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Sökning: WFRF:(Ottosson Mikael) > (2015-2019)

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  • Nilsson, Kerstin, et al. (författare)
  • 54 forskare: Inte alla klarar höjd pensions-ålder
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm. - 1101-2412.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Ett hållbart och acceptabelt pensionssystem måste utformas utifrån personliga förutsättningar och förhållanden i arbetslivet, så att fler klarar att arbeta i högre ålder. Att enbart genom ekonomiska åtgärder höja pensionsåldern är inte långsiktigt hållbart, skriver 54 forskare.DEBATT | PENSIONForskning visar att cirka var fjärde har en diagnos eller skada orsakad av sitt arbete. Detta gör arbetsorsakad sjukdom och skada till ett betydelsefullt folkhälsoproblem. Att då enbart genom ekonomiska åtgärder höja pensionsåldern för samtliga (yrkes)grupper utifrån deras kronologiska ålder är inte långsiktigt hållbart när individers biologiska ålder är så olika bland annat till följd av arbetslivet. Detta är en demokratifråga. Forskning om äldre i arbetslivet och hållbart arbete visar att man då främst flyttar individer från pensionssystemet till sjukförsäkringssystemet och ökar klyftorna i samhället.Debatt Det här är en argumenterande text med syfte att påverka. Åsikterna som uttrycks är skribentens egna.Vi är 54 forskare som nu gemensamt har skrivit denna debattartikel. Anledningen är att vi är oroade över att cirka var fjärde blir sjuk av sitt arbete samtidigt som man i det förslag som ligger om att senarelägga ålderspensionen i princip utgår ifrån att arbetskraftsdeltagande enbart styrs av ekonomin. Vi vill trycka på betydelsen av åtgärder i arbetslivet för att komma tillrätta med ohälsan, det vill säga inte enbart ekonomiska restriktioner som tvingar folk som inte kan, vill och orkar att stanna kvar i arbetslivet till en högre kronologisk ålder.Pensionssystemet bygger på att vi ska arbeta en viss del av våra liv för att förtjäna möjligheter till pension. Vi bör dock inte enbart utgå ifrån antalet år sedan en person föddes, då korttidsutbildade generellt träder in på arbetsmarknaden tidigare än långtidsutbildade. De har alltså varit en del av arbetskraften från en yngre ålder. Människor med kortare utbildning har oftare ett arbete som innebär påfrestningar som kan inverka negativt på hälsotillståndet och som till och med kan påskynda det biologiska åldrandet. Dessutom lever korttidsutbildade generellt sett inte lika länge som långtidsutbildade, vilket delvis även avspeglar skilda livs- och arbetsvillkor.Den svenska sjukförsäkringsreformen 2008 avsåg att få tillbaka människor i arbete. Men studien fann att den faktiskt bidrog till att fler gick i tidig ålderspension av dem som var i åldern 55–64 år. Ökningen var störst bland korttidsutbildade. Mer än 5 procent fler gick i tidig ålderspension då det blev svårare att få sjukpenning och sjukersättning. Vi kan notera att det är vanligare att manliga chefer tar ut tidig ålderspension, jämfört med kvinnliga maskinskötare inom tillverkningsindustrin. I vissa yrken är det dessutom vanligare att människor, trots pension, både orkar och faktiskt ges möjlighet att arbeta vidare om de har en specialkompetens som efterfrågas. Om vi endast kombinerar ekonomiska morötter med piskor finns en stor risk att vi ökar klyftan mellan grupper som både kan och vill fortsätta att yrkesarbeta och personer som av olika skäl inte längre kan eller orkar.Ta nytta av den forskning som vi har tagit fram. Ett hållbart och acceptabelt pensionssystem måste utformas utifrån personliga förutsättningar och förhållanden i arbetslivet. Ett hållbart arbetsliv för allt fler i vår åldrande befolkning fordrar att vi samtidigt beaktar faktorer som relaterar till biologisk/kroppslig ålder, mental/kognitiv ålder samt social ålder/livsloppsfas och våra attityder som är kopplade till ålder. Vi måste ta större hänsyn till olika förutsättningar och varierande funktionsförmåga och utifrån detta anpassa de åtgärder som gör att arbetslivet blir möjligt och hållbart för allt fler även i högre ålder.”Morötter” är viktigare för en god arbetshälsa och hög produktivitet än en piska i form av oron för en dålig ekonomi.Forskning visar att pedagogik som bygger på ”morötter” oftast är betydligt bättre än ”piskor” för att nå framgångsrika och långsiktiga mål. ”Morötter” i samhället, för organisationer, företag och individer är därför viktiga för god arbetshälsa och fortsatt produktivitet och kan bidra till ett längre arbetsliv även för grupper som tidigare inte ens klarat av att arbeta fram till pensionsåldern. Genom forskning inom området har bland annat swage-modellen utarbetats. Detta är ett verktyg som visar på komplexiteten i ett hållbart arbetsliv och tillsammans med systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete, handlingsplaner och åtgärder syftar till ett mer hållbart arbetsliv. Morötter är enligt forskningen i detta sammanhang åtgärder för en god fysisk och mental arbetsmiljö, avpassad arbetsbelastning, stödjande teknik, att man kan anpassa arbetstakten, alternativa arbetstidsmodeller vid behov. Det är viktigt att man känner sig trygg och förväntas och tillåts vara delaktig, att man blir sedd av chefen och arbetskamraterna. Att de egna arbetsuppgifterna upplevs som meningsfulla och behövda av andra skapar självförverkligande och tillfredsställelse i arbetet. Att man känner att ens arbetsuppgifter och man själv är viktig för organisationen och företaget. Att man trots högre ålder inkluderas i olika nysatsningar och får tillgång till kompetensutveckling och inte blir åsidosatt eller åldersdiskriminerad. Utvärderingar visar att de äldre medarbetarna som fick några av dessa anpassningar och möjligheter var mer effektiva, utvilade, stimulerade när de var på arbetet samtidigt som sjukfrånvaron minskade. Vilket i sin tur bidrar till ett längre arbetsliv för grupper som tidigare inte klarat av att arbeta fram till pensionsåldern. I organisationer som bygger på en deltagar- och lärandekultur rustas de anställda för att klara omställningar, nya arbetsuppgifter och vid behov även yrkesbyten.Med en åldrande befolkning där allt fler lever allt längre behöver vi arbeta till en högre ålder i framtiden för att pensionssystemet ska hålla. Men ”morötter” är viktigare för en god arbetshälsa och hög produktivitet än en piska i form av oron för en dålig ekonomi. Det kräver också att vi ändrar våra attityder och förhållningssätt till äldre på arbetsmarknaden, vilket vi bäst gör genom att organisationer och företag får incitament till och erbjuder mer individanpassade arbetsvillkor, särskilt för personer i högre ålder. Låt oss därför använda den framtagna kunskapen i praktiken för att göra arbetslivet friskt och hållbart för alla åldrar.
  • Nilsson, Kerstin, et al. (författare)
  • Vi är oroade över senare ålderspension
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Dagens Samhälle. - 1652-6511.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Var fjärde person blir i dag sjuk till följd av sitt arbete. Att höja pensionsåldern för alla yrkesgrupper, utan konkreta åtgärder för att minska ohälsan, är därför problematiskt och mycket oroande. Det är, enligt forskarna, inte långsiktigt samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt att utan andra åtgärder höja pensionsåldern för alla. Vi – 54 forskare – är mycket oroade över konsekvenserna av att, som föreslagits, senarelägga ålderspensionen.Förslaget utgår i princip från arbetskraftsdeltagande i princip enbart styrs av ekonomin, medan forskningen visar att det bara är en av flera faktorer som styr hur länge och hur mycket människor väljer att arbeta.Det här sättet att lösa problemet med en åldrande befolkning och ett sviktande pensionssystem är inte samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt på lång sikt, utan riskerar bara att flytta runt folk mellan olika ersättningssystem. Pensionssystemet bygger på att vi ska arbeta en viss del av våra liv för att tjäna in vår pension. Vi bör dock inte enbart utgå ifrån ålder eller antalet år sedan en person föddes då korttidsutbildade generellt träder in på arbetsmarknaden tidigare än långtidsutbildade. De med kortare utbildningstid har alltså varit en del av arbetskraften från en yngre ålder. Människor med kortare utbildning har också oftare ett arbete som innebär påfrestningar som kan inverka negativt på hälsotillståndet och som till och med kan påskynda det biologiska åldrandet. Dessutom lever korttidsutbildade generellt sett inte lika länge som långtidsutbildade, vilket delvis även avspeglar skilda livs- och arbetsvillkor.Ta nytta av den forskning som vi har tagit fram. Ekonomin är självklart viktigt för att vi ska vilja arbeta, men den är som sagt enbart en av flera faktorer med betydelse vårt arbetsliv.Hälsotillståndet, både det fysiska och det mentala, har en avgörande betydelse för hur länge och hur mycket vi orkar arbeta. Ett fysiskt och mentalt belastande arbete är en stark riskfaktor för en nedsatt hälsa i slutet av arbetslivet. Arbetstid, arbetstakt och möjlighet till återhämtning spelar en allt större roll ju äldre vi blir. Andra aspekter är arbetsinnehåll, hur meningsfulla och stimulerande arbetsuppgifterna är, balansen mellan arbete och familjesituation och fritidsaktiviteter. Organisationskultur, ledarskapet, stöd i arbetet och kompetens har stor betydelse för om vi ska kunna och vilja arbeta till en högre ålder. Vi måste ta större hänsyn till olika förutsättningar och varierande funktionsförmåga och utifrån detta anpassa de åtgärder som gör att arbetslivet blir möjligt och hållbart för allt fler även i högre ålder.Ett hållbart och acceptabelt pensionssystem måste därför utformas utifrån personliga förutsättningar och förhållanden i arbetslivet. Ett hållbart arbetsliv för allt fler i vår åldrande befolkning fordrar att vi samtidigt beaktar faktorer som relaterar till biologisk/kroppslig ålder, mental/kognitiv ålder samt social ålder/livsloppsfas samt de attityder som är kopplade till ålder.
  • Ottosson, Mikael, et al. (författare)
  • Field Technologies and Truck Driver Identity
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Truckers : A profession in change - A profession in change. - 9789197966160
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Behrenz, Lars, et al. (författare)
  • Arbetsgivares perspektiv på subventionerade anställningar : en kartläggning
  • 2015
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Trots en kraftig ökning av antalet subventionerade anställningar från mitten av 2000-talet är det ett stort antal arbetsgivare som inte använder sig av lönesubventioner. Denna rapport har försökt att kartlägga och analysera arbetsgivares perspektiv på lönekostnadssubventioner. När det gäller analyser som berör de arbetsgivare som använt sig av lönesubventioner är den viktigaste förklaringsfaktorn att man använt sig av subventioner tidigare. Våra intervjuer visar också att de arbetsgivare som använder sig av lönesubventioner ofta har ett socialt ansvarstagande. Ett av huvudresultaten med följande studie är att 95 procent av de som använder sig av subventioner är nöjda. Omfattningen i pengar och personens kvalifikationer var mest avgörande för anställningsbeslutet. Av de som inte använt sig av lönesubventioner är det 20 procent som inte känt till att möjligheten finns. Intervjuer med arbetsgivare utan erfarenhet av att anställa med lönesubventioner visar att de är skeptiska att hitta lämplig personal genom att anställa med lönesubventioner. När vi ställer en hypotetisk fråga till samtliga arbetsgivare om vad som skulle kunna få dem att anställa med en subvention framkommer möjligheten att få pröva aktuell person som den klart viktigaste faktorn. Utifrån våra resultat föreslår vi bl.a. att Arbetsförmedlingen, i ett försöksupplägg, ska ges möjlighet att agera bemanningsföretag och vi föreslår också att man ska genomföra en omfattande informationskampanj till arbetsgivare.
  • Bergström, Per, 1981-, et al. (författare)
  • Automatic in-line inspection of shape based on photogrammetry
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: The 7th International Swedish Production Symposium, SPS16, Conference Proceedings. - Lund : Swedish Production Academy. ; , s. 1-9
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We are describing a fully automatic in-line shape inspection system for controlling the shape of moving objects on a conveyor belt. The shapes of the objects are measured using a full-field optical shape measurement method based on photogrammetry. The photogrammetry system consists of four cameras, a flash, and a triggering device. When an object to be measured arrives at a given position relative to the system, the flash and cameras are synchronously triggered to capture images of the moving object.From the captured images a point-cloud representing the measured shape is created. The point-cloud is then aligned to a CAD-model, which defines the nominal shape of the measured object, using a best-fit method and a feature-based alignment method. Deviations between the point-cloud and the CAD-model are computed giving the output of the inspection process. The computational time to create a point-cloud from the captured images is about 30 seconds and the computational time for the comparison with the CAD-model is about ten milliseconds. We report on recent progress with the shape inspection system.
  • Chulapakorn, Thawatchart, 1988-, et al. (författare)
  • Luminescence of silicon nanoparticles from oxygen implanted silicon
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. - : Elsevier. - 1369-8001 .- 1873-4081. ; 86, s. 18-22
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Oxygen with a kinetic energy of 20 keV is implanted in a silicon wafer (100) at different fluences, followed by post-implantation thermal annealing (PIA) performed at temperatures ranging from 1000 to 1200 degrees C, in order to form luminescent silicon nanoparticles (SiNPs) and also to reduce the damage induced by the implantation. As a result of this procedure, a surface SiOx layer (with 0 < x < 2) with embedded crystalline Si nanoparticles has been created. The samples yield similar luminescence in terms of peak wavelength, lifetime, and absorption as recorded from SiNPs obtained by the more conventional method of implanting silicon into silicon dioxide. The oxygen implantation profile is characterized by elastic recoil detection (ERD) technique to obtain the excess concentration of Si in a presumed SiO2 environment. The physical structure of the implanted Si wafer is examined by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD). Photoluminescence (PL) techniques, including PL spectroscopy, time-resolved PL (TRPL), and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectroscopy are carried out in order to identify the PL origin. The results show that luminescent SiNPs are formed in a Si sample implanted by oxygen with a fluence of 2 x 10(17) atoms cm(-2) and PIA at 1000 degrees C. These SiNPs have a broad size range of 6-24 nm, as evaluated from the GIXRD result. Samples implanted at a lower fluence and/or annealed at higher temperature show only weak defect-related PL. With further optimization of the SiNP luminescence, the method may offer a simple route for integration of luminescent Si in mainstream semiconductor fabrication.
  • Ekström, Karin M., et al. (författare)
  • Consumer Behavior : classical and contemporary perspectives
  • 2017. - 1
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Consumer Behavior: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives provides a basic understanding of the subject of consumer behavior. A better understanding in terms of why and how people consume is particularly relevant in today’s society since consumption has become an increasingly important part of people’s lives.This book differs from most previous textbooks by describing the subject of consumer behavior based on two comprehensive theoretical fields: theories concerning consumer psychology and decision-making, and theories concerning consumer culture and practices. These two perspectives complement one another and contribute to a better understanding of the complexity of consumption. Furthermore, the book has a sustainability perspective. The impact of consumption on the environment is important to highlight, not least with regard to future generations. The book also has a consumer perspective in that the consumer is not seen as a passive recipient of offers, but rather as an active actor who must be given the opportunity to make his or her voice heard. A better understanding of consumers’ different living conditions and the situations they encounter will give companies and other organizations a better chance to reach out to consumers and meet their needs.Consumer Behavior is also available in Swedish, published by Studentlitteratur.
  • Farkas, B., et al. (författare)
  • Optical, compositional and structural properties of pulsed laser deposited nitrogen-doped Titanium-dioxide
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Applied Surface Science. - : Elsevier BV. - 0169-4332 .- 1873-5584. ; 433, s. 149-154
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • N-doped TiO2 thin films were prepared using pulsed laser deposition by ablating metallic Ti target with pulses of 248 nm wavelength, at 330 °C substrate temperature in reactive atmospheres of N2/O2 gas mixtures. These films were characterized by spectroscopic ellipsometry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Optical properties are presented as a function of the N2 content in the processing gas mixture and correlated to nitrogen incorporation into the deposited layers. The optical band gap values decreased with increasing N concentration in the films, while a monotonically increasing tendency and a maximum can be observed in case of extinction coefficient and refractive index, respectively. It is also shown that the amount of substitutional N can be increased up to 7.7 at.%, but the higher dopant concentration inhibits the crystallization of the samples.
  • Guyader, Hugo, 1990-, et al. (författare)
  • A Typology for Green Service: Resource Integration and Actors Involvement.
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the QUIS15 International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, 12-15 June 2017, University of Porto, Portugal.. ; , s. 47-56
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper presents a typology for green service. It is based on two dimensions: a resource integration dimension to differentiate between different efforts aiming to reduce, reuse, redistribute, recycle or renew resources (for instance natural or operant resources); and a dimension representing whether other ecosystem actors are actively or passively involvement in the green service. The ten types of green service provide an analytical tool for service marketing managers and scholars discussing how to improve or develop green service.
  • Guyader, Hugo, 1990-, et al. (författare)
  • Identifying the resource integration processes of green service
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Journal of Service Management. - : Emerald Group Publishing Limited. - 1757-5818 .- 1757-5826. ; 31:4
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to improve the understanding of green service. In particular, the focus is on identifying homopathic and heteropathic resource integration processes that preserve or increase the resourceness of the natural ecosystem. Design/methodology/approach: Through an extensive multiple case study involving ten service providers from diverse sectors based on a substantial number of interviews, detailed accounts of green service are provided. Findings: Six resource integration processes were identified: reducing, recirculating, recycling, redistributing, reframing and renewing. While four of these processes are based on homopathic resource integration, both reframing and renewing are based on heteropathic resource integration. While homopathic processes historically constitute a green service by mitigating the impact of consumption on the environment, heteropathic resource integration increases the resourceness of the natural ecosystem through emergent processes and the (re)creation of natural resources. Research limitations/implications: The present study breaks away from the paradigm that “green service” is about reducing the negative environmental impact of existing services, toward providing a green service that expands biological diversity and other natural resources. Originality/value: Transformative service research on environmental sustainability is still in its infancy. The present study contributes through conceptualizing green service, redefining existing resource integration processes (reducing, recirculating, recycling) and identifying new resource integration processes (redistributing, reframing, renewing).
  • Guyader, Hugo, 1990-, et al. (författare)
  • Sustainability & Marketing
  • 2019
  • Konferensbidrag (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • This session is based on the upcoming book “Marketing & Sustainability” (Studentlitteratur 2020) which aims to equip business students with the relevant mindset to pursue advanced marketing education or start their career as marketer with an understanding of sustainability issues — with contemporary cases and useful conceptualisations and classifications.The presentation will cover (1) classic consumer behavior concepts (e.g., consumer segmentations, the consumption process) and how to influence consumer behavior in light of infamous attitude-behavior “green gap” (e.g., nudging); (2) firms’ operations and responses to the sustainability imperative (e.g., new product/service development, the life-cycle approach, ISO standards, open innovation); (3) sustainable marketing communications (e.g., branding, certifications and labelling, communication channels) and the pitfalls of “cheating the consumers” (e.g., greenwashing issues, transparency, GDPR implications); and (4) the diverse sustainable business models and marketing channels (e.g., Product-Service Systems, circular economy paradigm, peer-to-peer platforms). 
  • Guyader, Hugo, 1990- (författare)
  • The Heart and Wallet Paradox of Collaborative Consumption
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Collaborative consumption is a peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange of goods and services facilitated by online platforms. This phenomenon is driven by technologies that make it easier and cheaper to redistribute and share the use of existing but underutilized private resources. It is embedded in the paradigm shift in society towards access-based consumption, in opposition to acquisition and private individual ownership. Firms take on the new role of enabler of collaborative consumption by developing online platforms and smartphone apps that facilitate P2P exchanges between people in their roles of peer providers and consumers.Collaborative consumption is anchored to two opposite logics of consumption: sharing and market exchange. This results in the Heart & Wallet paradox with its tensions between a pro-social orientation and communal norms on the one hand, and a for-profit orientation and market norms on the other hand. While diverse societal and regulatory aspects of the so-called “sharing economy” are discussed in popular debate, scholars have yet to catch up on the theoretical implications from these influences on business activities and consumer behavior.This thesis aims to improve the understanding of collaborative consumption by contributing to the conceptualization of this new phenomenon as intertwined with coexisting sharing and market logics. The research is based on two papers taking the perspective of the firms operating online platforms that facilitate collaborative consumption, and two papers taking the perspective of the peer providers and consumers participating in P2P exchanges. The context of shared mobility (i.e. P2P car rental, ridesharing) is explored through three cases, using interviews with online platform managers and participants in collaborative consumption, participant observation, a netnography, a cross-sectional survey of platform users, and document analyses.This thesis situates collaborative consumption in the access paradigm, based on the temporal redistribution and monetization of private resources facilitated via online platforms, while nurturing the feelings of communal belonging and the sharing ethos embedded in P2P exchanges. Investigating the tensions of the Heart & Wallet paradox of collaborative consumption, I highlight the opposing rationales between the sharing logic of the original nonmonetary practices initiated by grassroots communities and the market logic of platform business models. I further emphasize the key function of communal identification for participants and the role of perceived sharing authenticity—the pitfalls of sharewashing for firms. This thesis contributes to service research by advancing the understanding of P2P exchanges and the conceptualization of collaborative consumption.
  • Guyader, Hugo, 1990-, et al. (författare)
  • You can't buy what you can't see: Retailer practices to increase the green premium
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. - : Elsevier. - 0969-6989 .- 1873-1384. ; 34, s. 319-325
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Retailers are the gatekeepers between consumers and eco-friendly products. As such, they can influence green shopping behavior. The results of an eye-tracking experiment show that retailers can attract consumers’ visual attention and increase the green premium through various practices such as providing relevant information, orienting consumers inside the store, and offering an eco-friendly product assortment. Managerial implications are to use green-colored price tags to signal eco-friendly products, while avoiding greenwashing practices that can distract consumers from finding the eco-friendly products they look for.
  • Hedberg, Suzanne, et al. (författare)
  • BEST: Bypass equipoise sleeve trial; rationale and design of a randomized, registry-based, multicenter trial comparing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass with sleeve gastrectomy
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Contemporary Clinical Trials. - : Elsevier BV. - 1551-7144 .- 1559-2030. ; 84
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Laparoscopic gastric bypass (LGBP) is a well-documented surgical intervention for severe obesity. Recently, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) has gained increased popularity. Short-term follow-up in limited-sized randomized trials comparing LGBP and LSG show no major differences in weight-loss, adverse events, or effect on comorbidities; however, there is a lack of sufficiently powered, pragmatic, randomized controlled trials comparing the mid- and long-term results of the two methods. Method: BEST is a randomized, registry-based, multicenter trial comparing LGBP and LSG. The trial has two primary outcomes; rates of substantial complications (SC) and total body weight loss. We hypothesize that patients treated with LSG will experience 35% fewer substantial complications during the 5-year follow-up compared to patients treated with LGBP, and that the efficacy of LSG will remain within a non-inferiority margin of 5% in terms of weight loss. Our sample size calculation, using data from the Scandinavian Obesity Surgery Registry (SOReg), shows a power of 80% for SC and > 95% for weight loss at p < .025 with a total of 2100 included patients. The design of the trial will also enable comparisons within several relevant patient subgroups. Conclusions: As a large-sized, pragmatic, randomized trial, BEST will provide robust data comparing LGBP with LSG by generating long-term results on weight loss and SC's, as well as secondary outcomes and comparisons within patient subgroups. The use of a well-established registry for registration of all data facilitates a large multicenter trial, and combines the strengths of registry studies with those of a randomized trial. Clinical Trials registry: NCT 02767505. © 2019 Elsevier Inc.
  • Hedin, Allan, et al. (författare)
  • Corrosion of copper in pure O2-free water?
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Corrosion Science. - : Elsevier BV. - 0010-938X .- 1879-0496. ; 137, s. 1-12
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Copper exposed to pure, O-2-free water for several months in glass- and metal-contained, well-controlled systems shows no evidence of corrosion, either through hydrogen evolution or through the occurrence of oxidized copper. The results contradict the interpretation of recent experiments where it has been claimed that copper corrodes in pure, O-2-free water far above the very limited extent predicted by established thermodynamic data. Reasons for the different experimental outcomes are discussed. Experimental and theoretical efforts to identify hitherto unknown, potentially corrosion driving species of the Cu-O-H system and studies of copper/water surface reactions are reviewed as background for the present study.
  • Holmér, Gunnel, 1955- (författare)
  • Flaskor på löpande band : Arbete och arbetskraftsrekrytering vid Surte glasbruk 1943-1978
  • 2017
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation considers how the transition from craft manufacture to mechanized glass production affected the organization of work and the consequences for the recruitment of labour. Based on gender and ethnicity, the dissertation studies the composition of the workforce, the significance of qualifications, and differences in career paths and length of stay have been investigated at Surte glassworks 1943–1978. Charles Tilly’s theory of durable inequality is applied to analyse whether primarily gender and ethnicity had any effect on the assignment of tasks and on discrimination. In conclusion, the results from Surte are compared with conditions at Kosta glassworks. Whereas Surte’s specialty was machine-made bottles, Kosta was geared to craft production of utility glass and art glass.After mechanization at Surte, machine-tenders were counted among the most qualified category, instead of the glass-blowers who had previously been in demand. Manufacture at a pace regulated by machines led to more routine chores such as inspection and packaging. At Kosta, with its focus on craft, glass-blowers still had the highest positions and had learned glass-blowing in the traditional way through practical exercise. At neither Surte nor Kosta did women have any opportunity to receive comparable training.After the Second World War there was a growing need for labour at both Surte and Kosta, and to keep production going the main alternative was foreign labour. The peak was reached in the 1960s, and of roughly 660 collectively employed workers at Surte in November 1964, almost 40% were immigrants, chiefly from Finland. Kosta at the same time, with just under 330 employees, had slightly under 10% foreign workers, mainly from Greece. Kosta attracted a number of skilled glass-workers from abroad, but the majority of immigrants there, and all those at Surte, lacked experience of glass manufactureAt neither Surte nor Kosta, with their different production methods, is there any evidence of durable inequality based on ethnicity. The assignment of tasks was guided rather by the functions in demand at the companies and by the applicants’ qualifications. Internal training and career opportunities were open to all male workers, regardless of which country they came from. On the other hand, the gender division of labour at both glassworks created durable inequality for all women regardless of nationality. 
  • IVIM reveals increased blood perfusion of liver metastases after oral intake of Salovum®
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0968-5243 .- 1352-8661.
  • Proceedings (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Introduction Elevated interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) of tumours impairs perfusion, which hinders anti-cancer drugs and oxygen to reach tumour cells1-3. AF-16, a 16 amino acid long sequence from the amino terminal end of the endogenous protein Antisecretory Factor (AF), supresses IFP in animal models of solid tumours4, and could improve drug delivery to tumour cells. Salovum®, a spray-dried egg yolk powder with high content of antisecretory peptides, should be tested on humans, but requires non-invasive tumour IFP/perfusion assessment methods. The IntraVoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) model applied to multi-b DWI enables measurement of tissue diffusion (D), pseudo-diffusion (D*) and voxel volume fraction of actively perfused capillaries (f) 5. The aim of this study was to investigate if f could be used to monitor changes induced by Salovum® in colorectal liver metastases in vivo Subjects and Methods Previously untreated patients (n=6) with colorectal liver metastases were imaged before, and 24h after intake of Salovum®, using IVIM-MRI (3T Philips, 16‐channel receiver; Single-shot, SE‐EPI (breath-hold); FOV covering liver, 3x3x5mm3 voxels; TR/TE/NSA/SENSE=1900ms/50ms/2/2; 11 b‐values (0-600); acquisition~10 min. MATLAB-based images processing comprised 1) Inter-scan image registration (volume preserving free-form deformation6); 2) Voxelwise fitting of D and A [eq.2] to S(b200-600) (for b>200, [eq.1] reduces to [eq.2], assuming D<2cm) on DWI (b=600), transfer of ROIs to corresponding f-maps for calculation of median ROI f before and after Salovum® intake and 4) Mann-Whitney U-test for statistical significance (α-level=0.05). Results Liver and metastases were well visualised on DWIs and f-maps Median f in metastatic tissue increased after intake of Salovum® in 5/6 patients, but decreased in one patient (Fig.2) (p<0.0001). Discussion/Conclusion The increased perfusion fraction on day 2 may offer a “window of opportunity” for improved transport of drugs to tumour cells. The increase in f was small, and perhaps not clinically significant, suggesting that additional time points after Salovum® intake and dose escalation be investigated, as well as intra-tumour effect heterogeneity. The proposed IVIM approach is a promising, non-invasive method for studying Salovum® induced changes in liver metastases in vivo. Further optimisation and fractionation studies should be conducted, and IVIM derived parameters should be compared to other techniques for perfusion or IFP measurements. References 1Rofstad,E.K.,et al.,Neoplasia. 2009;11(11):1243-51. 2Milosevic,M.F.,et al.,1999;43(5):1111-23. 3Wiig, H.,et al.,1982;42(2):159-64. 4Al-Olama, M.et al., 2011;50(7):1098-104. 5Le Bihan, D., et al., 1988;168(2):497-505. 6Rueckert, D., et al., 1999;18(8):712-21.
  • Jacobsson, T. Jesper, et al. (författare)
  • Determination of Thermal Expansion Coefficients and Locating the Temperature-Induced Phase Transition in Methylammonium Lead Perovskites Using X-ray Diffraction
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Inorganic Chemistry. - : American Chemical Society (ACS). - 0020-1669 .- 1520-510X. ; 54:22, s. 10678-10685
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Lead halogen perovskites, and particularly methylammonium lead iodine, CH3NH3PbI3, have recently attracted considerable interest as alternative solar cell materials, and record solar cell efficiencies have now surpassed 20%. Concerns have, however, been raised about the thermal stability of methylammonium lead iodine, and a phase transformation from a tetragonal to a cubic phase has been reported at elevated temperature. Here, this phase transition has been investigated in detail using temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction measurements. The phase transformation is pinpointed to 54 degrees C, which is well within the normal operating range of a typical solar cell. The cell parameters were extracted as a function of the temperature, from which the thermal expansion coefficient was calculated. The latter was found to be rather high (alpha(v) = 1.57 X 10(-4) K-1) for both the tetragonal and cubic phases. This is 6 times higher than the thermal expansion coefficient for soda lime glass and CIGS and 11 times larger than that of CdTe. This could potentially be of importance for the mechanical stability of perovskite solar cells in the temperature cycling experienced under normal day night operation. The experimental knowledge of the thermal expansion coefficients and precise determination of the cell parameters can potentially also be valuable while conducting density functional theory simulations on these systems in order to deliver more accurate band structure calculations.
  • Kindström, Daniel, 1974-, et al. (författare)
  • Driving forces for and barriers to providing energy services : a study of local and regional energy companies in Sweden
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Energy Efficiency. - Springer : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1570-646X .- 1570-6478. ; 10:1, s. 21-39
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Improving energy efficiency is a cornerstone in climate change mitigation, and energy services are portrayed as a promising market-based approach to achieve this. This paper examines the barriers to, and driving forces needed for, the implementation of energy services from the perspective of Swedish local and regional energy companies. This includes an analysis of the resources needed in three phases of energy service implementation, i.e., development, sales, and deployment. The results indicate a supply-side interest in providing energy services, with the major challenges being related to (a) intra-organizational issues such as a lack of strategic direction and intent and (b) a perceived lack of knowledge, interest, and trust on the part of potential energy service customers. The paper concludes with managerial and policy implications on how an increased focus and impact of energy service can be achieved among local and regional companies.
  • Kindström, Daniel, 1974-, et al. (författare)
  • Energitjänster i energibolag : ett ökat värdeskapande med kunden i fokus
  • 2015
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Det övergripande syftet med detta projekt var att undersöka förutsättningarna för att öka tjänsteinnehållet på den svenska energimarknaden utifrån ett energibolags perspektiv. Mer konkret omfattar rapporten följande:Beskrivning och analys av implementeringsprocessen av energitjänster hos ett energibolag; detta skedde genom att följa implementeringen av vissa typer av energitjänster. Målet var att ta fram ett ramverk för hur energibolag kan arbeta för att effektivt implementera och leverera utvecklade energitjänster (checklistor, processteg etcetera) samt nyckelkriterier för att vara framgångsrik i detta.Undersökning av vilka typer av avancerade energitjänster som kan utvecklas, och hur (till exempel hur dessa kan paketeras), med utgångspunkt i kundens behov och med kunden som medskapare. Detta skedde genom att identifiera dels de behov och de utmaningar som kunder står inför (oberoende av leverantör), dels de typer av tjänster som har potential att skapa värde (utifrån marknadens behov). Målet var att ta fram en typologi av energitjänster med typiska karaktärsdrag samt även klassificera vilket värde (för både kund och leverantör) som kan skapas. Denna typologi kan användas av energibolag (och andra) vid nyutveckling av tjänster men även vid kundkontakter och strategiutveckling.Beskrivning av de framtida affärsmodeller som är möjliga för att ett energibolag på ett effektivt och lönsamt sätt ska ha potential att utveckla, sälja och leverera energitjänster.Det som gör denna rapport unik är att den ämnar kombinera energitjänsteforskningen med den numera rika flora av vetenskaplig litteratur kopplad till så kallad tjänstefiering. Främst har forskning inom tjänsteinnovation berört tillverkade företags produkt- och tjänsteportföljer. I denna rapport ämnar de rådande teoribildningarna inom forskningsfältet tjänsteinnovationer kopplas till den relativt sätt nya så kallade energitjänstemarknaden men där flera likheter med tillverkande industri finns, till exempel ett traditionellt sett starkt fokus på den produkt som säljs och inte kring tjänster kopplade till produkten.
  • Kindström, Daniel, 1974-, et al. (författare)
  • Identifying enabling mechanisms for the implementation of market orientation
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Extending Value Through Product, Service and Platform Innovations. ; , s. 1-27
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A focus on market orientation in order to improve firm performance has during the last decades been both well, and widely, accepted as a necessity for remaining competitive. Even though the concept has been the focus of much research, recent studies suggest that practitioners find it difficult to interpret the market orientation concept and, subsequently, find it hard to implement in their organizations. The actual implementation of market orientation is also a relatively unexplored area within marketing. The majority of research around market orientation has instead tended to focus on other issues such as to measure and link performance to the development of the actual concept rather than implementation aspects and processes.This article identifies four enabling mechanisms for the implementation of market orientation. It forwards a framework to advance understanding of the actual implementation and effects of market orientation. The framework – consisting of issues focusing on effects on an internal, a customer, and a market level – aims to increase the understanding of how a successful implementation of market orientation can be achieved.Findings are developed through an in-depth longitudinal case study of a B2B firm implementing market orientation. As such, the findings are well grounded in, and provide insights into, managers’ real challenges, as well as offering opportunities to generate new insights for academia. By studying the market orientation implementation process, four mechanisms that enable the implementation is, among other things, identified; 1) Top management as a change champion, 2) A coordinating ICT platform, 3) The redesign of the offering structure (portfolio), and 4) A multi-layered organizational structure.
  • Kindström, Daniel, 1974-, et al. (författare)
  • Local and regional energy companies offering energy services : Key activities and implications for the business model
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Applied Energy. - : Elsevier. - 0306-2619 .- 1872-9118. ; 171, s. 491-500
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Energy services play a key role in increasing energy efficiency in the industry. The key actors in these services are the local and regional energy companies that are increasingly implementing energy services as part of their market offering and developing service portfolios. Although expectations for energy services have been high, progress has so far been limited, and many companies offering energy services, including energy companies, are experiencing difficulties in implementing energy services and providing them to the market. Overall, this research examines what is needed for local and regional energy companies to successfully implement energy services (and consequently provide them to the market). In doing this, a two-stage process is used: first, we identify key activities for the successful implementation of energy services, and second, we aggregate the findings to the business model level. This research demonstrates that to succeed in implementing energy services, an energy company may need to renew parts or all of its existing product-based business model, formulate a new business model, or develop coexisting multiple business models. By discussing two distinct business model innovation processes, this research demonstrates that there can be different paths to success.
  • Kindström, Daniel, 1974-, et al. (författare)
  • Unraveling firm-level activities for shaping markets
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Industrial Marketing Management. - : Elsevier. - 0019-8501 .- 1873-2062. ; 68, s. 36-45
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • As the marketing literature increasingly construes markets as malleable entities, research studies of ‘market-shaping’ strategies have gained increasing attention in recent years. Those are proactive, deliberate initiatives which a firm takes with the aim of re-shaping an operating environment comprising direct customers, customers' customers, and other actors such as its competitors. Our study derives a theoretical framework for market-shaping from the existing literature and an in-depth case study of one market-leading firm in the steel industry, which has been working actively in the shaping of a market. Analysis of the responses of a range of experienced executive staff to unstructured and semi-structured interviews shows, among other things, that in order to shape the market, the firm performed many individual and aggregated activities at three levels of influence – system, market offer and technology – with various actors in the market in focus. These findings are the basis of a proposed activity framework for the proactive shaping of a market: that is, what firms can do in order to shape an existing market, drive growth and create sustainable competitive advantage.
  • Lagerqvist, Ulrika, et al. (författare)
  • Morphology effects on exchange anisotropy in Co-CoO nanocomposite films
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Thin Solid Films. - : Elsevier BV. - 0040-6090 .- 1879-2731. ; 576, s. 11-18
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Co-CoO composite films were prepared by solution chemical technique using amine-modified nitrates and acetates in methanol. We study how particle size and porosity can be tuned through the synthesis parameters and how this influences the magnetic properties. Phase content and microstructure were characterised with grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy, and the magnetic properties were studied by magnetometry and magnetic force microscopy. Composite films were obtained by heating spin-coated films in Ar followed by oxidation in air at room temperature, and the porosity and particle size of the films were controlled by gas flow and heating rate. The synthesis yielded dense films with a random distribution of metal and oxide nanoparticles, and layered films with porosity and sintered primary particles. Exchange anisotropy, revealed as a shift towards negative fields of the magnetic hysteresis curve, was found in all films. The films with a random distribution of metal and oxide nanoparticles displayed a significantly larger coercivity and exchange anisotropy field compared to the films with a layered structure, whereas the layered films displayed a larger nominal saturation magnetisation. The magnitude of the coercivity decreased with increasing Co grain size, whereas increased porosity caused an increased tilt of the magnetic hysteresis curve. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
  • Lagerqvist, Ulrika, 1980- (författare)
  • Solution-Chemical Synthesis of Cobalt and Iron:Zinc Oxide Nanocomposite Films
  • 2016
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The potentially most important challenges today are related to energy and the environment. New materials and methods are needed in order to, in a sustainable way, convert and store energy, reduce pollution, and clean the air and water from contaminations. In this, nanomaterials and nanocomposites play a key role, and hence knowledge about the relation between synthesis, structure, and properties of nanosystems is paramount.This thesis demonstrates that solution-chemical synthesis, using amine-modified acetates and nitrates, can be used to prepare widely different nanostructured films. By adjusting the synthesis parameters, metals, oxides, and metal–oxide or oxide–oxide nanocomposites were prepared for two systems based on Co and Zn:Fe, respectively, and the films were characterised using diffraction, spectroscopy, and microscopy techniques, and SQUID magnetometry.A variety of crystalline cobalt films—Co metal, CoO, Co3O4, and composites with different metal:oxide ratios—were synthesised. Heat-treatment parameters and control of the film thickness enabled tuning of the phase ratios. Random and layered Co–CoO composites were prepared by utilising different heating rates and gas flow rates together with a morphology effect associated with the furnace tube. The Co–CoO films exhibited exchange bias due to the ferromagnetic–antiferromagnetic interaction between the Co and CoO, whereas variations in e.g. coercivity and exchange bias field were attributed to differences in the structure and phase distribution.Ordered structures of wurtzite ZnO surrounded by amorphous ZnxFeyO were prepared through controlled phase segregation during the heating, which after multiple coating and heating cycles yielded ZnO–ZnxFeyO superlattices. The amorphous ZnxFeyO was a prerequisite for superlattice formation, and it profoundly affected the ZnO phase, inhibiting grain growth and texture, already from 1% Fe. In addition, ZnO–ZnxFeyO exhibited a photocatalytic activity for the oxidation of water that was higher than results reported for pure ZnO, and comparable to recent results reported for graphene-modified ZnO.
  • Lindahl, Erik, 1979-, et al. (författare)
  • Doping of metastable Cu3N at different Ni concentrations : Growth, crystallographic sites and resistivity
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Thin Solid Films. - : ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA. - 0040-6090 .- 1879-2731. ; 647, s. 1-8
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Copper nitride, Cu3N, is a metastable material whose properties can be changed considerably by doping with metals which opens for a variety of applications in several areas (sensors, electrical connects, batteries, memories, etc.). The present work is a systematic study in the system Cu-Ni-N of preferences regarding occupation of interstitial and substitutional crystallographic sites in the Cu3N structure as the metal dopant level increases and how the occupation influences growth behavior, texture, microstructure and resistivity. Ni doped Cu3N films of different chemical composition were grown by a gas-pulsed Chemical Vapor Deposition technique. The occupation of the different crystallographic sites of the Cu3N by the Ni atoms was obtained from analysis of X-ray diffraction data. At low Ni content, less than about 21% in metal content, Ni replaced the Cu atoms in the structure. In the intermediate Ni metal content range from about 21 to 40% the vacant centre position became available. After filling the centre position, substitution of Cu for Ni occurred up to a Ni content of about 80% (Cu0.8Ni3.2N) which is the solid solubility limit of Ni in Cu3N. The film resistivity decreased rapidly by adding nickel to the Cu3N structure from about 10(9)mu Omega.cm without any Ni doping to about 100 mu Omega.cm with 80% Ni in the metal content. After filling the centre position the change in resistivity when Cu atoms were substituted for Ni was very small. Finally, the growth mechanism, texture and microstructure changed significantly with the uptake of Ni atoms in the structure.
  • Lundgren, Markus, et al. (författare)
  • Analgesic antipyretic use among young children in the TEDDY study : No association with islet autoimmunity
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: BMC Pediatrics. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1471-2431. ; 17:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: The use of analgesic antipyretics (ANAP) in children have long been a matter of controversy. Data on their practical use on an individual level has, however, been scarce. There are indications of possible effects on glucose homeostasis and immune function related to the use of ANAP. The aim of this study was to analyze patterns of analgesic antipyretic use across the clinical centers of The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) prospective cohort study and test if ANAP use was a risk factor for islet autoimmunity. Methods: Data were collected for 8542 children in the first 2.5 years of life. Incidence was analyzed using logistic regression with country and first child status as independent variables. Holm's procedure was used to adjust for multiplicity of intercountry comparisons. Time to autoantibody seroconversion was analyzed using a Cox proportional hazards model with cumulative analgesic use as primary time dependent covariate of interest. For each categorization, a generalized estimating equation (GEE) approach was used. Results: Higher prevalence of ANAP use was found in the U.S. (95.7%) and Sweden (94.8%) compared to Finland (78.1%) and Germany (80.2%). First-born children were more commonly given acetaminophen (OR 1.26; 95% CI 1.07, 1.49; p = 0.007) but less commonly Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAID) (OR 0.86; 95% CI 0.78, 0.95; p = 0.002). Acetaminophen and NSAID use in the absence of fever and infection was more prevalent in the U.S. (40.4%; 26.3% of doses) compared to Sweden, Finland and Germany (p < 0.001). Acetaminophen or NSAID use before age 2.5 years did not predict development of islet autoimmunity by age 6 years (HR 1.02, 95% CI 0.99-1.09; p = 0.27). In a sub-analysis, acetaminophen use in children with fever weakly predicted development of islet autoimmunity by age 3 years (HR 1.05; 95% CI 1.01-1.09; p = 0.024). Conclusions: ANAP use in young children is not a risk factor for seroconversion by age 6 years. Use of ANAP is widespread in young children, and significantly higher in the U.S. compared to other study sites, where use is common also in absence of fever and infection.
  • Magnusson, Thomas, 1970-, et al. (författare)
  • Ensuring protection and competitiveness : Characteristics of market formation for biogas
  • 2018
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Background and research questionPresenting possible solutions to environmental problems such as air quality, greenhouse gases, nutrient recirculation, organic waste and wastewater management, biogas is highly relevant for sustainability transitions. Besides biogas producers, the production and use of biogas engages actors from several sectors, including energy and gas distribution, waste management and wastewater treatment, agriculture, vehicles and transport.The formation of markets for biogas depends on policy interventions at different levels, from the local municipality via the national government to the EU commission. By contrast to other European countries, which tend to subsidize biogas production, the Swedish government has the intention to stimulate demand and to favor the use of purified biogas (biomethane) as a vehicle fuel. While biomethane currently has a strong position as an alternative to fossil fuels in certain niches (notably public transport buses), the Swedish biogas sector faces challenges to reach beyond these narrow market segments.Adopting a market constructivist perspective, this paper will analyze the formation of markets for biogas in Sweden. The following research question will guide the analysis: What characterizes market formation in this case and based on that, what is possible to learn about market formation in relation to sustainability transitions? TheoryMarketing scholars increasingly consider market formation as on-going processes, which a multitude of actors influence through their strategies, activities and capabilities. To understand market formation it is therefore necessary to analyze activities among a wider array of actors than merely producers and their (potential) customers.Following a constructivist perspective, the offer is a core element in market formation. The offer describes the meanings and qualifications that actors impose on the object that is for sale. These meanings and qualifications constitute boundaries between actors and goods. Different actors engage to define the object, as well as its meanings, qualifications and potential value. Without a clear view of what is being exchanged, market formation will be difficult. Market formation also includes institutions that set boundaries and rules for the market. These are neither static, nor pre-conceived; instead, they are shaped and acted upon. Actors influence institutions through dynamic and interactive processes. MethodThe paper combines quantitative and qualitative sources of data to study the Swedish biogas sector. The paper presents detailed data on production and use of biogas in Sweden 2010-2017. This quantitative data is complemented by qualitative data from interviews with representatives from key actors as well as secondary data from industry reports and other written sources. FindingsThe multitude of actors involved complicates market formation for biogas. Different meanings and qualifications are attributed to the offer. Whereas it is possible to perceive biogas as a relatively simple product – a fuel – it is also possible to perceive it as a complex system that may help solving various societal and environmental problems. Different perceptions of the offer have different implications for market formation. Depicting biogas as a complex system implies that the offer will comprise a number of different qualifications. The realization of such a complex system depends on the bonding of various actors. Once established, the bonds will protect biogas from competition. By contrast, depicting biogas as a fuel means that the value of biogas will be assessed in relation to fuel prices. Qualification will thus depend on cost competitiveness vis-a-vis other fuels.Our analysis suggests that although the contrasting perceptions of biogas cause tensions between the actors involved, the different qualifications complement each other in the market formation process. Various environmental and societal benefits makes it possible for actors argue for institutional reforms to help biogas become cost competitive, and increased competitiveness makes it attractive to establish new biogas systems.
  • Magnusson, Thomas, 1970-, et al. (författare)
  • From niches to local and global market formation : The qualification of the Swedish biogas sector
  • 2017
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The paper presents a case study of market formation for biogas in Sweden and analyses the case with concepts derived from literature on socio-technical transitions and business-to-business marketing. Based on the case study analysis, the paper outlines two different models that describe market formation processes for renewable energy technologies: a local model and a global model. Different perspectives on the market offer, different actors involved, and different institutional dynamics characterize these models. The models do not necessarily describe different stages in the market formation process. Rather, they describe different patterns by which the market for renewable energy alternatives may grow. 
  • Magnusson, Thomas, 1970-, et al. (författare)
  • Industrial ecology and the boundaries of the manufacturing firm
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Journal of Industrial Ecology. - : Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc.. - 1088-1980 .- 1530-9290. ; 23:5, s. 1211-1225
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Decisions on organizational boundaries are critical aspects of manufacturing firms’ business strategies. This article brings together concepts and findings from industrial ecology and business strategy in order to understand how manufacturing firms engage in initiatives to facilitate recycling of process wastes. Based on a distinction between waste recovery and use of the recovered resources, the article introduces a typology of four different strategies: Closed, Outsourcing, Diversification, and Open. Each strategy has a unique set of organizational boundaries and is associated with different motives and benefits for the manufacturing firm. The typology of strategies provides a conceptual contribution to assist industrial managers in strategic decision-making, and to support further studies on organizational boundaries in industrial ecology research.
  • Mao, Fang, et al. (författare)
  • Combinatorial Study of Gradient Ag-Al Thin Films : Microstructure, Phase Formation, Mechanical and Electrical Properties
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. - : American Chemical Society (ACS). - 1944-8244 .- 1944-8252. ; 8:44, s. 30635-30643
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A combinatorial approach is applied to rapidly deposit and screen Ag-Al thin films-to evaluate the mechanical, tribological, and electrical properties as a function of chemical composition. Ag-Al thin films with large continuous composition gradients (6-60 atom % Al) were deposited by a custom-designed combinatorial magnetron sputtering system. X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), nanoindentation, and four-point electrical resistance screening were employed to characterize the chemical composition, structure, and physical properties of the films in a time-efficient way. For low Al contents (<13 atom %), a highly (111)-textured fcc phase was formed. At higher Al contents, a (002)-textured hcp solid solution phase was formed followed by a fcc phase in the most At-rich regions. No indication of a mu phase was observed. The Ag-Al films with fcc-Ag matrix is prone to adhesive material transfer leading to a high friction coefficient (>1) and adhesive wear, similar to the behavior of pure Ag. In contrast, the hexagonal solid solution phase (from ca. 15 atom %Al) exhibited dramatically reduced friction coefficients (about 15% of that of the fcc phase) and dramatically reduced adhesive wear when tested against the pure Ag counter surface. The increase in contact resistance of the Ag Al films is limited to only 50% higher than a pure Ag reference sample at the low friction and low wear region (19-27 atom %). This suggests that a hcp Ag Al alloy can have a potential use in sliding electrical contact applications and in the future will replace pure Ag in specific electromechanical applications.
  • Ottosson, Mikael, 1980-, et al. (författare)
  • Biogas in the Nordic forest industry : current state and future business potential
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Industrial Efficiency 2016 - Going beyond energy efficiency to deliver savings, competitiveness and a circular economy. - : European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE). - 9789198048285 - 9789198048292 ; , s. 1-15
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The forest industry is of great importance to the Nordic countries in terms of exports and employment. Today the industry faces tough challenges related to future higher energy prices, increased competition for wood raw material, and a declining demand for traditional paper products. However, there are also possibilities related to the transition to a bio-based economy. This paper focuses on one such avenue, the business potential in using wastewater from pulp and paper mills as a basis for biogas production. The paper identifies biogas plants at Nordic mills currently operating or under construction and, positions the mills according to their decisions on how to engage in activities related to biogas production and use. Requirements for and consequences and of the different positions are discussed in terms of resources and capabilities, governance, and strategy focus.The paper shows that cost reduction is an important driver for biogas production in the pulp and paper industry, but public financial support is needed to justify the investments. Since forest firms do not view biogas production as a core business activity, external actors that can offer turnkey solutions or runt the operations may be needed to facilitate biogas production in the forest industry. While internal use of gas is an option for some mills, it is evident that external demand for biogas, i.e. as vehicle fuel, differ in the three different Nordic countries. In Norway, whose forest industry is the least significant of the three countries, the situation for external use seem to be the most promising, emphasizing the role of public policy interventions in the transport sector for the development of biogas in the forest industry.
  • Ottosson, Mikael, 1962-, et al. (författare)
  • Copper in ultrapure water, a scientific issue under debate
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Corrosion Science. - : PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. - 0010-938X .- 1879-0496. ; 122, s. 53-60
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The corrosion properties of copper in ultrapure water have been studied experimentally by submerging copper samples (99.9999%) in pure water for up to 29 months. The surface was first electropolished at ambient temperature, then exposed to hydrogen gas treatment at 300-400 degrees C, thereby reducing the bulk hydrogen content to 0.03 ppm. These copper samples, the water and the glassware were all then subjected to precise chemical analysis. Great care was taken to avoid contamination. After exposure, only similar to 6 mu g/L copper had accumulated in the water phase. Electron spectroscopy could not detect Cu2O or any other oxidation products containing copper.
  • Ottosson, Mikael, 1980-, et al. (författare)
  • Exploring Proactive Niche Market Strategies in the Steel Industry : Activities and Implications
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Industrial Marketing Management. - : Elsevier. - 0019-8501 .- 1873-2062. ; 55:2016, s. 119-130
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The literature has often proposed a niche market strategy as the means by which producers of commodity-based products (e.g. steel, pulp and paper, and petrochemicals) can counter increasing competition, particularly from low-cost, low-price competitors. That strategy has primarily been viewed as defensive, i.e. the weaker producer builds protective barriers around its product to fend off competition. This paper proposes, on the contrary, that niche marketing can also be used as a proactive, or even aggressive, strategy to enable a firm to outperform competitors in both profitability and growth. The use of a proactive niche market strategy in practice is examined in case studies of three global Swedish steel firms that have achieved above-average profitability over time. We propose, as a result of our analysis, the concept of the proactive niche market strategy as one that employs a mix of five key activities: focusing on the customers' customers; making the effort to become a preferred supplier early in the process; interacting with customers at multiple levels; extending the product offering by adding services; and focusing on the development of “adjacent” products, markets, and applications.
  • Ottosson, Mikael, et al. (författare)
  • Hållbar marknadsföring : hur sociala, miljömässiga och ekonomiska hänsynstaganden kan bidra till hållbara företag och marknader
  • 2016. - 2
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Hur kan man som konsument, företagsledare eller student leva och få sina behov tillfredsställda utan att äventyra kommande generationers möjligheter att tillfredsställa sina behov?

Intresset för hållbarhetsfrågor i allmänhet och hållbara företag i synnerhet har ökat avsevärt under de senaste åren, såväl hos konsumenter som hos företagsledare, politiker, journalister, studenter och andra grupper. Hittills har det saknats vetenskaplig litteratur som speglar hållbarhetsdimensionen ur ett marknadsförings­perspektiv. Med denna bok försöker författarna fylla det tomrummet och bidra till att hållbarhetstänkandet blir en integrerad del av marknadsföring, till exempel i affärsmodeller, varumärken och marknadskommunikation.
  • Ottosson, Mikael, 1980-, et al. (författare)
  • Local and global market formation : the shaping of the Swedish biogas sector
  • 2017
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Several studies of sustainability transitions have used the technological innovation systems approach to study market introduction of renewable new energy technologies (Negro, Hekkert et al. 2007, Alkemade and Suurs 2012, Negro, Alkemade et al. 2012, Jacobsson and Karltorp 2013, Bento and Fontes 2015, Tigabu, Berkhout et al. 2015). These studies have shown that during these early stages, the new technologies and markets tend to be relatively crude. Moreover, established infrastructure, industry structures and institutional practices are often inadequate for the new technologies. This means that the new technology alternatives are rarely competitive on regular markets, which are dominated by existing technologies. Therefore, policy makers are advised to facilitate the formation of protective spaces – niches – which allow for the new technologies to enter the market (Kemp, Schot et al. 1998, Caniëls and Romijn 2008, Smith and Raven 2012). Gathering relevant stakeholders in the formation of networks, such protective spaces will nurture experimentation activities and assist the development and diffusion of knowledge. Moreover these protective spaces will empower proponents of the new technology, helping them to attract resources and build legitimacy for the new technology.While sustainability transitions literature have investigated the early stages of market introduction of renewable new energy technologies thoroughly, the critical step from having an established position in a protected niche to facilitating a broader diffusion to an actual market has received less attention in transition studies. According to Suurs and Hekkert (2009), this step would imply different kinds of innovation system dynamics, in which market formation would be an essential process and Jacobsson (2008) plead for a different set of policy instruments to support such broader market diffusion. Still the market formation processes for renewable new energy technologies are not well understood in sustainability transitions literature.Such formation processes are however well analyzed within the business to business marketing field. Araujo (2007) states that the creation of new markets can be achieved by various activities from different actors. Such market-shaping activities stretch from traditional firm level activities such as sales to activities that involve the entire markets institution e.g. changing the rules of the market (Kjellberg & Helgesson, 2007; Mele, Pels & Storbacka, 2015). In the center of a new market is the market offer. The process of qualifying the product involves different actors’ attempts to qualify desirable attributes and characteristics related to the offer (Callon et al. 2002). This process is especially important in shaping new markets since the market offer in itself is not fixed but rather something in the making. In the center of our study is the overall research question: What actors are involved in shaping the Swedish biogas market and what qualifications does these actors attribute to the product?
  • Ottosson, Mikael, 1980-, et al. (författare)
  • Sustainable marketing : How social, environmental and economic considerations can contribute towards sustainable companies and markets
  • 2015. - 1
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • How can we as consumers, company leaders or students have our needs met without adventuring the possibilities of future generations having their needs met?During recent years, the interest in sustainability issues in general and sustainable companies in particular has increased considerably, among consumers as well as company leaders, politicians, journalists and other groups.So far, there has been a lack of scientific literature reflecting a marketing perspective on the sustainability dimension. This book is the authors" attempt to fill that void and contribute to making sustainability an integral part of marketing, for instance in business models, brands, and marketing communication.Honourable mention - Marketing Book of the Year 2014The Swedish version of the book was rewarded a special prize in The Swedish Marketing Foundation"s annual distinction Marketing Book of the Year in 2014.
  • Ottosson, Mikael, et al. (författare)
  • The Swedish Confederation for Professional Employees (TCO) and trust-based working time
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Management Revue. - 0935-9915. ; 26:1, s. 52-68
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Abstract in UndeterminedThis article aims to provide a historical perspective to the emergence of trust-based control systems in the workplace. These systems are often seen as a response to increasedflexibility requirements following the progress of digital technology, globalisationand an increased knowledge content in production. In contrary to this opinion, itis argued in the article that the phenomenon has much longer historical roots. Basedon a theoretical discussion of the concept of "trust", the article discusses the SwedishConfederation for Professional Employees, TCO’s, approach to working time regulationin the 1950s and 1960s. Through a discourse analytical approach, the articledemonstrates that professional employees felt that trust-based elements were importantin their professional identity. They were people that you could trust!
  • Ottosson, Mikael (författare)
  • Välfärdsstaten och arbetstiden
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Historisk Tidskrift. - 0345-469X. ; 137:1, s. 124-130
  • Recension (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Ottosson, Mikael, et al. (författare)
  • What the Hell is a High Standard? The Swedish Employers’ Confederation and the Six-Hour Workday debate in the mid 1970s
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Time & Society. - 0961-463X. ; 28:2, s. 634-656
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A concept that lies at the heart of political rhetoric is that of ‘workfare’. The issue, however, is what types of arguments have been invoked to assert the value of the concept. During the 1960s and 1970s, extensive criticism emerged towards a working life that was said to hinder women’s emancipation; a working life that wasted resources and had a negative impact on the environment; a working life that sought material consumerism rather than quality of life. The demand for a work time reduction also received much support. In this article, we have studied the use of language that The Swedish Employers’ Confederation used when publicly formulating their stances on the work time issue in 1975. We have chosen to highlight the argument contained in a discussion pamphlet published by Swedish Employers’ Confederation, in a situation where the use of language was determined by the left-wing movement, and solidarity, international aid and daycare places were keywords, rather than growth and consumption. The arguments employed in the discussion pamphlet were based in the idea that non-work entails a lack of solidarity for social development. Those who desired a work time reduction were portrayed by Swedish Employers’ Confederation as environmental villains and opponents to the liberation of both oppressed women and the impoverished of the third world. Swedish Employers’ Confederation’s pamphlet can be regarded as an example on how capitalism may handle major criticism. By reversing the meaning of the core concepts of the criticism, opponents’ arguments were assimilated, which contributed to a new rationalization of the capitalism. One of the major contributions from our study to the research field is an improved understanding of how this process developed.
  • Paramonova, Svetlana, 1986-, et al. (författare)
  • Quantifying the extended energy efficiency gap : - evidence from Swedish electricity-intensive industries
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Renewable & sustainable energy reviews. - : Elsevier. - 1364-0321 .- 1879-0690. ; 51, s. 472-483
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Energy efficiency is one of the major means of reducing CO2 emissions resulting from industrial use of energy. Both from a societal as well as business perspective it is of great importance to reduce industrial energy end use (EEU). The implementation of energy-efficient technologies as well as increased focus on energy management practices has been stated by previous research to be the two most important methods of improved industrial energy efficiency. To date, however, there are few (if any) studies that have analyzed the proportion of industrial energy savings that derive from implementation of new technology versus from continuous energy management practices. By analyzing substantial data from the Swedish PFE program this paper aims to quantify what previously has been referred to as the extended energy efficiency gap. Results show that about 61% of the analyzed 1254 energy efficiency measures are derived from the implementation of new technology, and the rest stems from management and operational measures. The results presented in this paper are of outmost importance for industrial energy managers and energy auditors as well as industrial associations and policy-makers in order to cost-effectively address these no-regret measures.
  • Rasmussen, Josefine (författare)
  • The Investment Process for Capital Investments : The case of industrial energy-efficiency investments and non-energy benefits
  • 2016
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Capital investments play a crucial role for the business of every firm. In an industrial context, energy efficiency is an important means to meet future energy needs and in the same time reduce climate impact. In this thesis, the investment process for capital investments is therefore studied by addressing the case of industrial capital investments improving energy efficiency. The thesis specifically aims to illuminate how additional benefits, i.e. non-energy benefits, are and can be acknowledged in the investment process by applying an ex-ante perspective. The thesis holds the decision-making process as unit of analysis and aims to contribute with insights on firm level. Especially in an energy-efficiency context, such a process perspective has only been scarcely applied.The thesis is based on a literature review and two empirical studies. The literature review is the starting point of the thesis and reviews the literature on benefit concepts and investment behaviour of energy-efficiency investments. It is then followed by an explorative study in which thirteen industrial Swedish firms are interviewed on how they consider non-energy benefits. Investment motives and critical aspects for adopting energy-efficiency investments are also addressed. It also includes a questionnaire, distributed and collected during a networking event for energy-intensive firms within Swedish manufacturing industry. The second empirical study is a case study conducted at a Swedish pulp and paper firm. It aims to take a comprehensive perspective on the investment process as well as to analyse how and when non-energy benefits are acknowledged in the investment process. This case study approach  enables participants at different levels in the organisation to be engaged in the study and new perspectives to be addressed.The results indicate a general investment process passing through the phases identification, development and selection. Investment motives, information, internal coordination and external actors appear as key aspects of the investment process. Energy-efficiency investments are primarily initiated due to cost-savings motives. However, the subsequent investment process appears as consistent for all investment categories; the investment process described here is thus not specific for energy-efficiency investments only. The results instead indicate an investment process influenced by investment size; it influences the extent to which information is collected and assessed before making the decision, i.e. level of procedural rationality, as well as how the investment project is coordinated within the firm. Last, suppliers are involved in the investment process to a large extent from an early stage.Regarding non-energy benefits, the results indicate that various benefits have been observed but far from all are acknowledged in the investment process. They are to a larger extent acknowledged for larger investments when more resources are devoted to the investment process. Quantifiable non-energy benefits improve the business case for energy-efficiency investments and non-energy benefits should thus be quantified to the extent possible. Yet, nonenergy benefits characterised by a lower level of quantifiability could still be important, such as benefits related to work environment, and should therefore be considered. However, the findings indicate a frequent use and reliance upon an investment manual, implicating a need for simplicity when addressing the additional benefits. This indicates that there should be an emphasis on a limited number of main benefits, rather than seeking to acknowledge all possible benefits.
  • Rosengren, Calle, et al. (författare)
  • Conflict, resistance and the symbolic meaning of space : Activity Based Work and possibilities to express work-related identities in everyday working life
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Management Revue. - : Nomos Verlag. - 0935-9915. ; 30:4, s. 412-431
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The article focuses on a current trend in office design: Activity Based Work (ABW). This is an office solution that instead of providing employees with designated places, it provides them with a variety of spaces in the office that offer different functionalities. A case study is presented of the ongoing effort of a multinational technology company in the software industry to implement ABW at a local site in Sweden. Based on an analysis of the individual and focus group interviews of company employees, the article argues that the non-territorial foundation of ABW is seen as a threat to the work-related identity among certain groups within the company. The findings presented comprise specific insights into how the material aspects of organizational life interact with social identity construction.
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