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Sökning: mat:dok lärosäte:mau år:(2019) > (2019)

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  • Aleksejeva, Olga (författare)
  • Blue copper proteins as bioelements for bioelectronic devices
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis is focused on bioelements for biological electric power sources,specifically, on blue copper proteins with and without an intrinsic biocatalyticactivity, i.e. ability to reduce oxygen directly to water. These proteins, viz. differentlaccases, ceruloplasmin, and rusticyanin, were characterised in detailand employed for the construction of both self-charging and conventional biosupercapacitors.First, similarities and particularities of oxygen electroreductionvs. bioelectroreduction were reviewed. Moreover, being a promising candidatefor the construction of autotolerant implantable biocathodes, the electrochemistryof human ceruloplasmin was revisited. For the first time, a clearbioelectrocatalytic reduction of oxygen on ceruloplasmin modified electrodeswas shown. Second, computational design combined with directed evolutionresulted in a high redox potential mutated laccase, GreeDo, with increased redoxpotential of the T1 site, increased activity towards high redox potentialmediators, as well as enhanced stability. Third, GreeDo was electrochemicallycharacterised in detail. The mutant exhibited higher open circuit potentialvalues and onset potentials for oxygen bioelectroreduction compared to the parental laccase, OB-1. Moreover, the operational stability of GreeDo modifiedgraphite electrodes was found to be more than 2 h in a decidedly acidicelectrolyte, in agreement with the extended operational and storage stabilitiesof the enzyme in acidic solutions. Fourth, multi-cell single-electrolyte glucose/oxygen biodevices with adjustable open-circuit and operating voltages,which are independent on the difference in equilibrium redox potentials of thetwo redox couples, gluconolactone/glucose and oxygen/water, viz. 1.18 V, butdependent on the number of half-cells in the biodevice construction, were designedand tested. The biodevices were made from tubular graphite electrodeswith electropolymerised poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) modified withTrametes hirsuta laccase and Neurospora crassa cellobiose dehydrogenase as the cathodic and anodic biocatalysts, respectively. Due to the interplay betweenfaradaic and non-faradaic electrochemical processes, as well as betweenionic and electronic conductivities, the open-circuit voltage of the self-chargedbiodevice is extraordinarily high, reaching 3 V, when seven biosupercapacitorsoperating in a common electrolyte were connected in series. Moreover,glucose/oxygen biodevices could be externally discharged at an operatingvoltage exceeding the maximal limiting open-circuit value of 1.24 V for thecomplete glucose oxidation. Last but not least, a conventional biosupercapacitor,i.e. a biodevice lacking self-charging ability, was composed of Acidithiobacillusferrooxidans rusticyanin modified gold electrodes. The complete biodevicesas well as separate electrodes were thoroughly characterised electrochemically.The symmetrical biosupercapacitor based on two identical goldelectrodes modified with rusticyanin is able to capacitively store electricityand deliver electric power, accumulated mostly in the form of biopseudocapacitance,when charged and discharged externally.
  • Bergenfeldt Fabri, Anna (författare)
  • Hälsoarbete i rörelse : ett aktionsforskningsprojekt inom etableringsreformens samhälls- och hälsoinformation
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this study is to contribute with knowledge about the conditions of a group of social and Health Communicators (HC) for changing the form of health information for newly arrived refugees. Focus is 011 how the HC's awamess evolves during their efforts to introduce physical activity as a health promotion strategy. The study also aims at making visible whether the action research process leads to any changes in the longer perspective. By applying Kemmis and Grootenboers' Theory of Practice Architectures the analysis takes its starting point in practice. The theory is based on the assurntion that a practice is constituted by different conditions or arrangements that shape the conversations, actions and activities taking place within a specific practice. The theory includes useful concepts here used as tools to describe and analyse the social context under study. To understand the working conditions for public administrators and the HCs in particulary, Lipsky's concept street-level bureaucrats is used. Using a critical action research approach, the study is based on empirical material gathered via work group meetings, focus group discussions, study visits and participation in the field. The tools employed comprise participatory observations, sound recording and documentation in the form of field notes and logg book writing. This study shows that fixed practice architectures govern the civic and heallh information practice. Initially this makes it difficult for the HCs to see how physical activity could be part of the content. The result shows that the arrangements shaping the practice within the project, differ from those that form the workday practice. A joint meeting practice was set up during the project and worked as a communicative space for collegial dialog and the ex.change of experiences. In accordance with action research methods, the HCs' had the authority over the working process which in tum led to forming and testing of new activities with participants from the target group. This paved the way for a more pronounced interest in health issues and physical activities among the newly arrived. Two years after the conclusion of the action research project, a follow-up study was conducted. The outcome illustrates that the current practice architecture constrains the implementation of physical activity as a part of the organisation. The only remains of the changes accomplished during the project, that can be trace, d are the indiviual experiences adopted by the communicators that come to the fore in their sayings The former action research project has raised the group's awareness of what is required to motivate participants to take responsibility for their own !earing , in this case regarding physical activity. Despite the somewhat daunting picture, it is still possible to discern that the action research practice contributed by building up local knowledge and awareness of what is necessary for achieving sustainable results. This is an area over which the Communicatiors currently lack any real influence.
  • Berlin Hallrup, Leena, 1967- (författare)
  • Experiences of everyday life and participation for people with intellectual disabilities : from four perspectives
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • People with intellectual disabilities are dependent in many ways on the support ofothers if they are to have access to social life, services and support in society. Inorder to participate in various activities, they need intellectual and social support.This means that participation for them, depends in several ways on other people´swillingness to facilitate and promote participation. This imposes high demands onthose professionals providing formal support for them. Hence, the overall aim ofthis thesis was to explore and describe from four perspectives the experiences ofeveryday life and participation for people with intellectual disabilities. The thesiscontains four qualitatively oriented studies, which have evolved over time. StudiesI-II, including participant observations and interviews, and were conducted ingroup homes with staff and adults with intellectual disabilities. Furthermore, itemerged that adults with intellectual disabilities experienced different limitationsin their everyday life, which indicates a lack of opportunity for participation (StudyII). From the findings of these two studies, it became clear that participation is acentral focus and that leadership is of particular significance for how participationis implemented; therefore, interviews were conducted with service managers (Study III). Lastly, within the framework of this thesis, the aim was directed atfocus groups with significant others as the fourth perspective to provide a broadframing of what participation can mean for people with intellectual disabilities.Despite the fact that the disability policy has contributed to improvements forthis target group, there are currently extensive shortcomings. This study hasrevealed deficiencies such as the lack of working methods to help staff facilitateparticipation (Study I); the lack of care worker´ continuity and the existence ofmany routines and rules in the group homes (Study II); more overarchingly, thefinancial situation was not adequate to promote participation (Studies III and IV).Consequently, there were also strengths and opportunities for a good everyday life and for participation. All four perspectives are important as, together, theycontribute with a deeper understanding of what participation is and is not, inrelation to people with ID. From the findings presented in this thesis, it can be saidthat participation is double-edged as the four studies highlight both the absenceand presence of participation.
  • Cowen Forssell, Rebecka (författare)
  • Cyberbullying : transformation of working life and its boundaries
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Sverige liksom många andra länder genomgår en digitaliseringsprocess som påverkar hur vi tar oss an och förhåller oss till arbete. I arbetslivets digitalisering ingår även psykosociala aspekter som uppstår som en följd av ökad digital kommunikation. Cybermobbning, eller nätmobbning som det ofta refereras till i en svensk kontext, syftar på mobbning via digitala kanaler och inkluderar aggressiva eller negativa beteenden på e-post, SMS, blogg eller sociala nätverkssajter som Facebook. Medan det har bedrivits forskning om cybermobbning bland barn och ungdomar de senaste två decennierna befinner sig forskningen om cybermobbning bland vuxna i arbetslivet fortfarande i ett utforskande skede. Den här avhandlingen syftar till att utveckla ny kunskap om hur cybermobbning i arbetslivet kan förstås och förklaras. För att uppnå syftet undersöks hur cybermobbning i arbetslivet uttrycks och vilka individuella, sociala och organisatoriska implikationer mobbning medför när det sker i digitala rum. Avhandlingen har en interdisciplinär ansats och integrerar teoretiska ansatser från urbana studier, organisationspsykologi samt sociologi. Vidare tillämpas ‘mixed methods research design’ i syfte att generera skilda och komplementära perspektiv på samma fenomen. Föreliggande sammanläggningsavhandling består av tre artiklar, varav två är publicerade i vetenskapliga tidskrifter och en är under granskning för publicering. Den övergripande frågeställningen är formulerad enligt följande: På vilket sätt förändras mobbning i arbetslivet när den sker genom social interaktion i digitala rum? Tillsammans med den teoretiska diskussion som förs i kappan besvaras frågeställningen genom tre empiriska datakällor – en pilotstudie, en enkätstudie och en intervjustudie. Varje artikel i avhandlingen har sina specifika frågeställningar eller hypoteser, men den övergripande frågeställningen för avhandlingen besvaras genom att använda mixed methods. Tre övergripande teman identifieras i avhandlingen: nya maktdynamiker i cybermobbning, media-specifika uttryck i cybermobbning och konceptuella utmaningar i att studera cybermobbning. Nya maktdynamiker i cybermobbning beskriver hur maktrelationer i cybermobbning skiljer sig till viss del från maktrelationer i mobbning ansikte-mot-ansikte. Temat är baserat på resultatet som visar att fler personer i arbetsledande positioner än ickearbetsledande positioner är utsatta för cybermobbning. Detta antyder att digital kommunikation påverkar maktdynamiker och möjliggör för personer i formellt lägre positioner att mobba en chef. Ytterligare en aspekt som lyfts fram är att när digital kommunikation bidrar till en uppluckring av gränser i arbetslivet kan personer utanför organisationen såsom studenter, elever, kunder eller medborgare bli förövare av arbetsrelaterad cybermobbning. Det andra temat media-specifika uttryck i cybermobbning utgår ifrån att cybermobbning uttrycks olika i e-post jämfört med Facebook och bloggar och att cybermobbning därför bör förstås i förhållande till den kontext som den specifika kommunikationskanalen skapar. Temat är utvecklat mot bakgrund av resultatet som visar en övervikt av passiv och exkluderande mobbning via e-post och exempel på särskilt aggressiv och direkt uttryckt mobbning på Facebook och blogg. Vilka som är åskådare och kommunikationskanalens förankring i arbetsorganisationen förefaller påverka hur cybermobbning uttrycks. Det tredje temat, konceptuella utmaningar i att studera cybermobbning, framhåller en rumslig sammankoppling mellan cybermobbning och mobbning ansikte-mot-ansikte. Här diskuteras vilken betydelse överlappning mellan cybermobbning och mobbning ansikte-mot-ansikte har för tolkning av fenomenets omfattning. Vidare diskuteras några svårigheter med att studera cybermobbning utifrån traditionella operationaliseringar av mobbning.
  • Dawson, Victoria (författare)
  • Coronal restoration in root-filled and non root-filled teeth : studies on periapical status, tooth survival, subsequent treatments and treatment decisions
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overall aim of this thesis was to study the following aspects ofdirect and indirect coronal restoration, primarily of root-filled teeth, withspecial reference to:• periapical health• the natural course of root-filled teeth, particularly furtherclinical intervention• the dentist´s decision-making process for root-filled teeth.The aims of coronal restoration are to restore the function and aestheticsof the tooth, with a tight marginal seal as protection from microbialleakage. A coronal restoration may be either direct, i.e. a direct chairsidecomposite or amalgam filling, or indirect, whereby the restoration,ceramic or a combination of metal and ceramic, is fabricated in alaboratory and then permanently cemented. For the root-filled tooth, acoronal restoration of adequate quality is an important factor for asuccessful outcome of the endodontic treatment, in terms of periapicalstatus. While indirect restoration is often advocated as the treatment of choice for a root-filled tooth, the procedure is nevertheless more timeconsumingand 3 – 4 times more expensive than a direct restoration. InSweden, composite is the predominant material for direct restorationand the majority of root-filled teeth are directly restored. However,some reports suggest an association between composite restoration andan increased risk of periapical disease. In terms of tooth survival, thereare also reports of less favorable endodontic treatment outcomes forteeth with direct restorations than for those with indirect restorations.In Studies I and II clinical and radiographic examinations wereundertaken in a random sample of 440 subjects, living in the county of Skåne, Sweden. No association was disclosed between apicalperiodontitis (AP) and direct composite restorations. In non root-filledteeth, a relationship was found between the type of restoration and AP.Those restored with direct restoration by both composite and amalgamcombined, and indirect restoration were associated with increased riskof AP, indicating that the extent of tooth substance removal rather thanthe type or material of the restoration, was an important factor ofinfluence on periapical status. For root-filled teeth, however, the qualityof the restoration and of the root-filling was more important toperiapical health than the type or material used for the coronalrestoration. In Study III, data from the Swedish Social InsuranceAgency on dental treatments were analyzed. Only minor differences inthe frequency of additional endodontic treatment for root-filled teethrestored with direct versus indirect restoration was disclosed. Theindirectly restored teeth also had a more favorable natural course duringthe 5-year follow-up period. In comparison, teeth restored with directrestorations required further clinical intervention (nonsurgical retreatment, extraction and additional restorations) significantly morefrequently.In Study IV, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted withgeneral dental practitioners. Data from 14 interviews were analyzed byQualitative Content Analysis. Study IV revealed that dentists´ decisionmakingprocess underlying the choice of coronal restoration for a rootfilledtooth, was based not only on clinical factors; contextual factorsand patient´s views, if in conflict, were decisive. Thus, despite theindications for an indirect restoration, a direct restoration wasoccasionally chosen. Accordingly, the context in which the dentistmakes decisions may be a factor influencing the fate of the root-filledtooth.It is concluded that concerns that composite restoration poses a riskfor periapical disease are not supported clinically, i.e. the use ofcomposite seems to be safe. While in non root-filled teeth, AP tended tobe associated with extensive restorations, in root-filled teeth the type ofrestoration was not an important factor of periapical health. For teethdirectly restored after root canal treatment, further clinical interventionsmay be expected, especially for restorative failures. This may beattributable in part to the dentist´s decision-making process with respectto the choice of coronal restoration.
  • Hallmer, Fredrik (författare)
  • Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw : occurence, risk factors, pathogenesis & treatment
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The antiresorptive drugs bisphosphonates and denosumab arewidely used to preserve bone strength by inhibiting osteoclast mediatedbone resorption. High dose intravenous bisphosphonatesand high dose denosumab are mainly used to treat skeletal relatedevents in patients with metastatic bone disease such as metastaticbreast cancer and metastatic prostate cancer or in patients withmultiple myeloma. In patients with osteoporosis, oral bisphosphonatesare mostly used. Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw(MRONJ) is a serious side effect associated both with bisphosphonatesand denosumab treatment. The first report on MRONJ waspublished in 2003. At first, the condition was believed to be a newdisease, but it was later proved to be the same disease, which existedmore than 100 years ago in match factory workers, and phosphateminers, in whom the disease was recognized as phossy jaw. The overall aim of this thesis was to study the occurrence, risk factors,pathogenesis and treatment of MRONJ.Study I describes prevalence, trigger factors and treatment outcomesof MRONJ retrospectively between the years 2003-2010 inRegion Skåne. During this time, 55 patients had been diagnosedwith MRONJ. Of these patients, 31 patients with a malignant diseasewere treated with high dose intravenous bisphosphonates and24 patients with osteoporosis were treated with oral bisphosphonates.The prevalence of MRONJ was estimated to be 0.024% forpatient on oral bisphosphonates and 2.8% for patients on high dose intravenous bisphosphonates. Tooth extraction was the mostcommon trigger factor. After treatment of MRONJ, healing occurredmore frequently in patients with osteoporosis treated withoral bisphosphonates than in patients with a malignant diseasetreated with high dose intravenous bisphosphonates.Study II investigated the association between microflora andMRONJ by using 16S rRNA pyrosequencing technique for the detectionof bacteria in necrotic bone lesions. Included were 18 consecutivepatients with MRONJ, ten with osteoporosis and eightwith metastatic disease. Bone biopsies were retrieved with two separate3 mm sterile trepan burrs from the centre of the necroticbone and from visible healthy bone. The necrotic bone lesions containedmainly anaerobic bacteria, representative for periodontalmicroflora, suggesting that a periodontal infection in combinationwith antiresorptive treatment could initiate the osteonecrosis. Study III is a prospective cohort study where the prevalence andinitiating factors of MRONJ and the outcome of surgical therapywere analysed. All new cases of MRONJ between 2012 and 2015in Region Skåne were included. Fifty-five patients with MRONJwere identified. The prevalence of MRONJ for patients on oralbisphosphonates was 0.043%, on high dose intravenous bisphosphonates1.03% and on high dose denosumab 3.64%. Periodontaldisease preceded development of MRONJ in 41 patients. Fifty patientswere treated surgically and followed up for at least 2months. Lesions progressed to remission or healing in 80.0% ofpatients treated with sequestrectomy and in 92.5% of patientstreated with block resection. In study IV, the aim was to prospectively determine the incidenceand define risk factors for MRONJ in patients with metastaticbreast cancer treated with zoledronic acid and/or denosumab.Breast cancer patients diagnosed between 2012 and 2015 in the regionof Skåne with one or several bone metastases and treated withzoledronic acid or denosumab were included. Systemic risk factors(age, zoledronic acid or denosumab use, treatment time, chemo-therapy or corticosteroid use, diabetes and smoking habits) wererecorded. Sixteen patients of 242 (6.6%) developed MRONJ duringthe 77 months study period (from 1st of January 2012 to 31stof May 2018). The incidence of MRONJ in patients treated withhigh dose zoledronic acid was 4.1%, and for patients with highdose denosumab 13.6%. The risk of developing MRONJ in patientson denosumab was significantly higher compared to patientstreated with zoledronic acid. Corticosteroid use was associatedwith a significant decreased risk of MRONJ and diabetes was associatedwith a significantly increased risk of MRONJ. Chemotherapyor smoking was not associated with a significant increasedrisk of MRONJ. In conclusion, the incidence of MRONJ is more than three timeshigher in breast cancer patients treated with denosumab comparedto breast cancer patients treated with zoledronic acid. The prevalencein patients with osteoporosis on oral bisphosphonates is low,< 0.05%. Corticosteroid use decreases the risk of developingMRONJ whilst diabetes increases the risk. The most common localrisk factor is a periodontal disease. Periodontal bacteria play a centralrole in the pathogenesis and development of MRONJ. Thetreatment outcome of MRONJ demonstrates healing in most patientstreated surgically.
  • Hansen, Christina (författare)
  • Solidarity in Diversity : Activism as a Pathway of Migrant Emplacement in Malmö
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Written at the intersection of migration studies, urban studies, and research on activism, this thesis contributes to the exploration of solidarities born on the ground in an urban context marked by immigration and economic restructuring. Based on ethnographic material collected 2013­–2016 in Malmö, Sweden, it examines alliances and friendships generated across social, cultural, ethnic, and legal divides through a particular political practice—activism as carried out by the extra-parliamentarian left. A decisive aspect is the particularity of Malmö, a city with a high density and diversity of activist groups, and Möllevången, the neighbourhood where their actions are concentrated. Möllevången is conceptualised in this thesis as an incubator for resistance to the dispossessing effects of neoliberal economic restructuring and urban gentrification. Special attention is devoted to activist groups that, at the time of fieldwork, affected the most people through their large mobilisations and solidarity-based work. While not negating differences among activists or between activists and racialised migrants in precarious legal conditions, the thesis highlights their shared experiences of co-creating political spaces and interests—commoning. This kind of embodied solidarity requires activists to experiment with non-hierarchical and non-normative ways of structuring social relations, a process filled with challenges, ambivalences, and conflicts. The thesis shows how activists cope with challenges and what they perceive as achievements. Furthermore, it shows that—despite the ever-increasing anti-immigrant rhetoric, restrictive migration policies, and neoliberalisation of the commons—solidarity and commoning contribute to pathways of migrant emplacement: re-establishing life in a particular locality, building networks, making friends, and developing a feeling of belonging to a new place. Not only does the activists’ commitment to radical equality and mutual aid create certain pathways for emplacement in the city, it also enables the political socialisation of some migrants and paves the way for a new generation of migrant activists in Malmö.
  • Hellborg, Anna Maria (författare)
  • "Godispengar" eller "överdådig lyx" - om elitidrott, ekonomi och jämställdhet
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The purpose of this study is to problematize and analyze the conception and construction of elite athletes’ economical terms through a feministic lens. I will specifically try to investigate and illustrate how women and men who want to invest and try out for elite sports, are constructed as economical actors, how economical prerequisites to practice their sport is depicted and if, and in what way, the professionalization of the sport is gender equal. The four sports that are examined in this study are curling, football, golf and equestrian. The study contributes to the illustration of sport management issues from a feministic, gender and equality perspective. I have chosen multiple theories that I believe explain the different parts of my material in relation to feminism, gender equality and gender theories. The concepts used are the connection between material and cultural inequality (Fraser and Ridgeway), dominance and power structures (Young and Halldenius), the connection between the public and the private (Okin) and the gender contract (Hirdman). Mainly two types of material are used. An analysis of the sport associations’ official magazines and interviews with different organizational leaders within the associations. This dissertation shows that the issues regarding financial conditions for elite athletes are depicted differently in the different sports. There are diverse challenges for the sports and their associations in the work towards gender equality. The different conditions are affected by size, status, connections to the market and dependence of funds. Several problematic issues are identified such as distribution of resources by the associations, the distribution by sponsors, the distribution by the SOK, prize money and family life. The struggle for a gender equal distribution of resources in elite sports are ongoing. The magazines depict women as receiving less money than men in their sports. A common argument for this distribution is the greater interest in men’s sports, which refers to that men’s sports generate more money. Women’s sport is economically marginalized. An excessive redistribution of assets and a restructuring of the control over resources are necessary aspects to rectify gender inequality. Professional sports as they appear today, partly controlled by the market, are not gender equal. It appears to be a great gap between gender equality and the market logic. As it appears from this study, a key seems to be adding value to women’s sports on all levels, from associations to spectators. The relationship between the Swedish state and the sports movement (RF) is defined by an implicit contract. The state provides funds to RF and in turn, RF has a responsibility to make sure sport is equal for all. Since the implicit contract also means that the state does not interfere with how the sport confederation distribute the funds this means that the distribution of resources benefits men’s elite sports because it is considered more worthy by the sport organizations. RF do not fulfill their part of the contract and the state approves the inequality by not making demands. The implicit contract becomes gender impregnated.
  • Hofverberg, Hanna (författare)
  • Crafting Sustainable Development : Studies of Teaching and Learning Craft in Environmental and Sustainability Education
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The overall aim of the thesis is to contribute with new and deepened knowledge about the teaching and learning of craft when the crafting activity is considered as environmental and sustainability education (ESE). To achieve this, three objectives have been formulated: to examine what constitutes a craft subject content relevant for ESE, to examine what influences the learning process when the crafting activity is considered as ESE, and to examine how the crafting material participates in the learning process when the crafting activity is considered as ESE. The three research objectives are addressed by four studies: one literature study (Paper I) and three case studies where the empirical data is constructed through observations (video recordings) of a remake project (Papers II and IV) and an embroidery project (Paper III) in the craft subject ‘educational sloyd’ in Sweden. The main theories that the thesis draws on are Tim Ingold’s theory of making as a practice of correspondence and John Dewey’s transactional approach to meaning-making. Several methods that acknowledge learning in action are used, which makes it possible to explore how the student–material relations emerge and how both humans and more-than-humans participate in the learning activity. The findings show that a craft activity, for example a remake project, can have different purposes and pedagogies, which produce different learning experiences and sustainability outcomes. Further, I identify and distinguish a process content from a product content, which deepens our understanding of what students learn when the crafting activity is considered as ESE. By focusing on how the student–material relations emerge in the learning process – with concepts that I use and develop such as correspondence, stories, and transactant – I empirically show how the crafting material not only participates with its materiality but also creates the embodied stories that students recognise when they encounter the crafting material in the crafting activity. How humans learn in socio-material relations and what consequences these have for ESE are two key issues that are further discussed when the crafting activity is considered as ESE. 
  • Ingrell, Joakim (författare)
  • What does it take to be successful here? A longitudinal study of achievement motivation in youth sport
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The focal aim of this dissertation project centers on understanding the importance of some of the underlying factors responsible for the socialization of achievement motivation in youth sport and its affective outcomes. Furthermore, this dissertation project focuses on the specializing stage of development, more specifically, student-athletes (N = 78) attending a compulsory school with a sports profile.This dissertation project was guided by the theoretical frameworks provided by achievement goal theory (Nicholls, 1984, 1989), implicit theories of ability (Dweck, 2000), Ames’ (1992a, 1992b) motivational climate, Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect (Marsh, 1984; Marsh & Parker, 1984) athletic burnout (Raedeke & Smith, 2001), and gender as a social institution (Lorber, 1994).In the first study, the aim was to analyze and problematize athletic ability longitudinally and with a gender perspective as it is perceived, discussed, and valued by student-athletes. A mixed method approach was used in this study consisting of quantitative analysis (multilevel modeling) of a three-year, six-wave data collection (N = 78). Furthermore, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 27 of the student-athletes. The two main results of this study were that entity beliefs increased, and incremental beliefs decreased during the three-year period, and that gender added a further understanding of the beliefs of student-athletes regarding athletic ability.The second study aimed to examine achievement goals in youth sport longitudinally and the within-person effects of perceived motivational climates by coaches, peers, and parents on achievement goal orientations. The student-athletes (N = 78) completed a multi-section questionnaire, six times over a three-year period, assessing the study variables and the multilevel modeling analysis revealed that both the task orientation and the ego orientation decreased for this age group over the threeyear period. Furthermore, the perceived task involving peer climate was significantly and positively related to task orientation, and perceived ego-involving coaching climate was significantly and positively related to ego orientation.In the third study, the aim was to examine the developmental trajectories of student-athlete burnout perceptions and the within-person relationship between achievement goals and burnout perceptions. The participants (N = 78), time frame, and measurement points were the same in this study, as in studies I and II. The results from the multilevel growth models revealed that burnout perceptions increased for this age group over the three-year period. Furthermore, task orientation was significantly and negatively related to a reduced sense of accomplishment and sport devaluation.The findings from this dissertation project highlight some of the complexity of achievement motivation in youth sport; the relationships between this type of motivation and the context, in this case, a school with a sports profile, and organized sports, and significant others such as coaches, peers, and parents. Furthermore, the results from this dissertation project underline the advantage of considering a specific developmental stage when studying achievement motivation in youth sport longitudinally.
  • Jerve Ramsøy, Ingrid (författare)
  • Expectations and Experiences of Exchange : Migrancy in the Global Market of Care between Spain and Bolivia
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Spain has in recent years become an important destination for care work related migration, particularly for women from Latin America. In order to fill the care gap generated by Spanish women’s participation in the remunerated labor market and insufficient public welfare services, paid care work is becoming more prominent. This thesis is based on ethnographic fieldwork among Bolivian care workers in Bilbao in the Basque Country of Spain and their kin in different localities in Bolivia, as well as on analysis of Spanish legal texts. It is a story about what goes on in the encounter between people and global structures of inequality, particularly in the encounter between women who have migrated from Bolivia in order to fill a gap in the Spanish quest for a functioning welfare state, and the structural components that (re)produce their migrancy. Concepts from economic anthropology are used to analyze the research material as part of a global market of care, rather than of so-called care chains. This means discussing dynamics of gift and commodity exchange within this market, and how the ‘spirit of the gift’ figures in the relationships the market entails. By focusing on practices of exchange, and the expectations and experiences tied to these, rather than on preconceived social ties, a better understanding is gained not only of complex webs of social relationships, but also of what the ‘laws of the market’ are, and of how these are connected to different structures of power and social differentiation, such as ‘race’, gender, and class. The story presented here shows how these forms of social differentiation produce particular forms of exchange in a globalized economy of care, and how people negotiate their own becoming on account of these exchanges.
  • Johansson, Maria C. (författare)
  • The institutionalisation of validation and the transformation of vocational knowledge : The case of admission into Vocational Teacher Education in Sweden
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis was to understand the validation of vocational knowledge prior to entry into vocational teacher education in Sweden with regard to conceptions and understandings of vocational knowledge, and also to understand how institutional conditions, such as ideas of how to organise validation, influence the content and form of the validation practice. From this aim the following research questions were developed: What ideas about the organisation of validation stand out in the policy and practice of validation? What conceptions and understandings of vocational knowledge is the organisation of validation built on and what do they entail? Who has the agency to describe and decide upon vocational knowledge in the policy and practice of validation? What institutional arrangements appear in the practice of validation?To conduct the studies in the thesis a multimethods approach was adopted, combining policy analysis and interviews. For theoretical support, new institutional theories were used and also theories of knowledge. The results revealed that the regulative elements of validation have transformed vocational knowledge to fit a frame similar to formal education. In terms of norms and values, it appears as if validation is more of a social and economic project than one of accounting for vocational knowledge and vocational pride. Cultural/cognitive matters that are taken for granted when considering vocational knowledge differ quite significantly between agents involved in validation. Validation of vocational knowledge exhibits a conceptual confusion having different conceptions of knowledge simultaneously at play. This confusion blurs the boundaries between concepts of knowledge, learning, and the learning context. In the complexity of ideas of how to organise validation and different knowledge conceptions, institutional arrangements appear to be based on a sense of belonging, either to academia or to the trade. The agency of those with vocational knowledge is limited in several ways within validation.
  • Karlsson, Annika (författare)
  • Det flerspråkiga NO-klassrummet : en studie om translanguaging som läranderesurs i ett NO-klassrum
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Syftet med denna avhandling är att synliggöra flerspråkiga elevers användning av sina första- och andraspråk i ett flerspråkigt NO-klassrum där man använder och uppmuntrar translanguaging och tydliggöra om och i så fall på vilka sätt dessa processer kan skapa förutsättningar för lärande. Avhandlingen utgår från sociokulturella teorier om språk och lärande, med särskilt fokus på social-semiotiska perspektiv. Vidare används dialogiska och pragmatiska paradigm som på olika sätt kan sägas vara sammankopplade med eller bidra till sociokulturella perspektiv på språk och lärande. Dessutom används teorier om translanguaging för att tydliggöra och öka förståelsen för flerspråkiga elevers möte med NO-klassrummet. För att utveckla djupare förståelse för på vilka sätt translanguaging som metod kan skapa ökade förutsättningar för flerspråkiga elevers lärande används en etnografisk datainsamling och forskningsdesign. Studien följer några NO-lektioner varje månad i en mellanstadieklass under tre års tid (2012-2015). Lektionerna dokumenteras med hjälp av fyra videokameror och fyra diktafoner och den totalt inspelade tiden från lektionerna är 117 timmar. Dessutom samlas fältanteckningar, elevtexter och olika undervisningsmaterial in. Datamaterialet består även av inspelade samtal med fyra elever som vid tillfället för datainsamlingen är nyanlända. Analysen visar att eleverna rör sig i språkliga loopar mellan både nationella och diskursiva språk i meningsskapande samtal om det naturvetenskapliga ämnesinnehållet, samt att de använder sina första- och andraspråk för att förklara, beskriva och sammanlänka semantiska relationer inom olika naturvetenskapliga ämnesområden. Vidare visar analysen att elevernas användning av sina första- och andraspråk ofta utgör en resurs i elevernas appropriering av den naturvetenskapliga skoldiskursen. Eleverna och studiehandledaren använder ofta sina första- och andraspråk för att förtydliga ämnesinnehåll och förklara olika klassrumsaktiviteter för varandra. Emellertid avslöjar analysen också situationer i denna praktik där alla tillgängliga resurser inte utnyttjas och kontinuiteten i klassrumsaktiviteterna blir avbruten på olika sätt. Dessa situationer verkar vara konsekvenser av låga förväntningar på elever med begränsad tillgång till undervisningsspråket, vilket uttrycks i en förenkling av det språk som används, kontextualisering av ämnesinnehållet till vardagliga erfarenheter som kanske inte delas av alla elever, samt komplexiteten att översätta och transformera det naturvetenskapliga ämnesinnehållet från ett språk till ett annat (arabiska och svenska) och mellan en vardaglig och en mer akademisk diskurs. Studien bidrar till fältet genom att illustrera vikten av att stödja varje elevs tillgång till de språkliga verktyg som konstituerar det naturvetenskapliga ämnesinnehållet, samt främja användningen av alla tillgängliga resurser, såsom första- och andraspråket, för att relatera det naturvetenskapliga ämnesinnehållet till tidigare erfarenhet och därmed skapa ett kontinuerligt lärande i flerspråkiga NO-klassrum.
  • Lindh, Christina (författare)
  • I skrivandets spår : elever skriver i SO
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Tracing writing. Students writing in the context of Social studies education. This doctoral thesis is a contribution to the field of writing research and to the understanding of literacy practices as part of disciplinary learning. The thesis deals with writing as a literacy practice in the context of Social studies education in Swedish secondary school. Writing is understood in a broad sense, which include the use of different modalities and semiotic resources. The aim of the study is to explore and describe what characterises literacy practices, focusing on students´ writing in their daily school life, both inside and outside school. This is conducted by studying how writing emerge when students learn a subject content about law and order as part of the teaching of Social sciences. The analytical framework employed draws on the research of The New Literacy Studies (NLS), The Triadic model, (Triadmodellen), the Wheel of writing, (Skrivhjulet) and the sociological concepts of ritual, strategic and communicative actions. The concepts writing events, acts of writing and writing practices are central for the study. To form the foundation of an ecological understanding of writing as a literacy practice the data has been collected during a longer period of ethnographic fieldwork. The study employs a combination of ethnographic methods to enable a qualitative analysis and to establish a thick description. The collected materials include field notes from classroom observations together with audio- and video recordings combined with interviews with students and the teacher, students´ journals, assignments and a written test. The data also includes a survey, a collection of various texts such as teacher planning material, work material and instructions, textbook, policy documents, reflection notes and photos. The empirical results are presented in three chapters, each one of them focusing on students´ writing during teaching, writing in connection to an oral presentation and writing in conjunction with a final written test. The results show that writing in social sciences are used, primarily to store, organize and structure subject content, mainly by answering questions in the textbook which, together with the teaching, strongly mediates the subject content. This results in reproductive writing strategies and texts sticking close to the textbook. Furthermore, the results show that students´ disciplinary writing practices depend on where the writing is situated, in school or outside school, and that the acts of writing are conducted to prepare for oral participation in teaching. As spoken modes dominate during lessons, the writing practices appears in a supporting rather than independent role. A final important result is that the writing practices in general seem to be shaped by those required during a final written test. The results demonstrate how students´ writing is strategically and ritually motivated and that communicative actions are rare. It is argued that this is a result of the school culture´s and the teaching practices´ strong focus on final tests, assessment and grading, which in turn has to do with the Swedish school system governed by a national curriculum based on performance culture and measurement.
  • Mota de Almeida, Fernando José (författare)
  • Computed tomography in endodontic decision making
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Computed tomography has been used in dentistry as a complement to two-dimensional (2D) imaging since the 1980s. The advent of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), a more modern computed tomog-raphy technique, meant a revolution in dento-maxillofacial imaging due to sharper images, with less radiation and at a lower cost than with mul-ti-slice computed tomography (MSCT), i.e., conventional medical com-puted tomography. However, CBCT still uses higher radiation doses and is more expensive for the patient than conventional 2D methods. CBCT is generally reported as more accurate than intra-oral radiographs to diagnose pathologies orconditions of interest in endodontics. The diagnostic process is, nevertheless, not only about radiographs and it is not certain that the use of CBCT will provide a different chain of actions, and ultimately result in a health benefit for the patient. There is thus a need to establish whether the added information of computed tomography has an impact on diagnosis and therapy choice in endodontics. Guidelines based on the best available evidence have been issued to as-sist clinicians in how to use CBCT. However, little is known about the decision process that drives dentists to request computed tomography and there is a need for more insight into this process. The aims of this thesis were to assess the influence of CBCT in diagno-ses and treatments choices and to gain insight into dentists’ decision process when requesting CBCT examinations. Study I Cases used were of a fictive standardised clinical history of asympto-matic root-filled maxillary molars from 34 consecutively included pa-tients in which MSCT and intra-oral radiographs taken simultaneously. All cases were analysed by five decision makers. Before and after MSCT assessments were 1-3 months apart. The results showed that MSCT does not improve therapy planning agreement among decision makers but it influences therapy changes within each decision maker, often to more aggressive therapies (e.g. more teeth extractions) Studies II and III The studies were prospective observational studies. The cases were au-thentic clinical scenarios presented to the decision makers who also were the actual caregivers. The same cases were used in both studies II and III involving 53 consecutive patients referred for CBCT using the the evidence based European Commission (EC) guidelines. Seven deci-sion makers in two different clinics participated and made before and after CBCT assessments during normal clinical praxis. The results showed that CBCT significantly influenced changes in diagnoses and therapy plans. The changes in therapies were often towards more ag-gressive therapies and are strongly correlated with changes in diagnoses. CBCT also improved statistically decision makers’ confidence in the assessments. The decision makers felt that CBCT had a positive impact on the patient’s health in a large number of patients, but this could not be controlled, and the assessment was not blinded. Study IV Fourteen strategically selected dentists (informants) that use CBCT for endodontic purposes were interviewed. The interviews were semi-structured. The informants narrated on their last three self-reported CBCT cases. The interviews’ transcripts were analysed by qualitative content analysis. The interpretation of the phenomenon of the decision of using CBCT examinations for endodontic purposes was made at two different levels: the explicit and the implicit content. The explicit con-tent revealed three categories as follows: “visualization as a desire”, “fa-cilitating tough decisions” and “allocation of responsibility”. The im-plict content was interpreted as: dentists working in Sweden seemed to have a clinical common sense that compensates for the unfamiliarity of the guidelines. On the other hand, a “safer than sorry” attitude counter-balanced (e.g when tackling difficult patients) the restriction induced by the common sense approach. There was a belief that the national regula-tory system worked as a gate-keeper for over usage.
  • Nilsson, Helena (författare)
  • Periodontitis and cognitive decline in older adults
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • As a result of ongoing demographic transitions, populationsthroughout the world are ageing. Cognitive decline is a leadingcontributor to dependence and disability among older adults. Declinein cognitive abilities can also influence lifestyle factors associatedwith oral health. Increasing evidence suggest that more teethare retained throughout life and therefore an increasing number ofteeth are at risk of oral diseases.Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease affecting the supportivetissues of the teeth resulting in alveolar bone loss and eventuallytooth loss. Associations between periodontitis and systemic diseaseswith an inflammatory profile have been reported.The overall aim of the present thesis was to evaluate a potentialassociation between tooth loss, periodontitis, and cognitive declineand to describe changes in oral health-related parameters amongolder adults in a twelve-year follow-up.In Paper I the impact of tooth loss on the risk for lower cognitivetest score was evaluated in 1147 older adults. An examination includingclinical and radiographic registration of number of teethpresent was performed. Cognitive functioning was evaluated usingMini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (cut-off <25) and Clocktest(CT) (cut-off <8). Number of teeth was categorised into edentulous,1-19 and ≥20 teeth. The risk for low cognitive test scorewas statistically related to number of teeth. Results from the multiplelogistic regression after adjustments for age and educationdemonstrated a statistically significant impact of being edentulous on cognitive functions. In addition, having 1 to 19 teeth had a significantimpact on the risk for Clock-test
  • Nilsson, Sanja, 1978- (författare)
  • Performing Perfectly : Presentations of Childhood in Knutby Filadelfia Before and After the Dissolution of the Congregation
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The Knutby Filadelfia Congregation, founded in 1921, started out as a Pentecostal congregation. It has, however, been considered a deviant and semi-isolated new religious movement ever since it became known to the public after a murder took place within its community in 2004. The massive media attention it received revealed the presence of a charismatic leader within the group, and the development of a new theology in which the charismatic leader was considered to be the Bride of Christ. After 2004, the congregation reinforced its boundaries with society, and then suddenly began to dissolve in 2016. This study discusses the development of totalistic features within the congregation from the perspective of sociologist Erving Goffman; it highlights the simultaneous presence of in-group as well as out-group social stigma; and it explores the conflicting presentations of childhood in the congregation in performances from before and after the dissolution of the congregation.The results are based on empirical material from 25 semi-structured interviews with children and youth aged 7–25, 2 focus group interviews with youths, and 24 days of participant observations. Goffman’s theoretical framework, including the key concepts total institutions, stigma, and presentations, is used together with an interpretative phenomenological analysis approach in order to explore the experiences of childhoods as presented by children and youth within the congregation.The findings suggest that their individual understandings of and responses to the presence of a charismatic authority, as well as the consequences of such authorities on parent–child relations, are individual. The Pre-Narratives focus on stigmatisation from society, while the Post-Narratives include stigma within the congregation in the form of social exclusion. The study further indicates that the presentations of childhoods given prior to and after the dissolution of the congregation, the so-called Pre- and Post-Narratives, differ due to changing dramaturgical loyalties, although they should both be considered front-stage activity in Goffman’s terms.
  • Norén, Fredrik, 1984- (författare)
  • "Framtiden tillhör informatörerna” : samhällsinformationens formering i Sverige 1965–1975
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation is about the formation of governmental information in Sweden during the period 1965 to 1975. During this period information related issues were high up on the political agenda, in Sweden and internationally. I argue that the period is of particular interest in order to understand the impact and development of governmental information in Sweden, even for our time. One overreaching research question has guided this study: What ideas and practices characterized how and why the state disseminated information to the public? The thesis uses four tensions to study the formation of governmental information in Sweden during the late 1960s and early 1970s: (1) information as a solution – information as a problem, (2) dissemination of information – control over information, (3) information through mass communication – information through interpersonal dialogue, and (4) governmental information – commercial information. These tensions draw theoretically from John Durham Peters’ notions of communication.The thesis uses strands from three research fields: PR-history, cultural histories of media, and digital humanities. The four papers use different theoretical perspectives in order to shed new light on of the formation of governmental information in Sweden. Adding to that, and to theoretically tie the papers together, the thesis presents an overarching network perspective with a special focus on conceptual history as a means to better understand how governmental information was discussed as well as practiced. Different methods are used to study the formation of governmental information. The latter is partly because of the political issue’s porous boundaries and fragmented-oriented character, and partly due to the lack of previous research with a problematizing and historical approach to governmental information in Sweden. The thesis combines qualitative and quantitative methods to study different aspects how the state communicated with the public.This dissertation presents new findings about the formation of governmental information during the period 1965 to 1975. One regards the different intersections of governmental information. It shows that the production and dissemination of information from agencies to citizens was far from “pure” governmental information, and rather entangled with various actors from industry, academy and civil society. A second finding concerns the language of governmental information. Here, the dissertation shows – through large-scale digital text methods – how the concept of “information” exploded in usages from the 1960s and onwards, and how “information” as a discursive element infiltrated a growing number of political topics from the same period and onwards. A third finding centers on the media of governmental information. One result shows how broadly academics and bureaucrats defined the concept of media in relation to the practice of governmental information. All kinds of media devices, and not only the traditional news media, were considered important for the purpose of disseminating information on large scale to the public. Lastly, this dissertation reveals governmental information as without guaranties. Overall it shows how information from state agencies to citizens was generated through various conflicting tensions that have to be addressed, but without any hope of finding a balance free from communication problems. These problems tend to reoccur in different settings through history, also visible today. This result should however not be regarded as a pessimistic standpoint, rather it calls for modesty in terms of communication in general, and governmental information in particular.
  • Persdotter, Maria (författare)
  • Free to Move Along : On the Urbanisation of Cross-border Mobility Controls - A Case of Roma 'EU migrants' in Malmö, Sweden
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Den här avhandlingen – som jag valt att ge den svenska titeln Fri att röra sig, förvisad att röra sig: Rörlighetskontrollens urbanisering – Fallet med romska EU-medborgare i Malmö – behandlar den lokala politik som utvecklades i Malmö under åren 2014–2016 i förhållande till närvaron av så kallade utsatta EU-medborgare, och utvecklar ett teoretiskt resonemang om hur exkluderande gränser tar plats och blir till i städer. ”Utsatta EU-medborgare” är ett begrepp som används av svenska myndigheter för att beteckna medborgare från andra EU länder som vistas i Sverige utan en fast uppehållsrätt och som befinner sig i situationer präglade av extrem fattigdom och marginalisering. Medparten av dem som klassas som ”utsatta EU-medborgare” är romer med ursprung i Bulgarien eller Rumänien. I avhandlingen konstateras att gruppen i den allmänna debatten i mycket hög utsträckning omskrivs som oönskade migranter. Med detta som utgångspunkt ställs således frågan hur kommunala och andra lokala myndigheter i Malmö agerar för att hantera närvaron av ”utsatta EU-medborgare”, och hur detta i sin tur påverkar deras möjligheter att utöva sin ”fria rörlighet”. Avhandlingen gör en ansats att utveckla ett teoretiskt resonemang kring urbana gränspraktiker inom EU. Särskilt undersöks de mekanismer som utgör grunden för urban rörlighetskontroll: hur de fungerar, vilka effekter de medför och vad detta i sin tur innebär för den som blir måltavla för sådana praktiker. Avhandlingen är uppbyggd kring en fallstudie av konflikterna kring det så kallade Sorgenfri-lägret – en provisoriskt byggd bosättning som utgjorde ett hem för en stor andel av Malmös ”utsatta EU-medborgare” under åren 2014–2015. Sorgenfri-lägret revs efter en invecklad och mycket omtvistad process genom ett beslut i Malmö stads miljönämnd. Dessförinnan kom bosättningen som omnämnts som ”Sveriges största slum” att stå i centrum för heta politiska debatter gällande frågan om olovliga bosättningar. Med utgångspunkt i fallet med Sorgenfri-lägret undersöker avhandlingen hur myndigheterna i och bortom Malmö resonerar kring och agerar i förhållande till de juridiska gråzoner, moraliska-politiska dilemman och sociala konflikter som omgärdar just denna fråga. Särskilt behandlas fallet med Sorgenfri-lägret som ett nyckel-exempel på hur ”utsatta EU-medborgare” och deras bosättningar framställs och hanteras som en sanitär olägenhet och görs till föremål för ordningspolitiska insatser. Analysen präglas av en poststrukturalistisk ansats och för samman två huvudsakliga forskningsfält: kritiska migrations-studier och rättsgeografisk forskning kring social och rumslig kontroll. Därtill utgör teorier om det som inom forskningen kallas för skalpolitik en viktig referenspunkt. Analysen behandlar den diskursiva framställningen av Sorgenfrilägret de som bodde där som en sanitär olägenhet och undersöker vilka effekter denna framställning fick för den juridiska process som i slutändan ledde till att lägret utrymdes och revs. Avhandlingen som helhet pekar på staden som en arena där komplexa förhandlingar kring uppehållsrättslig status, rättigheter och tillhörighet utspelar sig. Ett bärande argument är att lokala myndigheter i Malmö har kommit att hantera frågan om ”utsatta EU-medborgare” på ett sätt som sammantaget kraftigt inskränker gruppens tillgång till stadens rum, och som därför kan beskrivas som en slags exkluderande gränspolitik på den urbana skalnivån. Detta bidrar i sin tur (i praktiken) till att omforma och inskränka villkoren för den fria rörligheten.
  • Rezende de Jesus, Rainde Naiara (författare)
  • Aspects of oral implant technology and osseointegration
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Behandling med käkbensförankrade tandimplantat är en vanlig metod för att ersätta förlorade tänder hos helt och partiellt tandlösa patienter. Trots att implantatbehandling uppvisar en långsiktigt hög lyckande- och överlevnadsfrekvens (90–95% efter 10 år) så förekommer implantatförluster och marginal benförlust kring implantaten under det första året efter insättning och/eller belastning, vilket kan försämra det estetiska resultatet.För att förhindra tidiga implantatförluster och/eller den marginala benremodelleringen görs olika modifieringar av de topografiska, fysikaliska och kemiska egenskaperna hos implantatytorna i syfte att påskynda och öka benbildningen i kontakt med implantatet (bone-to-implant contact [BIC]). Till exempel uppvisar en hydrofil yta med moderat råhet (höjdavvikelser på omkring 1.5 µm) en snabbare beläggning av blod jämfört med en hydrofob yta, vilket i sin tur påverkar den tidiga läkningen genom migrering och differentiering av benbildande osteoblaster. En annan metod som föreslagits för att förbättra osseointegrationen (beninläkningen) och den marginala bennivån kring implantaten är att öka primärtstabiliteten, d.v.s. den initiala mekaniska fixeringen i käkbenet. Implantatets primärstabilitet påverkas av bentätheten, implantatets design (d.v.s. utformning och gängdesign) och det använda borrprotokollet vid preparation av implantatsätet. Standardborrprotokollen innebär att ostetomien (borrhålet) är mindre än implantatets diameter (”relative implant-final drill discrepancy” [IDD]; 0.2 – 0.5 mm). Studier har visat att en underdimensionerad osteotomi, d.v.s. (IDD > 0.5 mm), kan förbättra osseointegrationen. Samtidigt har överdriven kompression av marginalt ben med hög täthet visat sig orsaka marginal bennekros, vilket ökar benresorptionen och risken för tidig implantatförlust. I gengäld har ”överdimensionering” av osteotomien, antingen med exakt samma dimension som implantatet eller med IDD ≤ –0.1 mm större än implantatet uppvisat kontroversiella resultat. Det primära syftet med avhandlingen var att utvärdera olika aspekter av nuvarande oralimplantatteknologi och dess effekter på osseointegrationen.I delarbete I och II utvärderades hos djur den biologiska responsen (BIC och relativ bendensitet [BD], studie I) och de biomekaniska egenskaperna (maximala momentvärdena vid implantatinsättning [RTV], borttagningsenergi och implantatanslutnings-styvhet, studie II]) på. Resultaten visade att BIC, BD, RTV och borttagningsenergin ökade med tiden i både hydrofoba- och hydrofila-ytor. Emellertid observerades inga signifikanta skillnader mellan de två grupperna avseende de utvärderade parametrarna vid någon av observationstidpunkterna.I delarbete III utvärderades påverkan av implantatsgängans design och ytvätbarhet på osteoklasternas differentiering, aktivering och överlevnad in vitro. Titandiskar framställdes med hydrofoba- och hydrofila-ytor och med gängor bestående av kvadratiska, trapezoid- och stödgeometri (progressiv gänggeometri) eller dubbel-triangulära geometri. Med molekylära analyser mättes osteoklasternas differentiering och livskraft, vidhäftning och morfologi samt expressionsnivåer av olika relaterade gener. Hydrofila ytor modulerade negativt makrofag/osteoklast livskraft. Specifikt ökar hydrofila ytor med dubbel-triangulära gängdesign den cellulära proinflammatoriska responsen, medan hydrofoba ytor och implantatsgängans design inte verkar ha någon tydlig inverkan på osteoklasternas differentiering, aktivering eller överlevnad.I delarbete IV utvärderades de biomekaniska och biologiska effekterna av överdimensionerad, standard och underdimensionerad osteotomi genom en systematisk litteraturöversikt. Utfallet av ITV, RTV, BIC och BD vid olika läkningsperioder testades statistiskt för att upptäcka signifikanta skillnader. Resultat från 12 studier tyder på att överdimensionerade osteotomi verkar minska den marginala benresorptionen, kännetecknad av snabbare och ökad benbildning i de ihåliga utrymmena. Emellertid uppvisar överdimensionerade osteotomier inte vid någon observationstidpunkt några ytterligare fördelar av de mätta osseointegrationsparametrarna jämfört med standardtillvägagångssättet eller underdimensionerade osteotomier.I delarbete V utvärderades, hos djur, den biologiska responsen (BIC och relativ bendensitet [BD]) och MBL av överdimensionerad osteotomi (OD) på avsmalnande implantat med en progressiv gänggeometri i jämförelse med det standard tillvägagångssättet (SD) efter en läkningsperiod på 12 veckor. SD inkluderade ett borrprotokoll med 3-stegsserie av borrar, medan OD omfattade en 5-stegsserie. Även om OD gav ett lågt ITV vid avsmalnande implantat med hydrofil yta så förbättrades osseointegrationen och bendensiteten och MBL bevarades bättre.Sammanfattningsvis indikerar denna avhandling:•Att hydrofila och hydrofoba implantat med en moderat ytråhet uppvisar likartad potential för framgångsrik osseointegration med starka biomekaniska egenskaper.•Att hydrofilicitet modulerar negativ makrofag/osteoklast livskraft, men varken vätbarhet eller gängdesign verkar ha en distinkt påverkan på osteoklast differentiering, aktivering och överlevnad in vitro. •Att överdimensionerad osteotomi uppvisar en stor heterogenicitet och kontrovers när det gäller dess eventuellt positiva effekter på osseointegrationen jämfört med en standard osteotomi, men vid tillfällen av tätt och tjockt marginalt ben förbättrade överdimensionerade osteotomier osseointegrationen och bentätheten jämfört med standardtillvägagångssättet, samt bevarade bättre den marginala bennivån.
  • Roos, Helena, 1974- (författare)
  • The meaning(s) of inclusion in mathematics in student talk : Inclusion as a topic when students talk about learning and teaching in mathematics
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis contributes to research and practice within the field of special education in mathematics with more knowledge about, and an understanding of, students´ meaning(s) of inclusion in mathematics education. Three research questions guide the study: What meaning(s) is/are ascribed, and how is inclusion used, in mathematics education research? What meaning(s) do the students ascribe to inclusion in mathematics learning and teaching? And what frames students´ meaning(s) of inclusion in mathematics learning and teaching?The first part of this study began with a systematic literature review on the notion of inclusion in mathematics education research, and the search resulted in 1,296 research studies. Of these, 76 studies were retained after the criteria for time span and peer-reviewed research were applied and 19 duplicates had been removed. The second part of the study involves a case study of three students and their meaning(s) of inclusion in mathematics education. The selected school was a lower secondary school in an urban area of Sweden. The school had set out to work inclusively, meaning their aims were to include all students in the ordinary classroom teaching in every subject and to incorporate special education into the ordinary teaching with no fixed special education groups. Three students were chosen for this part of the study: one in Grade 7 and two in Grade 8. Edward, one of the students in Grade 8, was chosen because he was thought to be a student in access to mathematics education. The other two students were chosen because they were thought to be struggling to gain access to mathematics education: Veronica in Grade 7 and Ronaldo in Grade 8 (the same class as Edward). In this study, the object of the study is the meaning(s) of inclusion in student talk. This study is an instrumental and collective case (Stake, 1995), as it involves several students’ meaning(s) aimed at developing a more general understanding of inclusion in mathematics education. The case is also an information-rich case (Patton, 2002), with contributions from students in mathematics education at an inclusive school. Applying Flyvbjerg’s (2006; 2011) notions, one can also call this kind of selection “information-oriented”, and the case is an extreme one – a choice made in order to get “a best case scenario”. An extreme case is a case used to “obtain information on unusual cases  which can be especially problematic or especially good in a more closely defined sense” (Flyvbjerg, 2011, p. 307). The data in this study consists of both observations and interviews conducted during the spring semester 2016. The observations took place in a Grade 7 and Grade 8 classroom at the same school where the interviewed students were enrolled. At least one mathematics lesson each month for each class was observed, and student interviews followed each observation. The observations were used to provide a context for the interviews and to support the analysis. In this study, discourse analysis (DA) as described by Gee (2014a; 2014b) was chosen as both the theoretical frame and as an analytical tool because of its explanatory view on discourse, with description foregrounded. With the help of DA, this study describes both the meaning(s) and the use of the notion of inclusion in mathematics education research. It also describes students’ meaning(s) of inclusion in mathematics education as well as framing issues in student talk of inclusion in mathematics education. From Gee´s point of view, DA encompasses all forms of interaction, both spoken and written, and he provides a toolkit for analysing such interaction by posing questions to the text. Gee distinguishes two theoretical notions, big and small discourses, henceforth referred to as Discourse (D) and discourse (d). Discourse represents a wider context, both social and political, and is constructed upon ways of saying, doing, and being: “If you put language, action, interaction, values, beliefs, symbols, objects, tools, and places together in such a way that other recognize you as a particular type of who (identity) engaged in a particular type of what (activity), here and now, then you have pulled of a Discourse” (Gee, 2014 a, p. 52, Gee’s italics). When looking at discourse (with a small d), it focuses on language in use – the “stretches of language” we can see in the conversations we investigate (Gee, 2014a, 2014b), meaning the relations between words and sentences and how these relations visualize the themes within the conversations. These small discourses can inform on how the language is used, what typical words and themes are visible, and how the speakers or writers design the language. According to Gee (2015), big Discourse sets a larger context for the analysis of small discourse. The results of the first part of the study answer to the research question, What meaning(s) is ascribed, and how is inclusion used in mathematics education research? They show that research on inclusion in mathematics education use the term inclusion when both referring to an ideology and a way of teaching, although these two uses are usually treated separately and independently of each other. The results of the second part of the study answer to the following research questions: What meaning(s) do the students ascribe to inclusion in mathematics learning and teaching? And what frames students´ meaning(s) of inclusion in mathematics learning and teaching? These questions show how meaning(s) of inclusion in student talk can be described by three overarching Discourses: the Discourse of mathematics classroom setting, of assessment, and of accessibility in mathematics education. Within these Discourses, smaller discourses make issues of meanings of inclusion for the students visible in terms of: testing, grades, tasks, the importance of the teacher, (not) being valued, the dislike of mathematics, the classroom organization, and being in a small group. This study shows the complexities and challenges of teaching mathematics, all while simultaneously handling students’ diversity and promoting the mathematical development of each student. To enhance students’ participation and access demands that the teacher knows her or his students, is flexible, has a pedagogical stance and tactfulness, and is knowledgeable in mathematics and mathematics education. It also demands that the teacher is able to take a critical stance and resist the prevailing discourse of assessment that can sometimes overshadow the mathematics education, and in a sense, almost become mathematics for the students. Furthermore, this study also shows how complex and challenging it is to be a mathematics student: they are required to relate to, understand, and participate in many Discourses existing at the same time in a single mathematics classroom. These Discourses interrelate and are embedded in power relations between students and teachers and institutions. This demands that the students are alert and able to use various symbols and objects as well as recognize patterns, and then act accordingly. Hence, to be able to fully participate, you have to be able to talk the talk and walk the walk (Gee, 2014a). This means that not only do you have to use the language correctly, but also you have to act properly at the right time and place.
  • Rudnert, Joel (författare)
  • Bland stenyxor och tv-spel : om barn, historisk tid och när unga blir delaktiga i historiekulturen
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the processes through which children become increasingly involved in historical culture. It does this by examining how children develop thinking in historical time. Historical time is defined in the thesis using Ricoeur's theory of three intellectual tools with which perceived and physical time is bridged. These tools are the calendar, generation and the trace. Using, among other things, Vygotsky's theory of cultural tools, Ricoeur's theory was operationalized, and was tested against an empirical material. The empirical material was collected from videotaped conversations with children between the ages of four and twelve, in focus groups. A total of 136 children from schools in Malmo participated. The study is concentrated on a number of historical objects such as Stone Age axes, as well as modern objects such as mobile phones. In one of the three studies, a timeline was introduced into the situation in order to examine the impact of an important cultural tool. The results show that the children became increasingly involved in the history culture by acquiring the investigated cultural tools. With the help of calendar time, the children became better at relating the historical objects to history. With the help of the concept of generation, the children had the opportunity to relate the historical objects to their own lives, but also a tool that helped them decenter in time. The children decentered in time by adopting historical perspectives for past generations, but also for future generations. Finally, the trace can be regarded as a cultural schema that the children used to tie the presence of the historical objects in the present with the contemporary context in which they were part in the past. Through the use of the three tools calendar, generation and the trace, the children became better at orienting themselves in historical time and in this way they became increasingly more competent participants in the history culture.
  • Ryan, Ulrika (författare)
  • Mathematics classroom talk in a migrating world : synthesizing epistemological dimensions
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis is an expedition into and beyond students’ mathematics talk in classrooms framed by migration as a matter of dichotomization betweennamed languages and (in)formal aspects of one fixed mathematics. It is an attempt to make sense of how students grapple with and move about thedivides that those dichotomizations shapes. I ask; How do students in a Grade 5 classroom framed by migration navigate language andepistemological divides when talking about mathematics? and What theoretical conceptualization of epistemological dimensions of languagediversity can be used to frame the students’ navigation of the divides?‘Navigation’ and ‘navigate’ are the metaphors I use for finding one’s way in spaces that do not have established paths to follow. In this thesisepistemological divides articulate difference when individuals and/or cultures take and treat something as mathematical knowledge. They emergewhen people do and talk about mathematics. My focus is not primarily on how students learn mathematics through their navigation, but rather onhow the students inhabit the learn-ing space together—how they relate to each other—as they navigate.To grapple with the research questionsabove, to learn about multiple relational aspects of how students navigate language and epistemological divides when they talk about schoolmathematics, I have used a flexible research design in a multilingual, yet ‘Swedish-only’ Grade 5 (students aged 11) classroom in the south ofSweden. Theoretically I bring together a) linguistic inferentialism as an alternative to the representation paradigm, b) social interaction andecological approaches on knowledge to frame the relationship between language and c) mathematics in students’ talk in a classroom with a complexdiversity of languages and socio-economic backgrounds.Results show that when students in the Grade 5 class navigated language and epistemological divides they demonstrated solidarity andsometimes perform aggressive actions towards each other in their encounters with mathematical knowledge and language diversity. Theseperformances were theoretically conceptualized as meta-understanding of multilingualism (MULD) or lack of MULD. The performances areunderstood as connected to the mathematics based discursive spaces (MBDS) that emerged when the students discoursed.The present thesis contributes to the field by taking an ecology-based relational approach towards language and epistemology in order to providetools for considering students’ responsive translanguaging in multilingual classrooms with no shared languages (except the language of instruction).In addition, this thesis is the first to use inferentialism for ecology-based approaches on social epistemological issues of multilingualism inmathematics education research.
  • Sjöstrand Öhrfelt, Magdalena, 1967- (författare)
  • Ord och inga visor : konstruktioner av förskolebarnet i kunskapsekonomin
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Historically, changes in preschool policy have been legitimized in relation to ideas about the preschool child and the various problems that the education of this child is supposed to be able to “solve”. From an early age, children have been considered the most effective tool for dealing with a variety of social, economic or environmental issues of central importance for maintaining and developing society.Against this background, the purpose of this thesis is to examine representations of the preschool child in different policy texts (textbooks, research- and educational policy) related to changing requirements and targets affecting contemporary Swedish preschools. Discursive constructions of the preschool child are considered as important central aspects, used to legitimize political reforms in accordance with pedagogical ideas and prevailing social contexts. The thesis focuses on the tensions within contemporary constructions of the preschool child in the so-called “knowledge economy”: i.e. the tensions between a competent child, who is both able and willing to take advantage of education, and a “newcomer” – the vulnerable child – in need of obtaining the benefits of education in order to be able to cope with the future.The simultaneously competent and vulnerable preschool child is thus an efficiently designed target for the interests of economic transnational organizations viewing education mainly in terms of human capital development, as well as an important factor for economic competitiveness.In the thesis’ final analysis, I study how the OECD, EU and IEA are developing methods for measuring and evaluating the results of preschool education, with the intention of being able to "streamline" it by finding universally successful concepts that are both cost-effective and of high quality. The construction of the preschool child as simultaneously competent and vulnerable is used to legitimize shifts in power over the definition of the Swedish preschool agenda, the fundamental ideas of what preschool is about, what its aims are, and for whom it is intended. As these ideas are disguised as being the result of supposedly "objective" forces far from the ideological contradictions of the political sphere, a critical discussion concerning the goals and aims of early childhood education becomes almost impossible to achieve.
  • Sollenius, Ola (författare)
  • Early correction of unilateral posterior crossbite : evidence-based evaluations of oral health related quality of life, cost-effectiveness and 3D treatment effects
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Unilateral posterior crossbite (UPC) with functional shift is one ofthe most common malocclusions in mixed dentition. Left untreated,it may cause long-term effects on the growth and development of thejaws and teeth. Early orthodontic intervention is usually undertakento correct the condition at the primary or mixed dentition stage.Quad-helix (QH) or removable expansion plates (EP) are commontreatment alternatives to correct crossbites and treatment ofcrossbite may consume a relatively large part of the total resourcesin orthodontic care. In Sweden the treatment can be performed eitherin specialist orthodontic clinics or in general dentistry. The role ofthe orthodontist in general dental care is essential in diagnostics andtreatment planning, whereas general dentists may often provide apart of the treatment after consultation with, or under the supervisionof, an orthodontist. Economic evaluations have become an integral component of healthservices. The main reason is that resources within the health sector(personnel, time, facilities, equipment, and knowledge) are limited.Nevertheless, studies comparing the costs of orthodontic treatmentsperformed in general versus specialist dentistry are virtuallynon-existent.To date there are no studies evaluating the oral health related qualityof life (OHRQoL) in children with unilateral posterior crossbite. Itis thus important to analyse and compare the OHRQoL betweenchildren with and without malocclusions (children with normalocclusion). When treatment effects of unilateral crossbite correction have beenassessed, most studies have used two-dimensional evaluations suchas linear measurements. However, orthodontic treatment effectsincluding crossbite correction may, if possible, be described in allthree planes. There are no studies in the literature that have explicitlyinvestigated the three-dimensional treatment effects of unilateralcrossbite correction between different appliances and, in this context,related the treatment changes to growth changes associated withuntreated subjects with unilateral posterior crossbite as well as insubjects with normal occlusion and with no or mild orthodontictreatment need. The research questions addressed in this thesis originate fromidentified knowledge gaps and clinical needs in orthodontic care,and to provide as high clinical evidence as possible a multi-centrerandomised control trial (RCT) has been performed as well as acontrolled trial regarding comparisons and the impact differentmalocclusions may have on OHRQoL.The results are expected to be beneficial for the patients who willbe offered the most widely accepted and effective treatment, which isof importance for the dentists for decisions as to which treatment willgive the best outcome, and beneficial for both dental care providersand society in care planning and the allocation of resources.Therefore, this thesis was based on four studies: Paper I: a systematic literature review was undertaken to answer thefollowing questions:• Are there any articles regarding health economics in orthodonticsand is it possible to make any conclusions from thearticles?The literature search spanned from January 1966 to September2014 and was later supplemented and extended to April 2019.Paper II: the aims were to investigate:• The OHRQoL using the Child Perceptions Questionnaire(CPQ8-10) in 93 children with unilateral posterior crossbite,71 children with excessive overjet and 65 children with normalocclusion with no or mild orthodontic treatment need. Paper III and IV: these two papers originated from a multi-centreRCT. The aims were to investigate:• Clinical effectiveness and cost-analysis in specialist and generaldentistry (Paper III)• Three-dimensional evaluations of crossbite correction (PaperIV)Key findings in Paper I and the supplementary search:• Few orthodontic studies have presented both economic andclinical outcomes. There is currently insufficient evidence availableabout the health economics of orthodontic interventions.• Further studies are still warranted and preferably using thesame clinical outcomes. Key findings in Paper II• Children with excessive overjet reported significantly lowerOHRQoL compared to children with unilateral posteriorcrossbite or normal occlusion.• The children generally reported low CPQ scores that imply anoverall fairly good OHRQoL.Key findings in Paper III• Treatment of unilateral posterior crossbite in mixed dentitionis recommended to be performed by a specialist orthodontistusing the quad-helix appliance since the quad-helix treatmentperformed in specialist orthodontic clinics had the highest costeffectiveness. Key findings in Paper IV• Crossbite children had, before treatment, significantly smallerpalatal surface and volume than normal control children.• After treatment, there were no significant differences betweenthe treatment groups and the normal group, which impliesthat the palatal surface and projection area together with thepalatal shell volume for the treatment groups and the normalgroup were equivalent. Conclusions and clinical implications:With a superior success rate and cost-effectiveness, it is concludedthat treatment of unilateral posterior crossbite in mixed dentition isrecommended to be performed by specialist orthodontists using thequad-helix appliance.The unilateral posterior crossbite correction resulted in a normalisationof the occlusion, palatal area and volume.
  • Wagner Tsoni, Ioanna (författare)
  • Affective Borderscapes : Constructing, Enacting and Contesting Borders across the Southeastern Mediterranean
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In the wake of a sociopolitically volatile era, which is increasingly characterized by the intensive and extensive proliferation of borders, the management of borders and migration are considered as predominantly rational and dispassionate processes. Their functions and filtering mechanisms, however, are increasingly underpinned by the instrumental top-down exertion of affective power and by the cultivation of emotional dispositions among political communities. At the same time, compliance to- or contestation of these forces also manifests ‘from below’ through transgressive patterns of human mobilities and mobilisations around borders, which are similarly affectively-driven. This Ph.D. dissertation examines the impact of various actors’ affective practices on the construction, enactment and contestation of affective borderscapes in the southeastern Mediterrane-an and its Aegean appendix, and explores how those processes manifest and link up at multiple scales across space and time from a perspective that accounts for the affective dimensions of border regimes aside from their legal, infrastructural and political causes and consequences. Through long-term ethnographic engagement with communities and individuals that have been passing through or inhabiting several locations along the much-fraught Aegean borders in times of major socioeconomic and geopolitical upheaval, this thesis formulates and puts forth the concept of affective borderscapes. They are liminal, overlapping landscapes that function as contact zones and as charged fields of affective interaction between assemblages of animate and inanimate actors. As an original contribution to border and migration studies, this concept bears great potential for the acquisition and mobilisation of knowledge, as well as for the design and application of human-centered policy and practice.
  • Walldén, Robert, PhD, 1981- (författare)
  • Genom genrens lins : pedagogisk kommunikation i tidigare skolår
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this dissertation is to explore how two teachers communicate content knowledge and metalinguistic knowledge in the teaching of young second language learners. As a qualitative classroom study, it examines how two widely advocated forms of metaknowledge are used in instruction: metalinguistic knowledge, in particular genre knowledge, and reading strategies. Bernstein’s sociology of education theory is synthesized with systemic-function linguistic theory to explore how the participant teachers scaffold and place varying demands on the students. The central concept is pedagogic communication, which is defined as the way in which the teachers use language to communicate instructional content, build and uphold relations and organize information flows in teaching. The materials for the study have been generated through audio recordings, observations and collected teaching materials in school years 1 and 6. The school has a high percentage of second language learners and implements genre-based instruction. The empirical chapters focus on preparations for reading assignments, weekly instances of “sharing time” and a genre-based curriculum area about stories in school year one and a curriculum area about maps and population which integrates geography and Swedish as a second language in school year 6. An important finding is that strongly controlled classroom discourse was associated with introducing and reminding students of abstract concepts in the studied interaction, including metalinguistic and subject-related concepts. Conversely, weaker control tended to promote negotiation of everyday knowledge rather than disciplinary knowledge while also placing implicit demands on students’ participation in the discourse. The study also attends to less-researched features of classroom discourse and scaffolding, such as how the teachers showed solidarity and built engagement through interpersonal resources and managed the information flow through textual ones. A final important finding is that the explicit attention to metaknowledge, such as genre knowledge and knowledge about reading strategies, seemed to come at the expense of encounters with meaningful texts. Therefore, it is argued that such domains of metaknowledge should not become the main instructional content.
  • Wallin Bengtsson, Viveca (författare)
  • Periodontitis, carotid calcifications and future cardiovascular diseases in older individuals
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Background. Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease with a microbiological etiology affecting the supporting tissues of the tooth. The disease affects approximately 50% of the adult population. The prevalence of periodontitis increases with age. The complex bacterial infection, as well as an exaggerated host inflammatory reaction, may trigger subclinical atherosclerosis. Aims. The overall aim of the present thesis was to study the associations between periodontitis, cardiovascular diseases and mortality. The specific aims were: I) to evaluate the use and value of panoramic radiographs in assessing carotid calcifications in relation to other used methods (gold standards) and to assess the literature on carotid calcifications defined from panoramic radiographs and concurrent diagnosis of stroke and periodontitis, II) to evaluate if periodontitis is associated with the presence of carotid arterial calcifications diagnosed on panoramic radiographs in an elderly population, III) to assess if carotid calcifications detected on panoramic radiographs are associated with future events of stroke, and/or ischemic heart diseases over 10–13 years in individuals between 60 and 96 years, IV) to assess if individuals ≥ 60 years of age with periodontitis are more likely to develop stroke or ischemic heart diseases or are at higher risk of death over a period of 17 years. Methods: A literature review based on peer-reviewed studies was performed evaluating the use of panoramic radiographs in assessing carotid calcifications compared to other methods. In study II, III, IV older individuals, 60 years and older participating in the Swedish National Study of Aging and Care (SNAC) were included in the studies. A dental hygienist performed a dental clinical and radiographic examination. Probing depths (PD) and bleeding on probing (BOP) was registered. From radiographic panoramic images, the distances between the alveolar bone level and the cement enamel junction (CEJ) were measured. In study II, a diagnosis of periodontitis was declared, using a composite definition; if a distance between the alveolar bone level and the CEJ ≥5 mm on panoramic radiographs at >10% of sites and PD ≥5 mm at one or more teeth and with BOP >20% of teeth. In study IV, an indicator of a history of periodontal disease was declared if a distance between the alveolar bone level and the CEJ ≥5 mm on panoramic radiographs at ≥30% of sites. Evidence of a radiopaque nodular mass in the intervertebral space at or below the vertebrae C3-C4 was identified as carotid calcification. In addition, a medical research team performed the medical examinations, and a medical doctor (JB) reviewed all medical records for information about events of stroke and ischemic heart diseases. Stroke and ischemic heart diseases were registered according to the ICD 10 codes: ICD 60-69 for stroke and ICD: 20-25 for ischemic heart diseases. Study I was a review of the literature, in study II, a cross-sectional study design was employed. In studies III and IV, a longitudinal prospective studydesign was used. Results: On the use of panoramic radiographs in assessing carotid calcifications in relation to other used methods, the sensitivity and specificity varied between studies published. Furthermore, only a small number of studies were found concerning carotid calcifications and stroke. These studies were primarily retrospective. Four studies were found on the association between periodontitis and carotid calcification. Study II identified that older individuals with periodontitis had a significantly higher prevalence of carotid calcifications than individuals who did not have a diagnosis of periodontitis. In study III, a significant association was found between carotid calcifications on panoramic radiographs and 13- year incidence of stroke using a logistic regression analysis adjusted for confounders (BMI, diabetes type 2, hypertension) in the 60-72 years. A statistically significant crude association between radiographic evidence of carotid calcifications and incidence of ischemic heart diseases was found in individuals between 60-72 years. Such an association was, however, not identified among individuals older than 72 years. In study IV, Cox regression analysis was used, adjusted for confounders (age group, BMI >30, diabetes type 2, gender, hypertension, history of AMI, history of stroke, periodontitis, smoking) and with a definition of periodontitis as having a distance between the alveolar bone level and the CEJ ≥5 mm in panoramic radiographs at ≥ 30% of sites. Periodontitis increased the risk for ischemic heart diseases in all individuals, in women and in the 78-96 years age group (OO). Associations between periodontitis, and mortality were found in all individuals, in men and in the 60-72 years age group (YO) in the long term follow-up. Conclusions: 1. 1. Study I identified that there are studies which have assessed the value of panoramic radiographs in relation to other used methods (gold standards). The sensitivity and the specificity varied, with the specificity being more often higher. Few studies have considered the relationship between radiographic evidence of carotid calcifications and stroke. Four studies identified a relationship between a diagnosis of periodontitis and carotid calcifications on panoramic radiographs. 2. Study II identified a significant association between periodontitis and carotid calcification in individuals 60-96 years. 3. Study III identified that signs of carotid calcifications assessed from panoramic radiographs from the 60-96-year-old individuals were consistent with an incident of stroke and/or ischemic heart diseases over 13 years follow-up. 4. Study IV identified that periodontitis was associated with future ischemic heart diseases in all individuals, in women and in the 78- 96 years age group. Periodontitis was associated with mortality in all indviduals, in men and in the 60-72 years age group.
  • Wendel, Lotta (författare)
  • Dokumentation, profession och hälso- och sjukvård : rättsliga perspektiv
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This dissertation fills part of the existing knowledge gap regarding the relationship between the legal obligation to document medical care and treatment on the one hand, and the professional practice, conditions and identities of professionals on the other. Three basic questions serve as points of departure: what are the origins of the obligation to document medical care and treatment? How is the relationship between the patient and the professions affected by the obligation? How does the obligation affect professional identities? The dissertation consists of five sub-projects performed with a combined legal and social constructivist approach. Two relate to the historical emergence of an obligation for physicians and other professions to document medical care and treatment in Swedish healthcare. One concerns how standardized forms of documentation affect the patient’s legal position and two are built upon the fact that the legal obligation for licensed psychotherapists within municipal family counselling to document their interventions has lapsed, even though the legislation clearly prescribes such an obligation. The results suggest that the form of governance known as New PublicManagement has been preceded by regulations regarding the obligation ofdocumentation, which are clearly intended to meet financial and organizationalgoals. This may have contributed to the fact that Sweden is one of the countrieswhere New Public Management has influenced the public administration the most.The thesis concludes that the effects of the regulations regarding of the obligationto document medical care and treatment, and the forms of implementation ofthe obligation, are of crucial importance for a patient’s legal position. Furtherresearch is needed in order to highlight and better understand the processes thatare at play when the regulations are enforced and implemented amongst healthcare professionals.
  • Wiszmeg, Andréa (författare)
  • Cells in Culture, Cells in Suspense : Practices of Cultural Production in Foetal Cell Research
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative affliction to which researchers have long striven to find a cure. The human embryo is a source of vital cells used in regenerative medicine, as well as a powerful symbol of life. Using foetal cells from aborted embryos for transplantation to the brains of Parkinson patients is an avenue that has been explored by neuroscientists on and off for the last thirty years. This ethnological compilation thesis follows a national branch of a foetal cell transplantation trial through successes as well as challenges in processing foetal material into an effective, transplantable cell suspension. The cell suspension is conceptualized as a bio-object, and explored as something that produces new knowledge, emotions and logistical and ethical negotiations. These products are beyond the scope of trial and biomedical research in general, but they do nonetheless interact with and affect society at large.New biomedical inventions and forms of therapies transgress the limits of life and death and the boundaries of individuals, as well as between species. Such cultural reordering challenges researchers, health care professionals as well patients on a daily basis. Exploring the intersection between instruction and practice, nature and culture as well as between science and ritual, this thesis contributes to a broader understanding of cultural and material conditions of knowledge production. It also offers a methodological elaboration of how a diffractive approach may be fruitful in ethnographic research, when trying to reconcile epistemological differences in cross-disciplinary endeavours.
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