckling engagerar sig allt fler lärosäten och utbildningar i samtal om kunskapens representations-former. Det handlar då dels om hur vi kan ta vara på de pedagogiska potentialer som står att finna när vi sammanför teori och praktik, dels hur vi kan förhålla oss de frågor som uppstår i relation till bedömning och ifråga om vilka uttryck för kunnande som ska (eller inte ska) erkännas inom ramen för den akademiska utbildningen. Mest aktuell blir kanske frågan i förhållande till examensarbeten på olika nivåer inom utbildningen. Rundabordssamtalets syfte är att ge utrymme för en dialog kring dessa frågor och med särskild utgångspunkt i erfarenheter från högskolepedagogiskt arbete med ett så kallat ”dubbelt perspektiv”. Utmärkande för denna pedagogiska form är att både teori och gestaltning används som verktyg och kunskapsformer i lärprocesser och inom examensarbeten på högskolan. Ett dubbelt perspektiv handlar på så vis om hur man utifrån olika mål kan kombinera teori med gestaltning på akademisk nivå, utan att ställa olika kunskapsformer emot varandra (Giroux & Shannon, 2013). Utgångspunkten är att teoretisk och praktisk kunskap gör olika saker och kan användas på olika sätt för att undersöka en och samma fråga (Selander & Kress, 2010). Temat för detta samtal är angeläget, då det fortfarande finns mycket lite forskning som undersöker olika skärningspunkter mellan teori och gestaltningspraktiker, så väl nationellt som internationellt (Göthlund, & Lind, 2010).
  • Lindstrand, Fredrik (författare)
  • Grasping action in multimodal transformative processes
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: 9ICOM. - Odense, Danmark : Syddansk Universitet. ; , s. 23-23
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Grasping action in multimodal transformative processes Fredrik Lindstrand, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm A multimodal and social semiotic (Hodge & Kress, 1988) approach to learning, focusing on semiosis and semiotic change, provides an important contrast to the fields of research that currently inform political discourse on education and learning. By conceptualising learning as socially situated processes of sign-making and approaching learners as meaning-makers engaged in semiotic work (Kress, 2003; 2009), social semiotics affords valuable possibilities to grasp the social and epistemological complexities of learning and education (Insulander & Lindstrand, 2013; Insulander, Kjällander et al., 2017). In a world of instability and change, this seems as crucial as ever (cf. Kress, 2008).However, approaching learning in ways that utilise the potentials of social semiotic theory calls for a research design that opens not only for analyses of signs and resources, but also for grasping sign-making as a process of decision making in situ over time (cf. van Leeuwen, 2005; Lindstrand, 2010). Differently put, it is a matter of balancing the two sides of social semiotics: the functional/social and the systemic parts of semiosis (Machin, 2016).Building on examples from two research projects, the paper suggests that ethnographical approaches may offer ways to orchestrate this in practice (see also Dicks, Soyinka & Caffrey, 2006; Dicks, Flewitt et al., 2011). One of the projects, Making difference (Lindstrand, 2006; 2009) used ethnographic approaches to show how understandings of aspects related to ideational, interpersonal and textual features of communication with moving images were construed gradually in the transition between different phases, modes and media in collaborative filmmaking processes. The other project, The Mission (Lindstrand, 2016), used ethnographic approaches to track how various elements from a convergent learning process about WW2 were used as resources in the collaborative production of a written fictive story. ReferencesDicks, B., Soyinka, B. & Coffey, A. (2006) Multimodal Ethnography. Qualitative Research 6(1), 77-96.Dicks, B., Flewitt, R., Lancaster, L. & Pahl, K. (2011) Multimodality and ethnography: working at the intersection. Qualitative Research 11(3), 227-237.Hodge, R. & Kress, G. (1988) Social semiotics. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.Insulander, E., Kjällander, S., Lindstrand, F. & Åkerfeldt, A. (eds.)(2017) Didaktik i omvandlingens tid. Text, representation, design. [Didactics in times of transformation. Text, representation, design]. Stockholm: Liber.Insulander, E. & Lindstrand, F. (2013) “Towards a social and ethical view of semiosis. Examples from the museum”. In Böck, M. & Pachler, N. (red.) Multimodality and Social Semiosis: Communication, Meaning-making, and Learning in the Work of Gunther Kress. New York: Routledge. 225-236.Kress G. (2003) Literacy in the New Media Age. London: Routledge.Kress, G. (2008) Meaning and learning in a world of instability and multiplicity. Studies in Philosophy and Education 27(4), 253-266.Kress, G. (2009) Multimodality. A social semiotic approach to contemporary communication. London: Routledge.Lindstrand, F. (2006) Att göra skillnad. Representation, identitet och lärande i ungdomars arbete och berättande med film [Making difference. Representation, identity and learning in teenagers' work and communication with film]. Diss. Stockholm University. Stockholm: HLS Förlag.Lindstrand, F. (2009) "Lärprocesser i den rörliga bildens gränsland" [Learning processes in the marches of filmmaking], in Lindstrand, F. & Selander, S. (eds.). Estetiska Lärprocesser – upplevelser, praktiker och kunskapsformer [Aesthetic Learning Processes - Experiences, Practices and Forms of Knowledge]. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 153-174.Lindstrand, F. (2010) Interview with Theo van Leeuwen. Designs for Learning 3:1-2, 84-90.Lindstrand, F. (2016) Med berättelsen och berättandet som mål och medel i en gränsöverskridande lärprocess kring andra världskriget. [Story and storytelling as target and means in a cross-boundry learning process about WW2]. Project report. Sandviken: Litteraturhuset Trampolin.Machin, D. (2016) The need for a social and affordance-driven multimodal critical discourse studies. Discourse & Society 27:3, 322-334.van Leeuwen, T. (2005) Introducing Social Semiotics. London: Routledge.  
  • Lindstrand, Fredrik, 1973-, et al. (författare)
  • Mike the Knight in the Neo-Liberal Era : A Multimodal Approach to Children's Multimedia Entertainment
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Journal of Language and Politics. - : John Benjamins Publishing Company. - 1569-2159 .- 1569-9862. ; 15:3, s. 336-350
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Today, in the neo-liberal era, goal-oriented learning seems to be a ubiquitous demand for almost all kind of play activities. Different resources for play, like toys and games, are motivated from a learning perspective. Promises from media corporations, such as "Your kids are learning while they watch!" (www.nickjr.com), indicate an assumption that parents expect more than mere entertainment from the products that their children engage with. The parents' assumed demand for more than 'mere' entertainment could also be interpreted as a 'new' form of caring, where caring for the overall development of the child has been transformed into an emphasis on stimulating its learning success (Holmer Nadesan 2002, 424). Earlier ideas about a” universal” child and an ”autonomous” child are no longer at the fore. Rather, it is the idea of how to construe the ”superchild” – a child that can learn (more than ever before) and develop a capacity for making rational decisions – that seems to become a dominating paradigm (Kaščák & Pupala 2013). This shift can also be seen as a sign of change of social positions, activities and responsibilities between agents within formal (e.g. school), semi-formal (e.g. museum) and non-formal (e.g. home) sites of learning.Our intention in this article is to show how the discourse about the "superchild" is articulated multimodally (Kress & van Leeuwen 2001) in a number of media texts related to the trans-medial (see Aarseth 2006; Jenkins 2006; Lemke 2004) brand Mike the Knight. We will do so by introducing three examples – a digital story app, online games and a "Chivalrous Reward Chart" – that are part of a wider body of research.
  • Lindstrand, Fredrik, 1973-, et al. (författare)
  • Multimodal ethnography : understanding meaning making in practices and across contexts
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: 9ICOM. - Odense, Danmark : Syddansk Universitet. ; , s. 20-20
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Multimodal ethnography – understanding meaning making in practices and across contextsMultimodal ethnography brings together social semiotics and ethnography. In this perspective, researchers are in particular concerned with: ‘accounts of cultural and social practices through prolonged fieldwork in a particular setting’ (Jewitt, Bezemer, & O'Halloran, 2016, p. 118).Consequently, two things characterize this approach. First, the research emphasis on everyday practices and contexts, and second, the ethnographer documents these practices by collecting artefacts, writing field notes.The question about the relationship between multimodality and ethnography has been raised a number of times during the last two decades (Dicks, Flewitt, Lancaster, Pahl, & Kress, 2011; Flewitt, 2011). Gunther Kress claimed that ethnography and social semiotics should be brought together to ‘mutual advantage’ in the article: ‘partnership in research’: multimodality and ethnography (2011). Here, he argued that social semiotics emphasizes ‘the ceaseless social (re) making of a set of cultural resources (Kress, 2011, p. 242 italics in original text). Kress argues that ethnography has the task to provide us with information about the setting that surrounds the social interaction. Also from a multimodal ethnographic perspective, other researchers have paid attention to materiality and multimodality (Pahl & Rowsell, 2010), as well as literacy practices in diverse contexts (Pahl & Rowsell, 2005).This symposium brings together three papers that discuss and develop multimodal ethnography. Eva Insulander presents and discusses examples of how methods from the field of ethnography were used within the frames of a research project on learning and designs for learning. Øystein Gilje's paper focuses on values of ethnographic fieldwork in relation to analyses of meaning-making practices across sites and contexts by following the individual learner or/and a semiotic artefact. Fredrik Lindstrand uses examples from two projects to suggest how ethnographical approaches can be used to encompass a focus on both functional/social and systemic aspects of semiosis in multimodal research.Discussant: Professor Anders Björkvall, Örebro Universitet. Anders.Bjorkvall@oru.seReferencesAnderson, K. T. (2013). Contrasting Systemic Functional Linguistic and Situated Literacies Approaches to Multimodality in Literacy and Writing Studies. Written Communication, 30(3), 276-299. doi: 10.1177/0741088313488073Bateman, J., & Schmidt, K.-F. (2012). Multimodal film analysis: how films mean. New York: Routledge.Boeriis, M. (2009). Multimodal Socialsemiotik & Levende Billeder. (PhD thesis Ph D), Faculty of Humanities, SDU, Syddansk Universitet.Flewitt, R. (2011) Bringing ethnography to a multimodal investigation of early literacy in a digital age. Qualitative research 11(3), 293-310)Gilje, Ø. (2010a). Mode, mediation and moving images: an inquiry of digital editing practices in media education. (Ph D collection of articles), University of Oslo, Oslo.Gilje, Ø. (2010b). Multimodal Redesign in Filmmaking Practices: An Inquiry of Young Filmmakers’ Deployment of Semiotic Tools in Their Filmmaking Practice. Written Communication, 27(4), 494.Jewitt, C., Bezemer, J., & O'Halloran, K. (2016). Introducing multimodality: Routledge.Kress, G. (2011). ‘Partnerships in research’: multimodality and ethnography. Qualitative Research, 11(3), 239-260. doi: 10.1177/1468794111399836Lindstrand, F. (2006). Att göra skillnad: Representation, identitet och lärande i ungdomars arbete och berättande med film [Making difference. Representation, identity and learning in teenagers' work and communication with film] (PhD), Stockholm: HLS Förlag.Pahl, K., & Rowsell, J. (2005). Literacy and education: understanding the new literacy studies in the classroom. London: Paul Chapman.Pahl, K., & Rowsell, J. (2010). Artefactual literacies: Every object tells a story: Teachers College Press. 
  • Lindstrand, Fredrik, 1973-, et al. (författare)
  • Multimodal representations of gender in young children's popular culture
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: MedieKultur. - : Det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library. - 0900-9671 .- 1901-9726. ; 32:61, s. 6-25
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article poses questions regarding learning and representation in relation to young children’s popular culture. Focusing on gender, the article builds on multimodal, social semiotic analyses of two different media texts related to a specific brand and shows how gender and gender differences are represented multimodally in separate media contexts and in the interplay between different media. The results show that most of the semiotic resources employed in the different texts contribute in congruent ways to the representation of girls as either different from or inferior to boys. At the same time, however, excerpts from an encounter with a young girl who engages with characters from the brand in her role play are used as an example of how children actively make meaning and find strategies that subvert the repressive ideologies manifested in their everyday popular culture.
  • Lindstrand, Fredrik, 1973- (författare)
  • Signs of multimodal genre awareness in young YouTubers' online engagements
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: 9ICOM. - Odense, Danmark : Syddansk Universitet. ; , s. 103-103
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In Sweden, big efforts are currently being made in what is referred to as the "digitization of school" (cf. Government of Sweden, 2017) and in the work to support media and information literacy (MIL) at a more general level. Since many young people today are deeply engaged in various forms of digital media on the one hand (Swedish Media Council, 2017) while lacking commitment to their education on the other, a focus on digitization and media literacy could perhaps bridge these motivational gaps – at least to some extent, for some pupils. However, instead of listening to and acknowledging children's knowledge and experience within this field there seems to be a tendency to frown upon their engagements in digital media and to describe their activities on digital platforms as potentially harmful.This paper presents results from of an on-going pilot project, Learning in Digital Wastelands (Lindstrand, 2018), on children's learning and designs for learning (cf. Selander & Kress, 2010; Bezemer & Kress, 2008) in digital arenas outside school. The aim of the project is to investigate meaning-making and designs for learning in digital contexts outside school where children and young people are engaged in multimodal sign-making practices (Kress, 2003; 2010). An incentive is, perhaps naïvely, that this may offer new perspectives on resources and designs for learning suitable for children today.More specifically, the paper presents a multimodal analysis of the opening sequence of a video posted on YouTube by a nine-year old. By contextualising the video and its modal configuration and orchestration through comparisons with other YouTube videos referred to by this young producer, the paper claims that the video indicates a high level of multimodal genre awareness. As a conclusion it is suggested that a curiosity in what children do outside school could give great leads in terms of how to take pedagogy further and work within genres, modes and media that are relevant to children today. Who knows what genres will be dominant tomorrow (cf. Hyon, 1996; Johns, 2002)?ReferencesBezemer, J. & Kress ,G. (2008) Writing in Multimodal Texts. A Social Semiotic Account of Designs for Learning, Written Communication 25(2).Government of Sweden (2017) "Action on digital transformation", retrieved 20180110 from http://www.government.se/pressreleases/2017/06/action-on-digital-transformation/Hyon, S. 1996. Genre in three traditions: Implications for ESL. TESOL Quarterly 30(4):693-722.Johns, A.M. (Ed.). (2002). Introduction. Genre in the classroom. Multiple perspectives. London: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 3-13.Kress, G. (2003) Literacy in the new media age. London: Routledge.Kress, G. (2010) Multimodality. A social semiotic approach to contemporary communication. London: Routledge.Lindstrand, F. (2018, in press) "Relevanta utsvävningar på digitala arenor - om YouTube, literacy och genremedvetenhet" [Relevant dissipations on digital arenas - on YouTube, literacy and genre awareness] in Forsgren Anderung, K. & Folkesson, E. (eds.) Trampolinmodellen [The Trampoline model]. Sandvikens kommun: Kulturcentrum.Selander, S. and Kress, G. (2010) Design för lärande. Ett multimodalt perspektiv. [Designs for learning. A multimodal perspective]. Stockholm: Norstedts.Swedish Media Council [Statens Medieråd] (2017) Ungar och medier 2017 [Kids and media 2017]. Retrieved 20180111 from https://statensmedierad.se/publikationer
  • Stam, Maria, 1958- (författare)
  • Medier, lärande och det mediespecifika : en undersökning om den rörliga bildens plats och betydelse i ett ämnesövergripande projekt
  • 2016
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overall purpose of this licentiate thesis is to explore how different media is considered and valued by teachers in an interdisciplinary project in which the subjects of Art and Swedish are included. In the project, The Horror Genre in Literature and Film, a variety of mediations are represented: speech, writing, still- and moving images. The study focuses on the teaching strategies and approaches that participating teachers have in relation to the project's various mediations. My central concern is how the media of moving images is considered in the project. Of particular interest for my study is the question if teachers takes into account the media's special possibilities and limitations in their teaching. The theoretical framework is sociocultural theory, narrative theory and theories from the field of media and multimodality. The study was conducted in a Swedish primary school where three classes in 8th grade participated. The empirical material consists of interviews with three teachers in the subject Swedish and with one Art teacher. Also part of the empirical material, are the films produced by the pupils in the project. These films were analysed with the purpose of identifying to what degree the pupils used a narrative that is particular to the medium of moving image. The project in my study was carried out as an interdisciplinary project. Nonetheless, the results show that the teachers in the various subjects work toward the goals set in their own school subjects and that no common goals or overall objectives were formulated in the project. My study also shows that the mediations that are rewarded and have a superior role in the project are the spoken and the written word. The media of moving images has a marginalised place in the project and is regarded as less important. The main result of my study shows the problems that may arise when different forms of mediation co-exist in project-based learning within a school context. It also points out the difficulties that interdisciplinary projects have to face in terms of national regulations, frame factors such as the distribution of lesson hours, resources, as well as other factors that can affect the possibility of cooperation between the subjects.
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